Chapter 13: Slumber Party & The Savior's Past

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After making your way back home and grabbing your pajamas as well as your other essentials, you teleported over to Pinkie's front door and knocked on it. After a brief moment of waiting, the door opened to reveal Maud Pie.

Maud Pie: Oh, hello Y/N. Pinkie told me you were coming over for her slumber party.

(Y/N): What's up Maud? It's nice seeing you again.

Maud slowly blinked.

Maud Pie: You as well. Pinkie and the others are in her room.

(Y/N): Great. I'm guessing your parents are fine with the idea of Pinkie throwing a slumber party?

Maud Pie: They are. Mother and Father as well as Limestone and Marble are out of town for the moment. They had to help a friend who had a bit of an accident at work. Don't worry, nothing too bad happened. They just needed an extra set of hands.

(Y/N): Okay then. I'm just gonna go see Pinkie and the others now.

You were about to head inside before Maud put her arm on the door frame in front of you which stopped you from entering.

Maud Pie: Listen Y/N. Pinkie seems to trust you a great deal. So, I will allow you to be here tonight, but know this. If I find out that you hurt my sister or did something inappropriate to her then... well... let's just say the results won't be of the kind sort.

She said before narrowing her eyes at you. Your pupils shrunk in fear as your spine couldn't help but shiver. You nodded your head profusely.

(Y/N): Y-Yeah, o-of course Maud. Y-You really d-don't need to worry in the slightest. N-Nothing of the bad sort will happen. *thinking* Even though it wasn't my intention in the first place.

Maud stopped narrowing her eyes and went back to her emotionless expression.

Maud Pie: That's all I needed to hear. Come on in.

She pulled her arm back and stepped to the side to let you in. You nodded again before hastily stepping inside and heading to Pinkie's room. You glanced back at Maud for a second before gulping nervously.

(Y/N): *thinking* Jeez, who could have guessed that Maud could be scary sometimes?

You shivered one last time before making it to Pinkie's bedroom door and knocked on it.

Pinkie Pie: Who is it?

She called out from inside the room.

(Y/N): It's me, Y/N.

Pinkie Pie: Come on in Y/N!

You opened the door and you were greeted by the girls who were all in their pajamas.

(Y/N): Hey, you guys.

The Rainbooms: Hey Y/N!

Sunset Shimmer: We're so glad you could make it.

Twilight Sparkle: Absolutely. Like Rainbow Dash said earlier today, it wouldn't be the same without you.

Pinkie Pie: Alright! Now that everyone's here, we can really start the party!

(Y/N): Let me just get changed into my PJs real quick.

You said before heading to the bathroom. You came back out shortly while wearing your pajamas which consisted of a short sleeved shirt that showed off your slightly muscular arms and pajama pants in your favorite color and went into Pinkie's room.

(Y/N): So, do you guys like my PJs?

You asked but the girls couldn't answer at first due to the fact that they were distracted by your muscly arms as they all had slight blushes on their faces. You noticed this as you  internally sighed.

(Y/N): *thinking* Oh boy, here we go again. *speaking* You girls alright?

You asked in an oblivious voice even though you knew what was going on. They quickly got rid of their blushes.

Rainbow Dash: U-Um, y-yeah we're fine. Totally fine. Heh heh.

She said while nervously scratching the back of her head.

(Y/N): Anyways, let's get this party started, shall we?


You and the girls proceeded with the slumber party. Pinkie was on her laptop, You and Twilight were looking through Fluttershy's song notebook, Applejack and Rainbow Dash were playing a video game, Fluttershy was petting Spike, Rarity was getting her phone ready for something, and Sunset was patiently waiting.

Pinkie Pie: Statues update: Okie-Dokie-Lokie!

She said while typing on her MyStable account.

Rarity, Fluttershy, and Sunset took a selfie using Rarity's phone while none of them realized that Spike had completely photobombed the picture.

The three of them looked at the photo as Rarity got a little mad at the obvious photobomb and scowled at Spike while Sunset and Fluttershy couldn't help but chuckle slightly.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash were duking it out on the game they were playing. Applejack seemed to be getting the upper hand as Rainbow began to get nervous at possibly losing. In response to this, she quickly smacked the console which disconnected Applejack's controller.

Applejack: Hey! I was about to beat you.

Rainbow Dash: I doubt it.

(Y/N): Heh, sounds like someone's a bit of a sore loser.

Applejack chuckled at that while Rainbow glared at you.

Rainbow Dash: Oh, whatever!

You chuckled.

(Y/N): Anyways, Twilight, how's the counter-spell coming along?

