Chapter 30: A Date With Your Athletic Tomboy

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You slowly opened your eyes as you let out a yawn as you sat up on top of Pinkie's bed.

(Y/N): *yawns* That was a good sleep.

You turn to your left expecting Pinkie Pie only to find that she wasn't there.

(Y/N): Hm? Where is she?

You got out of bed and made your way to the kitchen to grab something to eat. You saw Marble by the counter mixing some kind of batter while Limestone and Maud were busy eating their own breakfast. You clear your throat which gained the attention of the three of them.

Maud Pie: What are you doing here, Y/N?

(Y/N): Oh, I crashed here with Pinkie for the night. I hope that's not an issue.

Limestone Pie: Depends...

She narrows her eyes as she cracks her knuckles.

Limestone Pie: What were you two doing?

(Y/N): We slept in bed together and before you say anything, Limestone, we didn't do anything except cuddle. You're not gonna be an aunt.

Limestone Pie: Well...good. I wasn't ready for that anyway.

(Y/N): So where's Pinkie?

Maud Pie: She left earlier. We don't know where or when she's coming back.

(Y/N): Oh well. Classic Pinkie I guess. So Marble, what'cha making over there?

Limestone Pie: She's making pancakes. Usually Pinkie's the one who does it but since she isn't here, one of us had to make something.

(Y/N): I'm guessing she taught you how to cook?

You asked as the three sisters nodded. Then you hear the front door slam open as Pinkie Pie ran into the kitchen.

Pinkie Pie: I'm baaaaaaaaaaack!

She spoke in a sing-song tone.

(Y/N): Where were you, Pinks?

Pinkie Pie: Oh, nowhere in particular. Just went to nab some of the best milkshakes ever!

She exclaimed as she pulled out a cup holder that held four milkshakes in it as she quickly zoomed over to all of you while handing out the milkshakes.

(Y/N): *thinking* Leave it to Pinkie to surprise you with last minute goods. *speaking* Well, thanks Pinkie.

Pinkie Pie: Anything for you, Y/N, sweetie! I know you felt guilty about what happened yesterday so I thought I'd cheer you up with some milkshakes!

(Y/N): Oh...right.

Maud Pie: Are you okay?

(Y/N): Uh, yeah! I'm fine, Maud. It's just something that happened between me and a friend.

Limestone Pie: That Flash guy or that Shadow guy?

(Y/N): Shadow. I kinda, sort of, revealed his friends' feelings for him.

Limestone Pie: Oh...that's rough.

(Y/N): You think just hearing about it is rough? Try actually being there. Lemon Zest just ran off in tears because from what I could tell, she was sad that she kept it from him for so long. I'm just hoping it was all sorted out in some way.

Pinkie Pie: Oh, maybe like our harem idea?

(Y/N): Nah, I don't think Shadow would have agreed to that. If he somehow did, then I'll eat my own words.

Maud Pie: Well, hopefully, your friend will turn out okay after all of it.

(Y/N): Me too, Maud. Me too.

Your phone rang as you looked and saw that it was Rainbow Dash calling you before you answered.

(Y/N): Dashie? What's up?

Rainbow Dash (Over Phone): Sup, Y/N babe? Good news, practice was canceled today so I'm open for a date if you want.

(Y/N): I wouldn't really call that good news, Dashie. I know it means you get to spend a day with me now but still, you love soccer.

Rainbow Dash (Over Phone): Well... not as much as I love you though... don't tell the others I said that.

(Y/N): Heh, your secret's safe with me, Dashie. Well, I guess if you really want to, then I'd be happy to go out with you today.

Rainbow Dash (Over Phone): Really? Aw yeah! I'm gonna make today awesomely fun for us, Y/N.

(Y/N): I'll hold you to that then.

Rainbow Dash (Over Phone): I assume you're over at Pinkie's place then.

(Y/N): That's right. Although, I was gonna teleport to my house to get myself ready, so why not meet me there?

Rainbow Dash (Over Phone): Sounds good to me. See ya then, babe.

(Y/N): See you too, Dashie.

You hung up.

Pinkie Pie: You're going out with Dashie today?

