Chapter 50: Summer Breakdown Pt. 1

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(Jordanwolfboy9743: How's it going, guys? Jordanwolfboy here! I'm happy to announce that we've finally made it to the fiftieth chapter of the Savior of CHS! Woohoo! *hooks up phone to a wireless speaker and plays a song*)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(*Shadow soon walks in to see Jordan dancing by himself as he raises an eyebrow. He then walked over and paused the song which got Jordan's attention as he stared back at him awkwardly*)

(Shadowlight2784: You know, if you're gonna celebrate, you could at least wait for me before you do.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Uhhh... *nervous laugh*. R-Right... sorry.)

(Shadowlight2784: *sigh* It's fine, it's fine. )

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Anywho, that's not the only thing though. This story has also reached 100k reads too.)

(Shadowlight2784: It is? *checks The Savior of CHS statistics* Wow, and to think you started this story almost a year ago. You've come a long way, dude.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Nah, man, we've come a long way because I probably wouldn't be at this point if it wasn't for your help.)

(Shadowlight2784: Right, I keep forgetting that.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: I really do wanna say thank you so much for all the help and support you've given me since I first started this story, dude. I honestly really do appreciate it.)

(Shadowlight2784: Well, there's no greater feeling than the satisfaction of watching a friend go far.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: That's absolutely true, dude. *turns to the audience* I also wanna give a big thank you to all of you readers out there who chose to not only give my story a read, but also give me so much support. I also wanna give a massive thank you to my friends here on the site which includes my bud shadowlight2784, LordStarX101, TheNintegaGuy, and all the rest of you. Hopefully, we'll continue to bring joy to you guys with our writing.)

(Shadowlight2784: Yeah...even if the story itself isn't all that joyful. *rubs the back of his head*)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: *sigh* You're referring to Gavin, aren't you?)

(Shadowlight2784: Actually, I was referring to my story, The King of CHS.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: O-Oh... right... because that has... *deep inhale* Yeeeeeaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh. Should... we just get on with the story now?)

(Shadowlight2784: U-Uh, y-yeah! R-Right! L-Let's get to it!)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: A-Anywho, the polls so far seem to point to changing the title. So, I do believe that's what we'll be going with. You agree?)

(Shadowlight2784: The readers have spoken, Jordan. Of course I agree.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Alright then, it's settled. We're changing the name to Summer Breakdown. No cuts, no buts, no coconuts.)

(Shadowlight2784: *holds up a coconut and looks at it sadly* Awww, sorry, little buddy. Someday we will use you.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Okay! With that out of the way, let's get on with the show, shall we?)

(Shadowlight2784: Let's do this! *throws the coconut across the room as it splatters all across the wall* *Jordan glares at him as he rubs the back of his neck sheepishly* ...I'll clean that up.)

It was another bright and sunny day in the city of Canterlot as the usual hustle and bustle of the city was in full swing. The camera pans over to your new home as we see you and Shadow duking it out on your gaming system.

(Y/N): You're sitting on one more stock, dude! I'll spare you the shame of defeat if you just surrender!

Shadow Moonlight: I've accepted a lot of shame, Y/N. I think I can take a little more. Also... never!

He said the last part with a competitive smile as you gave him the same look. The game continued on for the next several moments and somehow... against all odds... Shadow managed to beat you.

(Y/N): W-What!? H-How!?

Shadow Moonlight: Uhh...Y/N? You're holding my controller.

You looked down and sure enough you were holding Shadow's controller as indicated by the two lights on it indicating that it was the player two controller. You sweatdropped at the sudden revelations before sighing in defeat.

(Y/N): For someone who's really good in real life combat, I can be a real idiot sometimes.

Shadow Moonlight: That's not what I'm saying, dude. You still technically won. Just... with the wrong controller is all.

(Y/N): *sigh* How did that even happen though? I don't think we swapped controllers at any point.

Shadow Moonlight: Wait, wasn't there a point where you had to go to the bathroom and I had to go get a drink and we accidentally put our controllers on the other person's spot?

He asked. There was a brief moment of silence before the both of you simultaneously sweatdropped and huffed.

(Y/N): Well, I guess we should take this as an indicator to keep a better eye on one's controller.

Shadow Moonlight: I couldn't agree more, dude.

Suddenly, the door to your room burst open and in came a very ecstatic Sci-Twi who appeared to be holding something.

Sci-Twi: Boys, boys, boys! Check it out! Check it out!

She waved what appeared to be a pamphlet in front of your faces.

(Y/N): Woah! Woah! Woah, Twi! First of all, calm yourself!

She did as you told and took a breather.

Sci-Twi: Sorry about that. Anyways, take a look.

She showed you both the pamphlet and you managed to see what it was.

(Y/N): Is... is this another cruise?

Sci-Twi: It sure is! I saw this and I thought to myself, "What better way to cap off the summer than with a cruise?" So, I've decided to take us all, including some of the other CHS students, on a luxury cruise on the Luxe Deluxe!

Shadow Moonlight: Um, hate to be a buzzkill but...aren't we in the middle of summer right now and didn't something bad happen the last time we were on a cruise?

Sci-Twi: Well, not this time though. From how it sounds, Edge hasn't come back to update us on anything regarding V/N or the Disharmony stones, so I thought we could take some time off from all the drama.

Shadow Moonlight: Speaking of which, he hasn't returned for awhile. It's not like him to be gone this long without telling us. Usually he's in and out. You think he might be in trouble?

You shook your head and put a hand on his shoulder.

(Y/N): Come on, Shad. This is Edge we're talking about. I very much doubt that he's in any serious trouble and even if he is, he can just get himself out of it. You've gotta remember that he is the origin of V/N and I, so I don't think there's any real reason to worry.

Shadow Moonlight: I know, I know. Still though, I can't help but worry about him. He's kind of like a brother to me.

(Y/N): I'm sure he's okay, Shad. There's no need to worry yourself.

Sci-Twi: Yeah, Shadow. Edge has been gone for longer times before, so I don't think there's anything really indicating that this one is different.

Shadow Moonlight: I guess. I just hope he's alright. Anyway, would it be too much to ask if I could bring Sunny and the other Shadowbolt girls along?

Sci-Twi: Of course, Shadow! The more, the merrier.

Shadow Moonlight: I uh...I know this might seem a bit unorthodox but, I was kind of hoping we could bring Juniper too.

Sci-Twi: Well, she does seem like a lot better person lately, so why not.

Shadow breathed a sigh of relief.

Shadow Moonlight: Phew. Okay, perfect. So, when is this trip supposed to occur?

Sci-Twi: Oh, about two days from now actually. So, I suggest that you boys get your things ready today. I wanna see sunscreen, swimming trunks, towels, and everything else you'll need.

She said in a somewhat authoritative voice as you both saluted her.

(Y/N): We'll get right to it, ma'am.

Shadow Moonlight: Y-Yeah, absolutely! Hail Sci-Twi!

Sci-Twi then immediately changed her expression to that of giddiness.

Sci-Twi: Great! See you boys later!

She pecked your lips before running out your bedroom door leaving you and Shadow alone. You both breathed a heavy sigh before ending your current saluting stance.

(Y/N): Man, as much as I love her, Twi can get really demanding sometimes whenever she really wants something.