Twilight Sparkle: Huh? Oh, uh, good. Great.

She said before glancing over at Fluttershy.

Twilight Sparkle:  Thanks for letting me use your notebook, Fluttershy. I really like the song you wrote for the Rainbooms.

Fluttershy: Thanks.

She said before sighing sadly while holding Pinkie's alligator plushie whom she named Gummy.

Fluttershy: Hopefully one day, we'll get a chance to play it.

(Y/N): Don't worry Fluttershy. I'm sure we'll be able to play one of your songs soon. I actually got to look at your songs too, and I have to say, they're really well done. Your contributions to the band are clearly being overlooked.

Fluttershy: You really think so?

(Y/N): I do.

You said while winking at her which made her blush as you noticed that Rainbow was currently playing keep away with Applejack's controller who was trying to get it back. You snuck up behind Rainbow and quickly snatched the controller from her hand.

Rainbow Dash: Hey!

You handed the controller back to Applejack.

Applejack: Thank ya kindly Y/N.

She said while smiling at you. Rainbow crossed her arms and looked the other way.

Rainbow Dash: *whisper* Killjoy.

She whispered while referring to you. You were able to hear her and smirked before remarking.

(Y/N): *whisper* Cheater.

Rainbow scoffed at that as Rarity sat next to Twilight on the bed.

Rarity: Twilight, I think I speak for all of us when I say I don't know what we would have done if you hadn't come back to help us.

She said while the others voiced their agreement.

(Y/N): Rarity, remember what we talked about. We can't just expect Twilight to solve this whole thing all by herself. We all need to do our part in order to put a stop to the Dazzlings and their spell and free everyone who's been affected.

Sunset Shimmer: Even me?

(Y/N): Of course Sunset. Even you.

Sunset Shimmer: But... but I'm not in the band though. How could I help?

(Y/N): It's simple. We'll need all the moral support we can get. You can help give that to us by cheering us on.

Sunset Shimmer: I guess I could do that.

(Y/N): See? You have your part to play.

Twilight Sparkle: He's right Sunset. Everyone at the school will be at each other's throats the entire time so we'll need as much moral support as we can receive. So, you cheering on us will give us just that.

Sunset Shimmer: Alright, I'll do it.

She said while nodding which made all of you smile at her.

Spike: Don't forget about me. I wanna help too.

Twilight Sparkle: Of course Spike. Your help is always needed.

(Y/N): So, we've got one person and a talking dog as supporters. That'll get us by for now.

They all nodded in agreement before you heard the doorbell ring.

Pinkie Pie: Pizza's here!

She said before she and everyone else quickly zoomed out of the room while you and Twilight stayed behind. You couldn't help but chuckle at that before sitting down next to Twilight. She took a moment to glance at you before a sudden thought came to her mind. She remembered that she was warned by Sunset that you needed to be kept an eye on and that she needed to be careful around you. A nervous look soon found its way to her face as she scooted slightly away from you. You felt her do this as you looked at her with a confused looked.

(Y/N): You okay Twi?

Twilight Sparkle: O-Oh yeah! I-I'm fine.

She said while her eyes darted all over the place. You raised an eyebrow while wondering why she was acting like this before realization struck and you sighed while slightly saddened.

(Y/N): You know, I'm not stupid Twilight. I know what's going on here.

She looked back at you while you spoke.

(Y/N): Look, I'm sorry for losing my temper today at the school. I'm just so sick of everything else that's happening. The Dazzlings showing up out of nowhere, my sudden heachaches, the students arguing with each other like immature children, both the principal and vice principal being brainwashed, and the magic of friendship not working. I just can't help but feel like nothing has been going our way lately.

You sighed again before placing your head in your hands.

(Y/N): It all just feels so... hopeless.

Twilight looked at you in your saddened state before she started feeling guilty for making you feel this way. She scooted back over to you and gently rubbed your back.

Twilight Sparkle: It's okay Y/N. I know what you're going through. We all do. If I was in your shoes, I'd be feeling the same way. But that's why I'm here. To help you guys get out of this problem. Yelling about it gets us nowhere. We need to stay focused on our goal if we ever hope to defeat the sirens. Just keep your emotions in check next time, okay?

You stared at the floor for a moment before nodding and you smiled at her.

(Y/N): I'll try. Thanks Twi.

She nodded before you both hugged each other as Pinkie soon came back into the room.

Pinkie Pie: Don't you guys want any pizza?

(Y/N): We'll be there in a second.

Pinkie nodded before leaving while you followed her. Twilight placed Fluttershy's notebook in a drawer before joining you all.


