Chapter 1: A Breath of Fresh Air

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(*A dark, empty studio fades in before the lights flicker on as Jordan and Shadow approach it*)

(Shadowlight9743: Wow... has it seriously been that long since anyone's been in here?)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Well, the story's been finished for well over a year, Shadow. There wasn't really a reason to.)

(Shadowlight9743: I know, I know. Still, it's nice being back in this old chair again.)

(*He sits down as the chair makes an audible screeching noise and then he glanced over at a cage*)

(Shadowlight9743: Heh. Remember when Gavin was around?)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: *sigh* *sarcasm* Good times.)

(Shadowlight9743: All seriousness though, why did we come back here? You said you had an idea that involved being back here.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Good question. As I was working on The Savior of Equestria, I've come to realize something. You and Nintega have made ideas involving making changes to some of your old stories and that made me think. What if I did some changes to The Savior of CHS? Not that I'm not happy with what we gave, mind you, but I was just thinking. What if we made it even better? Call it The Savior of CHS 2.0, if you so wish.)

(Shadowlight9743: Ohhh, so hence, why we're back here?)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Exactly. We will make changes to the story and give the audience a new take on what's pretty much my most popular story here on Wattpad.)

(Shadowlight9743: Huh, I see. Well, I'm definitely for it. Although, The Savior of CHS 2.0 sounds kinda generic. What if we called it... uhh... The Savior of CHS Reimagicked? It's kinda like reimagined, but with magic in it.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Huh, I actually like that. We'll go with that then. First things first though, we should...)

(*He takes one sweeping look around the room to show the state of the studio.*)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Really clean up in here.)

(Shadowlight9743: Way ahead of you, buddy. Yo, Garbage Goober, we got food for you!)

(* A small weird orange colored alien-like creature with huge mandibles comes out and begins eating some of the mess.)

(Garbage Goober: Mmm trash! I love trash! Yum yum trash! I wanna eat trash!)

(*Jordan stares in disbelief before turning to Shadow.*)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: You used the portal gun again to bring him here, didn't you?)

(Shadowlight9743: *smirks* Hey, it's Garbage Goober, who wouldn't want to adopt him?)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Huh, good point.)


Folks, I'd like for you to do something for me. Imagine the most perfect, most amazing place filled with people who are just about the kindest in the world. Imagine a place like that in real life. Are you doing it? Good. Now I want you to take that Utopia sounding place and promptly smash it with a hammer and remove it from your mind because that sort of place doesn't exist in the real world. However, such a place like that does, in fact, exist in the story that I will be sharing with you all today... Well, maybe not perfect, but most certainly better than any town or city we have in today's world. A little town that most of you may know as Canterlot.

Now, I know what you're thinking. What could possibly make this city so special in comparison to everything we've got? Well, folks, let me tell you, this place... has the greatest community you'd ever find in a city. They respect the environment, are very open-minded, they care for the wildlife, the list just keeps going. They're also very supportive and welcoming of newcomers, but more on that later.

This is Canterlot High School and like any school relying on taxes, it does the best it can do at preparing the young generation for the real world... by forcing them to take redundant classes like gym and history. Seriously, why are either of those necessary to graduate? You don't need to go to school for gym when there's plenty of actual gyms to go to, and most of history is always changing like with Columbus Day! We used to celebrate it and now we don't because it took us so long to figure out that he didn't really discover America! *sigh* Good grief...

Anyway, both of these places were relatively normal for the most part, despite the unusually friendly people. Although, that all changes until one day, when a new student arrives at Canterlot High.


We see a young man arriving at the front courtyard of Canterlot High School. This boy is revealed to be you, Y/N L/N as you took a moment to observe your new surroundings.




I said, "You took a moment to observe your surroundings."




*groans* Okay, where is he? He's supposed to be here right now. What is he doing?

The scene quickly transitions to a dark bedroom where the missing Y/N L/N was discovered sleeping in his own bed. The curtains in the room were closed, hence why only a small fraction of light was shining through it.

(Y/N): *sleeptalk* I'm a Goofy Goober, yeah...

You mumbled, still not stirring from slumber.

Uh... Y/N?

(Y/N): *sleeptalk* You're a Goofy Goober, yeah...

*clears throat* Y/N?

(Y/N): *sleeptalk* We're all Goofy Goobers, yeah...

*groans* Dude, can you just wake up? We're already behind here.

(Y/N): *sleeptalk* Goofy... goofy... goober... goober... yea–


(Y/N): Aah!

You leapt up from your bed quickly as you immediately looked around to find the source of what woke you. You rub your eyes as you see a little canine wagging his tail with a smile as he observes you. You chuckle a little, as you push the covers off and kneel down to greet the dog.

(Y/N): Morning, Fenrir.

You ran both of your hands through Fenrir's fur, making him whimper gleefully as he fell onto his back.

(Y/N): Who's a good boy, huh? Who's a good boy?

You talked to him in the typical way an owner would to their dog as he no doubt enjoyed the attention you were giving him. Giving him one last rub to his head, you stood back onto your feet and stretched your limbs to ease the stiffness from them.

(Y/N): Man, I slept like a log last night; wonder what woke me in the first place.

You pondered, scratching the side of your head at the thought. However, you couldn't think more of it due to you remembering that you had school today, the first day at this new school might I add. Checking the time on your digital clock, you sighed at seeing that you had about an hour before you had to leave. A sad whimper comes from Fenrir as he paws your foot, urging you to stay home.

(Y/N): Aww, I know, Fen, I know. I wanna stay home today too, but we both know that I can't miss the first day of school.

You bent down again to give the underside of his chin a scratch.

(Y/N): I'll be sure to give you one of your favorite treats when I get home today just as long as you behave yourself while I'm gone. Sounds good?

Fenrir's response to your question was a happy bark and a wag of his tail which garners a chuckle from you.

(Y/N): That's a good boy. Come on, let's get ourselves some breakfast.

Fenrir barks happily again before the two of you headed downstairs to the kitchen. After putting together your meal and a bowl of delicious meat chunks for Fen, you sat down and ate in relative silence with the exception of the sounds of your eating. As the moment carried on, your eyes peered up and landed on the two empty seats that stood at the opposite end of the table... the thought of which brought a tear to your eye. Though, before you could break down in tears, Fenrir jumps onto your knee and wags his tail with a worried expression.

(Y/N): I-It's fine, buddy. I miss them, but I'm not upset.

Once the meals were done, you grabbed your backpack, filled it with all the necessary school items, and made it to the front door, but not before giving Fenrir one last pet to the head as your way of goodbye. Once outside, you stepped off the step to your front door and stopped abruptly before bringing your hand up and staring at it as if thinking of something. After only about five seconds, your head shook.

(Y/N): *thinking* No, I shouldn't use it now. Can't take that risk just yet.

You said out loud before going into a brisk walk and leaving your front yard. Minutes passed before you reached your destination, the aforementioned Canterlot High. Once there, you really had to stop and take a moment to admire the architecture of the school. The giant, gold looking horseshoe at the front, the four mirror plated pedestal that held a horse statue atop of it, and the fact that the school closely resembled that of a castle complete with a tall spire at the top. All of it really made you feel at home legitimately, if that home were a castle themed school that is.

The moment of admiration was concluded when you came back down to earth.

(Y/N): Okay, okay, don't get distracted by architecture, Y/N. You came here to learn, not to admire. Don't let all that tax money go to waste.

With that out of the way, you eagerly closed the distance between you and the front glass doors to CHS before throwing them open and stepping inside. The interior was just as you'd come to expect to see in a school: a case of trophies, photos of different years the school had, and a few CHS banners strewn about. Much like all of that, there were also a few students scattered all around the halls, students who were either busy with getting their belongings together at their lockers or just chatting with their friends... friends.

The word rendered you unable to move. Just the thought of possibly making friends shook you. You didn't really have much experience making friends due to you almost never having any in the first place. You weren't even sure of what the protocols were to just talking to these other students, let alone making friends with them. Unbeknownst to you, some of the students noticed your arrival along with the current frozen state you were in.

Whiz Kid: Is... he gonna be okay?

Sophisticata: I'm... not sure. Should... we go and check?

A few murmurs began to rise from the other students as you were still unmoving like a statue. Thankfully, you were shocked out of your condition when someone decided to approach you and speak.

???: Hey, you uh... you good, buddy?

The male sounding voice snapped you out of your stupor long enough to gaze up at their face. The person standing before you was a boy with spiky two toned blue hair, vivid cornflower blue eyes, and pale, light grayish amber skin. He wore a black hooded jacket with red and white stripes lined up around the back along with yellow lightning bolts embroidered onto the shoulders of the sleeves, blue jeans, a white T-shirt underneath the jacket with the same lightning bolt symbol in the center similar to the ones on the jacket, and a pair of black sneakers with more lightning bolts on them.

Blinking a few times, you continued to stare at him without saying anything, making the poor guy a tad uncomfortable.

???: U-Uh, you... can hear me, right?

He asked. Your brain immediately went into damage repair as it tried constructing the right actions or words to use at this moment. One such idea came to mind... put on a facade... hey, I said it came up with one, I didn't say it was a good one.

Clearing your throat, you finally found your voice and said something.

(Y/N): U-Uhh... y-yeah. Sorry. I... got a little distracted... by the architecture here!

You added to your cover up story by walking a bit past him to drink in the looks of the school.

(Y/N): I mean, if you told me that this place was secretly built by the Knights Templar, I wouldn't have found the idea too far fetched because, dang, this place is built like a fortress! Walls so high, doors impenetrable! I mean... how do you even get in?

???: Uhh... the same way you did?

He answered, thumbing over his shoulder at the front entrance. An anime styled sweat drop came down the back of your head and a sheepish smile was very much apparent on your face.

(Y/N): R-Right.

You then sighed sadly afterwards.

(Y/N): *sigh* I'm sorry. This is a lousy introduction. Let me start over. I'm Y/N L/N. I just transferred here.

You greeted him, offering a handshake in the process. He adopts an understanding smile and shakes your hand.

Flash Sentry: I'm Flash. Flash Sentry, and don't sweat it. It's all cool.

(Y/N): Listen, I... I don't really have a lot of experience talking with people, so... forgive my social anxiety.

Flash Sentry: Hey, like I said, it's all cool. So, I guess since you're new here, you'll want to know where the principal's office is, right?

(Y/N): That would be favorable, yes.

Flash Sentry: Right this way then.

He urged you to follow him with a wave as you did so. Looking around, you took note of some of the students who still seemed to murmur about you.

(Y/N): Hey, Flash? Are the students here nice by any chance? I ask because... well, again, I don't really have experience making friends, so I wanna know who's who so I can weed out the bad ones.

Flash nods understandably at that.

Flash Sentry: I get it. So, the thing you need to know is that most of the students here are actually really nice. I'm sure if you get to know them, they'll make you feel right at home... well, except for one.

He said, looking away with a small frown.

(Y/N): Who's this "one" you speak of?

Flash Sentry: *sigh* That would be my ex-girlfriend, Sunset Shimmer.

Both your eyebrows raised at that reveal.

(Y/N): Ex-girlfriend, you say? What did she do that made you break up and why do I need to be worried about her?

Flash Sentry: Because she's what you may call the bully queen of CHS. She makes just about everyone's life here miserable. There's nothing she won't do to lie, slander, or just plain ruin someone's life just to get ahead in this school. As for why we broke up, well, the reason being that she was just so pushy and demanding all the time. When we started dating, she was actually kinda sweet believe it or not. Sadly, as time went on, her true colors showed. She got a lot more bossy, and a lot more controlling over how I lived my life, so much so that she tried to make me flunk out of this school just so I could be her personal slave. It was right when she told me to do that is when I finally had enough and ended things with her right then and there. As you'd imagine, she didn't like it and stormed off while saying "I will personally ruin your life for turning me down, Flash Sentry!"

He stopped and turned to you, now looking very serious.

Flash Sentry: Y/N, if you know what's good for you, then stay well away from her. I guarantee that she'll find a reason to screw with you the moment she lays her piercing gaze on you.

His warning made a chill go down your spine, but rather than letting it show, you tried putting on your joker persona from earlier.

(Y/N): Heh, screw with me, huh? Then she's got some screws loose if she thinks she could mess with me and get away with it.

Your joke flew right over Flash's head as he shook it with a sigh.

Flash Sentry: I wouldn't get so cocky if I were you. Snips and Snails had the same thought process and they ended up losing a bet to her. Now, they're forced to do her bidding whenever she requests it. By the way, stay away from them as well. They've been her lackeys for so long that they've actually started liking it now.

