Chapter 2: Friendship is Magic Part 2

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When last we left you, the story's intrepid, formerly retired hero, you had received an eerie warning from an even more eerie pony named Nightmare Moon who said that she'd come back to Equestria very soon to bring forth her eternal night. It wasn't until after that that you had run into Twilight Sparkle who carried the same warning of Nightmare Moon's imminent return. And now, here you were, witnessing the arrival of the evil pony herself... well... Twilight was witnessing it at least. You, on the other hand, were currently hiding yourself underneath a nearby table while placing both hooves over your head, panicking over the past few seconds.

(P/N): *thinking* Okay, okay! Get it together, old boy! M-Maybe... maybe this is all just one huge dream you're having! Y-Yeah, that's it! Any moment now, I'll wake back up and my normal life will carry on as if nothing happened!

Meanwhile, Nightmare Moon was still cackling like a man pony until something in her peripheral vision caught her eye. She looked down and saw a (M/C) colored tail poking out from underneath one of the tables. Immediately, she recognized who it was and smirked before her horn glowed and lifted the table into the air and threw it off to the side, revealing you quivering by yourself. Your eyes shot open and you turned your head to face her as her smirk turned into a wide grin.

Nightmare Moon: Well, well, well. If it isn't my little interloper from the dream realm. Still think that this is all a dream?

She asked playfully. You blinked a few times before gulping much to Nightmare Moon's elation.

(P/N): I don't... have to pay for this tattoo, right?

Nightmare Moon: *growls* I told you that you'd pay for your insufferable behavior towards me, so now...

She turned her attention to the crowd and charged up her horn.

Nightmare Moon: Why don't I make you suffer... by taking out my frustrations on your little friends!

Twilight and the rest of the group let out a gasp of shock as Nightmare Moon gazed upon them with murderous intent. Seeing this, sparked something inside of you. Something that always kept you going whenever you were backed into a corner and a thought occurred.

(P/N): *thinking* *sigh* Even though... I'm retired... I've got too much of a heart to watch her slaughter everypony in eternal night time.

With that thought in mind, your once quivering face becomes a look of determination. Nightmare Moon gave the crowd one last teeth bearing grin before throwing her head forwards and firing a dark purple blast at the crowd, causing them to scream in horror while holding each other close. Nightmare Moon lets out yet another cackle but is silenced when she sees her blast heading right back at her and she narrowly dodges it.

Nightmare Moon: W-What!? What is the meaning of this?!

She asked in a rage before swiveling her head back to the crowd. It's revealed that you had jumped up and knocked away her blast with a single hoof as evidenced by you landing back on the ground in front of everypony. You looked up and glared at her angrily.

(P/N): Here's a little solid advice for you, Moon Butt. Don't tick me off. Although, I think that's a little too late at this point.

Nightmare Moon: H-How... how is this possible?! Just a moment ago, you looked like you were about to flee with your tail between your legs!

She asked in complete surprise, still flabbergasted by your sudden rush of courage.

(P/N): Yeah, it's just what any smart creature would do to add to their opponent's cocky demeanor. Unfortunately, for you, I'm not like those types of creatures.

Unsurprisingly, Nightmare Moon was not happy by this sudden turn of character for you as evidenced by the angry scowl she threw your way.

Nightmare Moon: You... stubborn fool! Do you really believe a measly little Unicorn such as yourself can take me on singlehoofedly?!

(P/N): Nah. I don't waste my time thinking about those principles. They usually are irrelevant during these sorts of things.

Nightmare Moon: Hmph! That kind of thinking will only get you killed!

(P/N): Well, luckily, that's a risk I'm willing to take.

You replied with a sly smile, making her scowl grow in size. She tried charging up another blast, but you were quick to act as your own horn glowed and you disappeared for a second before reappearing on the balcony to the left of her and sending a blast her way. It hit her in the face and knocked her back a bit before she recovered and glared at you again to see that you were gone again. She looked around the room frantically in an effort to locate you until she was surprised by you appearing above her and smacking her right on top of the head with both of your front hooves. She grunted in pain while holding her head before your earlier attack with an aura covered punch to her gut. You were just about to send yet another hoof to her face before she quickly recovered in both her focus and stamina and grabbed your hoof with her magic. You tried pulling back but to no avail as she smirked coily at you.

Nightmare Moon: You call those attacks? Now, why don't I show you mine?

She surprised you with a punch to your stomach, causing you to cough up some spit and she followed it up with a blast of magic to your face, sending you flying backwards. Nightmare Moon was quick to encase you in an aura of magic and threw her head down and slammed you into one of the tables down on the ground. Twilight and the rest of the ponies gasped before she ran up to you and saw that you were now unconscious. As she tended to you, Nightmare Moon cracked her neck and cackled to herself.

Nightmare Moon: That surely showed him. Now... where was I? Oh yes!

She began cackling again as her mane and tail swirled around the room once more, scaring everypony for the third time already.

Mayor Mare: Seize her! Only she knows where the Princess is!

She shouted to some Canterlot royal guards as they tried seizing Nightmare Moon as she saw them coming and gritted her teeth.

Nightmare Moon: Stand back, you foals!

She shouted with a laugh before she summoned some lightning and knocked the guards away with ease. Afterwards, she transformed into her aura form before flying through the main entrance of Town Hall and flew into the night sky as Rainbow Dash managed to escape Applejack's hold on her and tried flying after Nightmare Moon.

Rainbow Dash: Come back here!

She flies out of the Town Hall and sees Nightmare Moon disappear over a hilltop and then looks around at the sky with unease.

Rainbow Dash: Nighttime... forever?!

She then looks back towards the Town Hall and finds Twilight galloping out of it with both you and Spike on her back.

Rainbow Dash: Where's she going?


Spike is then shown sleeping in his bed at the Golden Oak Library.

Spike: Uh... We gotta stop Nightmare!...

He shouted while half asleep before falling right back to slumber as Twilight put a blanket over him.

Twilight Sparkle: You've been up all night, Spike. You are a baby dragon after all.

She cooed with a small smile before she took a quick glance at you as you were laid out on her bed.

Twilight Sparkle: P/N, meanwhile, contended with Nightmare Moon herself...

She then looked down, feeling a little guilty for not only letting you face Nightmare Moon alone, but also allowing you to get hurt in the process. She sighed sadly before glancing your way again.

Twilight Sparkle: Don't worry, P/N. I'm gonna find out how to stop her. But first, we'll need to find the Elements of Harmony.


You looked around as you found yourself back in the aesthetic dream void where you met Luna and Nightmare Moon.

(P/N): *sigh* Well, I guess my imminent immortality had to end some time. I just hope I'm not stuck with her for all of purgatory.

You said to yourself. Suddenly, a small groan of pain could be heard from somewhere and you spun around to the source. You found yourself staring back at the chained up mare from before whose head was hung low. Memories from before came back to you along with her name which you remembered to be Princess Luna.

(P/N): *thinking* Phew. It's just, Luna. At least... I hope she's Princess Luna. I'll just ask for clarity. *speaking* Umm... possible dumb question, I know, but... you wouldn't happen to be... Princess Luna... right?

Your voice startled the poor mare and she shot her head up and gazed right back at you.

Princess Luna: I-It... i-it's you!

(P/N): Yeah... it's me. I guess I'll take that as a yes. Well, I'm dead now, so I'll probably just hang with you until something happens. Oh, let me get you out of that first. Hopefully Nightmare Moon's too busy terrorizing Ponyville to worry about this.

You focused your magic until it glowed a bright (F/C) color. Then, you shot at the chains keeping her pinned only to discover that your magic did absolutely nothing. You tried a few more times only for the same result to occur.

(P/N): Oh, right. Dead.

Princess Luna: N-No... thou aren't dead.

You were a bit taken aback by not only you not being dead somehow, but also by Princess Luna's odd form of speech.

(P/N): Hold on, you still talk in Old English? Well, that kind of makes sense. Banishment for millenia must've really prevented your English from adapting to modern society. But anyways, you said that I wasn't dead, right? How... How exactly do you know that?

Princess Luna: W-well, thou hast join hither ere 'i thy dreams argal thou might not but be hither from that once again.

(P/N): Uhhh... I honestly wish I could understand all of that, but I'll just take your word for it. English has really devolved in the past few centuries.

Luna took a moment to glance around the void a little frantically before she looks to you again.

Princess Luna: L-Listen, thou must leave this place for she will return here soon.

(P/N): And leave you to be her personal punching bag? I hate to break it to you, but I'm no sadist.

Princess Luna: P-please, thou might not but! Thou canst not hope to forbear her as she is now! Only the Elements of Harmony can defeat her for good!

(P/N): *sigh* You make it sound so easy, but it isn't. I'm not even so sure what they are or where they could possibly be found.

Princess Luna: The Elements of Harmony aren't corky tidings. We're certain a book or twain exists out there somewhere that can say to thou the whereabouts of the Elements. They've been repurposed multiple times throughout Equestrian history, so there must be at least one.

(P/N): Again... easier said than done. Even still...

You turned away from her for a second in order to think.

(P/N): *thinking* Well P/N, it seems like you've been roped into yet another adventure... even though you're supposed to be retired. *sigh* Fine... one more... just one more adventure and then I'm done forever.

With that thought out of the way, you faced Luna again and politely bowed to her.

(P/N): Princess Luna, I can't guarantee that this'll all go smoothly, but... I'll still give it my all. You have my word.

She stares back for a second before nodding.

Princess Luna: Thou hast our utmost faith, young colt.

(P/N): Oh uh, it's P/N, your highness.

Princess Luna: Very well. Thou hast our utmost gratitude, young P/N.

She replied with a small smile. Without warning, the room began to lose its light as darkness seeped down and covered everything slowly, making Princess Luna panic again.

Princess Luna: Oh no! She is approaching! Thou must leave this instant!

(P/N): W-What?! B-But I don't know how!

Princess Luna: Need not worry, young P/N! We shalt offer you the last of our power to escape!

(P/N): Wait! No, don--

Her horn glowed a dark blue color and with a pained grunt, Princess Luna fired her magic at you and encased you in an orb of magic before you started to float upwards. She offered you a weak smile before everything around you went completely dark.


The next thing you knew, you had woken up on Twilight's bed with another shout.

(P/N): LUNA!!

You screamed before getting a good look at your surroundings.

(P/N): Twilight must have brought me back here after my tussle with Nightmare Moon. I guess I oughta thank her for that. Speaking of which...

You trailed off before stepping off the bed and walking briskly down the stairs until you found the bookworm herself frantically searching through her books.

Twilight Sparkle: Elements, elements, elements... Ugh! How can I stop Nightmare Moon without the Elements of Harmony?

She asked herself but was surprised by Rainbow Dash's sudden appearance as well as interrogation.

Rainbow Dash: And just what are the Elements of Harmony? And how did you know about Nightmare Moon, huh? Are you a spy? Whoa!

She's stopped by Applejack yanking on her tail again.

Applejack: Simmer down, Sally. She ain't no spy. But she sure knows what's going on. Don't you, Twilight?