As you were all enjoying your delicious pizza, Fluttershy grew curious about something.

Fluttershy: Umm, Y/N?

This got your attention.

(Y/N): Yeah?

Fluttershy: I was wondering if you were willing to tell us what it was like for you to grow up.

You stared for a bit before answering.

(Y/N): My life story? Ehh, it's nothing that interesting.

Rainbow Dash: Nothing that interesting? How could it not be? Come on Y/N, give us the scoop about your life.

The others nodded in agreement.

(Y/N): You guys really wanna know?

The Rainbooms: Yeah.

(Y/N): Oh, very well.

You put your pizza slice down and readjusted yourself in your seat.

(Y/N): *storyteller voice* Gather round children, for I shall tell you the tale of Y/N L/N.

You all chuckled at that before you started.

(Y/N): Anyways, I'll start this off by saying that, believe it or not, I was actually born here in Canterlot.

This surprised them.

Rarity: Wait a minute darling, I thought you said that you lived in Manehatten.

(Y/N): Well, if you remember correctly Rarity, I said that I lived there. I never specified that it was where I was born.

The Rainbooms: OOOOOh.

Applejack: So, what made ya move away then sugarcube?

(Y/N): As you all know, my father is a police officer. He was stationed here at the police station when I was really young until he received a phone call from his boss saying that the Manehatten station had a police officer shortage and that he needed to transfer there. As much as we didn't want to leave, my father had to comply in order to keep his job. We packed our things and moved to Manehatten.

Rarity: What was it like living there?

(Y/N): It was fine. I made some friends growing up there. They were all good to me as we spent time together. I really wanted to show them my magic... but I wasn't exactly sure how they'd take it. Looking back on it now, I can't help but regret not telling them.

You stared off into space while reminiscing. That's when you remembered something... or someone.

(Y/N): I... I actually remember having one other friend. He was a friend that I made before I moved to Manehatten.

Rainbow Dash: Who was he?

(Y/N): His name was Shadow Moonlight. He was the very first friend that I ever made. When we were younger, we were pretty much inseparable. Heh, I can remember the day we first met.


You were about five years old when you first met Shadow. It was a sunny day as you were out at the playground just idly swinging on a swing set. It was before you found out about your magic so at the time you assumed that you were just like any other kid. You were just sitting in your own thoughts when you heard something.

???: No, stop guys! Please!

You heard someone shouting. You looked and saw a boy with black and purple hair, deep red eyes, and dark grey skin.

(A/N: Credit goes to my friend Kyno_3584 for making this amazing artwork. Thanks again for doing this for me. And also a big thanks to my friend Shadowlight2783 for giving me permission to use his character in my story.)

He was on the ground with some bruises on his face as a slightly taller, more bulkier kid stood over him along with another boy standing behind him. The both of them looked down upon the kid with egotistical smiles and crossed arms. It didn't take all of the knowledge in the world for you to realize that he was being bullied.

Bully 1: Ha! Look how pathetic this wimp is! He can't even stand up for himself and fight me!

Bully 2: Ha ha ha! I know, right? What a sad loser! He's probably never had friends in his life!

The both of them laughed as you watched all of this happen. A rising anger soon grew in the pits of your stomach until it became a raging inferno. You stood up from the swing and you looked down and saw a tiny rock by your feet. You bent down to pick up before throwing it hard at them which hit the back of the head of the taller bully.

Bully 1: OW! What the-

He and his friend turned around and saw you looking at them angrily.

(Y/N): Why don't you leave him alone?!

The taller boy glared at you before he started walking towards you with balled fists. He made it over as he towered over you.

Bully 1: Or what? What are you gonna do to stop me, huh wimp?

Bully 2: Yeah!

The other one said. You glared at him while balling your own fists. You then saw something which put a smirk on your face.

(Y/N): Oh, I don't need to do anything. My dad on the other hand.

You said while pointing to your dad who was sitting on one of the nearby benches. He was idly observing the other kids playing while drumming his fingers on the arm rest. The taller bully couldn't help but feel a little nervous when he saw your dad's police badge poking out from his shirt pocket. He looked back at you to see that you were still smirking.

(Y/N): Yeah, that's right. My dad's a cop. If he were to see how you're treating that boy over there, he wouldn't be happy. Not in the slightest. So, I suggest that you back off and stop picking on him.

The taller kid got angry at not being able to do anything in this situation. He huffed before speaking.

Bully 1: Pfft, whatever! We were done with him anyways.

He then gestured to his friend.

