4. When the Talking Horse is the Most Normal Part of Your Life

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Marianne sat in the infirmary numbly, and for a moment she almost feared her arms had fallen off with how little she could feel them, though a quick glance debunked that theory.

The loud, panicked bustle that had lasted in the room for the past half hour had now faded into an atmosphere of tiredness. Marianne still stared uncomprehendingly at a near wall, still hearing that crack; still hearing that cry of pain. 

Still seeing eyes like hers pained; still seeing eyes like hers closing; still seeing eyes like hers being carried away.

A gentle voice eased her out of her musings, and she lifted her eyes, seeing a blonde girl standing in front of her.

"You're the new camper, right? The one who came in with Percy."

It her a beat to realize the brunet who fought of the-things must have been Percy, and she answered with a quiet, "Yeah."

The blonde nodded and offered stuck out a hand.



She quickly reached to shake the proffered hand, but instead the other girl pulled her up with a strong jerk of her arm.

"Come on. I'll get you settled in."

Just like that the blonde—Annabeth, she corrected herself, took off at a brisk walk, leaving Marianne no choice but to follow.

It's about ten minutes later that Marianne has decided that she must have died and gone to some kind of strange twilightt zone instead of heaven, because she could have sworn that that guy was half horse, that winged horse was talking, and that girl said Greek Gods— Greek everything was real.

Yep. She's officially insane.


Ok so I know I haven't updated anything in forever and even this update is super short and unsatisfying and bad quality and—

Ok anyway first things first I lost a lot of my inspiration for this story and while I highly doubt that i would ever actually discontinue it it would rly help if u guys had some suggestions on what you maybe want to see in this book

2. I have a lot of other plot ideas that I actually DO have inspiration for that r in my drafts rn waiting to be written (they're all PJO/Hoo so there's that) which include a few supernatural/Percy Jackson crossover and a few Percy Jackson/hp crossovers so yeah I'll put the basic idea of some of them below and pls tell me which ones you'd be interested in at all and I'll give those ones precedence and since I have less projects rn and more just worksheet oriented work I should be able to actually get out some updates

(BEFORE I FORGET: THANK U GUYS SO MUCH FOR ALL UR COMMENTS I know I'm rly bad at updating but it was ur guys' comments that actually got me to write this update. I logged into watt pad after a while of inactivity and i was going through my notifs and saw this one comment that was just 'PLEASE' and I clicked it and started reading some of yalls other comment and I was like screw hw I'm updating for these ppl (I still haven't started on hw and I have like 5 hrs of hw due by like 9 tonight (it's 5:35)

Anyway stories:


Basically Percy is a Winchester. 'Nough said. He gets 'killed' by a monster at 12 which they only know from a phone call (this happened during the Minotaur scene) and yeah that's basically the plot with it starting from that day then time skipping along until after the war when Percy reconnects with his bros somehow

Other story:

Idek tbh but like smth along the lines of either them meeting and none of them knowing who/what the other is and actually being like good friends or smth and then finding out that Percy is a demigod and frEAKING OUT or smth but I've got a lot of less formed vague plot ideas for the spn/PJO crossovers

Also I haven't finished all of spn so that's kinda be a problem if I did these so I'll prolly hold off until I finish the show 


Potions Professor Percy instead of slughorn

Student Percy (hell be slytherin bc there r too few slytherin!Percy fics but it'll be good I promise and this one is the one I'm most excited about tbh (good!draco, prolly dumb-as-a-door bashing, legacy/demigod!mcgonagal and other good stuff) this might actually wind up being draco/Percy cuz I can and the work needs more of that lol

Percy who used to be best friends with Tom Riddle when they went to Hogwarts together (packed with goodish!Tom darkish!Percy and other fun things) this concept will be one of the more interesting ones for sure (possible Tom/Percy but they'll be the same age and stuff and Tom won't be some weird Voldy noseless dude and they'll never do more than like kiss like one time the whole book or smth)

Lastly but CERTAINLY not least (one of my fav fav fav ideas) Percy adopts Harry like in his 20s or 30s or smth when he sees him being abused and stuff and yeah. This'll be cool too. Gonna have fun with this

Just so u know the hp/PJO crossovers will be the easiest and most likely for me to update regularly

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