Prologue: A Savior's Retirement

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This is the magical land of Equestria. A world made up of tall mountains, vast green fields, deserts, forests, jungles, and many more locations. A world much like our own with the exception of a few things. One of the reasons being that the population mostly consisted of pastel colored ponies while other species ranged from griffons, dragons, yaks, buffalo, and many more species that will be talked about and explored as the story progresses.

The ponies had mostly consisted of three different variations: Earth Pony, Unicorn, and Pegasus. However, there was also a fourth variation simply known as the Alicorn. A type of pony that had both a horn and wings making them the rarest of them all. Why am I bringing this up, you may ask? Well, not only for expositional reasons, but to also introduce a certain pony that falls under the Alicorn category. A pony that many say is a myth while others say is as tangible as the annoying strand of hair that gets in your eye. This pony... was you.


We fade in on a peaceful looking mountainside pasture during a bright and sunny day. All seemed to be in relative peace as the birds were singing and the wind was blowing through the trees in relative harmony. However, the sereneful sounds were broken when a high pitched scream sent dozens of birds flying into the air as the camera quickly panned to the side to reveal a young Earth Pony mare running for her life with a panicked look. She runs for several feet while turning her head to look over her shoulder. Behind her, a few feet away, was a creature that looked like a bear that had the features of a bee or hornet.


She screams out in hopes of someone nearby hearing her pleas, but no one was around to hear her. She continued her sprint until she ran herself into a dead end behind a large mountain. She tried looking around for any rocks she could use to possibly climb on, but there wasn't any she could find. She quickly turned around as the large creature was slowly closing in on her. She backed up against the wall behind her.

Mare: *thinking* Is... is this how I'll die?! Being mauled by a bugbear?! How could I have believed that going on a hike by myself in the wilderness would be a good idea?!

She thought to herself as the newly named bugbear was now right in front of her as it snarled while foam was leaking from its mouth. The beast raised a single clawed hand above its head in preparation to swipe at the mare. She closed her eyes and braced for the slash... but it never came. Little did she know, a silhouette appeared from nowhere and jumped above her head before delivering a swift and hard kick to the side of the bugbear's head, sending it crashing into another wall a good distance away. The mare opened her eyes in shock just in time to see something land right in front of her.

She looked up to see what looked like a pony wearing a blackened cloak that obscured their features and body.

(A lot like this except the hooves and eyes are in your choice of color as well as for the coat.)

The figure stood in front of her silently like a sentry guarding a sacred treasure until they slowly turned their head in her direction.

???: Ma'am, if you don't wanna become bugbear chow, I suggest that you get yourself to safety. I'll take it from here.

They said in a masculine sounding voice which meant that they were a stallion. She stared for another moment before tears of joy filled her eyes and she smiled brightly.

Mare: T-Thank you... thank you so much!

She said before standing up and quickly running away while glancing over her shoulder to peer at her savior one final time. Once she was gone, the stallion turned his attention to the bugbear who was prying itself from the wall it was flung into. It turned its attention to the stallion and let out an angry and ferocious roar.

???: Aww, did I take your lunch away? Too bad for you.

The stallion joked which only made the bugbear angrier before it pulled itself from the wall and quickly started flying towards him. It tried to take a bite out of him before the stallion jumped above the bugbear's head and landed on its back. It tried to shake him off but the stallion managed to stay on. He then jumped into the air and fired a magical blast down hitting the bugbear in the back and sending it to the floor. The stallion hovered in the air while looking down at his adversary as the beast quickly flew upwards with gnashing teeth.

The stallion dodged and threw a punch into the bugbear's stomach before kicking its face and sending it flying back a few feet. The creature recovered before it brought out its claws and started slashing wildly at the stallion who managed to dodge the attacks with ease. The stallion threw some punches of his own as the bugbear grew angrier and angrier at not getting a single hit in. Afterwards, the stallion used his magic to summon a bright light that blinded the bugbear, forcing it to rub its eyes to try and see again. When it eventually cleared it's vision, it looked forward and saw that it's hooded foe was nowhere to be seen. It looked all around itself while trying to find the stallion anywhere.

???: Up here, bugly!

The creature turned its head up to see the stallion rushing down and slamming both of his hooves into the beast's head. It staggered in midair while the stallion hovered in front of it.

???: Time to bring out the bug spray!

He said before delivering a series of fast and hard punches and kicks to the bugbear's face and stomach. After the stallion sent a mean right hood to the bugbear's left temple, it's eyes spun around in their sockets indicating that he was now dizzy from the beating. The stallion smirked before bringing his hoof behind him as it began to glow with a (F/C) aura. Then, after being fully charged, his hoof was flown into the bugbear's chin and sent it flying into the air before crashing down to the ground and landing with a thunderous crash.

When the smoke cleared, the bug-like monster was revealed to now be knocked out cold. The stallion flew down to where it was and observed it for a moment.

???: Phew! Now THAT was a fight to remember. Wonder how this thing got out in the first place. Well, no use dillydallying. Better get this guy back to Tartarus where he belongs.


(Moments Later)

The scene transitioned to another where we see a set of strange looking gates with off runes inscribed upon it. These were the gates of Tartarus. A place meant to imprison some of the foulest, most despicable monsters to have ever existed in Equestria.

For a moment, nothing seemed to be happening when suddenly the gates themselves opened as two stallions stepped out while wearing men-in-black like uniforms.

Stallion 1: This isn't good, sir! If the others find out that we let the bugbear escape, our jobs are as good as gone!

The first stallion says in a worried voice. The other shakes his head and sighs.

Stallion 2: It won't come to that. Our field operative is sure to handle it. She's got tons of experience when it comes to dealing with escaped monsters. It'll be fine.

Stallion 1: But, what if she's not enough to handle it? I mean, it's a bugbear for crying out loud! A beast that not only has brute strength, but can also fly!

Stallion 2: A berserk dragon has the same qualities and we've been able to deal with them before. This will be no different. I can assure you that the bugbear will be back before you can say-

His sentence was interrupted when he noticed his colleague looking forward with a shocked look. He followed his gaze until it landed on a sight that he was not expecting. There, lying on the ground in front of them, was the bugbear. It's four arms were tied together behind it's back thanks to some magical restraints that were leaking a (F/C) aura. There also appeared to be a note taped to the bugbear's chest. The second stallion used his magic to levitate the note over to him as he read it aloud.

Stallion 2: *reading* I believe he belongs to you. Better put him in a stronger cage next time. Sincerely, your savior?

He looked away from the note and back to his colleague who was just as confused as he was before something came to his mind.

Stallion 1: Wait... you don't think... the pony who did this... is the one from the rumor that's been going around for the past several years, do you?

He asked to which his superior raised an eyebrow before scoffing.

Stallion 2: Oh please! Don't tell me you believe in a ridiculous rumor such as that. I mean, come on! A pony who mysteriously appears and vanishes while saving ponies who need the help? The only kind of pony that could do that for so long without anypony figuring out who they really are can only be found in comic books.

