The Final Contest

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      Ash has won two more gym badges and caught three more Pokémon, Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle. I'm participating in a contest in a town near Viridian City.

       Anthony comes over and shows me his ribbon case and I show him mine. We each have the same number of ribbons, four. "Let's meet up in the final round or test out strength." I propose "Yeah." He replied.

       We keep our agreement and meet in the final round. It's another contest like the Grand Festival, so we're using two Pokémon per round. I'm using the Evee twins and Anthony is using Starmie and Pigeott.

       Pigeott used whirlwind and I had the Evee twins use protect. Then they use helping hand and energy ball. The attack hits and Starmie fires a hydro pump which the Evee twins dodge. Attacks are dodged and dealt until we have less than a minute left. They use a combined attack of whirlwind and hydro pump. I have the Evee twins wait until the attack is almost upon them before they spin and blow the attack back. 

       Time is up and I won. I accept the ribbon and walk over to Anthony. "Good job," I say, "Make sure to get into the grand festival, we'll have our final face off there." "Agreed."

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