(Y/N): If they're her lackeys, then they clearly lack any intelligence.

Your second joke was met with a deadpanned, unamused stare from Flash.

Flash Sentry: You're not listening... are you?

(Y/N): *sigh* No, no, I am, it's just... better to keep positive than show any weakness, right?

Flash Sentry: Wow... you really don't have a lot of experience with people, huh?

(Y/N): You don't have to rub it in, dude.

You said in your own unamused way which earned a surprise chuckle from Flash.

Flash Sentry: I think I like you already, Y/N. Seriously though, be careful around Sunset and the two I mentioned before.

(Y/N): Well, I can't really promise that, Flash, but I'll do my best, I guess.

Flash Sentry: That's good enough for me.

The topic ended right when Flash brought you to one particular door at the other end of the school which you had guessed was the principal's office as he turned to you right when you reached said door.

Flash Sentry: Alright, here's the principal's office.

(Y/N): Thanks, Flash. Your help today is much appreciated.

Flash Sentry: It was my pleasure, Y/N. You know, if you need help on understanding how things go with people, I can give you some pointers if you want.

(Y/N): Wait... you're offering me help? Does... that make us friends?

You asked, resulting in Flash giving you an unsure expression.

Flash Sentry: Uh... I might need a little more time with that. Just come look for me if something goes awry, alright?

(Y/N): Duly noted. Take care, Flash.

Flash Sentry: You too, Y/N.

He waves you goodbye and leaves down the hallway before turning and disappearing around the corner.

Flash Sentry: *thinking* I feel bad to break his spirit like that, but... aside from how nice he is, I don't really know how we could be friends. Hmm... maybe I should ask if he plays Digcraft...

Right as he was gone, you suddenly breathed a huge sigh of relief and slumped against the wall next to the principal's office door.

(Y/N): *thinking* What were you even thinking, you idiot?! Why would you ask him if you were suddenly friends?! We literally just met him today!

Your inner damage control came back in full swing to ease the anxiety that welled up in your heart.

(Y/N): *thinking* Okay, okay! Just... keep it together. You're eighteen years old, that automatically makes you a man, so act like it!

You take a deep breath and then exhale calmly as you take a couple steps towards the principal's office. Though, it was very difficult to keep your composure with thousands of eyes watching you pass by. You could feel the tension in the atmosphere rise at an alarming rate to where you started to sweat again.

(Y/N): *thinking* Don't mind me... just trying to get by. Nothing to see here.

Dusting yourself off, you turned and faced the door, ready to knock. However, right before your knuckles could so much as graze the wood used to make it, the door swings open, revealing a tall mature looking woman. Her hair was a mixture of all kinds of different colors including pale, light grayish cyan, light aquamarine, dark mulberry, and many others. Her eyes were a moderate heliotrope color and her skin was a light magentaish gray color. She wore a cream colored vest over a purple and white V-necked shirt, a set of pure violet pants, and set of cream colored crested shoes similar to the kind of shoes a princess would wear... if you catch my drift. Wink wink.

She noticed you soon after opening the door and she greets you with a warm smile.

Principal Celestia: Oh, hello there. I had forgotten that we were getting a new student today. I'm Celestia, your new principal here at CHS.

She offers you a handshake and much like with Flash, you couldn't muster up any kind of words, at least at first. Swallowing the accumulated lump in your throat, you shakily brought your hand up and slowly went to shake it. The thing is, when you went to grab her hand, you had closed yours just a little too early as you ended up grasping her fingers instead of her palm, leaving her quite confused as she raised one of her eyebrows understandably.

Principal Celestia: O-Oh, uh... is there something wrong, young man?

Clearing your throat for the second time today, you tried your best to salvage your blunder of a handshake.

(Y/N): U-Uhh, n-no. Everything's fine. I'm just... peachy.

You cough as your face flushes a little before you shake it away.

(Y/N): So uh... Flash brought me here and I guess I'm supposed to... talk with you about something?

Principal Celestia: Would... it be about receiving your schedule?

(Y/N): S-Sure, I... think so.

The admittedly beautiful principal blinks twice before recomposing herself.

Principal Celestia: Very well. Come in.

She ushers you into an empty seat in the office as you silently berated yourself yet again for being so stupid. Celestia takes a seat at her own chair situated behind her desk before she looks through some of the files in her drawer.

Principal Celestia: Now, you must be Mister L/N, is that correct?

(Y/N): Yes, ma'am. That's my name, don't put an F on it.

She aims a perplexed look your way.

Principal Celestia: E-Excuse me?

(Y/N): You know? Because we're in a school and an F is the worst- N-Nevermind! Forget I said that. I'm just... trying to make conversation, I guess.

The principal finds herself blinking a few times again before resuming her search through the files while still holding a conversation.

Principal Celestia: Well, you certainly have a... unique way of starting one, I'll say.

She searches for another ten seconds or so before finally stopping on your file and pulling it out to take a look at its contents.

Principal Celestia: Hmm, your file doesn't seem to contain much about you other than you wanting to enroll here. Have you been to one of our lower grade schools?

(Y/N): I haven't. This is actually the first time I've been to this city.

Principal Celestia: Oh? Is that so? What brought you here if I may ask?

Her question makes a flinch rack through your body and a pained look appears on your face. Your eyes dart about to spot anyone else that may have been listening and you soon find relief in knowing no one, besides you and Celestia, resided in this room. With a come hither of your hand, you requested Celestia to lean forward which she does, allowing you to whisper something into her ear. What she heard made her eyebrows shoot up and her eyes widen before she slowly backed away and put on a frown.

Principal Celestia: Oh... I see. Well, I won't ask any further then.

(Y/N): Thank you.

You replied in a oddly low voice. Celestia goes through yet another of her drawers before pulling out a paper imprinted with your schedule.

Principal Celestia: Here you go, Mister L/N. I hope you have a wonderful time here at CHS. If you have any further questions, be sure to come visit me here in my office or if I'm not available, visit my sister Vice Principal Luna in her office which is just two doors down from mine. She's always usually available.

(Y/N): I'll be sure to remember. Thanks again, Principal Celestia.

Principal Celestia: Until next time.

She bids you farewell, giving you the go ahead to step out of her office. You left and gently closed her office door as you then stood silent.

(Y/N): *thinking* Well... that was harder than I thought it'd be.

You thought before turning your attention to the clock on the wall opposite to you which read that you still had about thirty to forty minutes left until classes started. You decided that you should probably have a look around the school to not only see what the rest of the building looked like, but also to... take your mind off of what you told Principal Celestia. You got rid of the thought immediately and walked away and down the halls.


The walk carried you for the next minute or so before stopping at a room with double doors. Stepping through them, you were greeted by what was obviously the school cafeteria complete with chairs, tables, and the counter where the students get their food from.

Your gazing around was then interrupted by a voice from somewhere close by.

???: Howdy there, youngin'!

The older voice greeted. Looking towards the source, you saw who had called to you. Standing behind the food counter was an old lady with light gray hair tied into a bun, light brilliant orange eyes, and light lime green skin. She wore a cream colored shirt with the sleeves rolled up along with an orange scarf with red apples dotted all over it. She also wore a long, red colored skirt, a large white apron with a big pink stain on it, and a set of yellow colored galoshes.

Oddly enough, unlike your encounters with Flash and Principal Celestia, you didn't feel the urge to freeze up when meeting this woman. In fact, she had a calming nature to her which you couldn't exactly tell why. Still, you approached her with some reluctance as your shoulders still stiffened somewhat.

(Y/N): O-Oh... uh, hi?

???: If ya came here to eat, I'm afraid y'all will have to wait until lunch later today. No exceptions, sadly.

She spoke in a southern sounding accent.

(Y/N): I-I'm really not here for that, actually. I just wanted to look around.

???: Ah, mah apologies for the misunderstandin' then. Say, you must be new here at the school, aintcha?

(Y/N): Y-Yeah, I am. I'm Y/N. Y/N L/N.

Granny Smith: Pleasure to meetcha, Y/N! You may call me Granny Smith. I'm the lunch lady here at CHS and I also run Sweet Apple Acres here in the city. If yer interested in gettin' rid of your apple flavored treats hankerin', we'd be happy to sate it.

(Y/N): O-Oh really? I'll keep that in mind.

Despite her age, she catches onto your demeanor.

Granny Smith: You keepin' together alright there? You look like you've just seen a rattler.

(Y/N): *sigh* I'm... fine. Sorry. I'm not really what you'd call a people person. In fact, I... don't get out very much.

Your response drew up some sympathy from the apple themed lady who nods.

Granny Smith: It's quite alright, young Y/N. Ah'm sure you'll love it here at CHS. If yer lookin' fer friends, I'm sure mah granddaughter wouldn't mind bein' yers.

(Y/N): O-Oh, uh... I don't know if that's a good idea. Forced friendships don't really work out in the end.

Granny Smith: Ah didn't mean it like that, dearie. My granddaughter gets along with just about anybody...well, aside from a few girls, that is.

(Y/N): Uh...could I ask who those might be?

Granny Smith: Ah think they were Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Sunset Shimmer, and Rainbow Dash. That last one she hates the most as far as Ah knows.

(Y/N): Well, I've heard plenty about that Sunset girl, but do you know what the deal is with the rest of them?

Granny Smith: I ain't too sure. It ain't mah business, so I haven't asked.

(Y/N): O-kay then? *thinking* Flash said that only Sunset was the one to look out for, but...from what it sounds like, there's a whole lot of other students to be wary of.

Before you could ponder on that any further, the sound of a door opening from a bit of a ways off could be heard followed by a girl's voice that had just about the same kind of accent as Granny here did.

???: Granny, Big Mac and I were able to get the new shipment of apple cider ya asked for!

The both of you looked to the side where the voice came from and saw who it was. They were a girl, around your age, with long blonde hair tied into a bun at the end, moderate sap green eyes, and pale, light grayish gamboge colored skin. She wore a brown, stetson hat atop her head along with a green and white colored button up shirt, a blue colored skirt with pockets in them that came with a brown belt with an apple buckle, and a pair of long, cowboy themed boots with three red apples embroidered on the front.

She wasn't the only one that stepped in though as yet another person walked in right after her. This time it was a taller boy with light gamboge hair, moderate sap green eyes, and pale, light grayish amaranth skin. He wore a red and brown, cowboy themed best with a white undershirt, long blue pants with the ends cut off, and a pair of red and white shoes.

Both of them were carrying crates filled with bottles of fizzy apple cider as they brought them to the back where Granny was situated.

Granny Smith: Thank ya kindly, dearie. Just set them down somewhere over there.

The two grandchildren nodded before going to set down the crates as Granny looked back at you and thumbed over her shoulder at the girl.

Granny Smith: That there's mah granddaughter I was speakin' to you about.

(Y/N): I-I was able to sniff that out, yeah, but thanks for the clarification.

Granny Smith: How's 'bout I introduce the two o' ya?

(Y/N): O-Oh, that won't be necessary. I'm sure I'll-

You tried backing out, but Granny was quick to shut that down as she called to her granddaughter.

Granny Smith: Applejack, come meet the new face here at the school.

(Y/N): *thinking* Wait, WHAT?! No, no, NO, NO, NO!!

The girl, now named Applejack, turned her attention to her grandmother before her gaze wandered over to you as a smile showed on her face. She sets down one of the crates she had and approaches you.

Applejack: Well, howdy there, partner! Ah definitely haven't seen you around.

(Y/N): *thinking* And I wished it could've stayed like that...

Shaking that thought away, you observed the newcomer as you had to admit, you were... rather drawn in by her appearance.

(Y/N): *thinking* She's... pretty though, I'll give her that. Oh, god, that makes it even worse! Now, I've gotta strike up a conversation with a hottie! That's like my number one fear! Why do you do this to me, fate?!

I literally don't have a reason, it's just kind of entertaining.

As these thoughts rang through your mind, Applejack waited for a response from you, but was given only silence much like with the people you've met before.

Applejack: You... doin' alright there, sugarcube?

(Y/N): *thinking* Oh god, she asked a question! Say something, moron! *speaking* S-Sugarcube?!

Applejack: Yeah, that's just what I like to call everybody I meet sometimes. So, Granny tells me yer new here.

(Y/N): *clears throat* Well, uh... when you see someone wandering aimlessly around the school, I guess that's a fair assumption.

Realizing that she may have been possibly intimidating you, Applejack replaces her concerned look with a welcoming one.

