Chapter 35: Dance Magic

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In V/N's void, Midnight Sparkle dreadfully walked over to Demon Shimmer and Gaia Everfree after getting her punishment from Hollow.

Demon Shimmer: So, what'd he do?

Midnight Sparkle: A lot of things I'd rather not say.

She said as she rubbed her wings and badges all around her body.

Midnight Sparkle: Word of advice to the both of you, do not get on Hollow's bad side. He doesn't pull any punches with those punishments.

Demon Shimmer: *sigh* It's what happens when you have an ego. Trust me, I know.

Gaea Everfree: I've been wondering, how come you two are on both V/N's and Y/N's side? Do you like to mess with them or something?

Demon Shimmer: I'm not Sunset Shimmer and she isn't Twilight Sparkle. We're separate entities.

Gaea Everfree: Oh, I see and how did you both come into place?

Demon Shimmer: Sunset put on a crown and then I was born. She was so desperate for power and ruling over others but she's like the worst villain.

Midnight Sparkle: Really? That seems a little rough on yourself, don't you think?

Demon Shimmer: I'd agree if it wasn't true. Her plan was plain stupid. I mean, seriously. Wanting to take over Equestria with a bunch of teenagers when the three princesses and the freaking god of chaos lived? She wouldn't last an hour in the war if you can even call it that. I tried talking some sense into her but she was all busy moping about how awful her life is to really care. What about you both? What's your predecessors' excuses for bringing you to life?

Midnight Sparkle: Sci-Twi was pressured into studying the magic she collected in that spectrometer. I mean, there was Shadow who tried to stop me from being born but that didn't last thanks to V/N.

Hollow Moonlight: And apparently, thanks to V/N's idiotic counterpart, he's got his own harem of medeocrity.

The three jumped when they saw Hollow intrude as they stepped back.

Midnight Sparkle: U-Uh! Hey, Hollow! How much have you heard?

Hollow Moonshine: Everything. I admit, I probably went a little far with your punishment but when you're the right hand man of V/N, you can't pull any punches. Plus, he created me so I owe him my life.

Demon Shimmer: That doesn't mean he can just torture you for simply being loyal to him.

Hollow Moonshine: It's better you don't argue with him. He's got a way worse temper than I do. He's massacred thousands in Equestria.

Demon Shimmer: Thousands?! Wait, he... he couldn't be... the Scourge of Equestria, could he?

Hollow Moonshine: Yup. That's him alright and have you heard about the traitorous umbrum he formed an alliance with?

Midnight Sparkle: They do sound familiar, but do remind us anyway.

Hollow Moonshine: Like Y/N, V/N had a partner in crime which I suppose you could technically say they were childhood friends since they knew each other growing up but then, the leader of the Umbrum decided to turn on him when V/N started that war between the sirens and ponies.

Midnight Sparkle: Wait... he caused that? I thought the sirens attacked when a group of sailors crashed their boat into their nursery.

Hollow Moonshine: Yes, however the sirens who we all know as the Dazzlings had lured that boat to their territory and that was because V/N disguised himself as a siren to persuade them into doing so. If you are familiar with The Lion King, V/N is basically Scar.

Demon Shimmer: What... what exactly did he hope to achieve by causing such strife and chaos.

???: True world order, of course.

They heard a voice as they looked and saw V/N stepping in through another rift as Hollow bowed respectfully to him.

Hollow Moonshine: Lord V/N.

(V/N): Rise Hollow.

He did as he was told and stood back up.

Demon Shimmer: True world order, you said?

(V/N): Yes. I don't know if you noticed, Demon Shimmer, but what exactly has free will done for everyone? I hope you weren't going for something positive. You see, all it's done is cause nothing but death, misery, and strife for all as every living creature was born violent.

Midnight Sparkle: Umm, you know that living creatures die from old age, cancer, and diseases, right?

(V/N): True, but they also die from savagely killing each other. I, on the other hand, wish to put an end to all that.

Demon Shimmer: But if you really wanted true world order, why would you start a war between the ponies and sirens?

(V/N): To demonstrate a point, of course. To show just how violent every creature is when just one bad thing happens to them.

Gaea Everfree: Doesn't that also include you when you were betrayed by the Umbrum?

(V/N): That was different. I had a good reason to be angry. They betrayed me when I needed them.

Demon Shimmer: And you think that the sirens having their newborns killed isn't a good reason?

(V/N): They could have always repopulated. Besides, they would have eventually become a nuisance to me if I let them thrive.

Midnight Sparkle: That sounds really controversial, V/N. You want to bring world order and cause wars between races at the same time?

(V/N): Sacrifices must be made to ensure true peace, Midnight. And I'll admit, I did let myself get carried away before, but I'm trying to change myself from that. I suggest that you don't question my logic. Unless you want a similar punishment like before.

Hollow cracked his knuckles while glaring at Midnight who shuddered.

Midnight Sparkle: N-No...

(V/N): Good. Now, as for the matter of your predecessor, Hollow, I do believe I have a way of dealing with him indefinitely.

Hollow Moonshine: And what is that, sir?

(V/N): In case you don't know, Crystal Prep is planning to have their Spring Fling on a yacht and there won't be any doubt that Shadow will be there. I'll be sending a creature that I've been experimenting with to go and retrieve Shadow and bring him back here. That's when we'll take it from him.

Hollow Moonshine: And if this creature fails?

(V/N): I'll let you handle his punishment.

Hollow Moonshine: Very well, sire. I won't let you down.

(V/N): I know you won't. Now, that was one of the things I wanted to say. The other is that I've decided to add more to this void since it's just plain boring being all black. It reminds me of the Umbrum and I'm sure you all know how much I loathe them, especially Shadowlight.

Demon Shimmer: Who's Shadowlight?

(V/N): The leader of the Umbrum. He created the Pony of Shadows and King Sombra and he was the supposed best friend that I had. That is until he had gotten soft and started believing in mercy and restraint. But, no worries, my subordinates. I have a means of dealing with him as well. Hollow, are you familiar with the most powerful artifact to ever grace Equestria? The Infinity Amulet?

Hollow Moonshine: The project you and him worked on together?

(V/N): Exactly. With it, I will gain just enough power to bring him to his knees. You see, the amulet itself has multiple pieces to it. One of them being the Alicorn Amulet which was created by the Umbrum themselves. This will guarantee total dominance over them.

Hollow Moonshine: But sir, that project was an utter failure. If I remember correctly, it could destroy it's wielder if it was used too much.

(V/N): Unless you had the will to wield it, in this case, I do. I've been through trial and tribulation to achieve my goals. Not to mention being created by the foulest, most powerful evil entity in all of Equestria. The amulet will surely accept me. However, if we ever hope to assemble the true amulet itself, we will need the Disharmony stones.

Hollow Moonshine: Which ones? I remember hearing that you both made multiple versions of them. There were those ones you worked on with Shadowlight to create the Disharmony Saber.

(V/N): We'll need the following items: A fraction of power from Discord the spirit of chaos, the Time Twirler, a shard from the crystal heart, a piece of the crystal mirror, the Alicorn Amulet itself, a piece of Queen Novo's pearl and one final object...Shadow's pendant.

Hollow Moonshine: What do you need his pendant for?

(V/N): If I fuse this amulet with the power of Umbrum, I will be able to withstand larger and stronger armies and Shadowlight will come to his senses.

Hollow Moonshine: You really think he would?

(V/N): Let's just say... he won't have a choice.

He winked at him as Hollow got the message and smirked before frowning.

Hollow Moonshine: Wait...will he replace me?

(V/N): Of course not, Hollow. Out of all these worthless miscreants, you are the one I can always rely on. There's no chance at all that I'd replace you. Especially with an insufferable, traitorous, scumbag like him.

Hollow Moonshine: Well, in that case, I'll do what I can to assist, Lord V/N.

(V/N): But first, before anything else, Y/N must be dealt with. While Shadowlight is powerful, he doesn't hold a candle to what Y/N's capable of.

Hollow Moonshine: That makes sense, seeing as how his greatest strength is numbers.

(V/N): Exactly. Now, I have some personal matters to attend to. Meanwhile, the rest of you carry out your tasks.

Hollow Moonshine: As you command, sire.

He bowed respectfully before turning to the others.

Hollow Moonshine: Well, you heard him, get going!

Demon Shimmer: *thinking* And there's the old Hollow we know and loathe.


Almost a month had passed since your week of dating the Rainbooms. In between that time, you were trying to raise money to help out with repairs at Camp Everfree. Right now, you and the Rainbooms were having a car wash at CHS.

Pinkie Pie: *rhythmically* To the right! To the right! To the left! To the left! Now up! Now up! Bring it down! Spin it around! Wash that car like you mean it! Come on!

She directed as Sunset and Applejack were running and scrubbing Big Mac's truck quickly on all sides. Once the car was nice and lathered, Fluttershy used a hose to spray the soap off. After she was finished, Rarity used a hair dryer to dry some of the water off. Pinkie then used two buffers to polish the car in various places until the car was completely squeaky clean. Rainbow went up to Big Mac as he was sitting in the driver's seat as he gave some money to her.

Rainbow Dash: Hah! Thanks, Big Mac.

He nodded before driving away.

Rainbow Dash: Sweet! More cash to add to the stash!

Pinkie Pie: Woo-hoo!

