Chapter 42: Forgotten Friendship Pt. 2

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We cut back to the human world where we see the girls continuing their fun in the sun at the beach. Pinkie walks up to Sci-Twi while holding one of her special sunscreen cupcakes.

Pinkie Pie: We've been out here a while. Time to reapply!

She said as she started rubbing the cupcake over certain parts of her body including her face. Sci-Twi then got a concerned look on her face.

Sci-Twi: I've been thinking...Should we be worried about Y/N L/N?

Sunset Shimmer: Yeah! Worried he comes back. I really hope Shad's come to his senses by now. The last thing I want is him to be brainwashed by Y/N.

???: I agree.

They heard someone say off to the side as they looked and saw Trixie sunbathing herself.

Trixie Lulamoon: I think it's a shame the way he's treating you, pretending to be your friend. He's obviously up to something. Y/N thinks the whole school exists just to serve him. Water please!

She snapped her fingers which prompted Snips and Snails to get her some.

Trixie Lulamoon: Serves him right, if you ask me. Anyways, Trixie's been meaning to ask you, Sunset. When do you plan to put me in as "The Greatest and Most Powerfullest?"

Sunset Shimmer: *sigh* *sarcasm* You just have to be in the book, don't you? Because we all definitely care about your ego. *speaking* Look, it's not a superlative, it's not going to be a superlative and that's final! And didn't we have this conversation yesterday? I can't quite remember.

The others thought of that too before they shrugged it off.

Applejack: Uh...

Fluttershy: Hmm.

Trixie Lulamoon: Maybe we did, maybe we didn't. Memory is such a fickle thing. You never know when you'll forget something important. Like how Great and Powerful I am, which is why I need to be in the yearbook!

Sunset Shimmer: *sigh* *thinking* I swear, there's just no reasoning with her. *speaking* I'll tell you what, I'll think about it, Trixie.

Trixie Lulamoon: That's all I ask.

We then cut back to you, Twilight, and Shadow as you now had a plan in mind for what you were going to do.

(Y/N): Maybe the photos we took together could remind them.

Shadow Moonlight: That won't work. They could easily claim that you photoshopped yourself in.

(Y/N): We still need to at least try, Shad. We now know what we're looking for.

Twilight Sparkle: The Memory Stone. I'll stay here and search the restricted section top to bottom until I find a way to get your friends' memories back.

(Y/N): Thanks, Twi.

Shadow Moonlight: Yeah, thanks. I can't stand the idea of people being mean to my best buddy for no reason. Though...maybe it wasn't you. You think V/N pretended to be you and that's why they're mad?

(Y/N): No, I don't think so. They know about V/N and they know what he looks like. They're not stupid enough to fall for that...unless he found a spell to disguise himself. But, I doubt it's that. The girls have no memory of me being good, so it's gotta be the Memory Stone.

Shadow Moonlight: It's weird but I feel like I've seen that stone before.

Your eyes widened before placing your hooves on his shoulders.

(Y/N): Really?! Where?!

Shadow Moonlight: It's a bit of a blur but I could've sworn it was in the woods somewhere. I think I remember digging it up and giving it to someone. It's hard to remember who though.

(Y/N): *sigh* That doesn't really help narrow it down. We need to know its exact location.

Shadow Moonlight: Well, all I know is that I gave it to someone. I don't remember who since it has been a bit of time since. Wait...I think Edge might actually know. That was back when he and I shared my body. If I can't remember it, he probably does.

You got a nervous look on your face when he suggested that.

(Y/N): I don't know. He might not be willing to see me since I have no idea if he still has his memory.

Shadow Moonlight: I wouldn't worry, Y/N. I can vouch for you in case he does.

(Y/N): I sure hope he hasn't forgotten.

Princess Celestia then walked up to you.

Princess Celestia: Though, I have only known you for a short time, you seem to be a very resourceful being, Y/N. I have every confidence that you'll succeed.

Shadow Moonlight: Hopefully, he does. I want to be able to get back the memories I've lost of him.

Twilight Sparkle: Don't worry, you guys. I won't stop until I find that missing piece to the scroll, even if I have to reorganize the whole library by subject. Or maybe chronologically! Oh! And fix the broken catalog machine...*clears throat* I'll figure it out.

(Y/N): Heh, I'm sure you will, Twi. Thank you.

She nodded before giving you a quick hug before separating.

Twilight Sparkle: Will you guys be able to find your way back to my castle?

(Y/N): I'm sure it won't be too difficult, right Shadow?

Shadow Moonlight: If I knew how to fly, probably.

(Y/N): Let's just take the train back. Flying lessons can wait till later.

Shadow Moonlight: I'm still kinda baffled that they have trains when the majority of the populace seems pre-industrial.

Twilight Sparkle: We've learned not to rely on magic as years went on. It had some really bad consequences.

(Y/N): Well, we can learn about that later. Let's go, Shad.

He nodded before following you out of the library while Twilight stayed behind and continued her research. Once you and Shadow finally made it back to the human world, you and him started sprinting your way over to the beach in order to find the girls. Speaking of the girls, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy were currently locked in a game of volleyball as Sci-Twi's drone documented the whole thing.

Rainbow Dash: *sotto voice* It's been a grueling afternoon, but here we are: the final match! Next point wins! A hush falls over the crowd of ten thousand fans.

The drone flies over to Sci-Twi who was reading a book as she looked up at it while Sunset sat next to her..

Sci-Twi: Go sports!

Sunset Shimmer: Heh, yeah. Go sports!

The drone turns its attention back to the game as Rainbow continued to speak.

Rainbow Dash: I'm not holding back this time!

Fluttershy: That's what I'm afraid of.

She said in a scared voice.

Pinkie Pie: Bring it on, Rainbow Dash! You and Rarity just bought your team a one-way ticket on the express train to You're Going Down!

Rainbow Dash: Ooh. Nice game face, Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie Pie: Thanks! I've been practicing all day.

She then noticed the drone flying close to her as she grabbed it and made it look at her.

Pinkie Pie: Isn't that right, little baby camera?! You're in my house now!

The drone flew away as it hovered near Sci-Twi. Spike, who was in her lap at the time, growled at the flying machine and chased after it.

Rarity: *laughs* Somebody's jealous.

Spike: Please! Call me when the flying can opener learns how to fetch.

As if to make him eat his own words, the drone then placed a can of dog food next to him as he gave it a glare.

Spike: You're the worst.

Meanwhile, the girls' volleyball game resumed as it got a little tense at first. It was soon brought to a halt however, as the ball landed a bit of a ways from them as you and Shadow finally made it to the beach.

(Y/N): Great news, guys! We figured it out. Someone's erased your memory with Equestrian magic! You don't remember, but you're my girlfriends!

You then pulled out a drawing of the Memory Stone and showed it to them.

(Y/N): This is the Memory Stone. Do you recognize it?

They gazed at the drawing for a moment as they only stared with confused looks.

(Y/N): Uh...probably not. But, look at this.

You pulled out your phone and showed them images of you and the girls together.

(Y/N): See? Photos of us together! You're all my girlfriends and I'm your boyfriend!

Shadow Moonlight: He's not an egoist! He loves you girls and you loved him back before your memory was wiped!

They all looked but were still unsure. That is, until a certain magician spoke up.

Trixie Lulamoon: Oh, please. This is the same guy who has magical powers. You could have easily altered those photos to make it seem like you were with them.

Shadow Moonlight: Um...not to rain on your parade, Trixie, but I don't think there's any kind of magic that alters a photo. I've done some research.

Trixie Lulamoon: Well, if it wasn't magic, it could certainly be photoshopped. Either way, those pictures wouldn't mean anything.

Pinkie Pie: Yeah, wait a minute! Is this supposed to be me making such a ridiculous face? Ha! I'd never fake a face like that! Preposterous! Fake, I say!

Trixie chuckled in response to that which made Shadow raise an eyebrow as he turned to her.

Shadow Moonlight: So what'd Y/N do to upset you?

Trixie Lulamoon: Hmph! That's none of your business, Shadow! My work here is done. Trixie out!

She threw a smoke bomb on the ground and disappeared once again until it's revealed that she only got as far as the steps.

Trixie Lulamoon: *distantly* Don't forget, Sunset! You promised to put me in the yearbook!

(Y/N): Wait, you did what?

You asked as you backed up as your foot stepped onto the volleyball causing you to stumble backwards.

Shadow Moonlight: Y/N, behind you!

He pushed you out of the way before stepping onto Sci-Twi's drone while accidentally breaking one of the propellers. Sci-Twi gasped before going over and investigating her broken drone.

Shadow Moonlight: Twi, I'm so sorry! I was trying to stop him from destroying it! I can help fix it!

Sci-Twi: Don't bother, Shadow. You and him have done quite enough today.

Sunset walked over and glared at him.

Sunset Shimmer: You know what, Shadow? Since you seem to be so adamant on defending this jerk, why don't you start hanging out with him instead?!

Shadow's eyes widened before his eyes started to water.

Shadow Moonlight: could you still hate him?! He's trying so hard to make it right! Why can't you tell me why you're mad at him?! It'd give me and him some proper insight on how to fix this!

Rainbow Dash: Let me ask you this! How can you stand by his side instead of ours?! He nearly killed us during the Battle of the Bands!

Shadow Moonlight: That was V/N! You girls told me that yourselves that he was the one in control of Y/N!

Sunset Shimmer: But he was in on it too! He said that he actually considered killing us and willingly helped V/N do so!

Shadow Moonlight: Because you kicked him out of the band!

Applejack: Only because he threatened to kill Trixie! He was gonna blast her to pieces if we hadn't stepped in and held' him back! How can you consider that good?!

Shadow Moonlight: Knowing Trixie, she loves to push people's buttons so whatever she said must've really gotten to him.

He was about to say something else before you put a hand on his shoulder which made him look back at you. You had tears in your eyes as your head hung low.

(Y/N): *whisper* Shadow...stop. It's no use. We can't get through to them. They...don't believe us.

Shadow Moonlight: *whisper* I knew coming here was a bad idea.

Rainbow Dash: Sunset's got a point. If you wanna defend this selfish jerk, why don't you go be with him instead?!

Shadow looked back at them and hung his head low.

Shadow Moonlight: Well...I guess we'll be off then. Sorry for wasting your time.

He pulled you along as both your heads still hung low.

(Y/N): *sigh* I guess our last resort is to go see Edge.

Shadow then stopped for a moment which made you look at him with a confused look.

(Y/N): Shad?

Shadow Moonlight: Did...Edge argue with you?

You turned your whole body to him.

(Y/N): What do you mean?

Shadow Moonlight: At the Friendship Games...did you and him argue when you thought it was me you were talking to?

You looked down at the floor uneasy.

(Y/N): We...we did. I tried to save him from one of the giant man eating plants that sprouted from one of the portals, but he thought that I was just doing it for glory.

Shadow Moonlight: Y/N...if Edge thought that way...could he be the one behind this?

Your eyes widened before you shook your head.

(Y/N): No...he couldn't have. He and I were on good terms before today. I don't think he'd have a motive to do this.

Shadow Moonlight: Phew. Thank god for that. Well...I guess we have to figure out who it is then.

You then had a sudden moment of realization as a voice popped up in your head.

Trixie Lulamoon (past): My work here is done.

(Y/N): What if...what if it was Trixie?

Shadow Moonlight: Trixie? While she definitely does seem to hold something against you, I really don't think it'd be her. She's a magician who practices magical tricks, not with real magic. So, her using something like this stone to erase memories just doesn't seem like something she'd do.