Shadow Moonlight: She's always been like that, Y/N. I mean, she doesn't show it very often but, there have been times where she puts her foot down.

(Y/N): Yeah, clearly.

Shadow Moonlight: Hey, I've been meaning to ask. Since we're now going on another boat trip, have you completely gotten over your fear of water yet?

He asked. You then suddenly went very stiff as your pupils shrunk to the size of peas.

(Y/N): U-Uh... maybe?

This made Shadow raise an eyebrow.

Shadow Moonlight: But, didn't you say because of the incident last time, that you were over it?

(Y/N): W-Well... I may have... fibbed about that. Even though I have this dragon form of mine, I still really fear being in the ocean in my normal form or any big body of water for that matter. I mean, you saw how hard I was trying just to keep myself afloat.

Shadow Moonlight: Yeah...I just don't understand why though. Granted, the ocean is pretty deep but still. Have you never been taught how to swim, dude?

(Y/N): *sigh* That was the plan at first, but due to the incident with that giant shark skeleton, we kinda had to end the trip early. Remember? So, there wasn't really enough time for the girls to properly teach me.

Shadow Moonlight: Yeah...all of CPA was actually really angry about that. They're actually depending on you to take down V/N.

(Y/N): And I will... once we figure out how to combine both the Light and Dark amulet to create the Concinnity amulet, of course.

Shadow Moonlight: You know, I've been thinking about that, Y/N. I think I may be able to fit both categories.

You looked back at him, confused.

(Y/N): What makes you say that? If you remember, in order for the Dark amulet to work, the wielder has to have a heart of stone, which you don't have.

Shadow Moonlight: I may not have it...but Shallow might.

(Y/N): O-Oh... you mean this... angry side of you that you've been suppressing?

Shadow Moonlight: Yeah, him. We're basically polar opposites.

(Y/N): Do you really think he'd be so willing to help though?

Shadow Moonlight: Well...would you prefer to ask V/N to put it on?

(Y/N): *sigh* Touche. So, what should we do now?

Shadow Moonlight: We should probably wait until Edge gets back since you gave him the amulets, didn't you?

(Y/N): Yeah, I did. Although...

You looked down at your hand and conjured up an aura that closely resembled Shadowlight's magic.

(Y/N): In case there was ever an emergency, Edge gave me the ability to access that realm of his in order to retrieve the amulets.

Shadow Moonlight: So...are you suggesting we go there to pick them up?

You nodded.

(Y/N): I think so. It doesn't seem like the best place to put them now that I think about it considering that V/N has the same power.

Shadow Moonlight: Yeah, you're right. I guess we should probably go nab them before one of V/N's underlings gets it.

(Y/N): Exactly, but we'll deal with that at a later time. Right now, we should do what Sci-Twi said and get our stuff ready.

Shadow Moonlight: Yeah, probably.

He said as he got up from the bed and stretched his arms before turning back to you.

Shadow Moonlight: Oh, by the way. Does your harem model bikinis for you?

(Y/N): Ummm...No, not really. Why?

Shadow Moonlight: I don't know. It's just that when I tend to go shopping with them, they usually pick out a variety of swimsuits and ask for my judgement on them. I just wondered if that was a thing girls do for guys or if it's just me.

(Y/N): By the sound of it, it looks like it's a "you" problem, my friend.

You chuckled as Shadow blushed as a panicked expression ran over his face.

Shadow Moonlight: Oh no. Am I going too slow?! Do they want me to make a move?! What move do I make? What move even is there to make?! What am I supposed to-

You cut him off by putting both hands on his shoulders.

(Y/N): Shadow, listen. I wouldn't think too much into it if I were you. I'm sure if your girls wanted to take things to the next level that they'd let you know.

Shadow Moonlight: B-But, what if I'm not ready for the next level?! I still cry myself to sleep at night, Y/N! I can't handle this! *hyperventilates* Soon, I may get too slow to the point where they all don't care anymore and then they'll want to break up. I'M SPIRALING!! I'M SPIRALING!!! GYUH!!!

He grunted as a result of you giving him a hard slap across the face which managed to get him to shut up.

(Y/N): You done?

Shadow Moonlight: *sigh* No! I don't want to be done with them! I love all of those girls to death and I don't want to lose them just because we're taking this at different paces! I wanna make them happy but, I can't even do that when I'm going too slow!

(Y/N): But, you're not going slow, Shad. You're going at a pace that they seem to be okay with right now. Look, it's like I said before, if they were ready to take things further with you that they'd let you know about it. Look, you just need to be honest with them. You've all been through so much together so I'm sure they would be understanding enough. Panicking about it most certainly will not solve anything, Shadow, so do yourself a favor and breathe.

He did just that as he took a deep breath and calmed his nerves.

Shadow Moonlight: W-Well... what about you though?

(Y/N): What about me?

Shadow Moonlight: W-Well, haven't any of your girls been hinting about... you know?

He then whispered something into your ear which made your eyes widen and a blush overcame your cheeks.

(Y/N): W-Well... that... kinda has been racing around my head lately, but I'd never try to force that on my girls unless they were willing to.

Shadow Moonlight: Well, if they were to bring up the question, what would you do?

(Y/N): Well, like I said, I'd be honest with them. And that's what I think you should do, Shadow. Just be honest with your girls and I'm sure that they'll understand. You get me?

Shadow Moonlight: Yeah. I'll try to talk to them about it. Oh hey, since the human Dazzlings are technically Wondercolts now, I guess that means they're coming on the trip too?

(Y/N): Looks like it. I mean, a handful of CHS students seem to be coming along. I don't see why they wouldn't either.

Shadow then thought of something before throwing on a mischievous grin.

Shadow Moonlight: And hey, while we're on the trip, why not add them to your harem?

This made you blush again as you waved a dismissive hand.

(Y/N): N-Now, hang on just a second! L-Let's not jump down that rabbit hole just yet! Besides, they seem like they don't really like me that way.

Shadow Moonlight: Don't be so humble, Y/N. I've seen Dagi bat her eyes at you a few times when you weren't looking, Ari seems to blush whenever she hears your name and then acts all tsundere, and Sonny... well... from what I've heard, she seems like she takes any chance she can get to spend some time with you.

(Y/N): Okay, that's enough! You've lost your teasing privileges for today!

Shadow Moonlight: Hey, just be glad it's me and not Edge. Anyways, let's get to packing.

(Y/N): *sigh* Y-Yeah... right.

You said while getting rid of your blush before the both of you started packing your things for the upcoming trip.


(A Few Days Later)

You and your harem were at the beach on the docks with all your luggage while waiting for the yacht to show up. Rainbow and Applejack were sitting down playing cards, Rarity was fixing her makeup, Fluttershy was busy petting Spike, Pinkie was fooling around with her sprinkle ability, Sci-Twi was busy reading a book on botany, and you and Sunset were playing 1 2 Switch while playing the guitar rock out game.

(Y/N): Just admit it, Sunshine, I'm the best at guitar playing!

Sunset Shimmer: We'll just see about that, Y/N!

She said in a competitive voice as the both of you continued to play. While you were busy doing that, Shadow, his harem, the human Dazzlings, and the rest of CHS finally showed up with their belongings with Shadow struggling to carry all of their luggage.

Shadow Moonlight: *strained* Too...heavy...