Bully 1: Come on, let's go.

The other kid was reluctant to just up and go before he sighed and started leaving with him but not before giving you one last glare. You watched them leave as you turned back to the kid on the ground. You walked up to him as he stared at you the entire time with widened eyes.

(Y/N): Are you okay?

You asked while reaching out a hand to him. He was still shaken by what just happened which was understandable to you. After a moment or two, he reached up and grabbed your hand before you pulled him up to his feet.

???: Y-Yeah, I am. Thanks for scaring those jerks off.

You nodded.

(Y/N): You're welcome.

You helped get all of the dirt off of him as you spoke.

(YN): Why were they picking on you anyways?

You asked. He sighed before answering.

???: They've been treating me that way for a while now. I'm kinda used to it... but that doesn't mean I like it.

He said while feeling down about it as he stared off into space with a saddened look. You looked at him with a concerned look before you decided to ask him something.

(Y/N): Don't you have any friends that you can hang out with?

???: Well... no. Not really.

You looked down for a bit while thinking for a few seconds before you smiled and looked at him.

(Y/N): Well, I can be your friend. If you want that is.

He perked up upon hearing this as he turned his head upwards to look at you with wide eyes.

???: You... you wanna be my friend?

(Y/N): Of course I do! You seem like a nice person so I'll totally be your friend. Plus, if you stick with me, I'll make sure those no good bullies won't come anywhere near you ever again. What do you say?

You said before holding your hand out to him. He stared at your outstretched appendage for a moment or two. Finally, after what seemed like forever, he smiled at you and shook your hand enthusiastically.

???: Okay! Sure! Please be my friend!

(Y/N): I most certainly will! By the way, the name's Y/N, Y/N L/N.

???: My name's Shadow, Shadow Moonlight.

You smiled at each other as the both of you could tell that this was the beginning of a great friendship.


About a year and a half had passed since you became friends with Shadow. The two of you were basically peas in a pod together whenever you hung out with each other. You went to the movies, battled each other at the arcade, and did just about every other thing a kid would do. At the time, you couldn't have asked for a better friend. Until one fateful day, your father gave you a set of news that would really upset you.

(F/N): Y/N, we're leaving Canterlot.

To say that you felt surprised would be an understatement. You couldn't believe what you were hearing as you stared at your father with a stunned look.

(Y/N): W-W-What?!

Your father sighed before continuing.

(F/N): We need to move to Manehatten. My boss called me and said that their police station is short a few police officers and they need all the help they can get.

(Y/N): B-But... but what about my friend Shadow? How am I gonna tell him?

He placed his hand on your shoulder.

(F/N): I'm afraid that you're gonna have to be honest with him when you see him. I know that the both of you were very close with each other, but if I'm going to keep my job, this is something we'll have to do. We're leaving in a few days. I'm sorry son.

He said before he left your room as you sat on your bed saddened by the idea of having to leave your best friend behind. How were you going to tell him? How could you tell him? You wanted your dad to keep his job, but you didn't want to abandon the first friend you ever made. He'd be devastated if he found out. These thoughts continued to race through your mind as the days had quickly gone by before you could even comprehend it.

It was now moving day as you and your parents were packing the rest of your things into the moving truck that was parked outside of your house. Your dad had put the last box in the back of the truck as your mom stood by him.

(F/N): Phew, that's the last one.

(M/N): *sigh* I really wish we didn't have to leave this city. It's such a wonderful community here.

(F/N): *sigh* Me too honey. Me too. But, my boss is my boss and I can't argue with him if he wants me to do something. It's a bitter pill that we'll have to swallow.

Your mom then turned her attention to you as you were busy staring at the city with a sad look.

(M/N): I'm just worried about our son. He really doesn't want to leave his best friend Shadow behind.

He looked at you as well.

(F/N): I know, but it's something he'll have to do. It's a sad part of life that he'll have to accept. Friends come and go and we can't control what fate has in store for us.

Your mom sadly nodded before walking over to you.

(M/N); Y/N sweetie? Are you ready to go?

Hearing her voice snapped you out of your current train of thought before you turned to her.

(Y/N): I... I am... ready to go.

(M/N): Did you... did you say goodbye to Shadow?

You were about to answer her before you hesitated. The truth was... you didn't tell him. You couldn't. You just couldn't bring yourself to relay the heartbreaking news to him. You weren't sure how he'd react to you being gone. As much as you wanted to be, you just weren't brave enough to go through with it. You didn't want to tell her of your cowardice so as much as it pained you to do so... you reluctantly lied to her.