(Y/N): Shadow. You don't remember it, but yesterday, you, me, and the girls were at the computer room at CHS. She came in demanding that we put her in the yearbook, but Sunset said no. I backed her up on that which resulted in Trixie lashing out at me for not taking her side. So, what if she did this because she's angry that I didn't support her?

Shadow Moonlight: You really think she'd go this far out to erase your friends' memories just for a place in the yearbook?

(Y/N): *sigh* Honestly, it wouldn't be that far fetched. Trixie has been known to hold grudges a lot. Also, that laugh that she did earlier suggested that she was up to something.

Shadow Moonlight: I don't know. I get where you're coming from, but I really don't think Trixie could have done it. It's faint but I could've sworn I remember you telling me that she liked you so why would she try to hurt you this much? I'm sure she'd sacrifice a spot in the yearbook if it meant she had a shot with you.

(Y/N): Who knows? So, are we gonna go see Edge or not?

Shadow Moonlight: Yeah...I guess.

(Y/N): By the way, how did you remember me and Edge arguing? I thought you didn't know that I was here until just today?

Shadow Moonlight: Well, during that argument I had with the girls, it triggered a memory where I heard you and Edge arguing at some sort of field. I could only assume it was the Tricross Relay.

(Y/N): Huh. I a're gaining some memories back.

Shadow Moonlight: Maybe. Let's just go find Edge. He might help us out.

You both left the beach and headed off towards the city. Meanwhile, V/N and Hollow watched behind a nearby tree.

(V/N): Hmph. It would seem that Y/N's little girlfriends are having a memory problem.

Hollow Moonshine: Was this a plan of yours, sir?

(V/N): Actually, this is not my a sense.

Hollow Moonshine: What's that supposed to mean?

(V/N): Let's just say I "persuaded" a certain someone to go along with using the Memory Stone.

Hollow Moonshine: How'd you get her to do that? Shadow was with her the entire time and you know how "pure" he is.

(V/N): Heh, Y/N's mind realm is not the only one I can visit.

Hollow Moonshine: Um...okay then.

(V/N): *sigh* Nothing of the pervy sort, Hollow. I'm talking about how I listen in on their hopes, dreams, and desires.

Hollow Moonshine: Do we look like a charity service, V/N? There's a lot more important things to do than to screw around with people's heads.

(V/N): You don't seem to understand, Hollow. It would be reckless if we challenged Y/N outright, so I'm manipulating those around him to do my work for me. It's the same scenario as with Juniper. The more subtle we are, the less they suspect it to be us.

Hollow Moonshine: Sir, wouldn't it be more efficient if we all searched for the rest of the Disharmony Stones first rather than waste our time here? If you had the Infinity Amulet assembled now, you could spend your time messing with people as much as you please, afterwards. I'm not trying to go against your decisions, my lord, I'm just trying to suggest getting all our important work done first.

(V/N): *sigh* So, you're suggesting that we sit around and do nothing then? Because I already assigned the role of finding the Disharmony Stones to the others.

Hollow Moonshine: No, I'm suggesting that we could revive the defeated villains of Equestria that the princess and her friends have already defeated rather than sitting around making ones here. If we were to combine their strengths with ours, not even Shadowlight could stand a chance with his armies.

V/N thought of that for a moment as he slowly began to realize that Hollow might be onto something there.

(V/N): I...guess you're right about that. *sigh* Just another sign of me being an awful leader if my right hand man can create better plans than I can.

Hollow Moonshine: Sir, just remember that you were created from Shadowlight. He was well known for his strategizing and if you're a part of him, you can too and even if you couldn't, I would always be here to assist you with it.

V/N nodded before placing a hand on his friend's shoulder.

(V/N): I thank you, Hollow. I don't think I could have made it this far without your support.

Hollow Moonshine: You gave me a purpose when you created me, my lord. I only wish to repay you with my services. Although...if there comes a time where you...change...I may have to turn on you or even fight you but if I do, know that it's only because I care about you.

His master nodded again before creating another rift.

(V/N): Hopefully, it will never come to that. Let's go...we have better things to do than...screwing with people's heads.

He stepped through the portal as his subordinate soon followed. Moments later, we find you and Shadow walking to his home in the hopes of gaining support from Shadowlight. Shadow walked up to the door and was about to open it before he noticed that you had stopped at the front steps.

Shadow Moonlight: You still afraid of him snapping at you?

(Y/N): *sigh* Can you blame me? With how everyone else is acting towards me, what's gonna make him different?

Shadow Moonlight: I'm not blaming you, Y/N. I'm just asking. How about this, you wait out here while I go inside and talk to him? If he still remembers you positively, then I'll call you in.

(Y/N): Alright, sounds good to me.

Shadow Moonlight: Alright then. I'll be out here in a few.

He stepped through the front door and closed it behind him while you waited outside. After what seemed like an eternity, the door opened and Shadow poked his head out.

(Y/N): What's the verdict?

Shadow Moonlight: Well, you may just want to come in.

You did as he said and stepped through the doorway into his house. You followed Shadow to the living room where you saw Edge sitting on the couch reading a book of some sorts.

(Y/N): Uh...hey Edge.

Shadowlight looks up from his book and stares at you with a raised eyebrow.

Shadowlight: Uh, who's Edge and who are you?

In that moment, you and Shadow simultaneously looked at each other with confusion.

(Y/N): *whisper* Is... Is he messing with us?

Shadow Moonlight: *whisper* I don't know. He gets violent when he's angry so if he's not mad at you, either he is or he's lost all of his memories.

(Y/N): *whisper* But... how does he not remember you either?

Shadow Moonlight: *whisper* I guess that can only mean the latter.

Shadowlight: Should... I know you two or something?

Shadow Moonlight: Uhh, kind of? I mean, I think in a way, you're his father...sort of.

Shadowlight: Oh god, is this like a Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader scenario or something?

(Y/N): *whisper* Well, he seems to know pop culture so I guess there's still some part of him left. *speaking* Well, we're not fighting and you didn't slice my hand off with a lightsaber so, no.

Shadowlight: Hmm, why do I feel like I've seen you somewhere before?

Just then, a familiar voice called out to the two of you as you looked up to see Sunny Flare with an angry expression.

Sunny Flare: Shadow! Why is he in our house?!

(Y/N): AAAAnd that's our que to get out of here. Come on, Shad.

You grabbed his arm and dragged him out of the house.

Shadow Moonlight: Whoa!

You and him swiftly exited the building and hid behind a set of trash cans.

(Y/N): *sigh* Whelp... that plan was a bust.

Shadow Moonlight: Now that's odd. Why would Sunny hate you?

(Y/N): You'll see when we get your memories back, Shad. I guess for now, I'm gonna head back and call it a day. We'll deal with this tomorrow.

Shadow Moonlight: Alright. I uh...I guess I'll see you later?

(Y/N): Yeah...later. See you, Shad.

You both fist bump before you teleport back into your room as you sit down on the bed and grab a photo of you, Shadow, and both your harems.

(Y/N): *thinking* I don't care what it takes, I will get you all back. Especially you, Sunshine. I suppose tomorrow would be a perfect opportunity to confront Trixie about her wrongdoings.

We cut to the next day where we see you and Shadow back at Canterlot High. You closed your locker with a depressed look while Shadow tried to his best to keep your spirits up.

Shadow Moonlight: Alright, so Edge's memory was completely erased? At least that means he doesn't hold a grudge against you, right?

(Y/N): *sigh* No, but it also means that he won't be able to help us since he's got absolutely no memory of anything. What are we going to do now? It's clear whoever wanted to erase my friends' memories went through the trouble of figuring out who they were. Even though I have you to accompany me, there's not really much you can do since your memory's been tampered with.

Shadow lowered his head a bit before another smile appeared on his face.

Shadow Moonlight:'s better than being alone, right? If I had taken the girls' side, you'd be stuck with no one to help you. I mean, technically, Princess Twilight is giving you a hoof but still, you'd be alone trying to find out who it was that did this to you.

(Y/N): I get the feeling that we're going to find out soon enough.

You said as you threw on a determined look while staring at a certain egotistical magician as she was busy rummaging through her locker. You began to approach her but then Shadow placed his hand on your shoulder before shaking his head.

Shadow Moonlight: Y/'s not her.

(Y/N): We have to know for sure, Shad. Do me a favor, and stay out of it, please?

You ripped your shoulder from his grip as he gave you a look of shock as you walked up to Trixie and forcefully closed her locker gaining her attention.

(Y/N): we are.

Trixie Lulamoon: Here we do are.

She said as a rebuttal which only confused you before shaking it away and glaring at her.

Trixie Lulamoon: You really wanna do this? Right here, right now?

(Y/N): I've got nowhere else to be, so it's fine by me.

You both got into a stance as if you were about to start a fight as Shadow watched with worry spread across his face.

Shadow Moonlight: *thinking* I didn't want to believe it but...he's become just like the rest of the girls. Still, I'm not gonna let him suffer like this much longer. I'm gonna go find whoever has the Memory Stone and maybe I could try to reason with them.

You and Trixie glared at each other as Shadow ran off before Trixie reached into her locked and pulled out a poster of herself.

Trixie Lulamoon: Behold! Canterlot High School's Greatest and Powerfullest Student! If a seven-scale mockup doesn't convince you, I don't know what will.

(Y/N): Where's the Memory Stone? You turned my friends and girlfriends against me just because I didn't back you up to put you in the yearbook as the Greatest and Powerfullest?! As I said before, "Powerfullest" isn't even a word!

Trixie grew confused by your words.

Trixie Lulamoon: What are you talking about?

(Y/N): It's not a word!

Trixie Lulamoon: No. What Memory Stone?

(Y/N): The one you used to erase everyone's memory, you manipulative blowhard!

She thought of that for a second before she smiled.

Trixie Lulamoon: A stone that could make everyone forget all the bad tricks I've done...? Which is no tricks. Your puny rock pales in comparison to the Great and Powerful Trixie!

You stared back at her in disbelief as the realization of the situation struck you.

(Y/N): I don't believe it. You have no idea what I'm talking about.

Trixie Lulamoon: I...don't. Sorry.

You then walked over to the opposite wallside lockers and slid down against them until you sat on the floor with a deflated expression.

Trixie Lulamoon: Did somebody really erase everyone's memories of you?

(Y/N): Mm-hmm.

She sat down next to you with a look of sympathy.

Trixie Lulamoon: And even though we all know you're the False Savior, you're saying you're not mean anymore?

(Y/N): It's complicated.

Trixie Lulamoon: So you have this idea of who you're supposed to be, but no one at school sees you that way. Is that it? Trust me. I get it.

(Y/N): Ha. I can't believe the only other person who believes me is the one I called a manipulative blowhard. Sorry.

Trixie Lulamoon: I took it as a compliment. Let me help you find the Stone.

(Y/N): What's in it for you?

She looked back at her poster with an all knowing smirk.

(Y/N): No way. Absolutely not!

Trixie Lulamoon: Well, if you'd rather go on being the False Savior, that's fine by me.

You sighed before facepalming.

(Y/N): Fine. When this whole thing is taken care of, I'll...I'll see if I can convince Sunset to put you in the yearbook.

She smiled before fistbumping the air.

Trixie Lulamoon: Yes! I promise, you will not regret it!

(Y/N): *thinking* I already am.

Trixie Lulamoon: Say, wasn't Shadow originally with you?

