Chapter 4: the call

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I yawned and stretched a bit as I laid down I turned off the lights and gone to sleep but when I went to sleep I had a horrid nightmare it was like something out of a ghost town me and Jason saw as little kids. When I woke up I was so spooked then my cell phone ranged I growled because I thought at first it was Terra again I said to myself give it a rest Terra my phone stopped ringing then I went backed to sleep 4 hours later it ranged again and it was like 2:30AM in the morning I moaned for 5 seconds when my phone stopped ringing when are gonna give up Terra. I told myself I went back to sleep again but 5 hours later it ranged a third time and I was getting very mad because when I looked at the time it was 5:30AM almost morning I looked but Nate's window was dark so I answered the phone to see whether or not it is Terra playing a trick. Hello I said and moaned hey Austin I hung up because it was Becca after I hung up I passed out it was like 7:05 when I woke up I felt my head it was aching like crazy and all day I did was stay home and do nothing but stayed in bed to make sure my headache goes away there was nothing to do anyway because it was raining outside and I keep thinking about Jason. When night time came and it was still raining outside I closed my eyes and went to sleep but later that night my cell phone rang about 12:09AM I answered the phone knowing that it be Becca. Hello I said rubbing my head. AUSTIN THERES SOMETHING WRONG HERE YOU HAFT TO HELP ME!!! It was Jason he sounded really terrified. JASON? JASON WHATS WRONG TELL ME!! I said I DON"T HAVE TIME YOU HAVE TO COME TO SHADYSIDE ISLAND!!! He said but big brother I can't... DON"T WORRY I SENT A LETTER THAT I NEED YOU TO COME SO PLEASE YOU HAFT TO.... NO NO GO AWAY NNOOOO!!!! He yelled Jason? JASON!? Can you hear me? JASON!! Nuts his phone lost signal. I was really terrified I afraid for my brother so I haft to leave tonight just to make sure my brother is safe. I went down stairs and I saw my mom and dad talking on the phone and when they finished they told me that I need to be there at Shadyside Island for some reason at once but I only had 3 minutes to pack and when I finished packing I went outside I told my parents not to worry that I will be fine besides I knew that the boat to Shadyside island is a distance from where the summer school use to be my friends heard about me going to Shadyside. Jason needs me there for a big reason I said I'm coming with you Austin said Nate me too said Eileen I am as well said Becca okay you guys but if anybody asks just tell them you are with me alright? I told them okay they all said so we all went to the boat that goes to Shadyside island it took us like 2 hours to get to an island like Shadyside.

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