Chapter 44: Rollercoaster Of Friendship Pt. 1

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(Jordanwolfboy9743: How's it going, guys? Jordanwolfboy here! Today, Shadow and I... wait... *looks around and notices Shadow missing in action* Um... where's Shadow? *looks off to the side and calls out to Calvin The Intern.* Calvin! Where's Shadow? *listens to his answer* You don't know?! *groans* Hang on, give me a sec!)

(*pulls out phone and dials a number*)

(Neptune [Over Phone]: TheNintegaGuy residence.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Neptune? Is... is that you?)

(Neptune [Over Phone]: Oh, hi Jordy! What's up?)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Well, I was calling Nintega, but I wasn't expecting you to answer.)

(Neptune [Over Phone]: Yeah, he's busy with something right now, so I decided to answer his phone for him. What can I do for you?)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: You wouldn't happen to have seen Shadow lately, have you?)

(Neptune [Over Phone]: Umm, I don't think so. He hasn't really-)

(Shadowlight2784: *slams door open* THREE DAYS! THREE! FREAKING! DAYS!!)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: *stares with scared eyes* I-I-I-I'll have to call you back, Nep.)

(Neptune [Over Phone]: Uhhh, okay. See ya, Jordy!)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Bye, Nep. *hangs up as Shadow walks in* Dude, where'd you go? We're just about to start.)

(Shadowlight2784: *groans* It took me three days just to finish one chapter! One chapter of The King of CHS remake! God, I was really hoping that it wouldn't take that long! *sigh* Sorry to make you wait like this, man.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Hey, don't worry about it. Look, if you need some time to work on your story, then I can wait.)

(Shadowlight2784: No, no. I said I would help you out with this story and that's what I'm going to do. I just decided to make my own story while waiting for you to get prepared. I wasn't expecting it to take three days, though.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Well... if you insist. Anyways, I was just about to get started on the Rollercoaster Of Friendship Arc.)

(Shadowlight2784: Well then, let's not waste anymore time and get to it. We don't want to keep the viewers waiting, now do we?)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: No, we do not.)

It's been two weeks since your training session with Edge and your girlfriends. During that time, you've been practicing with your newly acquired magical skills and seeing how they can help you in combat. With enough training, you and the girls seemed to get the hang of it after a while. Throughout all of it, you managed to keep the Light Amulet close to you any chance you had as you kept searching for the Dark Amulet. After a while, you all decided to take a short break from searching. You planned to visit the new theme park that was opening up soon called Equestria Land.

Speaking of said theme park, we see the park in all of its splendor and glory.

We then hear the voice of a young woman speaking over the construction.

???: Experience the world like you've never seen it before, at the one, the only, Equestria Land!

She announces as a parade float appears along with four models who appeared to be wearing blank costumes.

???: Stop! Cut! Cut!

The female voice demanded as we finally got a good look at her. She had very light yellow skin, light brilliant cornflower blue eyes, and short shoulder length hair that was a gradient of grayish crimson to light magentaish gray with light gray streaks.

She was currently glaring at her lead designer for the horrendous costume designs for her models.

???: Why is everyone dressed like they're not dressed?!

Designer: *russian accent* Because you keep changing your mind about the costumes, Vignette Valencia.

Vignette Valencia: Do you know what it means to be in charge of public relations for this park? It's my job to make sure the world knows how amazing Equestria Land is gonna be. And in two weeks, when there's fifty thousand people here for opening day, the last thing they'll see before they leave at night will be this light parade. And, by extension, your costumes, which apparently do not exist as of this moment! B.Y.B.B. Be yourself, but better. Do you even have a philosophy?

Her designer glared for a second before speaking.

Designer: *russian accent* G.W.I.Q. Guess vhat. I qvit.

She walked away leaving a frustrated Vignette by herself. She sighed in annoyance before calling out to her staff members.

Vignette Valencia: I need a stress salad!

She followed that command up with a snap of her fingers which made one of them zip off to retrieve her meal. Vignette then goes over and sits at a nearby table as one of her male staff members brings her a salad.

Vignette Valencia: Where am I gonna find a new costume designer for the light parade with only two weeks left?

The staff member was about to ask for the job offer, but she quickly denied him.

Vignette Valencia: I'm not promoting you.

He hung his head low and sauntered off as Vignette began feasting on her salad.

Vignette Valencia: *sigh* If only I could put a filter on real life to make everything the way I want it.

She said out loud. What she didn't know was that two figures were stealthily watching from a distance behind another building. They soon stepped out of the shadows to reveal themselves to be Demon Shimmer and Midnight Sparkle.

