Is It Truly The End?

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Fifteen Years Later...

Groaning quietly, Max blinked his eyes open. It was morning, time to go eat breakfast. But he didn't feel like eating. As a matter of fact, he didn't feel like doing anything. He honestly just wanted to go back to bed. And yet the twenty one year old dog lifted his head and looked around his apartment.

It felt so small.

Sighing softly, Max turned his gaze towards the window. He half expected to see his friends hop up onto the windowsill. He mentally kicked himself for thinking that. There wasn't anyone coming. Not anymore. Everyone was gone, he was the last one left. The very last.

It all started fifteen years ago. Pepe had a heart attack that killed him in his sleep. A year later, Sweetpea caught a terrible cold that he just couldn't fight. The following month, Mel was struck by a car. At the age of twenty two, Pops passed away a year afterwards. Norman was then attacked in the vents by a rat and died from his injuries on the rooftop the year after that. Duke was next. Sorrowfully looking at the empty spot beside his bed, Max tearfully recalled how ten years ago the mutt developed cancer and had to be put down. Two months went by when Leonard died from kidney failure and Nitro from food poisoning. Three years later, Tiberius died from multiple blood clots in his head and then Ozone passed from internal bleeding a month later. The next year, Buddy's asthma finally took him during his sleep.

The past two years had been rough for Max particularly, because two years ago Gidget passed away from a disease in her bones. Then just last year Max lost Snowball to a brain tumor and Chloe to diabetes within two months. The elderly Jack Russell terrier was left alone with most of the kids and a few of the Flushed Pets. He missed his friends very much and he wished he could see them soon. Deep down inside, he secretly knew he was about to.

"Maxie? Are you okay?" Katie asked, noticing her beloved dog was still laying in his bed. Kneeling down beside the elderly Jack Russell terrier, she gently stroked his soft fur. Max turned his head away from the window and gazed up at his owner. Meeting his gaze, Katie mumbled, "Oh..." Sitting down, she gently picked up Max and laid him on her lap as she murmured, "It's okay Maxie, I'm here."

Katie was saying something, Max knew that. But her words were fading into the background. He could feel himself slipping from this life to the next. The Jack Russell terrier could see the light at the end of the tunnel. He could hear it beckoning him closer. Without another thought, he headed towards it eagerly.

All of the sudden, something dark stepped in front of the light. It appeared to be the silhouette of two dogs, one big and one small, and a giant feline. Max had never seen them before in his life. "Hello?" he spoke, "Who are you three? Is this heaven?"

"You'll learn who we are when the time comes. For now, heaven will need to wait. The city, and quite possibly the whole multiverse, needs you and the others to save it once more," the taller dog spoke, touching Max's nose with his paw. There was a blinding white flash and then Max and the three strangers were gone...

Coming Soon...

The Secret Life of Pets (Book 5) Time Transcends

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