Chapter 39: The Spring Dance

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In the halls of Crystal Prep, we see Shadow conversing with his harem, Sunlight Shimmer and the human Starlight Glimmer until he hears a voice call out to him as they all turn to find Juniper Montage in a CPA uniform.

Shadow Moonlight: *thinking* And there goes my Thursday morning.

Juniper Montage: I can't thank you all enough for allowing me to enroll here.

Lemon Zest: It's no problem, dude. It was the least we could do since you managed to clean up the mall.

Sour Sweet: *sweetly* We'll all get along just fine. *sourly* Just don't drive our boyfriend nuts ever again!

Juniper Montage: You have my word, Sour.

Shadow sighed and rolled his eyes as Indigo caught onto it.

Indigo Zap: *whisper* Come on, Shad. She's trying to change herself, cut her some slack.

Shadow Moonlight: *whisper* It's not that easy, Indie. Unlike Y/N and the rest of you, I don't forgive people right off the bat, they have to earn it.

Indigo Zap: *whisper* You did once, Shad. You never held anything against Patriot when he picked on you, why can't you do the same for her?

Shadow Moonlight: *whisper* Because I'd rather be stuck with a bully that landed me in a hospital than to go insane from a narcissist who has an ego the size of a solar system.

Indigo Zap: *whisper* Can you at the very least give her credit for trying to change?

Shadow Moonlight: *whisper* *sigh* Fine. But only because you want me to, Indie.

She smiled and pecked his cheek.

Indigo Zap: *whisper* Thanks, Shad.

Shadow Moonlight: *whisper* Yeah, don't mention it.

Sunny Flare: So, are we just about ready for our yacht trip tomorrow? Packed all the essentials?

Shadow Moonlight: Not yet, sis. I still have to get the shark poison.

Sunny Flare: *sigh* How many times do I have to say that Jaws was just a movie and that sharks aren't that malicious?

Shadow Moonlight: You never know. There could be a shark that just goes completely insane and starts attacking people at any moment. It's always important to come prepared for these situations.

Lemon Zest: Well, whatever helps you sleep at night, dude. So, you told us that Y/N's coming with us?

Shadow Moonlight: Yeah, him, his girls, and the owners of Camp Everfree.

Indigo Zap: Sweet! We're gonna have so much fun together! I can already tell!

Shadow Moonlight: *sigh* Yeah, I'm sure. *thinking* Why do I get the feeling that Indigo summoned our deaths?

Sunlight Shimmer: Something wrong, Shad?

Shadow Moonlight: I don't know. I'm just thinking that something bad might happen. You know how Y/N and his girls took their trip to Camp Everfree and had to deal with some magic situation? I'm afraid of that happening on our trip. Don't get me wrong, I wanted them to come with us but I don't want our trip to be ruined because someone gets ahold of magic and becomes another demented magical creature.

Sunlight Shimmer: Well, if that does happen, then I'm sure you and Y/N will take care of it. Then, we could just resume our trip.

Shadow Moonlight: I suppose, but still, I can't help but worry. *thinking* I guess I'm not that different from Y/N.

Sunlight Shimmer: Trust me, Shad. The only time you should ever worry about anything is when something bad is most definitely going to happen. Meanwhile, you're mostly basing your anxiety off of expectation.

Shadow Moonlight: I know, I know. *sigh* I'm starting to sound like Sunset, huh?

Sunlight Shimmer: *chuckles* Maybe a little. But cheer up Shad, I'm sure we'll still have a fun time regardless.

Shadow Moonlight: Let's all hope that you're correct.

Meanwhile, you, your harem, Timber, and Gloriosa were having lunch at a local diner.

Sunset Shimmer: So, I assume everyone's ready for the Spring Dance trip?

Most of the others voiced their agreements except for one person... you. You sat with a bit of a bug eyed look on your face as Rainbow nudged your shoulder.

Rainbow Dash: You doin' okay there, babe?

(Y/N): Huh? Oh, sure! I'm fine, Rainbow. I... just... have something on my mind is all. Hey, quick question, would any of you happen to have any last minute appointments to make that may or may not possibly cancel this little trip?

Timber Spruce: I don't think so. Why?

(Y/N): J-Just asking. Hey, I'm just spitballing here, but why don't we just take a moment to ask ourselves, "do I really wanna go on a trip over a large body of water?"

Applejack: Y/N, you're stallin'.

(Y/N): Stalling?! Hah! I'm not stalling! Why would I stall?! In fact, here's a laundry list of things I like more than stalling: Root beer, Coloring books, video games, bean burritos, first day of spring, second day of spring, third day of spring-

Sunset Shimmer: Ahem!

You looked and saw that everyone else was giving you a deadpan look. Sweat dripped down your forehead before you sighed in defeat.

(Y/N): Fine, I admit it. I still can't swim! I never took those lessons at the Canterlot Community Pool.

Rarity: Y/N love, you promised.

(Y/N): You don't understand, Rarity. They wanted to put me in the beginners class with all the little kids! I can't be swimming around with a bunch of five year olds! *distressed* They can be so cruel when they sense weakness.

Timber Spruce: Well, it's better than being scared to death by a body of water.

(Y/N): *sigh* That's somewhat true, I guess.

Fluttershy: I'm sure there's gonna be other activities besides swimming, Y/N.

(Y/N): There most likely is, Fluttershy. But, I'm assuming a large portion of it is gonna involve swimming such as scuba diving.

Sci-Twi: Don't you have some sort of spell that can alter the buoyancy in your body to make you float in water?

(Y/N): I'm afraid not.

Pinkie Pie: *gasp* Hey, why don't we teach him how to swim?!

You froze.

(Y/N): U-Uh...what?

Gloriosa Daisy: That's... not a bad idea!

(Y/N): Uh... excuse me?

Rainbow Dash: We're gonna be spending a long time on the yacht anyways. Maybe we can dedicate some of it to teaching Y/N.

(Y/N): Um... don't I get a say in this?

Sunset Shimmer: Nope, because if you did, it'd probably be to cancel the trip which we are definitely not doing. Face it, buster. The decision has been made.

Everyone: Yeah!

(Y/N): *sigh* I'm gonna drown.

Sci-Twi: Not with us there, you're not. Come on, Y/N. This is finally a chance to get over your fear.

(Y/N): Yeah, and then I'll be hearing the drowning theme from Sonic if I stay under for too long.

Rainbow Dash: Relax, dude. You're gonna be just fine. I'm a professional swimmer so you got nothing to worry about.

You looked to each of them as they all had supportive smiles. You sighed before looking back at them.

(Y/N): If you guys are so confident that I'll be okay, then... I'll trust you.

They all cheered after hearing your answer.

Applejack: Don't worry, sugarcube. With enough practice, you'll be swimming in no time.

Rainbow Dash: Yeah, babe. Just follow our lead and you'll be just fine.

You then remembered something.

(Y/N): Let's change the subject for now. Listen, I think this trip... would be the perfect opportunity to test out my theory of Shadow's pendant.

Sci-Twi: Y/N, that's not a good idea.

(Y/N): Look Sci-Twi, I don't want this as much as you all, but Shadow nearly leveled the mall when he fought Juniper with his pendant powers. I think he's getting more and more out of control the longer he has that thing on. Besides, you all agreed to help me do it, didn't you?

Gloriosa Daisy: Wait, what are you talking about?

(Y/N): You know that dark teal pendant that he wears around his neck, Glori?

Gloriosa Daisy: Yeah, why?

(Y/N): Well, that may be the reason why he's always so angsty and sarcastic at times. Let me ask you and Timber this. Do you remember way back when we were kids how he used to be this timid but nice little kid who got along with everyone?

Timber Spruce: Yeah...those were the days.

Gloriosa Daisy: Come to think of it, I do remember. He was so much nicer back then.

(Y/N): He was, but Sci-Twi told me that as soon as he got that pendant, he immediately changed.

Timber Spruce: You sure it's not just puberty?

(Y/N): I'm pretty sure puberty doesn't make you switch back and forth between being confident and cocky to timid and sweet just like that, Tim. There's something else going on and I believe it's got to do with his pendant. He said it was a gift given to him by Adagio. For all we know, she could have put some kind of enchantment on it that changes the personality of the user.

Rarity: I don't know, dear. All they really could do was turn people against each other. It'd make sense why he was like that towards you but why not to us?

Applejack: I'm with Rarity. Why would they make him hate you instead of all of us? We all played a part in their downfall.

(Y/N): Probably because we're childhood friends. Look, I care too much about Shadow to just sit by and let him become more and more angsty. He promised me that he'd change himself, but so far, he hasn't really done a single thing. So, I really need your guys' support for this. Tim, Glori, everyone here, please give me a hand with this. I just wanna know for sure.

All of them looked amongst each other while trying to decide whether to help you with this or not. Finally, Applejack was the first to speak.

Applejack: Well, you don't seem to be lyin', sugarcube, so that tells me that you truly believe that Shadow's pendant thingy is to blame for him actin' up.

Pinkie Pie: Do the Crystal Prep girls know about this, Y/N?

(Y/N): I told Moondancer about it and I'm hoping she's talked to the others as well. Though, she seemed to have agreed to do it.

Gloriosa Daisy: Are you sure the yacht is a good place to do it?

(Y/N): He'll be on a giant boat surrounded by miles and miles of ocean. He won't have anywhere else to go.

Gloriosa Daisy: *sigh* Alright...

Just then, your phone rang as you pulled it out of your pocket to look at the caller id which revealed to be Shadow.

(Y/N): *thinking* Speak of the devil... *speaking* I better take this.

You answered the call.

(Y/N): Shad, what's up?

Shadow Moonlight (Over Phone): Hey, man. Have you and the others got your stuff ready for tomorrow?

(Y/N): Just about. What about you?

Shadow Moonlight (Over Phone): Just need to get a few more things and then we'll be good to go. Listen, I wanted to ask. Was it really a good idea to have Juniper enrolled at CPA?

(Y/N): Well, I figured that it'd be a decent opportunity for you two to make up now that she's changed herself.

Shadow Moonlight (Over Phone): *sigh* Alright but now that means she gets to go on the trip and the whole point of this trip, for me at least, was to get away from her.

(Y/N): I'm positive she won't ruin the trip for you, Shad. Not when you've got me there to lighten the mood.

Shadow Moonlight (Over Phone): If that ends up being proved otherwise, I will never let you live it down.

(Y/N): Duly noted, Shad. Come on, ever since the Friendship Games, when have I let you down?

Shadow Moonlight (Over Phone): Hmmm, let me think. How about when you dragged Juniper into my school?

(Y/N): To be fair, I didn't drag her into it, I offered it to her and she accepted.

Shadow Moonlight: Even still, I'm now stuck with her more than ever because of you. I've been through enough torture, dude. I know I have been terrible at the Friendship Games but this is way too harsh.

