Chapter 6

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(A/N Notes: ... What should I write here?)

Daichi was sweating heavily as Takeru looked at him with reprisal

"T, Tanaka-san? C, can you g, give this p, photo b, back to me?"

"Why should I?"

"B, because... Because..."

It's mine. That is what Daichi wanted to say, but he also knew that that very same photo of Yuriko was taken without her permission which was already bad, and if he confirmed he wanted to keep that very photo it would turn doubly worse. But then an idea came to his mind...

<Alright! I got an idea!> "Because I'm trying to-... Where is he!?"

But Takeru had already fled with the photo while Daichi was thinking of what to say


I ended up bringing this with me... What do I do with this?...

*Looks again at the picture in his hand*

*Puts the image out of sight*

... Since Yuriko-senpai is in this image, I should probably give it to her... Yup, I'll just give it to her during lunch break... ... ...

*closes his eyes while blushing a little* "Yuriko-senpai... Has a really beautiful body"


"Achoo! *Sniff*... Huh? Is someone talking about me?"

Later at lunch break

"... Is something wrong, Takeru-kun?"

"No... Why you ask, Yuriko-senpai?"

"Well, to begin with, you have been purposely avoiding to look at me since I came to have lunch with you"

"Well... There's a reason for that..."

"Would you mind telling me the reason?"

"... In this case, it's easier to show you the reason"

Takeru then picked a picture and handed it to Yuriko

"What is this?"

"... It a picture of you, that fell from Daichi-senpai bag that I picked up and ended up bringing here"

"A picture of me... that was with vice-prez. Daichi-san? Let me see this picture... !?!?!?"

Yuriko then picked the picture and looked at the image in it, she froze for a second when she saw an image of her wearing only her underwears as she unhooked her bra in the school changing room, then she made a very flustered and shocked expression

"H, h, h, have you s, seen the i, image?"

Yuriko had a flustered tone when she asked Takeru, a question that she already knew the answer, but that she wanted to hear otherwise

"... Well... I'm only giving it to you... Because I know the contents of the said image..."


Yuriko's face was blushing so intensely that even her ears turned red as she felt a weird sensation inside her, and Takeru who was always looking towards the opposite direction from where Yuriko was seated at, didn't see her blushing

"... *Deeply inhales*... Takeru-kun, it looks like I'll have to excuse me earlier than expected. So see you later"

"Huh? Y, Yeah, sure. See you later, Yuriko-senpai"

Yuriko managed to say it with her normal tone, while Takeru continued to not look at her as he answered her. She got up, picked her lunch box and the picture, then left towards the school building, after a few moments Takeru turned to see if she had already disappeared from sight

"Phew... I think she doesn't keep a grudge on me because of that"

He felt a sense of relief from her absence

As for Yuriko, after she went inside the school building, she ended up noticing her reflection in one of the hallway windows and she saw that her face was completely red, making her feel again the sensation she felt back there. She then shrunk herself and hugged her knees

<I see... So this is how feeling embarrassed truly feels like>

She had already felt a little embarrassed on some occasions in the past, but how she felt back there were not even close to how she felt this time

"... ... ...*Deeply inhales*" *Slap cheeks* "Alright!"

After calming herself, Yuriko managed to get up and stop blushing, but in its place, a shadow was cast over her eyes, and a very angry smile formed on her face

"Time to question, vice-president Yamamoto-kun"

Daichi a moment later

*Shivers* "!?!?!?"

Daichi who was in his classroom felt a very scary and cold shiver running down his back, that made him get up from his desk in a jump

"Whoa! What's wrong, Daichi?"

"I don't know, but for some reason, I felt a horrible shiver just now" *Sits down*

"Seriously? It might just have been a cold wind. Anyway, what about that picture I gave you? Did you alleviate yourself with it?"

"I don't want to talk about it"

"So you actually did it! That's my friend for ya!"

Daichi's friend slapped him in the back

"So where's that picture?"