She asked as the rest of your friends entered as well including Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Fluttershy. Twilight looks to the side for a second before answering.

Twilight Sparkle: I read all about the prediction of Nightmare Moon. Some mysterious objects called the Elements of Harmony are the only things that can stop her, but I don't know what they are, where to find them; I don't even know what they do!

(P/N): Well, if they have that kind of power to stop her, the magic within them must be miraculously strong.

You called to her as you made down the last few steps gaining everyone's attention. Unsurprisingly, they all smiled and rushed over to you.

Mane Six: P/N!

Twilight Sparkle: You're up!

Rainbow Dash: You feeling alright, dude? You took one heck of a pounding from Nightmare Moon.

(P/N): Trust me, Rainbow. It's gonna take a lot more than a few hits to keep me down. Though, for a moment there, I was actually convinced she killed me.

Twilight Sparkle: That's what I thought as well until I was able to hear your heart still beating in your chest.

(P/N): Wait, you were listening to that?

Twilight Sparkle: Of course. That is one way to tell if somepony's still kicking or not.

(P/N): Well, I wasn't pregnant, so...

Applejack: She meant as in still alive, sugarcube.

(P/N): *thinking* *sigh* Guess I'm not the only one who isn't used to this devolved English. *speaking* Oh, okay, but anyways, let's get back to the main focus here; finding the Elements of Harmony.

Rarity: He's right, darlings. We must find them if we hope to stop Nightmare Moon.

Twilight Sparkle: But I've looked everywhere in this library and haven't found anything relating to them.

Pinkie Pie: "The Elements of Harmony: A Reference Guide."

She reads aloud while looking at a certain book which leads to Twilight immediately rushing over to her, knocking the pink mare over in the process.

Twilight Sparkle: How did you find that?!

Pinkie Pie: *sing-song voice* It was under "E"!

Twilight takes the book and gives it a quick read.

Twilight Sparkle: Oh. There are six Elements of Harmony, but only five are known: Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Honesty and Loyalty. The sixth is a complete mystery. It is said, the last known location of the five elements was in the ancient castle of the royal pony sisters.

(P/N): *muttering* *sigh* Why is it always the abandoned places? Can't it just be in a public museum or something? *speaking* And... where exactly IS this castle?

Twilight Sparkle: It is located in what is now--

A jump cut suddenly occurs as you were all know standing on the outskirts of Ponyville while staring at a whole stretch of woods, but these were no ordinary woods. It was akin to that of a horror movie where a spooky air hungover every tree and was seemingly a place where some of the more... undesirable creatures would dwell.

Mane Six: The Everfree Forest!

(P/N): Oh, this won't be so bad then.

Everypony immediately swiveled their heads to give you a slack jawed stare.

Rainbow Dash: S-Seriously?! That's your response to one of the creepiest places in all of Equestria?!

(P/N): Okay, please enlighten me. How is this forest on the roster of Equestria's most surreal areas?

Applejack: W-Well, just look at it!

She pointed towards the foreboding woods as your brow furrowed in confusion.

(P/N): Whoa, whoa, whoa. You're gonna judge a forest because of how it looks? That's mean.

Rarity: It's not just about the forest itself, darling, it's also what's in the forest!

(P/N): Have you even been in this forest, Rarity?

Rarity: Oh, heavens no! Do you think a lady such as moi wants to run the risk of getting her mane all messy by going in there?

You facehoof and groaned a little in response.

(P/N): Okay, let me get this straight. You girls are singling out a forest because it has a unique look? *sigh* You girls are psyching yourselves up for nothing and don't be so mean to the forest. What did the Everfree ever do to you?

Twilight Sparkle: *sigh* Look, we can argue over the forest's questionable safety and supposed feelings later. Right now though, I must be off.

(P/N): You must be off? What's that supposed to mean?

Twilight Sparkle: Look, I appreciate you all coming all this way, but I'd really rather do this on my own.

(P/N): Why? You don't want us to help?

Twilight Sparkle: *sigh* No, it's just... I'd rather not let any of you get hurt simply by coming with me.

Applejack: No can do, sugarcube. We sure ain't lettin' any friend of ours go into that creepy place alone. We're stickin' to you like caramel on a candy apple.

The rest of the group hummed in agreement.

Pinkie Pie: Especially if there's candy apples in there.

You all gave her a quizzical look.

Pinkie Pie: What? Those things are good.

(P/N): Oh, so none of you actually are scared of this place after all.

Fluttershy: I-I am...

She answered with a shiver in her voice.

(P/N): Okay, that I understand, but nopony else is scared?

No one replied to that at first.

(P/N): No one? Anyone? Someone? *sigh* Whatever, let's just get going already.

You said before trotting into the Everfree Forest with five of your friends following suit while Twilight stayed behind for a second. She lets out a small sigh before trotting after the rest of you. Moments later, you all were walking through a clearing while carrying on a conversation.

Twilight Sparkle: So, none of you have been in here before?

(P/N): Technically, I have, but it's been some time.

Rarity: Ugh, as I said before, heavens no! Just look at it - it's dreadful.

Applejack: And it ain't natural. Folks say it doesn't work the same as Equestria.

Twilight Sparkle: What's that supposed to mean?

What none of you were aware of was the fact that a familiar looking dark purple aura had seeped itself into the cliff that you were now all standing at.

Rainbow Dash: *spooky* Nopony knows. You know why?

(P/N): *groans* Rainbow, don't. You'll upset nature.

Rainbow Dash: 'cause everypony who's ever come in has never come out!

Suddenly, right as she shouted the final word, the entire cliff you were standing on gave way and collapsed, leading most of you with the exception of Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy falling down the cliff side. On instinct, you were about to summon your wings before you reminded yourself that you had to keep them hidden, so you resorted to grabbing onto a nearby branch and holding on for dear life as Applejack did the same.

Rainbow Dash: Fluttershy! Quick!

She flew down to where the rest of you were while the timid Pegasus followed right behind her while panicking.

Fluttershy: Oh my goodness, oh my goodness!

Meanwhile, Twilight kept sliding until she had reached the edge of the cliff side and clung to it. As Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were busy saving you, Pinkie, and Rarity, Applejack decided to go after Twilight.

Applejack: Hold on! I'm a-comin'!

She let go of the branch she was holding and slid down to where Twilight was and grabbed her by the hooves.

Twilight Sparkle: Applejack! What do I do?!

Applejack, unsure as to how to answer that, began thinking about how Twilight could make it out of this situation safely. In that moment, something deep inside Applejack gave her the answer as she looked back at Twilight.

Applejack: Let go.

Twilight Sparkle: Are you crazy?!

Applejack: No I ain't. I promise you'll be safe.

Twilight Sparkle: That's not true!

Applejack: Now listen here. What I'm sayin' to you is the honest truth. Let go, and you'll be safe.

She reassured her with a smile. Somehow, someway, Twilight felt like she could trust Applejack's words. So, on a whim, Twilight decided to believe in Applejack and let go, causing her to seemingly fall to her doom while screaming the whole time. It turned out that Applejack's request was sound as right before she hit the ground, Twilight was caught by Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. She smiled as she was slowly led downward while watching Applejack leap off a bunch of rock platforms on the side of the cliff with you following suit. Twilight gave her a smile.

Twilight Sparkle: You... you knew I'd be saved... didn't you?

Applejack: 'Course I did. I was telling ya the truth, wasn't I?

She asked with a smile of her own before trotting ahead as you walked up to Twilight.

(P/N): Hm, that's something that I've kinda noticed about her.

You pointed out with a hoof to your chin, making Twilight peer at you.

Twilight Sparkle: Huh? Noticed about what?

(P/N): Applejack. She's not one to keep things hidden from anypony. Most of the time she speaks her mind and tells you exactly what she feels. No sugarcoating, no passive-aggressive, just straight up honestly. I tell you, somepony like that is so hard to find these days.

You walked ahead of Twilight when you were done which gave her a moment to think about that. A shortcut later and we see all of you resuming your trot down the path to the long forgotten castle as Rainbow Dash couldn't help but gush over the cliff incident.

Rainbow Dash: And once Pinkie and Rarity were saved, whoosh... Me and Fluttershy loop-de-loop around and WHAM! Caught you right in the nick of time.

(P/N): Though, if it weren't for you setting nature off for scaring the others, that cliff wouldn't have broken in the first place.

Rainbow Dash: Oh, come on, P/N. None of you were hurt and that's all that matters.

(P/N): You're right, none of us were, but we still could have because you angered the forest! You had one job, Rainbow! One job!

Rainbow Dash: H-Hey, I was just messing around a little! I didn't mean to get anyone hurt!

(P/N): Are you kidding me? You were busting on the forest's feelings! What did you think was gonna happen?

Rainbow Dash: Since when do forests suddenly have feelings?!

You were about to offer a rebuttal to that before Twilight stepped in and put a hoof on the both of you, stopping you from carrying out the argument any further.

Twilight Sparkle: You guys, stop! This is exactly what Nightmare Moon would want! She wants to drive us apart. We'll never be able to find the Elements of Harmony if we're riffing on each other.

The two of you stare at her for a second before letting out a simultaneous sigh.

(P/N): She's... she's right, but if Rainbow puts our lives at risk again, don't say I didn't warn you.

Twilight Sparkle: P/N, we don't know for sure if it was her. For all we know, it could have been Nightmare Moon trying to slow us down. Did you consider that yet?

(P/N): Nightmare Moon is looking for the Elements of Harmony. Why in Equestria would she think that it's smarter to slow down her companions rather than just looking for it before we do?

Twilight Sparkle: I'm not entirely sure, but what I do know is that the both of you arguing most certainly will not get us there any faster now, will it?

(P/N): *sigh* No... no, it wouldn't.

Twilight Sparkle: Exactly, now let's go. We've wasted enough time as it-

Without warning, something large landed right in front of the lot of you, revealing itself to be a creature that resembled that of a lion, but also had the tail and stinger of a scorpion along with the wings of a dragon.

Twilight Sparkle: *loud gasp* A manticore!

She shouted as the creature let out a loud roar, scaring the rest of the group for a few seconds.

Twilight Sparkle: We've gotta get past him!

(P/N): Okay, let's just teleport behind him.

Rainbow Dash: Even if we could do that, that thing's gonna be chasing us the whole time! We've gotta show him who's boss!

(P/N): Absolutely not. You've upset nature one too many times tonight.

Unbeknownst to any of you, Fluttershy tried getting your attention but was stopped by one of you interjecting.

Fluttershy: U-Umm... everypo-

Rarity: For one, Rainbow has a point. That ruffian must be stopped if we hope to get through this forest peacefully!

(P/N): *sarcasm* Yeah, peacefully by assaulting an animal.

And with that, Rarity and the rest of the Mane Six with the exception of you and Fluttershy, charged at the lion-scorpion hybrid, making you groan along with a facehoof.

(P/N): It's not gonna work, girls! You're only agitating nature more by doing this!

Rarity was the first one up as the manticore swiped at her with a single clawed paw as the fashionista pony narrowly dodged his attack. She counterattacked with a kick to his face.