(Y/N): Shadow, this isn't a punishment. You really need to stop being so uptight all the time and lighten up and what better way than to make up with the once egotistical girl that's trying to reform herself. She's trying her hardest and you aren't giving her a chance. Granted, you gave the Shadowbolt girls a chance and they let you down, but they still made up for it. So, just trust me on this one, dude.

Shadow Moonlight (Over Phone): The Shadow Five were different. I grew to like them so I was willing to give them another chance but I've always hated Juniper so giving her another chance is like attempting to befriend Patriot.

(Y/N): *thinking* *sigh* This is exactly my point. The original Shadow would have been willing to give her a chance, but this Shadow isn't. *speaking* Just give it some time, Shadow. Just lighten up when we go on this trip. It's meant to be a fun getaway for us. I doubt that Juniper would ruin the whole thing just by being there. *thinking* That would most likely be me if my theory is wrong.

Shadow Moonlight (Over Phone): Fine... but if I hear so much as one mention of the word "Daring Do" and "acting" from her, I'm throwing her off the yacht.

(Y/N): *sarcasm* Sure pal, sure you will.

Shadow Moonlight (Over Phone): Y/N, I swear to god if you don't stop stealing my character trait...

(Y/N): You can't put a trademark on a trait that existed long before your time, Shadow. That's like saying that the Mona Lisa is yours simply because you're a master painter. It doesn't work out that way.

Shadow Moonlight (Over Phone): First off, there are a lot more paintings that I'd rather claim than that one and second, sarcasm is my thing, Y/N. I was being sarcastic when I said I trademarked it.

(Y/N): Anywho, let's steer away from that, Shad. We'll meet up over by the yacht itself tomorrow. Sound good?

Shadow Moonlight (Over Phone): Yeah, yeah. See you there, man.

(Y/N): Later, bud.

You hung up and turned to the others.

(Y/N): Well, Shadow seems a little peeved at me for enrolling Juniper at CPA.

Timber Spruce: I don't blame him. She was pretty annoying.

(Y/N): But at least, you can give her credit for trying to change herself, right Tim?

Timber Spruce: I can. Although, if I were in his shoes, I'd most likely feel the same to be honest.

(Y/N): Geez, gang up on me much?

Gloriosa Daisy: Y/N, she was always bragging about herself to him and trust me, it gets really annoying after awhile. Shadow had to deal with that more than anyone so in his perspective, it's not really simple. I'm not saying we shouldn't forgive her, I'm just saying it won't be easy.

(Y/N): *sigh* It never is. But we still need to try. It's the right thing to do.

You all then continued your hangout until it was time for you to leave and head home.

(The Next Day)

We see a large yacht casually cruising across the ocean surface. The camera zooms downward to see you and everyone else looking around at what the yacht had to offer.

(Y/N): I think this is the first time I've ever been on a yacht.

Sunset Shimmer: You and me both, Y/N.

You then looked over the side and down at the water below. Your pupils shrunk as your face became nervous as your vision zoomed in and out at the water. You quickly backed up and hit a wall before sliding down to the floor. You then started to hyperventilate.

(Y/N): *pant* Okay. *pant* Just calm down, Y/N. *pant* As long as you are on solid ground, you should be good.

Shadow came up to you.

Shadow Moonlight: You alright, man?

You glanced up at him with a nervous smile.

(Y/N): Y-Yeah, just... mentally preparing myself for the moment.

Shadow Moonlight: *sigh* I told you that you didn't have to come if it was gonna freak you out.

(Y/N): L-Look, I'm sure I'll be fine. I just... need to get used to it.

You shakily stood back up and took a few deep breaths as it actually helped calm you down.

(Y/N): Okay... I think I'm good.

Shadow Moonlight: You think or are you sure you're good?

(Y/N): Is there really a difference?

Shadow Moonlight: There's a big difference. "You think" only implies that you're not entirely certain while the other means that you know indefinitely.

(Y/N): Oh, well, maybe, the latter option?

Shadow Moonlight: *sigh* Why don't we head inside to our rooms and maybe lie down a bit? Maybe that'll help ease your paranoia.

(Y/N): Probably a good idea.

You and him walked inside and to your rooms. After some time had passed, you came out looking better than earlier.

Shadow Moonlight: Feeling better, yet?

(Y/N): A little. Thanks for that suggestion, Shad.

Shadow Moonlight: I knew that bed would calm you down. It's blankets are made with the softest material known to man.

(Y/N): Egyptian silk?

Shadow Moonlight: I wish. Probably not as soft as that but it's definitely in the top five. Hey, I heard your girlfriends along with Timber were going to teach you how to swim. Do you mind if I help too?

(Y/N): Not at all, man. Any help is appreciated.

You then looked down at his neck and noticed that he wasn't wearing his pendant.

(Y/N): *thinking* He must have left it in his room. This might be my only chance to see if my theory is correct. *speaking* Hey Shad, I'm gonna go back to my room for a second. I left something back there. I'll be back in a moment.

Shadow Moonlight: What'd you leave behind? I'll get it for you.

(Y/N): It's fine. I only left my sunscreen there. I'll go get it. You go ahead and go over to the pool with the others.

Shadow Moonlight: You sure?

(Y/N): Positive.

Shadow Moonlight: Alright, just don't get freaked out over the ocean again while you're in there.

You nodded before walking back inside and towards the hallway where your rooms were. You walked over to Shadow's door and began reaching out for it.

(Y/N): *thinking* Sci-Twi gave me an idea with that little lock picking trick she did with her magic at the Daring Do set. I wonder if...

You reached your hand down to the lock as it glowed (F/C) and placed your palm upon. You focused your thoughts for a moment before the door's card swipe lock beeped green and unlocked itself.

(Y/N): *thinking* Yes! Here we go!

???: Y/N?

You screamed in fright and did a karate stance and looked to wherever the voice came from. You sighed in relief upon seeing that they were Moondancer.

(Y/N): Oh, hey, Moony. You scared me back there. What are you doing here?

Moondancer: I was planning to model my new bikini for Shadow but then I saw you here at his door and curiosity got the better of me.

Her eyes then widened.

Moondancer: Wait... are you going to try and take his pendant?

(Y/N): *sigh* Looks like I've been caught red handed.

Moondancer: Y/N, I know that you care about him and want to help out, but can I ask you something?

(Y/N): What?

Moondancer: What if your theory is wrong? Not only would you be invading his privacy, but also betraying his trust. He'd probably never forgive you for this.

(Y/N): I know, I know. But, I can't just sit by and do nothing, Moondancer. I have to know for certain. What if I am actually right about this? Don't you want the guy you loved back?

Moondancer: Of course I do. More than anything in the world. But, I'm just saying, there's a chance that your theory's incorrect. Look, I won't stop you from going inside, but whatever you do here and now is entirely up to you.

(Y/N): *sigh* I know it's a big risk but I want my childhood friend back and I won't hesitate to if I have a chance to.

She walked away as you turned back to Shadow's door and slowly opened it. The door slowly swung open to reveal the interior of Shadow's room. His suitcase could be seen next to the bed as his CPA uniform was neatly folded on the dresser.

(Y/N): Just for extra reassurance...

You grabbed your geode and went into hyper speed. You looked outside and saw a flock of seagulls frozen in time indicating that you were moving faster than normal.

(Y/N): ...hyper speed so that I can still zip out of here quickly in case someone comes by.

You then used your energy sensing magic and looked around the room while trying to sense his pendant anywhere.

(Y/N): *thinking* Weird, I'm not sensing it anywhere. He didn't have it on him and it's not in his room? Where could it be then?

While you continued your search, a certain evil doppelganger of your emo looking friend was waiting in the storage room. He didn't have to wait for long though since his master appeared through another rift in front of him.

Hollow Moonshine: So, I believe now is our opportunity to strike, right?

(V/N): No, Hollow. We aren't getting the pendant just yet. We have to wait until he arrives and collides with the yacht.

Hollow Moonshine: Who?

(V/N): My powerful creation, Kingfin. He will ram into the yacht and Y/N and Shadow will be too distracted to worry about the pendant and it'll be the perfect opportunity for us to take the pendant.

Hollow Moonshine: And you're certain that it'll work?

(V/N): It has to. This might be our only chance to finally have the odds in our favor.

Back with you, you continued to search for Shadow's pendant while trying your best to not make anything seem too out of place.

(Y/N): Okay, how is this even possible? You'd think he would have left it in his room, but it's nowhere to be seen.

???: Y/N? Why are you in my room?

You froze upon hearing that familiar voice as you turned and saw... nothing? You raised an eyebrow at that.

(Y/N): Am I... hearing things?

???: It might seem that way, but you're not.

(Y/N): Wha- Where... are you?

You looked around the room trying to figure out where the voice was coming from.

???: I'm not really anywhere. I don't really see you but I recognize that voice.

(Y/N): So, would that mean you're... inside something like a drawer?

???: Sorry, but I can't really tell you that. I promised that I wouldn't let myself get stolen.

(Y/N): You... you sound familiar. Do I... know you from somewhere?

???: I sound like a lot of people, Y/N. You might be mistaking me for someone else.

(Y/N): I don't know. It's weird, but you sound pretty much like... Shadow.

???: Like I said, I sound like tons of people. You might just be mistaken.

(Y/N): So... you said that you promised that you wouldn't let yourself get stolen. To whom did you make the promise to?

???: I can't say that either.

(Y/N): *sigh* Is there anything you CAN tell me?

???: Well, I'm not a ghost so you don't have to worry about this place being haunted.

You deadpanned.

(Y/N): That doesn't help at all.

???: Sorry...I'm just trying to keep my word. I don't want to disappoint Adagio.

(Y/N): Adagio? Wait... are you... Shadow's edgy side that he transforms into?

???: No, I'd never be able to act like that even if I wanted to.

(Y/N): Well, the only other person that knew Adagio was Shadow, so you must know him in a way.

???: I promised him I wouldn't say anything.

(Y/N): Okay listen, weird... ethereal voice from seemingly nowhere. Shadow promised me that he would change himself, but he hasn't done a thing. I only wish to get the Shadow I once knew back and the only way to do that is to find and possibly destroy his pendant. So, either help me or stay out of it. What's it gonna be?

???: Y-You'd try to destroy me?

(Y/N): If it means that he'll stop being so snarky and edgy all the time and be the friend I once knew a long time ago, then yes.

???: ...that friend was also the one who relied too much on you to protect him because he didn't have the strength to fight back.

(Y/N): At least, he was himself. He wasn't always so sarcastic every chance he got and so snarky that it completely killed the mood. He was sweet, kind, and very optimistic which is a stark contrast to whatever he is now. That's not my Shadow. I refuse to believe it.

???: At least he's more confident.

(Y/N): Confident? Try cocky. Try egotistical. Try being so stubborn that he wouldn't listen to me when we first reunited. How are you even defending him?

???: Because...I'm sure he has a good reason for that.

(Y/N): He promised me that he'd change himself, and so far, he's no better off than when we had that hangout with Flash. *sarcasm* Yeah, totally a good reason.