Demon Shimmer: Hmm, interesting.

Midnight Sparkle: Are you sure it's safe for us to be here? V/N wanted us to be discreet.

Demon Shimmer: And we are. This place is gonna have people in costumes walk around everywhere. We're both ridiculous looking, so we'll be completely inconspicuous. Now, did you bring the wisp of magic we've confined some time ago?

Midnight Sparkle: Hang on.

She began reaching into her pockets to see if she had the aforementioned item. Her efforts were, at first, proven fruitless until she scratched the space to the side of her creating a smaller rift. She reached inside it and felt around until her eyes widened and pulled her arm out revealing a small purple wisp of magic in her hand.

Midnight Sparkle: Here it is. What's your plan with it?

She asked. Demon Shimmer took it from her comrade and smirked.

Demon Shimmer: You'll see. Just watch.

She said while turning around and refocusing on Vignette. She brought her arm back in a throwing motion and lined up the shot. With a quick forward throw, Demon Shimmer chucked the small purple wisp of magic at Vignette as it sailed through the air and landed on her phone. As a result, the phone changed in appearance.

Vignette, meanwhile, was blissfully unaware of her phone being altered as she stopped eating for a moment.

Vignette Valencia: Only way to feel better is getting ten thousand likes with the perfect salad pic.

She said before picking up her phone and taking a picture of her salad. However, this caused the phone to digitize the salad and made it miraculously disappear from sight as if it had never been there at all. Vignette's eyes widened at the sight of her meal vanishing as she looked around to see if anyone else had seen it too. She then turned back to her phone and swiped left a few times which made the image of the salad change into different bowls containing other foods. She stopped on a picture of a bowl with fruit in it

Vignette Valencia: Hey, did somebody install a new app on my phone?

She asked no one. She looked back to her phone and clicked the camera icon which made a hologram of the bowl of fruit appear right in front of her much to her shock. She poked at it with a finger to test if it really was a hologram and sure enough, it phazed through it.

Vignette Valencia: 'Cause I like it!

She smiled while holding her phone close. Meanwhile, Demon Shimmer and Midnight Sparkle stood and watched the whole thing.

Midnight Sparkle: O...kay. So, you enchanted her phone... why?

Demon Shimmer: Eh, I was bored. With V/N and Hollow in Equestria, there's no one around giving us orders. Why not spend a little bit of that time having some fun?

Midnight Sparkle: *sigh* Because V/N told us to remain anonymous. Doing things like sending wisps of magic to screw with people is gonna eventually give us away.

Demon Shimmer: Oh, chill out. What V/N doesn't know won't hurt him. Besides, aren't you sick and tired of waiting all day and night to be told to do something? I mean, V/N and Hollow are looking for Disharmony Stones in Equestria, the Dazzlings are going out and mind controlling people for our cause, and Juniper is watching over the castle to make sure no one sneaks in. Us, on the other hand, have got nothing to do. So why don't you stop being so uptight all the time and loosen up a little?

Midnight Sparkle: Because, unlike you, I don't wanna be spotted by anyone AND I don't wanna run the risk of V/N potentially finding out and banishing us back to the darkness from once we came. You really wanna go back to that empty void where all hope dies out?

Demon Shimmer: Pfft, it's not a big deal. No one even saw me do it.

She walked past her and looked over her shoulder at her.

Demon Shimmer: You seriously need to lighten up and learn how to have fun sometimes.

Midnight Sparkle: What?! Are you saying I don't know how to have fun?!

Demon Shimmer: ...Yeah. Pretty much.

She began walking away as Midnight Sparkle stood for a moment before growling in annoyance.

Midnight Sparkle: *thinking* *groan* I can't stand her sometimes! Her complete lack of care is gonna get us in trouble one day, I swear it.

Meanwhile, Shadowlight was watching from afar as he glared at the two former villains.

Shadowlight: *thinking* So these two are the ones behind the magic. I had a feeling V/N would be the one orchestrating all of these magic mishaps.

He sighed before walking off as well. The scene changes to the Canterlot Mall as we see Rarity and Applejack sitting by themselves at a table while holding their phones and gazing at them.

Rarity: Anything?

Applejack looked down at her phone and frowned.

Applejack: Nothin'. You?

Rarity: Nuh-uh.

She pouted as you, Shadow, and the other girls walked up to them.

Pinkie Pie: Somebody has unspilled beans at this table, and it's not me, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Sci-Twi, Y/N L/N, Shadow Moonlight, or Sunset Shimmer!

(Y/N): I agree. What's going on, you two?

