Chapter 2: a midnight joke

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I fell asleep as I turned off the lamp later that night it was like 12:00 am midnight I heard a ring which startled me it was my cell phone I picked it up and turned on the lamp I sat up and looked it was Nate. Why the heck is Nate calling at this hour? I answered the phone and said what is it Nate? Hello Austin Blood I know how tired you must be but you see I have your best friend if you want to see him again you must pay 50.00 Terra said. Terra is one of Nate's oldest friends she likes playing dumb games like this I moaned and rubbed my head as I said Terra do you have any idea what time it is? It is still night time so can't wait you until morning. I was about to hang up but Terra barked out HEY!! What? I said IF YOU DON'T COUGH UP I WILL GET NASTY WITH YOU!!! alright fine I'll play your stupid game Terra I said as I hanged up I climbed out the bedroom window and jumped off the roof and landed on my own 2 feet I put on my best tennis shoes and went straight across the street to Nate's house. As I got there I climbed the roof where his bedroom window is. Guess I may play along I said walking towards Nate bedroom window which was lit completely on I took a deep breath and open the window to Nate's room and said what have you done to Nate you Rat! But all I see is Terra in the closet with her hands up Nate was only sitting there doing nothing glad you showed up she said seriously why are you the one with your hands up Terra? I asked  Terra was clueless she was going to do her damsel in distress act but Nate interrupted oh give it a rest Terra I am sorry Austin Really Nate apologized I moaned and said man she had me sneak out in my pajamas walk across the street in tennis shoes for this? I asked okay good night guys hold on Austin Nate holt me Oh yeah Nate I said yeah he asked I think you come to my place in oh I don't know in 10:00 AM today I said sure he answered. As I finished that chat I closed the window and walked back home I climbed right back up to the roof where my room is I opened my window and climbed back into my bed and closed the window and went to sleep.

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