Chapter 67

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It was another usual morning, and as one of her duties as the president of the student council, Yuriko was helping the Moral Committee members check the students' bags, due to the many incidents from the past few weeks, where many of the boys began bringing suspicious toys, for even more suspicious activities.

Also completely unrelated there was a boom in the sales of toys and books about hypnosis... Yes, totally unrelated... Yeah... I have no idea why that was happening...

Anyways, back to Yuriko. She was standing behind the foldable tables with a big smile and a very bright atmosphere, a lot brighter than last year, and it was visible to everyone that she had been in a streak of good mood in these past few weeks as well.

She was feeling so upbeat, that not even the presence of Yamada and Daichi in front of her, as they put their bags on the table with despairing faces, was enough to break her energetic and radiant smile.

"G-Good morning, N-Nanami-sama..."

"G-Good morning, Y-Yuriko-san..."


The two greeted her in an attempt to get leniency with her good mood, but all they got from her was silence, as she slowly opened Yamada's bag and began taking its contents out one by one with a lot of seriousness to ensure that she wouldn't miss anything.

"..." *pulls out a porn mag*


Seeing his second most precious treasure being taken out of his bag, was enough to cause Yamada to cold sweat even more to the point that his shirt was slowly getting more drenched by the second. As for Yuriko, she just looked at the magazine and then slowly moved her gaze up toward Yamada, alongside the other girls of the Moral Committee and the teacher who was keeping an eye on everything.


"Y-Yes, N-Nanami-sama?"

"Please go to the teachers' office after the bag inspection, got it?"


"And you better not dare to arrive late"

*Desperately nodding*


Yuriko put down the porn mag to the side and went back to searching Yamada's bag, and right after doing so, she pulled out a series of photos of other girls changing their clothes. This time, the atmosphere around Yuriko and the other girls visibly changed, since those photos all had the members of the moral committee in them. As for Yamada, he was now profusely sweating buckets, as he could feel that he was in danger if Yuriko found anything else in his bag.

"... *Deeply breaths in*"

With a deep breath, Yuriko went back to searching Yamada's bag, and this time all that she took out were the usual student stuff, such as books, notebooks, and other stuff. After emptying Yamada's bag, she didn't find anything else suspicious in it, so she began to put everything back inside the bag, in a very neat manner, however in doing so, she noticed a piece of paper sticking out from one of the books, so she pulled it and this time revealing...

"Ah! Fucc..."


"... ... ... Suzuki Yamada-kun, please follow me to the teacher's office to explain this photo"

A photo of the very sensei in charge of the bag inspection, as she was changing her clothes. And it was there, that Yamada knew that he had no way of escaping his fate. Yuriko, with an iron will, continued to happily smile, which for all the boys present only appeared more and more intimidating, then turned to look at Daichi, causing him to twitch in nervousness as she pulled his bag for inspection.

"... ... ... Yamamoto-kun... Care to explain what is this?"

The first thing that Yuriko pulled from his bag was a thick hentai magazine with a cover featuring a girl with an appearance very similar to Yuriko. That was put right on the very top of his belongings in full view to anyone who opened his bag. But the most surprised person was Yamada, was he was being pulled away by the collar.

"E-Erm... Y-You see, I-I b-borrowed I-it f-from Y-Yamada... A-And... T-The c-cover c-character l-l-looked j-just l-like y-you..."

"..." *Rips and tears the hentai magazine*


Hearing his answer, Yuriko in one swift motion, ripped the thick magazine in half without any struggle. And the sight of his most precious fap material being torn in two right in front of him, caused Yamada to release a scream that sounded as if his very soul was being torn apart instead.

After a momentary pause, Yuriko went back to checking Daichi's bag, she didn't find anything else that got on her nerves, and after putting all of his belongings back into the bag, she pushed it towards him, a gesture that he could go.


"Y-Yes, Y-Yuriko-san?"

"Please, don't talk to me ever again, and do not call me by my given name either"

After saying that Yuriko showed him a bright smile, a very intimidating bright smile. And with a dismal feeling Daichi began walking away.

"Ah! That's right, Yamamoto-san!"


"Please go to the teachers' office right this instant for breaking the school rules!"


Those words, only caused Daichi to feel even more dejected. At the same time, Yuriko went back to searching inside the next bag placed in front of her.




It was now after school, and only Yuriko and Takeru were inside the student council room. In other words, there was no one inside to make Yuriko hold herself back, and due to the events from the morning, Yuriko had accumulated a considerable amount of stress, that she was unable to fully vent out during lunchtime.

This is just another way of saying that Takeru was currently in a kissing and hugging hell, with Yuriko pressing him between her and the sofa to not allow him any way of escape or breaking their lips away.

"Mmmmmnnnnhhhh... Puhaa! Haa... Haa... Nee, Takkun, do you want to do it?"

"*Panting* We... We're... At school... And... Haa... You said... That... We would only... Do it on... weekends"

"Fufu, but you always accept to do it every day, Takkun"

"... ... ... And... Whose fault do you... Think it is?"

"Mine, of course!~ Now, break time is over~"

Then just as Yuriko was about to start kissing him again. Takeru was saved by someone knocking on the door, which caused Yuriko to dejectedly sigh and get up, not before giving Takeru a light kiss on the lips of course.

"How can I help you? Ah! Himari-chan! Long time no see!"

"I told you to call me with 'san'!"

The person who had knocked on the door was Ishii Himari, the self-proclaimed rival of Yuriko, and the current president of Tani High, whose cheeks turned red as she complained to Yuriko to call her name with "san"

"Good afternoon, Nanami-san"

"! Yes! Good afternoon for you too, Kogane-san!"

And of course, the always expressionless Kogane Sakurako was accompanying Himari, since she was the vice president of Tani High, asked (begged) by Himari herself to join. But Yuriko could see that Sakurako appeared much less rigid than their first meeting.

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