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A/N: Did someone ask for a cliffhanger? No? Okay, never mind. 


06 - 02 - 2089


The elevator doors open to reveal another hallway, although this one has round skylights that allow moonlight to shine through. I step out and walk, neck craned back. I can barely make out the stars. It's too bright in here, and it's preventing my eyes from adjusting to the dark. 

I stare anyway, then remember I'm not alone. Turning around, I steel my expression and ask Owen where the exit is. He's followed me from the elevator. Part of me wants to thank him for not making me go back to that window-less room. But I'm still not sure this isn't a trap. 

"This is the best I can do," he says. He looks up, studying the dark sky. "The compound is locked down at this time of night so only a select few can come and go."

What a convenient excuse. I'm sure he's just trying to pacify me until others get here. But instead of calling him out on it, I remain silent. I stare at the sky and so does he. There isn't a single person around and it's calm. Quiet. 

I sink to the floor and lean against the wall. This will have to do.

Owen sends a bemused expression my way, before coming to stand next to me. I'm not sure how much time passes, but we remain in each other's company without speaking. I find myself relaxing, my muscles going limp and my eyes growing heavy.

I blink; it takes so much effort to reopen my eyes. So I let them close, feeling a strange sense of calmness wash over me. 


Shaking. I'm shaking. Someone is grasping my shoulders and rousing me awake.

I groan, my eyes squinting against the bright light. A silhouette blocks out some of the light, but it takes me a moment to realize who is kneeling in front of me. 


I look around, recalling my frantic journey to this floor with Owen. He's sitting next to me, watching silently. The skylights emit bright, stinging sunlight. Too bright. What time is it?

"Gis, what happened? I went to see you this morning and you weren't there. The nurses told me you ran off." Cade's studying my face, trying to decipher what caused me to crack this time. 

I think about ignoring him and going back to sleep. It's too bright out. My head pounds. I groan and sit up, my body aching. Muscles tight and sore from the tile floor. I stretch my arms, rubbing my neck. I would kill for a massage right now. Well, not kill, but something close to it. 

Cade sits back on his heels, waiting for me to say something. 

"I'm sorry," I say hesitantly. "I just couldn't be in that room. I was trying and trying to sleep but all I could think about was my new name. And that I have parents. A mom and a dad. I just... I couldn't." I bury my face in my arms and knees. Blocking out the morning light.

"She's alright, just needed some space," Owen says.

"And who are you?" Cade asks sharply.

I look up to see Cade staring at Owen with a dangerous glint in his eyes. "Cade," I say, grabbing his arm, "Owen helped me last night. He brought me up here so I could see the stars." I'm hesitant to defend this man whom I barely know, but I don't want Cade jumping to any conclusions or trying to hurt him. When it comes to the people around me, he doesn't trust easy. 

Cade meets my eyes. "But you're okay?" The warning is gone from his face. He takes my hand from his shoulder and clasps it between his. They are warm and bigger than mine. His hands swallow mine whole. I love it. The warmth cocoons my fingers and I want it to envelop my whole body. 

I nod. But before I can reassure him further, footsteps echo down the hall, coming from the direction of the elevator. Moments later, Alex approaches.

Wait, should I call him my dad now?

He stops short, assessing the situation. "Nova? Are you alright? Tesrine just informed me of what happened. I'm sorry I didn't come earlier, I was away."

Several people I don't know have followed Alex and stand behind him, staring at me. Everyone studies me like I'm some wonder. Some unpredictable creature that may snap at any moment. 

You haven't exactly shown yourself to be anything but...

I blink and pull my hand from Cade's, facing my father. "Yes, I am. I just needed some air. I just couldn't be in the room anymore."

Alex frowns, rubbing his face. "I'm so sorry. I was trying to give you time to adjust. So you wouldn't be overwhelmed by everything. This is not what I meant. You've just..." he pauses, thinking. "You've been through a lot in your life. I didn't want to add to the trauma you've experienced."

More people have gathered in the bright hallway, creating a semi circle around myself, Cade, Owen and Alex. Too many people. I shut my eyes.

"This is why I need to be with her," Cade states.