(Y/N): Y-Yeah, I did. He understood the situation and we said our goodbyes to each other. We also promised each other to never forget one another.

She seemed to believe your lie to her as she nodded in response.

(M/N): I'm sure it must have been difficult for you to do that.

(Y/N): *sigh* It was.

She then knelt down to your level and pulled you into a gentle hug. You placed your head into the crook of her neck while letting out a few tears. You couldn't help but cry not only from the fact that you were moving away, but also from not having the bravery to tell your friend of your departure. After about a moment of hugging, the both of you separated before she stood back up.

(M/N): Now, come on. We need to go.

She said before putting a hand on your shoulder as the two of you walked over to the truck as your dad closed the back of it and headed to the family car. He got behind the wheel as your mom sat in the passenger seat while you sat in the back. You pulled out of the driveway as the truck began to drive towards its destination while you all followed it. As you all drove, you were looking out the window while silently saying goodbye to all of the places that you came to know and love. The movie theatre, the arcade, the vast green fields, the playgro-

Your eyes widened when you saw someone over by the swingset of the playground. You instantly recognized them as Shadow as he was standing all by himself while seemingly waiting for someone... that someone being you. He then noticed your car as he couldn't help but feel confused at first by what was going on. You placed your hands on the window while looking upon your friend with despair. He walked a few steps towards you before he stopped and reached his hand out as if to try and stop you. His face was a mix of confusion and sorrow as he didn't understand why you seemed to be leaving. Your eyes began to fill with tears again as Shadow's form grew smaller and smaller from the increase in distance until he eventually disappeared.

(Y/N): *thinking* I'm sorry Shadow... I'm so so sorry!!

As soon as he was gone, you placed your head in your hands and you cried silently to yourself. Your mother and father looked back at you for a moment with concerned faces as you continued driving down the road to the city where you would spend the next many years; Manehatten.

(Flashback Over)

Back to present day, you were staring off into space as you reminisced on seeing Shadow's confused and despaired look before you left. You sighed before speaking.

(Y/N): That was the very last time I had ever seen him. Long after that, I was plagued by nightmares of how he would have reacted if I told him. To this day, I still wonder if he's forgotten about me, upset with me, or has already moved on. I don't know. But if I had the ability to go back in time and at least tell him, then I would.

You looked back at the Rainbooms as they were all moved by your sad story as Fluttershy appeared to be close to crying.

Rainbow Dash: Wow, that is a sad story Y/N.

Sunset Shimmer: Yeah, it was rather sad.

(Y/N): He was one of the greatest friends I had ever made. And how did I repay him? By ditching him without so much as an explanation. *sigh* *sarcasm* Some friend I was.

Twilight Sparkle: Look Y/N, you can't change what's happened before, but you can make up for it. There might be a chance that Shadow will come back. And when that happens, just be sure to tell him how sorry you are for leaving without saying goodbye. Maybe, he'll be willing to accept it and you'll get to be friends again.

You turned to her.

(Y/N): What if he's not willing to though?

Twilight Sparkle: You at least have to try. Because if you don't, then you'll spend the rest of your life wondering about what could have been.

Applejack: That's right sugarcube. You just need to explain it to him despite what yer feelin'. Who knows? Maybe he's gotten over it after all this time.

Rarity: Well, we don't know for sure Applejack. But I still agree with Twilight, you at least need to try and apologize to him if you ever see him again darling.

You nodded.

(Y/N): I... I will.

Sunset Shimmer: Good. Anyways, I'm assuming years after that is when you went to Manehatten High, right?

(Y/N): Yep. It was an alright school. Much like with CHS, I became rather popular by helping people out with their problems which lead to them giving me the nickname of "The Savior." I stopped bullies who were giving a hard time to some of the weaker students. I remember this one particular bully who was jealous of my popularity and he decided to "teach me a lesson."

You said while doing air quotes.

Fluttershy: Umm, what happened to him?

(Y/N): He got expelled. I used the same trick I pulled on the Flim Flam brothers by recording his confession of him planning to beat me up and I immediately sent it to the principal.

Rainbow Dash: Ha! You really are a one cunning and sneaky guy, aren't you?

You chuckled at that.

(Y/N): Heh, you can say that. Yeah.

Applejack: Well, good riddance to a no good snake like him. If I was in your shoes, I would have probably decked him across the face.

Rainbow Dash: Me too!

Sunset Shimmer: What about siblings? Do you have any?

(Y/N): Unfortunately, no. I don't.

You said while slightly saddened.

Fluttershy: Did your parents ever consider having another baby?

(Y/N): They did... but they're unable to.