Applejack: *deep breath* Well hun, Rarity and I applied for summer jobs at the new theme park.

Pinkie Pie: Equestria Land? Wait... Will you get to go there for free?!

Applejack: Actually, they pay us to go there.

Pinkie responded to that with a series of high pitched squeals of happiness.

Shadow Moonlight: Wow, getting paid to go to a theme park. That's a dream come true.

Pinkie Pie: I know, right, Shady?!

(Y/N): What kind of jobs are you looking for, you two?

Applejack: We applied to work side-by-side as caramel apple girls.

Rarity: Yes. It's not that I'm nervous, but... Applejack, you're perfect for the job. And, well, my résumé is less apple-centric.

Applejack: *chuckles* We'll be together. I got a good feelin'.

(Y/N): I agree with her on that. You two would work really well together. I mean, a beautiful girl with an eye for detail and a strong willed girl who won't back down from a challenge? To me, that's the perfect combo.

They both smiled before giving you a double cheeked kiss.

Rarity: ~Aww, darling. You're way too sweet sometimes.

Applejack: Heh, what she said.

Rarity then quickly checks her phone and huffs.

Rarity: No missed calls while we were talking about caramel apples. Shall we practice answering our phones and sounding calm?

As if on cue, both Rarity and Applejack's phones buzzed at the same time indicating that they had received a message as they screamed in surprise. You all smirked at seeing them like that.

Sunset Shimmer: That was about as calm as Pinkie Pie on Cake Day.

Pinkie Pie: Was it today? Did I miss it?!

(Y/N): Hmmm, I'm pretty sure that's not until next week, Pinkie.

Pinkie Pie: *sigh* Thank goodness.

Rarity: One new e-mail!

Applejack: It's from the park!

Rarity and Applejack: You open yours first! No, you open yours first!

They both laughed from that.

Applejack: Okay, okay. Same time. One, two...

She was interrupted by Rarity checking her phone first.

Rarity: Too late! I opened mine!

She screamed like a schoolgirl before checking the message. She then frowned upon seeing what it said.

Rarity: Oh. They said I'm overqualified for caramel apple girl.

(Y/N): Aw, that's too bad, Rarity.

Rarity then gasped when she read the rest of the message.

Rarity: They want me to be lead parade costume designer!

You all smiled before happily congratulating her.

Sci-Twi: You haven't even started and you already got promoted!

Rainbow Dash: That's gotta be a record.

Applejack looked down at her phone and frowned.

Applejack: I didn't get the job. But I'm really happy for you, Rarity.

Rarity: Oh, pffft. There must be a mix-up, darling.

Pinkie Pie: Obviously, the internet mailman gave you the wrong letter. I know that's not how the internet works, but I'm trying to cheer you up.

Sci-Twi: Technically, Rarity didn't get the job, either, since she got a different job. So they're probably about to send another e-mail with your promotion.

Suddenly, Applejack's phone buzzed which earned a gasp from her as she quickly scooped up her phone in excitement. Her excitement, however, soon turned to disappointment as she saw what it actually was.

Applejack: Just a sale at Stinky Bottom's Discount Hat Emporium.

(Y/N): Forty percent off!

You said while looking over her shoulder in order to cheer her up as she glared at you slightly. You threw on a nervous look and scratched the back of your head.

(Y/N): Hehe, sorry. Not helping.

Shadow Moonlight: You made an effort at least.

Rarity: Well, I'm not going to accept it without you, obviously. Pfft.

She said, referring to Applejack.

Applejack: What?! You cannot let this opportunity pass you by, Rarity. Think of all those vision boards, the late-night sewin'. This has been your dream since...since kindy-garten.

Rarity: Mmm... Preschool, actually.

Shadow Moonlight: You girls knew each other for that long?

Rarity: We did. The two of us have been lifelong friends.

Shadow Moonlight: Huh, that's kinda similar with Y/N and me.

(Y/N): It kinda is. Even though I had left for a good long while, I still think it's safe to say that we've been friends for our whole life, haven't we?

Shadow Moonlight: Yeah, I guess so. And while I may have been a terrible one to her, I think the same applies with me and Wallflower.

Rarity: I'd say so. Anyways, that's besides the point. My mind is made up. Applejack and I planned to spend the summer together, and... that's what we're going to do. Riiiiiiiight?

She asked anxiously before blinking twice. Applejack still wouldn't budge however as she shook her head.

Applejack: You're takin' the job, and that's final.

Rarity: Okay, if you insist! *squeals* I'm gonna be a costume designer!