Rarity: *sigh* How about a little break? All of this sunshine and suds are doing a number on my hair.

She suggested as everyone else agreed as they walked over to a cooler that contained cold bottles of Aunt Orange smoothies.

Rainbow Dash: Hey, anybody seen Sci-Twi lately?

(Y/N): I'm pretty sure she's inside counting our earnings.

Just then, you hear a voice call out as you all turned and saw Sci-Twi approaching you all.

Sci-Twi: I'm here. I was just going over the numbers again.

Sunset Shimmer: Have we raised enough to make all the repairs to Camp Everfree?

Sci-Twi: We've only raised half. I counted the money four times just to be sure.

(Y/N): *sigh* At this rate it'll take us til Christmas to cover the costs and by then, no one would be at the camp.

Applejack: It's all right, hon. We can just wash more cars. There's gotta be some we missed.

You all looked and saw that the parking lot was completely devoid of cars as evidenced by a tumbleweed rolling by.

Sunset Shimmer: I, uh, think we're gonna have to come up with a new plan.

Rainbow Dash: But we're running out of time! The camp fundraising deadline is next week. And Pinkie Pie's already hosted a bake sale, Sci-Twi and Fluttershy had that doggie day care, Y/N and Shadow had that livestream charity event, and Sunset Shimmer and I planned this car wash.

Rarity: Not to worry, darlings. It's my turn to devise a plan, and I already have something amazing in mind. It will be the most profitable of all of our fundraising events! The pièce de résistance!

(Y/N): Well, knowing you Rares, it'll most likely work out for us.

Rarity: Trust me, love. It'll be the plan to end all plans.

Applejack: Hee-yoo! Now we're talkin'! What's your idea?

Rarity: Meet me in the music room later this afternoon, and I will explain everything.

Rainbow Dash: Uh-huh!

Pinkie Pie: Hee-hee!

All of you except for Rarity and Spike went back inside as he went up to her and smirked at her.

Spike: You got nothin', huh?

She looked back down at him nervously.

Rarity: How did you know?!

Meanwhile, at Crystal Prep, the entire student body has gathered into the auditorium for a student meeting and all of them were talking amongst themselves about it. We zoom over to the Shadow Six as Sunlight Shimmer was seen wearing a Crystal Prep uniform and a pair of glasses.

Lemon Zest: Uh, Sunlight? Did you go blind or something?

Sunlight Shimmer: Huh? What do you mean, Lemon?

Lemon Zest: Why are you wearing glasses?

Sunlight blushed a little before she shook it away and cleared her throat.

Sunlight Shimmer: W-Well, know how Shad had crushes on Moondancer and Sci-Twi? I assumed he was into cute nerds so...I may have tried my best to look like one.

Sugarcoat: So, they're not real glasses?

Sunlight Shimmer: Ehehehe. There's no lenses in them but I thought that it might look appealing to him.

Sunny Flare: You want to appeal to him, dearie? Then, that look really isn't what you're looking for. Here, let me fix that.

She said as she took off Sunlight's glasses, buttoned up her CPA blazer and pulled a hair tie out of her pocket and used it to put Sunlight's hair in a ponytail and added a hairclip similar to the one she normally wears except that it was red and yellow instead of red and black. As she was doing this, most of the other boys started to look in their direction as Sunlight grew an uneasy look.

Sunlight Shimmer: U-Uhhh, Sunny? The boys are staring.

Sunny Flare: That means it's working, dearie. If they take the time to admire your look then I'm sure Shadow will too. Besides, I've lived with him for most of my life so I know what will draw him in.

Sunlight Shimmer: I hope you're right about that. Because I'll be honest, this is kind of outside my comfort zone. I'm not really used to having so much attention brought to me.

Sunny Flare: Trust me, Sunlight. When you're incredibly attractive, you tend to get used to it after a while. Just give it about a month I'd say.

Sunlight Shimmer: A month?!

Lemon Zest: Shhh, Principal Cadance is stepping up on stage.

She shushed them as their principal went up to the stand and tapped the mic as some feedback came through..

Principal Cadance: Good afternoon everyone. I'm sure this is rather unorthodox for us to hold an assembly before dismissal but it was the only available time your student governor had. So, without further ado, please welcome, Shadow Moonlight to the stage!

With that a loud round of applause emitted from the students, making Shadow wipe a tear as he got up on stage and took the microphone from Principal Cadance.

Shadow Moonlight: Thank you for that introduction, Principal Cadance. Hey, everyone, how are you all feeling? Good I hope, but if you aren't, I have some news that might hopefully change that. So, I know things have really been different this year in terms of how the Friendship Games had played out on top of our supposed "rivalry" with CHS. Personally, I think we've come a long way from the experience but anyway, as you all know the Friendship Games were the only event CPA's ever participated in ever since Principal Cinch changed for the worst. Now that she's come to her senses and stepped down, I took it upon myself to bring back all of the dances and other events and to make up for all the absences of those events, the student government plans to have the Spring Dance on a yacht.

Everyone in the auditorium cheered from that as Shadow chuckled a little from the sight.

Shadow Moonlight: *thinking* I knew that would lift their spirits.

He thought as Starlight Glimmer walked over to him with a raised eyebrow.

Starlight Glimmer: Do you really think this was a good idea, Shad?

Shadow Moonlight: I don't see how it wasn't.

Starlight Glimmer: We don't even have the budget for the yacht. Why give them false hope when we're not even sure if it'll happen?

Shadow Moonlight: I'm certain we'll get it, Star. We're Crystal Prep Academy.

Starlight Glimmer: I love the enthusiasm, but we can't blow that kind of money on something like this. If the school used the amount of funds they have to pay for it, they'd have to lay off some teachers and even lower the quality of the school lunch and I'm sure we can both agree that Crystal Prep serves some high quality food.

Shadow Moonlight: It's gonna be fine, Star. We'll find a way to get it, trust me.

Starlight Glimmer: Well, I think it's better to tell them our situation rather than lie straight to their face.

Shadow Moonlight: Well, go ahead then. Knock yourself out.

He said as he handed her the microphone.

Starlight Glimmer: Unfortunately, we don't really have the funds to pay for it so that's why we're looking for volunteers to help us raise money for the yacht. Is there anyone willing to participate?

All of CPA went quiet as you could hear crickets chirping in the ambience. Starlight sighs at this.

Starlight Glimmer: Come on, everybody. We just need someone, anyone to do it.

Meanwhile in the row where the Shadow Six were sitting, Lemon was busy jamming to the music in her headphones before she threw a fist pump in the air that stood out behind all the other students which caught Starlight's eye.

Starlight Glimmer: Lemon Zest! How nice of you to volunteer!

Lemon Zest: Wait, what?

She asked as she took off her headphones.

Lemon Zest: Uhh, what's going on?

Shadow Moonlight: *thinking* You just put yourself and the others through a living nightmare.

Starlight Glimmer: You fist pumped so I assumed that was an enthusiastic agreement.

Lemon Zest: Uhhh... for what exactly?

Shadow Moonlight: For volunteering to raise money for the yacht.

Lemon Zest: Wait... we're going on a yacht?!

He facepalmed at that.

Shadow Moonlight: *thinking* Oh my god. And Y/N says I'm the dense one.

Lemon Zest: Well... if I am volunteering... then I also volunteer Sunny, Sugarcoat, Sunlight, and Sour as tributes!

Shadow Moonlight: *sigh* You can't volunteer for people, Lem.

Sunny Flare: It's fine, Shadow. I don't mind helping Lemon out with raising enough funds for our trip.

Sunlight Shimmer: Neither do I.

Sugarcoat: I guess it'd be better than sitting around doing nothing for our Spring Fling Dance.

Sour Sweet: *sweetly* Oh, I'd be delighted to help out. *sourly* If you hadn't roped me into it, Lemon!

Shadow Moonlight: Well... if you guys are willing, then I guess the decision has been settled. They'll be responsible for raising money for our trip.

Starlight Glimmer: Wait, what about Indigo Zap? Where's she?

Shadow Moonlight: She's on a cruise with her family for three weeks. She should be back before we have the Spring Fling though.

Sour Sweet: *sweetly* Well, isn't she lucky! *sourly* She gets to sit on a lounge chair getting a tan while we're stuck doing all the work!

Sunny Flare: It'll be fine, Sour. In case you forgot, we're the best at plan making.

Sugarcoat: Except for when we forced Twilight into releasing V/N.

Sunny Flare: T-That's besides the point. What could we possibly do to come up with this kind of money?

Lemon Zest: Why don't we go to the mall and brainstorm? I'm sure an idea will come to mind with at least one of us.

Sunny Flare: Better than nothing, I suppose. Let's go, everyone.

They all nodded before walking out of CPA as the rest of the student body watched them leave.

Shadow Moonlight: I'm gonna go give them a hand. Can you take over, Star? Thanks.

He said as he ran off the stage and followed his friends as everyone now had their eyes on Starlight Glimmer who was nervously sweating.

Starlight Glimmer: Soooo...since it'd be pointless to go back to your classes at this point, anyone want to do something in the meantime?

Meanwhile, Rarity was at the mall as well as she was having trouble coming up with a plan to raise money for Camp Everfree.

Rarity: Oh, rats. Three hours and still no ideas for a lucrative last-minute fundraiser. Usually, window-shopping inspires me. I can't go back and disappoint the others now, especially Y/N. What would he think if I disappointed him? He... *gasp* he could possibly break up with me! I MUST think of something!