Stallion 1: I'm not so sure, sir. A lot of ponies claim to have seen them. One mare claimed to have seen their face and said that they looked like a stallion. Some say he's a pegasus, others say he's a unicorn, and there's even a few that say he's both. That... that would make him an Alicorn!

He said before his boss brushed it off.

Stallion 2: Hmph! Likely story!

Stallion 1: Well, how do you explain this then?

He said while gesturing to the bugbear.

Stallion 2: One of our other operatives could have easily captured him and made a joke about it by calling themselves the savior. Look, I'm willing to believe anything as long as there's physical proof to back it up other than some pony's frivolous fairy tales. Now, come on. Let's get this thing back inside before he breaks out of those restraints.

Stallion 1: *sigh* Yes, sir. *thinking* He'll believe what he wants to believe, I guess. Although, he did kinda make a point there. All of these sightings are mostly based on eyewitness accounts and no actual physical proof. Besides, the only Alicorns to have ever existed were Princess Celestia and that niece of hers. Maybe... maybe he could be right about that.

He thought to himself as he and his boss started carting off the half-bear, half-bug monster back through the gates of Tartarus. Unbeknownst to them, somepony was watching from a distance while hiding behind a rock. They're soon revealed to be the hooded stallion from before who was watching them the whole time. He stepped away from the rock and walked away towards a nearby cart he usually pulls along that was filled with the stuff he carries around with him: His sack of bits, food, water, and other supplies he needed. He hooked himself up to his cart and walked off as he took off his hood to reveal his features. He had (E/C) eyes, a (C/C) colored coat, and a (M/C) mane. His cutie mark was that of a set of blazing wings in the shape of a heart.

This pony... was you. The rumored "Savior" that everyone has been talking about. You've spent the last several years saving innocent ponies from various threats including monsters, natural disasters, and other life threatening situations. Of course, the whole "Savior" thing was a title, as the official name you went by was never addressed to the public and nor did you want it to as it would draw much more attention to you than you needed. The only one who really knew about it was you and it was one of the many secrets you have kept to yourself.

(P/N): *thinking* Geez, are you trying to make me sound edgy?

Hey, I don't write this stuff, I just narrate it, okay? Cut me some slack.

(P/N): *thinking* You know, you could rephrase the script if you wanted to. It's not like they're paying you to read it word for word.

(Shadowlight9743: Yeeeeaaaaaah, we actually are doing that.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Exactly! So shut up and act out the scene already!)

(P/N): *thinking* I'm just saying, you guys could make this story a whole lot better if it didn't sound all dark and gloomy.

(Shadowlight9743: That's not even dark or gloomy! And even if it was, what do you have against it?)

(P/N): *thinking* Because 1: it's been done to death and 2: I'm a more upbeat kind of guy and I don't want everything to be serious all the time. But, I'll tell you three what, I'll continue the scene and see where it goes.

(Shadowlight9743: *sigh* Literally, everything that goes mainstream eventually gets attacked with hate for no apparent reason.)

Uhh, hate to interrupt but is this coming out of my pay?

(Jordanwolfboy9743: No, of course not. Because unlike certain people, you're actually doing your job.)

*sigh* Thank goodness. Can I please continue now?

(P/N): *thinking* *sigh* Fine.

Thank you. Anyways, after that, you walked away from the mountainside. After an arduous journey back to civilization, you came across a cider bar and stopped. You looked down at your sides upon realizing that you had to hide your wings. For the longest time, you would often go into public places while hiding your wings however you could to keep unwanted attention off of you. After all, if ponies knew who you were, you would surely make the headlines. You nodded to yourself as your horn began to glow a bright (F/C) color before your wings slowly disappeared. 

After your invisibility spell was complete, you walked over to the bar and parked your cart beside the entrance before removing your cloak, grabbing your sack of bits, and heading inside. You saw that it had everything that a bar would usually have. Ponies and or other creatures drinking cider and having a good time and even some breaking out into a fight. You know, bar clichés. 

Anywho, you walked over to the main counter and sat down as the bartender came up to you. He was a zebra with blonde stripes instead of the usual black.

Bartender: What'll it be, stranger?

(P/N): Just a keg of cider, please.

He nods before going over to a nearby barrel and releasing the sweet, refreshing apple liquid into a keg. He placed the keg onto the table and slid it over to you before you caught it and took a sip. You stared forward for a few seconds before letting out a somewhat depressed sigh. The bartender catches onto this.

Bartender: Got something on your mind?

(P/N): I-It's... it's nothing... really.

Bartender: By the way of how you worded that, it doesn't seem like nothing. I'm all ears if you're open to talk.

He gave you a friendly grin while you stared back at him with uncertainty. Finally, you sighed again before voicing your thoughts.

(P/N): Let me ask you this. Have you... ever done something for so long that it pretty much hindered you from... your personal goals in life?

The bartender raised an eyebrow at that.

Bartender: Hmmm, not particularly. Is there something that's keeping you from achieving whatever it is you wanna achieve?

(P/N): It's... complicated.

You said before glancing back down at your keg with a defeated look. This was honestly something that was hard for you to talk about. You see, as much as you loved saving innocent ponies from dangers and such, after a while, it honestly grew tiresome for you. Lately, you've been thinking of retiring, but you just weren't sure how you'd do it. Though, you technically don't have an identity or at least one the public greatly knows of so it wouldn't be too much of a hassle to quit. But there was another problem with that. If you were to settle down in a place of your own, you'd surely make some friends along the way which was something you've avoided for a long time now.

Why, you may ask? Because you were an Alicorn. Alicorns had way longer lifespans than regular ponies. Take Princess Celestia for example. She's a pony that has lived for thousands of years while raising both the sun and moon. Surely, since you were the same thing as her, it would most likely apply to you too. Despite being the one to save others, you didn't want to grow too attached to anyone since the fear of outliving them was a constant gnawing at your brain that you couldn't shake off if your life depended on it. Personally, it wasn't really something you liked to think about. It hardened you but it didn't break your spirit to save other ponies in need.

Bartender: Complicated? Care to elaborate on what you mean by that?

He asked which shook you from your thoughts as you turned back to him.

(P/N): Let's just say I've lost a lot of important things in my life. I've been doing the wrong things for the right reasons. Things have come and gone, places that I've been to have faded from memory, and ponies that I've met... well... they're not exactly around anymore. It's just hard to accept sometimes.

He nodded in response.

Bartender: I think I get where you're coming from. Throughout my life, I've gone through a lot of the things you just mentioned. I've met ponies that were my friends once, but due to certain unfortunate implications, they couldn't be around for much longer. I'll admit, there have been many times where I found it hard to find a reason to continue on. I've always asked myself, "what's the point of it all? Why try to go on when it all seems meaningless?"

He then turned to you with a serious look.

Bartender: But after all that, I gave it just a little more thought and then I realized something.

(P/N): What?

Bartender: Those ponies, those memories I made, they made me what I am today. Sure, it's sad to see them go, but the fact that they were a part of my life in the first place is more than enough. They may be gone from my sight, but they'll never be gone from my heart. You get what I'm saying?