You looked up at her curiously before noticing that Shadow had gone. You stood up and looked around to see if you could find him somewhere, but you couldn't.

(Y/N): He...he must have left.

Trixie Lulamoon: Weird, I thought he was helping you.

(Y/N): He was...but I guess not anymore.

You pouted sadly as your eyes began to tear up again.

(Y/N): Great...I made my childhood best friend leave me. Maybe I really do deserve this.

Meanwhile, Princess Twilight was back at the library still reading through more and more books until she had read the last scroll and began to panic.

Twilight Sparkle: I've looked everywhere! Why can't I find the missing pages? I've always been good to you, library!

She headbutted the table causing the chest that contained the scroll to fall to the floor and break into pieces. Twilight then noticed a piece of parchment sticking out from one of the pieces as she went over and investigated it. It was the missing piece of the scroll!

Twilight Sparkle: *gasp* This is it! The last piece was in a secret compartment! Clover the Clever buried the Stone! This rock formation must be somewhere in the other world. But it doesn't say how to get your memories back. *gasp* "Perhaps if I had destroyed the Stone right away, some of my memories could have returned. But when the sun sets by the third day after a memory has been taken, it is erased forever."

Princess Celestia: You must warn Y/N L/N at once.

Twilight Sparkle: How can I?! He doesn't have a magic journal like Sunset does!

Princess Celestia: Hmm, then I suppose you'll have to go back to Sunset's world manually and find him or his Umbrum friend.

Twilight Sparkle: *sigh* That'll be challenging. It's been awhile since I've entered that world and I have someone...I'd rather not encounter.

Princess Celestia raised an eyebrow at that.

Princess Celestia: May I ask why?

Twilight blushed and rubbed the back of her neck in embarrassment as she looked away for a bit.

Twilight Sparkle: It's...complicated.

We cut back to you and Trixie as you both were discussing where you should start to investigate the culprit of the memory losses.

(Y/N): So, where should we start...partner?

Trixie Lulamoon: How about with what I call you? I'm thinking the Great and Powerful Trixie's... Pretty Decent Assistant-Detective-Helper Person.

She said as the two of you walked off from the lockers. Meanwhile, Shadow was outside by the school statue with a melancholic expression.

Shadow Moonlight: *thinking* What am I gonna do? Nobody's willing to talk to me about anything since I'm friends with the "False Savior" at all. Honestly, who would really go through all this effort to make everyone hate Y/N? I may have only known him for a year, but there's no way he'd be condescending. The guy's clearly a stud judging by the fact that he has a harem and if they really did love him, he must've been that good of a person.

Just then, the bottom part of the statue began to glow as Shadow looked back at it before it flashed brighter, causing him to shield his eyes as Princess Twilight fell through.

Twilight Sparkle: Ugh! Ow! I really gotta figure out how to prepare for this.

Shadow Moonlight: Need a hand, Twilight?

He asked as he held his hand out to her. She smiled as she took it and he pulled her up.

Twilight Sparkle: Thanks, Shadow. Wait, what are you doing out here? Shouldn't you be helping Y/N figure out who has the Memory Stone?

Shadow Moonlight: I was but...I fear that he's lost his mind. He was in the hallway about ready to rip Trixie to shreds. I tried to talk him out of it but he refused to listen to me. So...I decided to continue searching on my own. I'm guessing since you're here that you found something important?

Twilight Sparkle: Well, yeah. It's about the Memory Stone. We think it was buried under this rock formation.

She said as she showed Shadow a picture of three large rocks in a triangular formation which made him raise an eyebrow.

Shadow Moonlight: That rock formation looks familiar. I think I've seen it somewhere around here before.

Twilight Sparkle: You have? Oh, that's a relief. At least the culprit is somewhere in the local area. But anyway, if you fail to destroy the Memory Stone by the time the sun sets today, all those memories will be erased forever.

Shadow Moonlight: You mean...every memory me and his harem lost will be permanently eliminated?!

Twilight Sparkle: Pretty much, yeah.

Shadow Moonlight: Oh, crap! I gotta warn Y/N! Thanks for the info, Twilight!

He waved to her before he took off to find you as Twilight waved back at him.

Twilight Sparkle: *thinking* Hard to believe that someone who held a grudge against him for years would be the only one helping him out during this amnesia crisis.

She thought as she stepped back through the portal. Meanwhile, at the lunchroom, we see the Rainbooms sitting at one of the tables talking and having a blast with each other. You, on the other hand, were sitting alone at another table as you watched your former girlfriends having fun without you. You pushed your lunch away in annoyance as Trixie came up and sat next to you.

Trixie Lulamoon: A cafeteria full of suspects, two detectives, and only one Memory Stone. Seems impossible, but so does pulling a rabbit out of a hat, and I do that all the time.

She then pulled out a notebook and a pen.

Trixie Lulamoon: Let's talk motive. Who here hates you enough to erase everyone's good memories of you?

(Y/N): *sigh* How should I know? I haven't exactly made an enemy out of anyone recently.

Trixie Lulamoon: Hmm, in that case, I'll just put it down as, "Known Enemies: Pending."

Later that day, you and Trixie decided to visit the nurse's office. You burst through the front door where you saw Nurse Redheart checking up on Bulk Biceps. Your sudden arrival gave her a bit of a fright as she stuttered in her words at first.

Nurse Redheart: G-G-Good afternoon, you two. Y-You feeling okay?

Trixie Lulamoon: That depends on how well you answer my questions. Has anyone come in complaining of memory problems in the last few weeks?

Nurse Redheart: Not that I can recall...

Trixie Lulamoon: You can't recall? *gasp* We're too late!

You facepalm.

(Y/N): *thinking* I appreciate that she's, at least, trying to help, but, my god, she can be real dense sometimes.

You both then decided to pay a visit to Micro Chips who was in the library at one of the computers.

Trixie Lulamoon: Word around school is you know a lot about erasing memory.

Micro Chips: I erased a ton of memory just this morning.

(Y/N): You did?!

Micro Chips: Four terabytes of quantel-accelerflex memory to be precise.

You rolled your eyes at that as Trixie gestured for the both of you to leave, and you did just that.

Micro Chips: How come no one's ever impressed by that?

You then decided to pay Maud Pie a visit as she examined the drawing of the Memory Stone.

(Y/N): Is there anything you can tell us about it? Anything at all?

Maud Pie: I can't tell much from a drawing.

(Y/N): *sigh* Okay.

You were about to leave before Maud stopped you.

Maud Pie: Only that it's felsic-intrusive igneous, granular in texture, most likely arranged in an equigranular matrix, with scattered biotite mica and amphibole, at least sixty-five percent alkali feldspar by volume, with a melting point of twelve-fifty centigrade, plus or minus ten degrees.

You and Trixie realized that this was going nowhere as you both backed away from Maud who stood in the same place.

Maud Pie: Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.

Moments later, the two of you were in one of the classrooms as Trixie sat at one of the desks while you stared out a nearby window.

Trixie Lulamoon: Sure, it seems like we've only come up with dead ends. But I mean, it could be worse?

(Y/N): *sigh* It's worse.

You frowned sadly as you looked out the window and saw your girls huddled together while they were about to take another photo.

Sci-Twi: Good as new! Best Friends yearbook group picture, take two, #36A, attempt eight!

She then noticed you in the window and got a fearful expression. You waved to her but she brushed you off as she sat down with the others while the drone hovered in front of them.

Rainbooms: Best friends!

You walked away in a fit of sadness. Moments later, you and Trixie were back in the computer room as you stared at your girls' best friends picture with a saddened look.

Trixie Lulamoon: Oh, stop looking at that. You're just going to wind yourself up. You can't think if you're wound up. Oh, think, Trixie!

(Y/N): I wanted to come in here and see who we're missing. *sigh* But we've talked to everyone, A to Z.

Trixie then noticed something. Among the several pictures of your classmates, there appeared to be one that didn't have a picture.

Trixie Lulamoon: Wait. "Not pictured: Wallflower Blush". Who's Wallflower?

Wallflower Blush: I'm right here, you know.

She called out from the opposite end of the room startling both you and Trixie.

Trixie Lulamoon: Uh, who are you?

Wallflower Blush: Wallflower. I've known you since third grade.

Trixie Lulamoon: Ahh! I remember third grade. Not you specifically, but what a grade it was. The Great and Powerful Trrrrixie debuted her disappearing frog trick. You know, a lot of people don't realize how much work goes into raising tadpoles. You really have to coddle them...

You tune out her rambling as you turn back to the picture of your girls with a sad look. As you did, you saw a note attached to the back of the other monitor that read "For Y/N L/N". Curiously, you took the note from the other monitor and unfolded it as you began to read it.

Shadow Moonlight (writing): Hey dude, it's me. I'm sure you're a little confused why I suddenly disappeared without a warning but with the way you confronted Trixie, I was worried you had become like the rest of the girls who just make false accusations. Then again, I guess that makes me a hypocrite since I made a false accusation too, thinking you were about to fight her which was mainly the reason why I left. That said, I'm still helping you by trying to figure out who it was that's behind all this but I'm doing it on my own now until I'm certain that you've calmed down. I ran into Twilight earlier today and she told me some really important info. If you don't figure out who has the Memory Stone and destroy it by sundown of today, all of our memories will be permanently wiped. She also said that the Memory Stone was buried under this rock formation and I could've sworn I remember seeing it in a garden somewhere. I don't want to believe it, but the evidence really seems to be directed to Wall. If you're going to confront her, please do not try to go about it the way you did with Trixie.

You stared at his note for a second before voicing your thoughts to yourself.

(Y/N): How am I supposed to find a rock formation that looks... like... THAT ROCK FORMATION!

You said as your attention was drawn towards Wallflower's desktop background which was a picture of her garden. However, there were also three strange rocks on the sides which matched the illustrations of the rock formation that contains the Memory Stone.

(Y/N): Can I ask a silly question, Wallflower? Where did you take that lovely photograph?

Wallflower Blush: Oh. That's my garden. Well, the school's garden, technically. I'm the president of the Gardening Club. I founded it, too. I'm also the only member. And the only one who's ever been to the garden. Or seen it. Or even asked about it.

Trixie Lulamoon: You're not really into other people, huh?

Wallflower Blush: I was maybe going to add this picture somewhere in the yearbook. What do you think?

Trixie Lulamoon: Sorry. Sunset doesn't let anyone put things in her yearbook. No matter how much they deserve them. And apparently, if you try to convince certain people about convincing her, they cannibalize you.

She said while giving you the stink eye as you looked back at Wallflower.

(Y/N): No! You should do that, Wallflower. Uh, so don't let us keep you from working on it.

Trixie Lulamoon: What?! The Great and Powerful Trixie is... annoyed and insulted!

(Y/N): *whisper* Just play along, Trix.

She grew a little surprised by that nickname.

Trixie Lulamoon: *thinking* Trix? Why do I feel like I've heard that nickname before? My dad didn't give it to me and neither did my mom, so it couldn't have been them.

While Wallflower was distracted by her work, you snuck up behind her and grabbed her arm. Your eyes glowed white as you began to see her memories. We see a multitude of scenes involving Wallflower apparently appearing somewhere during the past few main events but were completely ignored: The Fall Formal, the Battle of the Bands, the Friendship Games, and she apparently stayed behind at CHS during the Camp Everfree trip. She is then seen walking alone by herself near the small patch of woods near the school as she kicked a rock by herself.

???: My, my, it is a shame, isn't it?