(Y/N): Yep. Much like with you, apparently she's got something planned for today. I'm guessing at some point I'll run into one of the others and they'll probably ask me for a date or something. I should get going. Thanks for the great day yesterday, Pinks.

Pinkie Pie: My pleasure, Y/N sweetie. Hope you have fun with Dashie today.

She pecked your lips as you smiled at her.

(Y/N): Will do. See you all later.

You said your goodbyes before teleporting out of their house and into your bedroom where Sunset was playing on your game console.

Sunset Shimmer: Oh, hey you. How was your date with Pinkie yesterday? Well, besides covering Sunlight and me in confetti of course.

(Y/N): It was actually a pretty fun day... well... up until the end anyways.

Sunset Shimmer: Why? What happened?

(Y/N): You know how I've been teasing Shadow about how his friends have a crush on him?

She nodded.

(Y/N): Well, I revealed to him how they truly felt about him through Lemon Zest which resulted in her finally spilling the beans. One thing led to another until it ended with her running away with tears in her eyes over not telling him sooner and I'm assuming that he went to console her. I haven't heard anything from him ever since.

Sunset Shimmer: Well, it's about time he figured that out. Speaking of which, I think he has a thing for Sunlight.

(Y/N): What makes you say that other than them hanging out a lot?

Sunset Shimmer: Remember that comment I made when I said we both had boys in our lives that look after us? Well, I saw him blushing from that. I mean we all did.. You think he was trying to shake them off so he could tell her?

(Y/N): I don't know. That doesn't seem like something he would do.

Sunset Shimmer: I just hope he's okay and that they were able to work it out with each other.

(Y/N): Same here, Sunny. Anyways, I've got another date today with Dashie.

Sunset Shimmer: Really? That should be interesting. She's probably gonna have you guys work out or something.

(Y/N): We'll just have to wait and see. I've gotta get ready, Sunshine. I'll see you later.

Sunset Shimmer: Okay, have fun, Y/N.

You went over and pecked her lips before heading to the bathroom to get yourself ready. Moments later, you were now in another casual outfit as the front doorbell rang as you went down and opened it to see Rainbow Dash sporting a happy grin.

Rainbow Dash: Sup, Y/N? Are you ready for today?

(Y/N): You know it.

Rainbow Dash: Hey, why don't we use our super speed to get there?

(Y/N): Hmm, interesting. Let's do it.

Rainbow Dash: Just try to keep up, alright?

She raised her eyebrows at you while you scoffed and rolled your eyes playfully at her. You both grabbed your geodes and took off into the city. Eventually, Rainbow Dash came to a sudden stop which you caught last second and quickly slowed down.

(Y/N): Why'd you stop?

Rainbow Dash: We're here, dude.

You looked and saw that she had taken you to downtown Canterlot. You raised an eyebrow before looking back at her.

(Y/N): Ummmm, where exactly?

Rainbow Dash: Remember before how we said that... we should have a race?

She turned to you with a competitive smirk.

Rainbow Dash: Well, I think it's time to see who's the fastest.

Your eyes widened for a brief moment before a smirk of your own came across your face.

(Y/N): Oh ho, you really think you're prepared to have your butt kicked by me?

Rainbow Dash: If anything, you should be the one preparing for that. I'll fly right past you.

(Y/N): How about we make this more interesting. We'll race from the edge of Canterlot to the other. The loser has to buy the winner a milkshake at the Sweet Shoppe. Deal?

Rainbow Dash: Deal. Prepare your wallet, Y/N.

(Y/N): Prepare to order me my special, Dashie.

You then zoomed to one side of Canterlot and started stretching yourselves. You got into the starting positions and gave each other one final look.

(Y/N): All joking aside, try to stay safe, will ya, Rainbow? I'd rather not have you slip on a banana or something and crash into a wall.

Rainbow Dash: Oh please, what are the odds a banana would be out here?

You gave her a serious look as she sighed.

Rainbow Dash: Okay, okay. If it'll ease your mind, I'll try to be careful.

(Y/N): Thank you. Now, let's go super sonic!

Rainbow Dash: Aw yeah!

You both imagined a starting light in your heads as the red light slowly went down and became green. And with that, you both took off going at full speed into Canterlot. As you ran, Rainbow got a bit of a head start as she gained a bit of distance between the two of you as she smirked to herself.

