Chapter 15

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Oidoas led the Empress to the end of the throne room and out through the hallways, swiftly moving the giant doors.
"Oidoas stop!" She continued to beg him. She had long ago accepted that she was going to die soon and had made arrangements for someone else to rule after she died. "Please, it just won't work! We have tried everything!" But the male ignored her. He pulled her up to the doors that opened and he let out a small sigh before changing into his dragon form, keeping a strong hold on the Empress. "Come children." He called to them. They were unsure of the situation, wasn't this technically kidnapping?
Without questions, the three hopped back onto his back and he took to the skies.

Chimur hummed softly as he began to clean up the outside table after a nice dinner. It had been pretty warm all day and the farm work went smoothly. "Another nice day." He glanced up as he heard wings flapping, "Oidoas, back already?" He hadn't expected to see the old general so soon after taking the kids to be returned home. He walked over to greet his Alpha when he saw the kids jump off his back and he stared at them. He honestly thought that they would be sent home. He was slightly torn between being happy that they could stay and being sad that they could not return home. "Kids..." He started when he looked over to see the Empress being held in Oidoas' claw "Your Majesty!?" He was now very puzzled. He bowed before looking at Oidoas for answers. "Where is Rain?" Oidoas grumbled and Chimur pointing to the barn "Helping a foal with a bent leg." "Thank you." He nodded and headed to the barn, still holding their Queen as she spewed insults at him. "What is going on?" Chimur asked as Mimi hurried over to give him another hug, "The Empress can't use magic anymore." Chimur's eyes dilated and he quick put his hand over Mimi's mouth, glancing around in every direction. She mumbled something at him before pulling her face away "I can't breathe!" "Sorry." He mumbled "Whatever you do, don't ever say that out loud again." He ushered them inside the house before going over to the barn to see Oidoas in human form, holding the Empress still as Rain was trying to look at an old wound on her back.
"Oidoas..." Chimur walked over and made an uncomfortable face as the Empress hissed in anger. "...why do you have our Queen?" Oidoas gave a huff as he growled at her "Stay still!" "No! This is kidnapping! As your queen, I order you to let go of me!!" "You can argue all you want but it's not going to happen!" Oidoas replied sternly, grunting as she stomped on his feet; trying her best to get him to release her. "I see." Rain uttered as he touch the wound on her back and she froze "See what?" "The tip of the dagger has broken off into your body. It's anti-magic properties has disabled your magic." Rain told her "It won't be too hard to remove." "Wait, you mean to tell me that after you stared at my back for a few minutes that you can tell there's a piece of dagger in my back?" She asked in surprise. None of the healers she had tried had bothered to look at her old wound. "I didn't become a doctor for just my health." Rain rolled his eyes and he moved over to grab some tools, "If you stay still this procedure should be over in a few minutes." "Just like that?" She asked "There's no way." "Ma'am, do you want the dagger out or not?" Rain asked her in a annoyed tone. "Yes, yes!" She immediately answered before she glanced up at Oidoas. Why had she asked to be saved? She was ready to die. She had accepted it years ago. Oidoas looked back at her with a gentle look "You may have fooled yourself into thinking that you were ready for death but in reality you were fighting to live." She gave him a blank look as she pondered over his words.  Chimur still didn't have all the answers but closed his eyes for a brief second, "We should probably move inside the house." The wind had picked up outside of the barn. A summer thunderstorm was coming. Rain agreed and the four made their way to the main house, shocking the rest of the clan.

Back at the palace, a silver dragon landed in the hallway that led to the throne room. He was ready for his daily meet up with the Empress as he was trying to court her. "Star?" He called out gently after changing into a strapping young man with silver hair and sea green eyes. He stopped to check himself in a mirror and fixed his hair, making sure that the bouquet of flowers hadn't been crushed on the flight over. He smiled at the specially grown black and red roses looked perky in his hands, "Perfect." He hummed a bit and turned to head down the hallway. He was feeling super lucky, ready to admit his love to the Empress.
As soon as he stepped into the throne room, his lucky feeling churned into one of worry as he watched the maids and guards run around like chickens with their heads cut off. He frowned, "What is going on?" Nobody seemed to have heard him over the loud chatter as they moved items around, searching for any information. "Silence!" He boomed and the room froze. "Now that I have your attention, explain." He crossed his arms, awaiting an answer. A maid ran up to him "The Empress is missing!" "She's been kidnapped!" Another squeaked and the room began to fall into chaos again. "Kidnapped? By who?" He rose his voice again to be heard of the annoying clucking. "This is the only evidence we have." A guard spoke up as he held up a small reflective device. He walked over and shifted the playback on the cameras that had been watching over Liliana's resting place. Most of the video had been blocked by a fallen decoration but you could still hear what was being said.
It was a bunch of pleading to be left alone from the Empress and an unrecognizable voice boomed over hers, repeatedly tell her no before the sound of the door shutting loudly.
"Whoever took her, forced her out of the room!" "Why were you not guarding her!?" He demanded as he grabbed the shirt of the guard. He glared seemingly into the man's soul. "S-she does not allow anyone near the door of her late sister's resting place." The guard stammered through his teeth. "You're useless!" He shoved the man back away from him and turned sharply on his heel, angrily throwing down the roses as he shifted back into his dragon form, sniffing the ground, searching for a scent.

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