Chapter 2: Y/N

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Third Person POV 


A clash was heard as Lilly glared at Y/N, their swords clanging against each other as they stared at each other. Lilly's red eyes glaring into Y/N's as he stared blankly at her. 

Lilly: Stronger than before.
She comments before pushing him back, causing him to stumble as she charged at him. Charging at him as she swung her sword from below. Its red blade cutting through the tall grass as it reeled towards the young swordsman. 


Y/N's sword crashed into the ground as Lilly held her sword towards Y/N's throat. Her red eyes glaring into his as she gripped her hilt. 

Lilly: I win again. 
She said before turning to an older woman with red eyes. Her black hair blowing with the wind as she stared at Lilly before walking into a tent. 

Lilly: Tch! 
She scoffs before turning towards Y/N and sheathing her sword away. 

Lilly: Come on. 
She said before holding her hand out. 

Y/N sighs before grabbing onto hers, pulling himself off the ground as people cheered around them. 

Y/N: Lost again. 
He scoffs to himself before being pulled away from the group by Lilly. 

Y/N: Where are we going? 

Lilly: Too loud, let's go to our usual spot. 
She said as she looked at him, smirking.

To Weiss 


Weiss stabbed her rapier into the ground as an insignia slowly formed in front of her. A see-through armor slowly forms on top of the insignia. 

???: Hello sister. 
A voice called as the insignia suddenly faded away. 

Weiss: Leave.
She said as she looked at Whitley, leaning against the door with his arms crossed. 

Whitley: How hurtful. And here I am, about to offer you a favor. Father's taking me to town to introduce me to some of his business partners. I thought I'd see if you wanted me to pick up anything since you're, well, stuck here. 
He said with a small smirk as Weiss stood up, looking at him. 

Weiss: Are you jealous? Is that it? 

Whitley: Whatever do you mean? 

Weiss: Is that why you hate me? Are you jealous of my abilities? Of Winter's? 
She asked as Whitley stood up, rubbing his chin as he hummed. 

Whitley: No, not really. 
He answered as he looked at her. 

Whitley: Honestly, I find it barbaric. It's beneath people like me. Like, father. What can a single huntsman possibly do then that an army could not? That's why we have one, even if it is run by a fool. 

To Y/N 

Lilly: This is wonderful. 
She said as she looked at Y/N. Her red eyes staring into him, her legs crossed as she held a cigarette in one hand. Staring at Y/N as he overlooked the tribe, remaining silent. 

Lilly: Y/N. 
She said as Y/N slowly turned towards her, his E/C eyes looking at her. 

Lilly: What is going to be your plan? 
She asked as Y/N continued to look at her. 

Y/N: For what. 
He mutters as he looked at her. 

Lilly: Your future. My mother wants your answer. 
She said before taking a puff, inhaling it before blowing it into the wind. 

Y/N: Hmm... 
He hummed to himself before looking at the village and seeing two children playing with each other. Staring at them as they ran after each other, laughing loudly as they smiled. 


Y/N was alone in his room as he sat at a desk, studying as Weiss ran into the room. 

Weiss: Big bwotha! 
She yelled as Y/N slowly turned towards her.

Y/N: Weiss, aren't you supposed to be with Winter? 
He asked as Weiss lay on his bed. 

Weiss: Yeah but  I want to be with you! 
She yelled excitingly as she lay on his bed, swinging her arms up and down as if it was snow. 

???: Weiss, come out here now. 
A voice said as Weiss hid under Y/N's bed. 

???: Y/N, have you seen your sister? 
A feminine voice asked as Y/N slowly turned around to see Winter. 

Y/N: No, I haven't Winter. 
He said before turning around and opening a book. 

Winter: Father making you study again? 
She asked as she stood by him, her hand on his shoulder. 

Y/N: Yeah. 
He answered as Winter rubbed his shoulder. 

Winter: Don't study too hard. 
She said before walking out of the room as Weiss slowly crawled out from under his bed. 

Weiss: You're the best! 
She yelled with a smile, hugging his arm tightly as Y/N chuckled. 

Y/N: Anything for you dear sister. 
He said as he skimmed through the book. 

Weiss: Come on, let's go play out in the snow! 
She yells at him. 

Y/N: Weiss, you know I'm supposed to study. 
He said as he looked at her, seeing her blue eyes as she glared at him. 

Weiss: Pwease? 
She asked childishly as she looked at him, tugging tightly on his arm as Y/N placed the book down on his desk. 

Y/N: Alright, let's go play in the snow. 

Weiss: YEAH! 

Flashback Ends 

Lilly: Hey! Anyone home!? 
She yelled as Y/N slowly looked at her. 

Y/N: What is it. 

Lilly: Have you made your decision yet? 
She asked once more as she took another puff. 

Y/N: I have. 
He said as Lilly looked at him. 

Lilly: Oh?

Y/N: My future is here. 

Here is chapter 2 of The Schnee's Ghost! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

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