Rainbow Dash: Heh, I knew I was fas-

She was interrupted by seeing you out of the corner of her eye as she turned and saw you running backwards with a bored look. You looked over at her while keeping the same expression.

(Y/N): You know you really shouldn't jump to conclusions, Dashie. How do you think Shadow and I got into a fight? See ya!

You saluted her playfully as you zoomed ahead of her. She growled at that.

Rainbow Dash: Stay focused, Rainbow! He'll be the one paying for that milkshake.

She muttered before zooming off to catch up with you. She eventually blew right past you while having another confident smirk. You roll your eyes with a smirk in response.

(Y/N): *thinking* Such a show off.

You and Rainbow made it to the halfway point as Rainbow gained a bit of leeway ahead of you.

(Y/N): Hmm, looks like I'll need to get a little creative if I wanna get ahead of her. What to do though. What. To. Doooo-oh that's perfect!

A group of guys were carrying a large trampoline on it's side into the backyard of a house but thanks to your super speed they were at a dead stop. You jumped into the air and landed on the trampoline and rocketed forward and flew right over Rainbow much to her surprise.

Rainbow Dash: W-What?!

(Y/N): We never said we couldn't use the environment to our advantage! Later, slow poke!

Rainbow Dash: Oh, you sneaky sneak! Well, two can play at that game!

She declared as she followed your footsteps and jumped on the trampoline a lot higher than you did. Due to you being ahead of her, she only managed to land right next to you. Eventually, the other end of Canterlot was coming into view as yours and Rainbow's eyes widened before you both went to maximum speed. You were neck and neck with each other until you finally blew past the edge. You skidded to a halt as you and her with huffing and puffing.

(Y/N): *pant* I'm *pant* pretty sure *pant* I *pant* won.

Rainbow Dash: *pant* I *pant* don't *pant* think so.

(Y/N): No *pant* way. I'm *pant* certain *pant* that it's-

???: A tie!

You heard someone call out which gained the attention of the both of you. You looked and saw Sci-Twi as she was holding a scientific device that she built.

Y/N & Rainbow: What?!

(Y/N): But, how could we have tied?

Rainbow Dash: More importantly, how'd you know we were doing this, Twi?

Sci-Twi: Well, first off, I'm certain you tied because you both share the same power. Second, I didn't. I was just testing out this new spectrometer I built after Sunset destroyed the previous one and before you panic, don't worry, this one won't steal your magic. I was out here testing it until I heard you both running this way.

Rainbow Dash: So, how do we settle the bet then if we tied?

(Y/N): *shrugs* I don't know. You wanna go again?

Rainbow Dash: Or how about this. Why don't we just buy a milkshake for each other? I get one for you and you get one for me. Seems fair, right?

(Y/N): I guess. I still would have liked to know for sure though.

Rainbow Dash: Me too. I know I would've won.

(Y/N): Yeah, keep dreaming, Dashie.

Sci-Twi: So where's everyone else? Were they at the starting point?

(Y/N): Actually, it's just Dashie and me today.

Rainbow Dash: Yeah, we're on a date and I suggested that we'd have a race.

Sci-Twi: Oh, really? Well, that's nice. Um, I don't suppose once yours is done that I could go next, huh Y/N? I mean, I-I don't want to force it on you. I was just asking.

(Y/N): If none of the others volunteer, then sure, Sci-Twi.

Sci-Twi: Alright then. *thinking* Oh my gosh! I asked him out!

(Y/N): So, Dashie. Shall we head over to Sweet Shoppe now?

Rainbow Dash: I thought you'd never ask...race you there!

She quickly spoke before running off as quickly as she could. You shook your head amused before turning back to Sci-Twi.

(Y/N): Well, I better go after her before she does something reckless. I'll see you later, Sci-Twi.

Sci-Twi: You too, Y/N.

You went up and gave her a quick peck on the lips before zooming after Rainbow Dash. You soon found her at the entrance of Sweet Shoppe. But as you got closer, you saw her on the ground holding her kneecap in pain.

(Y/N): Rainbow, are you okay?

Rainbow Dash: *inhales sharply* Aah! *inhales sharply* Aah! *inhales sharply* Aah!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Y/N): Let me guess, you slipped on a banana, didn't you?