Rarity: Take that, you ruffian!

She taunted with a smirk before the manticore replied with another roar, this time, straight into Rarity's face and causing her mane to be all frizzled much to her dismay.

Rarity: My hair!

Because of this, Rarity hightailed it away.

Fluttershy: *quietly* Wait!

She tried calling out again, but the group still didn't listen to her as Applejack jumped up onto the manticore's back.

Applejack: YEE-HAW! Git along, little dogie!

She shouted while riding the ferocious beast as if it were a rodeo competition.

Fluttershy: *quietly* Wait!

She called out again only to be ignored for the third time as Applejack still wrangled with the manticore. After a few seconds, the manticore finally managed to throw the cowpony off of his back and into the air.

(P/N): You can't beat him into submission, girls!

You tried saying only to be ignored much like with Fluttershy.

Applejack: All yours, partner!

She offered Rainbow Dash who eagerly accepted before flying towards the manticore.

Fluttershy: *quietly* Wait!

She called out for the fourth time, but once again, she's overlooked as the brash pegasus began rapidly circling around the manticore. The creature reared his tail forwards and sent it back behind him, successfully hitting Rainbow spot on and sending her flying back.

Twilight Sparkle: Rainbow!

The Unicorn screamed to her as the spunky Pegasus skidded to a halt right in front of them. This made Twilight shoot a nasty glare at the manticore who kicked away the dirt at its feet, preparing to lunge out at them. After a glare is shared between both sides, they began the charge towards one another before both you and a certain overlook, quiet Pegasus finally stepped in.

(P/N) & Fluttershy: WAAAAAAAAIIIIIIT!!!!!!!!!!!

Your shouts finally were able to stop the fighting as they stood on either side of you and Fluttershy.

(P/N): *thinking* Huh, jinx. *speaking* Would you guys stop fighting for one gosh darn second and listen?! Fighting nature only will provoke it more and more!

Fluttershy: He's right, girls. Just please... let me take care of him.

She pleaded before spinning around and walking closer to the manticore who roared for a split second and raised a paw to swipe at her. She raised a hoof and shushed in a gentle voice.

Fluttershy: It's okay.

She reassured the creature. The manticore glanced back at her for a second before a pained look became apparent on his face and he turned one of his paws over, revealing a rather large thorn jabbed into it.

(P/N): Huh, so that's why you were acting all crazy... well... aside from them provoking you, of course.

You gave the rest of the group a small glare when you said that last part.

Fluttershy: Oh, you poor, poor little baby.

Rainbow Dash: Little?

She raised an eyebrow which led to you lightly elbowing her as you gave her a small glare while slightly shaking your head.

Fluttershy: Now this might hurt for just a second.

She reassured the giant cat before grasping onto the thorn in his paw and yanking it out, resulting in him grabbing Fluttershy and roaring her face. The rest of you grew fearful looks on your faces at the thought of poor Fluttershy being eaten before manticore's demeanor instantly changed as evidenced by him happily licking Fluttershy's face while purring as she giggled.

Fluttershy: Aw you're just a little ol' baby kitty, aren't you? Yes you are, yes you are.

In light of this, you all sighed in relief before walking past both the manticore and Fluttershy before he let her go and left as she caught up to you all.

Twilight Sparkle: How did you know about the thorn?

Fluttershy: I didn't. Sometimes we all just need to be shown a little kindness.

She replied, giving Twilight a small smile before turning and heading down the pathway as Twilight smiled as well. You then walked up and stood by her.

(P/N): Yup, that's Fluttershy. She may not be the most outgoing of all ponies, but she definitely knows when to pour her heart out at the right time. I've only known her for such a short time, but that's all it takes for one to understand her true nature.

You left after you said that, making Twilight process your words again before catching up with you afterwards. Little did any of you know that the thorn that was lodged into the manticore's paw had transformed itself into the same purple mist-like aura from before and it flew away. Another few moments later, you along with the Mane Six were walking through a deeper part of the woods as Rarity commented on the current situation.

Rarity: My eyes need a rest from all this icky muck.

As if the woods decided to head to her request, the woods suddenly became a lot darker and more foreboding, reducing your general field of vision.

Rarity: Well, I didn't mean that literally.

(P/N): Too late. "Ask, and you shall receive," as they always say.

Twilight Sparkle: That ancient ruin could be right in front of our faces and we wouldn't even know it.

Because of the now darkened woods, none of you were able to see the same purple aura seep into the trees all around you as they glowed a dark pink color. Applejack walked ahead a few feet before her hooves landed in some mud, but because of her temporary blindness, she couldn't make it out all that well.

Applejack: Oh wait, I think I stepped in somethin'.

All of a sudden, Fluttershy shrieked in fear when her eyes landed on something just behind Applejack, leading the cowpony to believe that her fear was directed at the mud on her hooves.

Applejack: It's just mud.

She pointed out nonchalantly before turning and was met with a sight she wasn't expecting, but was enough to make her shriek as well. All around you, the once normal trees had now been transformed so that they now had evil, sharp teeth bearing faces on them.

The group, with the exception of you, recoiled and shook in fear.

(P/N): Huh, neat.

You thought as the girls all screamed for the next moment or so. Suddenly, amongst the screams, laughter could be heard as you all turned to see Pinkie standing near and laughing at one of the evil looking trees while also making faces at them.

Twilight Sparkle: Pinkie, what are you doing?! Run!

Pinkie Pie: Oh girls, don't you see?

The jingle of some music could be heard as Pinkie began to bob up and down to the beat.

[Pinkie Pie]

When I was a little filly and the sun was going down...

Twilight Sparkle: Tell me she's not...

[Pinkie Pie]

The darkness and the shadows, they would always make me frown...

Rarity: She is.

(P/N): What'd you expect? It's Pinkie.

[Pinkie Pie]

I'd hide under my pillow

From what I thought I saw

But Granny Pie said that wasn't the way

To deal with fears at all

Rainbow Dash: Then what is?

[Pinkie Pie]

She said, "Pinkie, you gotta stand up tall

Learn to face your fears

You'll see that they can't hurt you

Just laugh to make them disappear."

Ha! Ha! Ha!

Sure enough, her laughter was able to revert the tree back to normal in a quick poof of magic which was able to surprise the group with the exception of you.

Mane Six: *gasp*

(P/N): How did that work? That wasn't even a real laugh.

[Pinkie Pie]

So, giggle at the ghostly

Guffaw at the grossly

Crack up at the creepy

Whoop it up with the weepy

Chortle at the kooky

Snortle at the spooky

And tell that big dumb scary face to take a hike and leave you alone and if he thinks he can scare you then he's got another thing coming and the very idea of such a thing just makes you wanna... hahahaha... heh...


(End Song)

All of you fell to the floor in laughter as all the trees turned back into their original forms. Once the laughter died down, you all stood back up and carried on with the journey as you walked up next to Twilight and spoke.

(P/N): Heh, okay. If there's one thing I know about Pinkie's unorthodox shenanigans, it's that in most cases, they're hilarious. She's always bursting with energy and will lighten up the mood of anypony around her. She always finds laughter in absolutely anything, even the worst of times. I'm kind of envious of her carefree nature, to be honest.

You walked ahead of her as Twilight for the third time stopped to really think of what your words implied.

Twilight Sparkle: Alright, just stop, P/N. What are you trying to pull by telling me all this?

You raised an eyebrow.

(P/N): What? I'm just giving my thoughts. I'm not really implying anything.

Twilight Sparkle: You sure it's only about your thoughts on those ponies? Not trying to force me into a friendship like through the countless hours I've suffered here?

(P/N): *sigh* No. You've made it perfectly clear that friendship is the last thing you want, so why would I be trying to convince you otherwise?

Twilight Sparkle: I don't know. It just seems like a tradition ponies do in this town.

(P/N): Look, Twilight, you're free to believe in whatever you want to, but I still stand by my belief that friendship can get you really far in life and it wouldn't be the end of the world if you gave it a try.

You replied a little sadly before trotting forwards once more, allowing Twilight to mumble to herself.

Twilight Sparkle: *mumble* But I have tried...

She sighed silently before she carried on walking. We now find you and the group walking and laughing over the trees before Pinkie came to an abrupt stop as you all bumped right into her. You peered around her and saw a river only that the water within was rapid and really dangerous.

You took a moment to examine it and came to a conclusion.

(P/N): Hmm, getting past this seems impossible unless we go around it somehow.

Twilight Sparkle: But that'll take too much time and we're in enough of a rush as it is.

(P/N): Then... why not Teleport?

You suggested. However, before Twilight could consider, you heard loud sobbing a decent distance away. You turned to the source and saw a large male sea serpent with black eyes, grayish mulberry scales with a grayish sapphire blue underbelly, and a brilliant orange mane with brilliant yellow highlights along with a mustache that held the same colors.

He cried rather dramatically while wallowing to himself as it turned out that he was the reason for the river being rapid as his flailing was stirring up the water.

Steven Magnet: *sobbing* What a world, what a world!

You blinked twice before glancing back at the girls as they held looks of sympathy.

(P/N): *thinking* I can already guess where this is going. *speaking* Girls, whatever this guy's going through, I'm sure it'll be-

You tried dissuading them which only resulted in them ignoring you and walking closer to the wailing serpent.

(P/N): -handled... without our input.

Twilight stepped up and spoke to the serpent, getting his attention.

Twilight Sparkle: Excuse me, sir. Why are you crying?

Steven Magnet: Well, I don't know. I was just sitting here, minding my own business, when this tacky little cloud of purple smoke just whisked past me and tore half of my beloved mustache clean off, and now I look simply horrid!

He went into a fit of tears again before falling backwards into the river, splashing a huge sum of water onto you all and soaking you.

(P/N): What? That purple smoke could've been anything.

Twilight Sparkle: You're still in denial, P/N? Nightmare Moon dissolved into a purple sparkle trail!

(P/N): Yeah, but that ain't a cloud, now is it?

Applejack: Let's get back to the topic afoot here, you two!

She shouted before turning back to the serpent.

Applejack: So, you're cryin' over your moustache bein' torn off? That's what all the fuss is about?

(P/N): Pity...

Rarity: Why, of course it is! How can you both be so insensitive?

She asked you and Applejack in disbelief while walking ahead a couple feet with her nose turned up.

(P/N): Hey, I said "pity", Rarity! It's not like I criticized him or anything! Give me a break!

Rarity sighs before facing the distraught serpent.

Rarity: Oh, just look at him. Such lovely luminescent scales.

Steven Magnet: *sniffs* I know.

Rarity: And your expertly coiffed mane.

Steven Magnet: Oh, I know, I know.

He replied, running his hand through his mane to smooth it out.

Rarity: Your fabulous manicure.

Steven Magnet: *gasp* It's so true!

Rarity: All ruined without your beautiful mustache.

Steven Magnet: It's true, I'm hideous!

It was in that moment that Rarity threw on a look of determination.

Rarity: I simply cannot let such a crime against fabulosity go uncorrected.

She then does something unexpected in the form of grabbing onto one of the serpent's scales and pulling it off, eliciting a pained yelp from him.