Your excited chatter resumed once more as Applejack pouted slightly while Sunset stood by her.

Applejack: Heh-heh. All right. I probably shouldn'ta quit my old job this mornin', huh?

Sunset Shimmer: I'm sure they haven't replaced you already.

Shadow Moonlight: Guess again.

He said while pointing to the smoothie stand to see that she had been replaced by Bulk Biceps.

(Y/N): You really should have checked to make sure that you got the job before quitting your previous one, AJ.

Applejack: *sigh* You're right, hon. That one's on me.

Shadow Moonlight: Cheer up, Applejack. I'm sure it'll be alright. I mean, think of it this way, we'll all be able to spend time at Equestria Land because of this and not to mention the fact that the both of you have jobs that fit your style perfectly.

Applejack sighed again before walking away as the rest of the girls were too busy to notice with the exception of you, Shadow, and Sunset.

Sunset Shimmer: Y/N, I think you shoul-

(Y/N): Say no more, Sunset.

You walked after Applejack leaving the others to themselves as Shadow turned to Sunset.

Shadow Moonlight: You wanna go grab some milkshakes?

Sunset Shimmer: Sounds good to me.

She said as the two of them walked off. Meanwhile, you were trying to get Applejack's attention as you called out to her.

(Y/N): Jackie, wait up!

Applejack: Y-Yeah?

(Y/N): Look, I know that you're upset that you didn't get the job, but you don't need to just up and leave like this.

Applejack: *sigh* I know, sugarcube. It's just... I can't help but feel like this job is gonna take all of Rarity's time while we're there. She's gonna be so consumed by her work that she's not gonna have time for us. You get what ah'm sayin'?

(Y/N): Well, admittedly, it would be nice to have all of us there, but I also know that Rarity now has a really important job to do.

She pouted even more in response to that before you sighed and put a finger under her chin to make her look up at you.

(Y/N): Hey, come on. Don't be like that. I'm sure Rarity will make up for it once her shift is over or when the parade comes to a close.

Shadowlight: There's just one problem, Y/N.

He said as he popped through a portal next to the both of you which startled you.

(Y/N): *groan* Okay, didn't we have a talk about not showing up out of nowhere, Edge?

Shadowlight: I butt into conversations when I have the perfect opportunity to.

Applejack: So, what's yer reason this time?

Shadowlight: Well, number one there's a social network celebrity that's running the place which is more cringy than my edginess and number two, she also has magic.

(Y/N): Wait, she has magic? How?

Shadowlight: You can thank Demon Shimmer and Midnight Sparkle for that. I didn't see what they did exactly since I was too far away from them to see it, but I'm sure that they did something to the person I mentioned before.

Applejack: That's... not good. So, does this mean that you and Y/N are gonna go take care of it?

Shadowlight: Under normal circumstances, I'd do it. However, Shadow plans on spending the day with his harem there and he kinda chewed me out for what happened on the yacht. Some stuff about me almost killing everyone while in Black Mamba form. I swear, he's way too attached to those girls. To make a long story short, he advised me to not get too involved in anything magic related unless it's an absolute emergency.

(Y/N): I mean... he's not wrong about that. You did almost kill me on the yacht when it seemed like I accidentally killed him.

Shadowlight: Yeah, he also chewed me out for that as well and believe me, you do NOT want to see Shadow when he's angry. It's much more terrifying than you'd think. Anyway, if anything gets out of hand, let me know and I'll be over there to help you out. In the meantime, I'm gonna be searching for the Dark Amulet.

(Y/N): Sounds like a plan.

He waved one final time before leaving through a rift.

Applejack: Man, he amazes and scares me at the same time.

(Y/N): Heh, yeah. It's ironic how V/N's anger doesn't affect him in the slightest and yet Shadow being mad scares him? Shadow doesn't even get mad.

Applejack: He's a real mystery, I can tell ya that much, Y/N.

(Y/N): As I was saying AJ, I'm sure Rarity will make up for it once her job is over for the day.

Applejack: Ah hope you're right, Y/N.

(Y/N): Come on. What do you say we go back to the others?

She smiled before taking your hand in hers.

Applejack: Sure. Let's go.

You nodded before the both of you walked away hand in hand towards the others. We cut to a later scene where we see Rarity and Vignette introducing themselves at Equestria Land.

Vignette Valencia: My name is Vignette Valencia, and to answer your first question, yes, I'm that "Vignette", but no, I do not think I'm better than you just because I have three million followers on Snapgab.

(Shadowlight2784: *sigh* I hate this already...)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: YYYYYYeah. I get where you're coming from now.)