Rainbow Dash: No, it was a small rock that was somehow big enough to trip me.

(Y/N): Here, let me see.

You placed a hand on her kneecap and summoned your (F/C) magical aura. Within moments, Dashie's knee was healed up.

(Y/N): How does it feel now?

Rainbow Dash: Oh, wow! My leg feels better than it did before! You're a miracle worker, babe!

She pulled you in for a hug before kissing you passionately. You were rather surprised by this. Usually, when Rainbow kissed you, they were either quick pecks or rough but still somewhat sweet ones. This one, however, was mostly sweet. Your train of thought was stopped when she pulled away.

(Y/N): Uh, are you...feeling okay?

Rainbow Dash: Better than okay! You really have no idea how much running means to me. If my leg was busted, I probably would never be able to run again.

(Y/N): *thinking* I doubt that would happen from a simple tumble, but I'm no medical expert so I won't go into it. *speaking* Well, that's good to know. Now, why don't we go get ourselves some top quality milkshakes?

Rainbow Dash: Sure! But, why don't I pay for both? You know, to pay you back for healing my leg.

(Y/N): Well, as nice as that sounds Dashie, you don't have to do that. It's my job as your boyfriend to make sure your health is in the best condition.

Rainbow Dash: I know but still, it's the least I can do. And I won't take no for an answer.

You sighed before smiling at her.

(Y/N): Well, if you insist, then fine, Dashie.

The two of you headed into Sweet Shoppe as Rainbow Dash walked up to the counter and ordered your milkshakes while you went to the usual spot you and the girls sat at which was the green couch near the doorway. Eventually she came back with the milkshakes and handed you yours before sitting down to join you on the couch.

Rainbow Dash: Here you go, stud.

(Y/N): Thank you, Dashie.

You smile at her as you take the milkshake from her and start to drink it to which she follows. As you were drinking however, you noticed a familiar looking emo friend of yours enter the shop with a somewhat downcast look.

(Y/N): Hey look, it's Shadow.

Rainbow Dash: Really?

She looked over at him as well and noticed his current condition.

Rainbow Dash: He seems... kinda down about something.

(Y/N): Yeah, he does.

Rainbow Dash: Well, what are you waiting for, babe? Work your magic to try and cheer him up.

(Y/N): Are you sure?

Rainbow Dash: Why not? Go ahead. He seems like he needs it.

(Y/N): Well, okay then. I'll be right back, Dashie.

You kissed her for a second before standing up and going over to Shadow.

(Y/N): Shadow?

Your voice catches him off guard as he turns to you as you got a good look at him. It was hard to see but there were bags under his eyes and he had the same expression that he wore when he saw you leave Canterlot.

(Y/N): Jeez man, you look like you've cried every tear in the world. What's wrong, dude?

Shadow Moonlight: ...

(Y/N): Come on, Shadow. I'm trying to help you out here. Please, tell me what happened.

Shadow Moonlight: ...Sunny...rejected me.

Your eyes widened before a sympathetic expression overcame your features as you went over and gave him a supportive hug.

(Y/N): Dang... I'm sorry to hear that, Shad. I was sure that she had a thing for you.

Shadow Moonlight: She did but... because we're adoptive siblings, she said we couldn't be together.

(Y/N): Which is what led to the rejection?

He nodded.

(Y/N): I'm sorry, Shadow. It's mostly my fault. I shouldn't have forced Lemon to confess the way she did which probably wouldn't have led to that.

Shadow Moonlight: Don't make this your fault, Y/N. You did the right thing by making me accept the truth. Look, I know I said before that I probably wouldn't date Sunny because of us being siblings but I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to be with her. I loved her, dude and not just as a sister...

(Y/N): I know. You two were really close. What about the others though? Did they confess as well?

Shadow Moonlight: Yeah, but I'd rather not talk about it. I'm not exactly in the right mood to mention what happened.

(Y/N): It's fine, man. I won't force you to tell me.

You ended the hug as you placed your hands on his shoulders.

(Y/N): Listen, if you need some time for yourself, I'll leave you alone. Just... just call or text me when you're feeling better, okay?

