Chapter 17

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(A/N Notes: I had to go outside yesterday and had something else to do, that's why I couldn't update yesterday. Anyways, time for diabetus)

Yuriko was making her way back home, as she made a dejected expression

"... *Sigh* ... ... I want to talk with Takeru... Hm?"

As Yuriko continued walking forward, she eventually arrived near the entrance of the apartment, and there she saw someone entering the building, and she quickly noticed who it was


It was Takeru, seeing him made her hurry her pace to catch up with him


"?... !"

Yuriko managed to catch up and grab the entrance door still open, surprising Takeru, and before he could do anything Yuriko grabbed one of his arms and to make sure he wouldn't have a chance to escape from her again, she put him between herself and a wall, inadvertently giving him a kabedon

"Good afternoon, Takeru"

"Y-Yuriko-senpai... H-hello..."

Takeru clearly looked nervous as he started to cold sweat with a face that was filled with desperation, while Yuriko had a slightly intimidating yet happy smiling expression



"I'm sorry for doing that to you on the rooftop during lunchtime at that time"

Yuriko had let go of his arm and from the wall, then she bowed down to him as she apologized

"I-it's fine..."

"... You can be honest with me, I know you're not fine with that"


Takeru stayed silent because the talk quickly made him remember what happened on the rooftop, which instantly made him feel embarrassed

"... Yeah, you're right! I'm not fine with that!... B-but it's not like I-I'll hate you from that... A-and I didn't really hate b-being k-k-k-kissed by you... Either... ... ..."

Due to his embarrassment, Takeru's tsun side came out and making him self-destruct himself as he said his honest feelings to Yuriko, who was slightly surprised at his answer


"I-if that's all you have to say then I'll be leaving!"

"Wait, Takeru. Can I ask you one thing?"

"... Sure... But make it quick!"

"Sure, so did you see the contents inside this envelope you left for me?"

Hearing that Takeru quickly broke into a cold sweat as his face turned blue, as Yuriko once again made a slightly intimidating face

"!... Well... Ermm... ... ... Yes..."

"I see... Now then, why did you keep avoiding me all this time?"

"E-Ermm... I-it was... ... Hmm... ... ..."


Takeru tried to find the right words, but his desperation and nervousness didn't help him in doing so, and Yuriko's intimidating atmosphere also made it harder for him

"... T-that... W-well... Ermm... ... ... Uuuuuuuuuhhhh... I'M SORRY!!!"


With a mix of embarrassment, guilt, and fear, Takeru shouted that as he started crying, which again caught Yuriko by complete surprise

"Ah! Sorry! I didn't mean like that! I-it's just that I saw you leaving the letter there back then, a-and you avoiding me... A-anyways! I am not accusing you nor angry at you"

"Uuuuhhh... R-really?..."

"Y-yes! Really... Here, let me give you a hug"

Seeing Takeru like that, Yuriko felt an urge to hug him so she approached him and tightly hugged him, followed by Takeru also hugging her back, then Yuriko started petting his head

"There, there, Takeru. I'm not angry at you, got it?"

"... *Nods*"

"But... I'll still have to punish you for seeing what was inside the envelope and for avoiding me all this time... *Mumbling* And for talking to another girl..."

"!?... ... ... Okay..."

"Alright, then your first punishment will be... Calling me without honorifics"



"Y-Yu... Yuriko..."

When Yuriko heard him calling her like that, she felt really delighted

"Yes, just like that" *Pats Takeru's head* "For your second punishment, I want you to give me a hug in the morning, on lunch break, and in the afternoon every day, without a miss, together with... Well, we better go back to our apartments first"


They both walked closely together as they made their way to their apartments, they both stayed quiet, with Takeru having a meek and embarrassed face, while Yuriko was happily and brightly smiling. Once they were in front of their apartment, Yuriko continued with her "punishments" for Takeru

"Still on your second punishment, Takeru..."


Yuriko showed him one of her cheeks as she lightly tapped on it with a finger

"I want you to give me a kiss on the cheek alongside the hugs"

"?!... ... ... F-fine..."

When Takeru heard that, his face turned utterly bright red as he stiffened, only for him to begrudgingly agree. He approached Yuriko, and hugged her, which she hugged him back, then after some hesitation, he gave her a kiss on the cheek as she requested

"Hehe, thank you for going with my requests, Takeru. Now here for you"


While still hugging each other, Yuriko gave Takeru a long kiss on his cheek, feeling that Takeru tried to escape from her hug, but Yuriko didn't let him go, and then she whispered in his ear

"I'll also be giving you more of those kisses as punishment as well, Takeru"


Hearing that Takeru finally managed to let go of Yuriko and moved away from her

"B-baka! Baka! Yuriko, you Baka!"

Having finally reached his limit, Takeru finally snapped and let his tsun side run loose, making him shout that to Yuriko as his face was completely red as he fled to his apartment

"BAKA!" *Closes door with a bang*

Seeing him act like that, Yuriko tried to hold her laugh, but she was unable to contain it as she entered her house

"Pffffffttt!!! Ahahahahaha!!! I really do love that part of Takeru... ... ... Huh?"

Then as she closed and locked the door, she noticed something

"Love?... I wonder why I said that?"

Yuriko was so close and so far from noticing her own feelings

(A/N Notes: does any of this make sense? I don't know and I don't care. I like it, and that is all that matters)

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