He asked which made you start pondering over his words. Slowly, but surely, a smile spread across your lips.

(P/N): I... I think I do. Thanks, uhhh...

You trailed off while looking down at his name tag which read "Zaldin."

(P/N): Zaldin.

He nodded while smiling.

Zaldin: My pleasure. Hey, sorry for the sudden change in topic, but I don't suppose you've heard about that rumor that's been going around for the past couple of years, right? About a pony that goes around saving those who need the help? I heard that one mare just survived a bugbear attack recently thanks to them. A BUGBEAR!! I gotta tell ya, you must have real courage to stand up to a creature that menacing.

He said which made you smile nervously.

(P/N): U-Uh... yeah! Of course! They sure are brave, that much is clear.

Zaldin was confused by your abrupt shift in tone.

Zaldin: What's with the sudden hesitance? Do you know this particular pony?

(P/N): N-No! No, no, no, no! I don't know them at all. I'm just nervous because... the... thought of going up against such a creature is frightening! Yeeeah, that's it.

Zaldin: I can see right through that fib, pal. You must have some connection with 'em but fine, if you wanna keep it to yourself, I won't go digging in areas that don't need digging.

(P/N): T-Thanks. Anyways, I should get going now. Oh, here you go.

You pulled out some bits and placed them on the table. He eyed it for a moment before looking back up at you.

Zaldin: Uh, the bill is only two bits. Why'd you put down twenty?

(P/N): That's your hundred percent tip, Zaldin. I kinda wanna do that as a way of saying thank you for not just the service, but also... for the words of encouragement.

You said with a genuine smile. He blinked a few times before smiling.

Zaldin: Well, it's my pleasure. Thanks for that and you're welcome, Mr...

(P/N): P/N. Call me P/N.

Zaldin: You're welcome, Mr. P/N. Take care.

(P/N): You too.

You waved him goodbye as you walked out of the bar, grabbed your cart, and trotted down the pathway. As you walked, you recollected your conversation with Zaldin and how his words managed to change your way of thinking.

(P/N): *thinking* Maybe... maybe he's got a point there. Any friends I make might disappear over time, but I'll always remember how much they impacted me. Maybe... maybe I'll be taking my retirement now. The only question being... where would I even settle?

You thought to yourself as a signboard with different directions came into view. You trotted up to it and looked at the list of town names that were written upon it. You read each of the names until your eyes landed on one particular town name. This one, for some reason, seemed to stand out to you the most.

(P/N): *thinking* Hmmm, Ponyville? Why does that one intrigue me the most? Eh, who knows? I'll give that place a try and if I don't like it, I'll just go somewhere else. I mean, what could go wrong, am I right?

You joked to yourself as you trotted down the pathway leading to Ponyville.

(P/N): *thinking* Goodbye life of being a hero! My new normal life starts today! Yep! No more fighting monsters and natural disasters for this stallion! That's for sure! My life from here on out is going to be completely adventure-free!


After walking for a bit, you stumbled upon a place that you seemed to have mistaken for another town as this place had a much different name than that.

(P/N): *thinking* Canterlot? I thought this was the path to Ponyville. Aw shoot, did I take a wrong turn at Albacoltque? I knew it was the path on the right! Note to self, bring a map with you or get a better memory.

You thought as you got a good look at your surroundings. It appeared to be a town mostly composed of expensive looking buildings and restaurants. The ponies walking around seemed to be the uptight sort as some of them were trotting with their heads held up high while others looked like they worked in business. But, those were not your main focus right now. No. Your main focus was that of the giant castle situated behind all of it which hung off the side of the mountain.

(P/N): *thinking* Woah... I'd very much like to meet the pony behind the architecture for this castle. I mean, I've heard of how marvelous Canterlot castle was, but this? This is amazing!

???: Coming through!

Your thoughts were interrupted when someone from behind you shouted which made you quickly get out of the way. You looked at whoever called out to you and saw who they were. It was a Unicorn mare with a pale, light grayish mulberry coat, moderate violet eyes, and a dark sapphire blue mane that had moderate purple and brilliant rose streaks in it. Her Cutie Mark was that of a sparkling rose colored star. She was also wearing some saddle bags on the sides and in one of them was a book.

She paid you no mind as she ran past you and continued sprinting towards wherever it was she was going as she spoke to herself.

???: I know I've heard of the Elements of Harmony.

She continued to run until she disappeared from sight. You, meanwhile, stood with a confused look.

(P/N): *thinking* Huh, I wonder what she's in a rush for. Also, did she say... Elements of Harmony? I think I may have heard of those before. Weren't of Princess Celestia's instruments of banishment?

You thought to yourself while raising a hoof to your chin.

(P/N): *thinking* Hmm, I'll have to remember that for later. Right now though, I'll need some directions for Ponyville.

You thought before trotting forwards for a bit until you eventually came across the Canterlot train station. You looked at the schedules for the train and saw that there was one trip that was about to be on its way to Ponyville.

(P/N): Perfect. Talk about convenient timing.

You went over and paid for a ticket at the front counter before boarding the train and sitting down in one of the seats. After a moment of waiting, the train whirred to life and started huffing and puffing down the rails towards its destination. Finally, it came to a stop at the Ponyville train station as you and several other passengers disembarked from it. You trotted down the pathway before coming across your ideal living spot; Ponyville. A quaint little town for many ponies of different shapes and sizes.

(P/N): *thinking* Well, looks like I finally made it. Thank Celestia for that. Anywho, let's go see what this place has to offer, shall we?

You thought before trotting ahead into town. As you walked, you saw a few other ponies looking your way and they started smiling and waving at you while others began to whisper amongst themselves.

Mare 1: *whisper* Hey, isn't he new in town? Because, I don't think I've seen him before.

Stallion 1: *whisper* I think so.

Mare 2: *whisper* Hmm, it's funny. He looks... familiar somehow. Like I've seen him somewhere before.

One mare said which prompted you to look at her. Your eyes widened at the realization that you recognized her. It was the same mare that you saved from the bugbear. She looked at you curiously before seemingly shrugging.

Mare 2: *whisper* It could just be me, but still. Also, is it just me or is he a bit of a cute one?

You blushed slightly at the compliment before trotting forwards to get out of their line of sight. You kept walking until you heard a loud gasp from seemingly nowhere.


A loud female voice erupted before a pink blur suddenly tackled you to the ground and rolled for a few feet until you came to a stop. There were stars in your eyes as a result of the tackle before you shook them away and looked at who was responsible for your current predicament. It was an Earth pony mare with a very poofy brilliant raspberry mane, light cerulean eyes, and a pale, light grayish raspberry coat. Her Cutie Mark was an image of three party balloons with two being sky blue while the third was a light yellow.

She stared down at you with a wide grin before she spoke.

???: Hi! I'm Pinkie Pie! Ponyville's resident party planner extraordinaire!

You blinked a few times before finally choking out some words.

(P/N): Uh...hi, Miss Pie. What can I do for you?

