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Nobody noticed Pooja coming through the crowd. Pooja cried 'Adi are you all right'
'Oh my god !you are hurt' she exclaimed.
Adi Who was still looking at Zoya said 'I am fine Pooja , it's just a minor scratch. Believe me I have faced worse'
Zoya looked up at him at this remark and said 'Mrs.Hooda I have some bandages and antiseptic here in my bag. I think you should tend to him immediately'
Pooja thanked Zoya and started tending to Aditya in a corner. Aditya closed his eyes at her tough and went into a flashback mode.
How often he had seen and felt Zoya tending to him. That antiseptic bottle was like her life support system . Aditya smiled at his thoughts. And remembered how once he had got hurt and Zoya had taken care of him like a baby. Jr had said 'Zoya, I can bear this pain really. You needn't get worried.'
Zoya had shushed him and said 'You need to be more careful Aditya. Why can't you look after yourself? What if I am not there to look after you ?'
Aditya had put his finger to her lips and said 'I can take a billet straight through my head but I can't imagine my life without you. That reminds me did you talk to your dad about us?'
Zoya hadn't met his eyes then and had said 'I am trying Adi. It's hard. My dad is so conservative. How do I tell him I love somebody and have been living with him all these years when in reality he thinks I live with my best friend. Aditya I will tell him, believe me I will , I just need some time'
Aditya had said 'Take all the time that you need Zo. But please don't let this thing stretch to a point that it becomes impossible to tell your father and we have to break apart. I am not sure what I will do if you leave me'
Zoya had smiled and said 'I promise we won't break. But never do anything impulsively. Being impulsive is your Achilles heel. Never let it get better of you'

'Aditya', I have finished with your wounds' said Pooja. Adi swooped into the present from his past at her words.
Pooja was looking at him strangely.
Adi said 'Are you all right? You don't look too good'
Pooja said 'Will you answer something truthfully Aditya ?'
Adi said 'Sure, anything'
Pooja said 'Why did you marry me?. I saw how you went and saved Zoya . There is something between you two and if there is or was , why was I bought in the story?

Aditya looked taken aback and Zoya's voice which called him impulsive came back to him. Yes he had married Pooja in an impulsive decision. He had ruined her life because he was angry at Zoya.

What had happened after Zoya had left Adi? And why had he married Pooja ? Stay tuned, let me know your views guys and do vote. The next update will be longer.

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