She walked a bit of a distance until a voice on a nearby monitor caught her attention.

TV announcer: Are you a musician?

Rarity: Hmm?

TV announcer: Do you and friends love to dance?

Rarity: Yes.

TV announcer: Are you unique, cool, stylish?

Rarity: Yes, yes, yes, and... obviously!

TV announcer: Do you want to win a cash prize?

Rarity: Yes!

TV announcer: Then enter the Canterlot Mall Chance to Prance Competition! All you need is a music video of your own original song and dance. Then you could be prancing your way to first prize! Sign up now at the booth near the Aunt Orange smoothie kiosk.

Rarity quickly ran off to the kiosk but as she did, she stopped when she saw a glistening red dress in the window of a clothing shop as she stared at it before an idea came to her head.

(Y/N): Hey, Rares.

She jumped and screamed before turning to see you standing behind her.

Rarity: Y/N sweetheart, you scared me!

(Y/N): *chuckle* Sorry, Rarity. I was just coming by to see how your brainstorming was coming along. Have you come up with anything yet?

Rarity: As a matter of fact, love. I have! There's a Chance to Prance competition that will certainly give us the amount of money we need to repair Camp Everfree!

(Y/N): Really? Why do I feel like there's a catch coming though?

Rarity: Well, the only hiccups would be that in order to win, we would have to come up with an original song and dance which shouldn't be that difficult.

(Y/N): If you say so, Rares.

Rarity: I was just about to sign us up at the kiosk. Care to join me?

(Y/N): Sure.

You and her walked over to the kiosk as she took one of the ballots and signed your band's name onto it. However, you were interrupted when you heard someone call out to you.

Sour Sweet: *sweetly* Rarity! Y/N! What a nice surprise! *sourly* *whisper* Not.

You looked and saw Sour Sweet, Sunny Flare, Sunlight Shimmer, Lemon Zest, Sugarcoat, and Shadow walking over to the both of you. You and him both looked at each other as the both of you sighed internally.

Shadow & (Y/N): *thinking

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Rarity: *gasps* Sour Sweet! Sunny Flare! Why, it's been ages.

Sugarcoat: It's only been a few months since the Friendship Games.

Sunlight Shimmer: Huh, I guess I've really been missing out, huh Shad?

Shadow Moonlight: Eh. I think you were better off where you were, Shimmy.

Rarity gasped when she noticed Sunlight Shimmer.

Rarity: Sunset?

(Y/N): *thinking* Oh, right! We never told her yet. *speaking* Uh, Rarity?

You brought her close and whispered into her ear as she nodded her head a few times for confirmation.

Rarity: *whisper* Oh, right. *speaking* So, you're the Sunset Shimmer of this world?

Sunlight Shimmer: That's correct. I used to live in that old observatory until Shadow, Dean Cinch, and Sunny allowed me to stay with them. They also allowed me to attend CPA again.

(Y/N): Speaking of CPA, how's everything going over there?

Sunny Flare: Oh, things at CPA have never been better since Principal Cadance took over.

You nodded as you went over to Shadow.

(Y/N): What about you, bud? How have things been with you as the student governor?

You asked as you playfully elbowed him as he flinched slightly which confused you somewhat.

Shadow Moonlight: Uh, good I'd say. I'm probably not the best but hopefully good enough to meet everyone's standards.

(Y/N): Huh, okay then.

You said in a slightly confused voice before walking back over to Rarity.

Sour Sweet: ...yeah, Principal Cadance is going to let us have the spring dance on a yacht, if we raise the money.

Rarity: Ooh, sounds divine.

Lemon Zest: Are you signing up for the "Chance to Prance" contest, too?

Rarity: We are! Heh-heh. Are you all here to sign up for the competition?

Sugarcoat: We definitely aren't here because we like standing in lines.

Shadow Moonlight: And we're certainly not going to go with our other options.

(Y/N): Which were?

Shadow Moonlight: *sigh* Well, Sunny came up with a bake sale but nobody's better at that than Pinkie so that's out of the picture. Sour thought about going with the lottery but that's entirely luck-based and we don't have the time or money for that. Sugarcoat suggested a car wash which probably would work but the problem is that automatic car washes have been invented so we'd be fresh out of customers pretty quickly. And Lemon suggested selling her body is a definite no because I'm not having a bunch of creepy pervs doing some nasty things to my friends.

Sour Sweet: So, our next best bet was this competition. I assume you already have a video concept figured out. The competition's going to be pret-ty fierce.

Rarity: Yes, it came to me as soon as I saw that gorgeous red ruffled ensemble on the way over here.

Sour perked up at hearing that as a smirk spread across her lips.

Sour Sweet: Oh. Tell me more.

She requested as she turned to the others who smirked as well excluding Shadow and Sunlight.

Shadow Moonlight: *thinking* What is she getting at?

Rarity: Oh! Well, each member of the Rainbooms is going to dance in a different style—like flamenco, hip-hop, or street ballet—and we'll wear costumes to match each genre. Designed by yours truly, of course. *giggles*

(Y/N): Because if there's anyone who's the best at fashion, it's Rarity. Uh, no offense, Sunny.

Sunny Flare: None taken.

Sugarcoat: That sounds like a very good concept, Rarity.

Sour Sweet: *sweetly* Yeah, heh, I guess it's okay. *sourly* If you're going for way too over-the-top.

Shadow Moonlight: It's better than the bare minimum, Sour.

Rarity: Thanks! So, what's your concept?

Sugarcoat: Nothing. We don't have one yet.

Sour Sweet: What she means is it's a surprise! But it's a-ma-zing. So original.

She said dismissively as Shadow rolled his eyes.

Shadow Moonlight: *sarcasm* That's reassuring.

Rarity: Oh, well, we can't wait to see it. Good luck!

She waved goodbye as you followed her out.

Sour Sweet: You too!

(Y/N): See ya, Shad.

Shadow Moonlight: Sayonara, Y/N. *thinking* Can you give us a break now, guys?

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Ha! Not this time, Mr. Edgelord! You can mention us all you want but our fourth wall will never break!)

(Shadowlight2784: Uhhh, Jordan? *points to a small crack on the top of the fourth wall*)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: *dramatic gasp* Get the Flex Glue! I refuse to let this shatter on us!)

(Shadowlight2784: Calvin! Get the Flex Glue, ASAP!)

As you walked away, you couldn't help but glance back at Shadow and the others with a raised eyebrow to which Rarity noticed.

Rarity: Is there something wrong, love?

(Y/N): It... might just be me, Rares, but did it seem like Sour and the other girls with the exception of Sunlight seem like they were planning something... diabolical?

Rarity: Perhaps they think that they'll win against us since they are professional dancers according to Shadow.

(Y/N): When did he tell you that?

Rarity: Oh, he gave me a hand a couple times in my store before to help me out with some dance costumes he requested for them. That was before I met you, of course.

(Y/N): Wait, you knew Shadow before you met me? How come you didn't say anything?!

Rarity: Well, I never really put two and two together. I guess it sort of slipped my mind. I'm terribly sorry, love.

(Y/N): *sigh* I guess it's alright. I just wish you told me sooner.

Rarity: You were certainly right about him though. He was a really kind and considerate guy when I talked to him. Personally, when I saw the way he behaved towards you at the Friendship Games, it felt like I was seeing a totally different person.

(Y/N): I guess that confirms it then. That pendant did, in fact, change him. But, enough about that for now, let's head back and tell the others of your plan.

Rarity: Right.

She agreed as you both left the mall.


You and Rarity made it back to CHS and gathered the others in the music room as Rarity was discussing her idea.

Rarity: See? It's a wonderful plan. We'll write some lyrics for our new song, and we'll choreograph some dance moves. Then our video will win a cash prize, and voilà!

Applejack: You make it sound simple as pie.

Rarity: That's because it is! The girls at Crystal Prep even agree. They're making a video, too.

Sci-Twi: They are?

She asked concerningly.

Rarity: I-Is that a problem, darling?

Sci-Twi: Oh, no, it's not. Just haven't heard much about my old school since I left, I guess.

(Y/N): Hasn't Shadow been informing you on what's been going on?

Sci-Twi: I uh... I've been trying to avoid talking to him. I don't want to risk exposing what we're planning to do regarding his pendant.

(Y/N): That's probably for the better in that case.

Spike: Well, if you ask me, Crystal Prep has got nothin' on CHS! I love it here!

Fluttershy then started petting him as he really got into it.

Spike: See what I mean?

Rarity: Okay, before we get started with the choreographing of our dance moves and *mumbling*, there's just one tiny, teeny-weensey, little thing I forgot to mention.

Sunset Shimmer: What's that?

Rarity: Uhhhh... *quickly* I would need to use our fundraiser money to buy costume materials for the video!

Sunset Shimmer: Hmm. How much is the grand prize worth?

Rarity: More than double what we need to fix up Camp Everfree!

Rainbow Dash: Hah! Then of course you can use the money for costumes!

Applejack: *sighs* Oh, what the hay? Why not?

Rainbow Dash: Sweet!

Pinkie Pie: Whee-hee!

She cheered as she hugged Rarity while Sci-Twi pulled out a number cruncher and typed some numbers into it.

Sci-Twi: According to my calculations, if we lend Rarity the funds we've already raised, we stand to gain four times as much money as we have now.

