An Evil Entity

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AN: Sorry for the late update, there was no time for me to update yesterday, anyway, guess what's gonna happen. Yep, twist time.

     After my battle with Aigis, as I continued through the school, I got in to a lot of battles. Some with friends and some with strangers. Elizabeth, a resident of the velvet room, Akihiko, a person that listens to his muscles more than his mind, Kanji, helping him realize this is not a dream, Chie, Yosuke, Yukiko, and Mitsuru (in that order), a rich girl who helps me contact Rise. Rise tells me her location and I run into Teddie as I try to find her.

    I sense shadows as I near Rises location. I take out my knife and round the corner to find Naoto. "N-Naoto-chan," I say putting down the knife. "Sorry, I thought you were a shadow. I'm still sensing them though... Rise-chan!"

     We open the door to find a fake Teddie, another humanoid robot, and Rise on the floor. The fake Teddie turns into the robots shadow. It is rejected, so Naoto and I fight and defeat it. The robot, apparently Labrys, accepts her shadow and gains her Persona.

    Then we hear footsteps getting closer and I feel familiar presences. Everybody came in the door, and we made our way up to the rooftop where Teddie said the exit was.

     As we are about to leave, I feel an evil presence. I pinpoint it and find that it has taken over Labrys. We fight and I defeat her, then I sense the entity changing targets. I try to pinpoint its presence, but it's taking a lot longer this time.

     Naoto drops to her knees and we hear a voice say, "The end will come to all, starting with her." Naoto then lets out a high pitched scream as a shadow like aura surrounds her. A giant shadow appears in her place. We summon our Personas, Izanagi-no-Okami, Susano-O, Suzuka Gongen, Amaterasu, Rokuten Maoh, Kanzeon, Kamui, Ceasar(Akihiko), Artremisea(Mitsuru), Athena(Aigis), Ariadne(Labrys), and Mastaru.

     "You can never win." It says. "Senpai," We hear a voice like Naoto's say, "Don't let it trick you. It may be using my voice, but it's not me." I didn't realize that the evil entity was using a similar voice to Naoto's until then.

     We fight a long battle, and it still isn't over when the entity begins to charge an attack. "Be careful," Naoto says, "It's......." She couldn't finish her sentence because she let out a long shrill scream. "I can't sense Naoto anymore." Rise says, "You have to hurry."

     "Yu-kun," I say, "Use myriad truths." He obeys, and a cage with Naoto in it comes out of the shadow. Kanji ran up to it and tried to break the bars, but is knocked back. "Silly humans," the shadow says, "Nothing can break through these bars.

     I lost it then, and threw the Blade of Friendship at the cage. It breaks, and everyone else runs over to her. "Get out of here," I say, "I'll handle this." They start objecting, but Yu convinces them.

     I send out my Pokémon, the Evee twins and Wartortle, and have them use helping hand while Mastaru uses mind charge. "Energy ball, water pulse, and thunder reign." I order telepathically. All attacks hit with full force. "No one can defeat me. No one." The entity said trying to contain his fear. "I can." I say and deliver the final blow with my knife.

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