Applejack: Hey, no need to be nervous around me, partner. I don't bite. What's yer name?

(Y/N): Y-Y/N. Y/N L/N.

Applejack: Well, it's a pleasure to meetcha, Y/N. Call me Applejack. And the boy that came in with me is mah older brother, Big Macintosh, but you can just call him Big Mac. He's kinda like you and that he doesn't have much to say, ain't that right, Big Mac?

She called to the farm boy who gave her a nod.

Big Mac: Eeyup.

Applejack: See?

(Y/N): *thinking* least she seems nice, but I can't be too certain just yet. *speaking* I-I mean, it's not really that I don't have much to say. It's more...

You paused, wondering if you can really trust her with that kind of info. Especially after you literally just met her.

(Y/N): A-Actually... nevermind. I'll... probably explain at another time.

Applejack: Well, okay. If it suits ya best, sugarcube. O-Oh, do you not like being called that? Because I can-

(Y/N): N-No, it's not that I don't like being called that, It just caught me off guard is all. I...haven't been called something that sweet in... a long time.

Applejack frowns sadly at that.

Applejack: Oh... Ah'm awfully sorry to hear that, Y/N. Ya should be called that more often. Ya seem like a sweet boy to me.

(Y/N): Even... if I haven't given the best introduction?

Applejack: Well, ya haven't said anythang bad yet, so there's no reason for me to assume the worst so far.

(Y/N): I... guess that's a fair point.

You scratched the back of your head as another question comes to mind.

(Y/N): Well, this next question may or may not change that. I-I know it's not any of my business, but your grandmother told me that you don't get along with some of the other students here. Could I ask why?

Applejack: Well... it's not exactly like I have beef with all of them per say, only... one of them, to be specific.

She looked away with a sour frown at that last part.

(Y/N): Would that be Sunset Shimmer? Because I hear everyone has a problem with her.

Applejack: Sorry to prove ya incorrect, but it ain't her. Don't get me wrong, I despise that fiery haired harlot as much as the next person, but she ain't the one that wronged me the most. That dishonor goes to Rainbow Dash.

(Y/N): Is...she another bully?

Applejack: Not a bully, just... very inconsiderate. I'd rather not go into detail at the moment, but let's just say that she's not just inconsiderate, but also very unreliable.

(Y/N): Uh-huh...okay then. Guess I better steer clear of her.

Applejack: I mean, I won't stop ya from wantin' to make friends with Rainbow Dash if you want, but I warn you, if you do, be prepared for her to leave ya in the dust when it most suits her. I think being captain of every sports team here at CHS for so long has finally allowed that ego of hers to take over.

(Y/N): Dang... she must have really badly screwed something up with you, didn't she?

Applejack: Ya have no idea.

She frowns again right afterwards while looking at the floor.

(Y/N): *sigh* And Flash said that only Sunset was the one to look out for. Well, if I see her, I'll be careful with her as well.

Applejack: That's all I can ask for, sugarcube. Thanks.

Her frown disappeared and she now showed a smile.

Applejack: I hate to just up and leave like this, but I've actually gotta help Big Mac get more crates of apple cider into the cafeteria. We'll talk more later, alright Y/N?

(Y/N): Uh... y-yeah, sure. I'd hate to stand in the way of whatever you're doing. I gotta explore the rest of the school anyhow.

You thumbed towards the exit of the cafeteria as you slowly backed away. Right before you left however, you spotted a couple packets of sugar and got an idea. Grabbing one, you reached your hand out and offered it to her.

(Y/N): *southern accent* Sugar for you, sugarcube?

Applejack stares and blinks a few times before a hearty chuckle leaves her vocal chords.

Applejack: Yer funny, Y/N.

God, that's actually kinda cringey now that I look at it. And yet... I absolutely love it at the same time.

(Y/N): I aim to please.

Deciding to humor you, Applejack takes the sugar packet from you and tips her hat to you.

Applejack: Take care, Y/N.

(Y/N): You too, Applejack. And the rest of you as well.

You called to the rest of her family as they waved you goodbye before you finally exited the cafeteria.

Granny Smith: He seemed pretty nice, didn't he?

Big Mac: Eeyup.

Applejack: He did... although, Ah should probably help him with that stuttering problem he's got.

Granny Smith: Ohh, warmin' up to new guy already, Applejack~?

She asked, wiggling her eyebrows at her granddaughter who puffed her cheeks out in a pout.

Applejack: Granny, y'all know that ain't the case! Ya gonna do that with every guy Ah talk to apart from Big Mac?

Her grandmother could only giggle in response, resulting in Applejack shaking her head at the thought.

Applejack: *thinking* Although...the poor guy could use a bit of company, being the new kid an' all. Plus, I suppose he is... kinda cute.


We resume your journey of CHS as you make your way through the hallway. Oddly enough, there were less eyes on you than there were when you entered. Not that you minded, of course; having that much attention was the last thing on your mind right now. You eventually come across the school library which, to you, seemed pretty big for a high school.

Again, much like with the architecture of the rest of the school, the library looked as though it came from the times of King Arthur, with it having a sort of Medieval times theme to it. You had to admit, the fact that they were this consistent with the theming for the school was impressive. It made you think of just how expensive it was to have this place even built.

(Y/N): *thinking* Is this seriously where all the tax dollars are going? Wow, they really do put the youth first around here.

You wondered in thought, moving your gaze all around the library until you decided to have a quick look around. You headed upstairs to the upper floor as you browsed through the many books this library had to offer. None of them really piqued your interest, so you decided to leave. Before you could however, you smacked right into someone, causing the both of you to fall to the floor as well as a bunch of papers to fly everywhere. Shaking the dizziness from your head, you snapped back to action and hastily tried to correct your error.

(Y/N): O-Oh, I'm sorry. Let me help you pick those up.

You quickly crouched down and scrambled to grab all of the flyers, scattered all over the floor. Once you picked up a sufficient amount, you looked up at whoever it was you bumped into. They were revealed to be yet another girl around your age with long pale, light grayish rose hair, moderate opal eyes, and pale, light grayish olive skin. She wore a plain white tank top, an elegant looking skirt with three small pink butterflies embroidered onto it, and a set of green and white boots as you could also spot bright pink and glittery socks poking out the top.

The timid looking girl gently reached down and picked the papers up at a much slower pace than you did.

???: I-It's alright. I-I didn't see you there.

You then looked at one of the flyers and discovered that it was for the local animal shelter.

(Y/N): "Won't you help a poor animal that can't help itself?"

You turned your gaze back to the girl.

(Y/N): I... guess you're an animal's rights activist, aren't you?

You asked, but strangely, she didn't answer your question. In fact, she seemed more concerned with hiding about 50% of her face behind her long, pretty hair. After a few more seconds, she still didn't give you a verbal response. You had to give yourself credit, you thought you were the one having trouble talking to people. At the very least, you've made attempts at striking up a conversation. This girl, on the other hand, wasn't trying anything at all.

(Y/N): *thinking* Wow...I like this girl. She's got the right idea. *sigh* Still, I should... probably try to lighten the mood somehow. Whelp... brain, don't screw with me again. Please?

Sighing, you rounded up more of the strewn fliers and offered them to her.

(Y/N): Here.

Timidly, she reaches out and snatches the fliers from you, still not giving you any words.

(Y/N): So... how long have you had a love for animals?

Yet again, your question was responded to by silence from the girl before you.

(Y/N): Do... you not like to talk a lot? Because I'm kinda in the same ballpark as you, if that's the case.

Still nothing from her. Giving it one more bout of thinking, you eventually got an idea as to how you'd finally get her to speak as you tried your best to offer a warm smile for her.

(Y/N): You know, I got a dog at home, and while he does enjoy my company, I think he could use a roommate. I get worried about him whenever I leave the house because I'm not sure what he-

???: Y-You... you have a dog?

Her low, quiet voice somehow managed to end your sentence right in the middle of it.

(Y/N): Y-Yeah, I do. I call him Fenrir. I named him after the giant wolf in Norse Mythology. I'm... kind of a nerd, if you couldn't tell.

Slowly, but surely, the girl started to come around as more of her face had shown through her hair with some of it being her other eye as it still barely peeked through the curtains her hair had formed.

???: W-When did you get him?

(Y/N): Years ago. He was a gift from my parents before they...uh, left. He's been a really loyal companion to me ever since. I guess you have a pet too?

A small smile became noticeable on her lips and she nodded her head slowly.

???: U-Uh-huh. He's... a cute little rabbit I call Angel Bunny. A-Although, don't let the name fool you. He can be... a bit much sometimes.

(Y/N): I'm honestly surprised bunnies can be pets. I haven't seen a lot of people around with them.

???: I suppose anything could be a pet as long as you can take care of it.

You chuckled before straightening yourself out to the best of your capabilities.

(Y/N): I-I'm sorry. I don't think I've introduced myself yet. I'm Y/N L/N. What's your name?

The girl's pupils shrunk right as you asked her that question and she adopted her earlier timid persona.

Fluttershy: *whisper* I-I'm... I'm... F-F-Fluttershy.

Despite how quiet she was, you could still hear what she said as you copied her earlier smile.

(Y/N): Fluttershy, huh? That's... actually a really cute name.

The girl was quite surprised by your hearing ability that her shy demeanor vanished in an instant.

Fluttershy: Y-You were able to hear me?

(Y/N): I mean, it is a library, so you can pretty much hear anything. Probably even the faintest of whispers.

Fluttershy: I... that's a fair point, I guess.

(Y/N): A-Anyways, I'm really sorry for bumping into you. I guess you were on your way somewhere?

She nods and stands up, now with the reconstructed stack of fliers she had earlier.

Fluttershy: Y-Yes. I was gonna go outside and offer these to the other students and see if they'd be interested in helping out at the animal shelter.

(Y/N): Uhh... you sure you can do that? No offense, but something like that takes a whole lot of courage and... I don't think either of us have enough to handle it.

Fluttershy: I-I know what you mean, but... how else could I promote the animal shelter?

(Y/N): You could set up a Tweeter or SnapGap account for it. That way you can announce it globally without having to say a word to anyone.

Fluttershy: Y-You really think that could work?

(Y/N): It's the best option you've got. Besides... you're never too sure if the people will even agree to help at the shelter after all. Best to do it at home rather than be disappointed out in public.

In reply, Fluttershy sighs sadly.

Fluttershy: I... guess so. Thank you for the suggestion, Y/N.

(Y/N): Sure. I'm... glad I could help. Hey, I know this may sound like an out of nowhere question, but... didn't you used to be friends with other girls by the name of Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie?

Much like with Applejack, Fluttershy flinches at your question and she dons a small frown.

Fluttershy: W-Well... I kinda still am with Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Rarity at least... but not Pinkie Pie.

(Y/N): Really? What did she do?

She readjusts the papers in her arms before speaking again.

Fluttershy: *sigh* Sometime back in late March of this year, I was holding a silent auction at the animal shelter because some of the animals were very sound-sensitive. I asked Pinkie Pie to help with the decorations, which she did, but... not the way I had hoped. She brought party cannons, noise makers, and a boom box to the auction, all while making a huge ruckus. It sent nearly every animal into a panic and I had to spend so long calming them all down. I ended up having to cancel it, and... I couldn't bring myself to forgive Pinkie Pie for doing that.

(Y/N): Oh... I see. I guess by the sounds of it, she's a real party animal, isn't she?

Fluttershy: I suppose that's one way to describe her.

She briefly sets the fliers down and grabs her elbow with her other hand.

Fluttershy: It's not a bad quality to have, but... is it too much to ask for her to put that aside every once in a while?

(Y/N): Have you ever discussed that with her? I know you're shy, but there's no way she'd know that if you don't say anything.

Fluttershy: *sigh* No. After it was all over, I... ended things with her. Again, I just couldn't bring myself to forgive Pinkie after that. She's well aware of my love for animals, but she couldn't even use any amount of self control for the auction.

You crossed your arms and thought for a second.

(Y/N): I'm... not really so sure if that was the best option, Fluttershy, but... it is your choice, so I won't tell you what to do.

Fluttershy nods and thanks you before scooping the stack of fliers back up.

Fluttershy: W-Well... I should be going now, Y/N. I-It was... nice... talking to you.

(Y/N): I-I liked talking with you too, Fluttershy. I hope we can see each other again. *thinking* Wait... did I just offer to see her again? WHY?!

Fluttershy: U-Uh, y-yeah, same here, Y/N.

She waves with her fingers at you before turning and heading out of the library with the stack of fliers on hand, but not before stopping one last time to give you a final look.

