Chapter 10: I'm sorry

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I was chained, whipped, stabbed, shot, slashed in the throat, bruised, slapped in the face and beaten to death until my spirit was free I needed to be running away but I don't know if I was doing the right thing I stopped by Eileen's body and had to see her one last time and then I went to the inn to see if my brother is there but he isn't anywhere in sight no one can see me because I died then I heard Nate and Ester talking where's Eileen's said Ester I don't know she said she'd be back but I don't see her any where Nate said you think we should look for her she asked Ester Nate be careful gen warned and while your add it find the Blood brothers will you? okay Gen said Ester we will Nate and so they ran and I floated back to the hideout where those creeps were but to my surprise my eyes were in sadness I float down to my knees and saw Jason holding my wounded body and  around me I saw corpses of those creeps what could've happened here I said as I touched my body and saw the whole thing Jason went back for me and figured I was dead he was in tears his eyes were red blood too and started to murder every last of those creeps and unchained my corpse that was all that I saw little Brother if only I was in time to save you too. He said upset I love Eileen but I love my brother most of all so I chose to live with my brother for eternity because we are immortals so I brought myself to life again. I opened my eyes and Jason crying I was hurt in his arms hey...Big...Brother? Are you alright? I whispered I... I think I... I got sick. I threw up blood as my brother drew me close to him still in tears and said oh I really thought I was gonna lose you little brother. That really scared me. I hugged him when he said the word scared I would be scared too if he did the same for me. I whispered I'm sorry. I said it so sadly I started to cry Jason was very concerned about me he put his hand on my head he started to pet my head I was scared and very cold and  really sick Jason looked really beat up but I was really hurt both inside and out. But big brother I he interrupted me when he shushed me still in tears but as soon as we realize we were in danger that cloak leader came back my brother was in rage because he knew I surrendered to him forcefully he held me tightly like he did at that incident at the summer school I was clinging to him very tight because I blamed myself but my brother didn't blame me he blame the cloak leader for it. As soon as he command the lighting to kill us a shield was over our heads it was Gen, Nate, and Ester. WE WON'T LET YOU HURT OUR FRIENDS!! Gen yelled as he threw his fire ball or whatever it was we never seen Gen use magic spells before we were shocked when we saw Gen used spells the cloak leader was stunned it was our high time to get out of here then I fainted just before that my big brother lifted me up off the ground and I was out cold. When I woke up I was in the infirmary on the boat I don't remember most of it but it was like a miracle that we made it out alive. I gasped and sat up but Jason lay me back down and said Austin take it easy you got hurt more than I did okay? So tried to rest. Where are we? I asked you're in the ships infirmary he answered. What happened? I asked again. Gen, me and the other kids went to the dock while I was still carrying you the person who drove us to this island was driving a cruise ship he saw us alive so he picked us up right away. So all of us are taking the long way home he also saw Eileen's corpse he had a staff to pick up the body and bring it to the ships morgue I told... before he could finish his sentence I hugged him for comfort I started to cry once more and said Eileen died...because of me...they... they killed her because they knew I would meet at the path I should've told her to stay with Ester. Don't blame yourself Austin it wasn't your fault just remember me, mom, dad, Nate, Ester, Gen, and irritating Becca will be there for you okay? He said worried for me okay I said laying down. I closed my eyes and thought about what he said.

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