Shadow Moonlight: Yeah...sure.

(Y/N): One more thing, don' yourself, dude. I just got my childhood best friend back and I'm not about to lose him again to something like this. Please?

Shadow Moonlight: I can't make any promises with how miserable I'm feeling right now but I'll try not to.

(Y/N): That's good enough... I suppose. Well, I guess I'll leave you be for now. I just wanted to see if you were okay. Again, let me know if you're feeling better.

Shadow Moonlight: I will. Thanks, man.

He gives you a weak smile. You nodded as you pulled him in for one last hug before heading back over to Dashie while he walked out of the shop after paying for his order.

Rainbow Dash: So, how's he feeling?

(Y/N): Not so good. Sunny Flare apparently rejected him.

Rainbow Dash: Ooof, that must be hard on him.

(Y/N): It is. In fact, he seems so saddened by it... that I'm afraid that he'll take his own life. I don't wanna lose him again, Dashie. I just got him back after the Friendship Games.

Rainbow Dash: Well, at least he told you what it was. Most people who plan to kick the bucket early don't tell anyone about it.

(Y/N): You have a point there, but I still can't help but feel fear of losing him again. Sure, he might be sarcastic and snarky, but he's one of my best friends regardless. I don't want him to die because a girl he's been with his whole life rejected him.

Rainbow Dash: I mean, from a bystander's point of view, it's probably not something to die for but like you said, this was a girl he's been with his whole life so that really hits hard. All I can really say is that hopefully he gets himself back in shape.

(Y/N): Me too, Dashie.

Rainbow Dash: Hey, don't think too much into it. We're on a date right now and I'm sure he'll put himself back together. We just gotta have faith in him. I'm sure he's been through worse.

(Y/N): He's been through worse physically, not so much emotionally. But, you're right. I just need to keep hoping that my friend will recover from this.

Just then, you saw the door to Sweet Shoppe swing open as you noticed Indigo Zap scanning the area before she ran inside until she spotted both you and Rainbow Dash as she made her way towards you.

Indigo Zap: Y/N! Rainbow Dash! Have you guys seen Shadow by any chance?

Rainbow Dash: Uh, yeah. He was just here. Why?

Indigo Zap: I don't know what happened but he told me he was going to the bathroom. I waited for a while but then I saw him leave without telling me. I'm worried that there might be something wrong with him.

(Y/N): He's a little under the weather because of Sunny's rejection.

Indigo Zap: Wait, really? He didn't even seem phased by it.

(Y/N): It's what he told me, Indigo and from the looks of it, there's a chance he might...take himself out.

Indigo Zap: Oh, man. I can't let him take his life. Not after we just got to first base. I gotta go find him! Thanks, you guys!

She said before she left Sweet Shoppe and continued to hunt down Shadow. Rainbow takes a sip of her milkshake before she speaks up.

Rainbow Dash: Well, I'm sure she'll find him. He didn't leave that long ago.

(Y/N): Not unless he teleported somewhere after leaving. Hopefully that didn't happen.

Meanwhile, Indigo was looking around trying to find Shadow as she looked around trying to see him anywhere. Thankfully, her eyes landed on the familiar form of her new boyfriend sitting down in an alleyway with his back pressed against a wall.

Indigo Zap: Shadow! There you are!

She exclaimed as she ran over to him. Shadow looked up in response with a saddened look.

Shadow Moonlight: Oh, hey Indie. Sorry for bailing on you like that.

Indigo Zap: It's okay, just let me know that you're leaving next time, alright?

Shadow Moonlight: Will do.

Indigo Zap: Are you... still upset over... you know who?

Shadow pats the spot next to him, gesturing to her to sit down next to him. She nods before sitting down in place of his hand. Shadow points to a large dried stain.

Shadow Moonlight: Do you know what that is?

Indigo shook her head no.

Shadow Moonlight: It's the blood from Patriot that Sunny caused to leak out that day she saved me. She risked her own life to save mine even though she knew she would have gotten hurt if she did. Why I risked my life, why I made the most reckless actions just to keep you girls safe and happy was because she did the same for me. She's the reason I was still alive. If it weren't for her, I never would've been able to get my best friend back, I never would've been able to fix Mom, and most importantly...I never would've met any of you. When someone who does something like that for's hard to not grow fond of them.

