Someone to Talk to...

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"HEY! Watch where..." Chloe started to hiss when she suddenly realized she was shouting right in Ozone's face. Regret clenched her heart. Everyone knew that the once sharp tongued leader of the Alley Cats had fallen on hard times ever since Lily died. The hairless cat hadn't said anything rude or argued with anyone on a completely stupid and idiotic reason for months, at least in Chloe's opinion.

Dipping her head in shame, Chloe mumbled, "I'm sorry. I didn't see you." Ozone merely flicked his tail as he whispered sorrowfully, "No, it's my fault. I've been grieving too much that I've forgotten that other people exist." His pointy ears were flatten against his bald head while his green eyes were trained on the pavement underneath their paws.

Biting her lip, Chloe lifted Ozone's head with her tail so they could see eye to eye. "If you ever need anything, just find someone you trust and talk to them, got it?" Blinking his eyes slowly, Ozone nodded his head solemnly. Quietly, he went around the fat tabby cat and left the alley.

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