Wallflower was startled by the voice as she looked around trying to see where it was coming from, but she couldn't see anyone.

Wallflower Blush: W-Who... who's there?

???: I wouldn't worry about me right now, why don't you take a look off to the left?

She did just that as she looked and saw a light that seemed to be drawing her in for some reason. She followed it until it led her to the clearing with the rock formation.

Wallflower Blush: I don't know who that was, but... thank you.

We cut to another scene where most of the brush that was in the clearing had been cleared out as we see Wallflower digging with a garden trowel. She kept digging until she hit something. She pulled out what appeared to be a beige sack containing something. She opened it to find a small stone with an eye etched into it along with a set of instructions.

We then cut to another scene where she was watching you and the girls arguing with Trixie over Sunset.

Applejack (past): That was different. The whole school voted for her.

Pinkie Pie (past): She was soooooooo mean.

Shadow Moonlight (past): Did she land you all in the hospital too?

Rainbow Dash (past): No. She mostly did things such as threaten to release our private information and tricked us into not being friends with each other.

Shadow Moonlight (past): Wow, you guys got off lucky. Sunlight was way, WAY worse.

Sunset pouted after being reminded of her former self as you walked up to her and pulled her into a one armed hug.

(Y/N) (past): Hey, don't be like that, Sunshine. As I've said, you're not that girl anymore. Don't let Trixie get the better of you.

Shadow Moonlight (past): Yeah, I mean, you've done a lot to be better. That angelic form you took to face off against Midnight Sparkle is living proof of your efforts.

Sunset smiled before pulling you both into a group hug.

Sunset Shimmer (past): Thanks, boys. Especially you, Y/N.

We then cut to after everyone except for Wallflower and Shadow left as Wallflower was seen with the freshman yearbook that Trixie had pulled out while Shadow was on the other side of the room working on a computer when he heard his plant-enthusiast friend let out a disappointed sigh.

Shadow Moonlight (past): Hey, Wall? You okay?

Wallflower Blush (past): Huh? O-Oh, it's nothing, Shadow. I'm just doing some hard thinking is all.

Shadow Moonlight (past): Alright. If there's anything I do to help, let me know.

She nods at him with a smile before turning back to the yearbook with a disappointed look.

Wallflower Blush (past): *sigh* Why should you bother with Sha-I mean me? After all, you're Y/N L/N, the "Savior" of CHS. Everybody loves you.

Shadow Moonlight (past): Not everyone did. Edge and the rest of CPA weren't really fond of him at the Friendship Games.

Wallflower Blush (past): That's not the point, Shadow. He didn't even know who I was. Nobody knew who I was apart from you. And why would he? He's got the whole school in the palm of his hand. He could replace his friends in a heartbeat and he wouldn't even notice the difference. Isn't that what he did to you? He left Canterlot and then replaced you with Flash Sentry?

Shadow Moonlight (past): Of course he didn't. That was what Edge thought it was and even if he did replace me, it's not like Y/N wanted that. He didn't have a choice when his family left for Canterlot. I know because I remember that hurt expression he wore when he saw me that day, I can't fault him for something he had no say in.

Wallflower Blush (past): How can you still defend him even though he hurt you?

Shadow Moonlight (past): I've been hurt a lot of times but I was always told that both people contribute to the conflict so I usually think that I must have done something wrong whenever someone does something unethical to me.

Wallflower Blush (past): *sigh* Guess that makes you a bigger masochist than me.

Shadow Moonlight (past): No, if we were masochists, we'd be begging to be talked down and clearly neither of us want it.

Wallflower Blush (past): You know what I mean, Shadow.

She looked back at a nearby photo of you and the girls before groaning.

Wallflower Blush (past): Why can't they see that despite the fact that V/N left you, you're still an arrogant jerk that hasn't changed.

Shadow Moonlight (past): If you want his attention, I can help with that. I know you're timid like me, Wallflower and I think that's why we get along so well. But, I know Y/N so I can help you and him become friends.

Wallflower Blush (past): I'd rather not after being unnoticed by him and everyone else for years.

Wallflower then looked at her bag as a sudden hit of realization came to her.

Wallflower Blush (past): I've got an idea, Shadow. Follow me.

She grabs her backpack and bolts out of the room as Shadow runs after her. She leads him to the garden Wallflower worked with as she laid her backpack down, reached into it, and pulled out the Memory Stone and the instructions tied to it.

Shadow Moonlight (past): Oh, what's that?

Wallflower Blush (past): A gift I got from someone else who apparently knew who I was.

Shadow Moonlight (past): Was it Y/N?

Wallflower Blush (past): No. From...someone else.

Shadow Moonlight (past): I'm guessed they wanted to remain anonymous. Alright, that's cool. So what's this gonna do?

Wallflower then looked at the stone while glancing a few times at Shadow.

Wallflower Blush (past): Actually...why don't I demonstrate for you?

Shadow Moonlight (past): Oh, I see. Show, not tell. I like it.

She sat down in the middle of the rock formation while holding the Memory Stone as it started glowing. A teal colored shockwave formed around her knocking Shadow backwards. Meanwhile, while the girls were all peacefully sleeping, (F/C) strands of magic wormed out of their heads and into the sky. A swarm of them swirled above Wallflower and Shadow as they flew into the Memory Stone and disappeared. Wallflower grinned sinisterly as Shadow watched her with concern.

Shadow Moonlight (past): Um...where did you say you got that again?

Wallflower Blush (past): From...someone we know. It's not important.

Shadow Moonlight (past): What...what did you do exactly?

Wallflower then glanced at him as an idea soon came to mind for her.

Wallflower Blush (past): *thinking* If Shadow loses his memories of his childhood friend too, then this'll really get under Y/N's skin. *speaking* Shadow...can you do me a favor?

Shadow Moonlight (past): Anything for a friend.

Wallflower Blush (past): Hold still.

Shadow Moonlight (past): Wait, wha-

He was cut off by her firing the Memory Stone at him as more strands came out of his head and went into the stone. Shadow passed out as Wallflower looked back down at the stone with a grin.

Wallflower Blush (past): Trust me, Shadow. It's for the best.

Your memory searching came to an end as you let go of her arm and glared at her.

(Y/N): YOU took everyone's memories of me?!

Wallflower Blush: Uh...Yes.

Trixie Lulamoon: Wait. Who are you again?

Wallflower then stood up and leaned over the desk she was at...and started singing.

(Play Song: Invisible)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Wallflower Blush (singing):

You don't see me fitting in

(Y/N): Oh god, are we seriously doing this?

Trixie Lulamoon: *whisper* Shut up, she's distracted. Now's a perfect time to snag the Memory Stone.

(Y/N): *whisper* Right.

I'm sitting here alone

Right beside my shadow

Always on my own

If I could share my wildest dreams

Maybe they would see

I'm more than just a wallflower

There's so much more to me

I'm invisible, invisible

A droplet in the mist

Invisible, invisible

It's like I don't exist

Right beneath my picture

This is what you'll read

A laundry list of nothings

Not likely to succeed

A yearbook with blank pages

That no one wants to sign

A memory forgotten

Until the end of time

I'm invisible, invisible

A star fading at dawn

Invisible, invisible

Won't be long before I'm gone

Won't be long before I'm gone...

While Wallflower was busy with her singing, you snuck over to her backpack and started searching through it in order to find the Memory Stone. However, you got a little too distracted with your searching to notice that Wallflower had walked over near you as she noticed what you were doing, bringing the song to an abrupt stop.

Wallflower Blush: Hey! What are you doing?!

She then grabbed her backpack and pulled it from your grasp.

(Y/N): What did I do to you?! Honestly, I don't even know you!

Wallflower Blush: Exactly! You had everyone fooled, but now they know you are... the False Savior!

(Y/N): At least I have a title to go by! What do you have?! A garden and a stone that can erase people's memories?! In other words, absolutely nothing! *sarcasm* Some real friends you have there!

Trixie Lulamoon: Whoa! Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa! Let's not antagonize the person with the all-powerful mystery rock!

Wallflower Blush: I don't like confrontation. Let's just...forget this ever happened!

She pulled out the Memory Stone and aimed it at you and Trixie.

(Y/N): Don't erase—!

But it was too late. A flash of light occurred before we see you and Trixie idly standing around confused.

Trixie Lulamoon: Huh? What was I saying? I'm sure it was something brilliant. Also, *gasps* how is it already three o'clock?

She then went over to the door and tried to open it only to find that it was locked.

Trixie Lulamoon: Why won't this door open? And what are we even doing in here?

(Y/N): I...don't remember.

You banged on the door while trying to get anyone's attention on the outside, but everyone had already left for the day.

(Y/N): Is anybody out there? Somebody open the door! If we don't get outta here and figure out who has the Stone, in a few hours, it'll be too late to restore everyone's memories. I'll lose my girls forever.

Trixie Lulamoon: Hold on, don't you have some sort of...teleportation magic?

You thought about that idea...but you realized that you didn't remember how to do it.

(Y/N): I...I can't remember. Whoever did this must have erased how I did my teleportation magic from my mind.

Trixie Lulamoon: Well, so much for that plan. How are we supposed to catch someone who can erase our memory every time we get close to catching them?

You didn't answer as you reached into your pocket for your phone but then you felt something else in your hand which made your eyes widen. You quickly pulled it out and you saw a small piece of paper in your hand.

(Y/N): By being clever!

Trixie Lulamoon: Wha?

(Y/N): I wrote myself a note. "Check the video."

You went over to Sci-Twi's selfie drone and checked it's controller which had a video screen on it.

(Y/N): Yes! It's been recording this whole time!

Trixie Lulamoon: Twilight's camera? What are you talking about?

(Y/N): I don't remember doing it, but I must have realized our memories would get erased, so I pressed record!

You played the video as it showed you, Trixie, and some other girl there who was gesturing towards her computer screen.

Wallflower Blush (on video): That's my garden.

Trixie Lulamoon: Who's that?

(Y/N): Wallflower Blush.

Trixie Lulamoon: Name's not ringing a bell.

You looked back at the video which began playing the part where Wallflower was singing.

Trixie Lulamoon: Ugh.

She pressed and held the fast forward button as it took a little while to get the song over with.

Trixie Lulamoon: Long song, huh?

The video finally got to the last few moments as Trixie played the video.

(Y/N) (on video): What did I do to you?! Honestly, I don't even know you!

Wallflower Blush (on video): Exactly! You had everyone fooled, but now they know you are... the False Savior!

(Y/N) (on video): At least I have a title! What do you have?! A garden and a stone that can erase people's memories?! In other words, absolutely nothing! *sarcasm* Some real friends you have there!

Trixie Lulamoon: She's kinda right about you.

(Y/N): *sarcasm* Yeah, thanks.

Trixie Lulamoon: Actually, the Wise and Moralizing Trixie was making a point. You said you didn't do anything.

(Y/N): I didn't! I wasn't mean to her at all!

Trixie Lulamoon: But maybe it's not good enough to not be mean to someone. Maybe you have to be nice.

You looked off to the side while taking in her words as your saddened look came back.

(Y/N): You're right. Not that it matters. I'm still trapped in here. *sigh* Unless you can magic us out of here.

Trixie Lulamoon: Ooh, what's the point in trying? You've seen enough of my tricks to know what'll happen.

(Y/N): *sigh* At least when the sun goes down and everyone hates me forever, I'll still have one friend in the morning.

Trixie Lulamoon: Huh?

You walked over and stood next to her.

