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Later on that same day, Ozone had headed off to bed earlier, letting Nitro explain to the Alley Cats about Chloe and her future kits. Our kits... he reminded himself, twitching his whiskers. It made the hairless cat sad whenever he imagined seeing his soon to be sons and daughters growing up without knowing their real father. But it was the best for both himself and his beloved Chloe.

Just then, Ozone heard pawsteps behind him as Nitro approached his sleeping place. "Shocking day for all of us, huh?" the black cat remarked, sitting down and curling his tail tightly around his paws. Ozone nodded his head, tired. Thinking for a moment, his friend asked, "Ozone, do you have any idea who's gonna be the father to Chloe's kittens?"

Ozone groaned. He was definitely tired of everyone asking this question. Three different people had asked him. Sighing, he lied, "I honestly don't know Nitro. As far as I can tell you, it was probably some rouge cat." Flicking his ear, Nitro said no more as he padded over to where Pepper was laying. Heart aching, Ozone rested his chin on his paws and fell asleep.

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