You all cheered to that.

Sci-Twi: But if we lose the video contest, we'll be completely back to square one and zero dollars. Anyone else think this is an awfully risky endeavor?

(Y/N): Well, while that may be true, Twi, Rarity's an expert when it comes to creativity so I'm sure we'll have a better chance of winning.

Rarity: Alright, everyone. Who's ready to shoot our winning dance music video?

You cheered once again as Rarity was handed the fundraiser money.

Rarity: *laughs* Looks like I have some fabric shopping to do! Oh, before I forget, Y/N darling, I'll need someone of your magical expertise to help with the effects for the video.

(Y/N): Heh, well, I'm more than happy to help in that department, Rares.

Rarity: *giggles* Thank you, love.

She pecked your lips as you all headed out. Moments later, you all were in the auditorium along with Photo Finish as Rarity was sitting in a director's seat while the others were up on stage while wearing different outfits.

Rarity: Let's take it from the top one more time. Rainbow Dash, don't forget your cue. It's when Fluttershy does her triple pirouette, okay?

(Y/N): Alrighty, lights...

The light's flashed on.

(Y/N): Camera...

Photo Finish gave a thumbs up and pointed the camera at the stage and turned it on.

Rarity: And... action!

You pout a little.

(Y/N): *thinking* Okay, steal my thunder why don't you?

Sunset stepped up on stage as the instrumental music played and started dancing. Fluttershy came up and accidentally bumped into her as Sunset stumbled a bit. Fluttershy then tried to do the triple pirouette but did it clumsily. Rainbow slid onto the stage and danced as well. Due to it going horribly wrong, Rarity had to step in.

Rarity: Cut!

(Y/N): Gyah!

You yelped in pain which got her attention.

Rarity: What's wrong, dear?

(Y/N): I cut myself.

You started wheezing in laughter as the others chuckled a bit. Rarity, meanwhile, held a serious glare while glancing your way.

Rarity: Y/N love, no offense, but now's not the time for jokes!

(Y/N): Sorry, Rares. I'm just trying to lighten the mood.

Pinkie Pie: That's exactly what I'd do, Y/N!

Rarity grimaced once more before sighing to calm herself and putting on a forced smile.

Rarity: Fluttershy, it's supposed to be a triple pirouette.

She said as she walked up to the timid girl.

Fluttershy: I know. It's just that... um... uh, I-I don't think I can do one of those.

Rarity: Darling, of course you can, darling. I believe in you.

(Y/N): Oh, why not try jazz hands? That's a classic.

Spike: I'm behind that idea.

Sunset Shimmer: Heh, thanks, boys. But all these moves are pretty hard.

Rarity: Oh, I know. But if we want to win, we have to bring our A-game!

(Y/N): And we will, Rarity. We just need to stay focused and do our best.

Sci-Twi: I agree. Besides, Crystal Prep will certainly bring their A-game. They're excellent dancers, and you know how they love to compete.

She finished with an eye roll.

Applejack: How about we forget about the other teams and get back to dancin'?

Pinkie Pie: Great idea, Applejack!

She called out as she was shuffling in place.

Pinkie Pie: *imitating synth drums* It's really fun! *imitating synth drums* I haven't stopped this whole time! *pants*

(Y/N): Heh, you do you, Pinks.

Rarity: Let's take it from Rainbow's entrance.

She walked back to her seat and sat down as Photo Finish turned the camera back on.

Rarity: *sigh* And... action!

The girls on stage started dancing again until Sunset raised her leg up as her stiletto caught on Rainbow's jacket and ripped a hole in it. Rarity gasped as the music was cut once again.

(Y/N): *thinking* Oh no, freak out incoming!

Rarity went up and examined the rip in Rainbow's jacket.

Rarity: Oh! This is a disaster!

Sunset Shimmer: Whoops. Sorry, Rarity.

(Y/N): It'll be fine, Rarity. I can just-

You were about to say but Rarity interrupted you.

Rarity: I can fix it, but I'll have to run to the fabric store before it closes. Keep practicing while I'm gone! Ahhh!

She screamed and ran out of the gym.

(Y/N): -repair it with my magic.

Pinkie Pie: She can't hear you anymore, Y/N.

You gave her a deadpan expression before speaking.

(Y/N): Whelp, I'd better go after her before she has a nervous breakdown. Keep practicing, you guys.

You said to them before running after Rarity.


You followed Rarity to the mall as she went inside a nearby fabric shop and came back out with bags filled with new fabrics.

(Y/N): Rarity, there you are. I came to see if you were doing alright.

Rarity: Well, I will be once I fix Rainbow's coat. Thank goodness I budgeted for backup fabric.

(Y/N): You know, I could have used my magic to patch up her coat, Rares.

Rarity stared at you with widened eyes and a gaping mouth until she fell to her knees.

Rarity: I... I completely forgot... and I just spent even more money on fabric.

You shook your head and knelt down to her level.

(Y/N): Hey, it'll be fine, Rarity. The prize money will more than make up for it.

Rarity: I... I suppose that's correct. Sorry for running out in a panic, love.

(Y/N): Don't worry about it. Now, let's get going.

She nodded before standing back up and following you to the front doors until something caught yours and Rarity's eyes. You saw Sour Sweet and the other Shadowbolt girls over by the fountain dancing to music... but something was off. They were wearing clothes strikingly based on Rarity's concept ideas. Rarity gasped at realizing it as well.

Rarity: Is that a disco-inspired look? And a street ballet tutu?! I don't believe it. They stole my brilliant idea!

(Y/N): *thinking* Oh no... this is what my gut was trying to warn me about! Shadow's not gonna be happy if he finds out his friends stole Rarity's idea.

Shadow Moonlight: Who stole what now?

You turned to your right and saw Shadow standing by you looking at you as you quickly turned him around.

(Y/N): Uhhh, the uh... looks of the place... stole our hearts cause it's sooooo beautiful! Yeah, that's it, Shad! Hehehe... Hey! What's that over there? That looks like something nice to buy, right? Why not check it out?

Shadow Moonlight: Uh, if you say so, Y/N.

He walks away without noticing his friends as you sighed in relief.

(Y/N): That was a close one, huh Rarity?

You looked and saw that she was nowhere to be found.

(Y/N): Rarity?

You looked around some more but you couldn't see her anywhere.

(Y/N): *sigh* She must have ran home in a fit. I don't blame her, but she could have at least talked to me about it.

Meanwhile Shadow was walking inside the store you pointed him to before he grabbed his pendant and stared at the dark real gem.

???: Wasn't that a little weird, Shad? He seemed really phased by whatever it was he saw in here.

Shadow Moonlight: *thinking* Yeah, I'm pretty sure it was just a distraction, Edge.

???: A diversion? Why would he want to distract us?

Shadow Moonlight: *thinking* Beats me but I'm sure he has a good reason for it.

???: Well, I trust you, Shad and if you trust him, then so do I but if anything happens, let me tag in, alright?

Shadow Moonlight: *thinking* You got it, Edge.


Some time later, Rarity could be seen sewing some fabric in her room. The hum of the sewing machine was interrupted by a knock at her door as you and the rest of the Rainbooms came in.

Pinkie Pie: We're here!

Sci-Twi: We got your text. You said it was an emergency?

Applejack: Everythin' all right, sugarcube?

Rarity then went and sat down on her recliner.

Rarity: Well, since you asked... *sobbing* the answer is no!

She sobbed as you all held sorrowful expressions.

Fluttershy: Oh, no! What happened?

Rarity: *through tears* Sour Sweet... and the... Crystal... Prep girls stole our video concept! *sniff* Y/N and I saw them filming at the mall! They copied my design ideas and everything! So of course they looked absolutely fabulous. But the worst part is that they're all incredible dancers!

(Y/N): She's not lying. I saw the whole thing too. Shadow was close to seeing them before I managed to lead him away from it. If he finds out that his friends did this... he's not gonna be happy.

Pinkie Pie: *gasps* Major bummer in the summer! Tissue for your issue?

She offered a tissue to her distressed friend who accepted it before she cleaned her ruined mascara and blew her nose.

Rarity: Everyone is counting on me, on the video to win us the prize money for the camp. *sighs* Oh, how could I have been such a fool?! Of course, those Crystal Preppers stole my concept! I practically served it to them on a platter!

(Y/N): Hey, come on, Rares...

You went over and sat next to her before kissing her forehead.

(Y/N): It's not your fault in the slightest. Those girls clearly haven't learned their lesson about being more humble, nicer people.

Sci-Twi: He's got a point there, Rarity. It's gonna take more than one Friendship Games for those Crystal Prep girls to learn that winning isn't everything.

Applejack: Eh, maybe this was all for the best.

Rarity: Hmm? W-What do you mean?

Applejack: Uh, your concept and costumes are really awesome, but, uh... our dancin'...

Sunset Shimmer: Nnnnot so much.

Applejack: *giggles* We could barely get in a two-step without trippin' over each other's boots. *laughs*

Pinkie Pie: You can say that again!

Rarity: Nonsense! You all looked great! *sigh* Okay, maybe not great, but, but... but it was getting there! And the point is we don't have to let them win! That is our video concept! And I am going straight to Crystal Prep to let them know that they have messed with the wrong Wondercolts! Who's with me?!

She asked, determined as none of you responded for a few seconds.