Indigo just nodded throughout his monologue as he continued.

Shadow Moonlight: It's not that I don't love you, Indie. I do, along with the rest of the others. But...I loved Sunny more than anything and everything that I worked for, every fight I had with her mom, every risk I was all just so I could see her smile at me. But...because we're siblings I'll never be able to share the most heartwarming moments I've dreamed of. *sigh* Why does fate have to play with my life?

Indigo stared at him as he looked towards the ground with tears starting to stream down his face.

Shadow Moonlight: All I ever really wanted to do was to feel special. To feel like I had a place in the world. But when you have a toxic personality, you push people away; they stop caring and they distance themselves from you. One by one you'll lose all your friends and before I figured that out, I was alone. When you have a toxic mindset, even then you tend to look back at your old friends with resentment. I'd think things like 'They were never good people to begin with', or 'they betrayed me'. all seems so ridiculous now, I was the awful one the entire time. Maybe it really is for the best. You all should've gone with Y/N. At least he wouldn't sit here moping about how terrible his life is.

Indigo Zap: Shadow... why would we want that... when we already have you?

Shadow Moonlight: Because I'm not worth it, Indigo! I'm nothing but a sad sack who works hard but doesn't get what he wants! Meanwhile, Y/N was born a savior who had everything handed to him! He's literally the perfect guy! He does make mistakes at times but he's better than what I am!

Indigo Zap: Shadow, listen. You might have gone through a lot of horrible things in the past, but that doesn't mean you deserved all of it. That's how life is sometimes. Things go really bad for us and it sucks. We wish that they never happened. But... we have to live with them. It does us no good to be mopey all the time because all it does is leave us depressed like you are right now. Shadow, I don't want Y/N, WE don't want Y/N. We want you because of how amazing you are. You have a purpose here, Shad. You just need to keep holding onto the belief that things will get better for you someday and look, it already has.

Shadow stayed silent as he listened to her.

Indigo Zap: It started back when you first met Y/N all those years ago. He stood by your side and defended you like a true friend because he saw that you needed it. And yeah, it sucked when he left, but that was made up by you meeting us. Now, let's jump ahead some time. The Friendship Games, you met with Y/N once again and you didn't trust him at the time, but that was soon changed when he risked his life for you when Sci-Twi became Midnight Sparkle. And now we come to the here and now. Yeah, it sucks that Sunny rejected you, but you have us now. Don't you see, Shad?

She grabbed his cheeks to make him look her in the eyes.

Indigo Zap: Whenever something bad happened to you, it was usually followed by something good happening to you. Your life is not always destined to be miserable. So, yeah, Sunny did reject you which is heartbreaking, but you need to get over it and move on because that's what we do. We live with things that brought us down and tough it out. And most of the time, it's paid off. Do you understand what I'm saying to you, Shad? Please tell me you do.

Shadow stayed silent while trying to process everything Indigo said. This changed however as he finally found his voice.

Shadow Moonlight: ... I just... I just want her to be happy and to be the one that is the root of her happiness. It's not just because I'm crazy about her. Her smile is what I live for and I will go through tartarus and back to make sure it stays.

Indigo Zap: You can... by being the best brother you can be to her. Can you promise me that you'll try that, Shad?

Shadow Moonlight: ...I'll do what I can.

Indigo smiled as tears rolled from her eyes as he brought him in for a firm hug as he lightly patted her bag.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Shadowlight2784: *sniffs* Hey who left this bowl of onions here?)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: *sniffs* I did. I wanted our crying to be more dramatic. We created masterful writing, my friend. I'm glad you're a part of it.)

(Shadowlight2784: *sniffs* I'm so glad I got to be a part of it, dude.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Come here, man! *grabs Shadow and hugs him as they cry on each other's shoulders.)

For several minutes, Shadow and Indigo held their hug while enjoying each other's company. Sadly, it was soon brought to an end as they pulled back. It was soon made up by Indigo giving Shadow a peck on the lips.

Indigo Zap: We love you, Shadow. I love you. Please, don't ever forget that.

Shadow Moonlight: I won't. Just as long as it goes both ways, Indigo. And... I love you guys, too.