Pinkie Pie: Ooh! So formal! Are you from Canterlot?! I love Canterlot! It's my favorite place in the whole wide world! Well, technically not because I live in Ponyville and love this town too! Oh, but I also love Canterlot, Fillydelphia, Saddle Arabia, Lost Pegasus, I love all of them! But which is my favorite? Oh, they're all too good to choose! Hey, I don't suppose you like sweets, do ya? Well, do ya? Do ya?! Huh, huh, huh?!

She asked before batting her eyes rather cutely.

(P/N): *thinking* Man, did this girl have extra coffee this morning or something? I mean, don't get me wrong, she does seem a lot peppier than most other ponies I've met, but still.

Pinkie Pie: Oh, I don't drink coffee, silly!

Your eyes widened before you looked back at her.

(P/N): Wait, how did you know what I was thinking?

Pinkie Pie: 'Cause the text said so.

(P/N): Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, woah! Hold on a second! You see them too?

*sigh* Brilliant. As if we haven't had enough of this already.

Pinkie Pie: Of course I see them, silly! I've been able to see them since a few moments ago when I ran into you!

(Shadowlight9743: *sigh* I'm gonna have to call Nintega.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Probably for the best. He's the leading expert on dealing with Pinkie's fourth wall breaks.)

(Shadowlight9743: I swear, why do they do this? This only docks their pay so it's not like they have anything to gain from it.)

It's just the nature of metafictional characters, Shadow. *sigh* Anyways, after that... fiasco, Pinkie got off of you to let you stand up.

(P/N): Well, maybe we'll discuss that at a later time, perhaps?

Pinkie Pie: Sounds great! So, you must be new in town, right?

She asked to which you nodded.

(P/N): I am. In fact, I just got here just a short moment ago.

Pinkie Pie: *dramatic gasp* In that case, I've gotta give you the proper welcome!

She said before she rushed off and came back with a strange looking wagon that had her Cutie Mark embedded on the side. She then went to the side of it and smiled at you.

Pinkie Pie: ~Hope you enjooooy!

She said in a singsong voice before pressing the large red button on the side as the wagon instantly transformed. It now was sporting several banners and horns along with what looked like a microwave oven.

After the peculiar looking wagon was done transforming, a tune began to play as Pinkie began singing and dancing.

[Pinkie Pie]

Welcome welcome welcome

♪ A fine welcome to you

Welcome welcome welcome

I say how do you do?

Welcome welcome welcome

I say hip hip hurray

Welcome welcome welcome

To Ponyville today

She finished with a slide on her hindlegs and came to a stop in front of you.

Pinkie Pie: Wait for it!

She said before the microwave oven opened and confetti burst out all over the place. You stared for a moment before you chuckled and applauded for the performance.

(P/N): Okay, I'll admit, that was a pretty amazing welcome, Pinkie.

Pinkie Pie: Really?! You think so?

She asked before you nodded which brought a huge smile to her face. She then squealed with joy before pulling you into a bone crushing hug.

Pinkie Pie: Thank you, thank you, thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed it... uh...

(P/N): P/N.

Pinkie ended the hug before glancing at you.

Pinkie Pie: P/N? That's such a nice name!

(P/N): Heh, thanks. You know, you seem like a fun pony to be around, Pinkie. Maybe we can hang out sometime?

Pinkie Pie: Sure, P/N! That sounds like loads of fun! Though, loads of fun probably wouldn't be enough to describe it. Tons of fun? Thousands of fun? Tens of thousands of fun?!

(P/N): *chuckles* There's no way to measure fun, Pinkie. Anywho, I hate to cut this short, but I kinda wanted to see the rest of Ponyville to see what it's like.

She looked a little disappointed by that before throwing on a smile.

Pinkie Pie: Alrighty, P/N! But, before you go, have a cupcake!

She pulled out a cupcake from... somewhere... and handed it to you. You took a bite from it as your eyes lit up.

(P/N): W-Wow... this cupcake is delicious! Where'd you get this, Pinkie?

Pinkie Pie: From Sugarcube Corner. I made it myself.

(P/N): Wait, you made this?

Pinkie Pie: Yep! Sure did!

She said before squeeing.

(P/N): Well, I've gotta say that this is probably the tastiest cupcake I've ever had, Pinkie. You clearly have a talent for it.

She stared at you for a second before a sweet smile overcame her features.

Pinkie Pie: Awww, that's so sweet of you to say, P/N!

(P/N): What can I say? It's how I feel. Anyways, I've gotta go now. I'll see you later, Pinkie.

Pinkie Pie: See you later, P/N!

She waved to you as you walked away while waving back. Once you were gone from her sight, she sighed and blushed slightly.

Pinkie Pie: *thinking* That P/N's such a sweetie! It also doesn't hurt that... he's a cutie too.

(P/N): *thinking* Really? Gonna pull that love at first sight cliche, guys? *sigh* Fine, but you'd better do something unique with it.


You continued on your personal tour of Ponyville until you eventually came to a forest area with several apple trees set in groups with each other. You looked forward and saw a gate with greenery strewn across it. Behind it was a large red barn along with pens, stacks of hay, and white picket fences.

(P/N): *thinking* Huh, I don't think I've even paid a barn a visit before.

???: Yeehaw!

A loud southern sounding voice rang from somewhere nearby as you turned to see where it came from. Running across one of the many pastures was an Earth pony mare with a brilliant gamboge coat, moderate sap green eyes, and a blonde mane that was tied at the end of it with a red ribbon. Her Cutie Mark was that of three red delicious apples. She had the look about her that suggested that she was of the cowgirl type as evidenced by the brown stetson hat she was wearing.

(P/N): *thinking* Wonder what she's up to.

You thought as the mare ran over to one of the apple trees and reared up her hind legs before delivering a hard kick to the trunk of the tree causing several apples to fall into a set of baskets laid underneath. She then stood with a proud smirk while you stared with awe.

(P/N): *thinking* Wow, remind me not to get on her bad side or she might use those legs of hers to send me to the stratosphere.

You sweatdropped and shuttered slightly before shaking it away and approaching her as she soon noticed you coming.

???: Well, howdy there, partner. Ah don't think ah've seen y'all 'round these parts.

(P/N): That's 'cause this is my first time being here. The name's P/N by the way.

You offered her a hoofshake to which she responded by grabbing your hoof with both of hers and shaking it very enthusiastically.

???: Howdy do, P/N? It's a pleasure to meetcha! I'm Applejack and I welcome ya to mah home of Sweet Apple Acres.

She let go of your hoof as it kept shaking from the sheer force of her hoofshake before you made it stop.

(P/N): I-It's a pleasure to meet you too, Applejack. Boy, that's quite the hoofshake you got there.

Applejack: Heh, thanks. Sorry if that was a little too rough for ya, P/N. Ah just wanted to show mah enthusiasm for meetin' ya.

(P/N): Eh, no worries.

Applejack: Anyways, we here at Sweet Apple Acres make the finest, most juiciest apples you'll never find anywhere else!

(P/N): Really? Well, you wouldn't mind if I tried one, do you?

