Chapter 14

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(A/N Notes: Prepare for the not next love rival, because there won't be one here)

"You're looking like a very cute princess right now, Yuriko-san"


Her face was beet red as she looked completely defenseless on his lap, and that appearance of her was really cute in contrast to her usual cool appearance was extremely charming to

<... I see... So I was really in love with her, huh?> "So, Yuriko-san do you have something you want to say?"

"Eh!? Ah!... Hmm!... E, ermm..." *Blushing even more*

Due to her surprise, she was unable to think straight, and instead, she was only getting more embarrassed and flustered by what just happened until she couldn't handle her embarrassment anymore, that she ended up passing out

"Y, Yuriko-san!?"

Making Takeru get worried about her as she passed out on his lap

Just outside the library

"..." *Crying and drooling blood*

Daichi was fallen on the ground, in despair because he saw what happened between the two

"..." <Why... How did that happen!!! They only met three months ago and they're already going out!?!?!? Just... WHY GOD!?" (A/N Notes: Author-san(God): Because I wanted it that way)

And after complaining in his mind, he slumped back down as if he had lost all his will to live, and to be honest he pretty much had lost it, then he heard footsteps from inside the library that was getting louder, so he instinctively hid on the corner wall, and from there he saw Takeru leaving the library while giving a piggyback ride to Yuriko

"..." *Falls to the ground*

He passed out at seeing the two very close to one another

Around 20 to 30 minutes later

"...!... Hm?...!?"

When Yuriko finally woke up she noticed that she was receiving a piggyback ride from Takeru

"T, Takeru-kun!?" *Blushing*

"Ah! You finally woke up Yuriko-san, do you want to get down?"

"Y, Yes... Please..."


He stopped walking and he safely put her down

"T, thank you for carrying m, me"

"It's okay, so Yuriko-san is there anything you want to say to me?"

"Eh!? Ah!... W, well... I, I, I... ... ... I just want to say that... I love you..."

"*Nods* Me too, Yuriko-san... I also love you"


"So should we start dating each other"

"... N, not yet..."

"Huh? W, why?"

"B, because... M, my heart isn't ready yet... For that right now..."

"... Pfft! Ahahahahaha!"

"W, why are you laughing!?"

"Because I found what you just said was oddly funny and cute"

"I, I see..."

"So don't worry and take your time, because I'll be waiting for your answer when you're ready to answer me"

"!... Yes"

And he gently kissed her cheek, making her face turn red as she felt a warm feeling in her heart that made her smile. She hugged his arm, and he just happily sighed at that, and they went back to the apartments like that... And after they entered their respective apartments, they both fell to their knees as they felt a sudden feeling of embarrassment...


And after a brief silence, they both screamed their lungs out as they covered their faces filled with embarrassment because of everything they did and said at the library and on the way back

A week later

"Good morning, Takeru-kun..."

"Good morning, Yuriko-san..."

They both looked away while feeling slightly embarrassed, something that became a common occurrence between them after that day, and so they made their way to the school, and sometime later it was already lunchtime, and as always they were eating lunch together

"So what are you going to play at the sport's festival, Takeru-kun?"

"You know... Basketball... Maybe table tennis... Though I was really surprised that we would be doing it with another school"

"Ah! That... That was something the principals of this and that school agreed on doing as a way of increasing the friendship between the students from the two schools... Though that only created rivalries between the sports clubs..."

"Ooooohh! That explains why... And you, Yuriko-san, what are you going to play?"

"M, Me!?... I don't know yet... But... I definitely want to play one where I'll have the time to watch your matches..." *Cheeks slightly red*

"I, I see... I, I also want to watch your matches..." *Blushing*



They turned silent as they both felt embarrassed and blushed

"I, I'll be t, taking my leave, T, Takeru-kun"

"Ah! Y, yeah, see y, you later, Y, Yuriko-san"

Yuriko left as she blushed, while Takeru stayed there for a little longer before he also left the spot they always shared during lunch

<Today we had another good chat, although we ended up saying somewhat embarrassing things at the end...>

"Hoh! If it isn't the student council president of Yama High, Nanami Yuriko-san"

Yuriko who was talking to herself was called by a familiar voice to her

"Ara, Himari-chan! Long time no see!"

"Don't act as if we're friends or close, Prez. Nanami-san! You and I are rivals!"

Yuriko greeted Himari in a jolly tone and was in a happy mood, in contrast to Himari's condescending tone and angry reaction just now, and that wasn't the only thing that they were different at

"Are we really rivals, Prez. Ishii-san?"

"Yes, we are! Be it on looks, grades, body, personality, popularity, sports, and relationships!"

