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(A/N Notes: Remember when I said I might come back to this story quite a while ago?... Well, I came back to it after having to spend some weeks without internet, and now here I am bringing this story back, to polish it, try to make it better, and then if this works out try to use this revised style on my other stories to see if it also works on them

Now about the new cover... *Loads revolver and points at you*

Sauce: ParkingInternet [Twitter]

You all better like the cover, because I commissioned it with my own money)

Inside a first-year classroom, a boy was seating on a chair as he put some of his school materials on top of his desk, after putting his materials on the desk, he looked at the hours on his phone

"..." <At what time was the entrance ceremony again?>

So he searched for the sheet of paper that had the information about the entrance ceremony inside his bag, and as he did that, he heard a bunch of girls screaming "Kyaa! Kyaa!" outside, making a big crowd right at the main entrance of the school, making him look outside the classroom window

"... Heh" <I was right on coming to school early>

After seeing what was happening outside, the boy, Tanaka Takeru went back to find at what time the entrance ceremony started

Outside at the school front entrance

"Kyaaa! Please give me your autograph, senpai!!!"

"Please let me take a photo of you, senpai!!!"

"Please marry me senpai!!!"

The girls kept saying such stuff to the person they were surrounding, and the person in the middle stood out due to the height difference with the girls and the silver-grey hair

"Ahahaha. Calm down everyone, no need to shout. One at a time, and I will see if I can do it"

The person then unintentionally gave a perfect ladykiller smile, which made the girls closest to the person, clutch their chests as they violently coughed blood from too much excitement

"!? Are you all okay!?"

The person got really worried at seeing some of the girls doing that

"W-We've been blessed by your smile, senpai..."

And the girls closest to the person passed out with faces filled with bliss... And nosebleeds. While that happened, outside the wall of excited girls, some first-year boys were trying to find out who was the lucky bastard to be getting the attention of all the girls right now

"You're gonna fall"

"Do a backflip when you fall"

"Shut up, you muffinheads!"

A guy was climbing a tree to see if he could see who was the person being surrounded by the girls

"Whew... Alright, now let's see who's the bastard... *Gasp*"

"So can you see who's the bastard?"

"Yeah, don't leave us here dying of curiosity!"

"I can see, it's a handsome g-" *Crack* "Hm?"

The boy who had climbed the tree heard a strange sound coming from behind him, and a second later, the tree branch he was using for support and balance, broke making him and the branch fall on top of his friends, making the three pass out (A/N Notes: Okay, but did he do the backflip?)


And another friend of the boy, who was watching him doing something stupid from a safe distance, shouted so to call for help. While that happened, the person which indirectly caused the accident was doing its best to make its way out of the crowd

"Now, now, everyone. I'm happy that you all are welcoming me like this, but I really need to make my way to the student council room, so could I please ask you all to make a way for me?"

The person put her hands together in a praying motion, and together with her head she slightly inclined them to the side as she made a charming troubled smile

"Of course, Nanami-senpai!"

The girls opened a path for Nanami Yuriko, a tall girl with long silver-grey hair in a ponytail, beautiful looks for both boys and girls, a charming personality, and a perfectly sized body. Because of her unconscious and common lady killing acts she was unofficially given the title of the school prince

"Thank you all for the cooperation"

Yuriko respectfully and perfectly bowed down to the girls before going back on her way to the student council room

A few minutes later in the student council room

Yuriko had finished organizing some documents of the clubs from the school, while also reading and writing responses to some of the love letters sent to her, that were put in the suggestion box for the student council

<I wish people stopped using the suggestion box for sending love letters to me>

She had a slightly troubled smiling face as she finished writing a response to one of the various love letters to her

"This much should be good for now, I guess I'll go take a look at the auditorium to see if there's anything missing"

As she got up from her chair, the door of the room was opened allowing for a cool and serious-looking guy with dark blue hair in a serious-looking haircut, who was also wearing serious looking glasses, to enter the room (A/N Notes: Seriously written with a serious irony by a serious author lol)

"Ah! Yuriko-san! I didn't expect to find you here"

"Daichi-san, what brings you here?"

