The Investigation

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After the police arrived they made the spot as a crime spot and told the people to go another place. The people did as the police asked them to do.

After that the police asked each of the children a set of questions which they all agreed sincerely. When Liana was questioned she gave all the answers she could give to the police.
The police first asked the exact time when she saw the dead body.
She said it was nearly 4:45pm. The police said okay.

Next the police questioned Mason who was a 14 years old boy. The police asked him if he knew anything about the crime. He politely replied no. After a moment he spoke I think that this man was murdered by his enemy for any personal reason.The police officer thought for a minute or two and then said to another officer that this boy might be right. After a while the doctors the investigation of the body to examine a few wounds that might led to further knowledge.
When the doctor checked the stomach he a two or three stabs on his stomach which possibly done with a very sharp knife. All the people over there was horrified at word of the doctor. The children also thought for a while and then said sir will we be questioned again.The police officer said no.It was nearly quarter past five at the point of time and the children thought of going back to their home because their parents might be worried about them for being outside for so long.The children got onto Thur respective trains to go to their home and sent each other a text when they arrived at their place.At dinner time they said everything they had experienced during their picnic which was supposed to be an enjoyable one but turned into a horrific one for them.The parents were all shocked after they herd from their kids about the picnic and asked them if anything to worry had happened.The children assured their parents that there was nothing to worry about and the parents were relieved.At 9 o'clock Liam and Freya got a call from the police.The police said they they should meet the police officer at 10:00 am sharp at a park because there was some important information about the dead body.The officer also said to inform the other and to be punctual.Both of them sended a text to each of their friend about the call and they all agreed to meet at the park as the officer had said.

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