???: There's good in everyone, Y/N. I know there is. Sour Sweet and the other girls only wanted to spend time with him on this trip. It wasn't just so they could gloat to you guys about winning. V/N's trying to bring world order because he believes that free will has done more harm than good. I know Patriot loved to beat me up at times but I'm sure I did something to upset him without realizing it.

(Y/N): Wait... beat YOU up?

There was a moment of silence before you spoke.

(Y/N): Shadow... is that... the real you?



The yacht rocked back and forth from something hard hitting the side of it causing you to stumble.

(Y/N): W-WOAH! What the heck was that?!

Just then, Shadow slammed the door open as he saw you standing in his room.

Shadow Moonlight: Y/N? What are you doing here? This is my room.

(Y/N): I-I...


Another loud crash banged on the side of the yacht as you and Shadow stumbled for a second.

Shadow Moonlight: *sigh* We'll settle this later. Let's just go see what's causing all this.

(Y/N): Y-Yeah!

Shadow went to the nightstand and opened a drawer as he took out his pendant and put it on before the two of you quickly ran back outside as everyone was panicking from the sudden crashes. Shadow eventually spotted Sunny Flare and ran over to her.

Shadow Moonlight: Sis, what happened?!

Sunny Flare: Th-There''s a monster...under us...

You both spirited to the prow and there you saw a colossal, skeletal fish that resembled a megalodon but without a dorsal fin and had high beams for eyes and a dark (F/C) aura emitting from it.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Y/N): Okay, since when... has there... ever been... GIANT SKELETON SHARKS?!?!

Shadow Moonlight: I know right? Sharks don't even have bones aside from their teeth.

Sci-Twi: Actually, they do have SOME bones, but not as many as that.

(Y/N): Not our main issue here, Twi!

Sci-Twi: Hehe... sorry.

Shadow then noticed the dark (F/C) aura around the skeletal shark as his eyes widened before he turned to you.

Shadow Moonlight: Hey, does that color look familiar?

You gazed upon the aura yourself before you realized it too.

(Y/N): V/N...

Shadow Moonlight: I had a feeling he'd try to crash the party. Didn't think he'd use an undead megalodon to do it.

(Y/N): What's your plan for beating this colossal fossil?

Shadow Moonlight: *chuckles* That was clever. But, back to what you said, we can't take it down from here. Which means you may have to...swim.

Your eyes bugged open as your pupils shrunk.

(Y/N): Are... are you sure YOU can't do it?

Shadow Moonlight: Of course I can. But in case I end up in jeopardy, you may have to step in.

(Y/N): *sigh* Whelp, I should have guessed that I'd have to face my fears while fighting an undead megalodon.

Shadow Moonlight: You'll be fine, man. If anything happens, I'll get you out of there ASAP.

(Y/N): You'd better not let me die like Sonic would in Labyrinth Zone.

Shadow Moonlight: I won't. Now, let's go!

He grabbed you and flung you over the side as you let out a high pitch scream as he dove after you. With a loud splash, the both of you hit the surface of the water and disappeared.

Applejack: Hopefully, those two will be able to handle that thing! I'd rather not get turned into shark bait!

Sunny Flare: I'm confident in Shadow. Y/N on the other hand... I'm not so sure.

Meanwhile, you and Shadow were swimming underwater while looking around for the shark... well... Shadow was swimming. You on the other hand were flailing your arms widely like a madman.

Shadow Moonlight (telepathy): Dude, no! It'll sense your movement!

You stopped your flailing as you suddenly began to sink. Shadow quickly reacted by summoning a black and red shark that you sat on top of which stopped you from going down any further.

(Y/N) (telepathy): Man, you're pretty much prepared for anything at this point.

Shadow Moonlight (telepathy): I learn from the best.

He smirks at you. You smiled at him as you noticed two glowing lights behind him. You pointed behind him which got him to turn around and see it.

Shadow Moonlight (telepathy): Shoot. Looks like it already detected your movement.

The shark's full body came into view as it's mouth slowly opened up ready to have the both of you for lunch. You fired a (F/C) beam at the shark, but it only bounced off of it's skeletal frame much to yours and Shadow's surprise.

(Y/N) (telepathy): It's frame is too tough to blast through!

Shadow Moonlight (telepathy): There's gotta be something you can do! I don't want to be the hero! That's your position!

(Y/N) (telepathy): Shadow, listen. I can't swim! It's ironic that I'm pretty much a fish out of water here!

Shadow Moonlight (telepathy): Come on, Y/N! This is a two-man job! I can't-

(Y/N) (telepathy): Yes, you can, Shadow! I know you can! You're way more capable than I've ever been! You have way many more powers than I could have hoped for! I... I relinquish my title of Savior to you...

Shadow Moonlight (telepathy): Y/N! Don't be an idiot! I can't fight this thing on my own!

Before you could retort back, the colossal shark came from the darkness and swallowed you and the shark Shadow created, whole.

Shadow Moonlight (telepathy): Y/N!!

He called to you but you didn't answer. Meanwhile, inside the colossal shark's mouth, you were floating silently with a saddened expression and closed eyes.

(Y/N): *thinking* How could I have thought that I would be able to swim? Those kids were right, cruel, but right. Shadow's way more prepared than I've ever been. He's got tons of transformations and can even summon armies at will. Me? I've got nothing... I am... nothing...

Outside, the colossal shark stared at Shadow as it locked its eyes on his pendant as it quickly charged at him only for Shadow to just barely get out of the way as he glared hard at the colossal fossil.

Shadow Moonlight (telepathy): You...took away my best friend. No, my brother in arms! I swear, by the time I'm finished with you, I'll make sure every cell in your dead body is burned to a crisp! Black Mamba!

He shouted as he bit his thumb before he grew to a ginormous size with his entire body becoming dark and his eyes turned completely white as everyone on the yacht saw him rise out of the water.

(Pretend that the ship under it is the yacht.)

Indigo Zap: Whu- WHAT THE-

Juniper Montage: *screams* WHAT IS THAT THING?!

Sunny Flare: I... I think it's Shadow!

Everyone: WHAT?!?!

Lemon Zest: That thing... is Shadow?!

V/N watched from the stern of the ship with a smirk as he looked down at Kingfin.

(V/N): I believe it's time to kick things in high gear.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

V/N's eyes glowed dark (F/C) as Kingfin's eyes glowed the same color as it started swimming a lot faster and attacked much more ferociously than before rendering it nearly impossible for Black Mamba to try and grab it. Black Mamba grows annoyed as he summons more of the sharks he made earlier and commands them to swim after Kingfin to which they comply. Back with you, you continued to float inside Kingfin's mouth until your eyes reopened themselves.

(Y/N): *thinking* NO! I can't give up now! I can't let Shadow take this thing all by himself! There's gotta be something I can transform into!

You then looked down at your geode and grabbed a hold of it.

(Y/N): *thinking* Come on, Equestrian magic. Give me something awesome!

You continued to contrate as you closed your eyes. Suddenly, you reopened them to reveal them to be slitted, only this time... something was different about it. Meanwhile, back with Black Mamba, he continuously tried fighting Kingfin but the giant skeletal shark was way too fast for him and his shark minions. At this point, Black Mamba had suffered several bite wounds all over his body and his shark minions had been brutally murdered by Kingfin. We zoom inside Black Mamba as we see Shadow trying to maintain his new titan form but is straining greatly.

Shadow Moonlight: *thinking* I...won'

Shadow's eyes slowly started closing themselves as his consciousness was fading. Black Mamba hunched over on his knees as Kingfin backed up. V/N smirked sadistically as Hollow did the same.

(V/N): Well, I suppose all that's left to do is... finish the job. Hollow, why don't YOU do the honors?

Hollow Moonshine: I'd be delighted to, sir.

He smirked as he fired a green and black beam of magic which put a large hole in Black Mamba as Shadow was there unconscious. Kingfin then started swimming quickly towards Black Mamba and was about to jump out of the water in order to eat Shadow. The colossal shark grew closer, and closer, and closer ready to finish off the young emo. Suddenly... he stopped. V/N and Hollow grew confused by what was happening. Kingfin then started to shake and rattle until...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Kingfin exploded and out emerged a giant creature that could only be described as a dragon!

V/N and Hollow only stared in shock as V/N turned to Hollow slightly panicked.

(V/N): Hollow...get the

Hollow nods as he ripped the pendant off of Shadow's neck and waved it in the air to let V/N know.

Hollow Moonshine: I got it.

He jumped off and teleported back to V/N as they both entered a rift and disappeared. Meanwhile, the dragon had Kingfin's head in it's mouth before crushing it to pieces in its mouth effortlessly. It then let out a mighty roar as the girls were blown back a bit by its sheer volume.

[Stop the song here if you're still playing it.]

Sci-Twi: Is that thing on our side too?!

Rainbow Dash: I hope so!!

Suddenly, Black Mamba fell face first into the water causing a huge splash that was about to drown everyone on the yacht when the dragon jumped in and shielded the yacht from the splash. Eventually, the splash subsided as Shadow was left floating on the surface of the water. The giant dragon used one of its paws to lift him into the air and set him down gently onto the yacht as the all of the Shadowbolts ran over to him.

Shadowbolts: SHADOW!!

They ran over to him and attempted to give him CPR. Thankfully, their efforts pulled through as Shadow coughed up some water and sat up.

Shadow Moonlight: *yawn* What time is it?

Sunny Flare: *sigh* Seriously? You almost drowned and you're asking what time it is?

Shadow Moonlight: What? Can't a guy ask for the time at any...time? Whateves, thanks for the save, girls.

Sugarcoat: It wasn't us, Shadow. It was... that.

She pointed to the large dragon as it patiently sat and stared at them. Shadow was quick to grow a smile at seeing the dragon's (E/C) eyes before it turned into a smirk as he crossed his arms.

Shadow Moonlight: I knew you had something in you, Y/N.

Sunset Shimmer: Wait... THAT'S Y/N?!?!

Shadow Moonlight: Who else could it be?

He smirked up the dragon as it gave a small nod. Without warning, a small (F/C) light appeared from the neck of the large creature as it began to shrink in size. Eventually, the dragon was gone and you took its place as you waded through the water.

(Y/N): Uhh... anybody gonna give me a hand here, please? I'm kicking as hard as I can to keep myself afloat!

Shadow shook his head with a smile as he held his hand out before quickly throwing it backward which launched you out of the water and straight into Sunset's arms.

(Y/N): Woah! Nice catch, Sunshine.

Sunset Shimmer: Thanks.

She set you down as the others stared at you in awe.

Rainbow Dash: Y/N... what... was that... you just did?! When were you able to turn into a dragon?!

(Y/N): I-I don't know! I just grabbed my geode really hard, prayed for the Equestrian magic to transform me into something cool, and then bam! I was a dragon.

Shadow Moonlight: Seems to me like shapeshifting is your unique power, buddy.

(Shadowlight2784: Actually, that kinda makes a lot of sense.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: How so?)

(Shadowlight2784: Well, since he represents the readers and there are multiple different readers, it makes sense for someone who represents multiple different people to have the power to shapeshift.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Huh... that's... actually really clever.)

