Return With a Surprise

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I know something happened, I know it did! They should've been back hours ago, the thought filled Tiberius's head with worry as he paced back and forth along the branch in the shed. It was very late at night. Yet the old hawk refused to sleep until he knew that Angel and his owner were safe and sound. Just then, he heard someone up on the roof. Turning around, Tiberius let out the biggest sigh of relief in his entire life.

Beaming, Angel entered the shed while Tiberius rushed over to greet her. "Where's Alfred?" he asked, glancing behind his girlfriend. Still smiling, the younger hawk replied, "He'll be up shortly. But you won't believe what the vet found out!"

Already panicking, Tiberius asked in a shaky voice, "Are you okay? What is it? Leukemia? Tuberculosis? Fever?" Not changing her smile, Angel shook her head no.

"Fleas? Ticks?"


"Measles? Lumps? Bubonic plague?!"

"Wrong again."

"Heart disease? Cancer? Pneumonia?!" Tiberius was growing hysterical now. Chuckling, Angel nuzzled him lovingly as she whispered, "You'll see soon enough." As if on cue, their owner arrived on the roof with another man. The other guy was carrying a box.

Slowly and carefully getting down on his knees, Alfred reached a hand forward and stroked Tiberius gently. "You're finally getting your life back together, aren't you sweet boy?" he whispered quietly. Deeply perplexed by what was going on, Tiberius watched as the man behind Alfred gingerly placed the box inside the shed beside the two hawks. While the humans had a small conversation, the old hawk took a step towards the box and peered inside, gasping at what he saw.

Coming up behind him, Angel whispered softly, "Surprise." Blinking back tears of joy, Tiberius whispered, "You are gonna be a wonderful mother." Nudging the older hawk gently, Angel replied, "You'll be the best dad ever." Purring, the two hawks gazed down lovingly at the two small eggs inside the box...

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