Fluttershy: Y-Y/N? R-Remember when you said that... that you thought my name was cute?

You shakily nodded in reply.

Fluttershy: W-Well... I-I-I think... ITHINKYOURNAMEISCUTETOO!!

Not waiting for your response, she sprinted out of the library in a zip of wind.

Students/Staff: Shhhhhhh!!!

The other students in the library shushed you. Deciding not to linger around yourself, you left the library right afterwards and headed down one of the hallways. What you didn't know however, is that Fluttershy had peered around the corner to watch you walk away.

Fluttershy: *thinking* He's... so wonderful. He's not able to talk really well... like me.

A small blush appears on her cheeks at the thought.

Fluttershy: *thinking* I-I... I wonder if I really should see him again. M-Maybe... maybe he'll let me see his dog. *giggles* I can already imagine how cute they'd look together in a picture.

Speaking of attention, though, you overhear something that grasped your attention throughout the hallways. It almost sounded like someone...yelling? Following your instincts, you peeked out from behind the corner and saw where the commotion was coming from. You spot another girl with vivid crimson and yellow hair, light golden skin, and moderate cyan eyes. Her outfit gave off a "bad girl" vibe with a black leather jacket, an orange skirt with light yellow and indigo highlights, a purple shirt with a sun symbol that matched her hair, and black boots with a unique magenta design on the front.

Getting a better look, you saw her seemingly having an unpleasant conversation with Flash.

Flash Sentry: Would you just leave me alone, Sunset? It's too early in the morning for this.

(Y/N): *thinking* Wait a minute... is that his ex?

You thought as Sunset refused to leave.

Sunset Shimmer: I'll leave once you tell me where the new guy is.

Flash Sentry: How would you expect me to know that? He could be anywhere for all I know!

Sunset Shimmer: Oh, don't give me that! I know you talked to him, so you must know where he went!

Flash Sentry: Why do you even care? Are you looking for a new victim to torture?

Sunset Shimmer: Oh please! I've already got enough of that! I just wanna see what this new kid looks like!

As their argument carried on, you stood and thought over your options.

(Y/N): *thinking* Okay, I've got two avenues to take. One: get involved and possibly result in becoming Sunset's plaything. Or two: nope right out of here immediately and don't look back.

Flash Sentry: Why not just ask Principal Celestia for a photo then? She must have his records stashed somewhere.

Sunset Shimmer: I'm not wasting time going to see her when you can just tell me where I can find him!

(Y/N): *thinking* Okay, let's weigh the pros and cons of getting involved. Pro: Flash will appreciate me sticking up for him and may allow me to be his friend. Con: Sunset will know what I look like and follow me like a dog wherever I go. Alright, now the pros and cons of bailing. Pro: Nothing bad happens to me and I can walk away knowing who to avoid now. Con: Flash might get hurt or worse by her if I don't do anything. *sigh* Why can't I just get an easy choice?

It was then that an idea immediately came to your head as a lightbulb shot up from behind you. You peeked your head out from the corner and waved your hand a bit, gaining the attention of Flash as his gaze slightly shifted onto you. You mouth your words while pointing hands in the opposite direction of the side you were on. Flash quickly picks up on what you were trying to convey to him and then clears his throat.

Flash Sentry: Alright, alright, fine. I think he said he wanted to go check out the soccer field when I talked to him.

Sunset goes silent for a second before narrowing her eyes at him.

Sunset Shimmer: How do I know you're not lying?

Flash Sentry: What would I possibly gain from that? Just humor me, okay?

His ex groan reverberates through the hallway right after that.

Sunset Shimmer: Fine. You'd better be right about that.

Flash Sentry: Don't blame me if I'm not. Never said it was a guarantee.

When the conversation was coming to an end, you then started to panic. With their position in mind, Sunset would have had to walk right past you in order to reach the soccer field, and the hallway you were in was too long to try and sprint down and hide, not to mention the noise you'd make by sprinting would definitely attract her. So, without much of a plan, you hid in the corner facing the hallway they were in and prayed that Sunset wouldn't notice you. The sounds of her heavy stomps drew closer and closer to you as sweat poured down your head like a waterfall.

(Y/N): *thinking* Don't move, Y/N... she can't see you if you don't move. Just like a T-rex.

When the bully queen's form came into frame, it had seemed that whatever god or goddess of luck was watching decided to smile on you today as Sunset had miraculously not spotted you. She carried down the corridor, but not before stopping at one of the lockers.

Sunset Shimmer: *thinking* Hmph. If he's not out there, I suppose I can hold it off. I have to go take what's rightfully mine.

She stood by and unlocked it and pulled out a black cloak before she headed straight out the door on the other side. Either she was too angry to notice or too focused on what was in front of her, you didn't care at all. You were beyond thankful to have had a close call with her. You breathed the largest sigh of relief you possibly ever had and slumped against the side of the locker.

Flash nears you and sees the state you were in.

Flash Sentry: Jeez, dude. You look like you're about to have a full on panic attack.

(Y/N): I-I just might, Flash. I just... might.

Flash Sentry: *sigh* I'm sorry you almost got involved. Thankfully, not only did your plan work, but she also didn't see you somehow.

(Y/N): That's a pure miracle that I've never been more thankful for.

You glanced down at the doors Sunset disappeared through and then looked back at Flash.

(Y/N): So... that's your ex, huh?

Flash Sentry: *sigh* Yep. Can you now see why you need to stay away from her? I mean, did you see how demanding she got when she wanted to find you?

(Y/N): I don't even think I needed to see it. I'm sure everyone in the whole school could hear it considering how loud she was being.

Flash Sentry: *groans* Yeah, that's... that's something she loves doing, causing a scene. She's pompous, melodramatic, and pretty narcissistic if you haven't picked up already, and you should probably get going lest you wanna run the risk of bumping into her if she were to come back.

Shaking, you rose back to your feet and steadied your nerves as best as you could.

(Y/N): D-Don't need to tell me twice.

You retort before race walking down another hallway and disappearing from Flash's sight.

Flash Sentry: *thinking* Shoot. Forgot to ask if he plays Digcraft...

Back with our protagonist, you were heading for no particular place just as long as it was furthest away from where Sunset went. Trying to take your mind off of her, you were distracted by the sound of what sounded like an air horn going off over and over again. You followed it as it seemed to be coming from another large area that looked to be the gymnasium.

(A/N: Ignore the party stuff and pretend none of it is there.)

Looking around, you took note of the size of the gym.

(Y/N): Huh... for a school gym, this actually looks pretty solid. With that disco ball, I wonder what kind of parties they throw here.

Right when you said the word "parties," a loud gasp from an inaudible source bellowed through the gym as something fast slammed into your back, landing you hard onto the floor and causing stars to dance around your head once more. Shaking them away, you turned your head to the side to peek over your shoulder to see what it was that had bumped into you. The culprit came in the form of yet another girl who had large, poofy brilliant rose colored hair, pale, light grayish cerulean colored eyes, and light ceriseish gray skin. She wore a sky blue colored vest with a white and lavender colored, shoulderless shirt underneath, a set of sky blue colored bracelets, a pink colored skirt with three balloons embroidered onto it with one being yellow and the two being light blue, and a pair of sky blue colored knee high boots with pink bows.

The girl grins down at you with a large grin, one that seemed physically impossible to achieve on a person's face.

???: Did you just say "parties!?" I LOVE parties! Parties are my absolute favorite! No wait! It's cupcakes! Or is it cakes? Or candy? Ohh, or cotton candy!? Oh, who am I kidding!? They're ALL so great!

(Y/N): *thinking* This... must be Fluttershy's opposite. She had limited conversations while this girl doesn't seem to have ANY limits to a conversation! Wait... could she...

Your thoughts went away as you looked back up at her.

(Y/N): You... wouldn't happen to be Pinkie Pie, would you?

Yet another gasp came from her as her smile remained.

Pinkie Pie: You've heard of me!?

Her demeanor then suddenly switched to mild sadness.

Pinkie Pie: Aww, that means I can't really introduce myself. Oh, what the heck? I'll do it anyway! Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie!

She offers a handshake, but due to your current position, you couldn't offer one. You made her realize this by blankly staring at her instead.

Pinkie Pie: Oh, right! Sorry!

She steps off, allowing you to regain your standing form.

Pinkie Pie: What'd you say your name was again?

(Y/N): I... didn't say what it was.

Pinkie Pie: Ohhh, yeah! You didn't! *giggles*

(Y/N): W-Well uh... I'm Y/N. Y/N L/N. I'm uh... I'm new here.

For the third time now, a loud gasp came from Pinkie.

Pinkie Pie: No wonder I've never seen you here before! I haven't even given you the proper welcome yet!

In a flash of wind, she zips away and instantly comes back with what looked like a wagon of sorts with all kinds of party favors littered about it.

She pressed a large red button on the side as a tune began to play. Sadly, you couldn't enjoy whatever song she had planned due to your social anxiety taking over, rendering you with possible stage fright as Pinkie began to sing and dance.

Welcome, welcome, we-♪

The poor girl's song had ended just as quickly as it began due to you hastily pressing the red button and sealing the wagon back up and making it go silent again much to the party girl's confusion.

Pinkie Pie: W-Wha? Hey, what did-

(Y/N): I-I'm... I'm really, really sorry, Pinkie. I-I'm sure your song sounds great, but... I'm... not really one for live performances. *saddened sigh* I'm sorry.

You looked to the floor in shame while rubbing one of your arms. Pinkie's expression lowered to one of worry as she slowly approached you and put a hand on your arm.

Pinkie Pie: Hey, it's okay. If you're not into it, I understand. I'm... sorry if it was a bit much for you to handle.

(Y/N): I-It's not that, but... I'm sort of being hunted down right now.

Pinkie Pie: By who?

(Y/N): *sigh* Sunset Shimmer.

Pinkie Pie: *gasp* Is that meanie messing with you?!

(Y/N): Not at the moment, thankfully, but I heard that she's trying to find me, so... I'd like to have as much attention off of me as possible. I've...heard some nasty things about her.

Pinkie Pie: Nasty's an understatement. She's downright despicable! One time, I decided to throw a party as a way of congratulating her for winning the Fall Formal three years in a row and you know what she did? She tore apart all of my decorations and said "These bits of trash you call party favors are nowhere near fit for a princess like me!" You can't imagine how offended I was that day!

(Y/N): about pompousness. That's the worst thing I've heard about her, so far.

Pinkie Pie: Trust me, Y/N. You haven't even seen the beginning of her maliciousness.

(Y/N): I don't think I want to wait around to find out. *thinking* Hmm, should I ask her about what happened between her and Fluttershy, just to get all the details? I'd... hate to pry even more than I already have, but... there's two sides to every story, or so I've been told.*speaking* Hey, Pinkie? Sorry if this topic is not any better, but... Fluttershy told me about what happened between you two and I just wanna hear your side of it.

Pinkie pouts and whimpers slightly before sighing and relenting.

Pinkie Pie: What did she tell you? That I was being an "inconsiderate friend?" I was far from that. She wanted me to help decorate the animal shelter for the auction she was holding, and she sent me a text saying that she wanted to make it a massive party. I did what she told me and she got really mad at me for that.

Hearing her side of the story made you ponder on it as you scratched your chin to think.

(Y/N): *thinking* Okay... none of this seems to be making any sense. Fluttershy says that Pinkie willingly ruined everything at the auction, but Pinkie tells me that she was told to make a huge party out of it, so... either one, or both of them are lying about what really happened or... I don't know. I'd like to help, but... I don't exactly know what I can do about this.

You sighed at the perplexity of it all before speaking.

(Y/N): Well... this seems like something you girls need to settle with each other, but... I'm not gonna be one to pry any further than I have already, so... I'll just leave it to you, Pinkie. I'm sure you'll make a smart decision that settles it all.

Like a light switch, her attitude shifts back to happiness as her smile returns.

Pinkie Pie: Thanks, Y/N!

A small beeping sound is then heard as Pinkie lifts her arm to reveal a watch that... had mysteriously appeared there. You were certain she wasn't wearing one a moment ago, so how did one suddenly show up on her wrist like that? Before you could question it, she sighs sadly.

Pinkie Pie: I'm really, really sorry to say this, Y/N, but I've gotta go. I'm currently trying to plan out how the upcoming Fall Formal will look and I need to quickly go and get the supplies for it. We'll talk later at lunchtime, okay?

(Y/N): *thinking* Yet another offer to hangout? Fate... do you just hate me or something?