Sunset Shimmer: It must be your special geode ability. For the most part, you replicated mine and the others powers, but this one must be unique to you.

Shadow Moonlight: I wouldn't say unique 'since it technically replicates my power but it's still cool nonetheless.

(Y/N): That's good to know but man, that form is really draining.

Shadow Moonlight: Yup. That's what happens when you go colossal, Y/N.

(Y/N): Go...colossal?

Shadow Moonlight: Basically, if you morph into enormous creatures like your dragon or my Black Mamba form, it really does a number on you.

(Y/N): Heh, obviously.

You then noticed that his pendant was missing.

(Y/N): Oh no. I guess the price of becoming the Black Mamba was the destruction of your pendant.

Shadow looked down at his neck and scoffed.

Shadow Moonlight: Oh, that? That was just a replica.

(Y/N): Wait...WHAT?!

Shadow Moonlight: Yeah, it wasn't the real deal. I was actually paranoid that something bad would happen so I wore that fake one in the event that this got lost or broken. Speaking of which, I told you girls that there were sharks out here!

Sour Sweet: Yeah, yeah. Rub it in.

Shadow Moonlight: Anyway, it wasn't as powerful as the real one so I had to put a lot of focus and power into becoming the Black Mamba.

(Y/N): So... it was fake?

Shadow Moonlight: As fake as Juniper's padded chest.

Juniper Montage: H-Hey!

He then snapped his fingers as the actual pendant reappeared around his neck.

Shadow Moonlight: THIS is the real one. You can tell since it's got that red outline around the band. The other had just an ordinary black band like with the Dazzlings' pendants.

(Y/N): Huh, that's interesting.

Rarity: I must say, you were very brave out there, boys.

You then looked down in shame.

(Y/N): Well, except for me.

Shadow's pendant flashed as a timid look fell on his face as he approached you.

Shadow Moonlight: Hey, you were brave. If I were swallowed by that thing, I probably wouldn't have made it out alive. Those teeth were really intimidating.

(Y/N): But before that, I froze up, Shadow. I couldn't swim for the life of me, while you can. You have the ability to summon armies at will, but I don't. You were easily able to contend with that thing... while I got swallowed by it. You were clearly more capable in that situation than I was until that dragon form bailed me out.

Shadow Moonlight: *sigh* You're starting to sound like Edge, you know?

Your eyes widened as you looked back up at him.

(Y/N): Who's Edge?

Shadow Moonlight: My imaginary friend but that's not important. What is important is that you pulled through in the end. You could have easily left yourself to rot in the mouth of that thing and give up but you didn't and because of it, you got out of there and saved my life. I would've died if you hadn't done anything. Neither of us would be here with our friends if you hadn't broken out of that skeletal fish.

Fluttershy: He has a point there, Y/N. Plus, when he collapsed, you were there to stop the giant wave from hitting us.

(Y/N): I guess... I just felt so... useless at that moment.

Shadow Moonlight: It's not that good of a feeling, is it?

(Y/N): No... no, it's not. I think it's safe to say that I now know what it feels like to be in your younger version's shoes.

Shadow Moonlight: Heh, if only he was around to hear that.

You then noticed his pendant flash again right before he made that comment. You stared for a bit as Shadow then spoke once again.

Shadow Moonlight: Y/N, is it okay if I ask you a serious question and I'm sorry if this is off topic, but I'm just curious.

You nodded.

Shadow Moonlight: Right when that skeletal shark was attacking the yacht, I saw that you were in my room. What were you doing there?

Your breath caught in your throat as you soon found yourself unable to find the right words to say.

(Y/N): Uh... I... I uh...

Shadow Moonlight: The doors are locked via keycard access. You used your magic to get in, didn't you?

(Y/N): Umm...

Shadow Moonlight: So... you broke into my room? You know, there are laws against that, right? If you needed something from there, you could've just asked me.

He asked as he raised an eyebrow. You then looked down at his pendant as you threw on a determined look.

(Y/N): Before I answer that... let me ask you this. Who are you?

Shadow Moonlight: I'm Batman. *chuckles* I'm just kidding, it's obviously me, Shadow.

(Y/N): Are you really though? Or are you someone pretending to be him?

Shadow Moonlight: How can you pretend to be yourself?

You then made a quick decision and snatched his pendant away and ran to the edge of the boat and dangled it over the water.

Shadow Moonlight: Y/N, put that down! You have no idea what you're doing!

(Y/N): Yeah, I do, "Shad". It's for your own good.

Shadow Moonlight: I AM Shadow!

(Y/N): No, you're not! Do you wanna know why I went into your room, huh?! Because of you! You promised me that you were going to change yourself back into the friend I once knew, but you never did! And I think it has something to do with this pendant! I think it's changed you for the worst! It makes so much sense now. Why you're such a grumpy gus, why you always feel the need to kill the mood, why you're always so snarky and condescending all the time! It's because of this stupid thing!

Shadow Moonlight: Look, just let me explain, okay?!

(Y/N): No! I'm getting my childhood friend back now!

You said sternly as you start to crush the pendant in your hand as Shadow's eyes start to water.

Shadow Moonlight: Stop it! You're going to kill him!

???: Edge...don'

With a flash of bright light, the pendant shattered as you threw the remaining pieces into the ocean.

Shadow Moonlight: NO!

Shadow leaned down as he saw the debris of the pendant fall before it made a small splash in the ocean.

Shadow Moonlight: *thinking*

He glared hard at you before a dark black ball of magic surrounded him. Within a few moments the dark black ball disappeared and in its place stood Shadowlight. Everyone's eyes widened including yours as you took a step back.

(Y/N): *thinking* Wh-What?! But...that pendant was the source of his magic power! How could he still transform into Shadowlight?

Shadowlight: Do you have any idea what you've done, Y/N?!

(Y/N): Well, I was planning to take away your magical power temporarily, Shadow but that didn't seem to work.

Shadowlight: You just killed my best friend! My only friend!

(Y/N): What are you talking about? It's just some pendant, dude.

Shadowlight: Just a pendant? Is that all he was to you? An object?! I can't believe you! Honestly, how can Shadow still call you a good friend after everything you've done?!

(Y/N): So you're not Shadow!

Shadowlight: No, I'm not! That's what I was gonna tell you!

(Y/N): But...if you're not him, how could you know about our past?!

Shadowlight: Let's just say that me and him had a strong connection.

(Y/N): Oooookay. So if you're not Shadow, then where's he at?

Shadowlight: He was right there in your hand.

You looked down at the ocean where the pieces fell as realization struck you like lightning.

(Y/N): I-I... I killed... the real Shadow?

Shadowlight: I told you to put it down but you just don't listen, do you?!

Sunny Flare: Calm down, Shadow! He didn't know!

Shadowlight: Calm down?! Do any of you even know who it was that was in there?! That was the real Shadow! The one you all fell for and the one that Y/N was striving to find!

Lemon Zest: What are you talking about?

Shadowlight: Look, I came from that pendant. I'm the one with all the magic power but this is his body. It's why you all may have noticed that he was acting differently than his usual timid self and it's because it wasn't him at all. It was me.

You all had to take this moment to really reflect on what he just said. It all started to make so much sense now. The reason why he was so snarky and cynical... was because of his alter ego pretending to be him.

(Y/N): So... you're the reason why he seemed like he didn't want to change?

Shadowlight: More than that. I'm the reason he didn't want to talk to you at the Friendship Games. You weren't talking to Shadow, you were talking to me.

(Y/N): So... the real Shadow...

Shadowlight: Was the one you just killed, you dim-witted creation of science, and yet he somehow still saw good in you! If it weren't for him convincing me to spare your life, I would've killed you that day I saw you.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

His eyes flashed as they went from white to luminous red as he then came up and started choking you with one hand and lifting you into the air.

Shadowlight: And now... I'll make you pay for it... with your life!

He threw you to the ground and used his magic to subdue you. You tried to fight out of it, but his magic was too strong. He held his hand out as a black light began to shine from it.

Shadowlight: Do me a favor... and say hi to him in purgatory, will you?

Sunny Flare: STOOOOOOP!!!!!

She screamed as she stepped in front of you to block Shadowlight's blast.

Shadowlight: Oh, this is rich, Sunny! Defending the guy that just smashed the brother you loved to pieces?!

Sunny Flare: He didn't know, Shadow! You can't kill him for that!


Sunny Flare: If you plan on killing him, you'll have to kill me too!

She said as she stood her ground.

Shadowlight: Tck. Fine. At least you'll be able to see both him and your father.

Sour Sweet and the others joined in as well.

Sour Sweet: Then you'll have to kill us as well!

Lemon Zest: Yeah!

Shadowlight: You're not helping yourselves by asking to die but what do I care? I've lost the only friend I've ever made and it's all because of that jerk you're all so eager to defend!

Sugarcoat: Fine then! Be an even bigger monster and kill us all, why don't you? That will make you no better.

Shadowlight grimaced as he aimed his arm at you and the Shadowbolts as his arm began to shake and his eyes filled with tears. Suddenly, he fell to his knees and looked down at the ground. He lets you go as your harem comes to your aid.

Shadowlight: ...I can't do it. Even as much as I want to...I know that it would only make things worse... and Shadow wouldn't have wanted that.

Rarity: Y/N darling, are you alright?

(Y/N): I'm... I'm fine physically... emotionally though... not so much.

You said in a saddened voice. They helped you up to your feet as you looked at Shadowlight who was being comforted by the Shadowbolts.

Lemon Zest: You did the right thing, dude.

Sugarcoat: So, you were pretending to be Shadow this whole time?

Shadowlight: I had to hide it. It was his call.

Sunny Flare: Why would he want that?

Shadowlight: He figured if anyone found out...they'd try to take the pendant from him and he'd break his promise to Adagio. So, I pretended to be him which was actually quite hard to do looking back on it. I'm nearly shocked that everyone was convinced that I was him.

Sour Sweet: And you gave me a hard time about having a split personality.

Shadowlight: Because it wasn't a split personality. We were sharing a body. It's different.

Sour Sweet: Tomato, tomahto.

???: Hey! A little help down here, please?!

You heard someone call from the edge of the boat as you looked and saw two dark grey hands grabbing the railing. You quickly went over and pulled them up and gasped at seeing their features. It... it was Shadow!

(Y/N): S-Shadow?!

Shadow Moonlight: Thanks, Y/N. I'm glad you got that giant, skeleton fish taken care of or else I probably would've been a goner.

(Y/N): Y-You're alive?!

Shadow Moonlight: Yup and no casualties. Man, I would've thought for sure I'd have felt something when you crushed me.

(Y/N): Wait... if you're Shadow... then who's he?

You asked, pointing to Shadowlight.

Shadow Moonlight: Oh, that's just Edge. Or as he calls himself, Shadowlight.

Shadowlight: I... I thought you died, Shad.

Shadow Moonlight: So did I for a brief moment but I guess not.

