Winter is Coming

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We start off in the ruins of Bear Stone Hill as we see a small camp with ten men sitting around a campfire a fire look to be Aston Stark, Ragnar, Floki, Bjorn, Ubbe, Sithric, Finnin, Oswerath, Erik and Siegfried. All ten of the men have been away from Winterfell for a week making sure no wildlings crossed the wall. Aston did find a scared boy running towards them their third day at Bearstone Hill and saw that he was a member of the Night's Watch like his Uncle Benjen Stark. The boy was spouting nonsense about the white walkers. Ashton nodded towards Ragnar and Floki who grabbed the boy by the arms and lead him towards a stone covered in dried blood as Aston squatted down to his eye level and asked him axe or sword. The boy said he will die by the axe. Aston walked towards his tent and grabbed Odin's Rage  with a knife for the boy to hold when he is killed. He started to walk back towards the boy and hands him the knife and asked him for his last words.

Boy: I should have gone back to the Wall and warned them, but....I saw what I saw. I saw the White Walkers. People need to know. If you can get word to my family....tell them I'm no coward. Tell them I'm sorry.

Aston: I will boy.

Aston sets the axe head on the ground and made a quick pray to Odin to let the boy rest in Valhalla with the warriors of the past. Aston lifted the axe high and brought it down in one quick movement taking the boys head clean off. Aston looks to Erik and Sigfred.

Aston: Build a pyre for the tonight we send him to Valhalla and I also don't think we can not bury him it's not right.

Erik and Sigfred build a pure as Aston picks up the boys body and lays it down and as Ubbe picks up the head of the boy and as the fire is raging he tosses the head into the fire. As the boys head lands into the fire all ten men walk towards their horses.

Aston: Time to go back to Winterfell brothers!

All ten men get on their horses and start to ride back down towards Winterfell. Aston has Erik on right as the men are riding south along the shore line as Erik tries to talk to him.

Erik: Lord I wish to marry the girl who I met a little while ago.

Aston: Tell me Erik what was her name again?

Erik: Marei her name is Marei.

Aston: I will think about it. You will get your answer before Winterfell.

The Men stop in the middle of the road and come across a dead fully grown elk as Aston gets off of his horse he and Ragnar see a blood trail away from the elk. They all follow the trail and come across a dead giant wolf. Aston motions towards Ubbe, Finan, and Oswearth to grab the five wolf pups and when they start to leave Ragnar finds a white one and grabs it. When all of them get back to their horses Aston about to get on his he hears a little growl. He turns around and sees a black wolf pup who is a little bit bigger then the other with a scar over his left eye. Aston approaches the wolf pup with his hand out for it to smell. The wolf smells his hand and as Aston lifts up the wolf pup it nibbles at his finger making him laugh. I shall name you Fenrir and since your the eldest you will be mine. As the ten men get closer and closer to Winterfell Aston looks Erik in the eyes and gives him his answer.

Aston: You can marry the girl if that is what you wish brother.

Erik: You will not forget this. We will name our first born after you lord.

Aston: No the fuck you will not!

As the group get closer to the gates towards Winterfell Aston looks toward the sky and sees and arrow coming towards his face as he reaches out and grabs the arrow a few inches from his eye. Aston breaks the arrow in his hand and by the face he made he is beyond pissed for Bran listening to his mother and not following what he told him to do.

As Aston rides through the gate along with his men all ten of them go to the stables to drop off their horses. As they all dismount Aston looks at Erik.

Aston: Go get the girl and you tell her of the marriage and bring her straight to me and hurry.

Erik quickly walks away from the group fast and he passes Ned Stark Aston's father as he walks into the stables seeing his eldest walk through the gates. Followed by Rickon and Arya stark the younger siblings who look up to Aston.

Ned: How did it go?

Aston: Nothing interesting except a nights watch we found running south saying something about the White Walkers. He was beheaded and we lit him a pyre and laid him on it.

Ned: Good I don't want any funny business when the king gets here.

Aston: Speaking on that I will not have mother worrying about my appearance at all and I will be there just not caring.

Ned starts to walk out as the young girl and youngest son of Ned stark start to run and jump onto Aston.

Rickon: Your Back!

Arya: How was it?

