Chapter 1

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(A/N Notes: I seriously don't have any idea of what title to give to this chapter

And I'm using the only readable information that I found about which hour Japanese middle schools operate, that was 8:45 AM to 3:15 PM)

"Okay, I put all the books for today's classes in the bag, I'm wearing the uniform, and already put my bento inside my bag too. I take 30 minutes to go from here to school *looks at the hours*... Alright, time to go"

I then left my apartment at 7:30, right on point

"Ara, you're already leaving to go to school, Tanaka-kun?"

"Ah! Nanami-senpai, you also leave at this hour?"

"Yes, it's the best hour for me to leave and arrive at school with enough leeway for me to do some prep-work"

"Is that so? Then we better already get going"

"Yes, you're right. We better get going"

And we made our way to school, while we walked side by side, she would frequently start small talks whenever we stopped at a pedestrian light

"So what brought you to Yama high, Tanaka-kun?" (A/N Notes: the school name may or may not be lazily chosen, but it'll definitely become a secret tool I'll use for later)

"It's a good school, they don't nitpick about dress codes, my grades allowed me to enter, and some other stuff, that's pretty much it, what about you Nanami-senpai?"

"Hmm... I could say it was almost the same as you"

"Is that so?...! It turned green"

"So let's continue on our way then"

And that was how our mornings would usually go

Some minutes later

"And it looks we part ways here"

Nanami-san said so as we both put our indoor shoes

"It appears so. Well, see ya around"

"See you"

And I left towards my classroom, and when I reached there, I sat down on my desk and passed my remaining time reading on my phone


That was a nice walk, but now I have to pay attention to more important matters... So let's see what the students have of suggestions for the student council

That's what I had said to myself as I opened the suggestion box, but I already knew what kind of letters there would be inside

"... *Sigh* *Wry smile* I guess my first job for today will be responding all these love letters... Hm?"

A piece of paper without a sender nor a heart stamp or pattern, and envelope... Let's see what's written inside...

"... Pfft... *Chuckles* To think that I would get this amused by an actual suggestion letter"

But it's not a bad idea to put maps of the school floors on places like the corridors, I should discuss this later with the principal. But now what I should do first is deal with all these confession letters

And so I entered the student council room and began writing my responses to the various letters

Later during lunchtime

<Okay, time to find me some empty place for me to eat... Alright, the cafeteria is definitely out of question... My next option is the roof... But that place will definitely not have a spot with a shade... I guess my only option is to see if there's some table outside for me to use>

Takeru made his way outside of the main building, and luckily for him, there were free tables outside, so he sat on the one that was right beneath a tree's shade and evaluated the spot

<... This is the spot! Now's the time to eat while watching something!>

He was wearing his headphones and searching for something to watch online as he ate. And unknown to him there was a love confession near to where he was

"Please go out with me, Yuriko-senpai!"

It was a girl who was confessing herself to Yuriko

"I thank you for your feelings, but I cannot accept them, unless..."

Yuriko said as she gently lifted the girl's face to face her since she was 171 cm tall

"If you are ready to accept the consequences of such a prohibited relationship with me, ohime-sama"

Then she blew near the girl's ear making her blush and melt

"Hawawawawa... Ha! E, E, EXCUSE ME!!! AWAWAWAWAWA!!!"

The girl fled with a bright red face, leaving Yuriko alone

"*Sigh* Good grief, these girls are so pure that it's very worrying about who they might end up with"

After saying that she left the place, and saw Takeru seated on one of the outdoor tables

<Hmm... It looks like he didn't notice that girl passing by here>

Yuriko approached Takeru and when she got close enough she tapped his right shoulder as she placed herself to the left

"!? Oh! Hello there, Nanami-san"

He got startled for a second, but he turned his head to the left

"*Wry smile* And here I thought I could play a little prank on you"

"I have an uncle who always plays these kinds of pranks on me"

"I see, and I think I should also add, General Tanaka!"



" "Pfft... Hahaha!" "

They both laughed a little at that silly joke of theirs

"Anyway, would you mind sharing a table with me"

"Serve yourself, I'm not the owner of the table to decide that"

"That's true, so I'll just sit down here and accompany you on your lunch"

"Sure... Do you also make your own lunch, Nanami-san?"

"I do, and it's pretty rare to have you take the initiative to ask me something"

"Well, I may be sociable to an extent, but I'm definitely not socially proactive in a bit"

"That may be really true"

The two of them ate their lunches as they conversed until it was 20 minutes for the end of lunch break, then they left and went to their respective classrooms


"Ah! Prez. Yuriko-san, d, did something g, good happen to you?"

"Hm? Ara, Vice-prez. Daichi-san. Yes, it was something like that, I just had a good chat with... A new friend of mine"

"Is that so? I, I see... Ah! A, and about the s, suggestion box-"

"Don't worry about it, I already took care of it this morning"

"I, is that so?... W, well that's good, I guess. Hahaha..."

Daichi said it as he avoided his face from Yuriko with a red face and sweating a little (A/N Notes: Hoo! Boy... I already feel bad for him)

"..." <*Sigh* Daichi-san, I know how you feel about me, but I cannot give you the answer you want, because I don't feel the same towards you>

Yuriko knew very well that Daichi liked her in a romantic way, but she only considered him, at best, as an acquaintance, since they never talked that much outside of the student council room nor spent time getting to know each other more, because he always turned it down out of embarrassment and fled

"Anyway, I'll be leaving a little late because I have something to talk with the principal later, can I leave to you to lock the council's room?"

"Y, yes! L, leave it to me!"

"Thank you, vice-prez. Daichi-san"



Yuriko had a troubled face as she saw Takeru seated with a pale appearance as if his soul was leaving from his mouth at the entrance of the school's building

"... Let me guess, many of the clubs tried to recruit you, right?"

"... Yes..."

"*Amused sigh* Here, let me help you get up"

"... Thanks..."

Yuriko helped him get up and accompanied him back home


Yesterday a few minutes later after the end of the first day of school

"Why these corridors all look the same!?... Haa... Hm?"

Takeru had got lost inside the main building, and after sighing he noticed a box by his side

"... Suggestion box... Student's council room... ... ... Since I'm here, it doesn't cost anything to try asking"

He looked inside and saw that it saw empty, so he picked a piece of paper and a pen and wrote

<Put maps of the school floors in places where it's easy to see... Donezzo!... Now put in here, and pray that someone of the student council will see and consider it... Did I put my name in it... Nah, I better not they might not take it seriously if it's from a newcomer>

He didn't know by then, but he was the first and only one who had put an actual suggestion after Yuriko became the president of the student council

(A/N Notes: I really was needing to write something more akin to an actually normal school slice of life webnovel with some of my own quirks

That's all for today everyone!)

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