Author's Note and Sequel

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Curious about the trio's next adventure? Not to worry! The rewritten sequel has been fully republished!

The Hidden World of Nitea

Actions, well-intended or not, have consequences. Some of them may be deathly.

One year after the events that happened at Otrâlmondé, the trio reunites in Paris to spend the summer together. When they're not busy sightseeing with their families or hanging out in Eddie's home, the three would head to Nitea to further their training. It seemed that their vacation would go about normally... minus the realm-hopping.

Until a hidden curse turns a human girl into glass. And it might be Eddie's fault.

With only two weeks to spare before the curse becomes permanent, the trio and their allies go on a scavenger hunt to find a cure. However, with their relatives close by to watch their every move, leaving Earth and coming back unnoticed will not be easy. Will the trio manage to break the curse in time, and do so without getting caught?

To find out, follow this link:

Dear reader,

I would like to thank you for taking the time to read my story! If you liked what you read, you may vote by pressing the star-shaped button. If you already have, thank you so much! It really means a lot to me.

Also, for those who read the book before March 2016, I have added a bonus chapter! For those who are reading this in 2020 or later, the bonus chapter has been republished already!

Once again, don't forget to vote for and share my stories if you like them, and thanks a lot for reading!

Stella Vigo


P.S. If you have time, I hope you can answer the questions below. I'm curious to know your thoughts.

1. If you had a choice between the silver bracelet, golden necklace, and crystal ring, which one would you want to get?

2. What's your favorite moment from this book?

3. Who's your favorite character from this book?

Thank you for taking the time to answer :)

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