Aston: Good, where is Bran little ones?

Arya: He is training how to shoot a bow again with Robb, Jon, and Theon.

Aston: Do you two wish to show me where they are?

Arya nods her head and starts to lead out her older brother with him holding onto Rickon and the rest of the group as Ragnar drags Oswearth away to help him still with the long sword training.  Aston and the group arrive at the archery area and see Bran trying to hit the hay barrel. Aston signals for a bow and one single arrow to be handed to him. Bjorn hands him the bow and arrow as he leans down towards Arya and lifts one finger and hands her the bow and arrow as he sets his forehead against hers and he kisses it. As he leans on the fence post he signals for Sigefrid to got get his wives. Sigefrid leaves to get the women as Aston lowers his hand and Arya shoots a arrow passing Bran with incredible speed and accuracy hitting the bullseye. All four of the boys turn around and sees Arya do a little bow as she hands Aston the bow. Her and Rickon run off to catch up with Sigefrid to see their sister in laws. Bran tries to run after them but is stopped by the strong grip of Aston.

Bran: Ow! Your hurting me brother.

Aston: You will not leave until you hit the target do I make myself clear boy.

Robb starts to step towards Aston and is about to say something but Finan stops him before he takes a step.

Finan: Listen her boy your brother knows what he is doing.

Aston Looks into the eyes of Bran and sees the fire is slowly dwindling from the time he was gone. Aston drags Bran back to the archer pit and hands him the bow and a bag of arrows. Aston grabbed a stick and told Bran to grab the bow. Aston looks to Jon who signals that Catelyn Stark along with his father is watching them.

Aston: Pick up the bow boy.

Bran hesitates for a few seconds and Aston picks up on the hesitation in his eyes.


Bean picks up the bow and starts to nock the arrow as Aston hits his hand with the stick.

Aston: Did I tell you to do that?

Bran shakes his head he sets the arrow back in the quiver and wait for the order.

Aston: Grab a arrow and nock it into the bow.

Bran follows Aston order and starts to pull the string back as Aston starts to hit bran with the stick fixing his form.

Aston: Wait.  Bran you see the target correct?

Bran nods his head as Aston walks behind him and covers his eyes. Bran is confused along with everyone that don't know what he is doing. Ragnar is smirking knowing why Aston does this.

Aston: You saw the target with your eyes and now you don't see. You know what you aim for now let go of the string and let the gods do the work boy.

Bran let's go of the string of the bow and let's the arrow fly as Aston moves his hands away from Bran's eyes and he sees the arrow he just shot go straight through the arrow Arya shot earlier. Bran is happy as Aston swings towards Bran when he is not suspecting the swing but Bran is able to block the attack as Bran rolls away and pulls his wooden axes and starts to swing to Aston as that both start to fight. Half way through the fight Aston wins by being smart and gabbing a fist full of dirt and throws it into his eyes. Aston helps bran up and motions for Bran to follow as everyone does as Aston goes into his personal blacksmith shop and walks towards a chest. Aston grabs a folded up cloth and walks towards him and kneels to his height and hands him the cloth and looks him in his eyes.

Aston: I made these for you when we started training the very first day. Ragnar made me my Axe and I made Sihtric's axes when I took him under my wing. And now I bestow upon you your first weapon and the reason why I had you train with axes.

Bran unwraps the cloth and his eyes widen as he sees two axes. He tries to say something as Aston looks at him with pride like a father does. Bran sets the axes down and runs up and hugs Aston. Happy with the gift Bran turns and shows his father and mother the gift.

Ned is interested in the design of the weapons as he holds them. He gives the axes back to Bran as Aston goes to grab a belt for Bran to put the axes on it. Catelyn was angry and so was Robb as Catelyn when to grab the axes from Bran Aston saw this and grabbed her arm and looked into her eyes.


Catelyn was going to say something to her eldest but Ned grabbed her shoulder and shook his head. The adults left with Robb as Bran went with the other to the local tavern as Erik comes along with Marei as Aston wed the two as Aston have Bran a little bit to drink of the mead he drinks. Bran was happy about the axes Aston gave him as he still is looking at them. We then cut to Aston the next morning sleeping in the same bed as his three wives as all of them are naked and Fenrir who is laying by the fire place in the room as Bran kicks open the door waking up Aston who throws the furs over all four of them.