He then collapsed to the ground as the luggage fell on top of him. You soon took notice of his current predicament before you paused the game and went over to help him.

(Y/N): Woah, dude! Let me give you a hand there.

You held up your hand and summoned your telekinesis magic making the large stack of luggage lift off of him. You levitated them over next to him and placed them down gently onto the sand. Shadow let out a relieved sigh.

Shadow Moonlight: *pant* Thank you, (Y/N). *pant*

(Y/N): How did you even get yourself in that situation?

Shadow Moonlight: Indie said that I'll get stronger if I carried all of their luggage here without any help.

(Y/N): Huh, I... guess I can understand that sort of logic, but I don't think stacking countless suitcases on top of your boyfriend is gonna make him stronger. I'd suggest going to the gym if you wanna gain some muscle.

Shadow Moonlight: *sigh* That's what I tried telling her, but you know how she is, dude. Once she has her mind set on something, she doesn't stop until she gets it.

(Y/N): Don't I know it. You're doing alright though, right?

Shadow Moonlight: Yeah. I mean, I heard a few of my bones crack but, I'm fine.

(Y/N): Was that a joke or are you legitimately serious about that?

Shadow Moonlight: Uhhh...both?

(Y/N): *sigh* Okay, hold still.

You brought up your hands and started using your healing magic to heal Shadow to full health again. Within seconds, he was right as rain again.

(Y/N): Feeling better now?

Shadow Moonlight: Much. Thank you.

(Y/N): No problem.

Shadow Moonlight: So, when's the boat coming?

Sugarcoat: You mean the yacht?

Shadow Moonlight: Tomato, tomahto.

Sci-Twi: It should be coming any moment now, you guys. Oh, there it is!

She pointed towards the ocean as the rest of you looked over to where she was pointing. Simultaneously, all of your eyes widened at seeing the yacht itself. It was a massive ship, much bigger than the yacht you rode on before.

(Y/N): Woah... now that is worthy of the name yacht.

Lemon Zest: Dude...h-how did you get the money for that?!

Sci-Twi: Eh, my family's really rich and decided to treat us to a getaway.

(Y/N): Let me take a guess. You did a lot of convincing to get this for us, didn't you?

You asked with a raised eyebrow and a smirk. Sci-Twi then chuckled nervously before scratching the back of her head.

Sci-Twi: M-Maybe?

Shadow Moonlight: Twi...did you promise them anything in exchange for this?

Sci-Twi: *sigh* Only that... I wouldn't do anymore begging for at least a year.

Sunset Shimmer: A year? How much begging have you even done in your life, Twi?

Sci-Twi: *nervous chuckle* Too many to count.

You then chuckled before walking over and pecking her forehead.

(Y/N): Well, at least we can cap off this summer with an awesome boat ride. Thanks for that, Twi.

Sci-Twi: Y-Yeah, of course, sweetheart. Now, what do we all say we get on board?

The rest of you gave a nod of agreement before walking over to the docks where the boat was currently situated. After several moments of the staff members checking each of your tickets, you were finally on board the Luxe Deluxe. Once everyone had boarded, the ship slowly started its trip and sailed off into the vastness of the ocean. Several more moments passed as you and everyone else had gotten acquainted to your new surroundings. Meanwhile, Pinkie was absolutely ecstatic as evidenced by her popping up everywhere on the ship while shouting, "Summer Break!"

While she was doing that, Sunny Flare raised an eyebrow at her antics before turning to you.

Sunny Flare: Uh, dearie? Shouldn't you do something about her?

(Y/N): Eh, she's having fun, Sunny. Plus, she's not hurting anybody.

Sunny Flare: If you say so. Just make sure she doesn't lose her head.

(Y/N): Will do.

Indigo Zap: And try not to freak out over possibly drowning, okay?

(Y/N): Indie, come on. At this point, I'm absolutely over it.

You soon made yourself eat those words upon looking down at the ocean. An anxious look came across your face before you gulped nervously.

(Y/N): Well... for the most part, at least.

Lemon Zest: Oh, don't worry about it, dude. We could teach you how to swim, right girls?

Sugarcoat: If it involves having to pull him out of the water after he passes out, don't rely on me to give him CPR.

(Y/N): Hey! What are you talking about? I never pass out!

Gloriosa Daisy: Didn't you pass out that one time at Camp Everfree? You know, when you were just about to drown but then I rescued you like from The Little Mermaid?

(Y/N): *sigh* I thought we agreed that we wouldn't bring that up again, Glori and I don't remember it happening like that.

Gloriosa Daisy: How would you know? You passed out.

Timber Spruce: Yeah, I remember you specifically passing out, dude.

Your face was now completely red which garnered a chuckle from everyone else.

Sunny Flare: We're just teasing you, dearie. No need to be so serious about it.

(Y/N): Yeah, yeah.

Sour Sweet: Hey, does anyone know where Shadow is?

Indigo Zap: I think I remember him saying that he was gonna go change into another outfit.

(Y/N): You know what? I think I'll go do the same!

You quickly zoomed off before they could say another word to you. Within moments, you came back in a completely different outfit as you started to walk back before you spotted a familiar emo-styled teen standing at the railing while looking out over the ocean with a slightly uneasy look.

(Y/N): Shad?

You called his name which made him flinch before he turned his eyes in your direction.

Shadow Moonlight: Oh...hey, dude.

He said in a low, saddened voice. You raised an eyebrow before walking over and standing next to him.

(Y/N): Is something bothering you? You didn't watch Homeward Bound again, did you?

Shadow Moonlight: *sigh* Yeah, I did...five times but, that's got nothing to do with it. It's not really that important., I'd be lying if I said it wasn't important. It's just not something I want to burden anyone with.

(Y/N): Dude, come on. I don't want my best friend to spend this whole trip moping over something that he's not willing to share with his friends. What's on your mind? I'm more than willing to help out.

He looked at you with a look of uncertainty for several moments before finally spilling the beans.

Shadow Moonlight: *sigh* I'm worried about Edge.

He said as he turned his head back to the ocean.

Shadow Moonlight: It's been almost two weeks since he left to go spy on V/N and Hollow. I'm worried that they could have found him and are probably keeping him hostage as we speak.

(Y/N): Really? We're doing this again? Shad, Edge is prepared for almost any situation. You know that.

Shadow Moonlight: Not all of them, Y/N.

(Y/N): What do you mean?

Shadow Moonlight: He probably never told you this or you didn't pick up on it but, Edge has never gotten over what happened between him and V/N. Despite how much of a tough guy he may appear, he's still shattered from losing his best friend. What I'm trying to say is, he wouldn't be prepared for a situation if V/N gave him another chance. Not even if he was faking it. *sigh* I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't be worrying about it right now but, I can't help it. He usually comes back here to give us a daily report but he hasn't come back lately. I know he gave you the cold shoulder a lot but, aren't you at least a little worried that something could have happened to him?

(Y/N): Of course I am, Shad, but I'm not letting it bother me that much because Edge has shown to be really resourceful a lot of times. I saw first hand just how powerful he is when my girls and I first trained with him that one time. So, I really don't think anything too bad would happen to him.

Shadow Moonlight: I'm not sure you understand, Y/N. Edge may be powerful physically, but he's not very strong mentally. He is driven by his emotions and can be easily manipulated if done a certain way.

