Chapter 6: the girl

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I gasped because I knew it they have Jason his mouth was gagged, his hand and feet were completely bound this is like a like nightmare. I ran towards them but I tripped off I cliff I screamed but I was lucky to grab a hold of a rock and climb back up. I catched my breath long enough to know I lost them but a little girl appeared right in front of me. Oh hey there where did you come from? I asked she didn't answer she looked at me with a very dark stare with cracks next to her eyes. I was very terrified to see that. She said my jewel. Jewel? I asked I think I will find the jewel for you okay? I gasped because she went to close to me and said the cavern. Cavern? What cavern? I asked she pointed where I fell I looked to go check it out but I have to be careful not to trip otherwise I would fall again I took one step by step until I reached the bottom where the cavern is I looked around for the girls jewel until I stumbled upon something what the?.. I said quietly because I saw something shiny two something's so I went to check it out and  as soon as I found out it was the girls jewel it was pretty and all but there was a second sparkle that caught my attention so I went further for a closer look and it was Jason's cell phone. This can't be a coincidence he must've hid here to find a hiding place but had been spotted. I said as I left the cavern and put Jason's cell phone in my pocket I climbed up the cliff again to give the girl back her jewel when I handed it to her she looked at it with a peaceful look. I bet your glad you got your jewel back little Ms. I said now can you... before I can finish my sentence I turned around because I heard a noise as if it was a scream or something coming out of the ground. But when I turned to the girl she was gone. Where did she go? I asked myself as I stand up and looked around for her then walked off.

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