Aston: What is it little brother?

Bran: Father wanted me to wake up for the king since he is not far.

As Bran leaves the room Aston starts to wake up his wives. Aston was not ready for the news he would receive from Skade and Brida that morning. We see Ashton throwing on his normal clothes as he looks over towards his wives who are almost fully ready.

Aston starts to walk out as well as his wives following him. The four of them stand on the opposite side of Ned and Catelyn next to Bran so Aston could guide him. The whole time Catelyn was giving her eldest a mad dog stare as she is angry that Aston is not shaved. Aston's group walk up behind Aston and wait for his command on what to do. Aston looked at the gate open and he sees all the knights trot in with their horses. Aston then sees the prince ride in with his bodyguard the hound. He then sees golden armor and he knows that is Jaime Lannister. Behind Jamie came a golden carriage which Aston followed by most of the army. Following behind them was the king's guard and then came the man my Father speaks highly of. By my fathers gasp I heard this isn't the man he remembered as his friend. Aslaug walks up behind Aston and whispers in his ear.

Aslaug: You will not kneel before a fake king as he is a shell of himself.

Aston: Tell the men to not kneel at all. We are Northman not Southern sheep.

Aslaug leaves the line of the main household and relies Aston's order to the rest of the men who listen and then looks to Erik to tell all the soldiers to Aston if the king threatens their lord to take up arms against the kings men. As soon as "King" Robert Baratheon rode in on a horse that looked like it was about to die. Everyone kneeled except Aston his wives and his men which didn't go unnoticed by his family and the king. Bran tried kneeling but Aston grabbed his shoulder and pulled him up and looked at him and shook his head no. The king signals everyone to stand after he gets help from his squire and a step stool to get off the horse. He walks up to Ned and looks at him.

Robert:You've gotten Fat.

Ned and Robert laugh but Aston signals for his men to leave and as they do he passes the crown prince and his uncle. We see Robert going down the line and looks visibly confused as to why he only has met four of Ned's six children.

Robert: Ned where is the scared wolf and your second youngest son.

Ned looks down the lines and sees Aston and Bran both have disappeared from the line. We cut to later in a tavern we see Aston along with Bran now added to his men sitting and drinking in the tavern as all of them are talking Rob comes into the tavern with Rickon. Rob scans the tavern and sees his older brother with the second youngest son of their family. With Skade one of Ashton's wives braiding his hair.

(Just the hair)

Aston's cup of water is sitting next to bran which Rob grabbed and threw on the ground and stood in front of Aston angry and pushes his feet off the table. Aston shot up and got in Rob's face.

Aston: You have some nerve coming in here boy.

Robb: Mother is not happy at your disappearance earlier today brother.

Aston: What can "the great lady of Winterfell" come down from her high and mighty castle and come into a local bar in her town and talk to her eldest son one on one or does she have to send her favorite son the boy who can't shit without mommy's hand holding.

The whole tavern laugh as does Bran. Rob is embarrassed at what Aston said. Aston starts to walk around Rob as Rickon runs towards Bran who lifts him up and sets him next to him as he hands him his cup and grabs Aston's which has a little mead in it as he drinks from it. Rob sees this and goes to grab Bran but Aston slaps Robb across the face. Robb is shocked and turns and leaves the tavern without Rickon as both the youngest sons of Ned and Aston walk towards the great hall with all his men a few hours later sobering up a little hearing that the feast has taken place. Aston walks in with his two brothers as they near the door and hears grunts and steel hitting a wooden stand. Aston turns the corner and sees his bastard brother hitting a dummy.

Aston: I'm pretty sure the dummy has been dead since you started hitting it.

Jon: Why are you out here still the feast is going on?

Aston: I do not care for a feast for a fat king. And the reason I'm still here and not in there is because mother is angry I left when the King arrived.

Jon looks at Aston as they hear a horse trot up towards them and both look up and see their uncle Benjen Stark. Both hug Benjen as he starts to head towards the great hall. Aston grabs Jon and starts to drag him towards the great hall.

Aston: Jon I'll drag you into the hall or I'll make sure I cut off your cock and you'll fuck your future wife with a wooden cock.

