Chapter 69

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(A/N Notes: Nice)

Inside the student council was quiet, as Ichiro and Himari made confused and troubled expressions, while Sakurako still kept her usual expressionless face but the atmosphere around her was one of concern, as for Yuriko, she had a somewhat surprised expression and curious expression on her face.

"Kogane-san, may I ask you, do you often do with this Ichiro-san?"

"Of course... So to start... We often spend our time sitting together"


"? And what?"

"? Don't you do anything else when you're sitting with him?"


For a moment Kogane became silent and looked to the side as she thought about Yuriko's question, before looking back at her to answer it.

"I usually drink his handmade coffee that I ask from him"


"... And that's about it"

"Eh? Just that?"

Hearing that, Yuriko became confused at what Sakurako just said, since from her experience, sitting beside Takeru always meant that she would end up kissing Takeru. And even more recently that, she wouldn't be letting go of him, until he was sucked dry.

"Hm? Are we supposed to do something else?"

Sakurako who was confused at Yuriko's confusion, asked her so as she tilted her head to the side.

"Eh? Isn't something else supposed to happen?"



The two girls were confused at what each other was saying, Himari who could guess what Yuriko meant with her words, and Sakurako's confused due to her innocence. Just made a flabbergasted face, as she slowly looked at Takeru. Who could only turn his face redder and look down in shame. Which only made Himari feel even more concerned about where the conversation between the two was going.

"Ahem... A-Anyways, Kogane-san... How about you continue telling me what else you and Ichiro-san do together"

"Ah, Sure... So continuing, let me see... When I sit by his side, I usually hug his arm and rest my head on his shoulder, and sometimes I end up falling asleep"

"I see, is there anything else you do when sitting together?"

"Hmm... ... ... Not really, that's pretty much all we do"

"Eh? Really?... ... ... Well, then is there anything you two do often together?"

"Something else?... Sometimes we go on dates"

"How nice! And what do you do on those dates?"

"We usually just walk around while holding hands, have lunch at some place, and Ichiro-san often buys me gifts whenever he can"

"And, is there anything else you two do when it's time to leave?"

"We hug each other before my family's driver picks me up"

"... ... ... Eh? Just a hug?"

"Yes? Is there something wrong with hugging him?"

"Not really, it's just... Have you two kissed at least once?"

"Kiss...? ... ... ..."

At hearing that question, Sakurako went silent, before her face slowly started to turn red, and just like Takeru, Sakurako looked down to hide her embarrassment.

"W-We... W-We o-only k-k-kissed o-once..."

With a clearly embarrassed tone, Sakurako answered Yuriko's question. Who in turn, crossed her arms, and made a serious expression as she closed her eyes to think about Sakurako's love problem.

"... ... ... Alright, Kogane-san. I think I found the answer to your concern"

"Eh? You... Did?"

"Yes!... You and Ichiro-san need to kiss more often!"

"... ... ...!?"

At hearing Yuriko say that with a lot of confidence, Sakurako's expressionless face was finally broken as she made a surprised and flustered face, which was a very cute sight to see.




Ichiro raised his head with a snap, as he felt like a lightning had just struck him, which caused Hitori to jump in surprise.

"W-W-What's w-w-wrong, H-H-Hirano-s-s-san?"

"... I just felt like I just missed a rare sight of Sakurako-san"

"... ... ... What?"

Back to the student council room

"I-I-I-I n-n-need t-t-to k-k-kiss I-I-I-Ichiro-san m-m-more!?"

"Yes! Because everything that you said so far is perfectly fine for a couple since I often do all that with Takkun! But we always kiss each other whenever we sit beside each other or go on dates!"

"That's because you don't have any shame..."

Takeru with a really low voice and a red face, commented about Yuriko's response, as he also tried to resist the pain from the amount of shame he was currently passing through.

"W-W-W-We c-c-can't k-k-kiss m-more!"

"Why not!... Ah! Perhaps you or Ichiro-san disliked it?"

"I-I-It's not like that! I-It's... It's just... ... ... I-It's j-just t-too e-embarrassing t-to k-kiss him a-again!"


Himari who was now completely silent, couldn't help but get confused at seeing her always expressionless and cool-headed cousin acting flustered and showing a number of expressions. As for Yuriko though...

"Kissing is not embarrassing, isn't that right, Takkun?"

"Eh!? E-Erm... W-Well... ... ... Yes"

"! *Shocked*"

At the seeming betrayal of Takeru's answer, Yuriko couldn't help but show a shock-filled surprised expression, which slowly turned to a smiling yet meaningful expression.

"Takkun... Kissing isn't embracing, right?"

"Erm... Y-Yes, i-it is..."

*Grabs his shoulders* "Kissing isn't embarrassing, right? Taaaakkun?"

"... ... ..." *Looks away*

*Inches closer to Takeru* "Hmm?"

"... ... ... N-No?"


Hearing the right answer, Yuriko's intimidating smile, turned into a bright one.

"Then you don't mind showing that it isn't embarrassing to Kogane-san, right?"

"!? I never said th-Mmmmmmnnnnnggggggghhhhffffff!!!"

Without any warning, Yuriko began to passionately and deeply kiss Takeru against his will. She kissed him very passionately, and very deeply, so much so. Sakurako and Himari could only look at Yuriko kissing Takeru in silence due to their surprise, as both of their faces turned redder and redder, from seeing Yuriko's lacking any form of shame or embarrassment for her to be able to kiss her boyfriend like that in front of other people.

After long minutes of passionately kissing Takeru, Yuriko finally stopped after she felt that she had her fill of Takeru's lips for now, which was visible from her satisfied expression. Now finally turning back to the two girls who were still silent from the shock, Yuriko happily clapped her hands together.

"See, Kogane-san? It isn't that hard or embarrassing to kiss your boyfriend"

"Eh!? Ah!... ... ..."

Sakurako who snapped back to reality due to Yuriko's clap and words, showed a confused face, before slowly putting her right hand in front of her lips and having her red face turn even redder, as she began to feel even more embarrassed about her only kiss with Ichiro, so much so that even steam appeared to be coming out of her ears. While Himari on the other hand, just appeared to have had her soul sucked out of her body. And Takeru was, of course, looking as if he had passed out from Yuriko's excessive show of affection because he had passed out from Yuriko's excessive affection for him.

Also needless to say... Neither of them talked about the actual reason they were even meeting in the first place. Which was about the joint sports festival between their schools. 

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