(Y/N): *sigh* Well, what do you want me to do, Shadow? Cancel this trip just so we can go check on him? Because if it turns out that he's perfectly fine, then we will have wasted this trip for nothing.

Shadow Moonlight: Uhh, why would we need to cancel the trip? You're a part of Edge, aren't you? You can just as easily create those rifts that he and V/N do. Why not just do a quick check up on Edge and see how he's doing?

(Y/N): Because quite frankly, Shad, I don't want to. You wanna know why? Because every single time we've tried to have fun during some big event, something magical always comes around to ruin it. The Fall Formal, the Battle of the Bands, the Friendship Games, the Camp Everfree trip, the Daring Do movie premiere, Wallflower's Memory Stone, and Equestria Land. This whole time, we've had to deal with magic going awry and having to deal with V/N's BS. Just this once, I'd like to do something fun together without having to worry about anything going wrong.

Shadow Moonlight: Look, it's not that I want a bad situation to happen, Y/N. I'm just worried about a friend and I want to make sure he's alright. Listen, you don't have to come if you don't want to. I'll just go there myself.

He brought his hand up and summoned a large red colored portal.

(Y/N): W-What? Since when did you have magic?

Shadow Moonlight: Since Edge left. I don't know why he gave it to me but, he wouldn't take no for an answer.

(Y/N): *sigh* Look, you can go check on him if you want, but if it turns out that he's okay after all, don't say I didn't tell you so.

Shadow Moonlight: If you're right, I'll let you rub it in my face all you want.

He then looked back at you one last time.

Shadow Moonlight: Dude, I know that you're sick of everything that's happened to us this past year, but when the safety of our friends are at stake, you need to put aside whatever you may be doing at the time. I honestly thought that as the Savior of CHS that you understood that.

He turned away from you as he sighed to himself.

Shadow Moonlight: But, clearly, you don't.

(Y/N): Uh, okay, back up a second. Am I still talking to Shadow here or is that you, Shallow? Because when did you start questioning how I did my job?

He lets out another sigh as he turns back around with his eyes now a light green instead of red and the portal changes to the same shade of green.

Shallow Moonlight: Look, all I'm saying is that if you have a role, you have to do your part. If you're really the Savior of CHS, you'd make an effort to live up to it. Then again, it's not like you had to do anything to earn it. People like you always get things handed to them in life.

His words started getting on your nerves as you now had a slightly irritated look on your face.

(Y/N): You honestly think that of me? Have you really forgotten that I had to spend a good chunk of my life hiding my magic from others out of fear of them shunning me for it? I've had to go through the pain of leaving you behind when I had to move to Manehatten. And you still say that I don't have problems?

Shallow Moonshine: Take a good look at yourself, Y/N.

(Y/N): No, how about YOU take a good look at yourself, Shadow! You still can't get over your anxiety and fears despite how much the others and I have tried to help you. It really seems like you have no interest in wanting to help yourself. We only want what's best for you, Shadow, and you won't even give us a chance.

Shallow Moonshine: First of all, I'm not Shadow. You should know that because of how I completely demolished Patriot after threatening to hurt Sunny. Second, those fears and anxieties are what make him who he is. People take one look at him and they say, 'Oh, I hate this edgy prick' or 'Oh, this guy clearly has no life because he looks like he was born out of a freaking black hole!' Let me tell you something, Y/N! You've always been afraid of being taunted or isolated by people because of your magic but Shadow's the one who ACTUALLY gets that kind of treatment, regardless! So, you have no right to speak about him in vain! Don't you understand at all what he's been put through?!

He then turned away from you with a huff.

Shallow Moonshine: No, of course, YOU don't. You were gone for a good portion of it, so I very much doubt that you would.

(Y/N): was you, wasn't it? You were the one who mostly influenced Edge into believing that I couldn't be trusted, weren't you?

Shallow Moonshine: You're damn right I did! He didn't even do much interacting with you at the Friendship Games and nor did Shadow. The only thing he ever asked you to do as Shadow was to kill him. I was the one spewing all that venom because in case you didn't get it the first time, I HATE YOU, Y/N L/N! People like you pretty much have no worries whatsoever while people like Shadow suffer on a daily basis! And when you do have problems, they're mostly nothing that serious or to worry about!

(Y/N): *exasperated sigh* God, I was REALLY hoping I wouldn't have to put up with your BS again!

You groan as one of Shadow's eyes reverted back to red as he looked over at his other eye.

Shadow Moonlight: Shallow, stop it! You're going way out of line!

Shallow Moonshine: No, he needed to hear the truth, Shad!

Shadow Moonlight: That isn't the truth! I don't hate Y/N and I never will! He has his fair share of problems, Shallow, but that doesn't give you any right to treat him so terribly! I don't want to lose my best friend again!

Shallow Moonshine: Well, guess what, you just did!

He walked forwards into the rift as it disappeared seconds later leaving you by yourself as you stood alone for the next few seconds.

(Y/N): *thinking* So, the pendant was a ruse this whole time? I... I'm so confused. *sigh* Should... should I go after him? B-But I don't wanna just ditch the girls here. Maybe... maybe he'll come to his senses and come back. He usually does anyway. One thing for sure, those two need to be separated and when that happens...I will make that annoying jerk pay for all of the deceit he's put me and everyone else through. I have to... for Shadow's sake.

With a heavy sigh, you turned around and walked back to where the others were. Meanwhile, Sci-Twi, Sunset, and the others were on the main deck as Sci-Twi was looking over the pamphlet.

Sci-Twi: *reading* Welcome aboard the Luxe Deluxe, where you'll set sail for a full week of luxurious luxuriating on our most deluxe luxury liner!

Fluttershy: Ooh! Sounds... luxurious.

Sci-Twi: Did you see there's a petting zoo onboard?

Pinkie Pie: Mmmm! Smoothies!

Sci-Twi: And an all-you-can-eat dessert buffet you can... eat all you... can eat at?

Pinkie Pie: *screams* Twi, this cruise has everything! And a moving floor!

She said as the yacht began to sway back and forth. Applejack, who had a terrible case of sea sickness, started to gag at the sudden shift in leveling.

Applejack: *gulp* I think I may have forgotten to pack my sea legs.

Pinkie then offered her a drink which was a cocktail of different fruits including kiwi, strawberries... and what looked like pickles which did nothing to help Applejack as she gagged once again. Sci-Twi started to feel guilty for bringing her on board before Sunset stepped in.

Sunset Shimmer: Thank you for organizing this trip, Twi.

Rainbow Dash: I've gotta hand it to ya. You really have an eye for climactic battle settings!

Everybody else gave her a quizzical look as a result of her odd sentence.

Rainbow Dash: Imagine going head to head with a sea monster by the pool! Ka-chow! Evil Equestrian magic flows up the diving pool! *imitates explosion* The boat's sinking! Everyone's screaming! And then we save the day!

Fluttershy: Oh. Is the sea monster okay in the story?

She asked concerningly.

Rainbow Dash: Better than okay! She's our friend now! Best summer break ever!

???: Or... better yet, we don't do any of that and just have a perfectly, normal, ordinary, summer break on a yacht.

They heard someone say as they all turned to see you walking towards them in your summer outfit.