(Shadowlight2784: *groans* I can't do this. I need bleach. *grabs jug of bleach and is just about to chug on it*)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Stop, stop, stop, dude! We need to finish this! *grabs jug and rips it from his grasp* I hate this as much as you do, but we can do this!)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Shadowlight2784: I NEED IT! I can't continue with this cancer without something to nullify the effects!)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Listen to smooth jazz! It helps me out all the time! *pulls out some headphones and puts them on Shadow and plays the music* Listen to it, Shadow! Let the smoothness melt your troubles away.)

(Shadowlight2784: Jordan, there's no way this is going to- *gets into the music as he starts to relax a little* Is this Kenny G?)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: You bet it is. Why don't I take over for a bit while you listen to that?)

(Shadowlight2784: Sounds good to me. I'm gonna go head out and do a food run while I'm at it. You want anything?)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Nah, I'm good. Just focus on getting whatever makes you happy.)

(Shadowlight2784: Alrighty. *to Calvin* Calvin, get the keys! *walks out of the room*)

Rarity: *huffs* You're up to three million now? I mean, yes, uh, yes, I-I am familiar with your online repertoire.

She said as she followed Vignette who walked in front of her.

Vignette Valencia: I have a good feeling about you, Rare. Oh, you have to let me call you "Rare". It's the perfect name for lead parade costume designer. Not a... um, caramel apple girl. I don't even know why you applied for a job like that. Not with a Snapgab feed like yours.

Rarity: Oh.

Vignette Valencia: Obviously, I looked you up. Great pictures, by the way. That gingham and linen sundress caught my eye, and your follower count is *faux French pronunciation* im-press-ive. For someone just starting out, of course. But I can already tell you've got magique inside.

Rarity: Oof. Magi— You can?

Vignette Valencia: The light parade is the most important event in the park. Over a hundred cast members, and you are gonna make them look perfect.

Rarity sighs in nervous excitement as she held a tighter grip on her journal.

Vignette Valencia: Oh. And before I forget, don't put anything on that table. Especially your phone. No reason. Just a super-important rule I made up, 'kay?

She said, referring to a table that was closed off by caution tape. We then see Shadow and his harem at a giant rainbow rollercoaster as Shadow was conversing with Indigo before they both laughed casually.

Indigo Zap: I still can't believe that we got to come here!

Lemon Zest: Yeah, dude! How'd you get enough for all of us?

Shadow Moonlight: Edge helped me pull some strings.

Sunny Flare: I hope it didn't involve mind control or anything of the sort.

Shadow Moonlight: No worries, Sunny. If there's one thing Edge doesn't do, it's mind control. Or at least, very rarely. He only uses it as a last resort. Besides, I told him to refrain from using magic to handle it so hopefully he won't be doing any of that.

Sour Sweet: *sweetly* What makes you so sure? *sourly* That edgy jerk doesn't listen to anybody!

Sugarcoat: She's not wrong about that. Edge doesn't have a lot of control when it comes to his powers sometimes.

Moondancer: Let's not forget that he's also emotionally-driven and that plus his powers is a very dangerous combination.

Shadow Moonlight: Now, hold on, girls. Edge may not be the greatest guy out there but I made him promise me he wouldn't use magic on anyone so I have every confidence that he won't.

Indigo Zap: In that case, we'll take your word for it, Shads. Hey, let's go try that one!

She points to a large mountain-themed attraction with a giant waterfall leaking out of it and a orange bridge that passed through different tunnels and was called "Neighagara  Falls Barrel Floom".

Shadow Moonlight: You sure you want to do that, Indie?

Indigo Zap: Yeah, I do! What do you say?

Shadow Moonlight: Well, sounds good to me. I'll just be hanging back with the others watching you.

Indigo Zap: Oh no, you don't! You're coming with me!

She grabs the back of his collar and begins to drag him away before he is grabbed by Lemon.

Lemon Zest: Hey, he was gonna go to "Dragonland's Drag Racing" with me!

Indigo Zap: No he wasn't! You never even said that!

Lemon Zest: Well, I did now!

Shadow Moonlight: Could you girls let go, please?

Lemon & Indigo: No!

Shadow Moonlight: *sigh* *thinking* Y/N, how do you endure these situations?

While Shadow was being caught in a tug-a-war between two of his girlfriends, you and the Rainbooms had just arrived at the park.

Pinkie Pie: Equestria Land opening day! What should we do first? Appleloosa Wild West Stunt Show? Nightmare Moon's Haunted Castle? Sugarcube Everything?!