Steven Magnet: What did you do that for?

Rarity aims the scale behind her.

Twilight Sparkle: Rarity, what are you-

She's cut off by a loud slicing sound as the serpent faints. However, it's revealed that Rarity had used the scale to cut off her own tail before she used her magic to levitate it up to the serpent's ruined moustache and fused her tail with it, recompleting it. The serpent stares for a bit before elation comes back to him.

Steven Magnet: Oh-hohohoho! My mustache! How wonderful!

(P/N): *thinking* Try telling that to a pony with OCD.

Rarity: You look smashing.

She complimented him as Twilight went up to her.

Twilight Sparkle: Oh, Rarity, your beautiful tail...

Rarity: Oh. It's fine, my dear. Short tails are in this season.

(P/N): Yeah, I think she still looks good even without a tail.

Rarity: Thank you, P/N. Besides, it'll grow back.

Rainbow leans over to you.

Rainbow Dash: *muttering* So would the mustache.

(P/N): *muttering* Well, if you'd rather have him dramatically sobbing himself to sleep, then-

Once again, you're cut off by Twilight's next sentence.

Twilight Sparkle: *gasp* We can cross now! Let's go!

She pointed to the river which had now been calmed down thanks to the serpent no longer crying. Twilight took a few steps through the water before she was picked up by the serpent on his back, making himself into a makeshift bridge.

Steven Magnet: Allow me.

You all decided not to turn him down and hopped on his body across the water until you made it to the other side. As you resumed trotting, like clockwork, you went up to Twilight.

(P/N): You know, Rarity's a lot of things, but the one thing that defines her the most is her unquestionable generosity. When I first came to Ponyville and helped her with a little accident she went through, she offered to pay for half the price of my house without hesitation. It's things like that that really make me admire a mare such as her.

Twilight Sparkle: Well, at least looks aren't everything to you. Spike's been all over Rarity only because of her beauty.

(P/N): He's a baby dragon, Twi. It's a classic case of puppy love for him. Little dude's got a while before puberty hits him.

Twilight Sparkle: Heh, that won't stop him, I'm sure.

(P/N): Just watch, Twilight. There's gonna come a day where he's gonna lay his feelings out to her and she'll sadly turn him down.

Twilight Sparkle: If he can muster the courage that is.

She replied as your walk resumed. Finally, after much walking and facing trial after trial, the royal sisters' castle was found at long last.

Twilight Sparkle: There it is, the ruin that holds The Elements of Harmony! We made it!

(P/N): You sure we didn't make a wrong exit or something? There could be multiple other ruins around here for all we know.

Twilight Sparkle: It has to be! There's no other decrepit castle around here. Come on, let's go!

(P/N): *thinking* *sigh* I was two days into retirement and then all of this had to happen.

(Shadowlight9743: Is... he referring to us?)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Either that or he's referring to himself.)

(Shadowlight9743: Well, we scrapped the fourth wall, so I guess it doesn't really matter anyway.)

Twilight, in her excitement, ran ahead to the ruins of the castle as you tried catching up to her.

Applejack: Twilight, wait for us!

Twilight Sparkle: We're almost there. Whoa!

She was too ecstatic to notice the long drop into an abyss right in front of her along with the bridge being fallen as she dangled over the edge while trying to push herself back up. Rainbow came up behind, grabbed her by the tail, and pulled her back onto solid ground.

Rainbow Dash: What's with you and falling off cliffs today?

(P/N): Hey, you stole my thunder, Rainbow!

Rainbow Dash: Ha! You snooze, you lose, P/N!

(P/N): Great. First you agitate nature, now you're stealing thunder? I swear, Gaia Everfree is not gonna make life easy for you after this.

You turned towards the cliff and peered down into it before glancing up at the castle.

(P/N): Okay, surely, now's a good time for teleportation, rig-

Rainbow Dash: No worries, you guys! I got this!

She silenced you before diving down into the abyss to retrieve the other end of the bridge. You stared with a face of shock for a few seconds before it slowly turned into that of red hot anger. Your hoof shook in rage until you regained your composure and took a deep breath. Rainbow, meanwhile, landed on the other side of the casym with the other end of the bridge's rope in her mouth. She was just about to tie it around a set of stones before a far off voice stopped her from doing so as a strange fog started to surround her.

???: Rainbow...

Rainbow Dash: Who's there?

???: Rainbow...

Rainbow Dash: I ain't scared of you! Show yourself!

She asked while standing on her hindlegs and getting into a fighting position.

???: We've been eagerly awaiting the arrival of the best flyer in Equestria.

Rainbow Dash: Who?

???: Why, you, of course.

Rainbow Dash: Really?! I mean... Oh yeah, me. Hey, uh, you wouldn't mind telling the Wonderbolts that, would ya? 'cause I've been trying to get into that group for like, ever.

???: No, Rainbow Dash. We want you to join us, The Shadowbolts.

The one behind the voice was finally revealed as three figures ran out from the fog and skidded to a stop with some flare. The figures were three ponies who wore outfits that were similar to the Wonderbolts, but with some major differences.

The main Shadowbolt spoke while the other two remained silent.

Nightingale: I am Nightingale, founder of the Shadowbolts. We're the greatest aerial team in the Everfree Forest, and soon we will be the greatest in all Equestria, but first, we need a captain.

Her words were slowly gaining Rainbow's interest as she continued to give her an ego boost.

Nightingale: The most magnificent-

Rainbow Dash: Yep.

Nightingale: Swiftest-

Rainbow Dash: Yes.

Nightingale: Bravest flyer in all the land.

Rainbow Dash: Yes, *chuckle* it's all true.

Nightingale: We need... you.

That request alone was enough to make Rainbow Dash smile with glee.

Rainbow Dash: WOOHOO! Sign me up. Just let me tie this bridge real quick and then we have a deal.

She tried to hook the bridge back up before Nightingale stopped her with a glare.

Nightingale: No! It's them or us!

Rainbow recoiled in shock in response to this pony's sudden shift in attitude before Twilight's voice called to her.

Twilight Sparkle: Rainbow, what's taking so long?

She peered across the chasm and saw the three shady ponies as did the rest of you.

(P/N): Oh great! The last thing we need is random ponies making shoddy deals!

Twilight Sparkle: Oh no. Rainbow!

She called again. To silence her, Nightingale shot a nasty glare at you and the group before her eyes glowed a bright yellow and the fog grew in size.

Twilight Sparkle: *muffled* Don't listen to them!

She tried saying, but the fog muffled her voice rendering it too silent for Rainbow to be able to hear.

Nightingale: Well?

She asked, hoping that Rainbow had made up her mind. The spunky mare takes a moment to think before she gives her answer.

Rainbow Dash: You...

She started with a glare before it turned into a smile.

Rainbow Dash: Thank you! For the offer, I mean, but I'm afraid I have to say no.

And with that said, she tied the other end of the bridge to the supports and flew back over to where you all were waiting as she landed a few feet in front of you as the girls all cheered for her.

Rainbow Dash: See? I'd never leave my friends hangin'. Now, come on! We've got some elements to find!

She took off towards the front doors of the castle and the others slowly crossed the rickety bridge as one again, you stood by Twilight's side.

(P/N): I won't lie, Rainbow can be a bit brash and uncoordinated at times, but I will say that she doesn't disappoint when it comes to always being there for her friends. I mean, she could have easily gone with those three shady ponies, but she gave up the chance in order to help us. That right there shows just how loyal of a pony Rainbow Dash is.

Twilight Sparkle: Still, it wouldn't hurt if she cooled it with her compulsive behavior.

(P/N): This coming from the pony who compulsively ran forwards without looking where she was going and nearly fell down into the abyss?

You pointed out with a smirk.

Twilight Sparkle: *sigh* Alright, I'm a hypocrite. Is that what you wanted to hear, P/N?

(P/N): Heh, yes, Miss Sparkle. Yes indeed.

With that bit of teasing out of the way, you made it to the interior of the castle where you found a strange pedestal with five rounded stones sitting on smaller outstretched platforms. You surmised that the stones must have been the Elements of Harmony.

All of you let out an "ooh" or an "ahh" while gazing at said elements.

Applejack: Come on, Twilight. Isn't this what you've been waitin' for?

Twilight Sparkle: The Elements of Harmony, we've found them!

(P/N): These are them? They don't... look that impressive to be honest.

Twilight Sparkle: That's because they've been dormant for over a thousand years. They need to be reawakened.

(P/N): *thinking* That long? Jeez, they really need to get out after this.

After that thought, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash flew up to each element and carefully picked them up and placed them down onto the ground right in front of Twilight. As they did, Pinkie counted them.

Pinkie Pie: One, two, three, four... There's only five!

Rainbow Dash: Where's the sixth?

Twilight Sparkle: The book said: when the five are present, a spark will cause the sixth Element to be revealed.

(P/N): Did they really need to make that sound so cryptic? Just for once, I'd like to have something explained to us that makes sense instead of making it so complicated.

Applejack: I'm with P/N on that one. What in the hay is that supposed to mean?

Twilight Sparkle: I'm not sure, but I have an idea.

(P/N): *sigh* Whatever this idea is, it had better be a fast one. I'm not so sure how far away Nightmare Moon is. For all we know, she could be watching us.

Twilight Sparkle: You're just realizing that now?

She raises an unamused eyebrow at you.

Rainbow Dash: Don't mind him, Twilight. It's not like he's done anything noteworthy so far anyways.

She pointed with a slight glare. Your eyes widened a bit and you formed your own glare.

(P/N): I'm sorry... mind elaborating, Rainbow?

Rainbow Dash: Do I really have to spell it out for you, P/N? I mean, name one notable thing you've done throughout our entire journey through the forest that didn't involve you constantly whining and criticizing everything we've done up until now.

(P/N): Okay, first off, I wasn't whining, I was offering my legitimate concerns. Second, Twilight hasn't done anything either, so I don't know why you're targeting me about this.

Rainbow Dash: Twilight's the one who showed us how and where to find the castle to begin with. Meanwhile, you gave us a hard time about supposedly insulting a forest. A FOREST!! Forests aren't alive, P/N, so why do you care so much about how it feels?!

(P/N): You think I even wanted to be here?! I didn't want to go on this stupid quest in the first place! I've been stuck in my career for a large portion of my life and I finally had a chance to retire! Now, this comes up and I'm stuck doing the very thing that I wanted to quit for so long! I had to practically throw my entire life away for it!

Twilight Sparkle: Well, if it's that much of an issue for you, why did you come?

(P/N): Because it's what I'm supposed to do! It's the right thing to do because there is a pony in need of saving! I'm far from a hero, I know that, but I'd make a sacrifice to help another pony rather than just chillax for the rest of my life! I'd never forgive myself if I didn't!

You shook your head and continued.