Rarity: *clears throat* No, n-no, seriously, who is with me? I have no idea how to get to Crystal Prep.

Sci-Twi: I'll go. Maybe I can try to reason with them. We were classmates once.

(Y/N): Me too. I'd rather not have Shadow find out about their deception, so you're gonna need me there too.

Rarity: That's the spirit! Come on!

She pulled the both of you along and out of her room. After a lengthy walk, the three of you finally made it to CPA as Rarity had a scarf over her head and wore tinted glasses to hide her identity.

(Y/N): Um, no offense Rares, but is that really necessary? If someone sees us they're already gonna know we don't belong here.

???: Hey!

A voice calls out from behind the three of you as you facepalm.

(Y/N): *thinking* I just had to open my mouth.

You thought as the three of you turned around and saw Starlight Glimmer wearing a different uniform and two arm bands with equal signs. Her hair also had changed into a ponytail.

Starlight Glimmer: What are you three doing here?

(Y/N): Uhhh... not spying?

Starlight raised an eyebrow at you as you sweat dropped.

Starlight Glimmer: Not spying? What does that even mean?

(Y/N): It uh... uh...

Suddenly, she started bursting out laughing. She laughed for another few seconds before she stopped.

Starlight Glimmer: I'm just messing with you guys. I know who you are, Y/N.

(Y/N): Really? I'm guessing Shadow told you about me, right?

Shadow Moonlight: That I did, buddy.

He said as Starlight turned around at him with a smile.

Starlight Glimmer: What'd you think? Would I pass for a good hall monitor?

Shadow Moonlight: You'd make a great hall monitor, Star.

Rarity: Star?

Starlight Glimmer: Oh, where are my manners? Allow  me to introduce myself. I'm Starlight Glimmer, the student body Vice President.

Your eyes widened slightly after hearing that name.

(Y/N): *thinking* Wait, isn't that the name of Princess Twilight's new student? The one who tried to alter time itself?

Shadow Moonlight: So, what are you guys doing here?

(Y/N): Ummmm...

Sci-Twi: I just wanted to give them a tour! They really wanted me to show them CPA for the longest time, so I thought I'd show them around.

She winked at you and Rarity which made you nod in response.

Shadow Moonlight: But you don't go here anymore, Twi and besides, I'm pretty sure the only places you know here are, the library, certain classrooms, and your secret lab.

Sci-Twi: Well... it can be a tour for the three of us. A chance for them to see the whole school and a chance for me to see... the rest of it.

???: Something ain't right here, Shad. I think it's time for me to tag in.

Shadow Moonlight: *thinking* Now, just hold on a moment, Edge. Let's just play along here. *speaking* Uhhh, if you say so. Just be sure to let Principal Cadance know that you're visiting.

Sci-Twi: S-Sure! Absolutely! Come on, you guys!

She pulled you along through the front doors of CPA leaving Shadow and Starlight alone.

Starlight Glimmer: I don't think we should trust them, Shad. Something seemed a bit off.

???: What she said.

Shadow Moonlight: It's fine, Star. I know, Y/N. He wouldn't come here without a good reason even if he won't tell me about it.

Starlight Glimmer: Man, you really put a lot of faith and trust in him, don't you?

Shadow Moonlight: We are childhood friends and I trust everybody. The Shadow Five, Sunlight, and you as well as the rest of CPA.

???: I think you might have trust issues, Shad.

Shadow Moonlight: *thinking* *sigh* Not now, Edge.

Starlight Glimmer: Hmm, well, whatever floats your boat, Shad.

Shadow Moonlight: How come you and Sunlight decided to switch positions?

Starlight Glimmer: Because my old position was kinda boring. Don't get me wrong Shadow, being your assistant was fantastic, but this job is a lot more thrilling to me. I mean no offense to you in the least bit.

Shadow Moonlight: No, no, I understand, Star. It's not really that interesting sitting behind a desk filling out paperwork. Trust me, I don't really enjoy some of it but someone's gotta do it.

Starlight Glimmer: Well, as long as she doesn't abuse her position of power.

Shadow Moonlight: Star, I've been taking care of her ever since Principal Cinch expelled her. There's no need to worry about her becoming all arrogant and entitled again.

Starlight Glimmer: If you really think that's the case, then I'll believe you, Shad. But if anything happens, I will go back there to help you. Anywho, I gotta go. See you later.

She said walking off down another corridor as Shadow turned his attention back to his pendant.

Shadow Moonlight: *thinking* Hey, Edge. A quick query for you. Suppose if Star decided to confess, would you have her be a part of your harem?

???: Eh, I don't know. I've already got my hands full with Moondancer and the Shadow Five. Well, aside from Sunny at least...that's disappointing.

Shadow Moonlight: *thinking* I know, I know. But, she might change her mind once we free you.

???: You really think so?

Shadow Moonlight: *thinking* I know so. She definitely wouldn't want to be in a relationship with me. It's you that they like, Edge, even though you're in my body, I think they actually like you.

???: Wow...I've never...had a girl in my life before...let alone that many. Are you absolutely sure you don't want to be with them?

Shadow Moonlight: *thinking* I'd love to be with them, Edge. I really would. I personally always had a crush on Moondancer but seeing you and them together... I can't help but envy you. But, as I've said before, if it makes them happy, then I'm all for it.

???: I... I really don't know what to say to that...  Can't you at least... think about it a little more before coming to a final decision?

Shadow Moonlight: *thinking* *sigh* don't need to worry about me. I just want everyone to be happy.

???: What about yourself? I'm sure you'd be upset beyond measure if you gave up your girls.

Shadow Moonlight: *thinking* Well, they didn't confess to me, did they? No, they confessed to you and I'm not going to take that because that's just being selfish.

???: *sigh* I still don't know. Just... give it a little more thought... please?

Shadow Moonlight: *thinking* Well...if it'll ease your mind, Edge. I'll do it. We'll sort this out once we manage to get you a body.

???: Thank you. So, what do you wanna do now?

Shadow Moonlight: *thinking* I don't know. I kinda wanna see why Y/N's here.

???: You suggesting we eavesdrop?

Shadow Moonlight: *thinking* Just a little, only out of curiosity. I don't want to get involved with their business.

???: Hmm, might be interesting. Let's do it.

Shadow nodded before walking into the school. Time rewinds to a few moments earlier as we see you, Sci-Twi, and Rarity walking through the school trying to find Sour Sweet and the other Shadowbolts.

Rarity: Okay, where's the dance studio?

Sci-Twi: There's a dance studio?

Rarity: Didn't you go to this school?

(Y/N): Um, Rarity? Bookworm... remember?

Rarity: Oh, right.

Just then, you all heard the same music the Shadowbolts were playing at the mall.

Rarity: Wait, shhh. That's their music.

You all followed the music as it led you to the music room where you found Sour Sweet and the others dancing.

Rarity: Bingo!

You walked inside as they took notice of you coming in.

Sour Sweet: *sweetly* Hey guys, so what do you think of our routine? *sourly* Scared yet?

Rarity: Don't change the subject, Sour Sweet!

Sugarcoat: But you didn't bring up a subject.

Rarity: You, either!

Sour Sweet: Ooookay...

Rarity: You know why we're here! You stole my— our music video idea! Now... change your concept, or else!

Sour Sweet: Sorry, heh, but we can't.

She teased as the four dancers laughed at Rarity.

Sci-Twi: And why is that?

Sunny Flare: Because we care about winning. Duh!

Sour Sweet: And we will, because we're just about to submit our video.

She said as the four girls laugh once more.

Rarity: You're what? *stammers* It doesn't matter! Because we are still doing our video the way we planned!

Sour Sweet: Go ahead. But there's just one flaw in your little plan.

Sunny Flare: By the time you submit yours, it'll just look like you copied us.

Sugarcoat: Except the worse version.

Rarity groaned before she was about to walk out until she noticed you still standing in place with a stern look.

Rarity: Y/N?

(Y/N): Go on without me, you two. I've got some choice words for these girls.

Sci-Twi: Are you sure?

(Y/N): Yeah, go ahead.

They both looked at you hesitantly before slowly walking out leaving you and the Shadowbolts to yourselves.

(Y/N): Wow... just... just wow. You girls are SEVERELY lucky that Shadow isn't seeing you right now. Because I guarantee that he'd be angry beyond belief at you four for pulling something like this. I mean, did all of you learn NOTHING from the past few months about being more humble people?

Sunny Flare: You wouldn't understand, Y/N...

(Y/N): Oh, I understand alright. I understand that it seems like you girls are just the same as you were during the Friendship Games. I mean, how could any of you think that this was a good idea? Stealing from Rarity just so you could continue your selfish win streak against us. How would all of CPA react to that? How do you think Shadow would feel because let me tell you, word is bound to get out eventually about this and since he's the student governor, I'd imagine it wouldn't be that difficult for him to find out.

Sour Sweet: Oh please! He's never gonna find out and even if he does, who's he gonna believe more, hm? The girls who stood by his side and defended him for years on end or the supposed childhood friend who ditched him without so much as a goodbye?

???: My childhood friend, without a doubt!

A voice rang from behind you as your eyes widened upon the angry form of Shadow who was glaring daggers at them.

Shadow Moonlight: So...this is what you all were planning to do? Steal the idea of our competitors just to cheat your way to the top?

The Shadowbolts immediately got nervous upon seeing him.

