My beloved cousin

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I am gonna youse mangle234 s character Sabby that is Sabines cousin thanks for the help.

Sabby's POV

I need help I just need it how how do I get help my ship is stranded in the desert of tatooine ( if I'm writing wrong please let me know ) and all my food and water has run out. I'm sending a distress call and just hope that someone answer it.

Sabine's POV

We got a distress call from someone and we don't know who it is from and when we answers it my heart stopped.
— This is Sabby vizzla ( I don't know if vizzla had a brother but now he has ) and I'm stranded on tatooine and need help I have no food or water please help. She says and I just whiteout thinking says.
— Sabby Sabby is is it you. I says and she just said.
— Sab oh I'm so glad to hear you I I thought that you were dead. You just disappeared 10 years ago and everyone has been looking for you. Are are you Ok. She says and I hear that she becomes relieved.
— yeah I'm alive and Ez is too. I says and she just says.
— b-bridger is he alive too you two have both been missing for 10 years when we heard a couple of months ago that Efraim and Mira have died we thought that Ezra was dead too oh god thank Force.
— Sabine Ezra do you know her? Kanan asks and looks at us like are you shore we can trust her. And I says.
— yes we know her she is kinda my beloved cousin. And everyone looks at me like what did you just say except Ezra and Ahsoka.
— you are not kidding right. Hera says.and I said.
— I'm not kidding but please can we take this later. I said don't wanting to explain that my father is pre vizzla.
— Sabby we are on our way to help you. Ezra said and we takes off.

Time skip

When we arrived to tatooine was I so excited to meet my cousin. It was so long ago. When I spotted the ship I saw Sabby waving with her arms. We landed a few hundred meters away from her and she runs to the ramp and me to and when the ramp lowered I ran and hugged her. She had a mandalorian armor but hers was whole and mine not her hair was colored just like her armor her hair color was black and dark pink like this color. And her eye color is amber.

— Hey you stole my look!!!! I said in a sarcastic high tone.
— No you stole mine! She argued back.
— Really! I said with a look that said the same.
— No. she said and looked down and after a few seconds we started laughing until Kanan cut us off.
— Sabine don't you have to introduce us?

Sabby's POV

— Sabine don't you have to introduce us? A man in dark green shirt and armor on his arm with a dark green color as well and grey pants with brown boots. A lasat with green clothes and no shoes, then a green twi'lek with grey long armed shirt and brown armor on her chest and a orange jumpsuit, and behind her I can't believe it it's chopper. But the one that get my look was Ezra with a dark blue blindfold he looked just like when we was small.
— Oh Ezra w-what have h-happened with          y-your eyes. I stammered he takes off the blindfold and says.
— This. His eyes where gray with a red line across his eyes and burned into his skin everyone gasped Sabine goes to Ezra and looks into his eyes.
— why why you. She said hugging him.
She whipped away and introduced me.
— everyone this is Sabby, Sabby this is everyone. She said then pointing at the man in green and it's then I realized that he has a ponytail, Sabby this is Kanan, Kanan Sabby.   — Hi. he said.
— hi. I said back
— and this is Hera she said pointing at the twi'lek and Zeb she said pointing at the lasat.
— hi both of them said at the same time.
— nice to meet you all. I said.
— the pleasure is on our side. The twi'lek named are Hera said.
— th- thank you I guess. I told them.

Sabine's POV
After Sabby thanked Hera Ezra fainted and fall to the ground before he could hit his head Kanan  catch him and I yelled his name.
— w-what happened Hera? Kanan asked.
Hera laid a hand on Ezra's forehead and said. — He has fever take him to the med bay NOW KANAN!! The last part louder than the rest.

In the med bay

Ezra has a heart monitor attached to his chest and this is the first time we're getting to see his chest and it's covered with scars and a slave number EB-09 I think it is for Ezra Bridger 9 years old for how long was he a slave. And then in all the silence Ezra's Heart monitor starts to beeping faster he starts to shake and sweat. — OH NO A PANIC ATACK!!!! I yelled.

Cliff hanger sorry. And I'm sorry for not updating its hard to write and I don't know how to write the chapter and I have been busy with my new story for the newest episode of Rebels and I have tried to write my new chapter for my the clone wars fanfic as well LOVE YOU MY STARS AND REBELS ⭐️✨🌟👊

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