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Sabine's POV

I, Ezra. My big sister Lavender and Ezra's big sister Rose. Went to get the last ice cream for this summer when he came. But look who are going to get some ice cream and won't get any longer than here, I'm sorry but here's your stop lady's and gentleman. He says then laugh evilly. What do you want Maul. Rose says angrily and activities her lightsaber and Lavender the same. Oh I think you know little pretty princess. He says and looks at me. She doesn't have it Maul I or Lavender have it or was it Ahsoka. Rose screams at him. I looked at Ezra that truly has the key and he looks at me with that electric blue eyes that I'm not
accustomed with yet I'm accustomed to that grey blind eyes. And then a bloody scary scream came out of Rose's mouth and Ezra scream out her name and then I saw the most terrible and scariest thing in my life I never gonna forget Lavender's bloody scream her life less body and I scream to the top of my lungs LAVENDER!!!!!!!!

End of dream

I waked up in the Ghost sweat falling down my hole body. And then the door to my room opens and Ezra is first in and like a screaming voice says what is it. And then mother Hera comes and asks is everything OK. The last part louder than the rest. Kanan comes and asks are you alright Sabine. Yeah I'm fine it was just a nightmare. What's happening in here Zeb like screams out. Sabine have a nightmare. Mother Hera says in a worry tone in her voice. Oh Zeb says and get back to sleep. Then Hera asks do you want to talk about it. And I answers No, I go and get some fresh air and with that I went out. I goes and sits down a edge of a cliff. And then I swing my legs down the cutting edge of the cliff. And then I feel a hand on my shoulder and look up to see a blue blindfold over Ezra's beautiful former electric blue eyes now safely gray blind eyes under the blindfold. And then he sits down next to me and says it is a beautiful starry night right. Right I says with a deep sorrow in my voice. Was it about that day? He asks. Yeah I answered. It's okay we gonna see them again I promise when Maul is defined and everything is over and the key safe they will come back. I know but it's just that it still scares me a lot. And then rage cliff edge I manage to get out of there but Ezra does not have time and hanging over the cliff edge but is close to lose time but I succeed at the last second grab his hand and trying to pull him up but slides down.

A/N cliffhanger hahaha do you get it cliff hanger Ezra is hanging down a cliff. But I know I'm evil. And sorry if it isn't good written I have used translate so it isn't that good. Love you my stars and rebels ✨⭐️🌟✊

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