Chapter 7: The battle: death vs. the Blood brothers

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As we approach the lair of that creeps office another creep with a hand shaped like a blade approached us. I got angry as I grabbed my brother. My little brother was mad too as that happened our eyes turned red as blood we broke apart and started toward the knife handed creep I punched him on the head hard, he tried to punch us with a knife hand also his regular but my brother got in the way and kicked him right in the stomach and I dodged it like 13 or 38 times he was going to bite me with his teeth I was only lucky brother kicked him as he fell we worked together to defeat him our finishing move we call the eye of plague which means my brother need to punch him right in the eye so hard to death. It was so hard that the blood splashed all over our jackets and on our favorite caps. Whoa I...think I found out why our family name is blood I said so did I Austin said we both gone like whoa on that one. It might explain Austin's strange behavior I thought the other day when he snapped at those teasers and killed 5 out of 4 of them. It kind of reminded me of the time when we stayed 13 years old until Austin's 14'th birthday it is really best at times that we are staying 16 and 14 year olds forever. Hey Jason Austin called hey I was calling on you about 5 times man something on your mind? Oh no I'm sorry I just can't help thinking about what I did the other day so yes what is it I responded as we were walking. Why were you upset that day Austin asked as my eyes widened in surprise and looked at him I'm sorry I completely forgot but like I said bro I never get mad at you nor do I want to hate you no matter what. My brother said as he had a concern look on his face but since he forgot I may need to answered oh yeah that I said didn't I tell you.  Little bro my teacher Mr. Mac keeps on failing me on purpose and it is going to be worst he's going to fail us both. Big brother no reason to worry my little brother said maybe it is time I tell you something important I have many ways to take care of fake failing teachers the reason why you keep passing by those fake failers is because their scared of me of what I might do to them. What I was surprised that explains who threw those scissors at Mr. Kip at middle school.

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