The Dream

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Aditya quickly managed to put back his smile on and waited for Pooja on the dining table . She came to him , gave a small kiss on his cheek and whispered happy birthday Adi in his ears. He smiled , and thanked her for the wonderful spread. She said 'If I cant treat my husband nice then whom should I ? , Let's cut the cake shall we ?. Adi obliged and fed her the first piece of cake. He took a slice himself and savoured the flavours of fresh strawberries and cream. His wife did make the world's best cakes. Pooja said ' Adi I have to go out for some work right now , I will be back in about two hours'
As she went out, Adi looked through her gifts which comprised of a watch and his favourite perfume. He took it to his bedroom and settled on the bed to read a book till Pooja came home. And till the time he reached the second chapter he was lost in his own thoughts and before he knew it he was reliving the 18th of May 2016.

There she was lying on the bed with him , her hair tickling his face.Her lilting voice wished him A Very Happy Birthday. She playfully bit his ear and asked him to get up. He pretended to be asleep, as she was going to get up from the bed he held her hand and pulled her towards him, stroking her hair gently he said'I haven't received my birthday gift yet', she replied 'For that you need to get dressed and come down'. Adi smiled mischievously and said 'You know which birthday gift I mean', she laughed and said , some surprises are meant for later🤗She removed his hands from her waist and kissed them and asked him to come down to the dining hall. Adi smiled as he saw her leave the room, and thinking of the surprise she had in store for him, he went to dress up. He put on her favourite white linen shirt, put his hair up the way she loved and applied her favourite perfume. He went down and looked at the beautiful presents she had set up for him along with a magnificent cake. She came up to him and cut the cake and fed him the first piece , and prayed to the almighty for his good health and that may her years be his. To this he put a finger on her lips and said 'may my years be yours'. She smiled and said her boss had called and said there were some important assignments to be seen to and she had to go there. He made a face and said 'But you had promised to spend the entire day with me' , she said I know and I will be back really soon and then celebrate his birthday the way she had planned',. He said , but then you will have to make up for this' she replied 'You never leave a chance do you , but yes tonight I will give you the best birthday gift ever' She kissed him goodbye and went. He watched her through the window and blushed as he thought of her. He was madly in love with her and for him every moment spent with her was like a dream. He thought of  whiling his time by cleaning up the mess in his house .

Hours passed and it was almost half past seven , Still there was no sign of her . He thought of giving her a call. As he took his phone he received a message from her . 'Meet me at lawn of my office right now'. He was a little worried but quickly took the keys of his car and headed towards her office. He went to the lawn and saw her sitting there alone. Her eyes were steely, she stared hard at him, there were tear streaks marking her beautiful face. She didn't get up to receive him nor did she smile at the sight of him. This worried him even more. He reached her and time her hand and asked in an urgent voice , What happened ? You seem really tense? Is everything okay? She shook away his hand , stood up and said in a thick yet firm voice 'Its over between us Aditya, I can't live with you anymore' . He got up too and said ' You are joking right, all of this is just a birthday prank isn't it'. She held his  collar and said 'Mr.Hooda I don't joke and nor am I in the mood to play pranks on you , I am serious and I mean every word I say' His stance stumbled and he mumbled 'Why are you doing this to me ? , Have I hurt you? Why can't we sort it out like we usually do' You know I can't live without you. She laughed in a sarcastic manner and said 'Mr Hooda you may have loved me but I didn't, for me you were an outlet from my boring life that's it', You meant nothing to me, the five years that I spent with you were out of boredom not love' Aditya started screaming now 'You think our relationship was a joke , you treated it like some magazine that entertained you and you can throw it way in the trash. How could you do this ? I don't believe this , tell me you are lying . She shouted 'No I am not And this was the birthday gift I told you in the morning about. I have just had enough, now leave me and go. Aditya went down on his knees and begged her 'Don't Do this to me please , don't leave me , I won't be able to leave with you , please don't leave me'

' I won't'said a voice from far, Adi woke  up with a start and realised he had been screaming and a soft hand was holding him. How he hoped and wished  that voice and that hand had been hers. But as he looked up at those eyes which were looking down at him, He realised he had lost her and Pooja was all he had.

Who was 'She'? Why had she left Adi in such a brutal way? To know , stay tuned for Part 4

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