Tips 11 through 20

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11. If you spot an animal way larger than it should be, run. This goes double for giant lizards.

12. Try and have neighbors if you live more up north. If you don't, consider going on a vacation down south around christmas time. ESPECIALLY if you have kids.

13. Masked kids don't usually stalk people unless it's halloween. If you notice this, make sure you leave to an area in which the walls are very thick, and STAY there for a while. You don't wanna become a doll, do you?
14. Going into abandoned places is never a good idea.

15. If people tell you to leave a place because of a certain reason, that reason may not be true, but their concern for you being there is them trying to save your life. Listen to them.

16. Never eat food that wasn't prepared by yourself or someone you trust. Food can be anomalous, too.
17. Don't touch trees with odd colored leaves. ESPECIALLY if it's a red colored pine tree.

18. Never mention your name to the Folk that came before our ancestors. If given a chance, the Folk who had their names unrightfully taken WILL take your name. Same goes for describing anything related to the Unnamed people.

19. Don't let your kids watch TV unless you have watched a segment of the show they’re about to watch. If you pass out during the show, don't let them watch it either.

20. Don’t buy your kids toys if they are marked under the brand of Dr.Wondertainment. These toys are anomalous.

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