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A large field filled with nothing but dead crops. That was the only thing Sora can see.

The field went as far as the eye can see. There was absolute nothing else. The sky was empty and grey. No sun or moon. Cold wind blew through the field, carrying no sent. Instead, it simply made the field feel more dead and empty.

Sora looked around. He did not recognise the place, and he saw nothing for as far as his eyes can see. He was all alone in this place that felt as if it was a graveyard without graves.

"Hello?" Sora said, though he doubted anything would-


Sora froze as a feeling of dread washed over him. Turning around, he saw something in the distance. Something that looked rather familiar, but he couldn't-


In an instant, the figure appeared in front of Sora, causing him to take several steps back. He can now see it was the jagged scarecrow he saw before.

The chest-cage on the scarecrow suddenly suddenly opened. From the swirling darkness inside, red chains came out and shot towards Sora, wrapping around his arms and legs.

The chains began pulling Sora to the chest-cage. The therapist struggled, pulling and thrashing against the chains as they kept pulling him to the darkness inside the scarecrow.

As soon as Sora touched the darkness-


Sora shot up and started taking deep breaths. He looked around and found himself lying in the bed an unfamiliar room. The room was absolutely plain, with a bed and a side table along with a small closet, but it didn't have any windows.

The door to the room opened, most likely someone heard his gasp, and in came a man with short black hair wearing a black suit. "You're awake?"

"Who are you? And where am I?" Sora asked the man.

"All your questions will be answered, mister Fujiwara, but please wait for a moment," the man explained, surprising Sora that he knew his name before closing the door.

Sora sat on the edge of the bed and placed his feet on the ground. He was still in his usual clothes, and the back of his pant-leg was torn with blood on the tear, but there was no wound.

The therapist was confused. He was sure that the wound was borderline crippling, yet it was gone without a trace. Not even leaving a scar. He didn't remember exactly what happened. The last thing he recalls was...

"The Scarecrow," he mumbled as he remembered.

He made a deal with a Devil, a Devil he suspected was the Scarecrow Devil. That was his safest assumption so far. The last thing he remembers was agreeing to the contract and everything after that was a red haze.

The door opened again and in dame a woman with an eyepatch and short black hair. She was wearing the same suit as the man that showed up before was wearing.

"Hello there. Nice to meet you, mister Fujiwara," the woman greeted as she stood in front of Sora.


Sora blinked as a hoarse voice whispered in his head. He looked around, seeing nothing out of the ordinary.

"Mister Fujiwara, are you there?" The woman asked with some concern.

"A-Ah, yes. Sorry, I'm still a bit woozy," Sora lied, not desiring to mention the voice and hoping it was his imagination.

The woman smiled and nodded. "That's understandable. You had it rough, didn't you? Though, we're still unclear on the details."

"Excuse me, but who are you exactly? And this 'we' you're talking about? And how do you know my name?" Sora asked.

The woman blinked in confusion before realisation struck her. "Ah, they didn't explain anything to you, did they?" That was a statement, not a question. "Well, we're the Public Safety Devil Hunters. You can call me Himeno, and we know your name from a little research. As for why you're here, two of our hunters found you while looking for a Devil and said that you showed... something really strange, so we took you in for safety."

"You mean others' safety from me?" Sora asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Don't take this personally," Himeno's expression turned sour. "It's just that you're a unknown case. We still have many questions but the fact you're human, at least currently, is making sure we don't kill you or throw you in a cell."

"It's alright," Sora sighed and rested his hands on his knees. "I'm just... coping with everything that happened. I'm a therapist, after all, so I would be surprised if you don't treat an unknown element with caution."

"Now, would you like to explain to us what exactly happened?" Himeno asked, tilting her head.

"Before that, can I ask about the hunters that found me? And what exactly they said?" Sora asked, hoping to get an idea what they already know.

Himeno's expression turned strained. "Well... I called for them, but with those two, you never-"

"I'M HERE!" Someone smacked the door open, almost kicking it off its hinges.

The person that came in was a young woman with blond hair tied into slightly wild pigtails. She had pale blue eyes and was wearing the same suit Himeno was wearing, but with a couple of buttons undone. Her pigtails had a different hair clip each. One a white bear, and the other is a black one.

"You said I can kick the door this time!" Another person came in from behind the door.

Sora believed that calling it a 'person' was a bit much because it was actually something close to a Teddy bear. The being was walking on two and was made up of two halves. One half was white and looked pretty much like the usual Teddy bear anyone would see in a toy store, while the other half was pitch-black with a jagged red-eye and a sinister smile.


Sora blinked and lightly shook his head as the voice whispered into his head again. "Ha! See? We got him speechless!" The new girl said while placing her hands on her waist.

Himeno sighed while pinching the bridge of her nose. "Mister Fujiwara, you asked about the hunters that found you, and it was these two. Junko, introduce yourself," Himeno said while instructing the girl.