"... I accidentally dropped it, and someone else took it away earlier today, and I'm worried about what will happen to me"

"Don't worry, that person must certainly be drooling while looking at that photo right now"

"Maybe... But I still can't deal with losing that photo"

"Is that so? That's fine! Here, this one was taken just yesterday after school"

"... Thanks, Yamada"

Daichi accepted another photo of Yuriko changing clothes, this time with her front in full view, from his friend Yamada

"Dun' worry, it's really easy to get these photos when you're the president of the public moral committee and has some help from inside and outside"

"Are you a drug lord?"

"Maybe I am"

And as they talked, they heard a certain someone name being said outside their classroom


"Oh! Good afternoon, ohime-sama. I have a little question to make to you"

"A, a, and w, w, w, what d, d, d, do y, y, you w, w, want t, t, to ASK???"

"Is. Vice-president. Yamamoto-kun. Inside?"


"H, He's over there... Fwaaahh..." *Goes on cloud nine after talking with Yuriko*

When Daichi heard Yuriko calling him by his full title and surname with a cold tone he shivered and froze on the spot

"Vice-president Yamamoto-kun"

"Y, Yes, Prez. Yuriko-san?"

"Would you mind explaining this photo?"

And Yuriko showed him the photo that Takeru gave to her, as her eyes were covered in a shadow while she showed a scary smile, and the sight of that photo in her hands made Daichi's and Yamada's eyes look like they would pop off from their eye sockets

*Trembling and sweating* "W, w, w, what are y, y, you t, talking about?"

As Daichi tried to feign ignorance of that photo, Yamada slowly picked his bag and got up as slowly and stealthy as possible, even though he was right beside the two people who were gathering the attention of the entire class

"I'm talking about this photo that was given to me by someone who said it belonged to you"

"! So it was that Tanaka guy!... Ah!"

"Hoh? How do you know it was Takeru-kun who gave it to me?"

"... I, I, I, I, I CAN EXPLAIN!!!"

Daichi got up so quickly in desperation, that he accidentally ended up dropping the photo Yamada just gave to him


And Yuriko noticed it and picked it up seeing the contents of the photo that just fell down, and when Daichi saw her looking at that photo he lost all hope to talk his way out


"Vice. President. Y.A.M.A.M.O.T.O -K.U.N. What. Is. This?"

Yuriko had an even colder and angrier feel around her, that it even looked like there was a tiger in front of him, intimidating Daichi even more


Yamada who was almost leaving the classroom suddenly turned with a surprised face, alongside all the other boys inside the classroom, and looked at Daichi who just denounced them out of fear


And he bumped into a girl who was entering the classroom, making him fall and drop his bag that was still open, making a bunch of photos of various girls, including female teachers, of the school with varying degrees of their underwear appearing, and in some cases without them wearing any clothes at all, to fall on the ground


The class turned silent, as the boys froze of shock from having their secret operations discovered, and the girls turning silent out of anger, shame, and embarrassment, but it was mostly pure anger towards the boys as they looked at them


Yamada tried to laugh his way off, but it was useless as he and all the other boys in the classroom became the targets of the girls' one-sided want for revenge, which quickly began to spread to the entire school making a lot of boys get caught in the crossfire, mostly because of the boys who knew about the photos inadvertently revealing themselves when they heard that Yamada was found, others who showed interest at hearing about the photos, and those who were in the wrong place at the wrong time


<What the hell is happening out there?>

Takeru was on his desk reading a light novel while listening to music with his headphones. He was only spared because he was completely clueless to the existence of an entire operation to take photos of girls in the changing rooms led by Yamada and because he didn't react to the news of their Yamada and his pervert photo monopoly being discovered since he wasn't hearing anything aside from the music in his earphones

(A/N Notes: I was contacted by a Webnovel author liaison, and I already gave them my response, so now I'm waiting for their contact again, so if you guys want, you all can now read three stories of mine there, this one included, the three more recent ones, the others I don't see them fit for there because...

Well, they don't have the support for images in the chapters so, most of my older stories would lose them... Hmmm... Originality? I guess... I don't know

My Webnovel username: Lazy_Author_san

This is not all for today everyone!)

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