No, I'm just a sadist. Nothing personal, Y/N.

(Y/N): Uh, y-yeah, sure. I'll...look forward to it, I guess.

Pinkie Pie: Great! See you then!

Like a lightning bolt, she blasted out of the gymnasium for a split second before appearing right back in front of you.

Pinkie Pie: Oh, almost forgot! This is for you!

She hands you a cupcake with your name on it before vanishing once again, leaving you quite bewildered.

(Y/N): *thinking* W-Well... she's... quite the character. And... undeniably cute at that, like Fluttershy. As a matter of fact...their voices kind of sound familiar; almost similar even. Almost like they share the same voice.

(*Jordan grows very worried at the thought of Y/N becoming self aware as he slowly reaches for the reset switch only to be stopped by his partner who grabs his hand and shakes his head before he sets it back down.*)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: This is giving me major PTSD flashbacks.)

(Shadowlight9743: Yeah, I'd rather not be reminded of that. *shudders* All those expenses we had to pay.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: I think I need to visit a Shrink after we're done here.)

(Shadowlight9743: Yeah, probably the best thing to do, honestly.)

The thought leaves you thinking before you shake your head.

(Y/N): *thinking* Eh, maybe I'm just imagining it.

Looking down at the cupcake, you took a bite out of it and your eyes widened at the taste.

(Y/N): *thinking* Wow... this is... really good! I wonder if she made this herself.

You left the gym while eating the rest of the cupcake. When you turned a corner, one of the vents in the hallway you were just in popped open and Pinkie's head leaned out to watch you.

Pinkie Pie: *thinking* Y/N... he seems like a really sweet guy. And...

Her eyelids drooped about halfway and her cheeks burned red while she bit her lower lip.

Pinkie Pie: *thinking* such... such a cutie too.


(Y/N): *thinking* I've been here no less than an hour and already people are coming after me. *sigh* What I wouldn't give to spend the rest of my life just with Fenrir.

Your walk carried you further down the halls of CHS until one door with a sign above caught your eye, one labeled "Costume Department."

(Y/N): *thinking* A-ha! Perfect! I can find a disguise here! Sunset won't suspect me now!

Stepping through the door, you were met with an interior filled with clothing racks as they held various outfits and costumes. Some of which seemed a little outdated for your time.

(Y/N): *thinking* They've got costumes from the 40's here? Just how old is this school? Then again, it could've just been a prop for a play that took place in that time, but who knows?

Shrugging it off, you continue through the department, and then come across a whole row of pale white mannequins sampling a whole variety of outfits that seemed more in your generation's style.

(Y/N): *thinking* Man, where do they get the money for this? Oh, right, taxes. Although...this stuff looks a bit expensive for tax-payer money.

You thought as you tugged on a mannequin's sleeve.

(Y/N): *thinking* Sure hope they're not cutting corners with the staff salary.

You passed by to observe the rest of the outfits the mannequins wore, a couple of which you thought would look good on you.

(Y/N): *thinking* Okay, these are like, seriously really well-designed. There's no way, even with tax-payer money that they could afford this. Maybe they catch a lot of speeders around, that can't be it. This place is too secluded for anyone to speed through here.

Suddenly, you spotted one of the mannequins that had hair in a light indigo color. Oddly enough, none of the other mannequins seemed to have any features around their heads.

(Y/N): *thinking* Oh... that's new.

With your curiosity sparking up, you decided to investigate the mannequin. Most of its hair was blocking your view of its outfit, but you were able to see that it wore a lavender skirt with three light blue diamonds on it, and gold rings around its wrists.

(Y/N): *thinking* Whoa...that looks so beautiful.

You reach out to the mannequin and grab one of the gold rings, however, you're caught off by a high-pitched shriek. This startled you as you back up a little before you end up falling flat on your rear end.

(Y/N): *thinking* Uh... I didn't know a mannequin could do that.

As if that wasn't shocking enough, you see it turn around, and discover that... it had a face... a very beautiful face, mind you. It... looked female, and you were left confused on whether or not it was really a mannequin. Her eyes were a sapphire blue with sky blue eyeshadow, and you were finally able to see her top which was a light blue shirt with sleeves that went up to her elbows, and a small violet belt that held up her skirt. She was also wearing light violet boots with similar blue diamonds that were embedded in her skirt's design.

???: Whatever do you think you're doing?!

She shouts with a trans-atlantic accent.

(Y/N): *thinking* Oh, crap! It's a real person! *speaking* I-I'm s-so sorry! I-I thought you were a mannequin a-and I-I... p-please don't hit me!

You shielded yourself with your arms and braced for a barrage of hits. What you didn't see was the girl in front of you surprised by your cowering and she breathed in deeply before exhaling it all before dusting herself off.

???: W-Well... I... suppose I can forgive your misconception. These mannequins do look a lot like me.

Slowly, you moved your arms from your vision and looked back up at her.

(Y/N): Y-Yeah...uh, is there a reason for that?

???: Of course, I modeled them after myself.

(Y/N): You...made those?

???: Mm-hmm, and the outfits too, darling. Quite possibly my finest work if I do say so myself.

She notices your position and offers a hand to help you up.

???: Oh, silly me. Do you need help there?

You accepted her help by grabbing her hand and rising to your feet.

(Y/N): T-Thanks. Again, I'm very sorry for freaking you out like that.

???: No need to feel bad, dear. It's understandable, but if I was able to convince you that I was another mannequin, then it really demonstrates how accurate they are.

(Y/N): Uh, right. That could be good for whenever you feel like bleeding in. *thinking* Like I kinda want to, right now.

Her eyes shot open suddenly.

Rarity: Oh, heavens me! I completely forgot about introductions! You may call me Rarity, darling. And you are?

(Y/N): I-I'm Y/N L/N.

She takes note of your stuttering and frowns sadly.

Rarity: Oh, Y/N darling, no need to be nervous. I've forgiven you for what happened, honest.

(Y/N): I-It's not that, Rarity. I... I'm not really that skilled when it comes to being around people. I've been alone for a while, so much so that I may have developed social anxiety. So... I'm sorry if you're put off by how I act.

Rarity puts a hand on one of her cheeks as she obviously must have been feeling bad for you after hearing what you said.

Rarity: Oh dear, you remind me so much of Fluttershy, but...that's perfectly okay, darling. I can assure you that there's no need to be afraid of me. You simply need a little confidence boost, and what better way is there, than with a fashion style you love?

She tugs over a nearby chair and sits in it while donning a pair of red designer glasses.

Rarity: Now, tell me what your personal preferences are and I shall happily provide them for you.

(Y/N): Preferences?

Rarity: You know, your choice of fashion, dear.

(Y/N): O-Oh, right. Umm... I guess... whatever you recommend?

Rarity: Are you sure? You can pick whatever outfit you please.

(Y/N): I know, but... since you're the expert, I thought you'd know more on what to choose, and...I haven't shopped for clothes in a long time. Usually, I just pick whatever I find in my drawers.

Rarity hums in thought.

Rarity: Very well.

She stands up and walks circles around you, taking in your appearance and clothing while a few hums could be heard coming from her. Then, as if a switch went off, she perks up with a gasp.

Rarity: I believe I know just the thing for you! Wait right here!

She scampers towards a wardrobe and fishes through it for a few seconds. Eventually, she takes out an outfit, closes the wardrobe, and comes back with the chosen outfit.

Rarity: Try this on, darling! I'm sure you'll adore it!

You hesitantly took the outfit from her and gave it a once over.

(Y/N): You think... this'll look good on me?

Rarity: Oh, I don't think, dear, I know it'll look good on you.

She replied, smiling confidently.

(Y/N): Well... alright. If you really think so.

Rarity: Now, strip down for me and put it on.



Have you ever had one of those moments where you just really can't believe what's been said or done? Well, you were most definitely in that moment as you stared for the longest time at Rarity in utter shock.

(Y/N): Uh... is this the routine for all the guys or–?

Your question was stopped by Rarity's giggling.

Rarity: *giggles* I'm so sorry, I couldn't help myself, darling! There's a privacy screen right over there.

She points to the other side of the room before you sighed in relief.

(Y/N): F-For a moment... I thought you were being serious there, Rarity.

Rarity: Left you speechless, didn't I~?

She asked, batting her eyes at you before giggling again. Your face flushes red in its entirety before sprinting behind the privacy screen and taking a second to regain not only your composure, but your breath too.

(Y/N): *thinking* Well... at least she's not like Sunset.

You spent the next minute or so putting on Rarity's recommended choice of an outfit as you could hear her humming from somewhere in the room, meaning she must have been busy with something. Once your attire was assembled, you called out to her.

(Y/N): U-Uh... Rarity? I think I'm ready.

Rarity: Alrighty! Come on out then, darling! I wanna see the new you!

You slowly come out from the privacy screen while looking a little bit embarrassed, but once you fully show yourself in the outfit that Rarity gave you, she gasps dramatically with a big grin.

Rarity: Oh darling, you look absolutely stunning! I knew it would look good on you!

(Y/N): I-If uh... If you say so, Rarity.

Your voice makes Rarity's earlier sad frown come back.

Rarity: Do... you not like it?

(Y/N): N-No! No, it's not that at all! It's just, again, I'm not an expert on what looks nice in an outfit, so you'd definitely be the best judge of it. *sigh* There I go again.

Rarity: Huh? What do you mean, dear?

(Y/N): Making someone feel bad for doing something nice for me. It started with Pinkie and then it happened again with you.

The mere mention of Pinkie brought yet another frown to Rarity's face, this one however, showing slight annoyance which was added by a crossing of her arms.

Rarity: Oh... you've met her, haven't you?

(Y/N): Yeah, I did. Are... you not on good terms with her either? Fluttershy told me she had problems with her too.

Rarity: *sigh* And rightfully so. That party animal always needs to take control no matter what.

(Y/N): F-Forgive me for intruding on personal issues, Rarity, but... what did Pinkie do to you that was so wrong?

Rarity: Well, as you are probably aware, Pinkie loves to handle the decorations when it comes to parties. It's admirable how much she puts into it, but sometimes, it's a bit much for her to handle. On occasions, whenever a school function came around, I would always offer my help to her, but she told me that she had enough people doing that already. Though, sometime later, I hear her complaining about the fact that no one ever bothers to help her. To me, it seemed like she just wanted to complain about something for reasons that I don't understand.

(Y/N): *thinking* So... that's two people complaining about Pinkie. Could... she have been lying about that text all along? *speaking* Uh, Rarity? Quick question: has Pinkie ever told you about a text she got from Fluttershy saying something about the silent auction she was putting together?

Rarity: *sigh* Sadly, I know nothing of what you speak of, Y/N darling, but I am certain of one thing: if Pinkie wishes to do things alone and wants to bite the hand that feeds her, then I'll gladly step out of her way.

(Y/N): *thinking* Guess she might be a wolf in sheep's clothing... though, I'd have to determine that on my own. There's something... strange about all this. And I feel like it's not just the distrust. *speaking* Well, I guess I won't pry further into it then. I've... kinda already done that... a lot.

Rarity: It's quite alright, darling.

She stands up from her chair and looks at the clock on the wall above the doorway to the room.

Rarity: Anyway, I should continue on with my work if you don't mind. I'm backed up on a lot of outfit requests for the Fall Formal.

(Y/N): Fall... Formal? I... think I heard of that before, but... I didn't get a lot of info about it.

Rarity: Oh, right. You must be new here, considering that I haven't seen your face before. *clears throat* The Fall Formal is a special event that happens every year a few weeks before Halloween. It's our school's version of a Freshman Homecoming, but instead of two individuals being selected as King and Queen, there's instead only one person who's selected as Princess.

(Y/N): So... it's kinda like the elections? Where someone is selected for president?

Rarity: Sort of, although not as... corrupt. But let's not let politics be the subject, shall we?

(Y/N): Agreed. One look on Tweeter was enough for me.

Rarity: Anyway, the Fall Formal isn't the only event that occurs. There's also the Winter Wrap-Up, the Summer Sundance, and the... t-the Spring Fling.

She looked nervous as soon as she mentioned that particular event. This makes one of your eyebrows raise.

(Y/N): Uh... you okay there, Rarity?

Your voice shocks her back to reality.

Rarity: N-Nevermind that last event! It's best to just... pretend it doesn't exist!

Her attempt at changing the subject came in the form of grabbing one of her fabrics and idly sewing it... even if it didn't need any stitches to begin with. It certainly didn't work with you easily caught onto her.

(Y/N): Did... something happen to you during that one?