"I was just trying to do what is best for Nova-" Alex argues.

"No," Cade interrupts, "you were trying to do what is easiest for yourself. So you don't have to face the fact that you did this. You put her through all that torture and trauma."

My ears are ringing. Getting louder and louder. The voices are blending together to create a cacophony of chaos. 

"No," Alex argues. "All of this. I've done it for her. To save her."

"You don't know what she needs!" Someone yells. I can't tell who. My head hurts. Throbs. Pounds. 


I can't think.


It's too loud. Too much. Too much. Too much.

"STOP!" I scream. "Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!" I'm covering my ears, squeezing them to make the ringing go away. To calm the pain knocking into my head over and over again. 

"Too many people. Too much noise," I whisper, sobbing. I'm crying, holding my head, rocking back and forth in front of all these people. Breaking down. Again. Like I always do. 

You're pathetic.

The ringing fades, bit by bit, moment by moment. The pain lessens to a dull thud. But I can still hear my thoughts. The voice in my head telling me I've done it again. 

Alex tells everyone to leave. To give me space. Footsteps grow quieter. 

I open my eyes, but not everyone is gone. Some of have left, others stare at me still. One man, with a thick brown beard and bushy eyebrows, crosses his arms. He looks from me to Alex. Then he speaks, his voice deep. 

"Is this her? The girl we've been fighting for?"

"Darin, please give us space," Alex responds.

"No, Alex. We deserve to know. We've been working to free her for years, and yet you refuse to tell us much of anything. What is the plan? We've got the girl, now what? When do we stop GIADA?"

"Now is not the time to discuss this," Alex states, frowning. 

More people have returned, drawn over by the sound of two men arguing. Cade, sensing my emotions being at a fragile state, stands with the obvious intent to get rid of everyone. I grab his arm, trying to pull him back down.

"Please don't leave," I whisper, sounding desperate. He immediately kneels back down at my side, wrapping me in his arms. 

"I'm here," he tells me, just a breath in my ear. "I'm not going anywhere."

"I get that she's your daughter," Darin says, "but we're all here for a bigger purpose. One that supersedes the life of just one girl." He points at me. "She's out. She's safe. Now is the time to strike GIADA. Before they can come up with another lab rat to replace her. Before they hurt anyone else."

"They won't," Alex informs him, clearly restraining himself from saying more. From speaking about me to this large audience. "They can't. She is the only one who can give them what they need."

Darin throws up his hands in frustration, and I see his expression reflected in some of the other people's faces. People I don't know, but who know me. Who have been working with Alex for a long time to free me. To stop GIADA and Doctor Acosta from hurting people. From hurting me. "Then what, exactly, is the plan?" he demands. "I think I speak for most of us when I say that we'd like to know where this all leads."

People nod, agreeing with his statement. All eyes are on Alex now, much to my relief. I'm perfectly content to be on the sidelines and just observe. 

Alex raises his hands, trying to pacify everyone. "I get it. You want to know that all your hard work hasn't been in vain. It hasn't, I promise. You all deserve answers and honesty. I intend to give you that-"

"When?" someone interjects loudly.

Alex sighs. "Soon. Now is not the time. Please, give us some space. I will prepare for a public meeting shortly to answer all your questions."

This seems to calm Darin and the others to a degree. Darin's voice is calmer when he responds. "You need us, Alex. Don't make an enemy of the only friends you have left." Then he turns and marches down the hall, the others following him.

Not a moment goes by in silence before we hear the sound of approaching footsteps again, this time much faster. A women runs toward us, clothed in combat gear and head heavy with black braids.


Cade tenses beside me, and for a moment I can't move, wondering what is going to happen next. From the moment I woke up, things are happening too quickly for me to process. 

Who am I kidding? That has been the story of my entire life. It never lets up. It never slows down. 

Tesrine comes to a stop in front of Alex, not even acknowledging the rest of us. She takes a second to catch her breath, hands on her hips.

"Tesrine, what's going on?" Alex studies her like he is trying to read her mind. 

"She's here, Alex. She's here."

"Who?" Alex asks.

"Your wife."


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