Chapter 5

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(A/N Notes: Remember that basketball chapter I did in the original version? Well, this is the remastered version, and no it's not the same on some parts, honestly, I prefer this new version over the original one)

"..." <I guess he wasn't able to get away on time>

Yuriko was making a troubled smiling face as she noticed Takeru in the boy's team, as he made a scrunched up face of someone who didn't want to be there. Meanwhile, the leaders of each team addressed their audience composed of people interested in the clubs, people dragged there by the club members and those who only came to see the girls playing with certain intentions as they intently looked at the girls' chests

"Thank you all for coming! Today we're going to show you the girl's and the boy's basketball teams, and today we have a special guest with us! The one! The Only! The Prince! Nanami Yuriko!"



The entire audience shouted when Aya introduced Yuriko, who only waved and laughed with a troubled smile on her face

"Now let's go crush those boys!"

"Alright, men! Make sure to go with everything that you got!"

And the leaders of each team went to their respective sides. Aya who finished talking with the other team members, approached Yuriko, to tell her the plan

"Yuriko-sama, since you're the tallest one in our team, I want you to be our main attacker, so be ready to receive the ball at any moment"


"Great! Alright girls, let's show'em who's boss"


Meanwhile on the boy's team side

"Okay so here's the plan, we're going to all rush into their side and try to make a score. While you newbie, since you're the newest one, and honestly the shortest one, I want you to block that girl around the same size as you, Okay? Good! Now let's rock!"


"..." <Block who?>

The newbie was Takeru, and he wasn't wearing his glasses, due to fear of breaking them during the game, so he didn't know to who the boys' leader was referring for him to block, because all he could discern from each team was that the Girls' team wore white and the boys' team wore black and that the ball was orange, beyond that he couldn't really discern anything else

The two teams got into position, and the P.E teacher acting as the referee started the game. The two teams fought for the ball, but the boys were able to get it, and the first thing they did was rush indirectly toward the opposing team's basket

When the leader tried to make a point, a tall girl with silver-grey hair grabbed the ball midair as she jumped, which made everyone in the audience shout excitedly, it was Yuriko

Now with the ball, the girl's team counter-attacked with Yuriko at the front, but on their way was... Takeru, who had just been standing there, because he didn't know what he was supposed to do, but when he saw the team in white uniforms coming in his direction, with one of them having the orange ball, he tried to stop the one with the ball


Due to Takeru getting right in front of her to block her, Yuriko had to stop her dash, even though she was taller than him by 13cm, she wasn't being able to get a good shot because he was constantly putting pressure on her as he kept trying to steal the ball


So she passed the ball to her teammate, and Takeru followed after the ball, but the girl had already made a shot so he tried to stop the ball midair to no avail, and the girl's team made a score

Then the game restarted as everyone got back to their respective sides and then... The boys did the exact same thing as previously, got the ball stolen by Yuriko, and she lead the counterattack, and Takeru intercepted her again. Someone else from the girls' team did the score, with that repeating roughly in the same manner. So instead of saying all that happened, I'm just going to describe the audience's reaction to each slam dunk...

The boy's team leader has the ball, prepares to slam dunk, and jumps. And the audience is unimpressed

Aya, the Girl's team leader has the ball, the audience composed of most is shouting for her to go, she continues to go as the male audience grows more excited, and she jumps, with her ample chest moving up and down from the kinetic energy, and the male audience loudly shouts with excitement as they all watch her chest moving in various directions due to the effects of kinetic force or something like that, while the audience composed of girls are looking with disdain to the boys

And finally, Yuriko once again stole the ball, she charges in her counter-attack, and the entire audience is shouting for her, but then Takeru intercepts her forcing her to stop her charge, and the male audience is shouting at Takeru to just let Yuriko do a slam dunk, but he can't hear as he was using all of his concentration to just discern who is who, and the ball that he keeps following with his eyes.