Your question was answered with silence as Rarity continued to sew her fabric.

(Y/N): Rarity?

You said her name and yet she still refused to say anything, not even look your way.

(Y/N): If... if it's personal then I won't ask any further. I just... wanted to help. I'll... take my leave now. Thanks for the outfit, Rarity.

You turned and were about to head back to the privacy screen to change back before Rarity's voice halts you.

Rarity: Y/N, wait!

You spun around to face her as she had her arm out to you. She sighs deeply and brings a hand to her heart.

Rarity: L-Look... it's not something I like to talk about. Please forgive me, Y/N, but... I feel like I need to know you a little longer before I can tell you what happened. I'm sure you can understand, can't you?

(Y/N): Y-Yeah, sure. However long you need, Rarity. I-I mean, if you ever need someone to talk to about that, then I guess I'm open. *thinking* Oh, come on! What am I even- *sigh* actually, I... I think this one deserves a pass. I mean, if it's something personal like this, I'm fine to listen to her. Still... social anxiety is a thing.

Rarity: *sigh* Thank you, dear. I'll just say that... it's not exactly something that sits well with me, so I can't help but appreciate that.

Her smile then comes back.

Rarity: You know... for someone of very little confidence... you're... awfully sweet, Y/N.

(Y/N): W-Well, I... I guess that justifies Applejack calling me "sugarcube". Hehe.

Rarity: *sigh* You went to see her too?

(Y/N): I-I did, and don't worry. I'm not gonna ask what your problem is with her. I think we can both agree that you've shared enough secrets for today.

Rarity: *sigh* Most definitely, Y/N darling. Most definitely. Also... keep the outfit, if you wish.

(Y/N): O-Oh, really?

She nods to that.

(Y/N): T-Thanks, Rarity. Although, I'm probably gonna go change back into my original outfit and then save this one for another day.

Rarity: Of course.

As quickly as before, you headed behind the privacy screen and changed back to your original attire. You stepped out with the new outfit folded up in your arms as Rarity waited for you over by the exit.

(Y/N): Well, it was nice meeting you, Rarity.

Rarity: You as well, Y/N dear. Do take care of yourself, won't you?

(Y/N): I'll... try.

You give her one final wave before you step outside of the costume department, following with Rarity gently closing the door. Once it's fully closed, she let out a sigh as she pressed her back against the door. Unbeknownst to you, she unintentionally heard you talking to yourself through the door.

(Y/N): *through door* Hopefully, I don't run into Sunset when I wear this. Last thing I want is for her to mess this up. I'm sure Rarity went through a lot of trouble to make this, so I've gotta make sure her work isn't in vain.

Rarity: *thinking* Sunset is looking for him? What could she possibly want with that boy?

Her face then pouts as she slams a fist down onto the palm of her other hand.

Rarity: *thinking* Well, that pretentious manipulator will have to go through me if she wants to tamper with Y/N's innocence!


(Y/N): *thinking* It's... odd how Pinkie's managed to screw things up with not one, but two girls. I'm kind of skeptical of her, but at the same time... she seems too innocent to be melodramatic about not getting help. Though, I think Fluttershy's situation is believable, but I don't exactly want to get in between their conflicts. Especially since I literally just got here.

This thought was the epicenter of your mind right now as you were somewhat mindlessly wandering through the halls, but you were careful to keep a careful eye out for Sunset. As she came to mind, you remembered Flash mentioning a soccer field, so you thought you'd check that place out and see what it was like. After all, you were likely to have games there, so may as well. The only thing you were anxious about was Sunset still being there as that was where Flash had directed her to search for you.

After some time, you reached a set of doors that led out to the outside before you pushed them open. You found yourself in just the place you were looking for; the CHS Soccer Field. It was pretty standard as it is with all of them, but it did still look decent enough.

Before you went further out however, you took a second to quickly scan the area for any signs of red and yellow, but that happily wasn't the case as you couldn't spot the school bully anywhere. She must have gotten fed up and left some time ago, you assumed. A sigh of reassurance came from you being safe for now as you got a closer look at the field.

(Y/N): *thinking* Well, this is... definitely smaller than most soccer fields I've seen. Guess this must be where they cut corners... even though Rarity's doing all of that work. Maybe I should've asked if the school was paying her for that.

You head over to the nearby bleachers and climb your way to the top. You sat alone on the highest bench and looked out at the soccer field, then to the school wall behind it, and finally to the gold horseshoe statue to your right.

(Y/N): *thinking* So... this is my school, huh? I have to admit that it looks way better in comparison to a plentiful amount of others. This township really seems to prioritize everything when it comes to taxes. Though, it would've been easy to make friends here... if it weren't for the fact that all the people I met today either hate each other's guts or just don't talk to one another. Except for Flash... I don't really know how to describe his situation.

Suddenly, you spot someone stretching out on the soccer field from the corner of your eye. Tilting your whole head back to face the soccer field, you get a better view of them. It was another girl with very noticeable rainbow colored hair. She also had moderate cerise colored eyes and light ceruleanish gray skin. She wore a blue overshirt over a white undershirt with an image of a rainbow colored lightning bolt imprinted on it. She also wore a pink and white striped skirt with black shorts underneath and also a pair of blue and white laced boots and much like Fluttershy, you could spot a pair of rainbow colored socks peeking out the tops.

She looked to be the sporty type as not only evidenced by her stretching, but also by her athletic looking physique. She looks like she could easily beat you in a foot race and then would keep going long after that. Not that you weren't in good shape yourself, you were just certain that she'd beat you by a long shot in just about everything.

These thoughts were what was on your mind as the girl continued to stretch. Her eyes then opened and they stopped right on you which made her stop stretching as she now stood up straight, obviously not knowing she had an onlooker the whole time. Not sure of what to do, your panic ordered you to turn and head inside and you would have done so if not for her calling out to you.

???: Hey! Wait up a moment!

Like clockwork, you froze in place as you heard the footsteps of the girl draw nearer and nearer until they came to a stop right behind you.

???: You're new here, aren't you? I haven't seen you before.

She spoke in a raspy, tomboyish sounding voice. Finding yourself in yet another uncomfortable situation of talking to someone, you turned your body until it was halfway facing her before stopping and twiddling your thumbs.

(Y/N): *thinking* Crap, crap, crap! This is worse! This girl has to be Rainbow Dash, no doubt about it! My anxiety is shooting through the roof over here! *speaking* U-Uhh... y-yeah... yeah, I'm new here.

You nervously cough into your hand and faced her fully.

(Y/N): I'm uh... I'm guessing you must be Rainbow Dash, huh?

The girl gains a cocky grin and twirls a soccer ball on one of her fingers.

Rainbow Dash: The one and only! I guess you've heard of me, huh?

(Y/N): *thinking* Not in the best of ways, no. Also, that hair of yours sort of gives it away. *speaking* Sure... let's go with that. You... looked busy back there, so I won't hold you up any longer.

You tried making a second attempt for the door, but you were stopped in place yet again by Rainbow grabbing your shoulder.

Rainbow Dash: Hold up a sec. You don't need to just up and leave. I kinda wanna get to know you since you're new and all.

(Y/N): Yeah, I think a lot of people here want to get to know me. Specifically, the supposed "bully queen" of this school. I heard she was out here looking for me, and... I was trying to make sure I don't run into her.

Rainbow lets go of your shoulder and groans.

Rainbow Dash: You're telling me, that chick is so full of herself, thinking that since she's won Fall Formal Princess three years in a row automatically means she gets to boss everyone around! And that's saying something coming from me!

(Y/N): That's saying something? Do you... think that low of yourself?

Rainbow Dash: No, no, of course not! Far from it, although... *sigh* A lot of people around the school say I've got a "big ego," but honestly, I think most of them are just jealous of how awesome I am.

(Y/N): I guess that sort of depends on your definition of "ego". I mean, if you're simply celebrating your accomplishments, I don't see anything wrong with that.

Rainbow Dash: Right?! Thank you! Someone who finally gets me! *groans* I wish Applejack felt that way.

(Y/N): Oh uh... speaking of her... I... might have run into her today.

Your revelation earns a frown from her.

Rainbow Dash: *sigh* Of course you did. She's there for everybody, but not there for me apparently.

(Y/N): *thinking* Isn't... that how Applejack described you?

Rainbow puts the soccer ball onto one of her feet and kicks it into the air before rhythmically keeping it in the air with her knee.

Rainbow Dash: What'd she say about me? That I'm full of myself? (No) That I'm pretentious? (No!) Egotistical?! (No!!) Self-centered, a glory hog, disloyal!? I know what she thinks, but she can't hurt me ANYMORE!!!

With that last utterance, she drops the ball down onto the ground and gives it a hard kick which sends it flying far. As that happened, your pupils shrunk and your frozen state kicked in as you feared what she might do next. She lets out a few huffs of anger before cooling herself with a long sigh and turning back to you.

Rainbow Dash: Sorry you had to see that.

(Y/N): Uh... don't worry about it. Listen, you, her, and the rest of the girls I've met all seem like really decent people, but... if none of you get along with each other, then I don't think I should be the middleman to tie you all in.

Rainbow Dash: *sigh* Probably for the best. I'd hate to get you involved... uh... I don't think I got your name yet.

(Y/N): Y/N. Y/N L/N.

Rainbow Dash: Right, Y/N. The last thing I want is for a newbie like yourself to be involved in drama on your first day.

(Y/N): I mean, I guess I'm at least willing to lend an ear for you to vent towards. Believe it or not, I'm actually a pretty good listener. Though, that might be because... I'm not exactly much of a talker.

Rainbow shoots you a confused look.

Rainbow Dash: Really? You don't seem that way to me.

(Y/N): It's probably because I've been talking to a handful of people so far, including you, but, before that, I... had a lot of trouble just going out, let alone speaking to others.

Rainbow Dash: Why's that?

(Y/N): It's... complicated. Let's just say, I haven't really had enough experience talking. As Rarity put it, I lack a lot of self-confidence.

Rainbow Dash: Pfft. Well, you've come to the right gal, Y/N! Self-confidence is my middle name! Check it!

She smirks as she raises her arm up, only for the soccer ball to conveniently sink into her hand. Then, she throws an arm around you as she casually lets out a sigh before dropping the ball.

Rainbow Dash: You wanna know how I did that? Short answer: I didn't. I was just confident that the ball would come flying back. I've had this little guy for a long time, so I know what to predict from him.

(Y/N): Uhh... I don't get it. What exactly does this have to do with getting confidence?

Rainbow Dash: I'm getting to that. The fact that I've been able to get into a rhythm with this ball has allowed me to be more sure of myself in what I can do and I'm willing to bet that with enough time and training, the same can be done for you too, Y/N. You just need to be willing to put in the effort. I can give you what you need though.

She ruffles your hair before letting you go.

Rainbow Dash: So, whaddya say? You willing to let me help you?

(Y/N): I... I guess so... but, it might take awhile to get anywhere with me though. It's seriously been years since I last talked to anyone until today.

Rainbow Dash: Pfft! You make it sound like it's gonna be a challenge! Lucky for you, I love challenges.

(Y/N): You seriously think this'll be a walk in the park?

Rainbow Dash: Trust me, enough time around me will make you one of the most confident people on the planet. You're gonna make confidence your b-

She stops right before she could say that curse.

Rainbow Dash: Y-You get the idea.

(Y/N): If... If you say so, then... who am I to argue?

Rainbow Dash: Heh, that's the spirit!

She said, smiling widely with closed eyes. You gave her a nervous one before looking around to check for Sunset's whereabouts.

(Y/N): Well, I should probably head off now before Sunset finds me here. I don't know if she'd think to look in the same place twice, but I don't really wanna find out.

Rainbow Dash: Hm, you've probably got a point there. Besides, I've gotta get back to my warm up anyways. Nice talking to you, Y/N. Maybe we'll see each other again at lunchtime.

(Y/N): M-Maybe. See you later, Rainbow.

She nodded in your direction before scooping up her soccer ball and heading back out into the field as you decided to round the school to observe more of its exterior. As you were heading your way, Rainbow was heading hers before she looked over her shoulder at you.

Rainbow Dash: *thinking* That Y/N, he's an odd one alright, but nice enough, I guess. I just hope Applejack didn't tell him any lies about me, which would be ironic considering she's supposed to be the honest one here at the school.

When we cut back to you, you had made it back to the four mirror paneled pedestal with the horse statue out front as you decided to give it a quick look while standing in front of the mirror that faced the school.