(P/N): You know, you've got some nerve to say that I'm the unreasonable one here when you've all been just as unreasonable. I've tried saying over and over again that maybe, just MAYBE, we should try teleporting, TELEPORTING, past certain obstacles, but every time I so much as attempted, you all just brushed me off without hesitation! And why did we have to stop for a moment to help some melodramatic serpent when we've got much more pressing matters at the moment such as, oh I don't know, the fate of all Equestria as we know it?! *sarcasm* Oh yeah! Because a serpent's ripped off mustache is soooo much more important than putting a stop to Nightmare Moon and her impending eternal night!

You turned away with a saddened sigh.

(P/N): I've tried, I've really, really tried to be a valuable part of this team, but you all just kick me off to the side as if I were an empty tin can sitting on a dirt road.

Rainbow Dash: You TRIED being valuable?!

Applejack: *sigh* Rainbow, just cal-

Rainbow Dash: Don't tell me to calm down, Applejack! You agree with me, right? He's done absolutely NOTHING since we first arrived at the Everfree forest! Heck, even Fluttershy here managed to tame a manticore. A MANTICORE!!

Fluttershy: W-Well... tame isn't exactly the word I'd use.

(P/N): Coming from the egotistical barf of colors that caused us to fall off a cliff with some stupid hysteria!

Rainbow Dash: How many times do I have to say this?! THAT. WASN'T. MY. FAULT!!!

(P/N): THAT'S A LOAD OF COW MANURE!! *sigh* You know what? I can clearly see that you don't want me here since I haven't "done anything" apparently.

You faced the other end of the castle as a few tears began to wheel up in your eyes.

(P/N): I suppose that's what I get for trying to help. Guess friendship really wasn't all it was cracked up to be. You made a smart move by neglecting it, Twi.

With that last word, you took off into the deeper parts of the castle.

Twilight Sparkle: P/N, wait! Come back!

She tried calling out to you, but you wouldn't listen as you still carried on running.

Rainbow Dash: Pfft! Let him go, Twilight. We didn't need him anyways.

Twilight Sparkle: *sigh* Rainbow, you didn't need to give him such a hard time for that.

Rainbow Dash: And why not? P/N hasn't done anything the whole time we've been here.

Twilight Sparkle: And does that really give you permission to just go off on him the way you did?

Rainbow Dash: He's been a complete snarky jerk the whole time! Sooner or later, he had to go!

Twilight Sparkle: And you driving him off most certainly won't change anything from the past! *sigh* I didn't wanna say this, but... he spoke highly of you guys. He spoke highly about you, Rainbow Dash.

She revealed, making the rainbow-maned Pegasus freeze.

Rainbow Dash: He... he did?

Twilight Sparkle: Yes.

She turned and gazed at the rest of the Mane Six.

Twilight Sparkle: He had such sweet words to say about all of you about how great you guys were. I didn't understand why he was telling me all of it at first, but... now I realize that he was telling me because... he was really fond of you, of all of you.

She faces Rainbow Dash again.

Twilight Sparkle: So, imagine how he must feel now that you've insulted him, Rainbow. And... now that I think about it... he was right about us. We never really gave him a chance to formulate a plan or even a strategy. We just... neglected him.

Rainbow Dash: Well... yeah! Because... because he was being a loud mouth!

She replied with some slight hesitance in her voice.

Twilight Sparkle: Only because of how rough of a life he's had, Rainbow. He told me that he didn't have such a good life growing up and it's because of that, that he's a little bitter about certain things. Now, admittedly, that doesn't instantly excuse all of it, but... it's understandable at the very least. Look... I don't know why, but... I have this feeling that... P/N's part will be played very soon.

Rarity: Really? What and when would that be, darling?

Twilight Sparkle: I'm not sure, but I do feel it. Anyways, we'll have to find him later. Right now, we've gotta figure out how to bring forth the spark that'll reactivate the elements.


The camera pans upwards to one of the lone towers of the ruined castle of the two sisters as you were walking slowly into the main room with your head hung low along with a few tears hitting the floor.

(P/N): *sigh* I don't know why I even bothered coming on this journey. They don't need me, so... why did I try?

You made it to the center of the room and sat down quietly.

(P/N): They could never understand. Why would they? They weren't around for the past few years of my life. They don't know what I've been through and no amount of exposition would be able to fix that.

You then slumped on the floor with a plop.

(P/N): Seems like no matter where I go, I can't seem to fit in. *sigh* I've been around Equestria for far too long. At this rate, death is the only thing I can look forward to.

(Shadowlight9743: Tch. *muttering* And yet he was complaining about being edgy earlier.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: *muttering* I know, right?)

???: Awww... poor, poor, P/N.

A voice from no audible source startled you to your hooves.

(P/N): *sigh* Come on. I was having a moment for Celestia's sake! Can't a guy just have some peace and quiet for once?!

You shouted to the voice before the same dark purple aura from before came through the entrance to the room and slithered across the floor until it reached the other side. It rose up and began to morph into the shape of Nightmare Moon before the dark pony herself appeared at last as she cackled.

Nightmare Moon: I saw the whole thing. It seems that friendship doesn't work for you.

(P/N): *sarcasm* Well, I'm happy somepony enjoyed the performance. *sincerity* Can you leave me alone now?

Nightmare Moon: *sharp inhale* I would, but I still need to take care of something first.

(P/N): And that would be what?

Nightmare Moon: Well, remember how I said that death was coming for you in the form of me?

She asked as her eyes glowed a dark purple.

Nightmare Moon: Well, it's about time that I fulfilled that promise for you speaking so fouly to me.

(P/N): *sarcasm* Oh, no. I didn't talk to a pony the "right" way and now I gotta die for it. Yeah, real mature. *sincerely* Nothing you do can phase me in the slightest. I've been on one too many adventures that I've lost the thrill of them, whether it's fear or excitement.

She growled in anger before she calmed herself and brought back her toothy smile.

Nightmare Moon: So, you've chosen to take the easy way out then? What happened to the pony who tried taking me down by his lonesome?

(P/N): *sigh* I honestly didn't plan on doing it myself. I was just the only pony who was willing to put himself out there. Well, Rainbow tried too, but she didn't get the opportunity.

Nightmare Moon: And I'll be sure to pay her and those so called "friends" of yours a visit once I'm through with you.

This managed to strike a nerve in you and you gave her a nasty glare.

(P/N): Alright, listen you pompous narcissist. You can do whatever you want to me, but leave them out of it.

Nightmare Moon: Or what? Are you finally going to put up a fight? The last I checked, you only seemed to do something when they were in trouble.

(P/N): Why do you worry so much about me putting up a fight? Do you just enjoy the feeling of being defeated? Are you a masochist?

Nightmare Moon: Oh, it's quite the opposite, young one. I enjoy seeing those helplessly attempt to put a stop to me when they know that they can't do a thing to me, not without the Elements of Harmony of course, which, to my knowledge, were too busy collecting dust. And so far, you've been the only one to give me the most entertainment since no pony else has tried.

(P/N): Hey, hooray for me then, huh?

She huffs at that before cracking her neck from side to side and getting into a fighting stance as you did the same.

Nightmare Moon: I must say, you're quite brave for a lowly Unicorn, although that bravery can easily be mistaken for stupidity.

(P/N): I guess there's only one way to find out if my bravery is quote unquote "mistaken" as you claim it to be.

Zelda Battle - The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

You and Nightmare Moon stared each other down while circling the room slowly and surely. She was the first to make a move as she sent a blast of magic your way and you kicked it to the side with one of your hooves. She growls before sending several more blasts at you. You did your best to maneuver your way around them until she stopped and you blasted at her with one of your own. She summons a shield to protect herself before transforming into her aura form which takes on the form of the three Shadowbolts from before who took off to the sky and circled above you at rapid speeds. You tried firing at them which resulted in them either veering out of the way or by knocking them back down at you so that you had to jump out of the way. All three occasionally dive bombed down on you and sent a few hits your way, making you grunt in a pained voice with each punch. You slammed both forehooves into the ground, creating a shockwave strong enough to knock all three Pegasi backwards and into the wall at the other side.

The three scowled before morphing into the aura again and transforming into something else, this time, into a more evil looking version of the manticore from before. It roars before charging at you, swinging its tail horizontally. It hits you and sends you into the wall behind you with a loud bang. Meanwhile, the girls heard the bang go off as they looked around in shock.

Applejack: What in tarnation was that?!

Rarity: Look!

She shouts, staring out a nearby window at the tower that both you and Nightmare Moon were at to see some debris and rubble falling from it.

Twilight Sparkle: Do... do you all think it could be Nightmare Moon?!

Rainbow Dash: Only one way to find out! Let's go see!

She took off down the corridor to where the fighting was taking place as the rest of the mares followed as Twilight lagged behind a bit while carrying the Elements of Harmony with her.

Back with you, you were trying to hold off the manticore, but it was just way too fast for you to handle. Eventually, it's claws managed to swipe your face hard, leaving a red scratch mark all across your muzzle. You lightly wiped the fluid dripping down your cheek as you discovered that it was blood. While you were distracted by this, the manticore took this opportunity to repeatedly maul you with its claws, causing you to scream at the top of your lungs, resulting in the attention of the mares.

Twilight Sparkle: W-Was that...?

Fluttershy: I-It... it sounded like P/N! He must be in trouble!

Applejack: Well, what're we all waitin' for?! Let's go and help him!

Rainbow Dash: *sigh* It... it wouldn't be right of me to just sit off to the side even if he hasn't done much, so... count me in!

Twilight Sparkle: Girls, you go on ahead! I'll try and catch up while igniting the spark!

Rarity: Darling, it may be a bit difficult to concentrate with all these constant quakes Nightmare Moon must be the cause of.

Twilight Sparkle: It'll be fine, Rarity. Just go. P/N needs you right now.

Fluttershy: B-But, Twilight. P/N needs you too.

Hearing that made Twilight freeze a little as she glanced over at Fluttershy with an anxiously raised eyebrow.

Twilight Sparkle: H-Huh? What do you mean?

Fluttershy: If P/N's in trouble, he's gonna need all of us to help him out and that includes you too.

Pinkie Pie: I agree! P/N's gonna want all six of us to stand by his side!

Twilight thought for a moment and then an idea suddenly popped into her head as she turned back to the rest of the mares. She levitates the five Elements of Harmony with her magic and then speaks her mind.

Twilight Sparkle: I'm assuming whatever's going on over there is both P/N and Nightmare Moon fighting. If he can stall her long enough, I might be able to concentrate AND get a perfect shot at her.

Rainbow Dash: Let's hurry up then! I don't know how P/N's fairing against her and I'd rather not wait around for too long!

Twilight Sparkle: Not this time, girls. I'm doing this one myself.

Mane 5: What?!

Rarity: But... but Twilight, P/N needs all of us!

Twilight Sparkle: If we all go, there's a higher chance of Nightmare Moon spotting us and when she does, she'll attempt to assassinate us to both destroy the Elements of Harmony and to emotionally scar P/N. You may not be on good terms with him right now, but he must still care about you all somewhere and Nightmare Moon will surely use that to her advantage. *sigh* Trust me, girls, this is for the best.

She stated somewhat sadly before running ahead while carrying the elements with her.

Mane 5: Twilight!

