Chapter 18

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(A/N Notes: Other authors: Here's a special Christmas themed chapter, for my dear readers

Author-san: Here's a normal off-schedule chapter, take it or leave it)


Yuriko had a perfect prince face while as she sat down and had a cappuccino on a café table inside the town's public garden, and her looks were attracting the attention of many passerby's, and Takeru seating on her lap as she laid his head on her shoulder as he slept was also a factor

"..." *looks at Takeru's sleeping face* <At least those two aren't around to make fun of me in this situation>

"Ara! If it isn't Yu-chan!"


"!?" <W, why are those t, two here!?... Just why!? *Crying internally*>


Earlier on that same day

"Walk. WALK" *Trying to hold back Tama*

"*Happy dog noises*"

Tama was successfully pulling Takeru around, as the tired him tried to hold her back, and that scene continued to happen until he was dragged all the way to the town center. Meanwhile, that happened, Yuriko had also reached the town center after a few minutes of walking. The town wasn't all that big, and it was pretty calm too

"Huff... Huff... Huff..."

Having to do a lot of effort since early in the morning under a blazing hot sun wasn't helping Takeru feel less tired, instead, he felt like dying, and when his dog saw the garden park at the town center, she began pulling him with even more motivation


That was all he could do, as he was dragged by his dog towards the public park

Back to Yuriko

"Whew!" *Rubs her forehead*

Today is pretty hot, huh... I should find some shaded place and rest a little... Ah! It's the park I used to come to when I was younger... Hmmm... It'll certainly be a little cooler in there with all the trees... Oh! The lights are still green!

*Crosses the street and enters the park*

"*Refreshed sigh*"

Yup, it feels a lot cooler in here... Now that I think about it, it has been quite some time since I last came here... I remember coming here to play with those two in the past on that playground, I wonder what they're doing right now... I should give them a call so that we can go somewhere just the three of us someday

*Continues walking*

Oh! The Garden's café is already open, I guess I'll have breakfast here

"Woof! Woof! Woof!"

"Hm? Ah! Hello, little one, where's your owner?" *Gets down to pat the dog*

This also reminds me, that animals tend to get along very well with me

"Haa... Haa... Wait... Huh? Yuriko... San?..."

"! Takeru-kun?... Why are you here?" *Gets up*

Wait... He said he was going back to his house yesterday... Could it be that he also lives in this town?... Yeah, that's the only answer-!?

"..." *Hugging Yuriko and using her soft chest as a pillow with his eyes closed*

"T, T, T, Takeru-kun... C, could you p, please..."

"Just five more minutes..." *Tightens his hug*

Kuh! He's so cute like this... No, I need to do something about this embarrassing situation *Blushing*

"... ... ..." *Hugs him*

... I hate how honest I'm to my desires *Tightens her hug* But this is not bad either... Ah! This is bad, it's getting harder to keep standing with him like this *looking around for a place to seat down*

<... Well, that's the only place close by...>

Yuriko managed to make Takeru stop hugging her, and half wake him up. Then she pulled him by the hand towards one of the outdoor tables of the café and sat down, but differently of what she wanted, instead of seating on one of the two remaining chairs, Takeru sat down on her lap and went back to sleep


She was feeling like crying out of embarrassment as she did her best to not to blush

"Hmm... W, would you l, like t, to order... Something?..."

And a waitress timidly came to attend her

"*Gently takes the waitress hand* Yes, I would like a cappuccino and a cute smile from someone as cute as you, milady"

"Ah!" *Gets shot through the heart by a heart arrow*

Yuriko even in that situation was still able to unconsciously be naturally charming to girls she talked to, and the waitress left in a hurry while blushing intensely. After a few minutes, the waitress came back with the cappuccino, only to run away again after receiving more lady killing words from Yuriko

*Takes a sip of the cappuccino* <It's still tasty as I remember>

Yuriko had managed to calm herself somewhat, and slightly away from her, and outside of her view range, two girls at the same age as Yuriko noticed her there

"Hey. Isn't that Yu-chan?"

"Hummm... Yup, it's Yu-chan"

"And it appears she has someone on her lap..."

" "... ... ... A boy!" " *Eyes shining*

And the two girls decided to go towards her

"..." *looks at Takeru's sleeping face* <At least those two aren't around to make fun of me in this situation>

"Ara! If it isn't Yu-chan!"


"!?" <W, why are those t, two here!?... Just why!? *Crying internally*>

The two girls sat down on the two free chairs, with smug faces saying that there were already having fun just from seeing Yuriko in that situation. Then the orange-haired one opened her mouth

"It has been a while, hasn't it Yu-chan?"

"Yup, it has been a while Yu-chan"

"Y, yeah... It has been a while Aki-chan, Aya-chan"

A-chan was the nickname Yuriko and the other girl used to refer to Takahashi Aki, she is a cool looking beauty with long orange hair, together with a strong, and somewhat wild, personality and athletic body, she has been friends with Yuriko since were kids

(Artist: 風ことら@お仕事募集中 [Pixiv])

While Aya-chan referred to Inoue Ayano, a cute looking girl with short purple-reddish hair, who used fake glasses just to compliment her looks, with a sociable personality together with a smart brain

(Artist: シソ3日目西A-36a [Pixiv])

(A/N Notes: Wow, these two pictures came in hand pretty fast)

"And to think our cute Yu-chan, would get a boyfriend while we weren't looking is a surprise, but not a bad one"

"Yeah, our pure Yu-chan who would always blush only by seeing two characters holding hands in whenever we watched a romance movie is finally becoming a full-fledged adult"

"H, hey! I, I'm not so pure as you say!" *Blushing*

"Hoh! Why? Did you and your boyfriend already kissed each other?"

"T, Takeru-kun is not... My boyfriend... A, and we... *Remembers that time at his house front door*... We didn't * remember that day at the library*... Didn't... *And remembers that time in the sports festival*... ... ... *Blushing intensifies*"

"Aaaaawww... I can never get enough of you being this cute, anyway enough of Yu-chan, and more about you *looks at Takeru* So how long are you going to pretend to be asleep?"


"W, what're you talking about? T, Takeru-kun is clearly-"

And when she looked at him, she saw him with a troubled smile as he sweated a lot with his eyes closed

"... ... ..."

And after a few seconds, without any form of escape, he stopped pretending to be asleep

"Ehe! *Funny face*"

". . . !?!?!?"

And tried to brush it off with a funny line and face, but he ends up doing was make Yuriko's face immediately turn completely red as she started tearing up out of embarrassment and pouting, as she wanted to flee from there and hide somewhere, but with Takeru seating on her lap, all she could do was feel even more embarrassed, about to cry out of embarrassment and to pout even more cutely

< < <... This is fine too> > >

Takeru, Aki, and Ayano could only think of that as they looked at Yuriko being extremely cute while being extremely embarrassed

(A/N Notes: Tomorrow, I may or may not only update two stories since I was being lazy this week, and only wrote one chapter, for this story, and that's pretty much it

Happy holidays and...

And happy new year)

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