(Y/N): *thinking* I don't think I've a school statue with this level of detail. They must keep this thing polished on a regular basis.

You hum to yourself right before something fast hits you right in the face, making you fall over for the fourth time today. After shaking away the dizziness that formed, you looked around for whatever had hit you. Finally, you spotted what it was as you picked it up and gazed at it curiously. It looked like the kind of crown a princess would wear with a golden hilt and a large purple star centered at the top.

(Y/N): *thinking* W-What the? Where the heck did this come from?

As you pondered over the strange object in your hand, a tingling sensation could be felt in your fingers just from holding it, a sensation that almost felt like... magic? Glancing all around you, you saw that you were completely alone as you brought a hand up and a faint (F/C) glow emanated from it. You brought it closer to the crown in your other hand as sure enough, an aura of magic could be seen radiating off it.

(Y/N): *thinking* Huh... I guess I'm not the only one with magic after all.

Yes, you heard that right, folks. You, in fact, had magic. Now, normally, this is the part where you'd expect to see some form of explanation for why our hero has it, right? Well, sadly, we're on a tight schedule, so we'll have to move it to a later chapter.

(Jordanwolfboy9743: *sigh* You didn't have to make it obvious.)

(Shadowlight9743: I can't believe I'm saying it, but... I kinda miss Gavin a bit.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Yeah... I feel you. He was a demon, sure, but when he actually did his job, he really came through.)

(Y/N): *thinking* Well, magic or not, this thing's pretty valuable looking, so somebody definitely lost it.

Looking around, you didn't see anyone who could have possibly owned the crown which definitely made it seem like someone had lost it.

(Y/N): *thinking* Hmm... maybe I should take it to Principal Celestia. She can hang onto it until the owner comes by and claims it. Although... considering that this thing has magic, it might be better if I just hold onto it. If it unleashes a wave of it in her office, who knows what'll happen?

You thought as you quickly tucked it away into your school bag before you turned around to the pale white flight of stairs. Sighing, you make your way back up and head back into the school. There, you find Flash yet again as he was walking through the main foyer. He glanced over at the main entrance and spotted you. Smiling, he walks over and gives you a friendly wave.

Flash Sentry: Hey, again. We seem to be bumping into each other a lot lately.

(Y/N): Yeah... that's strange. Is Sunset still looking for me?

Flash Sentry: I don't know, I haven't seen her in the past fifteen minutes or so.

(Y/N): I'm... not sure if that's a good or bad thing.

Flash Sentry: Oh, believe me, it's definitely a good thing. *thinking* Wait... what did I want to ask him again? Oh, yeah! *speaking* Hey, uh, Y/N, right?

(Y/N): Yeah, that's my name.

Flash Sentry: Have you by any chance heard of Digcraft?

(Y/N): Pffft, you kidding? Everyone and their brother knows Digcraft. It's one of the greatest games on the market! I put so many hours into that when I was young. *sigh* Good times.

Flash Sentry: Well, a couple of guys and I have a small private server we hop onto from time to time. All of them go to this school, so anyone you'd meet there you would likely find hanging with me. Do you, by any chance, want to join?

(Y/N): Are... are you for real?

Flash Sentry: I mean, yeah. We're always open to adding new people there, so this is as good a time as any.

(Y/N): Isn't that something you'd only do for friends?

Flash Sentry: Well, from the excessive amounts of time we've run into each other, I'd say we're well acquainted. Maybe not friends yet, but you're cool enough to be a potential one, and I'm willing to take that shot.

(Y/N): Okay, but you don't like, have any friends you've had a falling out with, right? Because everyone I've met so far all had one person other than Sunset that they didn't get along with.

Flash Sentry: Well, the only one I've had problems with was Sunset and that's really because we were "dating" if you could even call it that. Everyone else here I'm cool with, including you.

(Y/N): A-Alright... cool. Say... you wouldn't happen to know where she likes to hang out, right? I ask for... obvious reasons.

Flash Sentry: Well, from what I can remember, there's this hallway somewhere in the school that has broken lights. It's almost like the kind you'd see from a horror movie, so I'd suggest staying away from there.

The conversation was interrupted by a loud ringing from the bell, meaning classes were starting soon.

Flash Sentry: Whelp, that's our cue. Where are you heading?

(Y/N): I... think I have science first.

Flash Sentry: Huh, that's funny. That's my first class too.

(Y/N): O-Oh! In that case, lead the way then.

Flash did so indeed as you headed back down the hallway to the science room. A few hours later, lunch had arrived as everyone had gathered in the cafeteria. After getting your lunch, you looked around at the many tables filled with students, singling out which one you'd sit at.

(Y/N): *thinking* Now... comes the hard part. I know absolutely no one here. Flash has a different lunch period, so I can't sit with him.

As panic began to settle in, you were startled by a voice nearby, one belonging to a familiar athletic tomboy.

Rainbow Dash: Yo, Y/N! Over here!

You followed her voice until you saw her at a lone table as she beckoned you over with a waving hand. Reluctantly, you shimmied over until you reached her table as she patted the spot next to her, giving you permission to take your seat which you did, although with much... much effort and willpower.

Rainbow Dash: So, how goes your first day here at CHS?

(Y/N): It's... fine, I guess. I just got here and a lot's already happened to me. Look, uh... don't take this the wrong way, but you should probably—

Applejack: Oh, hey there, sugarcube!

Another familiar voice comes up, this time belonging to the familiar farm girl who approaches you with a tray, and a warm smile.

Applejack: Ah thought Ah'd find ya here.

Her smile then almost immediately faded when she saw who else was sitting with you as it now turned into a sour frown.

Applejack: What on earth... are you doin' here with him?

(Y/N): *thinking* Oh sh–

Rainbow Dash: Just trying to be friendly to Y/N, unlike certain people.

She answered, with an equally sour frown aimed at the farm girl.

Applejack: Ya wanna run that by me again?

She squinted at her as Rainbow stood up, mimicking the same expression.

(Y/N): *thinking* Okay, Y/N. Just get up... walk away... and try not to be a part of this.

You quickly grabbed your lunch and slowly walked off to another table, leaving the two of them bickering amongst each other. Neither of them noticed you leave due to the mass amount of tension generated from both of them.

Rainbow Dash: I'm sorry, did you somehow go deaf at some point? You heard what I said.

Applejack: And Ah. Don't. *through clenched teeth* Like it.

Rainbow Dash: That's more your problem than mine, so suck. It. Besides, I'm sure Y/N would rather hang out with someone awesome like me and not a backstabber like you.

Applejack: Oh, Ah'm the backstabber?! You're the one that didn't show up!

Rainbow Dash: You're the one who told me to go to the wrong place and made me look like an idiot!

Applejack: Ah told ya exactly where it was! Ya probably just can't read! *mutters* Wouldn't surprise me...

Rainbow Dash: What'd you say?! Say it again, cowgirl! Say it to my face, I dare you!

Applejack: Ah said y'all can't read, and if ya could, ya wouldn've known where it was!

Rainbow Dash: *groans* See what I mean about her, Y/N?! She's-

She swivels her head in your direction, but notices your lack of presence, and Applejack follows suit. The two of them gasped as they looked around the cafeteria for you, but then Rainbow let out another groan.

Rainbow Dash: Oh, you see that?! You see what you've done?! You made the poor guy leave!

Applejack: No, yer the one that made him leave with yer inflated ego!

As they continued to bicker, we cut back to you as you made your way over to another empty table and sat down as you tried your best to pretend like nothing happened only for it to remain.

(Y/N): *thinking* Alright, calm down, Y/N. Calm... down. It's your first day, it's okay to sit alone at lunch. Just pretend no one else is here. Yeah... yeah! That's right! No one is here but me... no one is here but me... no one is here but—

Pinkie Pie: Hiya, Y/N!

(Y/N): *thinking* MOTHER–

The party girl plopping her tray down next to yours cuts off your inner curse as she sits and grins widely at you.

Pinkie Pie: Told ya we'd meet again!

(Y/N): That... *sigh* you did.

Pinkie Pie: Oooh~! Good choice for lunch! I usually go with cupcakes, but they were fresh out for some reason!

Rarity: Possibly because you keep eating them all, as per usual.

She shows up not a moment later with Fluttershy next to her.

Fluttershy: *sigh* Is this really much of a surprise coming from a girl as impulsive as her?

Pinkie stands and faces them.

Pinkie Pie: Hey! I am not impulsive!

Rarity: Do you even know what that means, Pinkie?

Pinkie Pie: Y-Yeah, of course I do!

Fluttershy: Then, tell us what it means then.

Pinkie Pie: I-It means... uhh...

Fluttershy: I figured as much.

Rarity: *sigh* Why are you even here in the first place, Pinkie? I was just about to give poor Y/N here some much needed company before you had to come by and ruin my chance.

(Y/N): *thinking* Annnnnd that's my cue to get the heck out of here.

Like before, you grabbed your tray and inched away just slowly enough to not get their attention as they continued to argue.

Pinkie Pie: What do you mean?! Y/N likes being around me!

Fluttershy: Oh, what do you know? You can't even tell the difference between a silent auction and a wild party!

Pinkie Pie: You told me to make it a huge party!

Fluttershy: No, I didn't!

Rarity: First, you turn down my offers to help you at the school functions, and now you're denying ever doing anything wrong?! *groans* There's just no winning with you, is there?!

Fluttershy: *sigh* Just leave before you make Y/N any more uncomfortable. I mean, just look at-

Like last time, she takes note of you being missing as the other two did as well.

Rarity: W-Wherever did he go?

Fluttershy: M-Maybe he went to the bathroom?

Pinkie Pie: Or maybe he was tired of you two interrupting our time!

Rarity: "Our time"?! Since when did he become exclusive only to you?!

Pinkie Pie: He's not! I was talking to him first and then you two came along and ruined the moment!

When we cut back to the outside of the cafeteria as you came out through the exit with your still uneaten lunch in hand before you tried finding somewhere peaceful enough to eat. Without much thought, you chose a random hallway and sat down against its wall and dug into your lunch, not knowing at first that the hallway you had picked had... broken lights. That wasn't at the forefront of your thoughts however as you were just happy to not have to listen to the girls arguing anymore.

(Y/N): *thinking* *sigh* I hope this doesn't become a constant thing I have to deal with. It's bad enough that they're arguing, but the fact that I have to be right in the middle doesn't sit well with me. I just hope that they'll get their problems settled before fists go flying.

Once finished with your lunch, you leaned your head onto your hand in further thought.

(Y/N): *thinking* I wish I knew how it all came to this, I'd be more than happy to help them through it...*sigh* but I just got here, so I doubt that's gonna happen anytime soon. And... it doesn't help that I've got about zero training in psychology... not to mention I'm terrible at speaking to people in general.

With all that in mind, you sighed in defeat.

(Y/N): *thinking* I hate to say it, but... I don't think there's much I can even do.

You were so distracted by your thoughts that you failed to notice someone approaching you from around the corner and leaning on the wall you sat against.

???: Well, well... about time I found you~.

At that moment, true fear racked your entire body because you were certain you heard that voice before... and not a pleasant one at that. Ever so slowly, your eyes wandered to where it came from and your fear not only went through the roof, it headed so far into space that it shot past Pluto. There, leaning ever so smugly against the wall, was the last person you hoped to run into, the one person everyone at school hated, the bully queen herself... Sunset Shimmer. Her eyes were half lidded and locked on you while a smirk added to her cocky stance.

To say that you were panicking would have been the biggest understatement of the year. You shot up to your feet and your breath caught in your throat, leaving you unable to make tangible words.

(Y/N): *thinking* You've gotta be kidding me. I'm not even a social butterfly! How am I attracting all these people?!

Sunset's eyes take in the rest of your appearance as she now bites her lower lip and her cheeks flush slightly.

Sunset Shimmer: Dang, if Flash had told me that the new guy was hot, I would have hastened my search for you ten fold.

(Y/N): *thinking* Okay, I was intimidated before, but now I'm seriously creeped out. I gotta get out of here now! *speaking* Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope!

You quickly bolted past her as fast as you could. However, what you didn't realize was that Sunset had somehow managed to stick her finger into the back of your shirt, preventing you from going any further. As your shirt stretches out, she quickly lifts up her finger, flinging you back into the corner. Sunset waved her finger at you as she shook her head while clicking her tongue.

Sunset Shimmer: Ah, ah, ah~. You didn't say the magic word.

(Y/N): Wh-What?!

Your outburst was ignored as Sunset began to stalk her way closer to you while adding more sway to her hips with every passing step like a temptress would.