(Y/N): That pendant... it was never the source of your powers, it was more like a vessel, wasn't it?

Shadow Moonlight: In a sense, yes. It allowed Edge and I to switch control of my body between each other.

Sunlight Shimmer: But then...why aren't you dead? Shouldn't that pendant being crushed have killed you?

Shadow Moonlight: That pendant Y/N just destroyed is a pendant that V/N and Edge designed to seal away monsters that got out of hand. According to Edge, V/N had trapped him in the pendant after he had betrayed him. Thankfully, Y/N was the one who broke the pendant because if it was V/N then Edge would have been surely killed or worse, enslaved.

(Y/N): So, that pendant doesn't let you create dark magical creatures at will?

Shadow Moonlight: No, the only power it has is the power to seal away any or all living things. Edge is the one with all the magic abilities.

Shadowlight: *sigh* I guess since Shadow's not dead, that means I owe Y/N an apology, don't I?

Shadow Moonlight: Go on, Edge.

Shadowlight sighs again before turning to you.

Shadowlight: I'm... I'm sorry for almost killing you, Y/N... and the Shadowbolts as well.

(Y/N): It's fine, dude. To be honest, it was rather stupid of me to just up and break it like that.

Shadow Moonlight: Look, the important thing is that all of you are still in good shape.

(Y/N): Wait, if it was Shadowlight who I was speaking to at the Friendship Games, does that mean you weren't mad at me for not saying goodbye, Shad?

Shadow Moonlight: Of course not, Y/N. I figured you had a good reason to not say goodbye. You probably couldn't find me, couldn't bring yourself to tell me, etc. but I kept believing that you would one day come back and I was super happy to see you during the welcoming party. Edge however, felt differently about it and it's why he was so reluctant to talk to you.

You then turn to Shadowlight.

(Y/N): So, you were acting angry on his behalf?

Shadowlight: Pretty much, yeah.

(Y/N): Okay, but why was he controlling your body? If you knew that you could've set him free, why didn't you?

Shadow Moonlight: For the latter, it's because of my promise to Adagio and as for the first one, that's because...I'm not strong like he is, Y/N. There's two things that you and Edge have in common. You're both confident and you both have magical powers, I don't have either of those. I've always felt like I was weighing you down because I was too weak to defend myself against bullies. So, I had Edge take control of me because he had the power and the confidence that I wished I had. I know he's sarcastic and edgy, but he's not as useless as I am.

You looked into his eyes as they started to glisten with tears as a few sniffles escaped his nose.

Shadow Moonlight: You really shouldn't have bothered with me, Y/N. You are strong, brave, and confident. Me? I'm nothing... just like Patriot told me.

His words reminded you of your earlier inner dilemma as your own words echoed through your mind.

(Y/N) (past): I'm nothing...

You shook that thought away and put a hand on his shoulder.

(Y/N): Shadow, there's never been a single moment in my life where I regretted being your friend. You were the very first friend I ever made. Let me tell you this. Before I met you, I was deathly afraid of making friends. I wasn't sure if they would like me or not. I wasn't sure if the first friend I'd make would have just abused me, ignored me, or did something really mean like offer to be my friend in exchange for money. You though? You reassured me that true friends are those that choose to stick by you. I was lucky to have you around, Shad. You helped with my insecurities. And after I found out about my powers, that only made me even more afraid. But still, you were the only one at the time to stick by my side.

Shadow Moonlight: ...that isn't enough. You were always there to come to my aid whenever Patriot or some other bully decided to pick on me but I couldn't do that for you because I'm a spineless coward. I'm not strong, I have no power, and I'm not even that good of a person.

Shadowlight: You know that that's not true, Shad.

He spoke up as he walked over to him.

Shadowlight: I could have easily shared a body with someone else. I could have remained dormant when you donned the pendant, but I saw that there was potential in you. Before I met you, I was far worse than I am now. I may have already put my life of evil behind me but I wasn't anywhere close to being nice until you changed that. You've shown me compassion, kindness, and above all, when to give mercy. You think that you don't provide anything to anyone, but you do. You help others be the best they can be. That's what makes you fantastic. I was almost about to kill Y/N if I hadn't stopped and told myself that that's not what you would have wanted.

Shadow Moonlight: ...I'm not fantastic, Edge. If I was, my parents never would have left me to rot in Canterlot.

Sunny Flare: Would you stop with that already, Shadow? They were disgusting pigs who didn't deserve a wonderful human being like you.

Shadow Moonlight: I must have done something, Sunny! Everything happens for a reason! I'm not trying to self-deprecate but there had to be something that made them leave me behind!

Sunny Flare: You were just a little kid, Shadow! You couldn't have done anything wrong!

Shadow Moonlight: *sigh* I guess...I just wish I knew why they'd leave me behind.

(Y/N): Maybe one day we'll find out, Shad. Just... don't bring yourself down for something that was completely out of your control.

Shadow looked at you before a small smile appeared on his face.

Shadow Moonlight: Thank you, Y/N. For still remembering me. I thought you had forgotten me when I first saw you back in Canterlot with Flash and your girls but I'm happy to see that isn't the case.

(Y/N): Well... If I'm gonna be completely honest. There was a brief time that I forgot about you. But, I did manage to remember you when I had a slumber party with my girls and they asked about my life story.

Shadow Moonlight: least you still remembered me.

You smiled.

(Y/N): So... in a way... I got what I wanted. My childhood friend is back.

Shadow Moonlight: Yeah...but now what am I gonna tell Adagio? I broke my promise to her.

(Y/N): Shad, no offense, but why do you even care about what she thinks? She and those other two manipulated the whole school and turned everyone against each other.

Shadow Moonlight: They were going to use the power they were looking for to save their race after V/N had orchestrated that war between the sirens and ponies. It wasn't because they were evil, they were doing what they had to do to get their family back. I promised her that I would find a way to fix their pendants with that one she gave me but now that you've smashed it, I can't.

(Y/N): I... doomed an entire race to extinction?

Shadow Moonlight: I sure hope not. The sirens are really nice once you get to know them. Sonata's an innocent goofball who loves tacos, Aria while she is sarcastic and snarky at times can be nice, and Adagio's always looking out for her sisters.

Shadowlight: Come to think of it, Aria's probably the reason how I've become so sarcastic and snarky. She was the one holding onto the pendant the entire time so I guess that rubbed off on me.

(Y/N): You really think that or is that what they told you, Shad?

Shadowlight: Why don't you go and find out?

He said as he grabbed your hand and placed it on Shadow's arm as your eyes flashed white. We cut to a scene where Shadow was much younger and was sitting on his couch with the Dazzlings as Adagio as she told him the story of the sirens...well, the short version at least.

Adagio Dazzle (past): ...and they caused quite some mayhem out of hysteria even though it looked like they were enjoying themselves. That went on for a while until a wizard sent them to another world and were never seen again. They lived however and live among the residents and started their new lives as though they were part of society, but deep down, they are the same sirens who could never forgive themselves for what they've done.

Shadow Moonlight (past): Wow, that must be really awful.

Adagio Dazzle (past): It wasn't all that bad. They lived among the alien creatures and have a happy life, yet, they still miss their home and can never go back.

As she said that, tears streamed down Adagio's cheek as Shadow gave her hand a comforting squeeze as she wiped her tears away.

Adagio Dazzle (past): I'm sorry. That story just...gets to me.

Shadow Moonlight (past): It's alright, Adagio. Everyone makes mistakes and some of those result in really severe consequences but if there's one thing I know, it's that a mistake can always be forgiven no matter what. But that starts with them forgiving themselves. Sure, it's not something easy to just let go of but it's better than staying stuck on it for the rest of your life.

Aria Blaze (past): *sarcasm* Yeah, I'm sure you could just let go of the fact that your own family died because of you.

Shadow Moonlight (past): know that's not what I meant.

Aria Blaze (past): Then what DID you mean, Shadow?! You think that it's just simple to get over the loss of your family?! Especially if you're the one responsible for their death?! Well, news flash! It isn't! It makes you see just how awful of a person you are!

Shadow Moonlight (past): No, it doesn't. Like I said earlier, everyone makes bad decisions at times but there's a benefit to it, you learn from them. Sure, your family's gone but there's not really much you can do about it and being stuck on the fact that it was your fault doesn't help in the slightest. Besides, it's not like they intentionally brought a war, Adagio said it was an accident.

Aria Blaze(past): You really don't get it, do you?! It's US! We're the sirens! We're the three that caused the death of our entire race! We're the last of our kind because of what we've done! Ngh! I wish we never took this stupid pendant!

She yelled as she pulled out the dark teal pendant and was about to smash it when Adagio stopped her.

Adagio Dazzle (past): Enough, Aria! Don't you remember what Chrome Aegis said?! We mustn't let this pendant get destroyed by any means!

Sonata Dusk (past): Yeah, or else the entire world will be in danger!

Aria Blaze (past): Who even cares anymore?! Our family is dead and it's all because of this!

She drops to her knees as she begins to sob as she put her hands on her face.

Aria Blaze (past): It was all my fault...I should have just let them have this thing instead of being so stupid to keep it!

Shadow Moonlight (past): Uh...I don't mean to interrupt but do you mind giving me some context, girls?

Adagio Dazzle (past): *sigh* What she said is true, Shadow. We are the sirens in that story I just told you.

Shadow Moonlight (past): three were responsible for wiping out the siren race?

Aria Blaze (past): Me, specifically. Chrome Aegis was a fellow siren friend of ours who put his trust in us and gave us this pendant. He said it contained an evil creature known as The Umbrum and if it ever were to break, he would be set free and cause chaos and destruction.

Shadow Moonlight (past): Okay, but how does that tie into the story Adagio told me?

Adagio Dazzle (past): The ponies discovered that we had this pendant in our possession and declared war to take it from us. Our mother sacrificed herself to save us and we managed to get away and hide out somewhere in a cave. But when we got back...we found the corpses of our family and friends floating in the ocean. I was furious and I wanted revenge and the rest is what I've already told you.

Shadow Moonlight (past): Revenge doesn't solve anything, girls. You may think it'll satisfy you but it won't. Isn't there a way to repopulate?

Sonata Dusk (past): Of course there is! We just need to get a male pregnant!

She spoke nonchalantly as Shadow backed twenty six feet away from them.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Shadow Moonlight (past): YOU WHAT?!

Adagio Dazzle (past): What? Isn't it the human males that get pregnant?

Shadow Moonlight (past): Ahem. Um...I'm not sure where you heard that but that's not how it works here. Male primates have the reproductive organs and the females are the carriers.

Aria Blaze (past): So...if we were to have a kid, you'd have to get me pregnant?

Shadow started to blush as he turned away from them.

Shadow Moonlight (past): Th-Theoretically yes but it's better you wait for someone good looking. Someone like my best friend, Y/N for example. He gets every girl that looks his way.

Adagio Dazzle (past): I'll be the judge of that.

With that, you returned back to reality as your eyes became their normal (E/C) as you stared at Shadow.

(Y/N): You actually suggested that to her?