They called, but the bookworm still ran at full speed to where you were. Speaking of which, you weren't having much luck when it came to fending off Nightmare Moon as evidenced by you being knocked away again followed by even more slashes and hits to your body by Nightmare Moon in her manticore body. You roughly fell to the ground in pain. Many cuts and bruises riddled your body, making it harder for you to try and so much as stand up.

(P/N): *thinking* D-Dang! The... the only way I could stand even a remote chance against her is if I use my wings, but... but I can't! I-If... if I do... everypony will know... even... even Twilight and the others.

Meanwhile, your opponent lets out a sickening cackle before morphing back into her pony form and smirking down at you, slowly inching closer and closer to you.

Nightmare Moon: It seems that you're all talk and no bite. So much for your condescending confidence.

You tried standing up, but were immediately pushed back to the hard ground thanks to Nightmare Moon pressing a hoof against your head.

(P/N): *groans* You're... one to talk. You've *groans* taken a lot of hits yourself.

Nightmare Moon: But I'm not the one lying on the floor like a wounded dog now, am I? *giggles*

Her giggles died down and a frown replaced her smirk.

Nightmare Moon: It was foolish of you to think you could stand even a miniscule chance against a pony such as myself. I am a literal goddess, you insignificant foal! What gave you the idea that you could challenge me, I wonder? Ignorance? Cockiness? Arrogance? Or all the above? Hmm, I'm just gonna go with the last option.

(P/N): Goddess? *chuckles* *coughs* Seriously? That's what you see yourself as? *cough* Please, you are far from ever reaching the title of goddess. A good goddess looks after those she protects. *cough* You, meanwhile, hope to subjugate everyone into accepting this eternal night of yours. I'll tell you one thing, if you manage to win this... your empire would be as crooked as your dental work. *cough* Seriously, get those stalagmite and stalactite teeth checked out for Celestia's sake.

Nightmare Moon: *growls* THAT DOES IT!! You have sealed your fate indefinitely!

Her horn glows a bright purple, meaning she's preparing for another blast.

Nightmare Moon: I'm through with your attitude! If you wish to smartmouth me, then you will die a smartmouth!

(P/N): At least I was born with a sense of humor. You really need to... lighten up!

Nightmare Moon: Lighten up? What are you- ARGGHHH!!!

She's blasted away while in the middle of her sentence and crashes at the other end of the room. A figure runs and stands right in front of you. You looked up weakly to see the form of the bookworm herself, Twilight Sparkle, who glared back at Nightmare Moon.

Twilight Sparkle: Hurt him again, and you'll have to deal with me, Nightmare Moon!

(End Battle Music Here)

Your eyes opened wider weakly and you raised a hoof up to her.

(P/N): *pained* T-Twilight, s-stand down!

Twilight looks back down at you.

Twilight Sparkle: It'll be okay, P/N! I think I'm close to figuring out how to get the spark we need to revive the elements!

(P/N): Twilight, don't tell her you-

Nightmare Moon: You have the Elements of Harmony!?

She screamed in shock as you facehooved with a pained sigh. Without any hint of a warning, Nightmare Moon used her magic to poof the elements away from Twilight's magical hold on them and appear right beside her. She let out a gasp of surprise before getting into a running stance with a glare which only made the nightmarish pony look at her quizzically.

Nightmare Moon: You're kidding. You're kidding, right? Do you not see what I have done to your little stallion friend? Are you sure you want the same done to you?

Her show of intimidation didn't phase Twilight in the slightest as she ran towards Nightmare Moon with her horn glowing a bright purple. Nightmare Moon chose to do the same thing as she too charged full speed at Twilight. Twilight's horn grew brighter and brighter until it completely engulfed her and she disappeared right before Nightmare Moon could touch her. The evil pony looks around for a moment before Twilight appeared right beside the elements once more. After she sighs in relief, she gets back to focusing on igniting the spark.

Twilight Sparkle: *groans* Just one spark! Come on, come on!

She begs, pouring more power into her horn. Her opponent, meanwhile, glares for the thousandth time and morphs into her aura form and flies right at Twilight and appears before her. Seeing this only made you grow more fearful.

(P/N): Twilight...

You then push every fiber of strength you have within yourself as you used your magic to teleport her back to you, holding her captive in the process.

(P/N): I won't...lose... you... Twilight...

Twilight Sparkle: P-P/N?! What did you-

She tried saying, but was cut off when she heard Nightmare Moon's panicked voice.

Nightmare Moon: No, no!

You looked over at her and saw that the elements had a charge of electricity coursing through them and connecting to each other. You and Twilight smiled and waited for the sixth element to reveal itself... however... it never came as the spark of electricity disappeared from the elements as if it had never been there at all, making Twilight's face instantly turn into one of fear.

Twilight Sparkle: *gasps* But... where's the sixth Element?!

The initial fear in Nightmare Moon had now disappeared and she cackled loudly. She then raised both of her forelegs and slammed them into the ground and shattered the elements into tiny pieces. Horrified looks became very much apparent on both yours and Twilight's faces as Nightmare Moon continued to cackle. You struggle to stand in front of Twilight, raising your hooves to block any incoming attack Nightmare Moon may have prepared.

(P/N): Not... this... time...

Nightmare Moon: *laughter* You little foals! Thinking you could defeat me? Now you will never see your princess, or your sun! The night will last forever!

She continues to cackle as her mane and tail began to swirl above her much like they did before. You looked over at Twilight weakly as a wave of anxiety arose from the pit of your stomach.

(P/N): *thinking* There's... there's only one way to stop her, but... I'd have to reveal my wings for me to do that.

You took another look at Twilight to see her still staring at Nightmare Moon with a defeated and sad expression.

(P/N): *thinking* But... if I don't... the sun will be gone forever. *sigh* I... I don't have a choice. Even if I get outed for this, I don't care! The Elements of Harmony are gone now. I... I need to do this.

With a heavy sigh, you slowly glanced down at your sides and prepared to lift the invisibility spell. However, before you could do so, the sounds of familiar voices erupted from the hallway just outside the entrance to the room... the voices of the girls... the voices... of your friends... friends...

(P/N): *thinking* Wait... THAT'S IT!!

You thought as a smile began to creep along your face and you turned back to Twilight who still looked just about ready to give up. You limped over and nudged her rather hardly.

(P/N): Twilight! Listen! Do you hear that?!

You urged her, making her turn up to you weakly. Right as she was about to ask what's up, your friends' voices caught her ear and she turned towards the doorway and saw their now viewable shadows rising up the stairway meaning they were getting closer. In that moment, Twilight felt something... something deep inside her... a... connection of sorts. Right then and there, everything... clicked... and she gasped quietly along with her eyes widening as a small, but still noticeable, purple colored spark flickered in her pupils.

Seeing that was enough to make you realize that she too had finally figured out the key to the spark.

(P/N): Looks like you got this one in the bag, Twi.

You said to her with a smile. She smiles back at you before it turns into a smirk and she faces Nightmare Moon.

Twilight Sparkle: You think you can destroy The Elements of Harmony just like that? Well, you're wrong, because the spirits of The Elements of Harmony are right here!

She said as the rest of the group had finally arrived and stood right beside her. This causes the pieces of the elements to suddenly rise into the air while covered in different colored auras of magic which is enough to bring Nightmare Moon's worried expression back.

Nightmare Moon: What?!

Twilight then began reminiscing on the journey to the castle as well as what each of the other mares represented.

Twilight Sparkle: Applejack, who reassured me when I was in doubt, represents the spirit of... honesty!

A few pieces of the elements flew over to Applejack and circled around her.

Twilight Sparkle: Fluttershy, who tamed the manticore with her compassion, represents the spirit of... kindness!

The same result happened for Fluttershy as she hovered in mid air while a few element shards surrounded her. 

Twilight Sparkle: Pinkie Pie, who banished fear by giggling in the face of danger, represents the spirit of... laughter!

Again, a few pieces flew over to and encircled the party mare who held her iconic ecstatic smile.

Twilight Sparkle: Rarity, who calmed a sorrowful serpent with a meaningful gift represents the spirit of... generosity!

A few more element pieces circled around the fashionista as she stood silently.

Twilight Sparkle: And Rainbow Dash, who could not abandon her friends for her own heart's desire represents the spirit of... loyalty!

The last few pieces flew over to the spunky mare who smirked in confidence.

Twilight Sparkle: The spirits of these five ponies got us through every challenge you threw at us.

Nightmare Moon: You still don't have the sixth Element! The spark didn't work!

She stated matter factly, but that still didn't affect Twilight's smirk.

Twilight Sparkle: But it did! A different kind of spark.

She then spins around and looks at each of the mares as a few small tears escape her eyes as they gave her smiles in return.

Twilight Sparkle: I felt it the very moment I realized how happy I was to hear you, to see you, how much I cared about you. The spark ignited inside me when I realized that you all... are my friends!

Unbeknownst to them, you hung your head a little at feeling a little left out.

(P/N): *thinking* *sigh* Guess they really didn't need me after all.

A flash of light gained your attention for a second and you looked up to where it came from. Hanging high up in the sky was none other than the sixth element which had an image of a six pointed star engraved upon it.

Twilight Sparkle: You see, Nightmare Moon, when those Elements are ignited by the... the spark, that resides in the heart of us all, it creates the sixth element: the element of... magic!

She said proudly. At first, you were planning to remain silent, but something inside you wanted to make something known to Nightmare Moon. So, slowly, you limped over until you were right beside Twilight which made her turn her gaze to you.

Twilight Sparkle: P-P/N? What are you-

(P/N): Nightmare Moon... you act like you know me, but you don't know a thing... not a single thing. I'm not stupid, I'm not arrogant, and I'm especially not cocky. You wanna know who really gets me?

You waved a hoof to the Mane Six.

(P/N): They do. I've only known them for a short while, but... in that time, I've come to really admire each and every one of them... even if some of them can be a bit much to handle at times.

You shot Rainbow Dash an all knowing look before turning back to Nightmare Moon.

(P/N): Even still, despite how much I might inevitably argue, fight, or disagree with them, I'll always defend them. I've learned time and time again to not let my personal fears and doubts get the better of me and these extraordinary mares amplify those feelings ten fold.

You narrowed your eyes.

(P/N): So, send whatever fears you've got because I'll take them down. I'll take all of them down... for my friends.

Suddenly, the Elements of Harmony began to spark and ignite themselves when they sensed your presence before shooting out several beams of light and colliding right above where you were next to the Element of Magic. A flash of light occurs and a gasp escapes yours as well as your friends' lips. About ten feet above you, floating right beside Twilight's element, was what seemed to be... a seventh element. This one, however, seemed to have an etching on it that closely resembled that of your Cutie Mark.


(P/N): Trust me, we're... all just as confused as you are.

You replied, still shocked by this sudden turn of events before smirking at Nightmare Moon.

(P/N): But since the odds are in our favor, I'm just gonna roll with it.

You shared a smirking glance at Twilight and then to the rest of the mares.

(P/N): Let's show this pompous witch what we're made of, girls!

Mane Six: Got it!