Applejack: Go right on ahead, (P/N).

She gestured to one of the apple trees as you looked at the many apples hanging from them. You continued to search until your eyes landed on a rather delicious looking one before using your magic to levitate it close to you. You took a bite out of the succulent fruit as your eyes widened before turning back to Applejack.

(P/N): *jokingly* Applejack... I want to take every apple here with me right this second, because this is the most delicious apple I've ever had!

You joked which brought a chuckle to Applejack.

Applejack: I thought you might like it. Every single apple here is treated with lots of tender love and care.

(P/N): It clearly shows.

Applejack: Hey, you said you're new here, right P/N? Where were you before you came to Ponyville?

She asked curiously. A nervous look soon made its way to your face as you sweatdropped once again.

(P/N): U-Uh... I was... a traveler of sorts.

Applejack: A traveler? You mean ya like to explore Equestria?

(P/N): Y-Yeah... in a way.

You followed that up with a nervous chuckle which prompted Applejack to look at you with narrowed eyes and a raised eyebrow.

Applejack: You sure about that? 'Cause that sounds like a lie to me.

(P/N): *thinking* Argh! What is it with everypony being expert lie detectors all of a sudden?! *speaking* It's... it's complicated, Applejack. I'd... rather not say.

You said in a slightly downtrodden voice. Applejack saw your current look before she decided to drop it.

Applejack: Well, if ya really don't wanna talk about it, then Ah won't pressure ya, sugarcube.

You nodded before smiling.

(P/N): Thanks, Applejack. Anywho, I think I should get going. I wanna see the rest of the town.

Applejack: Alrighty. Ah've got chores to do anyways, so Ah'll be seeing you later, P/N.

(P/N): Take care, Applejack.

You waved each other goodbye before you left down the road you came from. Once you were gone from sight, Applejack began having a personal thought to herself.

Applejack: *thinking* (P/N), what is it about you that intrigues me so much? Ah don't know. Hopefully, I'll get to know more about you real soon.


You made it back to Ponyville and casually walked through it while admiring some of the buildings. However, one of them stood out to you. It appeared to be some sort of clothing store or boutique that had images of ponies prancing around the top in a carousel formation.

You walked up to the front door and saw a small sign above it before you read it out loud.

(P/N): Carousel Boutique? Huh. Not often I'd hear something like that in my life.

You stepped up to the door and opened it as a small bell above the doorway rang when you entered. When the door closed, you heard a voice from somewhere in the back of the store.

???: Just a second, please!

They called out in a feminine, transatlantic sounding voice. You waited by the front counter for about a minute before somepony finally stepped out of the back and showed themselves. Your eyes widened as a blush became apparent upon seeing who it was. It was a Unicorn mare with a light gray coat, moderate azure eyes, and a moderate indigo mane, and on the shadowed side, a gradient of dark mulberry to moderate mulberry. Her Cutie Mark was that of three shining diamonds.

You remained completely still as she approached you with closed eyes and a friendly smile.

???: Welcome to Carousel Boutique, how can I help you toda-

She stopped herself when she got a good look at you and her eyes widened before she blushed. The both of you had a thought at the same time.

(P/N): *thinking* Oh... my... Celestia. She's... gorgeous!

???: *thinking* My... word. He's... absolutely handsome! Lady Luck must be smiling upon me today for bringing him here! 

It took a few seconds for her to realize that she was staring before she shook away her blush and cleared her throat.

 ???: H-Hello, darling. How may I be of service?

You snapped out of your own thousand yard stare yourself before getting rid of your own blush and replying to her. 

(P/N): Uh...hi there, Miss. I was just strolling through town and came across this place. Curiosity got the better of me and so that's why I'm here.

This brings an eager smile to the mare.

???: Well then, I say you came to the perfect place for when you're looking for the perfect outfit to wear!

(P/N): Well, I wasn't looking for a perfect outfit. I just said I was taking a stroll.

???: That doesn't mean you can't browse, dear. Have a look around, why don't you?

(P/N): Hmm... eh, what the heck? I got time.

Rarity: *gasp* Oh! Where are my manners? I completely forgot to introduce myself. I'm Rarity, it's a pleasure to meet you.

(P/N): I'm P/N. It's nice to meet you too.

You took her hoof into your own and gave it a gentle kiss on the top of it. Rarity gained an immediate and large blush on her face.

Rarity: A-Anyways, s-shall we get started with the tour?

You nodded before Rarity led you throughout her boutique while showing off some of her ensembles she's been working on lately. You smiled at just how well these were made which didn't go unnoticed by Rarity.

Rarity: I assume by your current expression that you're impressed, aren't you darling?

(P/N): *chuckles* It's that obvious, huh?

Rarity: Well, when you have an eye for detail such as me, you tend to notice things like that.

(P/N): Yeah, that's true. These ensembles are really well done, Rarity. If someone was competing against you, you'd win by a landslide.

You said with a charming smile resulting in yet another faint blush on Rarity's cheeks and she put a hoof on her chest.

Rarity: T-That's... awfully sweet of you to say, P/N. It's not everyday I come across a gentleman like you.

She complimented you back causing you to blush a little as well.

(P/N): W-Well... you know the old saying, "You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar." Besides, it's always best to treat others with respect... unless they don't deserve it, of course.

Rarity: I fully agree, dear. Now, right this way.

She went over to a nearby curtain and stood in front of it.

Rarity: Now this next outfit will quite possibly be my magnum opus, P/N, so be prepared to be dazzled beyond comprehension!

She said with lots of enthusiasm making you rather hyped. You stood and waited until she threw open the curtain revealing a dress... that was shredded to pieces by an unknown culprit. For a moment, all you did was stare with a look of bewilderment at the mess that sat in front of you while Rarity waited for your response. She finally looked up and noticed your shocked face and grew worried.

Rarity: Do... do you not like it, P/N?

You didn't answer as you continued to stare. Rarity walked up and stood in front of you.

Rarity: P/N, darling? Is everything okay?

Eventually, you pointed a hoof towards the display prompting Rarity to follow your gaze. She gasped dramatically when she saw her "magnum opus" in ruin.


She screamed and ran over to examine the damage done to the dress until she let out a huff of frustration.

Rarity: This must be Opal's doing! I recognize these scratches anywhere! Why does that infernal feline feel the need to treat this whole place as her own scratching post?!

She then stopped and turned back to you.

Rarity: I am so terribly sorry for this, P/N. It wasn't meant to look like this, I swear.

You snapped out of your stupor and raised a dismissive hoof and waved it.

(P/N): It's okay, Rarity. You had no idea. I'm sure it can still be fixed, right?

Rarity: *sigh* It can be, but... I was planning on wearing that for the upcoming Summer Sun Festival. And now it's ruined.

She walked up to the sad remains of the dress and examined it.

Rarity: This'll take days to fix and by then the festival will have already passed. It's stressful enough having to be in charge of decorations for the festival, but now I have this to worry about as well.

(P/N): Hang on, you're in charge of the décor for the festival?