Shadow Moonlight: Yeah, is that a bad thing?

(Y/N): Ehhhh... I'm not so sure. I haven't quite forgiven her and the other two yet for turning the students against each other.

Shadow Moonlight: I mean, true but that was before anything happened and you are a stud so it's not like I'd be lying to her.

Lemon Zest: So...if Shadowlight was the one in control of you, does that mean that we confessed to him?!

Shadow Moonlight: Yeah so you're all part of his harem, all those dates you had were with him. He's the one you're all committed to and I don't blame you. He's like one of those bad boys that tend to attract girls but I'm just one of those nice guys who won't get anybody. You know that saying "Nice guys finish last?" Well, this is one of those cases.

The Shadowbolts then looked at each other before huddling amongst themselves while whispering. After a brief moment, they broke off their huddle and turned to Shadow.

Sour Sweet: The girls and I... came to an agreement.

Shadow Moonlight: So you're going to stay with him?

Lemon Zest: That we're gonna stay with you, dude.

Shadow Moonlight: Come on, he's not that terrible. I know he's a bit harsh at times but Edge means well and you're all already with him so why break his heart like that?

Shadowlight: Dude, I don't really feel that way about them, you do though. I was just pretending to be you.

Indigo Zap: Shad, we love you and only you. I've been trying to tell you that this whole time. We don't want a rich dude, we don't want a stud, and we don't want a savior. Uh, no offense, Y/N.

(Y/N): None taken.

Indigo Zap: We want the guy who's been there for us for all these years. The guy who'd jump off a bridge for our sake, the guy who'd fight for us, the guy that's our savior and that guy's you, Shad.

Shadow Moonlight: Are you all sure that this is actually what you want? Legitimately?

They nodded as Shadow was quick to grow a smile as a small tear streamed down his cheek.

You then went up and pushed him forward a bit.

(Y/N): Go on, bud. Make it official.

Shadow Moonlight: *whisper* I...don't know how to kiss.

(Y/N): *whisper* Well... I bet they can teach you.

Shadow Moonlight: *whisper* *sigh* I hope you're right, Y/N.

(Y/N): *whisper* I know I am. Now go.

You give him another small shove as he hesitantly approaches the girls with a heavy noticeable blush on his face.

Shadow Moonlight: I just-

Indigo Zap: *giggles* Here.

She grabs the sides of his shoulders and stares into his eyes.

Indigo Zap: Let me show you.

She pressed her lips against his as Shadow's blush grew heavier before he soon felt himself getting into it as he started to return the kiss. You couldn't help but chuckle at that.

(Y/N): He'll get used to it.

Shadowlight: The kissing? Probably, but I highly doubt the same could be said for the bear-hugs.

(Y/N): Given time, I'm sure he would.

Sunset Shimmer: You know, Shad isn't the only one here with a harem.

Rainbow Dash: Yeah! Where's our kisses?!

(Y/N): *pause* Uh oh...

With that, your girls tackled you to the ground and started hugging and kissing you all over.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Shadowlight2784: *pulls down a background image* Don't let your kids watch it!)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Yeah, probably best that we censor this next part.)

(Shadowlight2784: I've already had to deal with loan sharks. The last thing I need right now is to be stuck in court with COPPA.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: *sigh* *sarcasm* Thanks Susan.)

(Shadowlight2784: *sarcasm* You're a real contribution to society.)

After your girls were done with their little love fest, you were covered in kiss marks as your eyes were swirls.

Pinkie Pie: Okay, I think he's had enough.

(Y/N): *sarcasm* You don't say.

You shook your head rapidly which got rid of the kiss marks as you straightened yourself out and looked at Shadow who was busy receiving his own form of love from his girls.

(Y/N): How's it feel to be in my shoes, Shad?

Shadow Moonlight: The best I've felt since we reunited, N/N.

(Y/N): N/N? I don't think you've called me that since we were kids.

Shadow Moonlight: Well, better late than never, right?

(Y/N): Heh, true. So... what do we do now? Because, I think we should assess the damage done to the ship thanks to that shark.

Shadowlight: I already took care of it.

Shadow Moonlight: When did you do that?

Shadowlight: While you two were busy getting loved to death by your harems. You really think I wanna waste my time standing here envying you guys?

(Y/N): Whatever floats your boat, man. Anywho, what do you all say we continue our vacation?

Shadow Moonlight: I like the sound of that.

The others cheered to that idea as you all resumed the trip together. Later on, you and Shadow were standing at the bow checking out the view of the ocean.

(Y/N): We've been through quite a lot, haven't we?

Shadow Moonlight: Yeah, we have, bud.

(Y/N): God... it feels like a thousand years ago. When I first met you, when I first started attending CHS, when I met the girls and fell in love. It's been one heck of a ride.

Shadow was about to say something else until Sunlight got your attention.

Sunlight Shimmer: Hey, Y/N? Could I talk to you in private for a second?

(Y/N): Uh, okay. I'll be back in a sec, Shad. Don't get bored without me.

Shadow Moonlight: Sure, I'll be right here.

Sunlight led you a bit of a ways away until she finally came to a stop.

(Y/N): So, what'd you wanna discuss, Sunlight?

Sunlight Shimmer: know how Sunset and you are a thing?

(Y/N): Oh, I see where this is going.

Sunlight Shimmer: *sigh* Nothing gets past you, huh?

(Y/N): When you've been hanging around girls that you love, you tend to pick up a few skills here and there. You plan on confessing to Shadow, don't you?

Sunlight started to blush and began playing with her hair a little as you chuckled.

(Y/N): I'll take that as a yes.

Sunlight Shimmer: Y-Yeah, I do but I'm not sure how to approach him. I know I probably should go to "myself" for this but seeing as how you and him are closer, I thought it'd be better to ask you.

(Y/N): Well, in that case, you came to the right person, Sunlight. Look, the best thing you should do is to just be honest with him. Guys like it when girls are confident, so try to play it cool. But most importantly, just be yourself.

Sunlight Shimmer: *sigh* Alright, I really hope he doesn't reject me.

(Y/N): Trust me, he won't. I swear to you that he won't.

Meanwhile, Shadow was still looking out at the ocean when Sunset approached him.

Sunset Shimmer: So, I'm guessing things are better between you and Y/N now?

Shadow Moonlight: Seems that way, Sunset. I hope he'll forgive me for having Edge impersonate me.

Sunset Shimmer: Knowing Y/N, he's not one to hold a grudge. I think we both know that.

Shadow Moonlight: Yeah, you're right. So, Y/N said that you were his first girlfriend, right?

Sunset Shimmer: Yep. I'm his first and main girlfriend.

Shadow Moonlight: And was it him that confessed to you or did you confess to him?

Sunset Shimmer: The latter and of course, he accepted. Why? Are you planning to confess to someone?

She teased as Shadow's blush came back which only made Sunset smirk even more.

Sunset Shimmer: Alright, who is it? Come on, you gotta tell me.

Shadow Moonlight: You...

Sunset froze.

Sunset Shimmer: Wait, what?

Shadow Moonlight: I mean the human you, Sunlight Shimmer.

Sunset Shimmer: O-Oh! I-I'm so sorry. For a moment, I thought you meant "me" me.

Shadow Moonlight: It's cool. Besides, I wouldn't wanna steal Y/N's main girl away from him.

Sunset Shimmer: So, you like Sunlight?

Shadow Moonlight: To put it lightly, yeah. I mean, my feelings were strong for Moondancer but I still had a spot for Sunlight somewhere in my heart. I'm not a handsome stud like Y/N so I don't expect her to like me back.

Sunset Shimmer: Hey, don't say that. You've got some good looks, yourself. Plus, I'm more than certain that she feels the same way.

Shadow Moonlight: And what makes you say that?

Sunset Shimmer: Because I asked her about how she felt about you one time and then she instantly blushed slightly. That, to me, suggests that she's got a thing for you.

Shadow Moonlight: Well, if that isn't enough evidence, then I don't know what is. So, how did you approach Y/N? I've never confessed to someone before so I really don't know what to do.

Sunset Shimmer: W-Well... mine was sort of... improvised.

Shadow raised an eyebrow at that.

Shadow Moonlight: What's that supposed to mean?

Sunset Shimmer: When I did confess to him, I actually wasn't planning to confess to him at that moment. You see, I was beginning to question if I deserved all the good things that had happened to me. Y/N, my friends, a roof over my head, all of that. I wondered if I deserved any of that. Y/N reassured me that I did. I was so enthralled and moved by his words that I impulsively kissed him.

Shadow Moonlight: I guess you and I were kind of in the same boat. I always pondered if I deserved to be at CPA with all these amazing people I've grown attached to or if I deserved to be beaten to death by Patriot and Dink every day of my life. I wondered if I was a good or a bad person but I kept believing I was a terrible person since my parents left me. But, like you, Y/N reassured me that I wasn't and that my happiness is just as important as everyone else's. I guess if I was a girl, I'd probably do the same thing you did.

Sunset Shimmer: So, if you're in love with her, why not tell her? She feels the same way and I'm sure she wouldn't mind sharing you with the other Shadowbolt girls.

Shadow Moonlight: Did you ask her about that too?

Sunset Shimmer: I... haven't. But hey, that shouldn't stop you from at least asking.

Shadow Moonlight: I don't know. It's things like these where you're taking a leap of faith. I mean, I'm not saying you're wrong but like, I don't want to ruin a friendship I've worked hard to build with her. I mean, is she even ready for a relationship?

Sunset Shimmer: Shad, I think you're being a little too cautious. Come on, what's the worst that can happen?

Shadow Moonlight: I get cold feet and end up saying the wrong thing?

Sunset Shimmer: *sigh* Just go over there and tell her how you feel.

Shadow Moonlight: But-

Sunset Shimmer: No buts. Now, go ahead and get your girl.

Meanwhile, you and Sunlight continued to talk.

(Y/N): So, just go on over and get your man.

Sunlight Shimmer: But...what if he doesn't feel the same? What if he just wants to be friends? If I say this I'd be ruining everything I've had with him.

(Y/N): Trust me, it'll work out. I promise.

Sunlight Shimmer: Pinkie Promise?

You froze as you looked over your shoulder and saw the poofy haired girl leering at you from around the corner. You gulped before turning back to Sunlight.

(Y/N): Pinkie Promise. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.

You chanted while doing the gestures as Sunlight sighed.

Sunlight Shimmer: *sigh* If my friendship with Shadow gets ruined, it's on you.

(Y/N): Duly noted. Now, go on.

Sunlight gulped for a moment as she started walking towards Shadow who she saw in front of her along with her pony counterpart.

Sunset Shimmer: Just lay it down on her, Shad. Trust me, she'll be so happy to hear that you like her back.

Shadow Moonlight: *sigh* Alright, alright.

Shadow turned from her and saw Sunlight walking up to him with a blush on her face as he began to blush as well before going to her. They stopped in front of each other as Shadow was the first to speak.

Shadow Moonlight: Um... h-hey.

