Chapter 8- Twilight

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Okay, here we go. This chapter is from Twi's POV, so things are gonna be a bit different. It's not gonna be a regular thing (there will be at least one more though), but it very vaguely sets up future events (by vague I mean it didn't turn out quite as planned, but whatever)

Anyways, enjoy!

Twilight stood in front of the mirror, second-guessing herself. Am I dressed too fancy? Not fancy enough? Should I wear pants instead?

"Relax Twilight," Spike told her. "You know that Timber's gonna like your outfit."

"I know, but-"

"Twilight, is he the type of person who gets mad at you for something this trivial?"

"No, but-"

"It'll be fine then!"

She took a deep breath, then looked back into the mirror. The clothes were pretty, and comfortable too. She just needed to get used to dressing up. Slowly, she made her way downstairs. Just as she did so, her phone buzzed.

I'm outside! The text was from Timber.

When she went outside, Timber was waiting by the door, and he smiled.

"Hey Twilight! How're you feeling?"

"My arm's good, because I'm pretty sure you're referring to that."

"Okay, you're not wrong. But I still would like to know how you're feeling in general."

"Well overall, I've been feeling pretty good. Sunset and the others have been taking very big efforts to help take care of me!"

When he didn't respond, she looked up at him, the expression on his face indescribable.

"Timber?" She asked. "Are you okay?"

He blinked rapidly. "Y-yeah, I'm fine! Sorry, I just zoned out."

"That's fine. So where are we going today?"

He smiled again. "Nothing too fancy, but I was thinking that we can go watch a movie."

"That sounds good!"


It wasn't too often that Twilight watched movies. Not because she didn't like them, but she never used to have much time for them. After transferring to Canterlot High, her friends helped her make more time for herself.

"Oh, I recognize that movie," Twilight said, pointing towards a poster.

"I was thinking that we could watch that one. Have you already watched it?"

"No, but Sunset's a fan of the lead actress, and we've watched her movies a lot. She was waiting for the movie to come out, but I'm don't think she watched it yet, otherwise she would've told me."

"Oh, that's cool. To be honest, I don't actually know who the actress is, I'm just a fan of the genre and heard that it was a good movie. Do you wanna watch it, or should we pick another one?"

"I'd like to watch it!"


Twilight reached for some popcorn with telekinesis. What she forgot to account for was that both her hand and whatever she was holding would glow purple.

It was brighter than expected, and startled, she nearly knocked over the drink. Thankfully, Timber held it before it could fall over.

She could see some of the other people in the theater turn towards her, irritated by the disruption.

"Oops?" She squeaked.

"It's okay," Timber told her. "I forgot about the glowing too."

They continued to watch the movie, but it was oddly quiet. With her friends, there was constant chatter, laughing and crying, making each moment more memorable. Even if it was just her and Sunset, there was still a lot more talking, except from a slightly more analytical point of view.

It felt like there should have been something else going on in the background.

Twilight was startled again when Timber reached for her hand. It wasn't even the first time that they'd held hands, but she wasn't sure why she was more nervous this time.

Okay Twilight, be calm. This isn't your first date. I mean, he's literally kissed you before! You've also held hands with your other friends, so this shouldn't be any different!

After a few seconds, that uneasy feeling started to fade.

See! Everything's fine!

It felt nice to hold his hand actually, even if it meant that she couldn't reach for any more of the popcorn (she couldn't wait for her other arm to be healed).

After a few moments of hesitation, she scooted closer to him, then leaned her head on his shoulder. The angle was a little odd, with the seat handles, plus he was taller than her other friends. But still, it was pleasant, and when Timber gently squeezed her hand, she knew he felt the same.


They continued their date in a casual manner. They didn't do much after the movie, for the most part, they walked around, and talked about whatever they felt like. They decided that they'd eat dinner together, and after that, he'd take her home.

"So, Twilight, where would you like to eat dinner?"

"Uh..." she tried to think of restaurants. "I think we're nearby a good one? Give me a moment to remember the directions."

Once she remembered, they walked to the restaurant. It was on the smaller side, but the atmosphere was more cozy, with warm lighting that made you feel at ease.

"Feels home-y," Timber remarked. "It didn't stand out from the outside, how'd you find this place?"

"I think it was Sunset," Twilight replied. "I think out of all of us, she's probably the one who explored the city the most."

He hummed. "How'd the two of you meet?"

"I went to CHS's rival school at the time, and we were there because there was the Friendship games. A competition to see which school was better, basically."

"I bet you aced the academic section!"

She smiled. "It was super close, but yeah. Archery, not so much."

"It takes a lot of practice to be good at it. How come you transferred?"

"Well, I was only interested I'm CHS because I detected magic, and wanted to know what happened there. And well, your sister wasn't the only one who's been corrupted by magic."

His eyes widened. "Wait, really?"

She nodded, then frowned. "I'm not particularly proud of it."

He reached across the table and took her hands. "I know. Magic can make you do things that you wouldn't normally do. I mean, as you said, my sister was corrupted by it too. I think that the most important part is that you overcome it. Which, clearly, you did."

"I had my friends there, and Sunset was the one who offered me another chance," she said. "There's a lot more to the story, but it's how we met."

"Oh, I see why you're so close with each other. Must have gone through a lot together, huh?" The expression on his face was similar to how it looked at the beginning of the date, and she still couldn't figure out what it was.

The topic ended up changing after that, as they started talking about some of their shared interests. After they finished eating, they split the bill (Twilight insisted for the full thing because he paid for the movie, but they managed to find a compromise).

The air was cool in the night, and the moon casted a soft glow on the environment, and overall, it was peaceful.

"Well, here we are," Timber said as they approached her house. "Before I leave... well..."

She turned towards him, and saw him scratching the back of his neck nervously.

"I uh..." He continued. "I know you kinda freaked out last time when I kissed you, so I figured that I should ask you this time?"

It was kind of adorable seeing him look so nervous.

She cupped his face with her hands. "I think I'm ready this time, thank you for asking."

They leaned in and kissed, just a light brush of lips, and Twilight found that she liked it. She had to admit, before, she completely forgot that kissing was often a part of dating, and it was a little terrifying to think about. It wasn't the sparks and fireworks that the media described, but pleasant nonetheless.

"Was that better?" He asked, pulling away a little bit.

She nodded, and then he kissed her again, this time, a little deeper. The pleasant feeling she had just now shifted into something less, something strange.

She pulled back. "Okay, I think I'm cool with light kisses, but anything more than that feels a little weird."

"Okay, gotcha. Wouldn't wanna make you uncomfortable!"

She gave him a hug. "Thank you, for everything."

He hugged her back. "Of course. Good night Twilight, I'll see you soon."

"Bye Timber!"

Then he left, leaving her to her own thoughts.


Twilight laid down on her bed, trying to figure out her emotions. So, she was comfortable with light kisses, but other than that, no. If Timber had asked for anything more than that, how would would feel?

She shivered.

Yeah, let's not think about that. I've never thought about Timber in that way...

She'd seen the ace label a few times, and did feel that it described her, but she also wasn't completely sure about it all, and just left the matter alone.

Well, I don't need to overthink this now. It was already bad enough when I felt nervous during the date, I can at least sleep before I try and figure things out.

So when I wake up, I can see how I feel. Hmm, maybe I can ask Sunset? I know she's not ace, but her viewpoint would still be helpful. I can do that.

Anyways, bi ace Twilight, who likes the small fluffy kisses, but that's about it

Also just to clarify (I feel like I say something like this a lot but), Timber isn't aphobic, there isn't gonna be a conflict regarding her being ace. The questioning part was just self-indulgence

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