Chapter sixteen

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When my vision cleared I could see a little boy waiting in an hospital room with his mother. It took me a second to recognize the dirty blonde hair and green eyes, but sure enough this were his memories. Not too far away I saw that the woman had been stabbed with some kind of knife, and the nurse was trying her best to stop the bleeding.
"Henry what happened?" The nurse asked.
"My father was talking crazy and he hurt her," the little boy responded crying. "I tried to stop him but he pushed me away and I hit my head on the mirror." I heard the nurse sigh and felt sadness through me when I realized that his mother wasn't going to make it. Not only that but a few minutes later I was shocked to watch a ton of police officers tackle a man who was trying to run. I backed away as he growled like a manic and told the nurses to give him his son.
"Give him to me Sara! My son will become a better man if I raise him!"

"No way, you have lost your mind!" The nurse exclaimed and I gasped as the man was pulled away from his son screaming to be let go. The nurse comforted the child as he cried but I knew by the scene it was only the start of his ties. I watched as Jekyll grew up on his own as no one wanted to take care of him, he would stay with one family for awhile but quickly leave when they realized who his father was. Despite all his hardships he was incredibly bright and made a living by creating formulas in his teen years, to help others out. This allowed him to receive a scholarship to the university of London and he received his Doctrine, earning his title as Dr. Jekyll. There he met a woman named Lisa and I saw the two get engaged, and thats when I began to wonder.

The story was different than I knew yes, but how did Jekyll go from a nice guy to a crazy manic making a deal with a vampire? And where did Hyde fall into all this? A blue mist changed the memories I was seeing and I saw they were beginning to become darker. Not just in color but in context as well.
"Henry I don't think you should let my father get to you." Lisa said to him. She placed a hand on his shoulder and I was shocked when I heard what happened.
"A monster, that's what he called me," Jekyll responded through clenched teeth. I backed away out of fear at the sight as his anger took a dark turn and he began yelling, blaming his father and the world for his suffering. "I am not a monster! My father was a monster and because of what he did! The world has turned against me!"

"Henry..." Lisa responded but he cut her off by slapping her across the face, I gasped at the scene and saw Lisa touch her cheek in shock. It was like watching a victim of abuse right after a slap happened and not being able to do anything.
"Oh gosh Lisa, I'm sorry I didn't mean to." Jekyll said surprised at his own behavior. I narrowed my eyes at Jekyll when he promised to never do that again, and he just became his father when he was angry. To my surprise she forgave him and I thought briefly that maybe he would get better. But more events like that happened and he became more abusive, pushing her against the wall when she tried to stand up for herself.  Telling her to remember her place as her only purpose was to be his wife and bear him children. After seeing this I was beginning to see what Hyde meant about Jekyll. He was clearly mentally unstable because of what happened to him in his childhood, and he was taking it out on others.

Jekyll was also a gas lighter as right after hurting Lisa, he would immediately apologize to her and say that he loved her. But all this beatings were making Lisa question her own sanity and her other relationships began falling apart because of Jekyll's manipulative nature. I felt sorry for her and nearly cried when she attempted to take her own life at their engagement party. Jekyll unfortunately 'rescued' her from hanging herself, and that same day began working on his formula to eliminate all evil from mankind. I knew what was going to happen once he completed it but I was left wondering if he made for selfish reasons. I never got the answer as he drunk the potion and the transformed into Edward Hyde. Only the transformation was reserved, Hyde was actually all of Jekyll's good nature and Jekyll became a straight up murderer.

Using his new 'Friend' as an alias he killed the board of governors one by one, since they had rejected his proposals. And all were different but all terrible and yet familiar, first he insulted the bishop of the London church and forced him to cut his own feet, by walking through glass. Then finished him off by hanging him, making it look like a suicide. Which brought me back to Dorian Grey's murder, now that I knew his back story. I realized that Jekyll must have found his picture and forced him to look at it. When Dorian tried to run away knowing he would age, Jekyll broke the glass of the picture causing Dorian to get cut by it multiple times. Due to being slowed down, Jekyll forced the picture in Dorian's face and it aged him until he could hang the nearly dead man. I felt sick and picturing that scene in my head, but of course I couldn't vomit inside someone else's head.

Next he attacked a general with a knife and nearly cut off his head, which resembled the headless horse man's murder. When the man survived Jekyll burned him alive and shot a woman who witnessed everything after trying to charm her. I felt my stomach drop after the scene changed and he killed the last two members by pushing one down the stairs and poisoning the other. Apart from being completely disgusted by Jekyll's actions and how easily he was able to get away with it by blaming Hyde. I did wonder why he chose to leave those two last but then I realized the two victims were a couple. Which meant that his next targets were going to be Alexandria and Connor, my mind against my will thought back to when Alex was poisoned. I cursed myself mentally for thinking about that when I had to focus, and tried to leave his memories.

But I couldn't leave or even move, all I could do was watch, so I groaned and stopped fighting against the magical pull on me. Lisa turned out to be the one who figured out everything and since she knew all about Jekyll's experiment. She created an temporary antidote with help from Jekyll's friend Jon and unexpectedly Hyde. It worked and she snuck the antidote to him on their wedding night, causing Jekyll to be locked in his head, and Hyde to take control. I wanted to say the two were having an affair but I wasn't sure that was the right word for it. The two were very happy for a number of years until Lisa caught scarlet fever and died only a month after. Hyde was left alone and dedicated himself to becoming a doctor that actually saved people, it made me realize that well Jekyll and Hyde shared memories. They were clearly different people, kinda like having an evil twin in your body. I looked away briefly and could overhear Hyde admit that he was lonely and one night while walking he stumbled across Connor.

If I had to guess it was because Hyde saw himself in the roughed up teen who had been tossed aside like trash. Everything seemed to happen in a blur after that, Hyde took Connor in, Connor became a hunter a got bit, ran away when he realized he had become a werewolf. Hyde went out looking for him and searched endless for over a year before running into his foster brother again, there he learned about what happened with Alexandria. Then out of nowhere Dracula attacked him slamming Hyde against the wall, he hit his head and Jekyll was awaken. I saw all the following years where Hyde tried to keep Jekyll under control, but in that time he made his deal with Dracula. "Free me of this goody two shoes and I'll do whatever you want."

I couldn't watch Dracula bite him causing his Transformation, at this point I had seen enough. Now I knew the truth and wanted to find a way to save everyone else, I let out a gasp as I felt the spell wear off. I found myself back at where I had started and could see Jekyll glaring back at me.
" Congratulations after a whole day of searching you figured out who the murderer was, can total victory be far behind." He sarcasticly remarked and I had to hand it to him, he was an incredibly actor.
"Oh you don't scare me," I responded flipping my hair at him. "Although your fake accent does make me a little nauseous." He growled and I almost laughed at him but Lindsey began freaking out about something happening outside. "What did you do?" I asked fiercely.

He smiled and saw his teeth become fangs making my skin crawl down my back.
"Go and see for yourself Sherlock Holmes." He responded.  Before I could stop myself I ran out of the room leaving Jekyll alone to go see what had happened. To my surprise not only did I see a dead Dracula and an injured Connor with his wife nearby, implying the two had fought to the death. I saw that there was a message written in blood on the wall, congratulations you caught the killer, but did you catch the mastermind? You should probably check. I was unable to speak and touched the message to make sure it was really blood, it was and my gut told me to run back to check on Jekyll. I ran as fast as I could back to the other room, but Jekyll was long gone and all that remained was another message written in blood. You guessed wrong, this isn't over Ms. Holmes you still have nine days left. -M

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