Applejack: Now, hang on. I got the sense Rarity's overwhelmed, which is understandable. I mean, she's all alone here without any of her friends or her boyfriend. Which is why I wouldn'ta taken the job, but that's just me. Uh, point is, we're here to support Rarity.

(Y/N): She's right. Rarity needs all of our support if we want her to succeed at her new job.

Suddenly, a bunch of girls screamed in delight and ran in a certain direction. You looked and saw that they had crowded around Vignette Valencia, but at the time, you didn't know who she was.

Applejack: What? Uh, which character is that?

(Y/N): *mutters* The one we'll probably be dealing with later on in the chapter.

Applejack: What?

(Y/N): What?

Pinkie Pie: Ah, it's not a character, silly! That's Vignette Valencia! She's famous on Snapgab, which you'd know if you actually logged in once in a while. You're missing my "One Cupcake Every Day" series.

Fluttershy: She posts a lot of pictures of her Welsh corgi named Yas Queen.

Rainbow Dash: And she's friends with, like, every awesome athlete in the world!

You all then glanced at Sci-Twi.

Sci-Twi: Don't look at me. I only follow bots that post interesting science facts.

(Y/N): What is it with you girls and social media? I mean, there's already a standard text messaging software included with your phone. What do you need Snapgab for?

Pinkie Pie: *gasp* Are you kidding me?! Snapgab allows you to stay in touch with your bestest buddies, Y/N! Are you telling me that you DON'T have an account?!

(Y/N): No, I don't and for a lot of good reasons. I live near all my closest friends and girls, I can literally teleport anywhere to see anybody without any trouble at all, and I'd prefer not to announce to the entire world that I'm a boy with magic powers.

Fluttershy: Um... don't forget a harem too.

(Y/N): That's what I meant when I said 'girls', Fluttershy. Give me a sec.

You pulled out your phone and looked up Vignette just to see how popular she was. You then saw some of her posts.

(Y/N): These are her pictures? "Chillin sandy style"? "U no how I do"? "I came I saw I vintaged"? Okay, somebody tell me why this picture has twenty thousand likes.

You pulled up a picture of Vignette laying down on her bed while holding up her phone.

Vignette Valendia (On Phone): #Bangs.

Applejack: Your guess is as good as mine, sugarcube.

Rarity: There you are!

Rarity called out as she walked over to you all.

(Y/N): Heh, there's the beautiful costume designer herself now.

She giggles before walking up and pecking your lips.

Rarity: And proud of it, my love.

Applejack: So? You've been here solo without your best friends all this time. How can we help?

Rarity: Hold that thought. Vignette! Over here!

She called out to her new boss which got her attention before she began approaching.

Applejack: You know Vignette Valencia?

Rarity: Pfft. Do I know her?

Vignette soon made it over as she and Rarity kissed each other's cheeks in a greeting fashion.

Rarity: Why, she's my best friend at the park!

Applejack gasped at that.

Vignette Valencia: Selfie! Oh, but can we use your phone? Mine's been acting super-weird lately. Thanks. You're the best!

She said before she and Rarity took a selfie as Applejack glared slightly.

Rarity: Everyone, this is Vignette Valencia. She runs P.R. for the park, and she's my boss.

Vignette Valencia: I told you not to use the "B" word.

(Y/N): You mean bi-

You were cut off by Fluttershy covering your mouth with her hand and shaking her head no.

Vignette Valencia: I'm your... "friend"... who gets to boss you around!

Rarity nervously chuckled at that as the rest of you joined in.

Rarity: Heh. So this is Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, and my darling boyfriend Y/N L/N.

Vignette Valencia: Well, I can certainly see why he is. He's a cute one.

She winked at you. You blushed slightly before looking away.

(Y/N): U-Um, thanks... I guess.

Applejack then cleared her throat which got Rarity's attention.

Rarity: Oh! Ha. And Applejack. Sorry, you were standing a— I-I didn't see you.

Vignette Valencia: Hmmm.

She hummed unenthusiastically while looking at her phone.

Rarity: They're my best friends. So... I thought you'd like to meet them.

Vignette Valencia: *uninterested* Mm-hmm.

She hummed again while still looking at her phone.

Rarity: Uhhhh, fun fact – uh, we perform together in a band called the Rainbooms.

This made Vignette's eyes widened before she turned back to all of you.

Vignette Valencia: Rainbooms? Why is that familiar? A hundred thousand followers? Focused consumer-centric demographic, too? Does your curated content consistently aggregate across multiple platforms?

(Y/N): Uhhhh, Twi? Can you translate that?

Sci-Twi: Well... I guess... in other words, she knows who we are... maybe?

