Chapter 43

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(A/N Notes: I'm going to be honest with ya'll everything started going out of control in this chapter and onward... And I don't regret anything!)

"..." *Making an intimidating face*

"..." *Also making an intimidating face*

Takeru and Mitsuto were on a staring contest, with Takeru giving Yuriko a lap pillow


Then Yuriko made a crunched expression as she slept and turned herself, making her face Takeru, which made the two stops from glaring at each other

"..." *Making a despairing face*

"..." *Trying to keep himself from blushing and failing a little*

Because of the way Yuriko was now sleeping, it looked like she was giving Takeru a b******, and worse for Takeru was that he could feel the warmth of her breath near to his lower countries, which unfortunately was quite arousing to him

"..." *Desperately trying to not get hard*

He was sweating a lot as he was doing his best to not screw everything up, and Mitsuto who was only receiving continuous damage from seeing Yuriko sleeping in that posture, couldn't bear to see that anymore so he decided to leave

"I, it looks like something came up, so I need to take my leave"

And with that, he quickly left before that scene got stuck in his memory. Takeru who was concentrating didn't pay attention to what he said

Some minutes later

"... Hm? *Blinks eyes* Fuaaaahhh..."

Yuriko got up while yawning

"That was a nice nap, thank you Takeru"

"Y, you're welcome, Yuriko"

"... Is something wrong, Takeru?"

"N, no! N, nothing is wrong"

Yuriko made a skeptical face as she heard that


"Y, yeah..."

She still kept her skeptic expression, then she went back on using his lap as a pillow


He tried to stop her, but it was already too late, she already laid back down, and when she moved her head back she felt something hard on the back of her head, that she knew very what it was, which made her quickly get up again. And she looked back at Takeru with a red and embarrassed face

"... Pervert..."

"... It's your fault..."

And he answered her with an equally red and embarrassed face. They weren't angry at each other, simply  embarrassed and ashamed about themselves

"... Should we go back?"


They both got up and went back inside the school building while holding hands with embarrassed faces (A/N Notes: Lewd)


"..." <Who was that guy?>

Mitsuto was trying to find the identity of the boy he saw giving a lap pillow to Yuriko

"Hm?" <If I'm not wrong, earlier I heard some people saying that some guy named Takeru was Yuriko's boyfriend... Could it be that guy I saw earlier, is that Takeru?... Yeah, it must be>

He was able to easily reached the right answer thanks to the entire school talking about the two dating

"... I should check him to be extra sure"

And he by using the rumors, went to Takeru's classroom

"..." *Reading a light novel while listening to music*

"Hey, you!"

"Hm? Geh! It's you"

When Takeru saw Mitsuto again he crunched his face

"I guess, your name is Takeru, right?"

"Yes, why do you ask?"

"And you're going out with Nanami-san, right?"

"Yes, I'm Yuriko's boyfriend"

"I see... Break up with her"

"Fuck you!"

Takeru said that with a smile

"You surely don't know who I am?"

"Should I even care about someone as dumb as you?"


*Pow* "Gah!"

Then Takeru felt a blow on his forehead, that disoriented him due to the surprise and strength of the punch

"Haa... I knew it would be a waste trying to talk sense into you"

And Mitsuto left without any saying anything further. When Takeru got back to his senses shortly after, he quickly got up and went to the classroom door, but he couldn't see Mitsuto anywhere

"Tch!" <Vengeance will be mine!> (A/N Notes: ... Sorry, but I couldn't stop myself since I got Eula)

So he gave up on getting back at him for now

After school

Yuriko had just finished her tasks as the student council president and was locking the door of the student council room



And she heard a voice that had been annoying her to go out with him ever since today lessons started, and that voice was making a good job at getting her stressed

"Haa... What do you want?"

"I'm once again asking for you to become my girlfriend"

"How many times do I have to say no to you? I find your persistence as something many people should strive for... But now you're just being downright annoying! And you just entered yesterday!"

"Easy there, easy there, Yuriko-san"

"Don't call me by my given name"

"Nanami-san we might have started on the wrong footing here, but I'm sure we can get along, look I'll even stop asking you to be my girlfriend"

"Huh? You will?"

"Yes, I will. first, you simply need to break up with that boy named Takeru-"


Yuriko slapped him with enough strength, that he felt the part she slapped tingling of pain

"Didn't I tell you that I will never do that? You don't even know him to say that I should break up with him"

"I do know him"

"Oh? You do?"

"Yes, I saw him earlier giving you a lap pillow during lunch break and then again slightly after"


Yuriko felt slightly embarrassed at being seen while receiving a lap pillow from Takeru

"And all I can say is that he's definitely a weirdo, a very weird one at that"


Yuriko felt something inside her when she heard that

"And his looks... Ugh, are equally weird as him. Those looks clearly can't be put side by side with you of a superior caste, different from me who has a great look worthy of being by your side and is from the same caste"


"And what can I say about his attitude? He doesn't answer me, as he dared to say for me to fuck off instead, and even glare at me, during lunch break, almost like a barbarian"


Yuriko who was simply listening with a smile and her eyes closed, had one of her eyes twitching, as so did her smile

"Even when I tried to talk some sense into him slightly after, he still said for me to fuck off, so I gave him a well-deserved punch on his forehead"


And at hearing that he had punched Takeru, something snapped inside Yuriko, as she felt extremely angry at him

"So, that why you should bre-!?"

Yuriko grabbed his face with her left hand, then he saw her right hand, closed into a fist coming right towards him, and it came fast. And he received the most painful punch of his life right on his face, which made his nose bleed again, and sent him unconscious to the ground*


Yuriko then turned and left with an angry face, that only disappeared when she saw Takeru


Back when Kaga was around the same age as her daughter Yuriko

"Please go out with me Nanami-san!"

"Haa... How many times do I have to tell you that I already have a boyfriend?"

"It's for that reason, that you should break up with him and go out with me!"

"Haaaa? Why would I do that?"

"Simple, he sucks"

Kaga grabbed the boys face and threw a full-powered punch right towards his face that made him fly up by quite some centimeters and land quite some distance from her. that was the most painful punch of his life right on his face, that the boy had ever felt*

"*Sigh* This idiot"

And she went to meet up with her boyfriend, that she would later marry and have two kids with

(A/N Notes: *The last thing that both Mitsuto and his father saw in school on that day

Yup, they both suffered from the same fate and are equally stupid)

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