You asked, earning a nod from the now distraught fashionista.

Rarity: I am. But now, how am I to get this dress redone as well as handle my role during the festival? I couldn't possibly get this finished by myself in time.

She looked to the floor with a sad look on her face. You stared at her for what felt like hours until you started thinking about how to handle this situation. That's when an idea bulb came above your head.

(P/N): Hey, why don't I help you fix the dress, Rarity?

You offered. Rarity quickly perked up and looked back at you in surprise.

Rarity: R-Really? You'd be willing to do that even though we hardly know each other?

(P/N): Pfft! So what if we don't know each other all that well? That doesn't mean I shouldn't lend a hoof to a lady when she needs it. So, what do you say?

You asked, offering her a hoofshake. Rarity stares back at you in shock for several seconds before her lips curled up into a smile. That's when she completely bypassed your hoofshake and instead gave you a hug.

Rarity: I-I... I don't know what to say except... thank you so much, P/N darling. This is incredibly generous of you!

You smiled and returned the hug.

(P/N): Well, it's lucky for us to have crossed paths, Rarity. After all, I... kinda have a reputation for helping others when they need it.

You looked at the camera and winked when you said that last part. You and Rarity ended the hug a few seconds later as Rarity continued to smile at you.

Rarity: Well then, there's no use wasting time now, is there?

You shook your head at that.

(P/N): No, there most certainly is not. Let's get to it.

Rarity nodded as the two of you got to work on repairing Rarity's destroyed outfit. We cut to about a few hours later as we see you and Rarity gazing upon her newly repaired dress.

(P/N): I might not be an absolute master or anything, but I can tell that we did a great job, didn't we Rarity?

Rarity: Most certainly, darling.

She turned to you and gave you a genuine smile.

Rarity: I really can't thank you enough for all your help today, P/N. You didn't have to do this for me, and yet, you still went out of your way. I hope I didn't take away too much of your time today.

(P/N): Don't worry about It, Rarity. I was more than happy to help. The thought of a fashionista not having anything good to wear to an event such as this is... *transatlantic* uncouth!

You said which brought a small giggle from Rarity.

Rarity: Still though, I'd hate to let you leave without rewarding you in some way.

(P/N): Oh, that won't be necessary, Rarity.

Rarity: Nonsense, darling. I absolutely MUST repay you for being so helpful to me.

She began thinking about how she was going to pay you back. You were about to interject and say that she didn't need to do anything, but she stopped you before you could so much as mutter a single syllable.

Rarity: I've got it! P/N, I assume you plan on staying here in Ponyville, don't you?

(P/N): That was my general plan, yes. Why?

Rarity: Well, if you plan on buying a home for you to stay at, why don't I help you pay for it?

Your eyes widened at her proposal.

(P/N): H-Huh?! B-But that's a lot of bits, Rarity! Don't you need it for something in the future?

Rarity: I see no large upcoming expenditures in the future. Oh, won't you please let me help you pay for your new home, P/N? Pleeeeeaaaase?~

She begged in a sing-song voice while batting her eyes at you. At first, you tried to resist her offer only for you to slowly cave in to her charms. After letting out another sigh, you reluctantly agreed with a smile.

(P/N): Well... alright. If you feel that strongly about repaying me, then I guess I can't say no to an offer like that. Thank you, Rarity.

Rarity: You can thank me later, dear. Right now, it is you who should be thanked.

You both smiled at each other until you spoke a few seconds later.

(P/N): Anyways, I should get going. I've still got the rest of Ponyville to check out after all.

Much like with Pinkie, Rarity was a little saddened to hear that but she soon put on a smile.

Rarity: Very well, P/N. Until next time we meet, I wish you a good afternoon.

(P/N): *chuckles* Same here.

You both trotted over to the front door before you opened it and gave Rarity a goodbye wave.

(P/N): See you next time, Rarity.

Rarity: Ta-Ta, P/N darling! Thanks again for helping me repair my dress.

(P/N): You're very welcome.

With that said, you disappeared out the door before Rarity leaned against it and sighed dreamily while blushing like crazy.

Rarity: *thinking* My, my, my! What a truly remarkable gentleman that P/N is! It's not every day you come across someone so chivalrous.


Moments after you left Carousel Boutique, you could be seen walking down a dirt road situated near a field. While you continued your stroll, you heard something zip by above your head. You looked up at the sky and couldn't see anything that could have made that sound, so you brushed it off and resumed walking. Seconds later, the same sound whooshed just above you once again making you look up once more only for you to still see nothing.

(P/N): *thinking* Okay, I'm not making up that sound, am I?

You watched the sky for a few more seconds before shrugging.

(P/N): *thinking* Huh... okay. I guess it was my imagina-


A high pitched, tomboyish sounding voice erupted from somewhere up above. You looked up and saw a blue blur heading straight towards you. You let out a girlish scream right before the thing collided with you and sent you flying backwards into a tree and slamming into it. You slid down its trunk comedically and stopped at the base with birds circling around your head indicating that you were dizzy from the sudden tackle. While you were trying to regain your senses, you could have sworn that you heard a nervous chuckle followed by a voice.

???: Uhhh... *nervous chuckle* sorry about that.

You shook away your dizziness and looked up towards the source of the voice. The voice was revealed to belong to a Pegasus mare with a rainbow colored mane, moderate cerise colored eyes, and a pale, light grayish cerulean coat. Her Cutie Mark was that of a rainbow colored lightning bolt blasting from a cloud.

The mare let out another chuckle before offering a hoof.

???: Need a hoof?

You blinked a few times before accepting her outstretched hoof, allowing her to pull you back up.

(P/N): Thanks. Geez, I felt like I was hit by a carriage back there.

You said while rubbing your head to ease the pain. The mare, meanwhile, rubbed the back of her own head while nervously chuckling again.

???: Heh, yeah. I... may have been the cause of that.

You froze before your head slowly drifted up to look at her.

(P/N): Wait a minute, that was you?! You're the one who did the- *imitates crashing, screaming, and explosions* Why'd you do that?!

???: I didn't mean to, okay?! Sometimes, I get a little distracted during my flying sessions.

You let out a sigh before calming yourself as best as you could.

(P/N): I guess it's fine. I don't think I'm too injured or anything.

???: Well, that's good. Hey, I don't think I've seen you around before. Are you new here?

(P/N): Yep. I got here just today actually. The name's P/N. What's yours?

As soon as you asked that, she got a cocky grin on her face as she whipped her hair behind her.

Rainbow Dash: Rainbow Dash is the name! Doing daring stunts and tricks is my game!

She gloated. You blinked a few times whilst trying to comprehend just how much ego she had.

(P/N): Uh... huh. Anywho, I guess depending on how hard you hit me and the fact that I couldn't see you anywhere in the sky, you must be pretty fast, aren't you?

You asked which resulted in a scoff from her.

Rainbow Dash: Pretty fast? More like, INSANELY fast! Check this out!

