Chapter 1

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Friday, March 27

[Cayleigh's POV]

My name is Cayleigh Truslow.

Everyone may think I am just an ordinary desperate girl who throws her desperation on a diary, but the truth is that I am desperate.

I also bet you want me to tell you why, but I am definitely not. I have more important things to do.

Such as telling you something about myself.

I am fifteen and currently attending the Fine Arts High School. This is the most important art school in the area, and is very well-known in the world. Here, we study lots of interesting subject, such as Ballet Dance, Drama, Music, Singing and even Fashion, which I am the best at, to be honest.

Naturally, I do have friends. Don't you think, though, that they are the usual sidekick girls who follow the social butterfly in everything. No. They are special, and this is what makes them good friends.

Bryer Gale

She is definitely the shy one. She hardly ever tries anything new without us, because she fears that it could give an excuse for the school's bitches. She masters Singing - her voice is quite powerful, though she is afraid of performing on a stage.

Raelan Kayas

(Often called Rael by me and my other friends) She is the one who loves food the most - in fact, she is overweight - and hates sports the most in our group. She always believes in what she does, and is never discouraged even after a public humiliation. She masters Music; in fact, she is the best in our class at playing the guitar.

Callia Harn

She is definitely the wisest in our group, but also the most judgemental. She tends to have prejudices towards everything new, and convincing her to try something else other than what she knows is pretty hard. She masters Modern and Hip-Hop dance, but is not that good at Ballet.

Leanne Merikoski

She is the so-called "tomboy", the one who laughs and jokes the easiest, but also the one who gets angry the easiest. Also, she also heavily struggles with her studies, due to not being very prone on dedicating to something, though she is the best at Drama. The Drama teacher, Mr Tomkins, says he sees lots of potential in her and would rather see her taking advantage of it than joking around and acting as a clown.

So, these are my friends. And this is our diary. We have been keeping it for so long, and can't put up with us attempting to steal it - sometimes Lizbeth tries to get it and read it, but, let me say, her plans never work and I would be more than surprised if they worked instead.

Lizbeth Doyle is one of the bitchiest bitches at school. She is mean and likes being mean to other people just for fame. I don't like her personality, and I don't either like her friends: Rory, Madelyn and Mary Jane. They are exactly like her. They have no personality at all, which pisses me off. But they are not the only ones you wouldn't like to deal with.

There is also a group named "Sassy S's", which is lead by two overbearing, arrogant and malicious sisters, Sienna and Shaelynn Mowry. At the moment they are not here, they are undergoing a sort of cultural exchange in China, and I wish they stayed there forever. Their arrogance of presence and oversized ego pisses everyone off, especially me. Naturally, their mates are doing the job for them, which consists of laughing mercilessly, spreading fake gossip and humiliating people in front of everyone, like Lizbeth & Co do every single day. But Shayne, Sasha and Susan, unlike Lizbeth's friends, are not that good at humiliating and usually make poor figures when it comes to mocking.

Lastly, there is another person I cannot put up with. Matthew D. McCormack, the Principal, is definitely a cold man who has no interest in listening to students. But his only daughter, Kimberly, seems to have some sort of problem with me. She hates me. She wants me to face the worst punishments ever when I do anything wrong. Sometimes, she also picks on the others, but they don't take her that seriously.


Let's stop with presentations now and let's focus instead of what is going on today. The "Sassy S's", or, at least, what actually remained of them, are taking a lot of selfies and posting them on Instagram. Nothing dangerous, for now. But, actually, what is dangerous is Lizbeth Doyle laughing with no mercy nor respect about several students in the toilet. Her friends Madelyn, Mary Jane and Rory follow her. I decide I am fed up with her.

"What's up, Lizbeth?" I greet. She is definitely in a very bad mood. "Did you forget to check yourself in your mirror?"

Lizbeth glares at me, and, unfortunately it seems as trouble is not going to end, as Joshlene Whalen, the most influent high school senior here, comes here. She looks at us with a sad face. Then, she takes a deep breath and announces, "I have quite bad news for you, girls," but Lizbeth interrupts her, "What kind of bad news?"

Madelyn and Rory yawn, which means they are uninterested in what is happening here, and then leave, much to my relief. Lizbeth yells, "Maddie! Rory! Come back!" and then chases them out of here with a slow Mary Jane, who gets yelled, "Move that fucking ass, you snail!"

At last, when there is no sign of bitches, Joshlene restarts talking, "This is my last day at school. I already took my GED and am therefore graduated. But, if you are interested, you can come and see my last performance during last period." She smiles.

I smile back at her. "I'll be there."

"Me too!" adds Callia, and so do later Bryer, Leanne and Raelan.

She leaves the toilet, and we get ready to go back to next class. I am feeling relieved, because at least we won't have to do class during last period.


Last period

All the students are reunited in the Aula Magna, and Mr McCormack is on the stage, next to the microphone. The Viceprincipal, Mrs Sinclair, is standing at his right, while at his left there is Joshlene. McCormack warns all of us to pay attention to what he is saying, though it seems as Kimberly is not willing to do so: in fact, she is comfortably listening to her iPod, next to me! Oh my God! How can I stand her presence even now?

The Principal talks, "Good afternoon, students. Is everything OK?"

Everybody moans. No-one is Ok. Especially me. I am tempted to ask Callia to swap places, but it's too late, 'cause the headmaster is talking again, "Ok, students, I have to announce you that Joshlene Whalen has recently graduated and this is her last day here..."

Everybody (apart from Kimberly) moans again, "Nooooo!"

Then, I hear several students whispering some sentences like "Oh no!", "Joshie is leaving!" and "How will be school without her?"

"That chick may be a genius, but she can't leave us! Especially with Lizbeth and her bitches around!" comments Leanne.

"Leanne!" I scold. "Be sensible!"

She scoffs and ignores me instead. She hates being told off, especially because her parent always mortify her and tell her off for the silliest reasons. "You know I hate being told off. You're not my mom!" she mutters.

"Sorry." I apologize, only to realize we missed a part of the speech. Meanwhile, Joshlene Whalen is starting singing. Her voice is amazing, and Bryer admires her and even says she wants to be like her. Speaking of the song, it is very deep and meaningful.

You know that the first time I met you
I used not to like you, not at all
You know that there's nothing that could break us down
But we still have to be careful
And you know we still could make it better
And stronger, and harder, because this is what we have

Then, she starts dancing gracefully, and suddenly Callia has a fit of envy she barely manages to cover up. Yeah, I told you, Callia is not good at ballet dance, and hopes Joshlene can inspire her. As of today, the only thing that inspire her is Leanne doing the breakdance in front of a camera. Lame, isn't it?

Finally, it's time to hear the last verses.

You make me wonder whether I waste my time with you
You just make me wonder whether I can fall in love again
I just want to stay with you forever
I just want to take your hand and...

A quite long pause.


Everyone here applaudes (apart from Kimberly, obviously) and someone - including Raelan and Leanne - even whistles. The performance has been a true success, and now I can't wait to get to know whether anyone else will display such a genuine talent like hers.

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