Chapter 35

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Yuriko who had just returned to the field went to the spot where some of her classmates were seated

"I'm back!"

"Ah! Yuriko-sama! Perfect timing"

Aya was the first one to greet her

"So how has the match been going?"

"So far we're tied at zero"

"Huh? I thought that by now, one side would already have scored"

"It appears that class 1-1 is still holding their aces for the second half, just like how we were waiting for you"

"I see"

With that, Yuriko also sat down and watched the first half of the soccer game, until it eventually ended with both sides not making a score, a short interval was done for some of the girls who had been playing until now to rest

After some time, it was time for the second half of the game, the teams of each class entered the field, now with their aces ready. On the Class 1-1 side, Chika and Mika both had pretty villainous grins on their faces while their straight hairs were loose, while on Class 2-3, Aya and Yuriko both had pretty confident smiles as they tied their hair in a ponytail. And yes, mentioning the hair was just for some stupid dramatic effect

As for the other players on each team, they were also looking ready to di-... play with everything they got against their ene-... The opposing team. But before the second half could truly begin, the boys had finished the volley game, came and sat down on the ground around the soccer field. And among them was, of course, Takeru

Yuriko noticed and waved her hand with a small happy smile on her face, which caused many of the boys to fight among themselves as they wrongly assumed Yuriko was waving to them. Which already caused a handful of casualties from the soccer game to be sent to the infirmary

And now finally, the game can begin!

"*Whistle being whistled* Begin!"

With Haruga-sensei's words, the game began, and both teams dashed toward the ball. But it was Chika who reached the ball first, and she immediately began her team's offensive as her smile looked even eviler

She dashed forward straight towards the goal, dodging all of the players from Class 2-3, once she was sure that she could make the shot, Chika kicked the ball with as much force as she could


"?! Tsk!"

But Aya was able to intercept the ball and pass it to Yuriko, who also dashed towards the opposing goal, but differently from Chika, she was playing with her team to not let the ball fall in the opposing team's hands... erm, feet

Then with the help of her teammates, Yuriko got the perfect chance to make her shot, as the goalkeeper was charmed by Yuriko's handsome sweaty figure and thus unable to move. Yuriko kicked the ball, and it made a straight line towards the goal, but then Mika came in out of nowhere and sent a flying roundhouse kick at the ball, the ball was sent flying in the opposing direction and rolled on the ground, ending up under Chika's right foot

Seeing her like that, everyone could already see what she was going to do, Chika got on top of the ball with her right leg and kicked it with her left foot, and the ball began sliding, as she looked like a sliding soccer angel

And if you ask yourself 'wait, this is not how soccer works,' I can only say, I don't understand nor like soccer, and all I know are those B-plot comedy movies where it's about some martial artists playing soccer or sports anime with a bunch of teenager anime dudes screaming something as the ball becomes a freaking laser beam, and even those I only know from a few short videos of the funny parts. So yes, this doesn't make sense, but it sure as hell sounds hilarious. And this paragraph is just a shameless way for me to skip the entire soccer game

The match would continue for some more time until eventually, they ran out of time, and the game ended in a draw

And with the game over, the aces of each team approached the other

"This was a good match"

"You two and your team played admirably"

"Thanks, but we're also glad to see that we have many bright talents amongst our kouhais"

"As the student council president, I hope to see the same effort during the sports festival"

"You can count on us in there"

And the four made an epic handshake because I don't know how to end this comedy sketch about sports in school... ... ... Well, let's go back to our usual schedule




After the soccer game was over, everyone began to either talk with each other or play something simple for the remaining time until school time was over, since this was their last lesson for the day

As for Takeru, he had sat down at a spot that was under the shade of one of the trees near the sport field


"Are you feeling tired, Takeru?"

"! Yuriko... Well, yeah. I am feeling tired"

Yuriko had approached him and sat down right beside him. Something that did bring the jealous gazes of the boys, and from some of the girls, at seeing Takeru being really close to Yuriko

"I suppose you don't really like PE, right?"

"Yeah, I prefer to stay inside a room with AC doing nothing"

"I understand how you feel, but... Would you accept if I invited you to run with me in the morning?"

"Hmmm... I don't think so"

"Not even if you were to receive a reward for accompanying me?"


Takeru didn't say anything as he looked away with his cheeks slightly blushing, both due to Yuriko's suggestion and her figure in gym clothes. Yuriko seeing him acting like usual hugged him

"I'll take your silence as yes... Ah! And talking about rewards..."

Remembering what she had promised earlier to Takeru, Yuriko gently turned Takeru's head so that he would face her, and gave him a kiss on the lips. And everyone else who was around, froze on the spot and made shocked faces as they saw Yuriko kissing Takeru

"... Eh?"

Even Aya who was bringing a drink for Yuriko also stopped in her tracks, as she became confused at the scene she was seeing

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