This confused everyone as they all had raised eyebrows.

Applejack: Whaddya mean they're unable to?

(Y/N): I mean that my parents are physically incapable of conceiving children.

All of their eyes widened upon realizing what you meant by that.

Rarity: So... does that mean...

(Y/N): Yes Rarity. M/N and F/N are not my real parents. I'm adopted.

You revealed.

Twilight Sparkle: But... but if they're not your biological parents, then do you know who is?

(Y/N): That's the thing. I don't exactly know. I found out about it when I was about nine years old. I basically went through a bit of a nosey faze where I was so interested in getting into other people's businesses. One day, I went into my mom and dad's room and found a file cabinet in there. I was rather curious as to what was in it so I searched through it until I found a case file with my name on it. I looked inside and saw the paperwork for my parents gaining custody over me when I was just a baby.

Sunset Shimmer: Did you confront your parents about it?

(Y/N): I did. I asked them about adopting me and they told me the whole story. Before they adopted me, they tried to see if they could have a child of their own, but they couldn't. They went to the doctors and they told them that my father was sterile and that he was physically unable to produce children. They left the doctors while saddened by the news until they heard something. It sounded like a baby crying from somewhere nearby. They followed the sound until it lead them to an alleyway. They continued walking until they found a small bundle of blankets where they soon found... well... me. A tiny infant crying while all alone. No note, no letter, nothing. Just a tiny abandoned baby boy. They looked around to see if there was someone nearby who could have left me there or if there was any clues about my biological parents, but there was nothing. They, for the life of them, couldn't figure out why I was just left there. They didn't want to just leave me so they decided to take me in and raise me as their own son.

Pinkie Pie: How did you take the news? Were you super duper sad about it?

(Y/N): Well, maybe I was just a little bit. But, at the end of it all, I still accepted them as my parents because of the fact that they clearly loved and cared for me.

Twilight Sparkle: Weren't you the least bit curious about who your real parents were though?

(Y/N): I was. But, I wouldn't even know where to start looking for them. My real parents left no signs or clues behind that would help track them down or anything. It'd be nice to meet them, I just don't know how I'd do that.

Rainbow Dash: Well, I gotta say, that's one heck of a life story you got Y/N.

You nodded.

(Y/N): Yeah, it is. Anyways, why don't we continue eating?

They nodded before they continued feasting on the pizza while Sunset was having a personal thought to herself.

Sunset Shimmer: *thinking* So, he was adopted when he was just a little baby... just like I was back in Equestria. It seems that he and I have more in common than I thought. But, why does he have magic though? It just doesn't make sense. Could he... no, he couldn't be from Equestria... could he?

She thought.

Some time had passed before it was about time for you and the girls to go to sleep.

Pinkie Pie: Alright everyone, it's time for beddy bye! Time to have some sweet dreams! I'm gonna dream about living in a world made completely out of sweets and treats!

(Y/N): Heh, I like that kind of dream. But, before anything else...

You said before taking off your shirt which revealed your abs.

(A/N: Ignore everything else except for the abs and arms. I'm just giving you guys an idea of what your body type looks like.)

The Rainbooms saw you take off your shirt and blushed upon seeing your abs.

Fluttershy: *whisper* O-Oh m-my!

She whispered to herself.

Rarity: *whisper* O-Oh my stars!

She said while licking her lips slightly.

Twilight Sparkle: Umm Y/N, why are you taking your shirt off?

She said while shielding her eyes.

(Y/N): Eh, it kinda helps me sleep at night. Not all the time, but this is how I like to sleep if I have trouble doing so.

You sat down in your sleeping bag.

(Y/N): Well, good night you guys.

You then quickly placed your head on your pillow and instantly fell asleep. Soon after, the girls began to fall asleep as well.


Later that night, Twilight woke up and cautiously made her way to Fluttershy's journal in the drawer without accidentally waking any of you up. She takes it out and crept into the kitchen where she could continue working on it. Thanks to your impressive hearing, you heard her moving about and opened your eyes.

We then see Twilight in the kitchen while trying to work on the counter-spell. She was currently writing something down in it before she started getting a little frustrated.

Twilight Sparkle: No. That's not gonna work.

She said while rubbing her eyes before she saw you and Sunset enter the kitchen.

Sunset Shimmer: Hey Twilight, you're up late.

(Y/N): Having a case of writer's block?

Twilight Sparkle: Oh, no I'm fine. I'm just looking over the counter-spell. We only get one shot at this. It has to be perfect.

Sunset Shimmer: We really are lucky you're here.