"Hey there, creepy! My name is Junko Enoshima! Nice to meet you!" Junko greeted while waving her hand enthusiastically.

"And I'm-"

"And this annoying flea bag is Monokuma. You can ignore him," Junko added, waving the bear off.

"Hey! How dare you? I had a full introduction prepared to make me look like a great and powerful-" Monokuma's rant was cut off by Junko placing her foot on his face and stepping tell he hit the ground.

"Now, creepy, tell me how you came outta that thing," Junko turned back to Sora with Monokuma still under her foot.

"About that, can you tell me what you exactly saw?" Sora asked, not bothering to point out the way she was treating Monokuma, noticing it was natural by the way Himeno didn't react.

"We were looking for a Devil in the area after hearing some rumours of one being there," Junko started while crossing her arms.

"But when we got there," Monokuma groaned out as he finally escaped from Junko's foot. "We didn't find it. There was just a few dog corpses. We also found you after a weird scarecrow vanished."

"I see," Sora sighed as he looked down, feeling the incoming headache already. "The Devil you were looking for was the Dig Devil, and I encountered it in the forest."

"What were you doing in the forest?" Himeno asked.

"I was led there by a dog. I was under the belief it was leading me to someone who needs help, but it was apparently working for the Dog Devil," Sora explained before continuing. "I was attacked and they were about to kill me... But then another Devil appeared and offered to make a deal in order to save my life."

"Citizens making contracts with Devils is illegal," Himeko stated, though she seemed to say that automatically rather than scold him or warn him.

"It was a life or death situation. I made the deal to save my life and after that, well, my memory becomes almost completely hazy after that, so I can't say," Sora finished with a shrug.

Himeno sighed and placed a hand on her chin. "This is... a seriously tricky situation. If it was up to me, I would say that you were doing what you had to so you could survive, but the law isn't easy."

"I'd imagine," Sora nodded in understanding. "So, what now?"

"Now? I bring up my superior to see you," Himeno sighed and Sora noticed signs of annoyance.

She most likely did not like her 'superior'.

"That walking masochist fanservice bait is gonna looove you," Junko added with a snicker and a hint of sarcasm.

"Yeah, she's always looking for more 'pets'," Monokuma giggled while covering his mouth with his hands.

Sora found the wording to be odd. The two women and Monokuma left the room, most likely to get their 'superior', while the therapist waited in the room while trying to gather his thoughts.

He was in a really bad situation, legally speaking. Best case scenario, he gets arrested, while the worst case scenario would be getting killed and/or experimented on. Attempting escape or retaliating would only make his situation worse.

After almost ten straight minutes, the door was opened again and a new woman came in. This one had red hair tied in a braid and yellow eyes with a ring in them. She was wearing the same suit, though she lacked the jacket.


At this point, Sora was definitely sure the voice was not his imagination, but he still didn't know the source or why it was saying those odd words.

"Good day, Sora Fujiwara. I am Makima," the woman said as she stood in front of Sora and looked down on him.

Being a therapist, Sora had a good ability to read people, and he still couldn't read anything on the woman in front of him. The first thing he noticed was how she's good at keeping her cards close to her chest.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Sora nodded.

"I'll get straight to the point, your situation is incredibly unique and fragile. You illegally made a contract with an unknown Devil, despite the situation demanding it, and most likely killed the target we were supposed to deal with. Per protocol, we should be offering you a last meal before we kill you now instead of talking," Makima explained.

"And the reason you're not doing is because you want to offer me something?" Sora asked, already seeing where this is going.

"Indeed. I would like to offer you to work here as part of a special squad made for special situations like you. You are a therapist, correct?" Sora nodded at her question. "Someone of your skills can be of great use to a profession like hunting Devils. Do you know why?"

"Because, if I help your hunters fear the Devils less, they'll be more officiant in doing their job, right?" Sora asked and Makima nodded.

"What do you say?"

Sora placed a hand on his chin as he thought. Something about the woman in front of him simply rubbed him off the wrong way. It was like her eyes weren't even looking at him at all. As if she was not relying on her eyes to see.

"I don't have much of a choice, do I?" Sora sighed in defeat. "Very well. I accept, as long as you make it clear my main position is a therapist."

"That is acceptable," the woman nodded before turning around to leave the room. "I'll send Junko for you with a new uniform. Make sure you're ready for a more thorough explanation on your situation."

"Can you also send a new doctor's coat?" Sora asked as he looked over his beat up coat. He loved wearing one as it made him seem more professional.

"That can be arranged," Makima said just as she closed the door.

Sora fell back on the bed with a loud sigh. "One day gone wrong and my while life was turned upside down. Hearing voices is not helping my view on my current mental state."

(A/N: thank you for reading this.

I'm sorry if this chapter is a little lacking. It's mostly a filler and the next one will be hopefully better.

I still haven't received much support on this story.

Please comment, review, and give me your thoughts on my story.)

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