Sunset Shimmer: You can't leave just yet. Not until I get what I want.

(Y/N): W-What... What... do you want? *thinking* Please tell me it's not the crown. I can't afford to be beat up today.

You backed away so much that you were now right up against the wall that ended the hallway as Sunset reached you and put a single hand on the wall behind you while using the other to slowly snake up and down your shirt.

Sunset Shimmer: What I want... is you ~.

(Y/N): ... *thinking* Aw, come on, just bully me and get it over with! You don't need to take my innocence along with it! I wanna die old!

Sunset's free hand then grabs a hold of the collar to your shirt.

Sunset Shimmer: Let's head to the girl's locker room... shall we~?

(Y/N): *thinking* Okay, Flash... I 100% understand why you broke it off.

Without much effort, she starts to pull you along with her. The fear of being scarred for life by whatever it was she had planned was a horrid thought you hoped you wouldn't go beyond that. The bully queen continued after the girl's locker room to have her way twisted form of fun with you. Suddenly, like a guardian angel, your rescuer, or rescuers in this case, came in the form of Rainbow Dash who shoulder charges Sunset like a linebacker and knocks her away.

Rainbow Dash: Keep your filthy hands off of him, Bacon Hair!

Sunset recovers from Rainbow's save of you as she stands up straight and puts on a regal facade.

Sunset Shimmer: Hmph. I was just getting acquainted with the new kid. What's it to you?

Rarity: You think you can just come in and claim him for your own?! You must be truly sick in the head, Shimmer!

The fashionista retorted as it's revealed that she, along with Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy had decided to come to your rescue.

Applejack: It's bad enough that ya gotta control the whole school, but to throw yerself at poor Y/N here is deplorable!

Pinkie Pie: Yeah! Leave him alone, you meanie!

While they all held angered frowns, Fluttershy's face was more akin to reluctance.

Fluttershy: U-Um... if you could, you know, not bother him, that'd... be nice.

Sunset Shimmer: *scoffs* And just who are all of you to tell me what I can do with him? He's as good as mine, and if he doesn't want to cooperate, well... I have ways of making him submit~.

(Y/N): I'm... I'm pretty sure this sort of thing is illegal.

Sunset Shimmer: Who says anyone has to know?

Rainbow Dash: That'd be us, so keep away from him!

She turns back to them with an annoyed groan, but then recalls something familiar about this particular group of girls.

Sunset Shimmer: Funny. I didn't realize all of you became friends again.

Applejack: Oh, we're far from friends, sugarcube, but we ain't gonna let ya invade Y/N's space like this!

Sunset gaze then held the emotion of incredulity at them still somehow defending you before scoffing again.

Sunset Shimmer: You are a sad, strange little group... and you have my pity. Farewell.

She turns around and walks away while giving you one last sultry wink over her shoulder.

Rainbow Dash: Oh, yeah? Well, good riddance, you looney!

As Rainbow stared down the bully queen as she walked away, Rarity took this opportunity to check up on you.

Rarity: Oh darling, are you alright? That vile temptress didn't do anything serious to you, did she?

(Y/N): W-Well, thankfully, you all stepped in and stopped her before she could make an attempt. *thinking* Note to self: File a restraining order after school today.

Applejack: Well, Ah'm glad yer still in one piece, sugarcube. She could have done much worse to you for all we know.

(Y/N): Yeah... I don't even want to think about that.

You stood up and dusted yourself off before looking back at the group of girls that just saved you.

(Y/N): I don't understand. All of you seem spiteful towards each other, and yet you still stood next to one another to get Sunset off my back. Why go through all that trouble?

Rainbow Dash: *sigh* Look, don't get the wrong idea, Y/N. We really only did this for you.

Pinkie Pie: We noticed that Sunset wasn't in her usual spot at lunch, so we assumed she must have been out and about looking for you, so we decided to come and find you.

Applejack: And thankfully, we did just in time before anythang bad happened.

You turn to them fully.

(Y/N): But... isn't there a part of all of you that at least wants to try and make amends with each other?

The girls looked amongst themselves for about ten to fifteen seconds of silence until Fluttershy, ironically, was the first to say something.

Fluttershy: *saddened sigh* I'm... I'm sorry, Y/N. I can't work things out if Pinkie's always going to be so compulsive.

Pinkie Pie: And I can't work things out if Fluttershy's always going to give me false information.

Rarity: And I can't work things out if Pinkie's never going to accept any of my help.

Applejack: And I can't work things out if Rainbow... betrays me all the time.

Rainbow Dash: *sigh* The feeling's mutual for me too.

(Y/N): *sigh* Well, look, it'd be one thing if all of you were strangers to one another, but I can't be friends with any of you if you can't get along with each other. If I spent time with at least one of you, odds are, the rest of you would come, and I'd just have to hear you argue. That's... honestly the last thing I'd want out of a friend.

The girls all grew distraught from that.

Fluttershy: W-What are you saying, Y/N?

(Y/N): *sigh* Listen, I'm not trying to be mean about this, but... until you work things out with each other... I... I want nothing to do with any of you.

You turned away and sadly put each hand into your pockets.

(Y/N): I'm sorry, girls, but... that's just how it has to be. I appreciate you saving me from Sunset, but...I don't want to deal with arguments every time I ask one of you to hang out.

With that depressingly said, you slowly walked away from the group as none of them made an attempt to stop you, not that they could due to the bell ringing just after you ended the conversation which meant that you had to go to your next class.


After about three more class sessions, the school day had finally come to an end as every student poured out of CHS like ants at an anthill. You were one of the last to leave due to not wanting to run into Rainbow or any of the others for that matter as you donned a hooded jacket and pulled it over your head before zipping up the hood so it would close around your face to obscure it from view.

The trek back home lasts for a few minutes before you make it back to your house, grabbing the key under a false rock, unlocking the front door and opening it, sighing as you enter.

(Y/N): It feels good to be home.

You walked through the main foyer, but then you passed by a small table. Quickly, you stopped yourself and walked back to it. You find a small framed photo of you, your parents, and Fenrir, the day you adopted him. Immediately, tears stream down your face as a small puddle of tears forms beneath one of the table's legs.

(Y/N): If... if only I still had a family to solidify it.

Deliberately, you reached for the frame and held it up closer to your face. More tears formed in your eyes as they splattered onto the glass of the framed photo. A bark startles you as Fenrir appears from one of the other rooms and prances up to you, happy to see his master back home safe and sound. With a sad smile, you rubbed the top of his head.

(Y/N): H-Hey, boy. I-I'm... happy to see you too.

Fenrir seems to have a sense of how you felt right now as his behavior changes to worriment before he sits and whimpers at you. You weren't sure why, whether it was just seeing Fenrir, or what he represented, but as you locked eyes with your canine friend... your composure crumbled. With a stuttering breath, you hunched down and wrapped Fenrir in a hug, holding him close as you could no longer keep it together.

(Y/N): F-Fen... w-why did... why d-did... why did they have to go? W-Why... did... d-did-

The rest of your question couldn't be finished due to the sadness overwhelming you as you broke down and cried into Fenrir's neck, staining the poor pup's fur with your tears.

(Y/N): F-First, they leave, then we end up lost in this city, and now, I... I-I find myself at a school with a bunch of girls who can't work things out with each other along with another girl w-who... wants to use me for her sick twisted fantasies! W-What... *sniff* what did I do to deserve all this?!

You end the hug with Fenrir before covering your face with a single hand.

(Y/N): I-I just... I'm scared. I'm scared, and I shouldn't be because I'm nearly an adult, but... I can't help it. How's a kid like me supposed to survive in a world like this without his parents?

Fenrir just looks at you for a moment before he nuzzles himself into your cheek. Then he licks away all of your tears with his tongue before climbing into your lap. He lightly whimpers a little, and then nuzzles his snout into your chest. You lightly stroked his head and gave him a little scratch behind the ears. A small smile spreads across your lips before you pick him up.

(Y/N): W-Well... if I am facing it, I... I'm at least happy knowing you're there with me, Fen. Better you than anyone else.

You kiss the top of his head as he gives you an appreciative lick to your hand.

(Y/N): I... guess I should tell you about how my day went. So, after I left...

You proceeded to tell Fenrir about everything that happened that day as he happily listened. By the time you were done, it had been a little over an hour as the sun had noticeably gone down in that time, almost giving way to the sunset. Not wanting to dilly dally, you gave Fenrir his dinner before getting your homework for the day done and putting together your own meal. Fenrir had finished quickly as he was now with his head in your lap and staring up at you as you ate silently. The inside of your head wasn't quiet however as the voices of the girls came to mind.

Applejack (Past): "I think being captain of every sports team here at CHS for so long has finally allowed that ego of hers to take over."

Fluttershy (Past): "It's not a bad quality to have, but... is it too much to ask for her to put that aside every once in a while?"

Pinkie Pie (Past): "I did what she told me and she got really mad at me for that."

Rarity (Past): "To me, it seemed like she just wanted to complain about something for reasons that I don't understand."

Rainbow Dash (Past): "I know what she thinks, but she can't hurt me ANYMORE!!!"

(Y/N): *thinking* Something tells me that the "she" they're all thinking of might not be the one behind it. I think I've got a sneaking suspicion that Sunset may be behind them arguing. Although... I can't just outright accuse her without any proof. I mean, I couldn't tell if she actually found me attractive or if she simply just wanted to humiliate me earlier. Either way... I'd rather not be anywhere near her.

You pushed some food around on your plate, still thinking it all over.

(Y/N): *thinking* Well... I guess this is my new home now. Might as well... make the best of it. One thing I know I've gotta do somehow... is figure out how I'm gonna rekindle the girls' friendship... that is, if it's even salvageable.

You looked out at the window next to you, staring out at the sunset before you sighed.

(Y/N): *thinking* Guess I'll have to find out for myself tomorrow.

After taking your plate to the sink and washing it, you decided to turn in for the night. With a quick brushing of the teeth, you hopped into your pajamas and laid down on your bed, staring at the ceiling with one last thought plaguing your head while Fenrir slept at the foot of your bed.

(Y/N): *thinking* Sunset... I just don't know how to process her. How can she think so highly of herself when she belittles everyone else around her and... lusts for some of them as well? From what Flash told me, she was probably always like that, but... surely there must be a reason for it. It really is a shame though, because if it weren't for the fact that she had such a terrible personality... I would've probably taken her advances into consideration.

With a final sigh, you turned onto your side, and turned off the lamp on the nightstand next to you. You looked back up at the ceiling once more before your eyes slowly grew heavy, and then you drifted off to sleep.

[End of Chapter 1]

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Well, I've gotta say, that was quite the intro. Just like old times, huh Shad?)

(Shadowlight9743: Uh, I'm not so sure if it's like old times, Jordan. Check the word count.)

(*Jordan does what his partner says and looks at the word count for the chapter and is in total shock by what he sees.*)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Am... Am I reading that correctly?)

(Shadowlight9743: I see the same thing you're seeing, pal.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Over... twenty... thousand... WORDS?!?! How even, how?!)

(Shadowlight9743: There's only ONE explanation for this... Nintevitus.)

(*A familiar laugh nearby is heard as it no doubt came from their friend, Nintega.*)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Yep... that sounds about right. *chuckles*)

(Shadowlight9743: Ain't that the way?)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: For sure. *turns to audience* Anywho, folks, we hope you enjoyed this first installment to this very ambitious remake of The Savior of CHS. Whether this'll be just as good as the original or maybe even better, only time will tell.)

(Shadowlight9743: Considering how long this was, I already think it was gonna be better.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Maybe, Shadow buddy. Maybe. Anyways, thank you guys so much for reading, and until next time, this is Jordanwolfboy9743...)

(Shadowlight9743: And Shadowlight9743...)

(Jordanwolfboy9743 & Shadowlight9743: Signing out! See ya! *walks away*)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: *distantly* By the way, I've been meaning to ask. What did you do with Gavin's heart after we left this studio?)

(Shadowlight9743: *distantly*I had 3491 preserve it in their studio. Apparently they got a freezer in there.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: *distantly* Wait, they have a freezer? Why didn't we get a freezer?!)

(Shadowlight9743: *distantly* *sigh* Because they went with the lifetime subscription for their studio.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: *distantly* Oh, dang it! I knew we should have gotten the lifetime subscription!)

(Shadowlight9743: We had to cut back from the massive amounts of 4th wall breaks that occurred here. I guess they didn't have to deal with it as much.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: *distantly* Lucky! They didn't have to go through the trouble of fixing the fu-)


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