Sunset Shimmer: Hey, there you are, Y/N.

Sci-Twi: Where were you?

You were about to say until you stopped yourself. You weren't exactly sure how you were going to tell them about the fight you just had with Shadow... or Shallow in this case. But, you soon argued with yourself that you wanted this trip to go perfect, so, with a heavy heart, you decided to lie. At first, you were worried about Applejack potentially suspecting your fib, however, one look at her sickened state suggested that she was in no mood to be a living polygraph test right now. You shook off your worry and spoke.

(Y/N): I... went for a little walk around the ship. Just so I could see how big it really is.

Rainbow Dash: Heh, you didn't get a case of ocean fear while you were alone, did ya?

(Y/N): *sigh* Well, I guess it's one thing me and AJ have in common.

Sci-Twi: I agree with Y/N's earlier statement. I too was hoping we could do something without having to battle Equestrian magic for a change.

Applejack: We couldn't even spend the day at Equestria Land without creatin' a calamity.

Rainbow Dash: Which we then uncalaminated, like literal awesome superheroes!

There was a brief awkward moment of silence until you stepped in.

(Y/N): *sigh* Rainbow, I suggest that you get this idea of magic suddenly happening out of your head soon. We came on this trip to have fun, not to be paranoid of things. *mumbling* Unlike certain people.

Sunset Shimmer: What was that last part, Y/N?

(Y/N): U-Uh, nothing, Sunshine.

Sunset raised an eyebrow at your answer before Rarity walked over to Sci-Twi while speaking.

Rarity: I'm also with Y/N on this one. This is a most deserved respite. We're all very thankful to Twilight for the chance to relax and do absolutely nothing.

Her words were soon followed by everyone else voicing their agreement. Sci-Twi smiled at this while Rainbow pouted in annoyance.

(Y/N): Exactly. This trip is meant to be a getaway for us from all the heartache and tension that we've faced over the past year. Plus, if anything goes wrong, Edge will surely come back and tell us.

You then sighed before looking at the floor with an irritated face.

(Y/N): *mumbling* That is if Shallow doesn't irritate him which might make him not wanna come back here.

Rarity: What was that, dear?

(Y/N): I said it's nothing, Rarity. I'm... *sigh* I'm gonna go explore some more.

You solemnly walked away which didn't go unnoticed by your harem.

Sunset Shimmer: Is... it just me or does Y/N seem like he's down in the dumps all of a sudden?

Fluttershy: Now that you mention it, Sunset, he does seem out of sorts. Oh dear. You don't think his fear of drowning is causing him to act differently, do you?

Sci-Twi: I don't think so. Y/N usually shows anxiety when he's near water. This, however, seems like something really got on his nerves. In other words, something angered him.

Rarity: Would it be impolite to ask him?

Sunset Shimmer: Probably not, but I doubt he'd want to talk about it. I think it's best that we should just let him be for a little while so that he'll cool off. Who knows? Maybe some of the activities will help cheer him up.

The others nodded in agreement aside from Rainbow who was still busy pouting from earlier. Suddenly, Rarity's phone vibrated in her pocket which startled her at first before she checked it. What she saw made her scream seemingly in fright.

Rainbow Dash: What is it? Evil magic?!

Rarity: A GPS alert! We're in international waters!

Rainbow gasped before giving it a second to think that over.

Rainbow Dash: What does that mean?

Rarity: Tax-free shopping!

She said before running off in a fit of giggles. The others soon walked off leaving Rainbow by herself who pouted once again. Meanwhile, on the other end of the ship, you were leaning on the guardrail while staring off into the vast ocean blue in thought.

(Y/N): *thinking* Maybe... Shadow had a point back there. I probably should have gone with him to go check on Edge. I just... I just don't want this trip to be ruined in any way. Sci-Twi went through a lot to get us this trip and I don't wanna disappoint her. *speaking* *sigh* Maybe I have been letting my title get to my head lately. *thinking* Strange...I feel like I've said that before somewhere.

You pouted before a black portal opened up right next to you startling you out of your current train of thought. The portal stayed still for a moment or two before someone stepped out of it revealing themselves to be Shadow who appeared to have an apologetic look on his face.

(Y/N): S-Shadow?

Shadow Moonlight: Y/N, I'm...I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything to go down like that. I was just worried about Edge is all, I didn't want Shallow to get involved and start talking down to you. Listen, I need to ask you a favor. When we're done with this trip...could...could you free me from him? I don't want to have him around any longer than you do. If...if I'm being honest, he's the only guy I'd ever really get mad at.

He explains when his eyes suddenly turned green, signifying that Shallow was in control now.

Shallow Moonshine: WHAT?! If anything Y/N is the one you should be mad at! He-

Shadow Moonlight: Shallow, please do not involve yourself in our conversation.

Shallow Moonshine: Oh, look at you trying to be assertive! I'm doing you a favor here, Shadow! Y/N is nothing but a-

Shadow Moonlight: Just leave us alone, okay?

Shallow Moonshine: *snarls* Fine. *thinking* That's the thanks I get for trying to protect him from this self-centered jerk? So damn ungrateful.

Shadow Moonlight: *mutters* Ugh. The nerve of that guy. *speaking* Listen, I don't want to ruin the trip. That's the last thing I'd want to have happen.

(Y/N): *sigh* No, it's fine, Shad. As the Savior of CHS, it's my job to make sure that everyone's safe and accounted for.

Shadow Moonlight: Don't buy into what Shallow told you. He's so condescending that he doesn't even know half the stuff that comes out of his mouth.

(Y/N): But he honestly had a point there, Shadow. While Edge might be powerful, he's not unkillable. Look, if we really need to go check on him, then we'll do just that. Just say the word.

Shadow Moonlight: Well...when we arrived in Equestria, we couldn't find him anywhere. That must mean that V/N has him contained somewhere or...he may actually have left us to join him.

He then looked back at you to see that you were now sporting a worried expression. Shadow started to realize what he was doing before he waved a dismissive hand.

Shadow Moonlight: O-Or he could be on recon and is just cloaking himself. I don't know. L-Look, Sci-Twi went through a lot to get this trip to happen, so I'm willing to put my paranoia aside. Although, I doubt Shallow would do the same.

(Y/N): Are... are you sure?

Shadow Moonlight: Shallow threw you into an argument that shouldn't have even happened. If it means there won't be another nasty argument with you, then I'll keep my mouth shut. Besides, I agree with you on the fact that it's about time that we took a break from everything we've been through lately.

(Y/N): Well... if you insist. Wanna go take a look around the ship and see if there's something we wanna do?

Shadow Moonlight: Well, I suppose it would be a nice way to get our minds off of things.

Shallow Moonshine: Are you kidding me right now?! Shadow, I am not going anywhere with this annoying-


Shallow Moonshine: *snarls* Fine... I guess you really want Edge to die, don't you?

Shadow Moonlight: *growls* Say that again, Shallow... I dare you.

Shallow Moonshine: ...

Shadow Moonlight: Yeah... that's what I thought. Now be a good annoying edgelord and screw off!

He turned back to you and smiled.

Shadow Moonlight: Let's go.

You nodded before the two of you walked away. You chatted over random nonsense for a couple of moments before the both of you made it back to the main deck where the built-in swimming pool was. Shadow looked at it for a moment before getting an idea and looking over at you.