Then Yuriko saw an opening and managed to exploit it, she went directly for a slam dunk, making the audience, especially the male ones, get extremely excited, but when she had just started her jump, Takeru came in with a last-minute block as he jumped as well, so Yuriko had to move the ball away from him, making her arms press her chest, holding it in place and hiding it from view, making the male loudly cry a "No!" as they almost cried blood

Having quickly recovered herself, Yuriko saw one of her teammates being in the perfect shooting position but she also noticed Takeru running directly towards her, since she still had the ball in her hands, so she quickly passed the ball to her teammate, but Takeru noticed the orange blur of the ball so he changed course to catch the ball, but all he managed to do it was divert the ball's trajectory... At the cost of his left little, ring and middle fingers almost turning in the wrong direction

"..." *Holding his arm as he tries to hold his tears*

Then the ball hit the boy's team leader's head from behind with a lot of speed, making the ball go up, and then with the help of gravity the ball made an arc, before falling directly on top of Takeru, hitting the top of his head with full force

"..." *On the verge of crying from the pain*

"..." <... I think I should help him now>

Yuriko feeling sorry for Takeru approached him and picked him up in a princess carry, which surprised and confused him


Yuriko then turned to Aya and said

"If you excuse me, I'll go take him to the infirmary and treat him"

"Okay, since you already helped us make a considerable leeway in point, we'll take care of the rest of the game, so you can go home after that"


And Yuriko left the basketball field as she carried Takeru in a princess carry, which made all of the girls scream with excitement at seeing Yuriko acting like a prince. Once they were away from the prying eyes of others, Yuriko began talking to Takeru

"You played pretty well back there, did you play basketball in your previous school?"

"... *nods*"

Takeru just nodded, because he couldn't bring himself to say anything because of the pain and embarrassment he was feeling

"I see, give me a moment, I'm going to change clothes and grab your belongings, okay?"

"... *Nods*"


Yuriko gently put Takeru down and went into the girls changing room, in there she quickly changed to her school uniform, but as she picked up her gym clothes to take back home to wash them, she noticed something in her locker


She picked the thing and saw that it was one of those spy cameras, and a shadow was cast over her eyes

"Then there's some pervert taking photos of the girls here, huh?"

She then looked at the other girls' lockers and found more spy cameras similar to the one in her locker

"The culprit is going to be severely punished when I find him... Ah! Right now I should be worrying about Takeru's condition"

For now, Yuriko's anger was delayed because of her worry about Takeru, she put the spy cameras in her bag as well, after she turned them off, of course. Then she went inside the boys changing room and picked up Takeru's belongings with her. When she left there, she returned to Takeru who was crouched down and looking very meek because of the pain


"..." *Embarrassedly looks away*

Yuriko put Takeru's glasses on him as she gave him a gentle smile, then she picked him up in a princess carry again and brought him to the infirmary so that she could treat him

"Here's some ice for your head"


"Now can you show me your hand?"


Takeru showed her his main hand, which was his left hand, and Yuriko looked at it as she pressed it

"Yup, it doesn't appear anything broke, but I'm still going to put some bandages on it, okay?"

"... *nods*"

Yuriko picked the necessary materials, and treated Takeru's hand as much as she could, once that was done, she asked him

"Can you walk? Or do you want me to carry you back home?"

"... Walk..."

His tone was low and meek, almost feeling like he was still about to cry

"I see, then for now you can change your clothes, I'll leave some things in the student council room, and then when I come back we can go home together, okay?"

"... *nods*"


And once Yuriko left the infirmary, Takeru began changing his clothes, after a few minutes, Takeru had finished changing his clothes and Yuriko had returned, so they both left to go back home together

And unnoticed by both of them, Daichi who was still in the infirmary, heard their exchange, which made him feel more depressed, which made him relieve himself until late in the night again, and he would keep making that same mistake over a week... Yeah, you all probably know where I'm going with this

(A/N Notes: Ah yes! Daichi is the character whose purpose is for me to constantly beat the crap outta of him in the most hilarious ways I can)

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