She stood up as she offered a hand to him. He smiled before grabbing it as she helped him up to his feet.

Indigo Zap: Soooo... I don't suppose you wanna... go somewhere to eat, maybe?

Shadow Moonlight: Sure...I'd like that.

They gave each other one last peck before heading off towards the city. Meanwhile, you and Rainbow were taking a walk through the city.

(Y/N): Man, I never really noticed it before, but Canterlot's a rather beautiful city.

Rainbow raised an eyebrow at that.

Rainbow Dash: Really? You've lived here for who knows how long and you're just now noticing the city's beauty?

(Y/N): You know I lived in Manehatten for most of my life, right? If you were asking Shadow this, it'd be a different story. But no, I guess I haven't really taken the time to admire it. Then again, I can think of something else that's more beautiful.

Rainbow Dash: Like what?

(Y/N): I'm looking at her.

You smirk at Rainbow Dash before putting your hand on her waist and giving her a peck on the cheek. She blushed before looking away from you.

Rainbow Dash: Aw, come on, Y/N. I'm not really what you'd call beautiful.

(Y/N): What are you talking about? You're one of the many beautiful girls I've ever encountered.

Rainbow Dash: Have any of those girls ever been mistaken for a dude?

(Y/N): Well... maybe once... but that was a long time ago. Look, my point is, you may not see yourself as beautiful, but to me you are.

Rainbow Dash: *sigh* You really do see the beauty in most things, don't ya?

(Y/N): It's in my blood, Dashie. What can I say?

Rainbow smiled at bit before pecking your cheek as well.

Rainbow Dash: Well... thanks Y/N. I... I appreciate it.

(Y/N): No need for thanks, Dashie. So, do you wanna go back to your place?

Rainbow Dash: Ugh, I'd rather not.

(Y/N): Why?

Rainbow Dash: *sigh* Because you know how my parents are when you come over. They're always teasing us for getting frisky with each other and even going as far as to try and encourage it. You really wanna deal with that again?

(Y/N): You'd think they'd be like most parents with an overprotective father and a really sweet mother like in most romcoms. So, wanna head back to my place then?

Rainbow Dash: Better than having my parents creep on us that's for sure.

(Y/N): Alright then.

You then picked her up bridal style as she blushed from the sudden action.

Rainbow Dash: S-Seriously, Y/N? Do you have to do that with all of us?

(Y/N): Oh, come on. You know you like it.

Rainbow Dash: *sigh* M-Maybe just a little... but not as much as the others.

(Y/N): *sarcasm* Sure... Now, hang on.

You activated your super speed and zoomed off towards your home and within seconds you made it to your front door. You set Rainbow down and entered as Rainbow went over to the couch.

Rainbow Dash: Hey, do you maybe wanna watch a movie or something?

(Y/N): Well, I did it with Sunset and Pinkie, so why not?

Rainbow Dash: Speaking of which, where is Sunset?

You walked into the kitchen and noticed a sticky note on the fridge as you went over and read it.

"Dear Y/N, I'm over at Sunlight's place to learn more about what she's been studying and I'm gonna spend the night there. I'll be back in a couple of days. You probably would've taken all the others on dates by the time I come back. Anyways, I love you and try to stay out of trouble. XOXO Sunset Shimmer."

You held the note in your hands as you went back to Rainbow.

(Y/N): Hmm, seems like she'll be out for the next few days, so we've got the place for ourselves.

Rainbow Dash: What about your parents?

(Y/N): They're out celebrating their anniversary. So, what movie did you have in mind, Dashie?

Rainbow Dash: Well, I was kinda thinking about watching Megamind. I heard that one's pretty funny.

(Y/N): Megamind it is then.

You popped the movie in and sat down with Rainbow as she leaned her head on your shoulder while you held her close. Once the movie came to a close, you and Dashie stood up and stretched.

(Y/N): That was an alright movie. Not one of my favorites, but alright nonetheless.

Rainbow Dash: I liked the twist they made where the villain actually wins. It's not often you see a lot of movies do something like that.

(Y/N): I agree. So, wanna spend the night?

Rainbow Dash: Well, there ain't anyone to stalk us or walk in at the wrong moment so I'm all for it.