She zoomed up into the air and started doing several tricks including corkscrews, barrel rolls, and dive bombs all while you were watching from down below with a look of astonishment. She then did several more tricks which you couldn't describe even if your own life depended on it which finished with a loud, thunderous explosion up above. Your own jaw dropped as Rainbow came back down with a cocky smirk.

Rainbow Dash: I call that one the Buccaneer Blitz!

She flipped her hair to the side and glanced over at you to see your current shocked expression.

Rainbow Dash: Heh, left you kinda speechless, didn't I?

It was when she asked that question that you shook your head and looked back at her.

(P/N): I-I don't know what to say except... that... was... AWESOME!! When did you learn to do that?

Rainbow Dash: When you have time to be awesome, you pick up on a few things. I've been doing this since I was a filly.

(P/N): Since you were a filly? Wow. That's a lot of experience then.

Rainbow Dash: It sure is! You know, if it weren't for the fact that you're a unicorn, I'd ask if you were up for a little race.

(P/N): Wait, unicorn? But I-

You stopped when looking at your sides to see that your wings were still being cloaked thanks to your spell. At that moment, an idea formed in your mind. What better way to start a normal life than to have everyone think that you're just a normal unicorn? After all, if everyone found out about what you really were, you'd surely gain some unwanted attention as well as everypony putting two and two together when it came to your savior identity.

You looked back at Rainbow and anxiously smiled.

(P/N): O-Oh, right! If only there was such a thing as a spell that could give me wings! *nervously chuckles*

Rainbow noticed your sudden change in body language and mannerism which led to her eyeing you curiously.

Rainbow Dash: Uhhh, you doing okay there?

(P/N): Y-Yeah, never better! I just can't help but think about... getting beaten by you if I had wings! I mean, you would surely thrash me.

You replied. Rainbow continued to stare at you before her cocky smirk returned.

Rainbow Dash: I guess that's true. You seem like a cool guy, P/N. Wanna be friends?

(P/N): Oh, sure! It's always nice to make new friends, am I right?

Rainbow Dash: Without a doubt. I've actually gotta get going since I've still got some more tricks I wanna practice. Maybe we could hang out later, if you're up for it.

(P/N): Sounds cool, Rainbow. I'll let you get to it. See you then.

Rainbow Dash: Take care, P/N.

She saluted you before taking off into the sky at high speeds before you turned and walked away. Little did you know that Rainbow turned her head back and gave you one last look.

Rainbow Dash: *thinking* There's something... odd about P/N, but he seems kinda cool, I guess.


Moments later, you were walking through a forested area while glancing around at your surroundings. Your personal sightseeing trip was stopped, however, when you heard a peculiar sound from somewhere nearby. You raised an ear and listened.

(P/N): Is... is that singing?

You silently asked yourself. You followed the sound of the singing until it led you to a clearing and you were met with the source of the rather elegant singing. You saw a Pegasus mare with a long, pale, light grayish rose colored mane, moderate cyan colored eyes, and a pale, light grayish gold colored coat. Her Cutie Mark was that of three pink colored butterflies.

You hid behind a set of bushes and peered above them as the mare continued to sing. You then noticed that she was singing to a group of animals that were silently watching her the whole time. As she continued to sing, you couldn't help but feel rather enthralled by her voice.

(P/N): *thinking* Wow... she's got such a beautiful voice. I could honestly fall asleep if she was singing me a lullaby or something.

You thought to yourself. The mare finally stopped singing before the animals clapped and cheered for her in a series of squeaks, chirps, and other noises. She giggled at that.

???: Oh, thank you all so much. I always appreciate your support.

She said in a soft voice. You peeked your head out from the bushes and stared longingly at this mare before you.

(P/N): Wow... that was something else.

You commented out loud which didn't go unnoticed by the mare who turned to you quickly with a gasp before she hid some of her face behind her mane. You realized that you must have startled her and stepped out of the bushes with a hoof out in an attempt to calm her.

(P/N): I-I'm really sorry if I startled you, Miss. I just heard you singing from afar and I came by to see what it was.

???: *whisper* O-Oh... I-I'm s-sorry if I-I disturbed or annoyed you.

You gave her a confused stare.

(P/N): Why would I be annoyed or disturbed by a voice as beautiful as yours?

Her only visible eye widened at your compliment. A faint blush could also be made out on her cheeks.

???: Y-You... you liked it?

You nodded.

(P/N): Of course. You definitely have a nice set of pipes on you.

Her lips slowly curled up into a smile.

???: T-Thank you. I-I don't think I-I've seen you around before.

(P/N): Well, that's because I'm new here in Ponyville. I just got here today, believe it or not.

You reached a hoof out to her.

(P/N): I'm P/N. What's your name?

Your question towards this seemingly timid mare only made her hide behind her mane even more. That didn't stop her from speaking however as you could still make out her voice.

Fluttershy: I-I'm... I'm... *whisper* F-F-F-Fluttershy...

You gently smiled when you finally heard her name.

(P/N): Fluttershy, huh? I actually really like that name.

To say that Fluttershy was shocked by you being able to hear her would be an understatement. She peered up at you soon afterwards.

Fluttershy: Y-You... you heard me?

(P/N): Sure did. I may not look it, but I've got some really good hearing. I could hear a butterfly's wing beat from miles away... okay, that's an exaggeration, but I am serious when I say that my hearing is excellent. It's how I was able to hear your beautiful singing from all the way back where I was a few moments ago.

You pointed to where you came from. Fluttershy once again felt shocked by your answer. Not just from the compliment, but also from the fact that you were able to hear her soft singing from so far away. She played with some of her mane with her hooves while her blush grew a little.

Fluttershy: W-Well... t-thank you. I've been practicing a lot lately.

(P/N): Well, clearly, you have a talent for it.

You turned your attention to the animals she was singing to.

(P/N): So, I guess you've also got a thing for animals, right?

You asked. Fluttershy's smile widened and she stood up straight.

Fluttershy: O-Oh, yes! Absolutely. I've always admired animals ever since I was a little filly. I've had a dream that one day, I'd build my own little sanctuary for them.

You stared back at her, really taking in her words. A part of you was rather happy to have met someone like her. You've always felt that animals were underappreciated in a lot of ways, so the fact that you met a mare who shares that same sentiment was relieving in a way for you.

(P/N): That's... actually really sweet, Fluttershy. I don't think I've met anypony else who has such a love for animals like you.

Fluttershy smiled again, this time with a bit of a giggle.

Fluttershy: So, does this mean you love animals too?

(P/N): *chuckles* As a matter of fact, I do.

You were about to go into more detail when something hopped on top of Fluttershy's head. It's revealed to be a small pure white rabbit with a pink nose and black eyes.

It seemed to be sporting an impatient frown on its tiny little face along with crossing its arms and tapping one of its feet.

Fluttershy: Oh, Angel. Could you please give us another minute? I promise I'll be with you momentarily.

The small rodent, now named Angel, let out a small sigh and hopped off its owner's head and back towards the group of animals. Fluttershy turned back to face you.

Fluttershy: I'm so sorry if Angel interrupted you. He can get a bit impatient sometimes.

You waved a dismissive hoof.