Shadow Moonlight: Hey, why don't we take this moment to finally teach you how to swim?

The millisecond that those words left his mouth, you froze in place and your pupils shrunk.

(Y/N): U-U-Uhhhhh...

Shadow Moonlight: You've got to try, Y/N. If you never try, how are you going to get far in life? Here, why don't we start off with dipping our feet in the water?

(Y/N): I-I... I guess that'd be fine.

The two of you walked over to the pool's edge and sat down. You took off your sandals before dipping your feet into the cool, clear water as the both of you let out a sigh of approval.

(Y/N): That's the stuff.

Shadow Moonlight: See? You're already getting there, dude. I tell you, I've always been amazed by the ocean and such. Something about it is just so... magical.


Somebody screamed from behind you which made you scream like a little girl and fall into the pool with a loud splash. Shadow looked up at the source of the scream to see Rainbow Dash standing there in a fighting pose.

Shadow Moonlight: W-Wha... Rainbow Dash?

Rainbow Dash: I heard you say something about magic, so I came over to see if there was any running amok!

You resurfaced before hastily grabbing onto the edge of the poolside and glared up at her.

(Y/N): Well, there certainly IS something running amok and it's definitely not magic!

Rainbow noticed your current state and started to nervously chuckle and scratch the back of her neck.

Rainbow Dash: Theeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrre's... no magic... is there?

Shallow Moonshine: Aside from the annoying psychedelic blur that nearly gave us a heart attack, no.

Shadow Moonlight: Shallow, you're trying my patience.

He looked back at Rainbow and shook his head.

Shadow Moonlight: No, Rainbow. There's no magic here. I was just telling Y/N that the ocean was really beautiful and how it was LIKE magic to me. I was speaking metaphorically.

Rainbow Dash: O-Oh... r-right. I'll just... be on my way then.

She sped off in a rainbow colored blur.

(Y/N): *sigh* Could you give me a hand here, Shad?

He was about to offer you a hand before getting an idea and throwing on a smirk.

Shadow Moonlight: I... could, but seeing as how you're now in the water, I'd hate to waste an opportunity like this for you to learn how to swim.

Your eyes widened.

(Y/N): B-But, Shad-

Shadow Moonlight: Dude, come on. Like I said before, if you don't try, how are you going to get far in life? Just give it a fair try, Y/N. You'll figure it out, I'm sure of it.

Seeing as how there was no way to get out of this situation, you sighed once again before reluctantly letting go of the edge and floating in the water.

(Y/N): Fine... but... you'll get me out in case I drown, right?

Shallow Moonshine: Like hell I wi-

He's cut off by a sudden punch to his face by his other arm as his eyes turned back to a crimson red, signifying that Shadow is back in control.

Shadow Moonlight: Of course I will, dude. I wouldn't let you drown.

(Y/N): T-Thanks...

You turned away from him and stared down the long distance to the other side before taking a deep breath.

(Y/N): Okay water legs, don't go limp on me now.

You mumbled to yourself before you started your swimming session.

(Moments Later)

On the other end of the ship, a small amphitheater stage was being set up as Sunset, Sci-Twi, Applejack, and Pinkie were setting up their musical instruments for when you all would play later on in the evening. Currently, Applejack was still trying to fight off her sea sickness while Sci-Twi was pacing at yours as well as Rarity's absence. As they were waiting, the Shadow Five, Gloriosa, Timber, and Sunlight showed up while saying their usual greetings. After that is when Sci-Twi started getting a little worried at something potentially going wrong before getting an idea and she got everyone's attention.

Sci-Twi: Look at us! Getting ready to play at a pool party! Who knows what hijinks will ensue, am I right? Maybe I'll fall in the pool fully clothed! And everyone will laugh!

She then let out a laugh which didn't really brighten everyone else's spirits.

Sci-Twi: *nervously* Are you not having fun?

She asked as Pinkie followed that up with a sigh.

Pinkie Pie: My whole life, I've been taught that you could only berry blast a butter biscuit on a bundt cake with two layers of chocolate. But this afternoon, I saw the truth. The buffet has a Triple Choco-Berry Blasted Butter Biscuit Bundt Cake.

Sci-Twi: How was it?!

She asked in a hopeful voice only to be disappointed by Pinkie's answer.

Pinkie Pie: I don't know! 'Cause Rainbow Dash got me banned from the buffet!

Sci-Twi: What?!

Fluttershy: She also scared the animals in the petting zoo. Now they don't want pets. *whisper* It's just a zoo.

Applejack, meanwhile, recomposed herself as her face was now completely green.

Applejack: Ugh. She sure wasn't helpin' me not get sick off the side of the boat.

Sugarcoat: The same could certainly be said for me when Sunlight and I were trying to get some reading done.

Sunlight Shimmer: Yeah, same here. Sugarcoat and I were learning about social etiquette and such when Rainbow suddenly appeared while spouting about how magic was gonna randomly show up which broke our concentration.

Indigo Zap: Me and Lemon were in the middle of a volleyball game which I was about to win until Rainbow came out of nowhere and started yelling about some stuff about magic and whatnot.

Lemon Zest: Yeah, why'd she have to be such a buzzkill?

Sour Sweet: *sweetly* You know, this trip would've been a hundred times better *sourly* if we all just left her back at the docks!

???: Not to mention the fact that she scared me half to death and made me fall into the pool.

The four of them turned to where the voice was coming from and saw you and Shadow walking towards them. You had a towel wrapped around your body as you held a shameful look on your face.

Sci-Twi: Y/N... did... did you finally learn how to swim?!

She asked, hopefully once again. You sighed before turning to Shadow.

(Y/N): Shad... tell her.

You hung your head as he cleared his throat and explained.

Shadow Moonlight: Well...I guess you could say we got off to a good start. At least until Skittles rolled by.

Fluttershy: Skittles?

Shadow Moonlight: Yep. Also known as Rainbow Dash. When I made a metaphorical statement involving the ocean and magic, she suddenly appeared and screamed at the top of her lungs causing Y/N to freak out and fall into the water.

(Y/N): Probably the worst time I've ever been scared to death.

Shadow Moonlight: I get that she's ecstatic about fighting against Equestrian magic and all but, haven't we all been through enough of that? I mean, Wallflower's still hung up on erasing everyone's memories even though we've already forgiven her, Juniper and the Shadow Five are still a bit mad at themselves for being so stuck-up before, and I'm pretty sure I overheard Glorisa still struggling to get over the whole Gaea Everfree fiasco. Honestly, it'd be better if we didn't add another person to the club.

Sci-Twi: But you're still having fun, right?

She asked.

(Y/N): *sigh* Maybe, although, it'd be a lot nicer if Rainbow Dash wasn't fixating over magic being involved.

Shadow Moonlight: Yeah, I agree. It's not like her to obsess over this.

Sci-Twi wasn't happy by your answer which made her start to feel disappointed.

Sci-Twi: I'm sorry, everyone.

Sunset came over and put a hand on her shoulder.

Sunset Shimmer: It's not your fault.

This made Sci-Twi smile back at her. However, the moment was short lived when the athlete herself showed up.