Aston brought Jon into the hall as he sees his men sitting at three of the farthest tables from the royal family. Bran is sitting with Floki learning from him of the old gods. Aston had his knife in his hand as Brida took a piece of his hair and left with Skade to preform a ritual to the gods. Jon sat across from Aston and was looking at him in a new light because most saw Aston as a heartless person and brutal for no reason but now he was seeing Aston as a person who's family may not all be blood but he chose them. All of a sudden they all lol towards Sansa as Arya had launched some food at her as she sat down form talking to the queen and her mother. Arya was taken by Robb but before they fully were out of sight Aston stood up and walked towards Robb and he took his sister from the boy and set her down at his table with his men as the night carried on everyone headed towards their rooms and went to bed.

The next day Aston and his men were sitting at a table near the training area watch Bran take on a fellow new recruit of the savages according to Catelyn Stark but to Aston he called them his brothers or the Northman. The new recruit and Bran actually fought to tooth and nail. After that came a lame fight between Rickon and Tommeon due to all the padding the queen and his mother requested them to wear. As this was going on Aston and his men were talking about the wildlings and the Greyjoy's that they killed when they raided Bear Island earlier this year. Aston's three wives were also at the table cleaning a wound on Bran's chest that will scar to Bran's and Aston's delight. The next thing he knew was he was tapped on his shoulder by Jon as he turned around looking at his brother.

Jon: The Prince has challenged you to a sparring match.

Aston: No. My answer is No.

Joffrey hears Aston answer and not being the brightest person decides to mock him.

Joffrey: What the scarred wolf afraid of a fight!

Lannister men start to laugh as Aston and his men are ignoring him as Bean looks at his eldest brother wondering why he won't accept the fight until his eldest brother looks at him and tells him.

Aston: The boy is not worth my time due to him not being able to actually be in a fight in life or death.

Bran understood his eldest brother as he sees the king, his father along with the queen and his mother along with the king's guard walk onto the balcony looking towards the commotion happening. Aston was about to continue ignoring the thin and unworthy prince until.

Joffrey: Maybe I should take one of your wives as my mens whore for the night.

All the adults were shocked at what he had said as Aston sets his axe into the table and yells at his men as he stands up and grabs his swords and a shield from Ubbe. As he yells towards his men orders in a ancient language he trains his men in to hide what they say.

Aston: Lag firkanten mens jeg viser denne tispa for å se på tungen hans mens jeg tar hanen hans og gjør den til en gave til gudene! (Make the square as I show this bitch to watch his tongue as I take his cock and make it a gift to the gods!)

Aston's men start to form a square around the two as the queen is trying to stop it but the King puts his hand up saying he needs to learn the consequences of what he says.

Joffrey pulls a sword form his sheath and grabs a kite shield from on of his men as Aston undoes his armor so he has no shirt showing why he is called the Scarred wolf and the fight starts ( more like Joffery's decimation).

Aston looks up at his father and Robert who looks confused as a boy of 18 years is covered in scars like a warrior of 50 years. Ser Barristan Selmy walks up and sees Aston take his stance remembering a man that Aston idolized as Ragnar and his wife walk up beside him. Ser Barristan Selmy remembers a man by the name of Uhtred Ragnarsson who he fought against at the trident. Earl Ragnar his men called him.

Ser Barristan Selmy: Who taught that boy to fight?

Ragnar: That would be me Ser.

Ser Barristan Selmy: What is your name sir.

Ragnar: My name is Ragnar Ser.

Ser Barristan looks like he has seen a ghost as Ragnar looks like a exact copy of his father. See Barristan understood why Aston looks the way he does he wears little armor during training and if he is like Earl Ragnar he will be as skilled with a sword as the Earl was.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Fight scene only no talking)

Aston had experienced and skill along with power and agility. Aston made quick work of Joffrey but before everyone dispersed Aston decided the boy needed a reminder never to mouth off again. Aston looked to Ragnar and he signaled for a cut. Aston without hesitation drew his dagger and dragged it across the face of Joffrey on his right cheek. The queen saw this and instantly called for his head. As soon as the Lannister guards started to point their spears at the lord all of the stark men along with all of the soldiers that respect Aston drew their spear, swords and bows and pointed it at the Lannister soldiers who were outnumbered 20:1. Aston looked at the king and queen and spoke to the in a cold and emotionless way.