(P/N): It's okay. I'm guessing he really wants to hear more of your singing. I really wanna talk more, Fluttershy, but I've actually gotta go. I wanna see the rest of Ponyville along with finding myself a place to stay.

Once again, much like with Pinkie and Rarity, Fluttershy seemed saddened by that, but she shook it away and replaced it with another smile.

Fluttershy: O-Okay. Oh! Since you're wanting to find a place to stay, why don't you talk to Mayor Mare? She's sure to help you find a vacant house.

(P/N): Alright. I'll be sure to pay her a visit then. It was nice talking to you, Fluttershy. See you later.

You waved her goodbye before turning and striding off.

Fluttershy: Bye, P/N.

She waved back before you disappeared through the brush. Fluttershy looked back to see Angel impatiently tapping his foot again. She lets out a sigh before walking over to her animal friend and starts singing again. As she did so, she glanced over her shoulder at the area you left in and her earlier blush returned.

Fluttershy: *thinking* He's... he's so kind to me. I... I've gotta try and see him again.


Back with our main hero, you were trotting your way towards Town Hall after getting some directions from the local ponies on where you could find Mayor Mare in order to get yourself a forever home. When you made it inside, you saw a few ponies talking with an older mare. She had a light cornflower bluish gray mane, moderate phthalo blue eyes, and a pale, light grayish amber coat. Her Cutie Mark was that of a scroll tied together with a blue ribbon.

Based on observation, you assumed that this was the mayor before walking over to her. She got done with her business with the two other ponies and she turned to see you come in and she gave you a welcoming smile.

???: Hello, young stallion. May I help you with something?

(P/N): Yes. I'm P/N and I just got here today. Are you Mayor Mare by chance?

Mayor Mare: That I am. Is there something you need?

(P/N): Well, like I said, I'm new here and I was wondering if there were any houses up for purchase.

She thinks for a moment before turning back to you and smiling.

Mayor Mare: As a matter of fact, there is. You actually came at the perfect time. We were just about to bulldoze it for space. Do follow me and I shall take you to it.

(P/N): Alright. Although, we should make a quick stop at Carousel Boutique. Rarity offered to pay for the house.

Mayor Mare: Oh? Gained the attention of a beautiful mare already?

She grinned mischievously. You blushed before looking off to the side with a pout.

(P/N): I-It's just her way of repaying me for something that happened to her today, that's all.

The mayor let out a giggle while putting a hoof over her mouth to try and stifle it.

Mayor Mare: I see. *joking* It's a shame. You'd make a cute couple.


She starts laughing at your embarrassment for a moment before wiping away her tears of laughter.

Mayor Mare: You're a real treat, dear. Anywho, come this way. I'll show you to the house.

(P/N): *sigh* Lead the way. *thinking* You sure you don't wanna embarrass me some more? What else do you got in your arsenal of teasing?


(A Few Hours Later)

It was now close to sunset. After the past few hours, your new house was fully paid for and refurbished thanks to Mayor Mare and Rarity's influence. Once the house was finally finished, you gazed upon your new home with a wide smile as Rarity and Mayor Mare stood beside you.

(P/N): Wow... this place looks great! I can't thank you two enough.

Rarity: It was our pleasure, darling.

Mayor Mare: Most certainly. Well, I should be off now. I do hope you enjoy your new home, P/N, and welcome to Ponyville.

(P/N): Thanks again, Mayor.

Rarity: Farewell.

You both waved her goodbye as she walked away while waving back. Once she had disappeared, Rarity turned back to look at you.

Rarity: I should be off as well, P/N darling. I do hope we can talk again real soon.

(P/N): Me too, Rarity, and really, thanks a lot for paying for the house. You really didn't need to do it.

Rarity: You're right, I didn't have to, but I still wanted to.

She replied with a smile, earning a smile from you as well. She then got another idea.

Rarity: Oh! P/N, if you're open to it, why not help all of us set everything up for the Summer Sun Celebration that's going on the day after tomorrow?

(P/N): Really? I can help you guys?

Rarity: Of course, darling! Any and all help is always accepted. I'm sure Mayor Mare will give you a role.

You smiled at her offer and nodded.

(P/N): Well, alright then. Count me in.

Rarity: Splendid! Anyways, I should be leaving now. Toodaloo, P/N!

(P/N): See you later, Rarity.

She gives you one more hug before turning and leaving. You peered back up at your new house before stepping up to the door and entering. The once empty house was now filled with furniture, decor, and every other necessity you needed. You let out a small yawn and decided to call it a night. You headed up your stairs and into your bedroom before collapsing on the bed, exhausted after today's events. You rolled over and gazed up at the ceiling while deep in thought.

(P/N): Well, my retirement's finally arrived. Time for me to leave the life of a savior behind and start being a normal pony for once. Which reminds me...

You stood back up and casted away your invisibility spell, allowing your wings to reappear. You gave them a good stretch while grunting a few times.

(P/N): It's nice to finally give these babies a stretch after a long day of being invisible... until I inevitably have to hide them again. *sigh* I'll be honest, being famous just plain sucks sometimes.

You commented before climbing into bed and pulling the covers over you. You stared up at the ceiling again for another moment or so before your eyelids started to get heavy. Before you fell asleep, you had one final thought.

(P/N): *thinking* Yep... no. more. crazy. adventures... ever.

With that final thought, you eventually fell fast asleep, eager to officially start your new normal life.







Or so you thought, because little did you know that this one event would spiral you down a path full of magic, monsters, twists and turns, and of course, romance. Oh boy, were things going to go differently than you were anticipating.

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Okay! I do believe the Prologue chapter is finally complete after... what? Several months of being in limbo?)

(Shadowlight9743: Around eight, I'd say.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Well, I'm still happy it turned out the way it did. What'd you think?)

(Shadowlight9743: I think it's good reading material overall. This is definitely a step in the right direction.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Well, I'm glad you think so. *turns to audience* Anyways, guys, we hope you enjoyed this first installment of the story. We're really sorry that it took so long to get to it. We've been really busy with Savior of CHS along with our other stories and with life in general.)

(Shadowlight9743: On top of that, for those of you who aren't caught up in Savior of CHS, 2784's been away for some time and Jordan couldn't really rely on his availability anymore. That's why I'm here to help assist him in the making of this story, along with any others he decides to make.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Exactly. Anywho, we hope that you guys enjoyed it, and until next time, this is Jordanwolfboy9743...)

(Shadowlight9743: And Shadowlight9743...)

(Jordanwolfboy9843 & Shadowlight9743: Signing out! See ya! *walks away*)

(Shadowlight9743: *distantly* Well, I guess it was time to come out of retirement sooner or later.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: *distantly* Well, not entirely. We've still got things to handle.)

(Shadowlight9743: *distantly* Like what? Aside from Behind the Magic?)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: *distantly* Well, that, and with life as well.)

(Shadowlight9743: *distantly* Right, I guess you have a point there. Though, technically speaking, this is my life. I don't really do much outside of this. 2784 might be different though. I should probably ask-)


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