Rainbow Dash: Hey, gang! Sorry I'm late! So, listen. I've got an idea for our show tonight! We unleash some awesomeness on the crowd! I'm talkin' rainbow lasers!

Sunset Shimmer: Is that a thing?

She asked which made Rainbow laugh.

Rainbow Dash: Yeah! When we—

Pinkie Pie: Do you mean when we turn into ponies or do you mean—?

Rainbow Dash: No! The other thing!

Sunset Shimmer: I always called that Pony-up.

Sunlight Shimmer: Really? I thought you stopped with that after you got your geodes.

(Y/N): Not exactly, Sunlight. It still happens to us even with our geodes. Remember back at Equestria Land?

Rainbow Dash: *scoffs* The rainbow lasers!

Fluttershy: I don't think that's a thing.

Rainbow Dash: It will be after we do it tonight! Who's with me?

(Y/N): *sigh* Rainbow, do you mind if you and I talk for just a moment?

You pulled her aside as the others went back to the stage.

(Y/N): Okay, here's the thing, Rainbow. Sci-Twi worked her butt off in order to make this trip happen and... uh, how can I say this without being mean?

Rainbow Dash: *groan* Just say it, babe! I can take it!

(Y/N): *sigh* Okay, but you asked for it. To be quite frank with you, you're being a major inconvenience to everyone else on the ship with your obsession over something magical happening. In other words, you're ruining it for me and everyone else!

Rainbow recoiled at your words as a look of genuine hurt spread across her face.

Rainbow Dash: Ouch! Your words just... punched my feelings.

(Y/N): Really? Because I recall you saying that you could take it. *sigh* Look, the last thing we want is you spreading a plague of hysteria around the boat, Rainbow. So, I suggest that you stop with all the paranoia before it gets out of hand.

Rainbow Dash: B-But, babe, I-

(Y/N): No buts, Rainbow Dash! At this point, I'm honestly sick and tired of every big event that we attend being ruined by something going wrong whether it be magic or by some egotist who wanted to be cast as Daring Do! Just this once, I'd like to spend some time off without having to worry about something and you're not helping in the slightest!

Shadow heard you shouting and walked over to the both of you.

Shadow Moonlight: Whoa, hey. I don't mean to intrude, Y/N, but don't you think you're going a little bit overboard? I know this trip was for us to relax but we've had this same scenario at the Spring Dance, so it's not like this is a brand new thing for us. Besides, Rainbow's just pumped to fight some magic creatures. Wait...that's it!

Rainbow Dash: Uhh... what's it?

Shadow Moonlight: Rainbow, Edge gave me some of his magic before he left. If you want, we can go spar somewhere far away from the ship so that we don't cause any collateral damage.

Rainbow Dash: Hey, that's actually a great idea, Shad! I'm sure a good sparring match will mellow me out.

Shadow Moonlight: Exactly. What do you say, Y/N?

You looked at the both of them before sighing for the fiftieth time today.

(Y/N): Fine. Honestly, I really don't care what you do with each other just as long as it gets her to stop.

You groaned which Shadow noticed as his sudden smile suddenly went south.

Shadow Moonlight: Y/ this mainly about keeping our trip magic-free here or is there something else I'm not seeing?

(Y/N): It's... it's complicated, Shadow. You'd understand if you were in my shoes.

Shadow Moonlight: Is it...about what he said to you?

(Y/N): What? No, it's not that, it's just...

Rainbow Dash: It's just what?

(Y/N): Just... just... *groan* I need a drink.

You walked away as Rainbow and Shadow watched you leave. Rainbow then turned to look at Shadow.

Rainbow Dash: Is... there something I'm missing here, Shad?

Shadow Moonlight: Believe me, Rainbow, I'm just as clueless as you are right now.

Rainbow Dash: *sigh* Maybe... he was right about me. I wasn't really helping with making this trip peaceful, wasn't I?

Shadow Moonlight: Hey, come on now, Rainbow. You're allowed to have fun just as much as anyone else. Just...try not to throw them under the bus while you're at it, okay?

Rainbow Dash: I... I understand, Shad. Thanks. I only wish I could somehow make Y/N feel better. But... how can I when I don't even know what he's going through?

Shadow Moonlight: Well, then you'll just have to ask him. Though, now definitely isn't a good time. I'm sure he'll be fine by the time we get back from sparring.

Rainbow Dash: *sigh* I hope so.

She then turned and leaned against the guard rail.

Rainbow Dash: I love Y/N... so much. He's the single greatest thing that's ever happened to me and the thought of upsetting him like that is... disheartening.

Shadow Moonlight: Yeah, I know what you mean. I'd hate to lose my best bud again.

Rainbow Dash: You know, he sometimes brings himself down due to the fact that he's a part of V/N. I just wish that we were able to convince him that he's his own person now and that V/N shouldn't matter to him anymore. Y/N's done so much for us ever since he first arrived at CHS. And... between you and me... if the moment were to arrive... I wouldn't mind spending the rest of my life with him.

Shadow's eyes widened when she said that.

Shadow Moonlight: U-Uhhh, n-not that it's any of my business but, don't you think it's a bit early to be thinking about that? We're still in high school, you know.

Rainbow Dash: Not exactly, Shad. From what I've learned, time doesn't really matter to some people. It's mostly about how well they are together and how it affects them. It's kinda like a quality over quantity thing, you know?

Shallow Moonshine: *thinking* And that's usually what leads to unplanned parenthood and childhood divorces which will no doubt happen to Y/N.

Shadow Moonlight: *thinking* For God's sake, Shallow, shut up! *speaking* So... if the time ever came... you're saying that you'd be happy to... marry him?

Rainbow thought about that for a moment before nodding.

Rainbow Dash: Yeah... I guess I would.

Shadow Moonlight: *thinking* Well, that's one confirmed yes from one of Y/N's girlfriends. Just eight more to go. *speaking* He's certainly lucky to have you girls.

Rainbow Dash: Yeah... he sure is.

She then stood straight up and turned to Shadow.

Rainbow Dash: Alright, let's get going.

Shadow Moonlight: Will do.

He said as he pointed his finger at the space between them as his hands glowed red for a second. A small white bolt of electricity with a red outline emits from his finger tip and quickly morphs into the same red and black portal from earlier as he gestures his hand at the portal.

Shadow Moonlight: After you.

Rainbow gave a quick nod before stepping through the portal and disappearing. Shadow was about to go through himself before looking back over in the direction you traveled down.

Shadow Moonlight: *thinking* Whatever's going on with you, Y/N, I... I hope that you'll get through it.

Shallow Moonshine: I don't.

Shadow Moonlight: *mutters* I didn't ask for your opinion, Shallow.

He then looked back at the portal before stepping through.

(A Few Hours Later)

The once sunny sky was now completely overcast as a strong wind was blowing. Meanwhile, on deck, you were walking by yourself to the stern of the boat in order to meet up with the girls as you were about to perform for everyone soon. You spent the last few hours clearing your head which managed to help you somewhat. You looked ahead and noticed that everyone was setting everything up for the performance including drinks, meals, snacks, etc.

(Y/N): Well, this certainly looks like it'll be a good show tonight.

You then felt the cold breeze blow over you which made you shiver slightly.

(Y/N): Although, I could do without this storm... that just appeared out of nowhere. Wait, when did the sky suddenly become overcast?

