Chapter one

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The police had been unable to find anything physically wrong with Alex when they did a medical scan on her. I crossed my arms and thought about how stupid the police officers were, for thinking she had killed herself.
"The food showed no signs of being tampered with and the water was clean." The inspector said. The old man was in his late sixties and there was no person I hated more than him. Besides the murderer, I needed to track them down. Inspector Christopher had graying black hair, always dressed like a high schooler from the sixties, and had deep blue eyes.

"She didn't kill herself," I said suddenly feeling quite brave. In almost two years I had hardly spoken to anyone besides Alex, but now all I wanted was to find whoever did this.
"You have something to say, Clara?" He asked. His partner and close friend of mine Edward shook his head trying to stop him from saying anything. But despite my fondness for his dirty blonde hair and green eyes, I spoke up anyway.
"I know what I saw!" I exclaimed catching both men off guard. "She was murdered just like my family was killed."

"Clara these deaths are tragic indeed but they're not murders," Christopher answered. His words had me fuming and only Edward grabbing my arm stopped me from yelling at the inspector again. "Edward this woman obviously needs help, she's suffering from psychosis from all the trauma." He said fixing his coat and writing something down on his cell phone. Christopher made sure I saw his police badge when he walked away, and my anger was replaced by sadness.
"I'm sorry about all this," Edward said as he released me from his hold. I wanted to remain in it but there was time for my schoolgirl crush when he was a middle-aged divorced man. "I know how important she was to you."

"She was important to everyone," I answered wiping a few tears from my eyes. "Have you told your brothers yet?" I asked being a little curious. Alex had never been a  shy girl or one to get involved with the wrong people, but she tended to have a strange liking to older men. I didn't understand it but she also said that age was just a number unless it was illegal, and there was no lust involved only compassion. And she was twenty three so I couldn't make too big of a fuss about her relationship.
"No I haven't but I'm going to tonight," Edward answered pulling me out of my thoughts.  He sighed and I knew it wasn't going to be easy for him to tell anyone the news especially his brothers. "Just stay out of trouble Clara, we will figure out what happened."

"Edward!" Christopher bellowed from the police car and my heart sighed knowing he had to leave. I asked him to stay the night but he said that he couldn't as he had a job to do. And to be fair so did I, I wasn't going to sit on my butt and wait for the stupid idiot calling himself an inspector to solve this. I walked back to Alex's house with tears running down my face as it began to ran matching my mood perfectly. As I got closer to the house, the harder it poured and the more soaked I got. The creepy Butler Clyde who I swear looked like a vampire let me in and I raced my way over to the library. I cried buckets of tears until my face was stinging from all the crying, and asked why fate had to be so cruel.

"Why me? I've been nothing but a good person! How is this alright? I wish there was a way to prove I knew what I was talking about!" I yelled. Just as I said that something hard fell on the top of my head and before I could react to the pain. I saw that it had been a red book, most notebly it was the book that had no words on the cover. Curious I rubbed the bump on my head and sat the book down so I could relax, I called out to Clyde asking for a glass of water but he didn't answer. Rolling my eyes I sat down in a chair and I distracted myself by looking through my phone.Telling myself I would read the book later, a bunch of my friends were making posts about Alex on social media.

It hurt to look through them but most of them had been her friends as well, and I was glad to see this  people care about one small. It showed just how powerful just one death can be, even in a dreary place like this. However something caught my attention, it sounded like pages turning and to my surprise I looked up to see the red book had opened. Confused I instantly closed and decided it was time for me to go to sleep, it wouldn't be easy but at least I wouldn't have to face reality. In my mind a fantasy even a dysfunctional one is better than a horrible reality. So I was prepared to face the number of nightmares and episodes of insomnia, to avoid this.

Since I always read to put myself to sleep
I picked up the red book from earlier and was impressed to see a bunch of interesting things. The entire book was mostly blank pages but had a whole page on a certain Victorian aged fictional character. Dracula, Dr. Frankenstein, Frankenstein's monster, Dr. Jekyll, Mr. Hyde, the wolf man, the headless horseman, Abraham Van Helsing, and of course the  Sherlock Holmes characters. My eyes began to get heavy and I heard pages being turned again, but I eventually fell asleep. What I didn't realize was that the book kept turning pages and stopped on the one with Sherlock's picture.

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