(Y/N): And I mean, she is the Greatest and Powerfullest Canterlot High School has to offer, so I guess I can't complain.

You said in an all knowing manner which made Trixie smile at you.

Trixie Lulamoon: You poor fool! You actually believed me when I was pretending to give up? Mere stage banter! The Great and Powerful Trixie never gives up on herself or her friends. I mean, her Pretty Decent Assistant-Detective-Helper People. Behold! The Magician's Exit!

She threw a smoke bomb down on the floor and the room filled with smoke. Trixie reopened her eyes and found herself outside of the computer room.

Trixie Lulamoon: Yes! It worked! I finally did it!

(Y/N): Still in here!

You called out from back inside the room as Trixie laughed nervously.

Trixie Lulamoon: Ummm...*laughs nervously* Um, all part of the trick! Have you out in a jiffy!

She threw another smoke bomb causing her to disappear. When the smoke cleared, you could be seen standing in her place, but she was back in the room. She tried this again and again which only resulted in the same thing happening. It came to a stop when you reappeared back outside the room as Trixie leaned herself against the door window.

Trixie Lulamoon: You know what? Just leave me in here! Just go!

(Y/N): I owe you one, Trixie! I will never forget this!

Trixie Lulamoon: Never say never.

You sprinted through the school and out the back door where you saw Wallflower Blush retreating into the woods.

(Y/N): Wallflower?

You were about to sprint towards her until you saw your girls standing off to the side while hanging out by a truck. You slowly walked by them while trying to hide your face from them. This didn't help however as they still glared at you slightly, especially Sunset. When you got past them, you ran up to Wallflower and called out to her.

(Y/N): Wallflower, stop!

She turned to you confused by how you remembered her.

Wallflower Blush: You remember my name?

(Y/N): I remember everything! The Memory Stone, how I acted, all of it!

Wallflower Blush: What?! How?! I erased the whole afternoon!

She yelled which gained the attention of your harem causing Wallflower to blush in embarrassment as she looked away shyly.

(Y/N): Listen. I used to be just like you. I had magical powers my entire life, but through most of it, I was lonely.

Wallflower Blush: You're nothing like me, and I'm not lonely, because I have... plants! That sounded less lonely in my head.

(Y/N): I'm sorry, Wallflower.

Wallflower Blush: No, you're not. You're just trying to look good in front of your harem! And it's working! Gah! How am I supposed to get back at you if nothing I do matters?! I hate you!

You gasped as you stood mortified by her outburst.

Wallflower Blush: I wanted to teach you a lesson by erasing your friends' good memories of you. But obviously that didn't work. But what if I erased all their memories of high school?

(Y/N): You can't! You'd be stealing their memories of each other!

Wallflower Blush: They'll think of each other the way you think of me! Which is not at all!

She aimed the memory stone at them ready to fire a teal beam of magic when you heard rustling through the bushes behind her as a black blur tackled her and pinned her to the ground. Wallflower grunted as she looked up and saw that the black blur revealed to be Shadow with his eyes watering.

Wallflower Blush: Shadow, let me go!

Shadow Moonlight: could you do this?

Wallflower Blush: Because I need the world to see that Y/N L/N is a heartless, arrogant, selfish jerk who only cares for himself!

Shadow Moonlight: But...I don't understand why you're so mad at him! What did he do to hurt you?

Wallflower Blush: You would never understand, Shadow! How could you? Since you seem to like hanging out with him more than you do with me! His retribution has finally arrived!

She finished that sentence with a hard elbow to Shadow's face causing him to let go of her and staggering backwards while clutching his face. She aimed the stone at your girlfriends again and fired.

(Y/N): NOOOOOO!!!!!

You screamed as you jumped in front of the beam taking the full brunt of it. You fell to the floor as a teal magical aura surrounded your body.

(Y/N): I've allowed everyone to lose their memories once, I'd rather give up my own memories than let them lose it again!

One by one, your memories of the girls, your friends, and every recent memory you had was being sucked away into the Memory Stone.

(Y/N): *grunts* Fluttershy! No! Applejack! *grunts* Rarity! Aah! Rainbow Dash! Pinkie Pie! Sci-Twi! *grunts* Shadow! *grunts* Sunshine! Don't forget me!

You pleaded to her with an outstretched hand as Sunset watched in horror. The last of your memories was sucked away into the Memory Stone causing you to pass out. Wallflower looked on with a surprised expression before Shadow snatched the memory stone out of her hands as he looked at her with his entire face covered in tears.

Shadow Moonlight: I *sniff* thought you were my friend.

He aimed it at himself before it fired another teal beam of magic at him as he fell to the ground and all of his memories he ever had were sucked out of his forehead and into the Memory Stone. He passed out as well as Wallflower stared at his motionless form.

Wallflower Blush: *thinking* What...what have I done?!

Meanwhile, you woke back up as you looked around with a very scared and confused expression.

(Y/N): This isn't Manehatten. Where...where am I?! Is this Canterlot? What am I doing here? Wait is that...Shadow?!

You were about to go help him until Sunset grabbed your shoulder making you look back at her.

(Y/N): Who...who are you?

Sunset Shimmer: We're your girlfriends.

Applejack: We may not remember you...

Pinkie Pie: But after seeing what you did...

Rarity: ...the sacrifice you made for us...

Fluttershy: ...we'd be proud to call you...

(Hu)Mane 7: ...our boyfriend!

Suddenly, your geodes glowed as you and the girls began to transform into an upgraded version of your Pony-Up forms which included new outfits.

(Ignore the headband tied around his eyes. Also, you choose the colors.)

Sunset Shimmer: Wallflower! You have magic you do not understand! But it is nothing compared to the Magic of—!

Pinkie Pie: Yeah, yeah, we get it. Light her up!

All eight of you joined hands with one another as a blast of rainbow colored magic fired from your geodes at Wallflower as she used the Memory stone to block it. The stone began to shatter before it exploded into pieces. Once it did, the girls' and everyone else's good memories of you went back into their heads as well as your own memories and even Shadow's. You all fell back to the floor as you looked back at the girls and your eyes widened.

(Y/N): S...Sunshine?

Sunset Shimmer: Y/N!

She and the girls pulled you into a group hug. Shadow had awakened after his memories were restored as he saw you, your harem, and Wallflower before he lowered his head and walked off.

Sunset Shimmer: We're so sorry.

(Y/N): I'm just glad to have you all back.

You turned back to Wallflower who was sitting on the ground facing away from you as you all walked up to her.

Wallflower Blush: I'm so ashamed. When I first found the Memory Stone, I only erased little things – awkward hellos, saying the wrong thing, literally any public speaking...

Sunset Shimmer: I've had plenty of awkward moments I wish I could erase, too.

Wallflower Blush: But it's no excuse. I was so used to erasing memories that I got completely carried away. I'm sorry for everything.

(Y/N): It's okay. I'm sorry too, I might be the Savior, but a Great and Powerful friend helped me realize I still wasn't very nice to you. Everyone matters, Wallflower. No matter how insignificant or invisible they feel.

You hold your hand out to her as she looked at it curiously before she smiled and took your hand as you pulled her up and into a hug. Just then, Trixie bursted through the door you walked out of the school in and ran up to you while breathing heavily.

Trixie Lulamoon: *pant* *pant* Did *pant* you win, Y/N? *pant*

You broke the hug with Wallflower as you turned to Trixie with a smile.

(Y/N): Yeah, we won, Trixie and now Wallflower and I are on good terms.

Trixie Lulamoon: Well, that's good.

You smiled back at her as you then turned back to Wallflower.

(Y/N): You know, erasing memories may be part of the reason why I never saw you. I mean, if we did have an awkward moment, I definitely don't remember it and it's probably because you erased it. Think about it, Wallflower. If you didn't erase my memory because of that awkward moment, do you think I would've remembered you along with everyone else in the school?

Wallflower Blush: I guess in hindsight...I was just being condescending. Honestly, how could Shadow still want to be friends with someone like me? He was my only friend and I took him for granted. The only one who really got to know me.

You felt a flashback coming on so you quickly grabbed her wrist once more as your eyes flashed white and began to see her memories. You see a much younger Wallflower with her back pressed against the wall of an elementary school and is taking a picture of some plants with a deadpan expression that could be easily interpreted as miserable.

Wallflower Blush (past): *groans* Another picture to add to my collection of plants that no one will ever know besides me. *sigh* What's the point of taking a picture when you got nobody to show it to? I wish there was someone I could talk to. Someone I could be friends with.

Just then, she heard some faint screaming growing louder as a black blur flew right past her and directly into the fence much to her surprise as she looked back and saw two familiar boys that made her face pale.

Patriot (past): And don't let me catch your revolting face in the cafeteria again, you emo twit!

Dink (past): Yeah, emo twit!

Patriot (past): Dink, shut up or you'll be joining him!

Dink steps back in fear and nods at him quickly.

Dink (past): G-Got it.

He said as the two of them walked away while Wallflower turned back to the boy who was just thrown. She noticed a lot of cuts, bruises, and scratches on his face and body as she put a hand over her mouth in horror.

Wallflower Blush (past): A-Are you alright?

The boy struggles but he manages to stand up and turn back to her with a smile.

??? (past): Ow, that definitely hurt. But, I've had much worse from them so this isn't so bad.

Wallflower Blush (past): sure?

??? (past): Mmmhmm. Say, I recognize you. You're that girl I see around taking pictures of trees and plants during recess aren't you?

Wallflower stared at him with shock before she nodded slowly.

Wallflower Blush (past): Y-Yeah, I'm W-Wallflower B-Blush.

??? (past): Shadow Moonlight, a pleasure.

Wallflower Blush (past): I... I didn't think you knew me.

Shadow Moonlight (past): Of course. You're out here all the time by yourself. I wanted to go over and talk to you but I thought you were just one of those people who liked being away from other people so I didn't bother. I probably should've asked you rather than make a silly assumption, sorry. So, are you alone by choice or did fate give it to you?

Wallflower sighed as she looked forward and stared at few trees

Wallflower Blush (past): *sigh* The latter. Nobody ever wants to talk to me or even acknowledge me. That might sound nice coming from a guy who gets bullied a lot but trust me, it really isn't. You feel like you're the only one left on Earth, a ghost.

Shadow Moonlight (past): Like everyone forgot or didn't even know you existed.

Wallflower Blush (past): Almost as if you were...

Shadow & Wallflower (past): Invisible.

They both turn to each other as Wallflower blushes at the synchronization.

Wallflower Blush (past): You...know how that feels?

Shadow Moonlight (past): Maybe not as much as you do but probably enough to understand. Before I had a real friend, those two were the only ones that ever paid me any attention so they were what I considered friends. My parents left me with no food, no home, and no one to look up to or teach me the difference between right and wrong. I honestly don't know how I've survived this whole time all on my own.

Wallflower Blush (past): Really? There has to have been someone who was nice to you, wasn't there?

Shadow Moonlight (past): Of course there was. I said before I had a real friend. That guy was Y/N L/N. I don't know why he risked his life for me but I'm more than grateful that he did. We were friends for about a year until he had to go somewhere. I'm not sure where he went but he didn't seem thrilled about it. I thought he was going on a road trip or at least until...I put two and two together after he never came back. But, I'm sure there's a good reason for it.

Wallflower Blush (past): Or he just up and left without saying goodbye and was just using crocodile tears to fool you. Most people are like that, nowadays.

Shadow Moonlight (past): I don't know. I don't think he'd try to fake his own emotions.