Pinkie Pie: We sing songs together!

(Y/N): I think she's well aware of that, Pinkie.

Vignette then gasped upon getting an idea.

Vignette Valencia: I am going to turn you into the centerpiece of tonight's light parade!

Rainbow Dash: Uh, the Rainbooms?

Vignette Valencia: Shhh... Are you ready? B.Y.B.B. Be yourself, but better! That's been my power phrase since I started my first company. A middle school girl selling artisanal handmade mascara. "But isn't that just melted crayons?" Hey, neighsayers gonna neigh. But I say B.Y.B.B.

(Y/N): Um, I'm pretty sure that's a paradoxical statement. Also, hypothetically speaking, if we were to agree to this, how many people would watch us?

Vignette Valencia: All of them! Wait...

She then got a good look at you.

Vignette Valencia: Y/N L/N... why does that name sound familiar to me?

(Y/N): I don't know. I don't really get out much.

Vignette Valencia: Give me a moment, dear.

She then looked through her phone while repeating your name over and over silently to herself. Her eyes widened before turning back to you.

Vignette Valencia: Oh, now I remember! You're that savior boy I've been hearing so much about! The one with magical powers and such! You're everywhere on Snapgab!

(Y/N): Huh, that's funny because I don't have an account.

You then turn to your girlfriends with a slight glare.

(Y/N): Alright, which one of you blabbed about me? I know for a fact that it wasn't Applejack since she doesn't have an account either.

Sunset Shimmer: Well, it wasn't me.

Sci-Twi: Me neither.

Fluttershy: I didn't say anything about you, Y/N.

Pinkie Pie: I didn't do it.

Rarity: Trust me, darling. I would never do something like that without your consent.

You all turned to Rainbow Dash who was avoiding eye contact while whistling nervously as you narrowed your eyes at her.

(Y/N): Rainbow...

Rainbow Dash: What? I'm sorry, alright?! But seeing you in action with magical powers was just too awesome to pass up!

(Y/N): *thinking* *sigh* Perfect. The last thing I wanted was for word of me having powers to leave Canterlot. *speaking* I'll have a little talk with you about it later.

Rainbow's eyes darted left and right while she chuckled nervously.

(Y/N): *sigh* Yes, Ms. Valencia. You heard correctly.

Vignette Valencia: Oh, please, formalities are not needed here. Just call me Vignette.

(Y/N): Uh, alright then, Vignette.

Vignette Valencia: Anyways, what do you say to my proposal?

The lot of you thought about that for a moment until Sunset spoke up first.

Sunset Shimmer: Well, if it's gonna help out Rarity...

The rest of the girls agreed to it while you reluctantly nodded. Vignette then pulled out her phone and liked each of the girls' accounts.

Vignette Valencia: Like, like, like, like, like, like. Upload and post it, ladies and gentleman. This'll trend fer sure! I'll @ you later with the exact deets. B.Y.B.B, Rare. V, out.

(Jordanwolfboy9743: *sigh* It's only gonna get worse from here on out, isn't it?)

(Shadowlight2784: I told you. If they just left this one part out of this entire special, I could easily enjoy it without a doubt.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: But instead, as writers, we have to deal with the pain of Hasbro throwing this stuff in our face.)

(Shadowlight2784: *sigh* I swear, fanservice is both a gift and a curse.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Well, at least they're not making them wear too revealing clothing or anything... oh wait... that was Forgotten Friendship with their swimsuits, wasn't it?)

(Shadowlight2784: At least that was more tolerable than whatever this mess is supposed to be.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: *sigh* Let's just get back to it.)

Vignette left as Rarity turned back to the rest of you.

Rarity: I know. She's amazing, right?

Applejack: She sure is... somethin'.

Sci-Twi: Logistical question: How're we supposed to get our instruments?

Rarity: Pfft, kuh! Vignette will handle everything.

Applejack: I got a question, too. When you said she's your "best friend at the park", did you mean "best friend, comma, at the park"?

Rarity: Did I say that? *gasp* Listen, tonight's a huge opportunity. And not just for me now, but for all of us!

(Y/N): Well, if you say so, Rares. Anyways, since we're here now, why don't we all check out the park?

Rainbow Dash: Yeah! I agree with Y/N. Let's check out the park!

She zoomed off while Pinkie and Fluttershy checked out the map. Applejack, meanwhile, was frowning the whole time as you and Rarity noticed this.

Rarity: Honestly, I don't know why you're giving us your frowny eyebrows, Applejack.