(Y/N): I'm gonna quickly, but quietly, pop over to your place and get your pjs for you. I'd rather not have another run in with your folks.

Rainbow Dash: Heh, you and me both.

You snapped away before coming back moments later with Rainbow's pjs and toothbrush. You then head upstairs as you get yourselves ready for bed. You pulled the covers back and climbed into bed.

Rainbow Dash: Y/N?

(Y/N): Yeah?

She grabbed your cheeks and pulled you in for another passionate kiss like the one in front of the Sweet Shoppe. You closed your eyes and embraced your rainbow-haired girlfriend while enjoying the kiss. Finally, you broke off from each other.

Rainbow Dash: I... I love you. I hope you know that.

(Y/N): Of course I know it, Dashie and I love you too.

She then yawned before cuddling herself into your chest as you wrapped your arms around her as you both began your night long rest. Meanwhile, Shadow was seen walking back to his home with Indigo following right beside him.

Shadow Moonlight: Thanks for the tough love, Indigo. I... I needed it.

Indigo Zap: Happy to help, Shad. You mean more to us than anything and you needed to know that.

Shadow Moonlight: Heh, we really aren't that different, are we?

Indigo Zap: Guess not. Hey, you want some company tonight?

Shadow Moonlight: I could use some, thanks.

They entered his home and went up stairs to his room but were stopped by his "sister."

Sunny Flare: Oh, Shadow, Indigo, hey.

Indigo Zap: Sup, Sunny?

Shadow Moonlight: Hey, sis. How've you been?

Sunny Flare: I've been okay, I suppose. What about you, Shadow?

He looked at Indigo who nodded towards Sunny as he looked back at her.

Shadow Moonlight: I'm feeling a lot better, thanks to Indigo here. Honestly, you'd do really good in psychology, Indie.

Indigo Zap: Aww, I don't know about that. You know that I'm a natural born athlete.

Shadow Moonlight: It never hurts to have more than one career choice.

Sunny Flare: Well, I'm glad you're feeling better, Shadow. I was really worried that you were mad at me for this.

Shadow Moonlight: Hey, come on, sis. I could never stay or be mad at you. Well...aside from the Friendship Games.

Indigo Zap: We had that coming. Don't dwell on it too much.

Shadow Moonlight: R-Right. Look Sunny, I have something to say.

Sunny nodded before listening.

Shadow Moonlight: You've been by my side ever since we were kids. You've supported me through almost everything that I went through. Throughout all of that, you and I grew closer and closer to the point where we both fell for each other. I know it's not meant to be but I don't care about that. All I want is for you to be happy and I'd do everything in my power to keep you that way and the way of how I'm going to do that is by being the best brother I can be to you. No matter what, I'll always love you.

Sunny stared at him with widened eyes and in complete silence. However, that soon changed as she smiled before running up and giving him a tight hug while resting her head on his chest. He responded by holding her in his arms as Indigo smiled at the display.

Sunny Flare: *whisper* Thank you, Shadow. Thank you so much.

Shadow Moonlight: Anything for you, sis.

They held each other for what seemed like hours but was only about a minute or so until they ended the hug.

Sunny Flare: So, wanna help me with a little project I've been thinking about tomorrow?

Shadow Moonlight: I'd like that. Sure.

Sunny Flare: Great. I'm going to bed now. Have a good night, you two.

Shadow Moonlight: You as well, sis.

Indigo Zap: You too, Sunny. Goodnight.

After the goodbyes were said, Sunny walked back to her room and closed her door as Shadow and Indigo went to his room and readied themselves for bed. They climbed into Shadow's queen sized bed as Indigo pulled him close and ran her fingers through his hair.

Indigo Zap: Did I ever tell you that I adore your hair, Shad?

Shadow Moonlight: You did now, Indie and quite frankly, I always loved the way yours looked.

Indigo Zap: Heh, you charmer you.

He tilted his head up and kissed his lips gently as he returned the sweet gesture.

Indigo Zap: I love you, Shad. Don't ever doubt that.

Shadow Moonlight: I won't, Indie. Don't worry.

They held each other closer as their combined body warmth lulled them to sleep. Shadow couldn't help but smile at feeling the warmth and comfort of his girlfriend.

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