Wallflower Blush (past): And what makes you so sure? You said that you only knew him for a little over a year. Maybe he was just hiding who he truly was from just you. How can you defend someone like that?

Shadow Moonlight (past): Because I know Y/N. He would never do something like that without a good reason.

Wallflower then looked off to the front of her and sighed to herself.

Wallflower Blush (past): *thinking* Shadow's too innocent for this world. That Y/N guy didn't deserve to have him. I swear, if he ever comes back and if there's ever a time where I can make him pay for ditching Shadow, I'm going to take it.

Shadow Moonlight (past): So anyway, Wallflower. Do you want to be friends?

Her eyes widened as she slowly looked back at him.

Wallflower Blush (past): be my friend?

Shadow Moonlight (past): Of course. You seem like a really nice girl and you probably have a lot of interesting things to talk about since you seem to have a real interest in plants.

Wallflower Blush (past): You're... you're not messing with me, are you? You really wanna be my friend?

Shadow nods at her with a smile.

Shadow Moonlight (past): The last thing I'd ever want to do is hurt anyone so I'd never mess with you unless it's in a joking manner if we ever got that close. But, I really would like to have another person to hang out with.

She stared at him while trying to process what he had just said. He... he wanted to be her friend... an actual friend?! That was something that she had always dreamed of, but never could accomplish. How could she say no to that. She smiled before doing something rather bold and pulled him into a hug.

Wallflower Blush (past): Yes. Please, be my friend. I really need one so I won't be alone anymore.

Shadow Moonlight (past): Heh, you and me both. I guess both our wishes were granted, huh?

Wallflower Blush (past): Yeah... I guess so.

They held the hug as the memory came to end as we cut to another one. We then see a much older Shadow and Wallflower hanging out at the Sweet Shoppe.

Wallflower Blush (past): Hey Shadow, I was wondering if you were willing to go see a movie with me tomorrow?

Shadow Moonlight (past): Uh... sorry, Wall. I kinda have plans to hang out with Y/N at the arcade if he's willing. Though, he didn't specify what date he wanted to do it so maybe I can. How about this. If he's already occupied with something else, then I'll go see a movie with you. How does that sound?

Wallflower Blush (past): O-Oh... okay. That... sounds... nice.

She said the last part in a slightly disappointed voice.

Shadow Moonlight (past): You feeling alright, Wall?

Wallflower Blush (past): Y-Yes! I'm okay. I...I hope you have fun if he says yes.

Shadow Moonlight (past): *sigh* I get it. I know it's disheartening to decline your offer but I promise I'll make it up to you. I'll buy one of everything from the concessions for you or something like that.

Wallflower Blush (past): It''s okay, Shadow. You don't need to do that. Your life doesn't revolve around me now, does it? Hehe. You have other friends to hang out with and that's fine.

Shadow Moonlight (past): Are you...worried that I'm going to abandon you? Wall, you know that won't happen.

Wallflower Blush (past): I'm...I'm not afraid of you abandoning me, per say. I'm... I'm...

Shadow Moonlight (past): Is it about Y/N?

Wallflower Blush (past): N-No... I... I need to use the bathroom! I'll be back!

She said as she walked off leaving Shadow all by himself. She stood in front of the mirror in the girls bathroom as she stared at her own reflection with a saddened expression.

Wallflower Blush (past): *thinking* I... I can't lose him to that deserter he calls a friend. He really thinks he's so cool just because he has a harem and magic? It's... It's all just a cover! I swear Y/N L/N, somehow, someway, I will make you pay for stealing my friend from me!

Your memory probing came to an end as you let go of Wallflower's arm and looked back at her.

(Y/N): So... so that's why you erased everyone's good memories of me. You were afraid that I was taking Shadow away from you.

Wallflower Blush: *sigh* After hearing that you left without telling him infuriated me. If someone that innocent cared enough to be my friend, I wouldn't want them to believe that someone who abandoned them had a "good" reason. Shadow looks up to you, Y/N. He thinks you're beyond cool because you have a harem and magical power. But, the fact that he shrugged off you leaving without a warning with a good reason just angered me. When I saw you and him arguing at the Friendship Games, I thought he had finally come to his senses and that you guys wouldn't be friends anymore. But, when he told me that he had plans with you, I...couldn't handle it. At first, I didn't know how I was gonna get my revenge on you. That is, until I came across the Memory Stone and... well... the rest you know.

You stared back at her as your expression grew sadder by the second.

(Y/N): I... I'm sorry, Wallflower. I never knew that I was taking him from you. *sigh* Maybe I really did deserve to have everyone's memories of me taken from them. To show that... that even though V/N left me... I'm far from being good.

Wallflower Blush: *sigh* No, Y/N. I was being selfish. You didn't deserve any of it. I should have seen it sooner, but I didn't. And because of that, you, Shadow, and everyone else paid the price for it. I thought that if I erased his good memories of you that he'd see what I saw the end, he still took your side.

Sunset Shimmer: Speaking of Shadow, where is he?

You looked around while noticing that Shadow was nowhere to be found.

(Y/N): Hey yeah, where is Shadow?

Everyone else looked around only to find that he wasn't anywhere around either.

Wallflower Blush: I could've sworn he was right next to me after he erased his memories.

(Y/N): He erased his memories?!

Wallflower Blush: Yeah but now that the stone's been destroyed, he should have them back now. He must have left for some reason, but why though?

(Y/N): I'm gonna go find him. I'll be back later, you guys.

You took off towards Shadow's home as Wallflower watched you leave with a hopeful face.

Wallflower Blush: I hope you find him, Y/N.

You made your way to his home and quickly knocked on the door before it opened, revealing his "sister".

(Y/N): Hey, Sunny. Do you know where Shadow is?

Sunny Flare: He just walked in, why do you ask?

(Y/N): He seemed in a really depressed mood. I wanted to see if I could talk to him.

Sunny Flare: He didn't seem depressed to me. He looked really happy when he greeted me and Mom. Oh no, is he planning to hurt himself again?

(Y/N): I'm not sure. That's what I want to find out. I'll let you know what it was afterwards.

Sunny Flare: Alright, Y/N. Thanks.

She smiles at you before walking off as you walked upstairs to Shadow's room and knocked on the door.

(Y/N): Shad? You in there, buddy?

Shadow Moonlight: Yeah, you can come in, Y/N.

You opened the door and spotted Shadow lying on his bed with his back turned towards you. You walked over to him and sat down on the bed next to him.

(Y/N): Shad, what's wrong? We finally got your memories back. Why aren't you...happy?

Shadow doesn't say anything and instead raises his wrist at you and points to it with his other hand, gesturing you to grab it. You do so and grab his wrist as your eyes flashed white. We see Shadow in a black void with the voices of many different people spewing awful things to him.

Patriot's voice: You emo freaks should've never been born to begin with! Your kind isn't welcome here! You're the most useless, spineless, scum of the Earth I've ever seen and it makes me sick that you coons had the nerve to come into our country.

Dink's voice: If everyone were really as nice and forgiving as you think you are, why would you need to be born?

Trixie Lulamoon's voice: Mind your business, Shadow! Nobody cares about anything you have to say!

Principal Cinch's voice: You are nothing but a burden to be stuck with! I understand why your parents deserted you!

Sunset Shimmer's voice: Since you seem to be so adamant on defending this jerk, why don't you start hanging out with him instead?!

Sunlight Shimmer's voice: You're nothing but a pathetic, little, idiot who can't help anyone. Nobody loves you, nobody would ever care about you, and more importantly, nobody would bother to be your friend. The only reason Crystal Prep respects you is because you're the supposed "son" of the principal.

Shadowlight's voice: You're so idiotic, Shadow. Not everyone in the world is a good person and you thinking you could try to change that doesn't make you any better!

Aria Blaze's voice: We don't need your stupid pity, Shadow! We'd be perfectly fine on our own without you!

Sour Sweet's voice: *sweetly* Hmm, maybe you didn't get the message, Shadow. *sourly* We. Don't. Care. About. You!

Midnight Sparkle's voice: Like you would ever understand what I want! You never once called me your friend! You only stood by me out of pity!

Wallflower Blush's voice: You're more forgettable than I am and that's saying something!

Juniper Montage's voice: I don't care what you say! When I become a star, everyone would love me and you'd be out on the streets begging for money like you always were! That's what you are, Shadow! A homeless beggar who relies on Sunny's family to pamper him!

(V/N)'s voice: That form's wasted on pathetic filth like you...

(Y/N)'s voice: Do you honestly think that you're so innocent just because you go to CPA? Well, news flash genius, Crystal Prep Academy is filled with nothing more than stubborn, egotistical, trust fund fairies who only care about themselves. And you, apparently, are no different. Do you really think those so-called "friends" of yours actually care about you? They most likely don't. I'm sure that they'll ditch you at their earliest convenience. So, once this competition is over, I'll be happy to see you gone. Because, unlike you, I have friends who are ACTUALLY willing to forgive me and look past my flaws. Honestly, I think spending so much time with Principal Cinch has altered your mind to the point of no return! In fact, with how you've been acting towards me, you're no better than she is! If anything, you're worse!

You heard a lot of sniffles and saw a lot of tears streaming down Shadow's face as you recognized the same hurt expression that day you rescued him from Patriot and Dink.

Shadow Moonlight: You're right...I am worse.

Then, you came back to reality as your eyes went back to normal as you looked at him.

(Y/N):, you're not. You're my buddy and you always will be.

Shadow Moonlight: Maybe but I don't feel like I deserve to be. Throughout my entire life, I've had to deal with all of those things people have said to me. Tell me to screw off, nobody cares, you're nothing, etc. I've had to deal with those insults everyday but I always took it into consideration and knew that they had a point. If I really wasn't worse than Principal Cinch, I wouldn't be so useless. I couldn't get your harem back even though I tried my best to help, I tried reasoning with the girls and instead they just turned their backs on me and the same went with Wallflower. My own parents didn't even want me and the ones that did resulted in one dying while the other loathed me and as well as Sunny. Even the Dazzlings who I tried to be good to, didn't like me and nor did Edge. It just goes to show that I'm an unlikable character, an unlikable person that not even the invisible Wallflower Blush cared to be friends with. But you know what, Y/N? I accept it. I accept all of it and even if the world hates me, I'll still try to be good to it.

(Y/N): Shadow, I-

Shadow Moonlight: It's fine, Y/N. Don't worry about me. I'm not upset that it all happened. It's a little painful but at least it's something to learn from.

He sadly smiled at you as a few tears started streaming down his face again.

Shadow Moonlight: Oh...would you look at that, I'm tearing up again.

(Y/N): Shad...if anyone should feel like the world should hate should be me.

Shadow Moonlight: No, you shou-

(Y/N): Shadow, just listen. You shouldn't be the one who feels useless or unaccepted because that's what should be me. Throughout my whole life, I had an evil side to me that I didn't even know existed. I'm the one who had to endure years upon years of hiding my magic from the world because of my fear of being isolated and cast out. You call yourself a coward, but I'm far worse than that. I betrayed my own friends because of my vanity, I barely contributed to the Friendship Games, and I was never able to convince Gloriosa to stop using the geodes. As much as I've done good for others, there are a lot more cons than people realize. I shouldn't even be here in this world. I should have been killed back in Equestria by Starswirl and the Pillars because I couldn't live with the idea of my family being dead! So, you really think you have it bad, Shadow? Well, take a good long look at the waste of filth right in front of you!