Sunny Flare: S-Shadow! N-No! It's not what it loo-

Shadow Moonlight: Don't give me that, Sunny! I heard it all! could you all do this?! After everything we've been through, everything CPA has been through!

Lemon Zest: We did it for you, Shad! Would you have preferred to spend your spring in the boring auditorium?!

Shadow Moonlight: At least the auditorium would've been honest! Do you even know what Y/N and his girlfriends were gonna do with the money? They were gonna use it for repairs to Camp Everfree! That was my goto place when I didn't have anyone to take care of me! They let me live there for free because they were such noble people but what about you, Sunny?! Did you really save me because it was the right thing to do or is it because you were expecting me to owe you?!

Sunny Flare: N-No! I-I did it because it was the right thing to do!

Shadow Moonlight: And you honestly expect me to believe that now after what you've all done here?! I should have never given you that second chance! Y/N was right about you girls and he always has been! You just care about yourselves! So, you know what, go ahead with your little idea, because I'm done with you! I'd tell Principal Cadance about this but I'd rather not let CPA down!

He turned away from them with tears in his eyes.

Shadow Moonlight: After today, I'm transferring to CHS. I don't want to deal with this anymore.

He slowly walked out with his head hung low as you watched him leave. You looked back at his former friends as they were staring at the ground with guilty looks. Even the stone faced Sugarcoat had a sorrowful expression.

(Y/N): Well, I hope you're happy with yourselves.

Sour Sweet: GET OUT Y/N!!!

Her sudden loud voice startled you as you slowly left the music room. You saw Shadow walking ahead of you as you jogged up to him.

Shadow Moonlight: *thinking* Was that too harsh, Shad?

???: To be honest...I don't know, Edge. But I know that they were doing it for the sake of CPA. It couldn't have been just about winning.

Shadow Moonlight?: *thinking* How... how are you not angry at them, Shad? They betrayed us again. How can you still see good in them?

???: It was for a good reason, Edge. They were trying to help raise the money for the yacht. How they did it was definitely unprofessional but I know they had good intentions. Look, them "caring about winning" was all just an act. I know because that laughter was the fakest I've ever heard from any of them.

Shadow Moonlight?: *thinking* Hold on... are you suggesting we forgive them?

???: Of course we should. They weren't just doing it for CPA. They were doing it for you, Edge. They wanted to be able to enjoy spending time with you on that yacht.

Shadow Moonlight?: *thinking* And they did it by stealing Rarity's idea. *sarcasm* Yeah, real honest right there.

???: *sigh* Look, Edge, I understand why you're mad at them but trust me, they weren't doing it for themselves. Do you think all that time you spent with them was because they wanted something from you?

Shadow Moonlight?: *thinking* *silence*

???: I rest my case.

(Y/N): Shad! Hey, wait up!

He heard you coming as he turned to you as you stopped in front of him.

???: Shoot! It's Y/N! Quick, tag me in! I'll handle this.

Shadow Moonlight?: *thinking* *groan* Fine.

His pendant flashed as he now had a more timid look about him.

(Y/N): I'm... I'm sorry about that, dude. It must have been hard to know of that.

Shadow Moonlight: It's quite alright, Y/N. I'm glad you told me. What they did was unprofessional but...I know somewhere they were doing it for the right reason.

(Y/N): Seriously? They betrayed you a second time, dude. How can you just glance over this and act like it never happened?

Shadow Moonlight: Come on, man. You know I've always seen the good in everybody. Aren't we childhood friends?

(Y/N): Of course we are.

Shadow Moonlight: Look, I'm not saying what they did was right. But, they weren't doing it because they wanted to win. They didn't want to disappoint anybody. It's been so long since CPA hosted an event aside from the Friendship Games and they wanted to make it special by paying for the yacht. Do you know how awful it feels to let someone down, Y/N?

You stared at him for a brief moment before speaking up.

(Y/N): ...As a matter of fact... I do.

Shadow Moonlight: Then, I'm sure you can relate to how they felt. We were on thin ice and we needed a way to come up with the money. It's more than double of what we need for the yacht. I'm sure I can give you and the Rainbooms the rest of the money to help make the repairs or, maybe I could have my clones do it.

You shook your head and waved your hand dismissively.

(Y/N): As nice as that sounds, Shad, you don't need to do that.

Shadow Moonlight: Of course I do, Y/N. Camp Everfree means so much to me as it does to you and your girls. I couldn't bear to see any of you miserable like that.

(Y/N): I... I guess if you really wanted to help... you could help us come up with a new concept. But only that. Deal?

Shadow Moonlight: But...I can help, Y/N. I can do so much more than that. Why limit me to only come up with a new concept? I want to help you and your harem as much as I possibly can.

(Y/N): *silence*

He walked up to you and placed his hands on your shoulders prompting you to look up.

Shadow Moonlight: Y/N, you know me. We're best buds and we don't leave each other hanging. I don't care how much I'd have to work, I just want everyone, especially my best friend to be as happy as can be.

You stayed silent for several moments just staring at him. That is until you finally found your voice.

(Y/N): *sigh* I guess... since you're offering without hesitation... you can help us.

Shadow then gave you a bro hug.

Shadow Moonlight: Thank you, bud. You won't regret this.

(Y/N): Shad... did you mean it when you said you were transferring to CHS?

Shadow Moonlight: Well...I was just saying that out of anger. Though, if they really go through with the idea, I might do it.

(Y/N): Well, I almost kinda wish they did, because it'd be nice to have you at CHS, man. But, if you still believe in the Shadowbolts, then stay here.

Shadow Moonlight: *jokingly* You act as if I'm a stranger there, Y/N. I know plenty of the students at CHS. I'm quite friendly with everyone there.

(Y/N): *jokingly* You know what I mean, dude.

Shadow Moonlight: Heh, so, why don't we head to Canterlot High and come up with a new concept.

(Y/N): Wait, I thought you were gonna help us financially?

Shadow Moonlight: Yes, but if we can come up with another concept, I won't need to. Besides, if you all win that money yourselves, you'll feel like you've really earned it and that you achieved your goal of saving Camp Everfree.

(Y/N): Yeah, that's true. Let's go. I'm pretty sure I'm public enemy number one here now.

Shadow Moonlight: Maybe to those four but I think the rest of CPA respects you. But yeah, let's go.

You and him walked out through the front doors of CPA and towards CHS as Shadow stared down at his pendant.

Shadow Moonlight: *thinking* So, did I handle that well, Edge?

???: Yes, you did, Shad. Can we switch back now?

Shadow Moonlight: *thinking* I'm sorry, Edge but you've been through quite a bit right now. I'm going to take over until you've returned to a mentally stable state.

???: *sigh* You've got a point. Alright, but if anything nasty happens, I'm tapping in.

Shadow Moonlight: *thinking* Sounds good to me, Edge.

Once you made it to CHS, you entered through the front doors and headed to the music room where you found your girls conversing.

Rarity: Oh, this is all my fault! All the money we raised is gone, and now we have no music video! I should never have convinced you all that we could pull this off in so little time!

Rainbow Dash: Are you crazy? We're great at doing stuff super-fast. I mean, look at Pinkie Pie. She just built that castle made entirely out of chocolate bars while we were talking.

She said as she pointed at the party girl who had constructed a giant castle made of chocolate.

Pinkie Pie: Want some?

Shadow Moonlight: Don't mind if I do, Pinkie.

They heard him say as they turned to see you and him standing in the doorway.

The Rainbooms: Y/N! Shadow!

Rainbow Dash: Where have you two been?

(Y/N): Having a little chat with our competitors.

Rarity: *gasp* Were you able to convince them to not submit their video?!

She asked in a hopeful voice. You shook your head in disappointment.

(Y/N): I'm sorry, Rares, but I think I only ended up making things worse.

Shadow Moonlight: It's quite disappointing that they've become so petty. I had thought for sure they changed.

Rarity's hope died down after hearing that.

Rarity: O-Oh... that's not good.

Shadow Moonlight: Well, that's why I decided to drop by. Because of what they've done, I thought it was only fair that I help all of you develop a new concept to use for the competition.

???: Not just you, Shad.

A familiar voice called from behind him as he and you turned around to find Sunlight in the doorway.

The Rainbooms: SUNSET?!

Sunset Shimmer: Girls, human me, remember?

The Rainbooms: OOOhhhhh.

Shadow Moonlight: What are you doing here, Sunlight?

Sunlight Shimmer: To help you guys, of course. I saw what happened in the dance studio and I was kind of upset at them too but instead of making it worse, I decided to follow you guys and help in any way I can such as coming up with a new concept.

Rainbow Dash: In that case, let's create one!

Rarity: Really?

You all agreed in unison.

Sunset Shimmer: I'm sure if we all put our heads together, we'll come up with something even better than before.

Rarity: Okay. I suppose it's worth a try.

Pinkie responded to this by grabbing each and every one of you and, quite literally, put your heads together in a circle.

Pinkie Pie: I think it's working!

(Y/N): Uh, Pinkie, I don't think she meant literally put our heads together.

Shadow Moonlight: Let her have her fun, Y/N. I think the important thing is that she's enjoying herself.

Applejack: Yeah! I-I got somethin'! Okay, so we're in home-ec class... bakin' some apple fritters! And then, a fresh batch comes outta the oven. And everybody's havin' a great time!

Rarity: Wait. So basically, we are eating pastries at school in our music video?