"Hmmm... Are you sure about that?" *Scratching her cheek with a troubled look*

Before we continue, let's have a quick look at the specs of the two, shall we?

Let's start with Nanami Yuriko:

She's a very handsome beauty that attracts the gazes of everyone around her, boys and girls alike (and she's also really cute when sufficiently embarrassed);

Her grades are always at the top three, and most of the time she's also in the first place when it comes to the grades of the school;

She has 171 cm of height with a perfectly slim and curved body, beautiful amethysts eyes, and long silky grey hair that never gets messy;

She has a calm and cool personality that almost never gets angry, while always acting collected and giving a noble feel around her (that is until someone does something that really angers her, then she'll give the feel like a tiger is standing in front of the person);

She's admired like royalty by the girls, and is still desired by the boys;

No matter the sports that she's playing, she'll always be the MVP;

And she has two childhood friends who she gets along very well with, she also gets along very well with everyone she's acquainted within the school (aside from Daichi recently), and to finalize she and Takeru both share a mutual first love with each other, but she still can't handle being his girlfriend so they aren't going out yet

Now let's have a look at Ishii Himari:

She's pretty and cute, enough to attract the attention of many people (but not as much as Yuriko);

She's pretty smart, but she never gets first place;

She has 155 cm of height with a flat body, both her chest and rear are basically chopping boards, dark brown eyes and a long fluffy, but always messy, blonde hair;

She is easily angered and always acts proud and superior to everyone else (aside from Yuriko who she sees as someone equal if not better than her)... And she's somewhat chunni too;

She's pretty popular in her school, easily gathering the attention of  everyone, especially the boys, but most of the girls like her because she looks cute and fluffy;

Doesn't have the stamina to keep up in most sports, nor she's able to keep up through sheer willpower;

And she has some friends who she gets along with, she gets along with some people who she's acquainted within her school, and she isn't in love with anyone

Now back to the normal schedule

"Yes! We're rivals so you better address me as such!"

"Okay... Then... Good morning, student council president of Heiya High, Ishii Himari-san?"

"That's right! And you better remember me again, because this year I'll defeat you and your school at the sports festival!"

"Ah! Ishii-chan, I can see you are still getting along with Nanami-san, please keep the good work"

"Y, yes! Principal Sakura!"

"You too, Nanami-san. Good job on getting along with her and everyone else"

"Thank you, principal Akihiro"

"Now where did we stop at?... Ah yes!..."

The principals of each school who just passed by had greeted Yuriko and Himari and still believed that the two were friends with each other

"Shall we get along for another year, Hi- prez. Ishii-san?"

"... Hmpf! I don't need to get along with you, prez. Nanami-san. I'll be going now"


And Yuriko looked Himari walk away

"The exit is the other way, prez. Ishii-san"

Himari stopped moved with a twitch, then she turned and walked back to Yuriko, passing by her again as she kept walking forward

"I, I, I, I knew that already! I was just testing you!" *Blushing*

"Yes, yes, there are maps near the stairs in case you get lost again"

"I know!"

"..." <Well, I also have some little stuff that I need to deal with... ... ... Why do I feel a sudden urge of hugging Takeru-kun now? *Blushing a little*>

Minutes later

"... Where am I!?"

Himari still got lost in the end

"... Uuuuuuhhh! *Hic*... *Tearing up*"

"... Are you lost, little girl?"

Someone had just left the boys' restroom and saw Himari about to cry, then the person decided to call her, which surprised her

"!? I, I'm not lost! And I'm already in my second year of senior high school!"

"Ah! Is that so? Sorry about that, so where do you want to go?"

"I already said I'm not lost... ... ... I want to leave the building"

"I see *Looks at the hours* I still have some time left, so I'll take you to the exit"

"... Thank you..."

"You're welcome"

And after a few minutes, they were at the exit

"Thank you for guiding me"

"It's fine, now I need to go, see ya"

"Ah! Yes, goodbye... ... ... Hmmm? C, can I ask for your na- Where is he!?"

The boy who helped her had already left the place

"... I hope I can thank him properly at the sports' festival"

Himari said so before she left the building


<Huh? She was pretty short for someone who's 17 years old, and her hair looked pretty fluffy too, just like Pochi's fur. But I'm more into girls like Yuriko-san... Yup, yup, Yuriko-san is still the best for me, and her belly is especially pleasant to pat>

"Ah! Hello, Takeru-kun"

"Hm! Hello, Yuriko-san"

"H, hmmm... *Extends arms* W, want a h, hug?" *Blushing*

"... *Happy sigh* Sure"

The two tightly hugged each other for a few second, and then they went back to their classrooms

(A/N Notes: Tournament arc? Nope, this isn't an action high school webnovel

Also, these two are two adorable and stupid dorks)

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