Shadow Moonlight: Y/N, it's not about who has it bad. I've come to accept that I'm a scapegoat for the world. Someone fate loves to pick on.

(Y/N): Well, you shouldn't think that way, Shadow! Because you're much more than that to me! You're the first friend that I ever made in my pathetic life! The only friend who stuck by me.

Shadow Moonlight: A pathetic life? Is...that what you think? That your life is awful? Y/N, you have magic power, you have parents that love you to death, you have friends and a school that respects you, you have a harem, and most importantly, you get to go on amazing magical adventures like a real savior would. Even if you come from a dark place, what's so pathetic about that?

(Y/N): How about constantly being afraid that my powers will go haywire and kill everyone around me or the fact that V/N could easily wipe us all out because I couldn't take care of him myself? You don't have to worry about any of that, Shadow, because you're a normal person. Me? I'm a freak!

Shadow Moonlight: That's natural fear, Y/N, and it's a sign of compassion that you possess. Someone like V/N would only think about using the power for his own desires without seeing any of the consequences that come from it. Hearing you afraid of that happening only proves that you're looking out for others, that you care about people, and that you'd do whatever it took to keep them safe. And what's this about you being a freak? A freak wouldn't have magic, a freak wouldn't attract every girl that looks his way, a freak would've taken his life a long time ago but yet here you are, still standing. As far as I'm concerned, you're something special rather than a freak of nature and there's nothing pathetic about it.

You sighed before looking back at him with a bit of a smile.

(Y/N): Shadow...thank you. But please, don't think that your existence is solely to be a punching bag, because it's not.

Shadow Moonlight: Y/N, think about it for a second. Before I met you I was abandoned by my own parents and I didn't have anyone to talk to. Patriot and Dink were the only ones I thought were my friends since they were the only ones that ever paid me any mind and that picking on me was just a game that we all played together. I didn't really think it was fun but at least they seemed to be happy until I finally put two and two together. When I did meet you, we only hung out for about a year and a half until you moved away and then I was picked on again by those two. When I met Sunny's friends, they hated me. They thought I was trying to get free rent and food out of her family and so whenever Sunny had her back turned, they'd do some awful things to me too. In fact, when I started attending Crystal Prep, everyone gave me the stink eye because they all knew that I was a kid who lived on the streets. Especially Sunlight who loved to pick on me. Moondancer was my second friend that I grew to love until she moved away and so forth. Every friend I've made moved away and I've been picked on, tormented, and almost killed, more than I like to admit. My life isn't really perfect but I'm grateful that I at least got to be in this world. Now, before you say anything, no, I'm not planning on taking my own life or anything. I've accepted this fate and I'll live with it.

(Y/N): But...but you can't just go through life accepting that you're a lighting rod that absorbs all the dysfunction.

Shadow Moonlight: Why not? It's not hurting anyone else, is it?

(Y/N): Well, it's hurting me, Shad!

He stared at you with a confused expression.

(Y/N): It honestly hurts me deeply for you to think that way about yourself. You're just as human as everyone else. The world is a horrible place to be in, I get that, but that doesn't mean you should just roll over and accept your fate.

Shadow Moonlight: The world isn't horrible, Y/N. If anything, I think it's beautiful and a gift to live in. Are you still afraid that I'm going to put myself out? I'm not like that. Edge was just acting on my behalf which honestly wasn't really that good of an act. *whisper* Don't tell him I said that. *speaking* I'd never try to end myself. Look, don't worry about me, I'm fine. You have much more important things to focus on.

(Y/N): *sigh* I guess...but, Shadow, can you promise me something?

Shadow Moonlight: Anything for a friend.

(Y/N): Give it some more thought on what your purpose is, okay? Take what I said into account and really delve into that mind of yours. Ask yourself, "Is this what I really am? What I TRULY am?" Can you do that for me, bud?

Shadow Moonlight: But...I already know what I am.

(Y/N): Do you? Do you truly know what you are? Or is there some doubt in your mind?

Shadow Moonlight: Nope. I'm certain that this is what I am.

You stared at him with slightly widened eyes as you stood up and turned away from him.

(Y/N): Then...I don't think we can be friends, anymore. If you can't accept that all those bad things that happened to you were not your fault...then we can't be friends.

Shadow Moonlight: Really? After I figured out that my purpose was to be your brother in arms?

(Y/N): I thought you said that your purpose was to be a punching bag?

Shadow Moonlight: Pfft. No, dude, that's fate. My purpose is to be your best friend.

You turned back to him with a raised eyebrow.

(Y/N): Is there even a difference?

Shadow Moonlight: Yes. My purpose is what I'm meant for. Fate is what life gives me.

(Y/N): So...did I just stupidly assume again?

Shadow Moonlight: I don't know. I guess how I phrased it was really misleading so it's my fault for that. Sorry, dude.

(Y/N): *sigh* Don't be. I guess I still have some things to learn about friendship. So...what? You're just accepting that everything from now on will be negative for you?

Shadow Moonlight: You know what they say, Y/N. When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade.

You stared at him for what seemed like forever. He seems to have accepted his fate, and it seemed pointless to try and convince him to think otherwise. So, with a heavy heart, you accepted how he viewed life.

(Y/N): I...I guess there's no convincing you, is there?

Shadow Moonlight: Why would you need to, dude? I'm happy with my life. I wouldn't have met you or Sunny if it weren't for Patriot and Dink torturing me. Indie once told me that my life is a lot like this. Whenever something bad happens to me, it's usually followed by something good happening to me which seems about right. I don't see why you need to convince me otherwise.

(Y/N): *sigh* Alright. Whatever floats your boat, I suppose. At least, you're not suicidal like Edge was.

Shadow Moonlight: Never have, never will, pal. Now, bring it in.

He said before pulling you into a bro hug as you both held it for several moments. Finally, you ended the hug as you looked at each other.

(Y/N): Do...Do you wanna go talk to Wallflower? Make things right with her? She seemed like she really regretted taking your memories.

Shadow Moonlight: Well, as long as I can get through to her, sure.

(Y/N): Don't worry. As long as you have me there, it won't be a problem. Do you wanna go now or later?

Shadow Moonlight: I think I should do it now. It's better to not wait these kinds of situations out.

You nodded.

(Y/N): I agree. But, before we go, do you mind if I ask one more question?

Shadow Moonlight: Shoot.

(Y/N): If you're so happy with how your life turned out, why did you try to remove your memories?

Shadow Moonlight: Because...she got rid of yours. I didn't want to be forgotten by my own best friend so...I erased my own mind to even it out. If we were to meet each other without our memories, I wouldn't want to be the one who shares all the good times we've had. If you were gonna start fresh, then so would I.

(Y/N): So... you willingly gave up your own memories just so we could start over again if that possibly came to be?

Shadow Moonlight: I wouldn't want to be burdened with happy memories of you that you don't share.

(Y/N): Well, I have to say that that was pretty gutsy of you to do that. I guess you've gotten more bold over the years.

Shadow Moonlight: I guess being with Edge must've really gave me a bit of confidence.

(Y/N): Actually, now that I think about it, you both have changed each other. Edge has taught you to be more confident and sure of yourself while you taught him to be more lenient and humble. You both complete each other.

Shadow Moonlight: In a way, we're like Yin & Yang.

(Y/N): Heh, that you are. Come on. We've kept our friends waiting long enough. Let's get going.

He smiled at you as you walked out of his room and out the front door. As you walked, you realized something.

(Y/N): Hey, Shad, how'd you figure out that I needed to destroy the stone before the sun sets on the third day?

Shadow Moonlight: I encountered Princess Twilight at the statue and she told me everything she discovered about it while you were confronting Trixie. I can only assume that she came here because you don't have a magic journal to communicate with.

(Y/N): I...I don't. I'll have to go see her if I want my own journal. Right now, though, let's just keep going.

He nodded as you continued walking. Soon, you made it back to CHS where you saw your girls as well as Trixie and Wallflower still standing at the parking lot. Wallflower soon noticed you both and she started sprinting towards Shadow.

Wallflower Blush: Shadow!

She called out before pulling him into a hug as she cried on his shoulder.

Wallflower Blush: I'm so sorry! I should have never taken your memories!

Shadow Moonlight: Please...don't cry, Wall. I hate to see you hurt.

Wallflower Blush: See me hurt?! I should be saying that to you, Shadow! I hurt you! How are you not mad at me?!

Shadow Moonlight: Because you were looking out for me. Sure, you had the wrong idea but you meant well. You thought that Y/N was a terrible person because he left without telling me. I'm not saying that what you did was right since erasing the minds of others isn't really something to look past at but, I know your heart was in the right place.

Wallflower Blush: B-But... But I-

Shadow Moonlight: Don't, Wallflower. It's okay. I forgive you.

Wallflower Blush: Why...why are you so quick to forgive someone who just erased your memory? You even said, "I thought you were my friend", right before you erased your mind! How are you not mad at me?!

Shadow Moonlight: Because what good would being angry do? It wouldn't make me feel any better to snap at you for everything you did wrong and it only hurts the relationship I have with you further. Forgiving you would patch things up and make it better for both of us.

(Y/N): I agree. It's best to just move on from it, Wall. It does no good to stay mad about it.

Wallflower brought her head back to look at you two as she wiped away the tears from her eyes.

Wallflower Blush: Well...if you really do forgive me...I guess I have no choice but to accept it, don't I?

Shadow Moonlight: Yep.

She sighed before smiling up at him.

Wallflower Blush: Thank you, Shadow. Thank you.

She laid her head on his chest as he held her close. She laid her head on his chest as he held her close. You smirked before leaning over to them.

(Y/N): *teasing* Do I need to leave you two alone for a while? Because I can do that.

Shadow Moonlight: I don't see what wrong with hugging a friend in public, Y/N. I mean, you do that with your harem all the time.

(Y/N): *thinking* *sigh* Still so oblivious...

You smiled as you shook your head before walking over to your girls who were watching the whole thing.

Sunset Shimmer: Aww, that's too sweet.

(Y/N): Heh, it sure is, Sunshine. Hey, now that yours as well as everyone else's good memories of me are back, do you girls maybe wanna redo the "Best Friends" picture one last time?

Sunset Shimmer: We'd be more than happy to, Y/N.

The other girls spoke their agreements as well which made you smile warmly at them.


A few days had passed since the Memory Stone incident as everything at CHS had returned to normal. You were currently sitting in your room while writing in your own journal that Twilight had given you.

(Y/N): *thinking* Dear Princess Twilight, you can add a new ending to the archives. The Memory Stone is no more. Thank you for your help. Give my best to Princess Luna and Princess Celestia. I'm happy to say everything is back how it used to be. Your 'cousin", Y/N L/N. P.S. Thanks for the journal by the way. Now I'll get to say hi to you without having to always ask Sunset or just in case her memory gets erased again. Heh.

We then cut to another scene where a van pulled up to the parking lot of CHS as Vice Principal Luna came out with a stern look.

Vice Principal Luna: No student parking in the faculty lot!

You chuckled while Shadow nearly lost it. The van opens revealing several copies of this year's yearbook as you and some of the other students started taking them out. We then find you at the front doors of CHS while watching the other students looking over the yearbook before you stepped inside. You walked for a bit of a distance until a certain egotistical magician stopped you.

Trixie Lulamoon: I demand to speak to you, Y/N! How did this get in here?

She showed you a section in the yearbook titled, " Most Greatest and Powefullest" before smirking at you. You smirked back at her.

(Y/N): I don't know. Maybe someone had to do a LOT of convincing to get the yearbook president to put that in there? Who knows?