Sunlight Shimmer: U-Uhh, hey.

Shadow Moonlight: Listen... I... have something I wanna tell you.

Sunlight Shimmer: S-Sure, wh-what's up?

Shadow Moonlight: I uh... I kinda... sort of... maybe... possibly... *whisper* like you a lot.

Sunlight's eyes widened as her blush grew redder and she started to play with her hair again.

Sunlight Shimmer: R-Really?!

Shadow Moonlight: Mmmhmmm. I uh...have liked you for awhile now. You're strong, confident, and... really beautiful.

Sunlight Shimmer: W-Well...I uh...I like you too...

Shadow Moonlight: You don't have to do that, Sunlight. I mean, if you don't feel the same then I completely understa-

Sunlight cut him off by pulling him into a deep kiss. Shadow stared at Sunlight with widened eyes for a moment or two before closing his eyes and returning the kiss. You and Sunset watched in awe.

(Y/N): Heh, reminds me of when you confessed to me.

Sunset Shimmer: *jokingly* Oh, shut up. I wasn't that awkward.

(Y/N): You surprisingly kissed me and then started panicking afterwards with the most adorable blush on your face. Tell me how that isn't awkward.

Sunset Shimmer: *sigh* Whatever. Come on. Let's give them some space.

You nodded as you followed her to the front as Shadow and Sunlight ended their kiss.

Sunlight Shimmer: Wow... that was amazing.

Shadow Moonlight: Considering that Edge did all of the kissing for me, I think this is technically my first real kiss with a girl.

Sunlight Shimmer: Wait, what about that one you had with the girls earlier?

Shadow Moonlight: They were kinda forcing me into it, not that I minded of course but I didn't really count it as a real first kiss.

Sunlight Shimmer: I guess I... kinda forced it too, didn't I?

Shadow Moonlight: Well...yeah but you also confessed so I'd like to think of this more as a first kiss for me.

Sunlight Shimmer: Well, whatever you consider it, at least I finally get to be with you. I hope I can be the best I can be to you... even though we didn't get along very well when we first met.

Shadow Moonlight: Hey, Sunset and Y/N didn't exactly start off as best friends either so don't take it to heart. I don't care who you were once, I care about the beautiful girl that I see right in front of me.

She smiled before pecking him on the lips.

Sunlight Shimmer: Thanks, Shad.

Shadow Moonlight: Don't mention it, Shim-Shim.

Sunlight Shimmer: Hey, wanna go back and hang out with the others? They're probably wondering where we are.

Shadow Moonlight: Sure, and I think they'd be delighted about the news we're gonna reveal to them.

She grabbed his hand as they walked over to where you and the others were in order to tell you all the good news. We then cut to V/N's castle as Demon Shimmer was walking around by herself until she saw something that made her raise an eyebrow. Hollow was sitting hunched over at a table with a teacup set in front of him. She walked over to him and nudged his shoulder.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Demon Shimmer: Hollow! Hey, Hollow! Are you okay?

Hollow lifts his head up and wails in drunken despair.

Hollow Moonshine: GONE!! It's all gone. All of it's gone. Bye-bye! Whoo-whoo! See ya!

Demon Shimmer: What happened to you?

Hollow Moonshine: One minute you're fighting with the Scourge of Equestria. And suddenly you find yourself suckin' down Darjeeling with Marie Antoinette and her little sister.

Demon Shimmer removes the teapot from Hollow's grip and sets it on the table.

Demon Shimmer: I think you've had enough tea for today. Let's get you outta here, Hollow.

Hollow Moonshine: Don't you get it?! You see the hat?!! I am Mrs. Nesbitt!! *laughs hysterically*

Demon Shimmer: Snap out of it, Hollow!

She yelled as she slaps him across the face. Hollow sobers up and calmly takes his rubs his head as he walks out of the room while Demon Shimmer follows.

Hollow Moonshine: (sober) I-I-I-- I'm sorry. I-- You're right. I'm just a little depressed. That's all. I-- I-- I can get through this.

Hollow reaches the center of the hallway and drops to his knees.

Hollow Moonshine: OH, I'M A SHAM!!

Demon Shimmer: Shhhhh!! Quiet, Hollow.

Hollow Moonshine: Look at me! I can't even steal a freaking...necklace! The hat look good? Tell me the hat look good. The apron is a bit much, it's not my color...

Demon Shimmer: But you're not wearing an ap-

Hollow Moonshine: Years of academy training, wasted!

Demon Shimmer: Academy? You never went to an academy, Hollow. You were literally created by V/N not too long ago.

Hollow Moonshine: That's not the point, Shimmer! I failed my lord! He's gonna send me back to the void I came from!

Demon Shimmer: Oh come on, it was just one mistake. What's the worst he could do?

Hollow looks at her with a deadpan expression.

Hollow Moonshine: He trapped his former best friend in a pendant for eighteen thousand years and let's not forget about the fact that I slightly look like him!

Demon Shimmer: Oh, did you manage to get that pendant, by the way?

Hollow's lower lip began to quiver as his eyes started watering.

Demon Shimmer: I'm gonna take that as a no.

Hollow Moonshine: Well...I did but...

He pulls out the replica of the pendant he tore off of Shadow's neck.

Hollow Moonshine: There's no magic in here.

Demon Shimmer: Let me see it.

He hands her the pendant as she takes a closer look at it. Her face turns south as she turns back to Hollow.

Demon Shimmer: Um... I hate to pile on the bad news, Hollow but... it's a fake.

Hollow blinks at her as if he was waiting for her to say something else.

Demon Shimmer: It's not the real pendant. See?

She shows him the details as it took him a moment to finally realize it.

Hollow Moonshine: I...grabbed the wrong one?! Oh, crap! That's even worse!

???: What's even worse?

Hollow froze at hearing that familiar voice as they both slowly turned to see Lord V/N himself with a curious expression.

Hollow Moonshine: U-Um...that Midnight is planning to seduce you to lighten her punishments?

V/N crossed his arms as his face became more serious.

(V/N): Midnight Sparkle has no interest in romance. Did you secure the pendant?

Hollow quickly nods his head as he sweat drops before reluctantly handing the "pendant" over to V/N. Quickly, he grabs Demon Shimmer's arm as the both of them run off into a nearby room much to V/N's confusion.

(V/N): *thinking* They seem... strange today. Could they be... impostors? No, that's stupid. What could Sunset or Shadow possibly gain from pretending to be one of my ranks? I'd be quick to figure them out and kill them right here. Whatever, now to give my welcome to an old friend.

He went over to a nearby room where a pedestal sat at the very edge of the room holding the assembled pieces of the Infinity Amulet. He walks up to it holding the "pendant" with a smirk.

(V/N): Finally, I will be able to make Edge see clearly now. The power of the Umbrum is now within my grasp.

He holds it close to the amulet to see if it would attach itself... but it didn't. He raised an eyebrow at that as he tried a few more times which only resulted in the same thing.

(V/N): Why is this not working?

He examined the pendant a bit closer until he finally realized it... Hollow had given him a fake! V/N's face immediately turned sour at the revelation as he crushed the fake in his hand.


His voice boomed throughout the castle as Hollow and Demon Shimmer quaked in fear.

Demon Shimmer: You are so screwed, man.

Hollow Moonshine: Dear god, I gotta get outta here.

He quickly slashed the space in front of him and quickly jumped through before it closed. He came out the other side... but it wasn't the location he had hoped for. He found himself right in front of his angered creator whose eyes were slitted in rage.


Hollow could barely make out a word as he laughed nervously and slowly started backing away.

Hollow Moonshine: I-It's n-not wh-what y-you th-think, s-sir. I-I r-really d-did th-think i-it w-was th-the r-real o-one!

V/N then grabbed his subordinate by the neck and hoisted him into the air while choking him.

(V/N): Then you had better find the real one! If you do not, I'll make you feed Juniper Monstar's massive ego!

Hollow Moonshine: P-Please my lord! Anything but that!

(V/N): Then don't fail me again!

He yelled before he roughly threw Hollow across the room as he hit the wall and fell to the floor. His whole body was covered in bruises, scrapes, cuts, and a lot of blood was dripping from his face. Meanwhile, Midnight Sparkle and Juniper Monstar were watching.

Midnight Sparkle: And THAT is why you should never fail or disobey Lord V/N.

Juniper Monstar: Yeah, I think I'd rather stay dead after seeing that.

Hollow, meanwhile, stumbled to his feet while holding his side.

Hollow Moonshine: I-I will n-not f-fail y-you again, my lord.

He slowly limped out of the room as Midnight and Juniper watched him leave. They then entered the room and bowed before V/N.

Midnight Sparkle: We have returned, Lord V/N.

He took a deep breath to calm his nerves before glancing at the two ladies.

(V/N): What's the progress with finding the other Disharmony stones?

Midnight Sparkle: I think you'll like what we have to offer.

She reached into her pocket and pulled out the Alicorn Amulet. This immediately brought a grin to V/N as he walked down the steps and stopped in front of them until he looked back at them with a sour look.

(V/N): This better not be a fake. I just got done lecturing Hollow about giving me counterfeits.

Juniper Monstar: We can assure you, sire, that this is no fake.

He looked back at the amulet and observed it closely. Sure enough, it was THE Alicorn Amulet.

(V/N): Perfect. What about the Magic Mirror stone?

Juniper Monstar reached into her pocket and pulled out a purple glowing stone and handed it to V/N.

Juniper Monstar: I believe this is what you're looking for.

He reached for it and examined it.

(V/N): Very good. Unlike Hollow, you two didn't disappoint. At least, some good came out of today.

Juniper Monstar: My lord. It is truly a pleasure to bow before your sheer grandeur. No one in existence has had the might, nay the nobility, to wield not one, but TWO, Disharmony stones.

V/N and Midnight just blinked at her a few times before V/N spoke up.

(V/N): Ooookay. Anyway, you both have done well.

Just then, Gaea Everfree comes rushing out of a room and calls out to V/N in a panicked tone.

Gaea Everfree: Lord V/N! We have a problem!

(V/N): What's wrong, Gaea?

Gaea Everfree: Did Hollow give you Shadowlight's pendant by any chance?

(V/N): No, Hollow, instead, gave me a forgery.

Gaea Everfree: Well, I've done some further investigation and the one Shadow was wearing was a fake. He never had the real one with him during that fight with Kingfin.

(V/N): What?! But...that's not possible! He wouldn't have been able to transform into the Black Mamba without it! Unless...

He then pondered with his thoughts as he turned slightly away from them. A grin soon spread across his face as he chuckled slightly.

(V/N): How could I have forgotten?

Gaea Everfree: Forgotten what?

He turned back to them.

(V/N): We created that pendant in order to contain creatures that got in our way. It was never the source of his power. That's why he still had them when he fought Kingfin.

Gaea Everfree: I was about to get to that. Y/N's broken the pendant and now he's a free man.

V/N sighed at that.

(V/N): Well, there goes my plan to correct him. But, now that he no longer is merged with his counterpart, he's now much weaker than before. It's how it was with Y/N and me.