She said while opening the fridge.

Twilight Sparkle: That's what everyone keeps telling me.

She said sadly as Sunset looked into the fridge and noticed that it was completely filled with nothing but cans of whipped cream.

Sunset Shimmer: Who could possibly need this much whipped cream?

(Y/N): Um, Sunset? You do realize who's house you're currently in, right?

Sunset looked at you before realization struck which made her chuckle.

Sunset Shimmer: Yeah, good point. Anyways, it must be nice to have everyone always looking to you for answers to their problems... instead of waiting for you to cause a problem.

She said sadly.

Twilight Sparkle: Just because everyone expects something from you doesn't mean it's guaranteed to happen.

Sunset Shimmer: Well, that doesn't stop them from expecting it.

(Y/N): And how they always look up to you as this all-knowing god or goddess.

Twilight Sparkle: Which only makes things harder because the last thing you want to do is...

Twilight/Sunset/(Y/N): Let everybody down.

You all said simultaneously before you all looked at each other and smiled. Sunset closed the fridge door and noticed Maud standing behind it which freaked Sunset out from her sudden appearance.

Maud Pie: Boulder was hungry.

She said before reaching up into the cupboard and pulled out a box of crackers and proceeded to "feed" Boulder before leaving.

Sunset Shimmer: I still can't get over the fact that she's related to Pinkie Pie.

Twilight Sparkle: You and me both.

She said before they both giggled.

(Y/N): Heh, you think she's the weird one? Try meeting Pinkie's other two sisters.

Sunset Shimmer: What are they like?

(Y/N): Well first, there's the eldest sister Limestone Pie who's incredibly aggressive and protective over her sisters. Then there's the youngest sister Marble Pie who's even more shy and reserved than Fluttershy. That says a lot in my opinion.

This made Sunset blink a few times.

Sunset Shimmer: Wow. Pinkie's family is quite... unique. Anyways, I better get some sleep. Good luck with the counter-spell Twilight. Not that you'll need it. This must be nothing compared with the stuff you're expected to deal with as a princess in Equestria.

She said as she was about to leave the kitchen.

Twilight Sparkle: Sunset Shimmer?

She called out which made Sunset look back at her.

Twilight Sparkle: ...Nevermind. It's not important.

She said before Sunset smiled at her before going back to bet. You meanwhile looked at Twilight before an idea came to your mind.

(Y/N): Twilight, why don't you go ahead and get some sleep too?

She looked at you while surprised.

Twilight Sparkle: What? But I need to work on the counter-spell Y/N.

(Y/N): How about I work on it for you tonight?

This really surprised her.

Twilight Sparkle: R-Really? Not that I'm doubting your magical capabilities or anything, but this is some highly advanced magic. Are you sure you'll be able to figure it out?

(Y/N): Well, maybe not tonight, but I can at least give you a good night's sleep while making it easier for you. Come on, Twilight. Let me help you.

Twilight looked at you for a moment or two while pondering about whether or not she was willing to let you do this. On the one hand, it was rather nice of you to offer helping her out by lightening the load of stress for her, but on the other hand, she didn't want to just pile that kind of stress onto you. She looked into your eyes and she saw that you were determined to do this for her. After seeing this, she sighed and reluctantly stood up from her chair.

Twilight Sparkle: Okay. I'll trust you with the counter-spell for tonight. Thank you Y/N.

She said while smiling while you nodded and smiled as well.

(Y/N): Don't worry about me Twi. Just get some sleep. Goodnight.

Twilight Sparkle: Goodnight.

She said before walking back to Pinkie's room as you were left alone in the kitchen. You walked over to the table and opened the journal to the page that Twilight was on. You tried to make sense of her writing before a thought came to you.

(Y/N): What's been happening to me lately? Why am I suddenly getting these headaches and becoming more aggressive?

You said to yourself before an idea formed in your brain.

(Y/N): I think it's about time to take a look inside my mind.

You then put the pencil down and walked over to the living room couch and sat on it in a meditative sitting position. You placed both of your hands on the sides of your head before concentrating. Your aura appeared as you continued to concentrate before your eyes opened which revealed them to be completely black before the camera zoomed into one of them and everything went to black.


You opened your eyes and saw yourself in the plain of existence that you liked to call "The Mind Realm." It was a collection of different colored doors that lead to different aspects about you.

You looked upon each door as you began walking up to each of them while doing a quick look inside them.

(Y/N): Memories are intact.

You continued walking.

(Y/N): Emotions... well... emotional, but still rather normal.

You continued checking each door but everything seemed to still be as it should. This only confused you even more.

