Chapter 32

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(A/N Notes: Me: You guys know that anime joke about the MC and a girl having s*x when they actually aren't right?

Readers: Yeah, but why are you asking us this oddly specific question?

Me: for nothing really... For nothing... Nothing...


... I also started working for Rhodes Island Pharmaceutics as a doctor)

"Uuuuugh... My head..."

It hurts... *Opens and closes her mouth* ... And what is his horrible taste in my mouth?... ... ... *Sniffs herself* Uuuuughhh... What's this smell?... I'm feeling completely icky...

*Hold her head*

And my head... It's hurting *gets up and sit down on the futon she was sleeping*



... ... ... Huh? That wasn't me... ... ... *Looks to her left and down*

"... ... ...!?!?!?"

W, W, W, W, W, W, WHY IS TAKERU HERE!? WHY IS HE NAKED!?... *Looks down to herself* ... WHY AM I NAKED!?!?!?... ... ... Don't tell me, t, t, t, t, t, that we had... OUR FIRST TIMEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!


Yuriko found that she had shared a futon with Takeru and both of them were naked, with her having a horrible headache, so her only conclusion was that they both crossed the line and that it was most likely her fault

To explain how they ended up doing it, let's go back to the previous day

The previous day, early in the evening

There was still some minutes before the appointed time that Takeru and Yuriko agreed to meet for their date at the summer festival

"Uncle Eichii said he'll be hosting a banquet with an open bar at the inn later in the evening, and that we're welcomed to go"

"Sweet! All I can drink night!... By the way, where are you going, ototo-kun (little brother)"

"Somewhere you don't need to know"

"Aah... I know, you're going on a date with Yuriko-chan, aren't you? Going to be all kissy-kissy with h- Muuuu!!!"

Takeru pressed his sister's cheeks with one hand and looked at her with angry eyes

"Say anything more, and you won't be drinking anything tonight"

"Mu! Mu! Mu! (Okay! Okay! Okay!)" 

"Good *let go of his sister's cheeks* Now I'll be taking my leave, don't overdo in the alcohol"


And with that Takeru left the inn room his sister was staying at, to meet with Yuriko for their date

Some minutes later


"Ah! Yuriko"

Yuriko called for him, as he waited for her in the reception. Takeru got up and offered his hand to her, that she happily held as they left for the summer festival

"... *Fidgety*"

"? Is there something wrong, Yuriko?"

"Eh? Ah! No, there isn't... It's just... That you look really good in a yukata, Takeru"

"Aah... I see... Thanks..."

Takeru looked away to hide his face from Yuriko, and that only made Yuriko giggle. After some minutes of walking, they both arrived at the summer festival location

"So? Is there any stall you want to go to, Takeru?"

"No, and what about you, Yuriko?"

"Me, neither"

"I see... Then how about we go to that one?"

"Sounds good for me"

And the two went to a goldfish scoop stall, with both of them failing to get one. After that one, they went to the other game stalls that they saw, without neither of them getting anything because they would always end up flirting with each other, though the two managed to give the single stalls owners a burn to their souls with their flirting. After they finished playing, they bought some snacks to eat and a pair of kitsune masks, then found a bench to sit down

"Say 'ahn' " 

"... ... ... A, ahn"

Takeru ate a takoyaki that Yuriko fed to him

"Good boy" *pats Takeru's head*

"..." *Looks away with his face blushing*

"You're so cute, Takeru"


Yuriko hugged him, and he hugged her back as he felt slightly more embarrassed, they let go of their hug, and just sat side by side while holding hands, as they calmed down

"... It has been really fun so far, Takeru"

"... Yeah, it has, Yuriko"

" "Because I'm here with you... ... ... Ehehehehehe" "

" "..." "

They both looked away for a moment and went back on looking at each other, then they brought their faces closer and kissed each other on the lips



" "!" "

They broke from their kiss due to the surprise, and they both saw Daichi and Himari stands in front of them, with Himari face's blushing intensely, while Daichi face's was turning blue from despair

" "..." "

Yuriko and Takeru remained stunned for various moments, then their faces quickly turned into an intense shade of red, they put on their kitsune masks and got up from the bench... Then they ran away from there out of embarrassment

"Eh!? Huh!? Wa, wait!?"