Applejack: *laughs* Uh, I guess I'm just kinda hungry.

You then zoomed off towards the vending machine and came back with an apple protein bar.

(Y/N): Here, Jackie.

Applejack: Thanks, hon.

She said before pecking your cheek and biting into her treat.

Rarity: Anyone have another idea?

Rainbow Dash: Oh, oh! I do! So... we're in the middle of the jungle. And we're being chased by henchmen who are shooting poison arrows at us! When suddenly, out of nowhere, the shadow of a giant beast appears!

Sci-Twi: Wait a second! Isn't this a scene from the latest Daring Do book?

Rainbow Dash: *laughs* Oh, yeah. That's why it seemed so cool. Never mind.

Pinkie Pie: Okay! I've got it!

Rarity: Please, do tell.

Pinkie Pie: We'll start out on... the moon! And we'll be wearing really sparkly costumes. No, wait! We'll be in spacesuits! We're surrounded by gorgonzola cheese! But then, a space doggie walks over and starts to eat the cheese!

Spike: Mmm! Rich with buttery undertones.

Rarity: Stop! This will never work!

She shouted before making an angry face as you chuckled slightly.

Shadow Moonlight: *whispers* What's so funny?

(Y/N): *whispers* She just looks rather cute and funny when she's angry sometimes.

Shadow Moonlight: *whispers*Um... okay. Whatever makes you happy, dude.

Pinkie Pie: Aw, why not?

Rarity: *grumbles* Because the contest is for dance music videos, and not one of your ideas included dancing at all!

Pinkie Pie: But they were pretty funny, huh? *giggles* I liked yours, Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash: Thanks, Pinkie!

Rarity growled once more in response.

Shadow Moonlight: Rarity?

Fluttershy: Are you okay?

Rarity: Okay? No, I am not okay! The contest deadline is tomorrow, and we have just been wasting time!

She stormed out again leaving you all with guilty looks except for Shadow.

Shadow Moonlight: Hey, don't feel guilty, everyone. You were only expressing your ideas. I think Rarity's just frustrated from Sunny Flare and the others stealing her concept. She was probably really hoping to use that.

(Y/N): Dumb question, but should I... go after her this time?

Shadow Moonlight: No, I think we should just give her some space. She's a little too tense right now.

(Y/N): *sigh* That's probably the right thing to do. It's just... you know how I am. When one of my girls is in distress, it's my job to make them feel better... but lately I haven't really done that with Rarity.

Shadow Moonlight: Don't be too hard on yourself, Y/N. There are certain times where you can't help a situation. Believe me, I'd love to help her as much as you want to but there's nothing we can really do right now.

(Y/N): I know, I know. It still hurts though.

Shadow Moonlight: I get it, Y/N and I'd really want to help you relieve that pain. Like how much you care for Rarity, I care for you as my buddy. Your well-being is just as important.

You nodded while smiling a little.

(Y/N): Thanks, dude.

Shadow Moonlight: Of course. A true, true, friend helps a friend in need.

You nodded once more.

(Y/N): You're right. So... what do we do now? Wait for Rarity until she's ready to talk again?

Shadow Moonlight: That's probably our best bet. In the meantime, you gonna finish that Pinkie?

He asked, pointing to Pinkie's chocolate castle.

Pinkie Pie: Help yourself, Shaddy!

Shadow Moonlight: Sweet!

He exclaimed as he ran over to the chocolate castle and started chowing down. You were somewhat perplexed by this.

(Y/N): *thinking* Did... did Shadow get overly enthusiastic about something? That's a stark contrast to his usual downcast attitude. Maybe... maybe he's finally coming around to changing himself. Come to think of it, he's been rather happy and sympathetic ever since he stormed out of the dance studio. Could I be wrong about his pendant after all? I... I don't know.


We see Rarity by herself at a diner crying and drowning her sorrows in ice cream. She continued to sulk in sadness until she heard a set of familiar voices behind her from a few rows away.

Sunny Flare: It's no use, Sour Sweet. Why are we even still trying?

Sour Sweet: Because the deadline hasn't passed. We can still come up with an original song to replace the Sapphire Shores one we've been practicing our choreography with.

Sugarcoat: That's highly unlikely.

Lemon Zest: Why did we tell Rarity that we already submitted our video?

Sour Sweet: So that we can still use her concept. Rarity is creative. She'll come up with something else. But if we don't, we have nothing. And imagine what our classmates would say.

Lemon Zest: They'll say it's our fault the spring dance had to be held in the boring old auditorium instead of on a yacht like we promised.

Sour Sweet: Exactly. Besides...

She looked down with a glint of sadness in her eyes.

Sour Sweet: Despite what he's feeling towards us, we need to do this for Shadow.

Sunny Flare: Why are we even bothering? He hates us now and he's planning on transferring.

Rarity heard the whole thing as she gasped to herself.

Rarity: Oh. They just don't want to disappoint their classmates or Shadow.

Sugarcoat: It's not about trying to make him forgive us anymore, Sunny, it's about principle now.

Sour Sweet: Sugarcoat's right. We need to do the right thing even if Shadow doesn't end up forgiving us.

Lemon Zest: Like that's ever gonna happen now. We swore that we wouldn't backstab him again and now we broke that promise. He probably hates us even more than ever.

Sunny Flare: Face it, Sour. Shadow despises us and we're doomed.

Rarity: *clears throat* Excuse me, girls.

Sour Sweet: R-Rarity! Uh, how long have you been over there?

Rarity: Long enough to hear that you have no original song.

Sugarcoat: Like I said. Doomed.

She said before sipping from her drink.

Sunny Flare: Um, that was me.

Sugarcoat: Tomato, tomahto.

Rarity: *chuckles* *clears throat* Maybe you're not.

She sat down with them.

Rarity: Look, I know our teams haven't been getting along too well lately. But I think I have a solution where everybody wins. And maaaaybe... it could get Shadow to forgive you girls again.

They perked up at her proposal before smiling at her.

Sour Sweet: We're listening.


A few hours later, Rarity had come back to you guys and told you to come with her to the gymnasium for a supposed new idea she came up with.

Applejack: So what's the big plan you were excited about?

Rarity didn't say anything as she continued to lead you until you made it to the gym to discover that a whole crystal themed stage had been put in complete with lights, large speakers, balloons, giant crystals, gems, and other decorations. You all had to take a moment to bask in its beauty as you gasped with widened eyes and gaping mouths.

(Y/N): It's... It's like I died and went to crystal heaven!

Shadow Moonlight: You and me both, dude.

Sunset Shimmer: Aren't the Crystal Prep girls using this video idea now?

Rarity: They are, yes. But so are we! Girls, you can come out now!

She called out as the Shadowbolts stepped out from behind the stage as Shadow's pendant flashed before he glared at them.

Shadow Moonlight: What are those traitors doing here, Rarity?

Rarity: Hold on a moment Shadow, just let me speak. The same goes for all of you as well. I know it's hard to believe, but the Crystal Preppers here helped me to realize that competing against one another was getting us nowhere.

Lemon Zest: And Rarity helped show us that winning was the only thing driving us. We didn't even care if we had to steal to accomplish it.

Sour Sweet: But that's not who we are. Anymore.

Rarity: The Crystal Prep Academy girls have offered to help with dance moves if we'll help them with an original song.

Shadow Moonlight: And you're certain that they won't try to swipe the money for themselves at the last sec-

He paused before the pendant flashed again as Shadow grew a more timid look.

Shadow Moonlight: *thinking* Edge, calm down. I told you to rest in the pendant.

???: They still need to be chewed out for what they've done, Shad!

Shadow Moonlight: *thinking* Come on, they're trying to make amends here. Give them one more chance.

???: *sigh* Fine. But only for your sake.

Shadow Moonlight: *thinking* That's good enough for me. *speaking* Well, I suppose I could give you girls another chance. Just try not to create a situation that negatively impacts others.

The Shadowbolt girls all collectively smiled as tears of joy leaked from their eyes, yes, even Sugarcoat's. Suddenly, Sour ran up and pulled Shadow into a long, deep kiss much to yours and everyone else's surprise. She soon separated and stared into his eyes.

Sour Sweet: At this point, I don't even care anymore if they find out, I'm just so happy right now!

Shadow Moonlight: *thinking* Uhhh, Edge?

???: *sigh* Just play along, dude.

Shadow Moonlight: *thinking* B-But...

???: Alright, alright. Let me tag in.

The pendant glowed a dark purple once again as Shadow's expression became more happy as he happily embraced Sour Sweet while you had the widest eyes possible.

(Y/N): Did she... just... kiss you, Shad?

Shadow Moonlight: *sigh* Well, it seems like the jig is up now.

He turns to you.

Shadow Moonlight: Y/N, the Shadowbolt girls and I... are together... which makes it a harem. There, I said it. Are you happy now, Sugarcoat?

Sugarcoat: Very much so.

You stared at him with a completely baffled face as you tried to comprehend everything all at once. Slowly, a smile stretched across your lips as you inhaled deeply but Shadow cut you off.

Shadow Moonlight: Don't. You. Dare...

(Y/N): *muffled* Aww, come on, Shadow!

Shadow Moonlight: No.

You pouted sadly as Shadow took that as a sign to take his hand away.

(Y/N): *sigh* Alright, fine. I won't make a huge deal of it... but I'll still do this though!