Aston: Let this scar be a reminder to this boy along with you two for 1 not raising this boy to respect people in their own house 2 that everyone is not untouchable and 3 to never challenge someone to a duel without knowing what it takes to kill someone face to face not behind their back. 

Aston leaves with the rest of his men following him along with his soldiers who walked out of the castle and towards a field where a army of over 15,000 Vikings are leading them was a good friend to Aston Ragnar Ragnarsson the younger.

As Aston and his family walk closer Ashton guides Ragnar the younger and Ragnar Lothbrok (RL) away form the group as the three men talk about how Ashton will take the 15000 warriors and their families to the castle to the south named The Wolf's Den which watches over the White Harbor.

Aston: So have we heard word of what the Night's Watch answer is?

RL: We all know the answer is a no but the offer you have given them is something they cant do anything but accept the offer.

Ragnar: SO we have 15000 men and women ready for war and their families and then we are receiving, what about 700 people?

Aston: 720 people the leader Thoren Frostmaul a man no older then 27 years old and his sister who he offered as a bride to me named Ysara Frostmaul. They both lead the Iceshard Clan.

(Thoren Frostmaul 22 years old)

( Ysara Frostmaul 20 years old)

RL: Another wife Aston?

Aston: Fuck off you two this one was not negotiable.

As Aston walks off both the Ragnar's are both laughing following Aston as they walk into the main camp as they pass Floki teaching the children and Bran about the gods and what it means to be a Viking.

Later in the day Aston walks into the godswood as he sees his mother along side his father as his dad sits at the trunk of the godswood sharpening the valerian steel sword Ice that has been passed down from Stark patriarch to the next and for the first time the eldest son wont receive sword due to a southerner who doesn't understand the north and their traditions to a child who still pisses green. Aston walks up and makes his presence known to his mother and father.

Ned: Aston what do you need?

Caitlyn: Yes cant you tell that we are in the middle of a conversation.

Aston: I need to talk with Father alone and it needs to happen now so if you would be so kind and leave us mother that would be great. (Not breaking eye contact with Ned)

Caitlyn tries to say something but Ned tells her they'll continue their conversation in their cambers. As Caitlyn leaves she bumps into Aston trying to get him to move but he doesn't move at all. Caitlyn then goes around Aston and walks out of the godswood forest.

Ned: So what is so important that you cant tell your mother?

Aston starts to walk towards the trees and looks at them and he thinks of ways this didn't have to happen.

Aston: I need to leave.

Ned: Leave to where, i will leave and so will Sansa and Arya to the south I need you here to help guide your brother when he takes my spot as Warden.

At the mention of Rob and Warden Aston becomes Irate at his father

Aston: Support Robb? He has everything! You've given him everything!

Ned tries to placate Ashton, but his son's rage is a force of nature.

Ned: Ashton, your brother...

Aston: My birthright! That's what he has! He has my birthright!

Ned looks taken aback, but Ashton isn't done.

Aston: I'm your firstborn! Ice should be mine! It should be me defending the North!

Ned:Ashton, we...

But Ashton's not hearing him. He's too engulfed in his anger, his bitterness.

Aston: I've defended the North every time you've asked! Every single time! And Robb? Robb hasn't even left the castle! Fuck this, Father! Fuck it all! You've placed a sheep at the head of a pack of wolves!

Ned opens his mouth to respond, but Ashton's words drown him out.

Aston: The North has survived under your rule, but it's never thrived! Never fucking thrived!

His fist clenches, his anger reverberating through the silent woods.

Aston: We're Starks, Father! Wolves! Not bloody sheep! The rest of the Seven Kingdoms look down on us because we survive, not thrive!

Ned tries again to interject, but Ashton is on a roll, his words a torrent of fury and resentment.

Aston: Robb is no wolf. He's a sheep, just like you. He'll sit in that damn castle, grow old and fat, and let the North stagnate!

Ned: Ashton, you are my son. My blood. And yes, you are a wolf. You have defended the North with valor and courage. I am proud of you for that.