But before either Daichi or Himari could do anything, Takeru and Yuriko had already disappeared in the middle of the crowd

3 minutes later, near an empty altar on top of a hill

" "Haa... Haa... Haa..." "

Yuriko and Takeru were both exhausted from the running they did in desperation

"Haa... !... ... ... Pfft... Ahahahahaha!" "

When they noticed each other both exhausted, they couldn't help but laugh at themselves

"We should get going if we don't want to lose the fireworks"

"Yeah, you're right, Yuriko"

And right when they turned towards the set of the stairs that led them here...


" "!!!" "

The sound of a firework exploding scared them, that they even jumped a little like two surprised cats, then they turned to see that and many other fireworks. They looked at each other and closed the distance between themselves, this time they were able to enjoy each other lips

Later in the evening, back at the inn

"So Yu-chan did something happen at the festival?"

"N, no... Why do you ask, Aki-chan?"

"Well... Someone has been on cloud nine ever since she came back, and she kept touching her lips all the time with a jolly face"

"W, w, what are you possibly talking about, Aki-chan?"

"You know very well what we're talking about, Yu-chan. What we want is for you to confess it yourself"

"... ... ... No..." *blushing and pouting*

" "Eeeeehhh?" " *Smug grins*

Aki and Ayano both started poking Yuriko's pouted cheeks

"What'chu girls, are talkin' 'bout without me?"

Then Akari, Takeru's sister, drunkenly joined their conversation as she held a glass of beer

"Ah! Akari-san"


"So... What's this all 'bout?" *Puts her glass on the table*

"Maa... We want Yu-chan to openly say that she was kissy-kissy with Takeru-kun"

"Aah... I see, then... Come on Yuriko-chan, say it and I will tell you a secret of Takkun in exchange"

"... *Twitch*"

" " "Oh?" " "

The three noticed that Yuriko's will was already almost crumbling when she heard Akari's proposal

"..." *Trembling*

Then Yuriko tried to find anything on the table to shut her mouth, and her eyes landed on a glass filled with some straw-colored liquid. She picked the glass and drank it


Then right after she drank just a sip, she noticed that something was wrong

"... Is this beer?"

"Huh? Give me for a sec *Looks at the glass*... Aah! It's my beer"

"Huh!? W, will Yuriko be okay?"

Aki and Ayano hearing that Yuriko accidentally drank alcohol, got really worried about her

"... I guess so, she doesn't look like a lightweight drinker, so she should be fine, though it's best if she drinks a lot of water"

"Got it!"

"Yuriko, stay here, that we'll fetch you a lot of water"

"Eh? O, okay"

Her two friends brought a lot of water for her to drink

30 minutes later

"Takeru-kun... I love you..."

"... She's drunk..."

"She's drunk"

"Well, I didn't think that would've happened"

Yuriko was laying her head on the table, as her face was slightly red while she kept saying how much she loved Takeru

"She'll be okay, right?"


"Huh? Yeah, yeah, by the amount of water you two made her drink, she'll probably just end up with a headache in the morning" (A/N Notes: As someone who doesn't drink nor does a lot of research about it, take what I wrote about alcohol with a lot of salt, a ton of salt)


"W, what's wrong, Yu-chan!?"



"I need... To use the restroom..."

"Got it! We'll take you there"

"Leave it to us!"

With the help of the two, Yuriko was taken to the restroom, while Akari watched it

"Well, I didn't think she would be super lightweight"

"Oi! What did I tell you about the alcohol"

"!?" <Shi->

Akari was dragged out of there by Takeru. A few minutes later, Yuriko was brought back by her two friends

"Huh? Where's Akari-san"

"I don't know"

"Ah! there you are"

"Huh? Ah! Takeru-kun"


Takeru called for the two after his sister confessed everything that happened a little earlier

"I'm terribly sorry for my sister's blunder"

"It's fine"

"Yeah, she helped us back already"

"I see, then I'll be leaving-!"

When he tried to leave, he felt his wrist being grabbed, and he saw that the one holding it was Yuriko

"... Yuriko could you ple- Uwah!!!"

Yuriko pulled him towards her and hugged Takeru

"I love you... Takeru..."

"I, I love you too, Yuriko... Now can you-"

Yuriko then kissed him on the neck, which made him stop talking, then she kissed him again this time on the cheek, then on her third kiss, she deeply french kissed him

"I really, really love you... Takeru... Want another one?"

"..." *too embarrassed to talk*

" "..." " *Got embarrassed from seeing it*

"Fufu... I'll take your silence as a yes..."

And again Takeru received another french kiss from Yuriko, who because of her drunkness was being completely honest to her feelings and desires

(A/N Notes: Well that escalated quickly

Next week, I'm back (hopefully) to my normal release schedule

This is all for today, folk!)

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