You both laughed at that.

Trixie Lulamoon: Seriously though, thank you, Y/N.

(Y/N): It's my pleasure, Trixie. It's my way of thanking you for your help.

She blushed slightly at your words as she scratched the back of her head.

Trixie Lulamoon: W-Well...thank you. you mind if I...tell you something, Y/N?

(Y/N): Of course. Go ahead, Trix.

She took a deep breath before looking back at you.

Trixie Lulamoon: Y/N... first of all, I just wanted to say how sorry I am for how I treated you at first when everyone's good memories of you were taken away. It wasn't right for me to act the way I did and you didn't deserve it.

(Y/N): Don't worry about it, Tri-

Trixie Lulamoon: Let me finish, please? I honestly despise myself for sinking so low as to demonize the one guy who...who I loved.

You stare at her for a bit before smirking.

(Y/N): *jokingly* Well, well, well, seems that the Great and Powerful Trixie has a soft spot for me. *speaking* So, you love me?

Her face became flushed when you asked that before she nodded.

Trixie Lulamoon: I...I do. You're the first guy I've ever had feelings for, Y/N. You gave me so much confidence when we had that talk at the joke shop and you've been a constant inspiration to me. You made me see that I am more than just Jack Pot's daughter, I'm the Great and Powerful Trixie. A great magician in her own right.

She then grabbed your hands and looked into your eyes.

Trixie Lulamoon: I might not be able to change how I acted before, but...can you allow me to make up for being one of your girlfriends?

You smiled before grabbing her waist and pulling her into a deep kiss much to her surprise. A few seconds passed before you pulled away.

(Y/N): Of course I will.

She smiled up at you before pecking your lips.

Trixie Lulamoon: Thank you, Y/N.

(Y/N): Of course. Come on. Let's go find the others and tell them the good news.

She nodded before you both held each other's hand and walked away.

(Y/N): *thinking* Well, maybe not completely how it used to be.

We cut to another scene where we see you along with Shadow, Wallflower, and a few other students at Wallflower's garden as you walk up behind her.

(Y/N): I've got a yearbook delivery for Best Gardener.

She turned to you before taking the yearbook from your grasp and flipping it to one of the pages. There, she saw a picture of herself along with yours and Shadow's as well as the girls' initials. She smiled before hugging you.

Wallflower Blush: Thanks, Y/N. You really are the savior.

Shadow Moonlight: I told you he was a good guy, Wall.

Wallflower Blush: You were right, Shadow. You were right.

We then cut to another scene where we see you, Shadow, and the girls hanging out by the Mirror Portal while you looked through the yearbook. You turned to a page containing you and the girls in the "Best Friends" section. However, it was immediately ruined upon realizing that your photo was put next to "Best Muscles" as evidenced by a picture of Bulk Biceps kissing his biceps much to Rainbow's annoyance.

Rainbow Dash: *groans* Oh, come on! Seriously?!

(Y/N): I'm still confused on how "Best Muscles" is one of the superlatives.

Shadow Moonlight: I wouldn't know, dude, I don't attend this school.

(Y/N): Heh, true. Hey, you all wanna know what I just remembered?

You asked that in a serious voice.

Pinkie Pie: *gasp* That there's a sequel to Stormy With A Side Of Pudding?!

(Y/N): *chuckles* No, Pinkie.

Pinkie Pie: Awww.

Shadow Moonlight: There actually is a sequel to that movie. It came out almost a year ago.

Pinkie Pie: *dramatic gasp* And why wasn't I told this?! I've gotta find it!

She screamed before zooming off.

Sunset Shimmer: *chuckles* That's Pinkie for ya. Anyways, what was it you remembered, Y/N?

(Y/N): When I was searching through Wallflower's memories, I saw her walking by herself near the patch of woods near CHS. And then... some voice guided her to where the Memory Stone was.

Rarity: Do you believe it was V/N, darling?

(Y/N): didn't sound like him. It almost sounded like...Shadow.

Shadow Moonlight: Me?'s gotta be Hollow.

(Y/N): Maybe. He must have encouraged her to find the stone, in that case.

Sunset Shimmer: Um, would you boys mind telling us who Hollow is?

(Y/N): He's an evil incarnation of Shadow that V/N created right after the Friendship Games to help him in his schemes. He's pretty much his right hand man. But... that's not his only ally.

Applejack: You mean, there are others?

(Y/N): Yeah. You remember all those evil versions of Sunset, Sci-Twi, and the people that were corrupted with Equestrian magic? Well, V/N gave them their own bodies.

Rainbow Dash: How do you know all this?

???: I showed him.

They all turned to see Shadowlight staring back at them as Shadow deadpanned at him.

Shadow Moonlight: Edge...I thought we agreed to stop with the sudden appearances.

Shadowlight: *chuckles* I couldn't help myself, Shad. It's just what I do.

Shadow rolls his eyes at that.

Sunset Shimmer: You showed Y/N what, Shadowlight?

Shadowlight: Where they've been hiding out this whole time. V/N's created his own dimension using my power where he, Hollow, and the rest of your previous foes have been hibernating in.

Rainbow Dash: He's THAT powerful?!

Shadowlight: Unfortunately, yes and on top of that, he's obtained the alicorn amulet and plans to craft the Infinity Amulet with it. I'll admit, even I'm a bit intimidated by it myself.

Fluttershy: What's that?

Shadowlight: A failed experiment Grogar had me and him work on long ago. It was meant to cancel out the Elements of Harmony and give its wielder unspeakable strength. By the looks of it, V/N's managed to make a few strides in making it. He's already assembled three of the Disharmony Stones.

Rarity: Disharmony Stones?

Shadowlight: The polar opposites of the Elements of Harmony. Each stone altered the fabric of existence itself: Power, Space, Reality, Soul, Time, and Mind. So far, he has half of them but it won't be long before he finishes it. If he gets his hands on all six of them, it could mean the end of free will itself if it doesn't destroy him in the process.

Sunset Shimmer: So... we wouldn't stand a chance, then?

Shadowlight: If he succeeds, no, you wouldn't.

(Y/N): It's why we need to stop him before his plan can be finished. But... the only problem is that the void that he occupies constantly changes locations. It was only a lucky break that Shadowlight managed to find them.

Shadowlight: Remember that he's a part of me, Y/N. I'm able to track him down no matter where he's in.

(Y/N): But, he has the soul stone now. Couldn't he just shield his location with it?

Shadowlight: It's not a VPN, Y/N. Even if he has all the power in the world, I can still find him because I don't need magic to do it. It's a natural instinct. Since he's a part of me, I know myself enough to be able to track him down.

Rarity: Where is he now?

Shadowlight: Well, he's...

He trailed off while trying to sense V/N, but couldn't for some reason.

Shadowlight: Hmm...I can't seem to get a pin on him at the moment. But my best guess would be...Equestria.

Applejack: You...You don't think he's there to search for the rest of the stones, right?

Shadowlight: That could be one option, Applejack. The other is that he's recruiting all the fallen villains that Princess Twilight and her friends defeated in the past. Don't worry. I'll handle it.

He walked up to the front of the Mirror Portal and stood in front of it.

(Y/N): Are you sure?

Shadowlight: Yeah. You guys worry about whatever happens here.

(Y/N): But...we were gonna train, right? You were going to teach me how to summon armies at will, right?

Shadowlight: I've looked into it and it turns out that you actually can summon armies so yeah, I'll be sure to teach you a thing or two, Y/N. Right now though, I can't. I need to make sure V/N doesn't get a hold of the rest of the stones or revive all the fallen foes of Twilight and her friends. I won't be gone for too long. See you guys, then.

He waved to you all before stepping through the portal and disappearing.

Rainbow Dash: He seems less edgy than usual.

(Y/N): Huh, I wonder why.

You winked at Shadow who winked back.

Shadow Moonlight: So, I guess that means things are better now? Nobody's holding any more grudges against people?

Sunset Shimmer: No. Not anymore.

Shadow Moonlight: Well, that's good to hear. Seems like things are finally getting better at this place.

Rainbow Dash: Uh, no they're not! That image of Bulk's muscles are burned into my eyelids!

All of you laughed at that as the camera panned backwards. Meanwhile, in Equestria, we see a lonely mountain overlooking Ponyville as two figures stepped forward. They revealed themselves to be V/N and Hollow.

(V/N): So, we'll find the rest of the stones as well as revive the fallen adversaries of Twilight Sparkle and we won't go back until our job is done.

Hollow Moonshine: Yes, this is a much better option. We'll be more prepared for it but first things first, we must find...Grogar.

V/N looked back at him in anger.

(V/N): I am not bringing him back! He'll not only destroy me, but he'll take all the work we've built up for himself!

Hollow Moonshine: Sir, do you want to bring world order or do you want to lose to Y/N and his pathetic harem?

(V/N): *sigh* Fine. But if this results in him turning against us, then this'll all be on you.

Hollow Moonshine: Trust me, my lord. He won't have a choice in the matter, if you know what I mean.

He winked at his master as he realized what he meant by that.

(V/N): Right.

They walked forward towards Ponyville while Shadowlight watched from a distance.

Shadowlight: *thinking* Hmm. Looks like I'll have to alert the royals about this predicament.

His horn began to glow as three black and white spots appeared on the ground in front of him before something began to rise out of each of them. Eventually, they took the shape of an alicorn as it soon changed to an (F/C) color. Soon, the black and white spots had transformed into clones of your alicorn form.

Shadowlight: Each of you find the princesses and alert them about V/N. One of you goes to Canterlot, one of you goes to the Crystal Empire, and the other just goes to Twilight's castle. It's not that far from here.

(Y/N) Clones: Understood!

They replied in unison as they took off while Shadowlight nodded.

Shadowlight: *thinking* Better to have them prepare for a war than to sit on their flanks waiting for one. Until then...

His horn glowed one more time as another black and white spot appeared in the ground before it took the form of Shadowlight himself.

Shadowlight: Keep an eye on V/N and his right hand man, will you?

The clone nodded.

Shadowlight Clone: Will do.

With that, he took off as Shadowlight teleported away to the Crystal Mirror in Princess Twilight's library.

Shadowlight: *thinking* If he's to get caught, it'll be able to buy me some time to train Y/N and his harem. It works out both ways.

He thought before stepping through the portal.

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Okay, looks like we've finished the Forgotten Friendship Arc. So, what's next, Shadow?)

(Shadowlight2784: Um...*flipping through script* I believe we're on to...Oh, yeah. Edge helps train Y/N and his harem for facing against V/N.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Huh, okay. I'm sure we'll make that interesting.)

(Shadowlight2784: I wouldn't worry, I've got some ideas in mind. *rubs hands together while quietly laughing maniacally*)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: *visible confusion* You uh... you doing okay there, Shadow buddy?)

(Shadowlight2784: Huh? Oh, yeah. I was just in uh...abstract thought.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: O...kay then. Anyways, we hope you guys enjoyed this arc. Stay tuned for more of the exciting adventures of the Savior of CHS. Until then, this is Jordanwolfboy9743...)

(Shadowlight2784: And Shadowlight2784...)

(Jordanwolfboy9743 & Shadowlight2784: Signing out! See ya! *walks away*)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: *distantly* Huh, it's weird, but I could have sworn that there was a moment where I was despising the main character for some reason.)

(Shadowlight2784: *distantly* Hmm, maybe the Memory Stone did get to you after all.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: *distantly* *sigh* Why do these types of thi-)


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