You grabbed him and started noogying his head.

Shadow Moonlight: *sigh* Still haven't changed in the slightest.

(Y/N): And I never intend to.

You said as you let him go.

Shadow Moonlight: Clearly. Anyways, why don't we get to making the video now?

Rarity: *gasp* I thought you'd never ask, Shadow darling! So everyone, are we prepared to work together?

You all cheered in agreement.

Pinkie Pie: Best! Music! Video! Idea ever!

Fluttershy: We can start by teaching you the words to our song.

Sunny Flare: But this is just about the Rainbooms. There's nothing about us in the lyrics.

Fluttershy: Yet. Wanna help me make some changes?

Rarity: Anybody else care to work on some music?

Sour Sweet: We'll get to it after I teach you some dance moves.

Rarity: Music first.

Sour Sweet: Dance first.

Rarity: Music first!

Sour Sweet: Dance first!

Rarity: Music first!

Sour Sweet: Dance first!

Sugarcoat: The order is irrelevant.

She raised an eyebrow at the both of them as Shadow smirked and gave her a peck on the cheek.

Shadow Moonlight: I love you so much right now.

Sugarcoat: And you as well.

Rarity: Aww, adorable! Anywho, let's get to it!

After a moment of getting ready, you sat in the director's seat as Spike stood by your feet and watched.

(Y/N): Lights!

The lights flash on.

(Y/N): Camera!

The camera is aimed at the stage and turned on. You took in a deep breath... but you were interrupted once again.

Rarity & Sour Sweet: Action!

(Y/N): OH, COME ON!!

(Play Song: Dance Magic)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Sunset Shimmer (Singing):

I feel it stirrin' deep down inside my soul

The rhythm's taking hold, and it's about to roll

Sci-Twi (Singing):

A million sparkles falling across the floor

So, DJ, give it more, it's what we're looking for

The Crystal Rainbooms (Singing):

Dance the night away

All our friends right by our side

It doesn't matter what style you bring

We're about to go on that ride (Hey!)

It's dance magic, once you have it

Let your body move, step into the music

It's dance magic, and it's electric

Let your body move to the music

Pinkie Pie (Singing):

Doesn't matter what style you got

Just keep dancin' on that spot

Your friends like you for who you are

Dance queen, on the scene, superstar!

Crystal Prep, you got the moves

Rainboom bringin' all the grooves

Put it together and make it fit

Crystal Rainbooms, dance magic

The Crystal Rainbooms (Singing):

Dance the night away

All our friends right by our side

It doesn't matter what style you bring

We're about to go on that ride (Hey!)

It's dance magic, once you have it

Let your body move, step into the music

It's dance magic, and it's electric

Let your body move to the music

Crystal Rainbooms got a style that's all our own

Dancin' nonstop, body movin' in the zone

Bring whatever style you got

'Cause the party is goin' off

It's dance magic, and it's electric

Let your body move to the music

(End Song)

After it was all said and done, you all posted the video to the judges of the competition... and you won the cash prize! You were currently at the mall while watching your video being played on one of the monitors.                                                                                                                     
Applejack: Yee-hoo! We've got enough to make Camp Everfree look just like new!

Lemon Zest: We're having the spring dance on a yacht!

Pinkie Pie: Who's up for a celebratory Aunt Orange smoothie?

Rarity: *gasps* Ohhh-ho-ho-ho-ho! I have just had the most brilliant idea! Maybe Crystal Prep could use an award-winning band to play at their spring dance? It'll be the perfect way to show off your new dance moves!                                                                                                      
Sour Sweet: That would be amazing! Of course, then we'd have a new dilemma to deal with.      

Rarity: Oh, no. What?

Sour Sweet: Figuring out what we're all gonna wear?

Rarity: Oh, I already have some ideas that I'd be willing to share.

Sour Sweet: Me, too.

They joked as you all walked off towards Aunt Orange's... well, everyone except you and Shadow as you both lagged behind them and came to a complete stop. You stared for a bit with a bit of a frown before turning around and walking off while Shadow went down another hallway. As the group continued to walk, Rarity looked back and noticed you were missing.

Rarity: Huh? Where did Y/N and Shadow go?

She asked as they all looked back and noticed your absence as well.

Sunny Flare: Huh, I don't know. Did anyone else see where they went?

They all shook their heads for a moment but they quickly forgot about it when the girls heard a familiar voice call out to them.

Indigo Zap: Guys! You were awesome!

Sunny Flare: Indigo? We thought you were on a cruise with your family.

Indigo Zap: *sigh* Well, I was but some family emergency came up and I had to come back. Not gonna lie, I was pretty bummed out but hey, at least the Spring Dance will make up for the time I lost.

Sour Sweet: *sweetly* That's so good for you, Indigo! *sourly* Because you didn't have to lift a finger for it!

Indigo Zap: Hehehe, y-yeah. Sorry about that.

She then noticed two certain individuals missing.

Indigo Zap: Hey, shouldn't Y/N and Shad be here too?

Applejack: They were... for a moment at least, but they just up and left for some reason.

Pinkie Pie: Yeah! They're gonna miss out on some really tasty smoothies!

They all gave her a deadpan expression.

Rainbow Dash: That's besides the point, Pinkie.

Meanwhile, you were walking by yourself as Shadow caught up to you.

Shadow Moonlight: *jokingly* So, now you're ditching everyone, Y/N?

You rolled your eyes and elbowed his shoulder.

(Y/N): Come on, Shad. I'm just about done with abandoning those I call friends. I'm just... taking a little walk is all.

Shadow Moonlight: *sigh* You're still worried about V/N, aren't you?

(Y/N): Well... maybe a little... but I'm mostly upset that I didn't really have much to offer with making this video.

Then Shadow's pendant flashed which you saw from the corner of your eye but kept quiet.

Shadow Moonlight: Of course you did, Y/N. You and I helped with the editing and filming parts. That's just as important as them getting their dances perfect.

(Y/N): I guess, but I didn't help Rarity when we were coming up with ideas earlier and not consoling her when she freaked out that final time. I can't help feeling that she... might be a bit peeved at me for that.

Shadow Moonlight: Come on, dude. You and I both know that's not true. She loves you with every fiber of her being. Plus, me or Sunlight didn't have anything either so you're not the only one who was drawing a blank.

(Y/N): You're... you're right. I guess a part of me is upset at the fact that I couldn't help someone even though I have a reputation of doing so. It just felt like I contributed nothing.

Shadow Moonlight: Y/N, do you remember that day you stood up against Patriot and Dink for me?

(Y/N): How could I forget. That was the same day we met, too.

Shadow Moonlight: Well, I've always been timid and shy and I've had to rely on your protection. I wanted to help you but...I don't want to hurt people. I felt pretty worthless and was just someone who was weighing you down. Look, what I'm trying to say is, there are gonna be times where you can't help someone, but that's okay. It just means you've done all you could do. That doesn't make you worthless. At least you made an effort and that's usually what's important.

You nodded before smiling and ruffling his hair.

(Y/N): Thanks Shad. It seems you're my go to person for therapy lessons.

Shadow Moonlight: I guess that's where Indigo got it from.

(Y/N): Shadow... if I may ask, how long has your harem been going on?

You asked with a smirk and a raised eyebrow as he blushed for a minute before sighing.

Shadow Moonlight: It ain't really my harem, Y/N but it started that night after you revealed to me about Lemon.

(Y/N): For that long? So... that would mean this has been going on for over a month now?

Shadow Moonlight: Yup. He-I mean I am really enjoying their company.

(Y/N): If you're dating them, then how is it not a harem?

Just then, you saw his pendant glow again as he reverted back to an angsty expression.

Shadow Moonlight: It's a love nonagon!

(Y/N): Isn't it originally a love triangle?

Shadow Moonlight: Well, it would be if I only had two girls but I have more than two so I have to go with that.

(Y/N): *sigh* Fine, fine. You do you, man. You wanna go back to the others? I heard Aunt Orange's smoothies are the bomb.

Shadow Moonlight: You go on ahead, I'll meet you over there in a bit. I just want some time alone with my thoughts.

You patted his shoulder before leaving him alone.

Shadow Moonlight?: *thinking* It doesn't look like he's caught on to us yet, Shad.

???: *sigh* I hate keeping this from him. I don't know how much longer I can withstand this. I want to keep my promise to Adagio but this is just getting too much.

Shadow Moonlight?: *thinking* I know. We'll tell him eventually, just not right now. Also, can we go over the fact that I had to take a kiss for you?

???: Oh, come on, it wasn't that bad. Besides, they're your girls, Edge. Not mine. I'm not about to steal them from you.

Shadow Moonlight?: *thinking* You're really not gonna accept that they're your girlfriends too?

???: Remind me who they confessed to?

Shadow Moonlight?: *thinking* I might be the one at the reigns, but it's your body, so it's technically still all you.

???: Well, even if it is me...I still can't do it.

Shadow Moonlight?: *thinking* *sigh* You really need a confidence boost, pal.

???: But that's where you come in, Edge. You can kiss a girl just fine but I...I'm too scared to mess something up so we had to switch.

Shadow Moonlight?: *thinking* Alright, that's it. You're getting confidence lessons from me from now on. And no saying no to them!

???: B-But, Edge-

Shadow Moonlight?: *thinking* No buts! The decision is final.

???: *sigh* Okay...

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