(Y/N): What's the deal? Everything here seems to be in order. So, why have I been acting so strange? It just doesn't make any-

You were about to finish your sentence until you noticed something odd. It seemed that another door had suddenly appeared while you were busy talking to yourself. It's almost as if this door just popped into existence. You were confused by this because you were absolutely sure that you've never seen this one before. You walked up to it and stood in front of it while getting a good look at it's details.

You put a hand to your chin as you stared at it with curious eyes.

(Y/N): Huh, that's funny. I don't remember this door being here.

You slowly inched your way up to it while slowly reaching your hand out to the doorknob. Before you touched it, however, you hesitated. You were suddenly hit with this sudden sense of dread almost as if there was something compelling you to not open it. You shook your thoughts away and threw on a determined face.

(Y/N): No. This is my mind. I'm the one in control here.

You said before grasping the handle and slowly turned it. Once it was fully rotated, you pushed the door forward as it swung open while creaking. You looked inside and saw... nothing. It was just pure darkness on the inside. No light source, no floors, no walls, no ceiling, nothing. It also didn't help that there was utter silence on the inside. You took a deep breath and brought your foot forward to see if there really wasn't a floor. Surprisingly, your foot touched what could be considered the ground before you took a few careful steps forward into the surrounding darkness.

You looked around the inside and you still couldn't make out anything. Suddenly, the door behind you slammed shut as you were now engulfed in the darkness which really freaked you out as you now couldn't make out where you were. You tried feeling around for the door but you couldn't. Then, out of nowhere, black chains sprung from the darkness and pulled your arms to the sides as you tried to struggle out of them. Some more chains appeared and wrapped themselves around your legs which left you completely restrained. You continued to struggle before you tried to use your magic to blast the chains off. This backfired however, as you were hit with a burst of electricity which coarsed through your body putting you in a state of agony. After a moment of writhing in pain, the electricity stopped while you were finally allowed a chance to breathe.

???: I wouldn't struggle if I were you.

A dark voice bellowed from somewhere in the darkness. Suddenly, a light illuminated above you as you were finally able to see not just yourself, but also where the voice was coming from. The figure standing... or in better words floating in front of you was something that you couldn't have ever imagined coming across in your entire life. They appeared to be some kind of hooded figure with chains hanging off of their body while also wearing a torn cloak. Their facial features were completely hidden by darkness and their hands were leaking an aura that was similar to yours. To put it lightly, they were rather intimidating.

You couldn't even comprehend what was going on right now. This... thing... whatever it was was currently holding you hostage in your own mind! You were a prisoner. IN. YOUR. OWN. BODY! You, at first, couldn't say anything due to the sheer disbelief at the situation before finally finding your voice.

(Y/N): L-Let me go!

You demanded. The figure chuckled slightly before speaking.

???: Oh, it would be so simple to just let you go now, would it? But, I'm afraid that I can't. You see, I wish to speak with you for a brief moment... and to also thank you for freeing me.

You were utterly confused by what they meant by that.

(Y/N): F-Freeing you? What do you mean?

They chuckled once more.

???: I have been trapped in the darkest corners of your mind for many years. For a time, I thought that I'd never see the light of day again, but now you've given me the liberty of freedom. And I couldn't be any more happy about that.

You stared at him while trying to comprehend what he's saying.

(Y/N): W-Who... who are you?

You asked. The figure floated silently for a few seconds. The silence was maddening as you just wanted him to answer your question already. Finally, he gave his answer.

???: That is something that you will find out when the time is right. Unfortunately, now is not that time. Until then, just know this. Your true destiny will arrive one day and we will bring order to Equestria and those who live in it.

Your eyes widened.

(Y/N): Wait, who are you?! Why are you inside my mind?! How do you know about Equestria?!

???: That is not your concern. I shall now return you to the outside world. Oh, and one more thing. If you so much as even think about telling your little friends about me, then I will shatter your mind to the point of insanity. Farewell for now, Savior of CHS.

(Y/N): Wait! WAIT!!!!

You shouted at them before everything went to black again as you were snapped out of your meditative state and you found yourself back in Pinkie's house. You breathed heavily while trying to recompose yourself.

(Y/N): Wha- What just happened? Who was that person? What did he mean by all of that?

You asked yourself. You then tried to re enter your brain via your magic, but you were unable to for some reason. That figure must be doing this somehow to prevent you from speaking to them again. What the heck was going on? What did they mean by "your true destiny?" These thoughts raged through your brain as you tried to go back to working on Twilight's counter-spell to the best of your capability.

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