They replied with the same feelings as you as the elements began to glow yet again. Then, one by one, the pieces surrounding Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash came together and formed different colored pendants that hooked around their necks. However, with yours and Twilight's elements, hers formed into that of a tiara with a purple colored star and yours formed into a crown with your element in the same place which took on a (F/C) color and was in the exact shape of your Cutie Mark. You and your friends floated closer together as an even brighter light surrounded the lot of you before a huge, rainbow colored blast of magic flew up above and came together high above before firing itself downwards at Nightmare Moon.

Nightmare Moon: NOOOOOO!!!!

She screams before the rainbow blast circled around and covered her entire being.

Nightmare Moon: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!

The beam continued to circle around her before the rainbow formed into that of a tornado around the dark mare as you and your friends floated in mid air for another moment or two before Twilight and your eyes' shot open, revealing them to be glowing white before everything else faded to white. A moment or two passed before you woke up with a groan. You sat up as the others did the same.

Rainbow Dash: Ugh, my head.

Applejack: Everypony okay?

(P/N): *groans* No...

Rarity: Oh, thank goodness.

You looked over to her and noticed that her tail had magically grown back to its full length as she was busy admiring it.

(P/N): *thinking* *sarcasm* Woooooow. Really compassionate, Rarity.

Fluttershy: Why Rarity, it's so lovely.

Rarity: I know! I'll never part with it again.

Fluttershy: No. Your necklace. It looks just like your cutie mark.

She points to a golden encrusted necklace with a violet diamond gem in the middle of it. Rarity's gaze drifted to the necklace and she grew astonished by it.

Rarity: What? Ooh. So does yours.

She points to Fluttershy's necklace with the same golden encrusted symbol, but instead of a violet diamond, it was replaced with a hot pink butterfly gem. This made a small gasp escape from Fluttershy as Pinkie bounced closer to them.

Pinkie Pie: Look at mine! Look at mine!

She pointed to her own necklace which had a sky blue colored balloon shaped gem in the middle.

Rainbow Dash: Aw, yeah!

She shouted, giving the red lightning bolt gem on her necklace a look over. Then there were yours and Twilight's elements. Her tiara had a purple six sided star sitting just above and in the middle as yours was similar, but more akin to that of an actual crown with your gem being in the shape of your Cutie Mark in that it was heart shaped with wings on the side and the gem was a (F/C) color.

(P/N): I don't really dig royal accessories if I'm being honest.

You took it off and stared at it in your hooves for a moment before shrugging.

(P/N): Though, you never know until you try, I guess.

You commented before placing it back on your head.

Applejack: Gee, Twilight! I thought you were just spoutin' a lot of hooey, but I reckon we really do represent the elements of friendship.

(P/N): Well, considering the fact that the Elements of Harmony had accepted each and every one of you, I'm gonna say that that's true.

Twilight then walked up and gazed at your crown in curiosity and shock.

Twilight Sparkle: I'm... I'm still blown away by you having one too, P/N. I thought there was only meant to be six.

(P/N): Yeah, if there were seven, why didn't the book mention anything about it? If they knew there was a sixth element, how could they not know about the seventh?

Twilight Sparkle: Unless... they saw how connected you were to us and... decided to create one for you, perhaps?

(P/N): I don't know how that's possible since the authors of that book can't possibly still be alive today to observe that.

Twilight Sparkle: There's a lot about the Elements of Harmony that we don't know of, P/N, so this may very well be one of their surprises that they've yet to show us until now.

(P/N): Still, I don't think new Elements would just form out of nowhere. If that's the case, surely anypony could just have an Element of Harmony at their disposal.

Twilight Sparkle: I guess that's a mystery that'll be solved for another time.

She then had a small moment of realization before turning and giving Rainbow a slight glare.

Twilight Sparkle: Rainbow... don't you have something you'd like to say to P/N?

She asked, gaining a small sigh from the pegasus herself. She slowly walked over and stood in front of the both of you before looking at you with a guilty expression.

Rainbow Dash: P/N... I'm... *sigh* I'm really sorry for... you know... what I said earlier. I shouldn't have insulted you the way I did by saying that you had no part to play in this. Judging by the fact that the Elements somehow were able to give you a new Element... well... I guess that proves how wrong I was.

She hung her head low after she was done. You stared for the next few seconds before moving closer and putting a hoof under her chin, making her gaze back up at you.

(P/N): To be perfectly honest, Rainbow, I didn't really have much of a role on a surface level. I didn't exactly save anypony from giant evil ponies, cliffs, a broken bridge, a rampaging manticore, evil looking trees, or a wild river caused by a melodramatic serpent. Really, the only thing I've been doing is talking... and complaining. *sigh* If anything, I should be the one who's sorry... for not contributing all that much.

Rainbow Dash: Dude, are you kidding? You totally contributed! I mean, you fought off Nightmare Moon by yourself just for us!

Rarity: Twice for that matter, dear.

(P/N): Technically, she fought off me... and succeeded almost.

Twilight Sparkle: That still doesn't change the fact that you went out of your way to try and protect us, P/N. Who knows what would have happened if you hadn't stepped in.

Applejack: She's got a point there, sugarcube. You might have been off to a rocky start admittedly, but you for sure made up for it in the end.

Your other friends nodded in agreement to that. You gazed around at them, surprised by their willingness to still include you into their friendship circle which surprised you. Throughout the whole journey here, you've been kind of a jerk to them and yet... they still wanted to be your friends. For once, you didn't feel so alone anymore. That you had finally found the place you could call home. Not just in Ponyville, but with those around you that you could call your friends. Slowly, a smile stretched across your lips and a few tears ran down your cheeks.

(P/N): W-Well... if... if you girls really believe I'm worth it then... I'll take your word for it. *thinking* Hopefully, if all goes well, I'll just be hanging out with these mares at a bar or something for the rest of my retirement. I seriously do NOT need another adventure.

Your friends all gave you warm smiles before pulling you in for a big group hug to which you gladly reciprocated.

(P/N): I... I don't really have much else to say other than... thank you, girls... really.

Twilight Sparkle: You don't need to say anything, P/N. As the Elements of Harmony, we look out for each other.

???: I couldn't have phrased it better myself.

A soft, elegant voice echoed throughout the room, ending your group hug abruptly. Suddenly, a sharp, bright light shone through one of the windows from the far side of the room. A moment later, it dimmed down to reveal a figure standing in its place. It was a tall Alicorn mare with pale, light grayish magenta eyes, a flowing light cerulean mane that was a mixture of different colors including light turquoise, very light cobalt blue, and pale heliotrope. Her coat was a light fuchsiaish gray coat and she wore a light yellow crown on her head along with a similarly colored chest plate and a set of golden hoofshoes. Her Cutie Mark was that of a beautiful blazing sun.

(Shadowlight9743: I'm sorry... she's wearing what?)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: *checks hero fandom site* Uhh... apparently according to this, she wears... golden... hoof... shoes. *stares blankly*)

(TheNintegaGuy: *jaw drops before falling on the ground cracking up like crazy* *laughs* Golden hoof shoes?! That's hilarious!)

(Shadowlight9743: That's... that's not the actual term for those, right? It sounds too... generic.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: I'm being dead serious. Here, I'll even include the link to it. *shows them the link*)

(Shadowlight9743: What the-? Did somebody seriously come up with golden hoof shoes for that?!)

(TheNintegaGuy: *cracking up and rolling around* This is... this is too much! I'm going to have to show Nep this later!)

(Shadowlight9743: That's honestly the best description they came up with? Couldn't go with "golden hoofheels" or "golden boots" or literally ANYTHING else?!)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: What else did they plan to call the rest of her clothes? Were they gonna call her crown "golden hat" or were they gonna call her chest plate "golden bib?")

(Shadowlight9743: I was thinking more like "golden neckbrace", but that's equally generic.)

The tall pony lands gracefully with her wings splayed out and with a small smile. Your friends, for some odd reason, bowed respectfully to the tall pony as Twilight, however, gasped before showing off her own smile.

Twilight Sparkle: Princess Celestia!

She runs over and gives the princess a warm hug as Celestia happily returned her student's gesture.

Princess Celestia: Twilight Sparkle, my faithful student. I knew you could do it.

(P/N): For real? Does that mean this was just a test, Princess?

She turns to you and nods.

Princess Celestia: Indeed, young P/N.

(P/N): You... you know me?

You asked, surprised by how she could have possibly known you.

Princess Celestia: I do. From the moment you met Twilight to the here and now.

(P/N): O-Oh... okay. I've... heard all about you, but... I never actually... well... saw you. To be honest, I didn't think I ever would.

You then realized that you were speaking to royalty which made you quickly bow and lower your head.

(P/N): I-I mean, I didn't think I ever would, your majesty.

The princess of the sun giggles.

Princess Celestia: It's quite alright, young P/N. Not many ponies have had the privilege to meet me, so you're not the only one.

After that, Twilight spoke up.

Twilight Sparkle: But... Princess Celestia... you told me that Nightmare Moon's return was just an old pony tale.

Princess Celestia: I told you that you needed to make some friends, nothing more. I saw the signs of Nightmare Moon's return, and I knew it was you who had the magic inside to defeat her, but you could not unleash it until you let true friendship into your heart.

(P/N): Then... were you just camping out in the Town Hall the whole time? Did Nightmare Moon actually do anything to you? Uhh *clears throat* your majesty?

Princess Celestia: Well, I had originally planned to arrive at Town Hall, but Nightmare Moon caught me off guard and had me sealed away in this strange plane of existence that she had created.

(P/N): And I guess you couldn't get out since you didn't have the Elements with you, right?

Princess Celestia: That is correct, P/N.

You were then reminded of your newly formed Element of Harmony currently situated on your head and you decided to say something about it. 

(P/N): Princess Celestia, I'm... sure you've also noticed this as well.

You pointed to the crown upon your head. The princess of the day gives a small, curious nod while gazing at your Element of Harmony.

Princess Celestia: Yes. I must say, it's quite peculiar for the Elements to have created a seventh.

(P/N): I'm just curious about what it could represent. I mean, Pinkie's is laughter, Rarity's is generosity, Applejack's is honesty, Rainbow Dash's is loyalty, Fluttershy's is kindness, Twilight's is magic, but... what does mine represent?

Twilight Sparkle: I... think I might have a theory as to what it could be, P/N.

(P/N): It can't be dignity because I'm not too sure if I still have that.

Twilight Sparkle: No, I think yours... might represent Courage.

(P/N): Courage? But... how?

Twilight Sparkle: You willingly risked your life for us despite the dangers we faced no matter how big or small they were.

(P/N): *sigh* Well... I don't know about that, Twi. I kind of... hid underneath a table when Nightmare Moon showed up initially.

Twilight Sparkle: But it wasn't until Nightmare Moon almost blasted us is when you stepped in to save us because you knew that those you cared for were in danger.

Princess Celestia: I fully agree with her, P/N.

She spoke as she got closer.

Princess Celestia: What you must understand is that true courage is not about the absence of fear, but in the facing of it. And you've more than shown that tonight by protecting your friends from Nightmare Moon's wrath.