"Nothing much, I just came to see if you needed some help since I am the vice-president of the student council" <... I can't say to her that I followed her here, and was only mustering enough courage to have a moment alone and talk with her>

Yamamoto Daichi looked like a confident, smart, and straightforward guy, but in truth, he was a cowardly virgin, whose biggest step forward in his relationship with Yuriko was this talk alone with her

"I understand, but as you can see, I already finished organizing these documents, still I appreciate your consideration"

"I see..." <Damnit! I should help her with her next task whatever the cost!>

There was a small silence between the two as Yuriko passed by Daichi as she made her way to the door, and when she was about to open it she noticed something and then turned to Daichi

"That's right, do you want to accompany me to the auditorium, Daichi-san?

"..." <C'mon me! Accept her invitation! That is the perfect moment to get closer to her!>

"..." *Slightly incline her head to the side with a gentle smile and closed eyes*

They both face in silence to each, with Daichi sweating ever more inside his head as the seconds went by

"Thanks for the invitation, but I'll have to respectfully decline it as I have other duties to attend as the vice-president" <...>

"I see, then good luck on your matters"

Yuriko said so with a gloomy smiling face, and then left the room, leaving Daichi alone in the student council room

"..." *Deeply breathes in* "WHY DID I REFUSED HER INVITATION DAMNIT!!!"

And he deeply regretted his cowardly response of running away with his tail between his legs

"... Well, on the bright side, I finally got to talk to her, with the two of us... Yes, this definitely a good step forward"

He was a fool

Outside the student council room

"... Now that I think about it... This is my first time talking alone with Daichi-san, I wish I could get closer to him somehow"

And nothing did Yuriko know that someone else was about to unintentionally overwrite that wish of her in a few minutes

A few minutes later


Takeru was looking down as he waited outside the auditorium, he had a bored expression because he had forgotten his phone in his bag, and he only noticed that he forgot it after he saw that the auditorium doors were locked

"Hm? There's already someone here?... He appears to be a new student here" <... And that bored expression of his... Is quite cute>

Unknown to Takeru someone had just appeared in the same area, and since he was too busy thinking to himself he didn't notice the person approaching him

<... I'm bored... But I don't want to go back to the classroom, now that I'm here>

And he continued looking at the floor regretting having forgotten his phone in the classroom

"Hello, may I know who you are?"


When he suddenly heard a feminine voice coming from his side, he immediately jumped up from the surprise like a cat

"Ah! Did I surprise you? I'm terribly sorry"

The silver-haired girl apologized to him as she bowed down

"Eh? Ah! N-no, it's alright. I'm the one who wasn't paying attention... *Relieved sigh*"

Takeru put his hand on his chest as he sighed in relief

"Once again, I'm sorry for surprising you. I am Nanami Yuriko, a second-year student here, may I know who you are?"

"Ah, I'm Tanaka Takeru, a first-year student"

"I see" *Nodding* "So Tanaka-kun, what are you doing here in front of the auditorium?"

"Waiting for the door to be opened and for the entrance ceremony"

"I see... Then since you look a bit bored, do you want to come inside the auditorium with me?"

"Can I?"

"Of course"

"Then I'll accept your invitation"

"Hehe, then this will be our little secret"

Yuriko unlocked and opened the auditorium door, as she put her index finger in front of her lips, in a gesture to keep silent on the matter as she gave a beautiful playful, and gentle smile to Takeru, who gave a troubled yet happy smile to Yuriko

With the door open, they both went inside the auditorium, Yuriko looked around as she mumbled to herself, while Takeru looked around since this was his first day in this school

"*Mumbling*... The number and length of rows look decent... Their positioning looks good... *Mumbling* ... Hmmm... I think there's something else... ... ... Ah! That's right, the microphone"


Yuriko trotted to the stage area, with Takeru shortly noticing it, and following right behind her


Yuriko looked at the stage quickly thinking if she tried getting up from where she was or if she should go around and take the stairs, with Takeru also looking at the stage and then looking at the thinking Yuriko

"... Do you want me to give you a boost?"