Aston's gaze flickers to his father, the anger in his eyes lessening slightly but not gone.

Ned: But being a leader isn't just about strength or courage. It's about wisdom, patience... Compassion.

Aston: Compassion? Like the compassion Catelyn shows me? Or the compassion you show when you ignore my rights and hand them over to Robb?

Ned looks pained but doesn't deny his words.

Ned: I have made mistakes, Ashton, as all men do. I'm not perfect, nor is Robb.

Aston scoffs, crossing his arms over his chest.

Aston:" Well, at least we agree on something.

Ned I know you're angry, Ashton. I can't change the past. But I ask that you look to the future. This decision isn't meant to be a punishment. It's about doing what's best for the North.

Ashton looks away, his anger cooling into a cold, simmering fury.

Aston: Maybe what's best for the North... is an old house reborn.

With a swift, deliberate movement, Ashton rips off the cloak. The direwolf sigil shines in the moonlight for a brief moment before he throws it down onto the ground, the fabric landing with a muted thud on the forest floor.

Ned watches, his face a mask of sorrow and regret. He reaches out, as if to stop Ashton, but it's too late.

Aston turns his back, leaving the stark sigil behind, the cloak a lonely reminder of the family he is leaving behind.

He walks out of the Godswood, his steps echoing in the quiet night, a symbol of defiance and the birth of a new chapter in the North.

Aston returns to his bed chambers and goes under his bed and pulls out a cloak that he found when he went to white harbor he pulls out this midnight black clack which has the stark sigil with three blood red claw marks over it with the words under it of house Greystark "As Fierce As Winter".

Aston throws on the cloak and walks over to Bran's Room and drops a smaller one at his door. not saying a word and he does the same to Rickon's room he goes to Arya's door and knocks knowing she is still up.

Aston enters the room and sees Arya wide awake.

Aston: Couldn't sleep little wolf.

Nymeria jumps to Aston as he pets her and walks towards Arya's bed sitting on it.

Arya: Cant sleep at all I'm scared.

Aston: About what are you scared of.

Arya: Mother is sending me down to King's landing with father. And I don't want Nymeria to be alone.

Aston: She wont be ill take her with me to The Wolf's den.

Arya: But that place is gone why would you go there?

Aston: Let's just say that I want to take the Stark name back to meaning and I need to get away from the southerners in the north.

Aston then hands Arya the coat he made for her (Brida made for her).

Aston: I want you to have this it is my own sigil, I promise you nothing bad will happen to you as long as I live understood little one.

Arya nods her head as Aston shakes his hand on her head.

Aston: Now get some sleep now and be up early training little wolf.

The Next morning Aston is out near the camp of all his follower as he is seen drinking from his mead cup when he sees a messenger rides up to him and tells him the Bran has Fallen Ashton and his most trusted men stop drinking mounts their horses and rides back into winterfell as fast as possible and reach the main castle as Aston is told of him inability to walk ever again. Ned arrives later in the day with Aston sitting on the steps holding Bran's cloak that he was wearing when he fell with Rickon and Arya wearing theirs sitting next to Aston as they made their choice on who they sided with. Aston sees Ned approach on his horse with Aston standing and walking towards Ned completely pissed off.

Aston: Where the fuck were you, Father?

Ned, weary and grief-stricken, barely flinches at the outburst.

Ned: I was with the King...

Ashton cuts him off, his voice echoing in the hall.

Aston: The King! Always the fucking King! Look what his visit has brought us! Look at what it has done to Bran!

Ned's gaze drops to the floor, guilt and sorrow etched on his face.

Aston: You were supposed to protect us, Father! But you were too busy playing the loyal lapdog to see the danger!

Ned looks up, meeting Ashton's accusatory gaze.

Ned: Aston, I...

Aston: No! Enough! This is their doing, their fucking game. They've harmed one of ours, and I won't stand by and let it pass!

Ashton turns away, clenching his fists as he tries to control his rage. Ned watches him, helpless in the face of his son's wrath.

As Aston walks away the younger two children follow Aston as he walks to the camp and tells both of the Ragnars to prepare for them leaving to the White Harbor as soon as Bran is able to travel they will leave. Aston gets on his horse with Floki and Finnan and the sons of RL and start to head north for the wall.

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