Giving the situation a bit more thought, you started considering that they may have been right about what your element possibly represented. 

(P/N): I... I guess I did.

You then perked up upon remembering something rather crucial.

(P/N): Speaking of which...

You slowly turned around to see if Nightmare Moon was still in the same spot as she was before only to freeze when your eyes landed on a surprising sight. Where Nightmare Moon once stood now laid the same Alicorn mare you met in the dream void. The one who had been chained to an invisible wall. She appeared to be unconscious. You gasped and ran over to her and stopped just in front of her.

(P/N): I-It... it's you! W-What was your name again? Princess... L-Luga? No... Lucina? Nah... Lucario? I don't even know if that's a name. Oh! Wait, it's-

Princess Celestia: Princess Luna.

(P/N): Oh, come on! I was just about to say that!

Rainbow Dash: Really? After suggesting "Lucario"?

(P/N): Nobody asked you!

Your voices managed to awaken the sleeping mare who awoke with a gasp. She looked around and saw you standing over her.

Princess Luna: P-P/N? Is... is it really you?

(P/N): I mean, I don't really look like anypony else, so who else would I be?

(Shadowlight9743: Thurston Howell?)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Winston Churchill?)

(TheNintegaGuy: Bill Murray?)

The grounded mare stares back up at you with shocked eyes and a gaping jaw for a few more seconds before she throws her hooves around you and held you in a hug.

Princess Luna: You saved me! Thank you! Thank you ever so much!

Your own eyes had shot open from the sudden action as a small blush glowed on your cheeks. You cleared your throat and chuckled.

(P/N): *thinking* Wait, she's... legal, right? I mean, if you've spent a whole millennia on the moon, does it halt the aging process? She looks pretty young... okay, no. I'm overthinking this. *sigh* Why do I get myself into these sort of things? *speaking* Y-Yeah, of course. Wait, are you... talking in Modern English?!

Princess Luna: I... I suppose I am.

(P/N): Woah. I guess destroying Nightmare Moon must've taken some of the fluency of your English. *muttering* No idea how that's possible, but this is magic we're working with.

The sound of hoofsteps could be heard from behind and you looked to see Princess Celestia approaching, prompting you to step aside to give them space.

Princess Celestia: It has been a thousand years since I have seen you like this. Time to put our differences behind us. We were meant to rule together, little sister.

Twilight Sparkle & Rainbow Dash: Sister?

(P/N): You two don't see it? They kinda do look related when you really take a moment to observe them.

Princess Celestia: Will you accept my friendship?

She asked the younger pony who was now revealed to be her sister. Silence overtook the moment as you all awaited her response. Eventually, the small Alicorn gains a saddened frown and hastily embraces Celestia with tears in her eyes.

Princess Luna: I'm so sorry! I missed you so much, big sister!

Celestia, who's been mostly composed this whole time, couldn't help but shed a few tears as well and returned her younger sister's hug.

Princess Celestia: I've missed you, too.

(P/N): *thinking* She is adorable, I'll give her that.

You thought as you let out a few tears of your own which didn't go unnoticed by Twilight.

Twilight Sparkle: P/N, are you... crying?

(P/N): *sniff* N-No, I'm just... allergic to sentiment.

You replied, quickly wiping away the newly formed tears as Twilight smiled warmly before wrapping a hoof around you and giving you a one armed hug. The sweet moment was broken, however, by the loud balling of a certain pink party pony who cried huge, cartoonish tears for a few seconds before instantly perking up again.

Pinkie Pie: Hey, you know what this calls for?

(P/N): *chuckles* I can take a wild guess as to what it is, but go ahead, Pinks.

You urged her on. The scene then cuts to later that day as Pinkie throws some confetti above her and shouts.

Pinkie Pie: A PARTY!!!

Rainbow Dash: Yeah, I think we all got that, Pinkie.

She said with a playful eye roll as a large crowd of ponies had gathered in Ponyville square in celebration of not only Princess Luna's return, but also for yours and your friends victory over her evil alter ego form. When both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna arrived by royal carriage, you all gave them a respectful bow as some Pegasus fillies came by and hung a ring of flowers over the latter Alicorn's neck, surprising her a second before she smiling again. We then see Twilight standing by herself and she looks down somewhat glumly. Her teacher notices this and approaches her.

Princess Celestia: Why so glum, my faithful student? Are you not happy that your quest is complete and you can return to your studies in Canterlot?

Twilight Sparkle: That's just it. Just when I learned how wonderful it is to have friends, I have to leave them.

(P/N): O-Oh yeah... that's right. You're... originally from Canterlot, so... you'd have to head back soon.

You stated, somewhat disappointed.

(P/N): Well, uh... hopefully when you go back there, you'll find some ponies to have a drink with or something.

Twilight faces you and frowns again.

Twilight Sparkle: And... I hope that you will have such a great time with our new friends, P/N, and... I'm really sorry I didn't listen to your advice about it.

(P/N): Don't be, Twi. Better late than never, am I right? *saddened chuckle*

You looked away sadly, heartbroken over Twilight having to leave. Princess Celestia, on the other hand, gave her student yet another smile.

Princess Celestia: Spike, take a note, please.

She politely ordered the baby dragon who quickly pulled out a quill and some parchment and wrote down what Princess Celestia had to say next.

Princess Celestia: I, Princess Celestia, hereby decree that the unicorn Twilight Sparkle shall take on a new mission for Equestria. She must continue to study the magic of friendship. She must report to me her findings from her new home in Ponyville.

After she was finished, the rest of the mares circle around her, cheering with glee at the sudden turn of events. Twilight couldn't help but smile at all of her new friends and then to Princess Celestia.

Twilight Sparkle: Oh thank you, Princess Celestia! I'll study harder than ever before.

(P/N): *muttering* Well, we'll see how long that lasts. *sigh* That mare is going to work herself to death one day.

Pinkie then surprises you by pulling you over to her and the others and a group hug is shared amongst you all as the crowd of ponies cheered loudly and while the camera pans outwards until it reaches the edge of Ponyville. The shot is held for a second or so until Pinkie popped up and once again, broke the fourth wall by speaking with the audience.

Pinkie Pie: Isn't this exciting? Are you excited cause I'm excited I've never been so excited, well, except for the time that I went *deep gasp* but I mean really-

She is silenced by the end circle closing around her and enveloping her completely.

(Jordanwolfboy9743: NO, no, no, no, no, no!)

(Pinkie Pie: Aw, come on, Jordy, plea-)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Absolutely not! You can do it in Nintega's story, but not here, Pinkie!)

(TheNintegaGuy: Hey! At least give me somewhat of a break from her doing it all of the time!)

(Shadowlight9743: *sigh* I just... got done paying off all our debt from The Savior of CHS! And now this happens?!)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: *groans* Here we go again! Whelp, looks like we've gotta deal with even more fourth wall breaks from here on out!)

(Shadowlight9743: *sarcasm* Yay! Can't wait to max out my student loans again.)

(TheNintegaGuy: Uh... you do know that I'm a fourth wall rebuilder too, right? *pulls out a hammer and some nails*)

(Shadowlight9743: Um, do... you have a permit for all of that?)

(TheNintegaGuy: Do you need to ask? *pulls out said permit and license* Trust me, you'll get yours eventually... If you can master how it all goes back together...)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: *sigh* At this point, I think I can assume that neither I or Shadow have any knowledge of that.)

(Shadowlight9743: I never had any knowledge that it could go back together.)

(TheNintegaGuy: Try the equation in my stories... One author plus two fourth wall breakers... plus tons of stories... equals expert at knowing how fourth walls break and how they go back together...)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Oh wow! It has a pie chart, a line graph, and a statistics board! How'd you afford all this?)

(Shadowlight9743: Probably has a PhD in Theorising.)

(TheNintegaGuy: Uh... well... *thinking* I can't let them know that I also bribe some of the other All-Stars for money too. *speaking* I guess I'm just that lucky...)

(Shadowlight9743: Geez, fate really treats you well, huh?)

(TheNintegaGuy: I guess it does...)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Well, I guess we'll have to learn it all in due time. *faces audience* And there you have it, people. Friendship is Magic Part 1 and Part 2 are complete! Only... *checks episode list* 219 more to go. *sigh*)

(Shadowlight9743: That counting Equestria Girls?)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Oh no. We already covered those, so we should be good on that end.)

(Shadowlight9743: No, like, for this series. I mean, I think you've established that The Savior of CHS we just finished isn't related to this by any means, right?)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Well, yes, but I already covered the Equestria Girls story, so it'd kinda be a waste of time if we did it yet again, right? Or at least if I did it again.)

(TheNintegaGuy: True. I mean I'm already nearly halfway done with Friendship is Magic and I'm not even close to finishing half of Equestria Girls, so that would definitely be a hassle for all of us.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Exactly. So, for this story, we're just gonna pretend that Equestria Girls never happened and that we'll just skip over it since it's never really mentioned in the main series itself.)

(Shadowlight9743: So... we're just gonna ignore the story we finished?)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Just for this story, Shadow. We're not erasing it from existence, we're just... pushing it to the side.)

(Shadowlight9743: Yeah, that's ignoring it, Jordan.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: *sigh* Again, I'd rather not go through the story all over since we already did it. Look, this'll be kinda like the Uncharted games where there were the four main games and then there was the side game that involved Chloe. It's there and you're welcome to look at it, but it won't be in this story.)

(Shadowlight9743: Uh... okay, sure. I can't really argue with that.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Anywho, as always, we hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Leave a comment telling us if you did, and until next time, this is Jordanwolfboy9743...)

(Shadowlight9743: Shadowlight9743...)

(TheNintegaGuy: And TheNintegaGuy...)

(Jordanwolfboy9743 & Shadowlight9743 & TheNintegaGuy: Signing out! See ya! *walks away*)

(Shadowlight9743: *distantly* Okay, how many wanna bet that we run out of money before the end of this season?)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: *distantly* I'll be surprised if we make it until the midway point of this season.)

(TheNintegaGuy: *distantly* Hey, if I can then I'm sure you guys can too.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: *distantly* Yeah, that's true. Besides, we've dealt with way worse things before, right?)

(Shadowlight9743: Oh right... *shudders* him.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: *distantly* Oh, by the way, Nintega, I've been meaning to ask. I saw Neptune carrying a strange colorful box of sorts and when I asked her about it she said that I'd learn in due time. You know what she means by that?)

(TheNintegaGuy: *distantly* *eyes widen* Uhhh... I don't know if it's best that you don't know at all or be surprised when you find out... *chuckles nervously*)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: *distantly* O... kay? That's not cryptic at all. Do you know what it could have been, Shadow?)

(Shadowlight9743: *distantly* I feel like she may have swiped it from Patrick. He did have a secret box from what I remember.)

(TheNintegaGuy: *distantly* *whispers* Phew! That box contains lots of credits that I use to pay my monthly allowance as a fourth wall rebuilder.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: *distantly* What was that?)

(TheNintegaGuy: *distantly* N-Nothing! I'll just, uh... See ya! *runs off*)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: *distantly* W-What?! Come back, I just wanna-)


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