"Hm? You will?"

"Yes, Is there a problem with that?"

"There is not, so please can you give me a boost?"


Takeru got into a good position and then gave a boost to Yuriko helping her get up on the stage

"Thanks, here's a reward for helping me"

Right after saying that Yuriko started petting Takeru's dark brown hair

"... Nhaaaahhh!!!"

After a few seconds of processing what Yuriko was doing, he immediately moved away as he covered the top of his head with both hands while making a grumpy and embarrassed face

"..." <Cute>

Takeru's reaction made Yuriko get into an even better mood than the good mood she already had. Still, she went to do what Takeru had helped her to do, she went to see if the microphone was on, which it was

*Lightly pokes the microphone* "Testing, 1, 2, 3, testing... Umu *nods* it sounds good"

With that done, she once again thought if there was anything else remaining

"... Yeah, this appears to be everything"

And so she moved closer to the state border, but before going down she stopped and saw Takeru still with a grumpy face but she also noticed that he kept rubbing the part she petted

"... ... ... Takeru, can you help me get down?"

"Hm?... Yeah, sure"

Takeru still kept his grumpy face as he accepted and approached to help Yuriko to get down from the stage

"Thank you, and now for your reward"

And once again, Yuriko petted Takeru's head


And yet again Takeru tried to escape, but this time the stage was behind him, cutting his retreat, and allowing Yuriko to keep petting his head

"Your hair is soft and very nice to touch, and your hairstyle although a bit unusual suits you very well, Tanaka-san"

Yuriko's honest comment about his hair and hairstyle, which was mostly a short haircut with a single sidetail between his left eye and ear that emphasized his strand of dark red-wine hair

"..." *Starts pouting*

Takeru who was already turning grumpier and redder of embarrassment from the headpats of Yuriko started pouting his cheeks, which only made Yuriko think of him as even cuter than before

"Alright, alright, I'll stop petting you... For now..."

"Please don't do this again..."

Takeru said so in a low and embarrassed tone

"But you liked it didn't you?"

"... It's not like I liked it or anything..." (A/N Notes: *Clears throat* Tsunde- Bonk *Author falling on the ground unconscious SFX*)

"... Pfft!... Ahahaha! What's with that answer"

Hearing Takeru's unexpected answer, Yuriko was unable to hold her amused laughter, seeing that Takeru looked away with an angry embarrassed face and his arms crossed

"Aaaaaahhh... *Deeply breaths in* Haaa... ... Haha, sorry for laughing, but your answer really amused me that I couldn't help myself"

Yuriko grabbed both of his shoulders from behind as she apologized, but he continued to look away, having calmed herself down, Yuriko looked at him with gentle and warm eyes

"..." <He almost is like a cat> "Now let's leave here before the teachers and the principal arrive, is that fine with you, Tanaka-san?"

"... ... ...Yes..." *Low and embarrassed tone*

And so, they both left the auditorium, Yuriko closed and locked the door again after leaving, then she turned to Takeru

"Although it was for a short while, I really liked your accompany, Tanaka-san"

"... I... liked your accompany too... Nanami-senpai"

Takeru answered back as he looked away with a slightly less embarrassing face. And for some reason, Takeru calling her by her surname, made Yuriko feel happier

"Thank you, then see you another time, Tanaka-san"

"Yeah... See you another time, Nanami-senpai"

Having given her farewells to Takeru, Yuriko walked away in an extremely good mood

"*humming*" <I hope to see Tanaka-san again soon>

Any previous thoughts Yuriko had of getting along with Daichi and possibly something more than their current relationship, were completely replaced with a desire to get closer to Takeru

(A/N Notes: Not even in this remake, I stop punching the punching bag that Daichi is, in fact, I start punching it faster and earlier Hah!)

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