(Y/N): Yeah, AJ. We came here to have fun so lighten up a little, would ya? What's bothering you?

Applejack: *sigh* It's nothin'.

She turned her head away from the both of you.

Rarity: Uhhh, well, uh... enjoy the park. I'm gonna be super-busy preparing for tonight. So let's meet in the staging area for sound check and run-throughs. I have three minutes' break at four o'clock, and I can give you two of them. B.Y.B.B.! *laughs* Rare, out!

She walked away leaving the rest of you and a frustrated Applejack.

Rainbow Dash: Well, looks like Rarity doesn't need us as much as Applejack thought. So...

Fluttershy: Should we practice for the parade? It's a little... *gasp* ...daunting, isn't it?

Rainbow Dash: We know every song by heart. Wouldn't you rather go have some fun?

(Y/N): Normally, I'd disagree with you but I really want to enjoy myself so I'm with you, Dashie.

The other girls voiced their agreement as they walked away leaving you and Applejack alone as she sighed once again to which you noticed.

(Y/N): Applejack, come on. Didn't our talk yesterday help out?

Applejack: To be honest, Y/N... not really. Look, just... leave me alone for a while.

She walked ahead of you leaving you alone with a bit of a saddened look.

(Y/N): *thinking* Did... did I say something wrong here?

Your thoughts were quickly interrupted as you saw Shadow running towards you.

Shadow Moonlight: Y/N! There you are! Quick, you gotta hide me!

(Y/N): From what, Shad?

Shadow Moonlight: From... THEM!!

He pointed behind him and you looked to see the Shadow Seven looking around with serious faces.

(Y/N): Uh, why? Did you make them angry somehow?

Shadow Moonlight: In a way, yes. It's uh... it's jealousy issues.

(Y/N): Ah, I see. Here, hide behind that conveniently shaped lamp over there.

You pointed to a nearby lamp before he zipped over and hid behind it right as the Shadow Seven came up to you.

Indigo Zap: Hey Y/N! Quick question, you wouldn't happen to have seen Shadow come by here, did you?

(Y/N): Uh... nope. I haven't seen him at all.

Sunlight Shimmer: *sigh* Okay, well, thank you. Come on. Let's go look by the Mini Golf section.

The rest of them nodded before walking away. Once they were out of sight, you called out to Shadow.

(Y/N): Okay, they're gone!

He slowly stepped out and sauntered over to you as he took a heavy sigh of relief.

Shadow Moonlight: Thanks, man.

(Y/N): No worries, dude. So, having trouble with your harem, huh?

Shadow Moonlight: You have no idea. I don't know how you do it, Y/N but I can't handle being the rope in a tug of war.

(Y/N): Didn't you try to come to some sort of compromise?

Shadow Moonlight: I... I didn't... think of that.

(Y/N): *sigh* I figured as much. Look, when it comes to having multiple people who want to do something with you, you should always try to come to some sort of truce. Something like a coin flip usually solves that problem, at least, to my knowledge.

Shadow Moonlight: I don't think that's gonna work, dude. Remember that this is Crystal Prep students we're talking about and even though it's not as much as it was back at the Friendship Games, they've still got that competitive side with them.

(Y/N): Oof, that's gonna be a bit tricky. Why not just hang out with me until we figure something out?

Shadow Moonlight: Yeah, I was hoping you'd say that. I'm honestly scared half to death right now.

(Y/N): In that case, follow me, bud.

He nodded as you two walked away.

(Shadowlight2784: Well, that certainly was worse than I remember. Somebody at Hasbro needs to be fired for this.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: How much more is there to go?)

(Shadowlight2784: *looks at the length of the video* *groans* We've got another half hour of this special to go through.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: *sigh* Nope, that's it! I. Can't. Be. Asked! We're splitting this into parts!)

(Shadowlight2784: I couldn't agree more! This whole thing is just too cringeworthy!)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Hear hear to that! *turns to audience* Yeah, sorry about that, folks. I do believe my original idea was to have it all in one part, but this is just too much to handle all at once. So, much like with Forgotten Friendship, we're splitting this into multiple parts.)

(Shadowlight2784: Sorry, everyone but it's too much for us to bear with.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Until then, this is Jordanwolfboy9743...)

(Shadowlight2784: And *groans* Shadowlight2784...)

(Jordanwolfboy9743 & Shadowlight2784: Signing out. *unenthusiastic* See ya... *walks away*)

(Shadowlight2784: *distantly* This whole thing is stupid! They had all the potential to make this good but NO, they just HAD to put social media into it!)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: *distantly* I know, right?! This whole thing is a load of horse-)


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