Midnight Sparkle: Um, correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't it Shadowlight who had all the power, sir?

(V/N): What do you mean?

Midnight Sparkle: I remember hearing Aria mention that Grogar created you with the Pony of Shadows. Doesn't that mean you're part of Shadowlight?

(V/N): Yeah. What's your point?

Midnight Sparkle: If he was the source of your power, I don't think either of you could win.

(V/N): As of right now, but... with the Infinity Amulet powered by the most powerful objects in Equestria as well as the spirit of chaos and disharmony himself... then he will bow before me.

Gaea Everfree: Sir, if the amulet were to fail us...

(V/N): It won't! I refuse to be brought down by someone who I defeated long ago.

Juniper Monstar: I wouldn't really say that sealing him up in a pendant is the same as defeating him. I mean, we all died after Y/N beat us so...

(V/N): Then what do you suggest then, Gaea? Use plants to beat him?

She stayed silent after that.

(V/N): Yeah, that's what I thought. The Infinity Amulet is our best bet. With it, the laws of existence itself will be under my control. Not even Grogar himself could accomplish that.

Hollow Moonshine: plan to bring him back, sir?

(V/N): Hmph! And let him take all the credit? I don't think so. He may have been the one that created every horrible monster in Equestria, but we were the ones who did all the heavy lifting. If anything, WE should have been the ones to fear, not him.

Hollow Moonshine: *thinking* Is fate?

(V/N): Enough. I wish to start assembling the amulet.

He took the Alicorn Amulet and Mirror stone to the pedestal room that contained the Infinity Amulet. He removed the stone from the Alicorn Amulet and hovered it near the Infinity Amulet. The stone started gravitating towards it's new holder until it settled in the very middle. He then took the Mirror stone and let it float to the bottom left. He smirked sadistically before picking up the amulet and turning around presenting it to the others. He then started bringing it to his neck.

Hollow Moonshine: Sir, wait! Are you sure you can handle that kind of power? Grogar said that this thing was dangerous, remember?! It could wipe us all out!

(V/N): Only one way to find out.

With his decision made, V/N tied the amulet around his neck. A flash of bright light occurred as V/N recoiled in pain as he let his body get used to the effect. Soon, he stood straight back up and smiled evilly.

(V/N): Wipe us all out, you said?

Hollow Moonshine: *thinking* Oh crap.

V/N looked down at his neck as the stones shined brightly.

(V/N): Two down, four more to go.

Hollow Moonshine: Sir, you can't! If you assemble the amulet again, you could end up sharing Sombra's fate!

(V/N): Sombra was indeed powerful, but he didn't have the willpower nor the nobility to wield such strength as I do. And why are you complaining, Hollow? Don't you want to see your counterpart bow to his knees before you? Or, better yet, dead?

Hollow Moonshine: said you didn't want to kill anymore! All you wanted is to bring world order, wasn't it?

(V/N): I won't kill unless it is absolutely necessary! I said that I wouldn't mindlessly kill like I did long before. I will first see if I can control Shadowlight. If not, then he will perish. It's as simple as that.

Hollow Moonshine: that what we are to you?

(V/N): *sigh* This again? How many times must I explain to you that you are my loyal subjects. You are always useful to me. So, it'd be a waste to kill any of you.

Hollow Moonshine: And what does that make us? Servants, just like you and Shadowlight were once when you were with Grogar back in Equestria?! Is that who you want to become? The new Grogar?

(V/N): Hollow if you-

Hollow Moonshine: No, V/N! This is getting out of hand! I wanted to serve you the best I could! I spied on Y/N and his harem just like you wanted, I tried to get Shadow's pendant just like you wanted, I tried to nearly kill anyone who disrespected you and you want to know what I got?! Six years worth of injuries from being slammed into a wall! If it really were a waste to kill me, why make me suffer like this?! I was made to be loyal to you and that's all I tried to do! *sigh* All I want is to make you proud, sir, but if I'm going to be abused for something like this, I shouldn't have a reason to stick around.

V/N stayed silent for a moment until he walked up to his first ally and placed a hand on his shoulder prompting him to look up.

(V/N): Hollow... I apologize.

His eyes widened at that along with Midnight, Gaea, and Juniper's.

Hollow Moonshine: W-What?

(V/N): You heard me. I shouldn't have abused you so horribly. But, I must assert my dominance as the leader. You honestly have no idea what it's like to spend countless years trapped inside the body of everything that has held you back. Y/N represents everything that made me weak. Compassion, kindness, shame... mercy and thanks to his spineless, wimpy, excuse of a childhood friend, Shadowlight has now become that way too. For the longest time... I was alone. I had no one. Just the darkness. The silent, empty, lightless void where all hope was dead. So, pardon me if I don't have the best experience with how I handle things. Everything that I ever valued or held close to me was either taken, turned traitorous... or killed. You are the only ones that I could consider allies and...I guess I started to take advantage of that.

He then walked past Hollow and stood at the doorway.

(V/N): I'll tell you what. If you honestly think you can do a better job than I can, then go right ahead. But when the time comes when the job is too much to handle, THEN you will know what it is to be like me.

Hollow Moonshine: Sir, I want to serve you the best I can like I've been saying this whole time but I want to be appreciated for my efforts even if they don't end up succeeding. I don't want power, I don't want to lead massive armies or take over Equestria, I just want the respect of the one who gave me purpose. Moreover, one I could call...a friend.

V/N's eyes widened when he heard that as a familiar voice echoed through his head.

Shadowlight: *flashback* You're one I could call...a friend.

(V/N): ...Fine. A Friend it is then. Just don't be like the one who turned on me.

Hollow, Midnight, Demon Shimmer, Gaea, and Juniper: We won't.

He nodded.

(V/N): Why not take some time off? I'll handle Y/N and the others myself... *sigh* alone.

He walked out as Hollow then started gaining a guilty expression.

Midnight Sparkle: Geez, I had no idea he had to endure so much pain.

Hollow Moonshine: It's not just him. Shadow was like that too and yet somehow he's able to keep a smile on for every time fate went against him.

Demon Shimmer: The same goes for my counterpart too. She had to endure a lifetime of suffering thanks to her step-parents.

Hollow Moonshine: Can I ask you all something?

They nodded.

Hollow Moonshine: Are we the villains?

Juniper Monstar: Figuratively or literally?

Hollow Moonshine: Both.

Midnight Sparkle: Well, V/N is our leader. He has the authority and the right to rule over us how he sees fit. We all wouldn't be here right now if it wasn't for him so I think we should be more grateful towards him. But... it still would be nice to feel appreciated for your efforts. I had to endure countless nights of scaring Sci-Twi to weaken her psyche and all I got out of it was a beating from you.

Demon Shimmer: I haven't really done anything to anger him, yet. So, I can't say that I know what you're going through.

Gaea Everfree: I haven't really done much so that applies to me too.

Hollow Moonshine: I'm really not sure what we are but let's all think about this for a moment, have any of you seen Megamind?

Demon Shimmer: No offense, but we've been spending our time mostly in this place. We don't really watch movies around here.

Hollow Moonshine: *sigh* I should've guessed since I'm the only one who really got out much aside from the Dazzlings. Well, what I got from the movie was a "hero" and a "villian". The hero was cocky, egotistical, and deserted the people he was supposed to protect while the villain was shown to be sympathetic, respects his subjects, and was treated cruelly by fate. What two people can you think of that fit either of those descriptions?

Gaea Everfree: V/N and Shadowlight?

Hollow nods.

Hollow Moonshine: Which brings me back to my question, are we the villains? Are we working for the person who will reform himself while the so called "heroes" will be the ones who bring the chaos?

Demon Shimmer: Like, Y/N will ditch his friends or become some kind of evil dictator or something?

Hollow Moonshine: Honestly, I don't know. Though, Y/N did ditch his friends during the Battle of the Bands so something like that wouldn't sound too far fetched. But the way I see it, V/N's trying to do something he believes is right by bringing world order. He isn't doing it for the heck of it, he wants to stop the murders of others because of free will but Y/N and his friends are getting in his way. Tell me, would a villain want world order just to stop murders from happening?

Gaea Everfree: No, I don't think so. I don't really want to kill people either. I just wanted to be left alone in the Everfree forest as well as protect it.

Hollow Moonshine: Exactly. V/N isn't the villain here and neither are we, Y/N and his harem are! They WANT free will to exist!

Demon Shimmer: Hollow, haven't you seen Starlight Glimmer's village? That's what the world would be like without free will. It was creepy, borning, and just plain disturbing.

Hollow Moonshine: At least, it was peaceful! They weren't mindlessly murdering each other left and right like it is in real life! I see V/N's vision now. I doubted it for a time, but no longer. Gaea, would you prefer that people CHOSE to walk into and desecrate your forest?

Gaea Everfree: Not on their miserable, mortal, lives.

Hollow Moonshine: Juniper, would you prefer if people CHOSE to ignore and look down on you? Or would you prefer that you MADE them adore you?

Juniper Monstar: Obviously the latter!

Hollow Moonshine: Midnight Sparkle, would you prefer that Y/N and his harem CHOSE to take all the magic for themselves?

Midnight Sparkle: Not a chance!

Hollow Moonshine: And Demon Shimmer, would you prefer that people CHOSE to despise and hate you even though you wanted to be appreciated?

Demon Shimmer: Eh. It'd probably blow over eventually. Though... it would still be nice to have these peasants bow before us.

Hollow Moonshine: So, now you all see it? Free will is an infestation... that must be exterminated!

Everyone but Hollow: It should and it shall!

Hollow Moonshine: All hail V/N! Our true lord and savior!

Everyone but Hollow: Hail V/N!

A couple moments passed as we saw V/N sitting on his throne by himself with a depressed expression as he looked at a framed picture of him and Shadowlight when they used to be buddy-buddy.

(V/N): *thinking* Why did you have to become so soft, Edge? We were taught that emotional attachments make you weak!

???: Hail, V/N!

Multiple voices startled him out of his thoughts as he looked and saw Hollow and the others bowing in respect to their lord as V/N smiles at this.

(V/N): You all seem in good spirits.

Hollow Moonshine: Of course, sire. We will no longer question your authority or motives. Whatever you say goes.

Demon Shimmer: We will do our best to please you.

Midnight Sparkle: We wouldn't be here if not for you, my lord.

Gaea Everfree: And we will do everything in our power to repay you for it.

Juniper Monstar: So, what's our first order of business?

V/N's sadistic grin came back to him as he stepped down a few steps towards them.

(V/N): Continue your work in finding the Disharmony stones, my friends. We will not let those beneath us get in our way!

They all slam their fists against their chests as a way to salute him before they all teleport or walk out of the room as V/N returns back to the framed picture of him and Shadowlight.

(V/N): *thinking* I guess I'm a bit of a hypocrite because now I have emotional attachments. However, that will not stop me from achieving what needs to be done. I will bring world order to all and I will knock some sense back into you one way or another.

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