???: Oh, there you are, Y/N dear!

You turned around and were greeted by Rarity who was carrying dozens of bags filled with various items.

(Y/N): Rarity... did you... spend the last few hours... shopping?

???: Not just her, dearie.

You looked to see Sunny Flare standing just behind her while holding several bags herself.

(Y/N): Huh, you weren't kidding about the tax-free shopping. How much is all of that even worth anyway?

The both of them gave you a sheepish look while chuckling nervously.

Rarity: U-Um... well...

Sunny Flare: T-Too much to count, I guess.

You sighed before shaking your head amusedly.

(Y/N): I guess I should give that place a try when I get the chance.

Rarity: Oh, you most certainly should, love. It's got all the finest souvenirs you'll find on any vessel. But now's not the time for that. We've got a show to put on.

She was about to go towards the stage before realizing that she was still holding the bags.

Rarity: Uh... heh. You wouldn't min-

(Y/N): Way ahead of you, Rares.

You took the bags from her and zoomed off towards her room and came back a few seconds later.

Sunny Flare: U-Um... I don't suppose you're willing to help me as well, right dearie?

???: Actually, how about I take care of that for you, Sunny?

The three of you turned to see Shadow and Rainbow Dash walking towards you.

Sunny Flare: O-Oh, thanks a bunch, Shadow.

Shadow Moonlight: Anything for you, Sunny.

He gave her a kiss on the cheek which made her smile and blush. He then took the bags from her before turning to you.

Shadow Moonlight: I'll handle this, Y/N. You and Rainbow should be getting to the stage.

(Y/N): Right. So Rainbow, did you finally get it all out of your system?

Rainbow Dash: Yeah. I think I'm good to go, babe.

You nodded before smiling at her. You then stared at each other for the next couple of minutes until Shadow leaned over and whispered to Rarity and Sunny.

Shadow Moonlight: *whisper* I... think we should give them a moment.

The two of them nodded in agreement before they left you and Rainbow Dash alone. Rainbow then gained a guilty look before speaking.

Rainbow Dash: *sigh* Y/N, I wanted to say that I'm really sorry for how I acted today. It wasn't cool of me to just go around expecting for something magical to happen at any given moment.

(Y/N): Look Rainbow, I get that you're ecstatic about fighting magical creatures as well as the forces of evil but, the rest of us are trying to take some time away from that and I'm sure you remember what happened at the Spring Dance, don't you? I don't want another repeat of that.

Rainbow Dash: Yeah, I know. Trust me, I haven't forgotten about that at all. Still though, I shouldn't have acted the way I did.

She looked down at the ground while holding her arm.

(Y/N): Hey... come on now, Dashie.

You walked over to her and tilted her head up to make her look at you.

(Y/N): I'm always willing to forgive you for such things since I know that you were just looking out for us. I'm not upset about it anymore, so there's no need to beat yourself up for it, okay?

Rainbow Dash: A-Are you sure?

She asked while still feeling unsure. You nodded and smiled before pulling her in for a kiss. She froze for a moment before warming into the kiss and pulling you closer. After a few seconds, you both pulled back.

(Y/N): Does that answer your question?

Rainbow Dash: I...I guess so. So um....I know this may not be a good time to ask but...what were you gonna say back there? You know, before you went to go grab a drink?

Your eyes widened slightly before gaining a conflicted look. You then thought about it for a few seconds before turning back to her.

(Y/N): I'll... I'll tell you after the performance, okay?

Rainbow was a little disappointed by your answer but decided to accept it.

Rainbow Dash: Okay. That's fine by me. Let's go.

You nodded before taking her hand and walking back towards the stage. You spent the next few minutes setting everything up as each of you got your instruments. You were about to start playing before Rainbow got an idea.

Rainbow Dash: Hey guys, why don't we let Y/N sing the first song since we're always usually the ones who sing first?

The girls thought of that before they nodded and voiced their agreement. You gained a bit of a blush from that.

(Y/N): W-Well, I wouldn't wanna impose.

Pinkie Pie: Oh, come on, sweetie! You never really get to sing by yourself that often. Pleeeease? Just for us?

She asked before giving you the puppy dog eyes once again. This resulted in all the other girls giving you the exact same look which was eating away at your resolve.

(Y/N): *thinking* Urgh! Too... cute... I... can't... resist. *speaking* *sigh* Okay, if that'll make you girls happy.

They smiled and cheered before you walked up to the main microphone and tapped on it to make sure that it was on. After hearing the expected feedback, you cleared your throat before you started singing.

(Play Song: Reach For The Stars)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Y/N) Singing:

Take off at a speed of sound

Bright lights, colors all around

I'm running wild, livin' fast and free

Got no regrets inside of me

Not lookin' back

Not givin' up

Not letting go

I'll keep on running

I'm gonna reach for the stars

Although they look pretty far

I'm gonna find my own way

And take a chance on today

The sky with stars so bright

The colors feel so right

I've never felt like this, I'll keep on runnin'

The sky with stars so bright

The colors feel so right

Just take my hand, we're gonna reach for the stars



Wake up, livin' day by day

Do what I want, and I'll do it my way

The world's flying right below my feet

Got no regrets inside of me

Not lookin' back (Not lookin' back)

Not givin' up (Not givin' up)

Not letting go

I'll keep on running

I'm gonna reach for the stars

Although they look pretty far

I'm gonna find my own way

And take a chance on today

The sky with stars so bright

The colors feel so right

I've never felt like this, I'll keep on runnin'

The sky with stars so bright

The colors feel so right

Just take my hand, we're gonna reach for the stars



I've got it in my sight

The colors feel so right

Got my feet off the ground, I'll keep on runnin'

Oh, I can feel it now

The colors all around

Just take my hand, we're gonna reach for the stars

Just take a chance (Just take a chance)

We'll do it right again

We're gonna reach for the stars

Just take my hand (Just take my hand)

We'll take a chance tonight

Reach for the stars



(End Song)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Yeah, yeah, we know that that's not the right song, people, but honestly, the original was a rather short song, so we didn't really feel the need to include it.)

(Shadowlight2784: Yes, we know we could've just put an extended version of the song but is it really worth listening to, to be honest? Don't get me wrong, the song itself is great but it's just too short in the special to really care about.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Yeah, but at least the song we used is just as good though.)

(Shadowlight2784: That's true.)

Right when the song had come to an end, Rainbow had started to Pony-Up and float into the air. Once her full Pony-Up form at been achieved, an array of rainbow colored lights shone into the air and clouds. At first, it was a beautiful spectacle... until something unexpected happened. Each and every spotlight on the stage started going out one by one which made the crowd start to go into a panic. Suddenly, the power for the entire boat had gone completely out leaving everyone else unsure as to what exactly was happening. You were about to say something in order to calm everyone down, but Rainbow was already ahead of you. At first, you assumed that she was going to tell them to stay calm... but instead...

Rainbow Dash: Oh! It's about to go down!

She said to pump everyone up. Unfortunately... it didn't help at all.

Patron: The ship's going down?!

This sent everyone into an even bigger state of panic as they were now running all over the deck.

Rainbow Dash: Not the ship! The ship's not going down! Ugh! I meant evil! Stop screaming!

She tried to say while you facepalmed in annoyance.

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